Thinking Space - Insights (2024)


The Future Is Now: Why Trend Spotting is Essential for Modern Leadership

In today's dynamic business world, success isn't just about what you know, but how you interpret ...

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Embracing Neurodiversity in the workforce

At t-three, we are committed to recognising and harnessing the unique contributions of neurodiverse ...

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Autism Awareness: From Curiosity to Advocacy

In light of Autism Awareness month, I wanted to share my own journey on a topic that once seemed, ...

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What is the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower?

As it’s Autism Awareness Month, part of our aim is to raise understanding of life with autism. In ...

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Feedback-rich culture and the impact on workplace wellbeing


Feedback-rich culture and the impact on workplace wellbeing

Improving wellbeing at work has become an increasing priority for organisations. But are they ...

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The dos and don'ts of giving effective feedback in the workplace

Here are some simple dos and don’ts to remember when giving feedback in the workplace.

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Personality and Perception: How facets of personality can shape our reality


Personality and Perception: How facets of personality can shape our reality

There’s an ancient parable about a group of blind men who had heard of a strange animal called an ...

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Empowering Female Leaders: Insights from Leadership Development Programmes

Supporting female leaders in organisations is not just a matter of equality; it's a strategic ...

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Personality and communication styles: do we ever really hear each other?

Personality impacts how we prefer to communicate with people, as well as how we ourselves respond ...

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Identity Intersection: Exploring Workplace Roles of LGBTQ+ Leaders

In the realm of leadership, harnessing one's inherent strengths is paramount to making a meaningful ...

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LGBTQ+ Leadership: Emerging Strengths from Identity Interactions

In the vibrant tapestry of LGBTQ+ leadership, there exists a rich reservoir of inherent strengths ...

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Connecting to…My Career: Facet5’s Career Motivator Profile

Learn about Facet5's Career Motivator report with Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, and how it takes ...

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When identities collide: Exploring the interaction between LGBTQ+ and Leadership identities

In the intricate dance between LGBTQ+ identity and leadership roles, individuals find themselves ...

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7 inspiring quotes that will help you give better feedback

Quotes often open the eyes and the mind to understand truths and acknowledge things you otherwise ...

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3 simple but powerful techniques for giving effective feedback

Three effective feedback techniques that have a high success rate in practice include feedforward, ...

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Why does leadership development matter for LGBTQ+ leaders?

As someone deeply entrenched in leadership development for over 15 years, my journey has been ...

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Facet5 and The Employee Lifecycle

Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor introduces The Employee Lifecycle & how Facet5 can offer valuable ...

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Personal development and the power of feedback

In this blog post, we look at why providing people with personal development opportunities is one ...

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Why feedback is important in the workplace

It’s important for employees to receive feedback about how they are performing and where they might ...

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Understanding high and low Energy personalities in the workplace

There’s a lot more to an individual's personality than being an introvert or extravert. ...

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Failure to connect with your hard-to-reach people is holding you back…

Fay Weir, Principal Consultant, explores what is holding your organisation or team back from ...

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Balancing banter in the workplace

Banter in the workplace can be beneficial when it's light-hearted, inclusive, and fosters a ...

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Creating a culture of belonging: Is employee individuality & authenticity welcomed?

It is no secret that we are experiencing a time where the dynamics of those who represent the ...

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Managing festive burnout

As we head into December and the festive season draws nearer, you may notice the supermarkets ...

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Navigating the unintended consequences of diversity initiatives

As many organisations are painfully aware, making progress towards diversity and inclusion is not ...

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Unlocking Innovation: How embracing diversity drives business success

Imagine if embracing diversity could supercharge your company's financial engine—well, it can! ...

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Creating an inclusive workplace culture

Achieving real inclusion and belonging takes more than a tick box exercise or a seminar on a ...

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Identifying and overcoming biases

Cognitive biases present a thorny challenge for DEI&B because we’re all influenced by biases but ...

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How to communicate more inclusively

Dr Brene Brown, author of Dare to Lead, says “To not have conversations (about DEI) because you ...

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Navigating teamwork with diverse Facet5 profiles

On a cloudy day in London, I met up with a few other members of our team. We call ourselves the ...

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Taking the fear out of DEI

Dr Brene Brown, author of Dare to Lead, says “To not have conversations (about DEI) because you ...

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Navigating the Challenges of DEI in business: A path to success

Embracing diversity, equity and inclusion is a transformative journey.By investing in behavioural ...

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Diverse communities versus Unified alignment

Our research into what it takes for organisations to get and stay ahead of the curve revealed that ...

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Enlightened Empathy versus Leap of Faith

Empathy is one of those words, often regarded as “soft” yet our research into organisations who ...

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Fearless experimentation versus sharp decisions

Research and the insight it creates can play a role in provoking our thinking, challenging our ...

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When I grow up, I want to be…

I’ve recently been preaching the virtues of understanding your Facet5 profile to some groups of ...

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Productive Paranoia vs Courageous Conviction

When is the right moment to flip from idea generation to action and implementation? In our research ...

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How do you balance the tensions that drive rapid evolution?

Our research into the question of what and how organisations rapidly evolve i.e., grow faster and ...

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Accelerating the pace of change

Learn how organisations can achieve rapid and sustainable growth by unlocking the key principles of ...

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Embracing intrapreneurship

The idea of intrapreneurship, or ‘dreamers who do’ as coined in the 70s by Gifford Pinchot III, can ...

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Utilising Facet5 to unlock Rapid Evolution

Tension exists everywhere. In structures, mechanics, processes, nature, relationships - and it also ...

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The power of aligned, but diverse, communities

The final tension from our Rapid Evolution series looks at the power to be gained from diversity ...

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Moving beyond empathetic leadership

In the penultimate piece looking at the 5 tensions, this week we discuss moving beyond traditional ...

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Three things to consider as a straight ally during Pride Month

Explore three essential considerations for straight allies during Pride Month in our latest blog.

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Decision making in an experimental environment - is it possible?

In the next part of our rapid evolution series, Zara Whysall discusses the issue of effective ...

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Balancing customer focus and vision setting

In this blog, Zara Whysall looks at the third tension of the rapid evolution, which focusses on ...

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Why purpose driven organisations are key for rapid evolution

As we examine the first of 5 tensions that make up rapid evolution, we look at the impact that can ...

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How to achieve - and sustain - rapid business transformation

In the second blog in our series, Zara describes her research process and talks about the 5 key ...

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Rapid Evolution - driving business growth ahead of the curve

This blog defines rapid evolution, a methodology which can help you to ensure business growth ...

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Which is the right online tool for me?

In this blog, we've laid out the options side by side, so that you can compare which one of these ...

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How to embrace your Emotionality

In light of Stress Awareness Month, Emily Marsh explores why high Emotionality scores have such an ...

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Is your leadership framework obsolete?

Senior Consultant, Sampurna Maitra, identifies the top six tips for those looking to understand ...

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How do we get the most value from our 360’s?

Principal Consultant, Fay Weir, explores how you can see feedback as information, and what impact ...

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How do you develop people using a leadership framework? What can you do with it?

Senior Consultant, Georgia Kouselas, explores how you can develop your people through the ...

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Why will the relevance of your leadership framework dictate the success of your assessment and development activities?

In this blog, Marcelina Korzen, discusses our well-designed Leadership Framework & why we must ...

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International Women's Day

In celebration of International Women's Day, Jill Jenkinson reflects on the reality of the work ...

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Leadership Frameworks

In this blog, we discuss how Leadership Frameworks can help empower your organisation to define ...

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Facet5 User Groups

Join us for our three-part limited series of user groups for Facet5 practitioners where we will ...

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Making feedback count and convert

Jill Jenkinson discusses how you could support a team to take the feedback they receive through ...

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Goal setting – tips on maintaining focus and momentum

We are committed to helping our clients define and achieve their goals and in this blog, Laura ...

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Personal (ity) Training – how does our personality affect our fitness?

When it comes to health and fitness, there’s never one solution that fits everyone. Fitness ...

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Is Christmas the time to connect to what is most important?

t-three CEO, Jill Jenkinson, discusses why the need to connect people to what is most important is ...

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Highlights from our Connect Event

An insight into our key takeaways from our 'Connect' event where we were joined by talented people ...

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So what can you expect from a truly connected workforce?

t-three Client Director, Ruth Bourne, highlights why and how we need to actively co-create a truly ...

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The power of pause and self-reflection/assessment in building connection

t-three CEO, Jill Jenkinson, identifies why data has become a critical component of connection...

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Leadership Self-Assessment: a simple nudge

t-three Director, Anthony Walker, explores how a simple nudge can help motivate you to improve your ...

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Why should your organisation care about connection?

An article by Client Director, Laura Whitworth advises how your organsation can help people feel ...

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Business Culture Awards - Judges' Comments

t-three are delighted that our partnership with EDF & OPG has been recognised for the amazing work ...

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Best International Initiative / Best Learning Initiative at the Business Culture Awards 2022 – t-three, EDF and OPG

t-three were really excited to partner with EDF Energy and OPG (Ontario Power Generation) and in ...

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Mitie - Diversity & Inclusion

In this blog, we look at our award-winning programme that helped Mitie’s company culture to ...

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Being an authentic leader – it’s not as simple as it seems

In this article, we discuss what it really means, to be an authentic leader...

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What are the main challenges driving the need for leaders to adapt their approach?

In this article, we explore leadership qualities that are critical today, but also for the changing ...

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Are you ready to springboard your development? This is how in 6 actionable steps

Jessica May explores why we should strive for a Growth Mindset and some methods you can apply to ...

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Learning from mistakes, mishaps and failures

Dr. Zara Whysall, Research & Impact Director, discusses the importance of leaders learning from ...

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Developing a new leadership framework? Ten tips for ensuring yours delivers

Simon Brittain, helps HR professionals and business leaders to review and re-design their ...

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Leadership Potential: how to identify it and use it to improve succession planning

Dr. Zara Whysall, Research & Impact Director, shows that succession planning should be based on the ...

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Where did all the talent go?

Dr. Zara Whysall, explains how to survive the most acute war for talent for the last 25 years

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Pride - the past, present and future

Pride is a time to celebrate all things LGBT+, and Jane Arthur-McGuire sheds light on how leaders ...

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To have potential, our future leaders must be curious

Charles Jones, executive coach, and specialist in leadership development discusses his personal ...

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How to stay active when working from home

Sean Coxon, fitness enthusiast & Kilimanjaro Summiteer, advises on how we can stay active when ...

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Virtual Presenteeism

Principal consultant, Fiona Yorke, explores creating a culture of Virtual Presenteeism in your ...

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Conversations that count

Principal consultant, Lisa Kramer, discusses the importance of '1-2-1' conversations in your ...

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Pressing Pause - Where next for the work revolution?

Dr. Zara Whysall, explores the top tips from leaders to start afresh with the new ways of ...

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How soon do you start to feel a sense of belonging when you start working for a new employer?

Principal Consultant, Fiona Yorke, explores what a sense of belonging is in a workplace, reflecting ...

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Pressing Pause - Leading Hybrid

Kate Forrest discusses the beginning of our research into stopping, pausing & reflecting, and an ...

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It takes two…what the Facet5 Spotlight Coaching Affinity Report can tell you about your working relationship

In this Valentine's Day special, from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, we explore how the Spotlight ...

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Facet5 helped me understand me...

Sam Cooper explores how facets of his personality were revealed, events from the past arose ...

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What’s more important - is it the way you travel or the place you end up?

In this blog from t-three Chief Executive Jill Jenkinson, explores why a planned destination may ...

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Transforming your fishbowl in a hybrid world

Samantha Woolven explores how you can transform your fishbowl in a hybrid world and make it shine.

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Speaking Up for Inclusion

An article from t-three consultant Laura Whitworth, where she discusses how to make it safe for ...

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Are your employees with you - or too exhausted to care!

In this blog from t-three Chief Executive Jill Jenkinson, discusses how to bring employees along ...

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Working in new ways

t-three Director, Anthony Walker, discusses how we need new tools for our new way of working.

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People are data too - why you should use people analytics to shape your transformation agenda

Samantha Woolven discusses how we believe that you can use people data to inform, shape, track, and ...

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Optimistic pessimist, pessimistic optimist or neither? Or both?

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, we explore our natural ability to be optimistic ...

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Transformation - why it starts and stops with behaviour

An article from t-three Director, Anthony Walker, discussing transformation and the impact ...

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Why unsuccessful organisational transformations far outnumber successful ones

Principal consultant, Tracy West, explores why change fails and leading transformation ...

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Eli Lilly - Leadership Development

In this blog we look at a proven case for experiential learning – delivered virtually by ...

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How do you become a successful leader in both face to face and virtual situations?

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, we explore becoming a successful leader in both ...

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From Nudge to Budge

This blog, written by Dr. Kenneth Nowack, looks at the shift from 'nudge theory' to 'budge theory'.

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The Neuroscience of Habits Part Two

This blog is part two of a two part series written by Dr. Kenneth Nowack.

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The Neuroscience of Habits Part One

This blog is part one of a two part series written by Dr. Kenneth Nowack.

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Dear BrewDog and other leaders

Samantha Woolven writes some advice for the leadership team at BrewDog following an open letter ...

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You can choose your friends...

The first in a series of guest written posts, we hear from Roger Coles of Keeping It Human about ...

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Should I stay or should I go?

Kate Forrest, Principal Consultant for t-three, writes about retaining your organisation's top ...

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Hybrid Leadership - Stand By Your Beds!

Paul Tizzard, Senior Consultant, writes about the changing habits, and traditions in the way we ...

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Morale boosting tricks that take no time at all

Samantha Woolven lists top tips for boosting morale within your organisation, especially when ...

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Hybrid Working - What is the challenge?

Jerry Cartwright, Senior Consultant, writes about the areas organisations need to consider when ...

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Facet5 and Leadership: What does my profile say about me?

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, we explore the link between Facet5 personality ...

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The next big leadership conversation...

Kate Forrest writes about the next big conversation leaders need to be having in relation to ...

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Leadership is all around us, it's everywhere you go...

Paul Tizzard writes about his experience playing in a band, and how this made him reflect on the ...

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Affection: Are you a 'push' manager or a 'pull' manager?

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, he looks at the way an individual's Affection ...

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To what extent does your Facet5 profile reflect how you like to learn?

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, he looks at the way Facet5 profiles can help to ...

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Think Apprenticeship - Think Differently

In this blog from t-three Chief Executive Jill Jenkinson, we look at the benefits of apprenticeship ...

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Goal setting with Facet5

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, he provides some analysis of the ways the ...

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New year and re-invention

t-three CEO Jill Jenkinson writes about the how we can use the start of 2021 to re-imagine ...

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Facet5 and Resilience Strategies

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, he looks at an old blog on resilience and ...

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Key Leadership Behaviours for Tomorrow - The 7 T's

Paul Tizzard writes about the 7 'T's' - the leadership behaviours he thinks will be most important ...

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How agile decision making can benefit a business - an interview with Dennis Murphy

This is the second in a series of three interviews with Dennis Murphy; this instalment looks at the ...

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Great, tell me some more...

Paul Tizzard writes about the valuable lesson he learnt from Richard Branson about empowering your ...

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Success at the Business Culture Awards for Sainsbury's and t-three

Emily Marsh celebrates t-three and Sainsbury's win at the Business Culture Awards, and looks at ...

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How has 2020 changed what it means to be a successful leader?

A blog about the way 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic has changed the requirements and ...

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Behaviours that make a difference - an interview with Dennis Murphy

This is the first in a series of three interviews with Dennis Murphy; this instalment looks at the ...

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Facet5 and Decision Making: What can I learn from my profile?

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, he looks at how our Facet5 profiles can give ...

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Balancing Boundaries in an Agile World

An article from t-three CEO Jill Jenkinson, where she takes a look at the use of boundaries in a ...

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Making the most of your profile to understand how to give feedback and recognition

An article from t-three consultant Daniel Taylor, looking at the way our Facet5 profiles can affect ...

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How do you encourage people to maintain motivation and engagement?

A new blog written by t-three consultant Vicki Haverson, who looks at the best ways to maintain ...

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What is a truly agile organisation?

The first article in our new campaign where we look to shatter outdated leadership beliefs. First ...

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Who are the resilient during COVID-19?

This week's blog, from Ken Nowack, features a personal story and his reflections on what it truly ...

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Psychological safety: Why it's so important for leading through the next phase of the crisis

This week's blog, from Vicki Haverson, looks at the importance of creating psychological safety for ...

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Could some HR practices be perpetuating inequalities?

A blog from Kiddy & Partners' Research and Impact Director Dr Zara Whysall about the potential HR ...

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Is your team ready to transform? Using TeamScape to review how teams work together.

In this blog from Facet5 specialist Daniel Taylor, he looks at how TeamScape can transform the way ...

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A time to challenge our assumptions and beliefs

The second in a series of three articles from t-three Chief Executive Jill Jenkinson looking at the ...

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Life in the time of COVID-19

The second in a two part article from t-three consultant Kate Forrest, who looks at how lockdown ...

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Leading in times of disruption

This is a summary of a recent interview conducted between t-three's Ruth Bourne and Dennis Murphy.

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When life throws a curve ball

The first in a two part article from t-three consultant Kate Forrest, who looks at how lockdown has ...

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Ready to transform or resorting back?

The first in a series of three articles from t-three Chief Executive Jill Jenkinson looking at the ...

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Virtual Assessments: The values and the risks

An article from Kiddy consultant Charlotte Harman, with a first in a series of two blogs ...

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Future proofing - retaining new habits

An article from t-three consultant Ruth Bourne, where she looks at how she can retain some of the ...

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Is your face giving you away?

An article from t-three consultant Laura Whitworth, where she looks at the impact the new way of ...

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Emotionality in Uncertain Times

An article from t-three consultant Daniel Taylor, looking at the way the uncertain times we find ...

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The not-so-secret weapon of effective leaders when faced with a crisis

An article from t-three consultant Samantha Woolven about the benefit of high Oxytocin levels to ...

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A leadership love letter to Jacinda Ardern

A leadership love letter from t-three consultant Samantha Woolven to New Zealand's Prime Minister, ...

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What does it mean to expect innovation in your organisation?

In this second blog of three from innovation expert Matt Follows, we ask what it means to expect ...

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What does it mean to protect innovation in your organisation?

In this final blog of three from innovation expert Matt Follows, we ask what it means to protect ...

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What does it mean to respect innovation in your organisation?

In this first blog of three from innovation expert Matt Follows, we ask what it means to respect ...

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Social butterfly or wallflower? Energy and Affection in Facet5

The interaction between Energy and Affection in Facet5 personality profiling gives us insights into ...

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Adapting to our new world

In this final blog from Kate Forrest,

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The oxytocin boosting benefit of female leaders

As Sanna Marin becomes Finland's new prime minister with a cabinet dominated by women, we look at ...

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Asking for help & acts of kindness

In the fourth blog from Kate Forrest detailing her travels across Russia, she looks at how she had ...

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The Joy & Power of Little Wins

In the third blog from Kate Forrest detailing her travels across Russia, she looks at the power of ...

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Navigating emotions on the change rollercoaster

In the second blog from Kate Forrest detailing her travels across Russia, she looks at the ...

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The Neurobiology of Successful Behaviour Change Event

We take a look at t-three's first event of 2020, the Neurobiology of Successful Behaviour Change, ...

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Why you should challenge yourself

In this first blog from Kate Forrest detailing her travels across Russia, she looks at why it's ...

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How leadership has changed: 2000 versus 2020

Leadership has shifted in the last twenty years away from an autocratic style and towards a more ...

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How to build new leadership habits in 2020

New year’s resolutions show us how challenging habits can be, and helping leaders to form new ...

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Why microlearning works for leadership development

Microlearning is effective for leadership development because it allows learners to consume content ...

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How to accelerate behaviour change with Facet5 personality profiling

Facet5 personality profiling can help accelerate your behaviour change programme by raising ...

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5 critical success factors of blended learning in the workplace

The success of any blended learning programmes relies on five important factors: time, valuing ...

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t-three acquired by Gateley

We're thrilled to be joining Gateley as of December 13th 2019. This short blog details who Gateley ...

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A successful awards season for t-three and Sainsbury's!

t-three and Sainsbury's took home the award for Best Next Generation Initiative for Business ...

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Why blended learning is ace - and what's in it for you

Learning in the workplace has evolved, with a shift towards blended learning solutions. We explore ...

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Facet5: Can you be both High Will and High Control?

This blog post explores how Will and Control interact on the Facet5 personality profile.

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5 reasons your leadership development programmes aren’t working

When designing a leadership development programme, avoiding these five common mistakes can help you ...

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The forgetting curve: why standard leadership training doesn’t work

The forgetting curve hypothesises the decline of memory retention in time, and it has big ...

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How nudge theory supports positive and lasting behaviour change

Nudge theory works on the principle that small actions can have a substantial impact on the way ...

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Facet5 personality profiling: what happens when Will and Affection collide?

We explore how different Facet5 factor combinations show up in people. Here we examine what the ...

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Blended learning: making behaviour change stick

Blended learning is an approach that drives a real change to the way people behave.

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Your action plan for becoming a more effective leader

An action plan with practical tips to help you become a better leader; one that inspires people and ...

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Facet5 personality profiling: How Will and Energy interact

Looking at the different factor combinations of an individual's Facet5 personality profile can help ...

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"Clean up the fishbowl" and create a leadership culture that shines

No matter your leadership style, a culture will grow around you, and great leaders are those who ...

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Tales from our Leadership Stories Roundtable event

t-three's Leadership Stories Roundtable event was held on Tuesday 24th September at The Hoxton, ...

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Supporting conflict management with personality profiling

How personality profiling tools like Facet5 can help individuals, teams, and organisations with ...

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How to build a thriving, multi-generational workforce

The secret to leading a multi-generational workforce might be simpler than you think. By ditching ...

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How to keep your global workforce connected

Building a connected team isn't easy, especially when your team come from different cultural ...

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Succession planning: how to prepare your future leaders for success

How to take a proactive approach to succession planning and prepare your future leaders for success.

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How to spot the right person for the job with Facet5 Audition

Facet5 Audition works as a valuable recruitment framework for helping you find the best candidate ...

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3 leadership challenges to act on now

What are the three biggest leadership challenges today?

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Facet5 SpotLight: actionable personality insights for people development

The Facet5 SpotLight report provides actionable personality insights to enhance people development. ...

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Unpicking the confidence gap between men and women in leadership

We explore whether the confidence gap between men and women in leadership really exists, what could ...

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What can cricket teach us about effective leadership?

On the back of the England Cricket team's World Cup success, we review what leaders and managers in ...

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Learn how to manage different personalities with Facet5's "Leading Edge" report

The Facet5 Leading Edge report describes how a person’s manager can successfully motivate, inspire ...

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The psychology of connected leadership

No matter how big or small your company, leadership is the lynchpin of organisational life. Today, ...

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Is there anything we can learn from Donald Trump's leadership style?

Following Donald Trump's recent visit to the UK, we looked at his leadership style to see if ...

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Sink or swim: what does great leadership look like in a startup?

Working in startups can be both exciting and exhilarating as well as unpredictable and stressful. ...

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There is strength in kindness: why kind leadership matters

Being kind isn't a weakness in leadership. We explore what it means to be a kind leader and why ...

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Get more from workplace personality profiling with Facet5 families

Facet5 is a personality profiling tool used by organisations to raise the self-awareness of their ...

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Leadership lessons from the most influential female leaders in business

The perspectives of three influential women in leadership on what it takes to lead a business ...

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Why treating people like family is the key to effective leadership

In Fortune Magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For, Hilton, Salesforce, and Wegmans Food Markets ...

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Are some personality types more coachable than others?

An individual's personality can impact how they respond to coaching. We explore what an ...

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Technology is shaking up our approach to leadership development

Are you developing your leaders fast enough to keep up with the changing pace of the workplace? ...

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Britney called it: toxic leadership is 'dangerous'

The long-term impacts of toxic leadership can be huge. It can damage the health of our business and ...

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The leadership revolution

It is time to kickstart your leadership revolution. Here’s how you can start to take charge of this ...

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3 things James Cracknell can teach us about resilience in leadership

On Sunday April 6th, ex-Olympian James Cracknell became the oldest man ever to win the Boat Race. ...

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Jaguar Land Rover & t-three - Highly Commended at the Business Culture Awards

We were honoured back at the end of 2018 to be Highly Commended at the Business Culture Awards for ...

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Twinings case study: designing a bespoke leadership development programme

Steven Napier, International HR Director at Twinings Ovaltine, talks to us about his recent ...

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Is honest feedback in the workplace less common than you think?

An open and honest workplace culture can transform your organisation. But do anonymous 360-degree ...

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Thinking Space - Insights (2024)


What is a thinking space? ›

The thinking space is the frontier of freedom in the psychic activity in which the individual elaborates the perceived reality in order to represent or symbolize it and to become able to reflect on it.

How do you create a thinking space? ›

Here's what I did:
  1. Commit to a topic: There are way too many things you could think about in any given moment, hour or day. ...
  2. Block some time: Set aside an hour or two to think about it. ...
  3. Go somewhere else: Getting out of your normal work space can help a lot in creating space to think.
Oct 10, 2017

What is a good definition of spatial thinking? ›

Spatial thinking is defined as the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to use concepts of space, tools of representation like maps and graphs, and processes of reasoning to organize and solve problems (Downs and de Souza 2005).

What is the space theory in psychology? ›

Psychological space as innate and. absolute. • Kant. – Space is absolute, but it is not a property of the physical world; rather it is an innate organizing principle of mind. • “Space was a way of perceiving, not a thing to be.

What does space to think mean? ›

If you give someone space to think about something or to develop as a person, you allow them the time and freedom to do this. You need space to think everything over.

What is a Design Thinking space? ›

Design Thinking is a methodology worth using when designing office spaces. Not only does it make it possible to find innovative solutions, but also to verify and reject unhelpful ones.

How do you create space between thoughts? ›

With practice, noticing thoughts as they arise and letting them go, the space between thoughts may grow. As the space grows, we can just rest in awareness, allowing things to just be as they are, with no need to fix anything or change anything.

What is an example of a mental space? ›

Mental spaces are connected to long-term schematic knowledge, such as the frame for walking along a path, and to long-term specific knowledge, such as a memory of the time you climbed Mount Rainier in 2001.

What is thinking in terms of space? ›

Spatial thinking comes from moving and acting in the world. All creatures must do so to survive. Actions in space create spatial representations in the brain; simply looking isn't enough. There are far too many things and possible relations in the world to notice and represent in your mind.

What is a mind space? ›

I use the term "mind space" to describe the bandwidth of conscious thoughts. Conscious thoughts about navigating the environment occupy relatively little mind space; most behavior runs on autopilot, while we think of other things.


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.