These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (2024)

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (1)

No matter what time of year it is, strong arms are always in season. All-around upper-body strength looks awesome and comes with oh so many perks. To get there, you need to spend a little time working all the arm muscles (not just the biceps).

It's all too easy to neglect the triceps, which are a minor muscle group on the back of the arms. These small but mighty muscles are key to overall fitness. "The triceps are a super, super important muscle group," says Jacqueline Kasen, CPT. "It stabilizes your your arms and your shoulders. It also helps increase range of motion. So if you're strong there, triceps also help support chest, back, and shoulders."

Meet the experts:
Holly Roser, CPT, is based in New York City and San Francisco, where she teaches her signature H Method.
Jacqueline Kasen
, CPT, is a Miami-based coach and master trainer and senior director of group fitness at Anatomy.
Tatiana Firpo
, CPT, is a self-defense coach and training director at Fit Hit in New York City.

What are the triceps muscles?

Your triceps, which run along the backs of your upper arms, actually consist of three muscles—the long head, medial head, and lateral head—hence "tri." Together, these muscles help you extend your elbows and straighten your arms—and assist in chest-dominant exercises, like those infamous yogi pushups. There are different exercises that emphasize different parts of your triceps, so it's important to incorporate a variety of triceps exercises into your workout routine in order to build well-rounded strength.

Triceps Workout Tips

If you want to sculpt all 360 degrees of your upper arms (or finally nail that chaturanga in your next yoga class), it's time to add a tricep workout into your routine and give this muscle group some much-deserved attention. It's about shoring up strength and stamina in your arms and sculpt. And you can add visible definition in the process, too. Here's how:

  • Work the triceps three days a week. It is possible to grow the size of your triceps (which can help create toned arms) with regular targeted tricep workouts, Holly Roser, CPT, says. “Focus on full-body strength training and adding these triceps moves into your plan three days per week,” she recommends.
  • Aim for three sets of 8 to 15 reps. Use the right weights to optimize your sesh. “You know you’re using the correct resistance when the last two reps seem almost impossible to finish,” says Roser.
  • Focus on form and posture. You can effectively train the triceps in as little as two upper body-focused strength sessions a week, according to Kasen. One of the most common mistakes Kasen sees with triceps exercises is a rounded posture. To fix it, pull your shoulders back and down and check that they stay there through all the reps. That ensures you're targeting the triceps from start to finish.
  • Focus on the most effective triceps exercises. Not all triceps moves are created equal. The best bang for your buck are triangle pushups, triceps dips, and triceps kickbacks, according to an ACE study with all female participants. These elicited the most muscle activity and take momentum out of the equation. That means you're doing the work for every rep and getting the strength and definition as a reward.

16 Best Triceps Exercises

Ready to feel the backs of those arms burn? The moves listed here make for a fast and effective tricep workout.

Time: 15 minutes | Equipment: mat, dumbbells | Good for: triceps

Instructions: Choose one triceps exercise from each group below:

  • A: Dumbbell floor press, single-arm dumbbell floor press, alternating dumbbell floor press
  • B: Pushup, triceps pushup, hand-release pushup, sphinx press, 1/2 Turkish getup, dolphin pushup
  • C: Lying overhead triceps extension, triceps kickback, triceps dip, alternating triceps kickbacks, overhead triceps extension, triceps circle, plank triceps kickback

Complete three sets of the indicated number of reps for each move. Once you've completed all sets of one move, continue to the next, in ABC order, resting as needed. Alternatively, incorporate these triceps exercises into an upper-body workout routine.


Dumbbell Floor Press

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (3)

Why it rocks: Your super stable position in this move allows you to challenge your triceps with heavier weights than in many others while engaging nearby muscle groups.

How to:

  1. Start lying on back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with elbows out about 45 degrees from sides.
  2. Keep lower back pressed into floor, press weights straight up over chest, and extend arms.
  3. Pause for a moment at the top.
  4. Slowly bend elbows to lower weights back down until backs of upper arms return to floor. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps.


Single-Arm Dumbbell Floor Press

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (4)

Why it rocks: In addition to isolating each arm at a time (a must for avoiding strength or muscle imbalances!), this single-arm floor press variation also challenges your core to keep you stable.

How to:

  1. Start lying on back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in right hand with right elbow out about 45 degrees from side. Rest left arm flat on floor.
  3. Keep lower back pressed into floor, press weight straight up over chest, and extend right arm.Pause at the top.
  4. Slowly bend elbow to lower weight back down until back of upper right arm returns to floor. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps on right side, then repeat on left for a full set.


Alternating Dumbbell Floor Press

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (5)

Why it rocks: Alternating floor presses give your arms a little more rest than pressing both sides together so you can push extra weight. They also hit your core a little harder.

How to:

  1. Start lying on back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with elbows out about 45 degrees from sides.
  2. Keep lower back pressed into floor, press weights straight up over chest, and extend arms.
  3. Bend left elbow to lower weight down until back of upper left arm returns to floor.
  4. Reverse the movement to press left weight back up to meet right.
  5. Repeat with right arm. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps.

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Block 1: Pushup

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (6)

Why it rocks: Pushups may seem like a basic exercise, but they work. Pushups effectively tone your upper arms, shoulders, chest, core, hips, and legs, according to research out of Harvard Health. As a beginner, Beck suggests starting on your knees and focusing on form first before leveling up to a high plank position.

How to:

  1. Begin on hands and knees with hands wider than shoulder-width distance, chest broad, core engaged, and toes tucked. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to knees.
  2. Bend elbows and lower down until your chest almost touches the floor. Keep your upper arms at a 45-degree angle to your torso.
  3. Pause, then push back through hands to extend arms back up to starting position. That's 1 rep. Complete 10 reps.

Pro tip: “If your arms were to disappear mid push-up, you’d want to land on your chest and not your face, so always lead with your chest,” says Beck.


Eccentric Triceps Pushup

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (7)

Why it rocks: Compared to the standard pushup, the close-grip pushup places greater emphasis on your triceps, hitting all three heads hard.

How to:

  1. Start in a high plank position, but with hands directly beneath chest instead of shoulders and holding dumbbells. (Option to rest knees on mat as a modification.)
  2. Bend elbows straight back towards feet to lower body until almost touching the floor, keeping upper arms close to sides.
  3. Shift hips back and reset in plank position. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps.


Hand Release Pushup

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (8)

How to:

  1. Start in a high plank position with hands under shoulders and head to heels aligned. (Option to modify from knees as shown.)
  2. Engage abs and bend arms to lower body toward floor in one straight line. Elbows should point out at 45-degree angles away from body.
  3. Once entire body is resting on the floor, lift hands off.
  4. Immediately replace hands on floor and press back to start. That’s 1 rep.

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Sphinx Pushup

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (9)

Why it rocks: No equipment required for this advanced pushup variation. It gives your triceps a hard-burning, laser-like focus and simultaneously works the core.

How to:

  1. Start in a forearm plank position on toes with head to heels aligned. (Option to modify and start on knees.)
  2. Keeping hips level, lift forearms off the mat and extend arms, balancing weight on hands and toes.
  3. Slowly and with control, lower forearms to tap the mat.
  4. Then, push back up to starting position. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps.


Half Turkish Get-Up

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (10)

Why it rocks: Turkish get ups are some of the best total-body burners around. This variation, which emphasizes a pushup at the end of the movement, targets your triceps even more.

How to:

  1. Start lying on your back with right leg and arm straight on the floor and at a 45-degree angle from body, left leg bent so foot is flat on the floor, and left arm extended up toward ceiling (elbow locked out) holding a kettlebell.
  2. Keep eyes on the kettlebell, press into the right arm, and sit up, coming onto the right forearm.
  3. Then, press through right palm and left foot to lift hips into air, keeping right leg straight.
  4. Slowly reverse the movement to return to the starting position. That's 1 rep. Perform 5 reps per side.


Dolphin Pushup

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (11)

Why it rocks: Love ‘em or hate ‘em, there’s no denying the muscle-activating power behind pushups. Switch things up with this slightly inverted variation.

How to:

  1. Start in an upside down "V" shape, palms pushing into mat and heels high.
  2. Bend at elbows and lower forearms down to floor at same time.
  3. Reverse motion and extend arms to return to start. That's 1 rep. Complete 10 reps.

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Lying Overhead Triceps Extension

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (12)

Why it rocks: Also known as skull crushers, lying extensions target the long head of your triceps and take stress off your back so you can focus on your arms.

How to:

  1. Start lying on back with legs bent and feet flat on the floor holding a pair of dumbbells so arms are extended toward ceiling in line with shoulders.
  2. Without moving upper arms, slowly bend at elbows to lower weights to frame face.
  3. Pause, then slowly press weights back up overhead. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps.


Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (13)

Why it rocks: Bilateral (a.k.a. both-sided) kickbacks are challenging and activate your core while targeting the medial and laterals heads of your triceps.

How to:

  1. Start standing with slightly knees bent and body hinged forward at 45 degrees holding and a dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent and close to body.
  2. Keep upper arms still, then press dumbbells back to straighten arms, squeezing triceps.
  3. Return to start with control. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps.


Triceps Dip

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (14)

How to:

  1. Sit in a chair (or on a box/step) and grip the front edges with hands.
  2. Scoot butt forward until it's hovering just off the seat and legs form a 90-degree angle and straighten arms.
  3. Lower body down until biceps are parallel to floor.
  4. Engage triceps to press back to start. That's 1 rep.

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Alternating Triceps Kickback

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (15)

Why it rocks: This kickback variation gives your triceps more rest between reps, making it more beginner-friendly or a good way to work with heavier weight.

How to:

  1. Start standing with knees slightly bent and body hinged forward at 45 degrees holding and a dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent, close to rib cage, and back behind body.
  2. Keep right arm still, while extending left elbow, pressing weight behind body and squeezing triceps.
  3. Lower left arm to start with control.
  4. Repeat on the other side. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps.


Overhead Triceps Extension

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (16)

Why it rocks: This one hits the long head of your triceps hard and works your core. Just keep that spine straight and ribs from flaring forward.

How to:

  1. Start standing and holding one dumbbell between both hands overhead with straight arms. (Option to hold two weights together overhead.)
  2. Keep biceps by ears, then bend elbows to lower dumbbell slowly behind head.
  3. Pause, then press weight back up to straighten arms, returning to start. That's 1 rep. Complete 8 to 10 reps.


Plank Triceps Kickback

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (17)

Why it rocks: Planks provide a burn for a plethora of muscles, from your abdominals to your shoulders to your (you guessed it) triceps. Throw in a traditional triceps kickback to push that activation to the max.

How to:

  1. Get into a high-plank position with feet slightly wider than shoulders.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in right hand, elbow bent until tricep is in line with torso.
  3. Extend arm back, until it’s completely straight.
  4. Return to start. That’s 1 rep. Complete 5 reps on each side.

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Triceps Circle

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (18)

Why it rocks: Just when you thought you've seen them all, enter triceps circles. This mobility and strength challenge will torch triceps and stretch shoulders through a full range of motion using only your bodyweight.

How to:

  1. Start on all fours with knees under hips, hands under shoulders, and spine neutral. (Level up by starting in a high plank position.)
  2. Bend elbows to lower forearms and chest to almost touch the mat.
  3. Skim the mat with torso to bring nose past hands.
  4. Push into the mat with hands to extend arms to return to start. That's 1 rep.

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (19)

Julia Sullivan, CPT

Julia Sullivan, CPT, is a New York City-based writer, indoor rowing instructor, outdoor enthusiast, newbie powerlifter, and devoted cat mother. Her work has been published in Women’s Health, SELF, Health, Huffington Post, and more. She holds a B.A. in journalism and gender studies from Arizona State University and a personal training certificate from the American Council on Exercise. When she’s not covering the latest health and wellness trends, you can find her hitting the hiking trails, working toward her deadlift goal of 400 pounds, and forcefully hugging her cat, Jeeves, against his will.

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (20)

Jennifer Nied

Jennifer Nied is the fitness editor at Women’s Health and has more than 10 years of experience in health and wellness journalism. She’s always out exploring—sweat-testing workouts and gear, hiking, snowboarding, running, and more—with her husband, daughter, and dog.

These 3 Exercises Are The Most Effective For Toning The Back Of Your Arms (2024)


What exercise works the back of your arms? ›

In order to tighten this area and reduce "jiggle" it's necessary to strengthen the backs of the arms. The most basic dumbbell exercise to accomplish this is a tricep kickback. Holding weights in both hands, lean forward with a flat back. Hug your elbows in towards your sides and pull them up towards the ceiling.

Are 3 arm exercises enough? ›

If you are doing a dumbbell arm workout at an advanced level, especially for an experienced lifter, doing 3-4 different bicep exercises should be adequate for muscle growth. You will likely want to experiment with different curl variations and incorporate intensity techniques for an advanced workout.

What is the best weight exercise for flabby arms? ›

5 best exercises to reduce my flabby arms
  • Modified push-ups. Push-ups help tone and strengthen chest and arms muscles. ...
  • Triceps dips. Triceps dips are an excellent way to tone the back of your arms. ...
  • Dumbbell diagonal raises. ...
  • Dumbbell bicep curls. ...
  • Dumbbell bent-over reverse fly.

What is the fastest way to tighten flabby arms? ›

Exercises to Tone Upper Arms
  1. Lift Weights. Lifting weights encompasses many different types of exercises that can benefit the arms, as well as the rest of the body. ...
  2. Tricep Dips. Not working the triceps and upper arms is one of the main causes of flabby arms. ...
  3. Bicep Curls. ...
  4. Push-Ups. ...
  5. Side Plank. ...
  6. Scissors.

Can flabby arms really be toned? ›

Arm toning with weights and body lift exercises can certainly go a long way in increasing the strength and tone of your upper arms. When these exercise routines are combined with overall body fat reduction, you may get close to achieving the arm appearance you want.

Can a 60 year old woman tone flabby arms? ›

Yes, old, flabby arms can be toned. This can be achieved through a combination of targeted exercises, maintaining an active lifestyle, focusing on slow, sustained fat loss, following a targeted nutrition plan, and boosting skin elasticity, which can also contribute to toning flabby arms.

How long does it take to tone the back of your arms? ›

If you are training arms twice a week, eating enough protein, and (if weight loss is required) following a moderate calorie deficit (find out how many calories you should be eating to lose weight here), you should begin to see improvements in around 4-6 weeks.

Is 3 exercises too little? ›

Three to four exercises can be enough to cover a full-body workout at the intermediate level, but it of course depends on your preferences and the type of movements that you are doing. If you choose the right three or four exercises, you can get that ideal balance of 80:20 compound vs.

How many exercises should I do for my back? ›

Depending on what back exercises you choose, 5-7 exercises may be enough for back day. You want to choose a range of movement patterns to build lean muscle mass.

Is 3 exercises per muscle enough? ›

But, generally speaking, between 2-4 exercises per muscle group is sufficient. This helps stress the muscle from different angles and force vectors, helps reduce overuse injuries, and provides enough variety to prevent you from getting bored.

How can I tone my arms after 50? ›

7 Exercises for Flabby Arms Over Age 50
  1. Bicep Curl – The bicep curl is a great exercise for toning and strengthening the arms. ...
  2. Triceps Pushup – The triceps pushup is a simple yet effective exercise that works the triceps, chest, and shoulders.
Dec 6, 2022

How to tone a flabby belly? ›

Aerobic exercise includes any activity that raises your heart rate such as walking, dancing, running or swimming. This can also include doing housework, gardening and playing with your children. Other types of exercise such as strength training, Pilates and yoga can also help you lose belly fat.

How to tone the underside of your arms? ›

Cardio and Weights to Tone Underarms
  1. Pushup.
  2. Cat-cow.
  3. Downward-facing dog.
  4. Triceps press.
  5. Triceps extension.
  6. Chest press.
  7. Bicep curl.
  8. Bench dip.
May 23, 2019

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.