Think the 75 Hard Challenge Is Too Much? Try This Version First (2024)

  • 75 Soft is a beginner-friendly modification to the popular 75 Hard challenge.
  • The challenge includes guidelines around working out, drinking water, maintaining certain nutrition goals, and reading; these guidelines are less strict than the rules for 75 Hard.
  • Experts recommend beginners, as well as individuals who are more focused on balance, opt for 75 Soft if they're trying to add healthier habits into their life.

75 Hard is all over social media, but is it beginner-friendly?

It's nearly impossible to scroll through social media outlets without seeing someone beginning 75 Hard. The challenge has a clear following, with everyone from seasoned workout enthusiasts to fitness newbies lacing up their sneakers to participate.

The rules of the challenge are as follows:

  1. Complete two daily workouts at 45 minutes each, and one must be outdoors
  2. Drink a gallon of water daily
  3. Pick a diet to follow with no alcohol or cheat meals
  4. Read 10 pages per day of a non-fiction book
  5. Take a daily progress photo
  6. If you skip a day for any of the above rules, you must start over at day one

Many agree that aspects of the challenge are not beginner-friendly—both in regard to fitness and habit-building.

"Depending on the level of beginner, they could be going from working out minimally to an increased workload of 90 minutes a day without rest days," said Cicely Berkey, CPT.

When someone is beginning a fitness routine, rest and recovery days are imperative to prevent muscle fatigue and injury.

And it's not just the workout elements that may be tricky for beginners.

“There are too many habits and changes to be made all at once,” said Celina Vitocruz, CPT. “When looking for long-term results, the best way to create sustainable change is to do it one habit at a time.”

Just because 75 Hard is not ideal for beginners, a modified version of the popular challenge could provide the same discipline-oriented habits and healthy routines. For many, 75 Soft may be the answer.

Think the 75 Hard Challenge Is Too Much? Try This Version First (1)

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75 Soft is simply a watered-down version of 75 Hard.

The rules for 75 Soft are less strict and include:

  • Eat well and only consume alcohol during social occasions
  • Work out for 45 minutes per day (with one day of active recovery each week)
  • Drink three liters of water each day
  • Read 10 pages of any book each day

One of the biggest perks of 75 Soft is the element of grace on the participant. Unlike 75 Hard, there is no rule that requires you to start over at day one should you miss something one day.

Vitocruz pointed out how the fear of failing can mess with someone's mental health. Taking that fear out of the equation can be helpful for many people.

"I like to remind my clients that if you have a bad day, it’s not the end of the world and you’re not starting over from square one, you just wake up tomorrow and try again," she said. "It helps create a healthier relationship with fitness, food, and wellness.”

Berkey agreed that the flexibility built into the 75 Soft is a plus, and is great for someone who may work two jobs, be the primary caregiver in their family, or has time factors to consider when taking on a challenge.

"The 75 Soft challenge offers some flexibility for people to build sustainable habits while living their life and being able to enjoy time out with friends and family or any celebrations that occur during the 75 days," she said.

75 Soft also takes into consideration one of 75 Hard's biggest risk factors—overuse and the possibility of injury.

Brekey explained that completing two, 45-minute workouts every day is not always a safe option for everyone, especially if they aren't accustomed to being that active. It's in those instances that injuries pop up, she explained.

Vitocruz noted that 75 Hard also contains additional elements like lack of sustainability, lack of motivation, and the possibility of burnout that are hard for everyone, particularly beginners.

That said, the 75 Soft challenge might be beneficial if you are looking to create healthier habits with less pressure to perform. It encourages more balance in your routine.

According to Brekey, the 75 Soft acts as a framework to guide participants but allows people to make accommodations for celebrations.

"This allows you to be a human and make healthy choices allowing space for life as well," she said.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Fitness Challenge

Ultimately the best fitness or health challenge is one you can do consistently. Strict programs make that difficult to do, and preparation is also key.

Brekey suggests finding out how much of a commitment a program is.

“Can you take on the allotted time requirements, including if you take on a specific diet that now requires you to prepare more food than you have been?” she asked.

She also suggests reaching out to a health professional for guidance with this or any new program.

“When choosing a health/fitness challenge, definitely learn where the challenge came from and why it was created,” said Vitocruz. "In reality, if we’re looking to become healthier, happier versions of ourselves, a gentler and more sustainable approach is the way to go."

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Think the 75 Hard Challenge Is Too Much? Try This Version First (2024)


Is there another version of 75 Hard? ›

The 75 Soft Challenge is safer, and more realistic, doable and sustainable than 75 Hard, both experts say. Both encouraged people to keep going beyond the 75 days.

Why not to do the 75 Hard challenge? ›

Potential Drawbacks of 75 Hard

It's very restrictive in terms of diet and doesn't allow for any 'cheat meals.' This [rigidity] can make it difficult to stick to [in the] long term and may even lead to an unhealthy relationship with food,” he says.

Does walking count for 75 Hard? ›

Does walking count as exercise for 75 Hard? Absolutely. “Walking is a great form of exercise and it's attainable for everyone,” says Davis. Because 75 Hard calls for two workouts per day, “something like walking or low-intensity exercise is a necessity because it might not be safe otherwise,” Davis adds.

Can you drink coffee during 75 Hard? ›

Can I have coffee on 75 Hard? You can have coffee, but most people skip the sugar.

How many people actually finish 75 Hard? ›

For those unfamiliar, 75 Hard is a grueling mental and physical toughness program that demands a lot from its participants. They say less than 1% of people finish it.

What is the mini version of 75 Hard? ›

75 Soft is simply a watered-down version of 75 Hard. The rules for 75 Soft are less strict and include: Eat well and only consume alcohol during social occasions. Work out for 45 minutes per day (with one day of active recovery each week)

What is the alternative to 75 Hard? ›

The categories for 75 Hotter are similar to 75 Hard, with a focus on both physical and mental health, but less restrictive. They include dating, diet, steps, three-bite rule, read, water, clean, connection, drinking, working out and aesthetics.

Can we eat rice in 75 Hard Challenge? ›

Aim for a serving size of 3-4 ounces per meal to meet your protein needs. Complex Carbohydrates: Complex carbohydrates provide sustained energy for both your workouts and daily tasks. Opt for whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, and oats.

Do you lose weight on 75 Hard? ›

The challenge must be followed for 75 days and is meant to positively impact both your body and your mind. TikToker MamaKarls lost 19 pounds in 75 days and shared a very impressive before and after.

Can I eat sugar on 75 Hard? ›

Can I have sugary treats on 75 Hard? No, the 75 Hard journey involves no added sugar. No, the person is on the 75 hard and can't have any cheat meals.

What is the best diet for hard 75? ›

' If you're doing 75 hard, the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet might be good options to try since they are well-studied, non-restrictive, include macronutrients, and are heart-healthy, Ehsani says.

Can you take a rest day on 75 Hard? ›

“Most people can't even do one 45-minute session a day,” Hummer-Bair said, “let alone two.” At the same time, there's no built-in rest period — no time to recover — for two and a half months. For 75 days straight, participants must work out every single day.

Are protein shakes allowed on 75 Hard? ›

The water counted toward your gallon cannot include any mixers or additives. This includes protein powders, electrolytes, crystal light, pre-workouts, greens powders, etc. The water must be plain, unflavored and non-carbonated.

Can you eat fast food on 75 Hard? ›

Stick to a diet (no 'cheat meals' or alcohol) for 75 days. Drink a 4.5l of water every day. Exercise for 45 minutes twice per day (one session must be outdoors)

How much sleep on 75 Hard? ›

Designed to promote healthy habits and transform participants' physical and emotional well-being, the 75-Hard Challenge pushes mental boundaries and supposedly improves quality of life. The rules are: Follow a diet (of your choosing) Sleep 10 hours each night.

What is the next phase after 75 Hard? ›

Phase 1 is a 30 day program that comes directly after 75 HARD. You may choose to roll immediately into Phase 1, or you can wait any amount of time to start it.

What is the hard 30? ›

Complete all scheduled workouts as well as one activity a day whether it's a walk, bike ride, workout class, just get active and get moving! Follow your food guidelines stick to the foods that are approved. There is no cheating in this 30 days + if you do you are cheating yourself! Create a routine.

What is the Project 50 challenge? ›

The Project 50 Challenge is a 50-day personal growth initiative that encourages participants to commit to a set of seven rules designed to foster positive habits, enhance productivity, and facilitate personal growth across various aspects of their lives.

Is there a 75 medium challenge? ›

All in all, the 75 Medium Challenge strikes a sweet spot between the rigidity of 75 Hard and the leniency of 75 Soft. It puts an emphasis on mental health, personal growth, and better habits, and it's designed to be flexible for all. Do consult healthcare professionals and adjust the challenge to fit your needs.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.