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Financials and Donor Listing




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pg. 1UB Foundation FY15 Annual Report | Financials and Donor Listing

University of Baltimore Foundation and University PropertiesCombined Statements of Financial PositionJune 30, 2015 and 2014

University of Baltimore Foundation and University PropertiesConsolidated Statements of Activitiesfor the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014


2015 2014

Cash and Cash Equivalents $9,363,264 $10,699,703

Investments 50,929,096 47,581,864

Pledges Receivable 4,728,101 6,952,141

Land and Buildings 318,318 381,842

Collections 454,284 454,284

Other 157,090 109,364

Total $65,950,153 $66,179,198


Liabilities $1,325,056 $1,140,021

Net Assets

Unrestricted 6,606,227 6,502,767

Temporarily Restricted 20,639,762 22,437,657

Permanently Restricted 37,379,108 36,098,753

Total Net Assets 64,625,097 65,039,177

Total $65,950,153 $66,179,198



2015 2014

Contributions and Grants $2,995,243 $3,777,503

Investment Income 394,166 674,130

Other Income 167,662 80,842

Realized and Unrealized Gains and (Losses) on Investments, Net

1,084,728 5,629,320

Gain on Sale of Property 287,430 —

Total $4,929,229 $10,161,795


Program $4,567,172 $4,312,385

General and Administrative 496,235 605,130

Fundraising 279,902 252,640

Total Expenses $5,343,309 $5,170,155

Change in Net Assets $(414,080) $4,991,640

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We are pleased to acknowledge the following donors for their generosity and support of the University of Baltimore.

• The Annual and Special Gifts listing represents donors who made gifts of $100 or greater to support a variety of projects throughout the University during Fiscal Year 2015 (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015).

• Special tribute gifts are recognized in the Honorarium and Memoriam Gifts section.

• Recognition in the Matching Gifts section lists the matching gift company followed by the individual donor whose gift resulted in a corporate donation.

Gifts listed in the Matching Gifts and Honorarium and Memoriam Gifts categories include all giving levels.

• Donors listed under UB GOLD Club Gifts include graduates of the last decade who have made gifts of $50 or greater during Fiscal Year 2015. This list also includes Fiscal Year 2015 Senior Class Gifts: donations of any level to the Alumni Association Scholarship or to other University funds in honor of the class of 2015. Those who have made Senior Class Gifts are recognized as members of the UB GOLD Club for one full year following their graduation date.

Every gift given in support of the University of Baltimore is greatly appreciated and every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. We regret any errors. Please notify Karen Rhodovi, associate director of donor relations, at 410.837.6839 or [emailprotected] of any inaccuracies or omissions.



Peter G. Angelos, LL.B. ʼ61 (School of Law)The Peter and Georgia Angelos

Foundation, Inc.


Constance R. CaplanBen & Zelda G. Cohen Charitable

Foundation, Inc.Richard S. Davison and Rosalee C. DavisonFrance-Merrick FoundationPeggy and Yale Gordon TrustBruce L. Hammonds, B.S. ʼ71

(Merrick School of Business), D.H.L. (Honorary) ʼ05

The Hammonds Family Fund of the Bank of America Corporation

The Estate of Thomas B. Keagel, MBA ʼ92 (Merrick School of Business)

Robert R. Parsons, B.S. ʼ75 (Merrick School of Business), D.H.L (Honorary) ʼ08

The Bob & Renee Parsons FoundationPhilip E. and Carole R. Ratcliffe FoundationVernon H.C. Wright, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick

School of Business), and Lucy B. Wright


George E. and Ruth J. Babylon Charitable Foundation

The Charles Crane Family Foundation, Inc.Michael F. Klein, B.A. ʼ76 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)The Philip and Harriet Klein

Foundation, Inc.The Middendorf Foundation, Inc.Clayton A. Mitchell, J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)The William J. & Dorothy K. O’Neill


Vanguard CharitableWhitsitt Family Memorial Fund


THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore

H. Dean Bouland, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Barry M. Chasen, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law),

and Lyn E. ChasenMichael L. Curry, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School

of Business)Google, Inc.The Herbert N. Gundersheimer

Foundation, Inc.Kramon & Graham, P.A.John F. Ripley, B.S. ʼ79 (Merrick School of

Business), and Barbara J. RipleyKurt L. Schmoke*, LL.D. (Honorary) ʼ85,

and Patricia L. Schmoke Marie Van Deusen, J.D. ʼ68 (School of Law)

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ABC Baltimore—Baltimore Metro ChapterAmerican Society of Comparative LawAnonymous (1)Belfast Valley Contractors, Inc.Jana Howard Carey, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law),

and James H. CareyCohen, Snyder, Eisenberg &

Katzenberg, P.A.Robert Thomas Crawford II, MBA ʼ91

(Merrick School of Business)Richard and Rosalee C. Davison

Foundation, Inc.DLA Piper US LLPThe Estate of Adolphus W. Emmons III,

M.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business)The Judi & Steven B. Fader Family

FoundationFidelity Charitable Gift FundTheodore J. Goloboski Jr., B.S. ʼ75 (Merrick

School of Business)Kenneth O. Hassan, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Alan J. Hyatt, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Hyatt & Weber, P.A.Robert KanigelWilliam F. Kiniry Jr., J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Zanvyl & Isabelle Krieger Fund, Inc.Mary-Margaret Latchford, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick

School of Business), and Paul C. Latchford, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)

The M&T Charitable FoundationMaryland Bar FoundationKathleen Howard Meredith, B.A. ʼ76 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)

Sayra Wells Meyerhoff, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law), M.S. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), and Neil A. Meyerhoff

Thomas L. Milan, B.S. ʼ65 (Merrick School of Business), and Mary A. Milan

Michael K. OʼMalley, MBA ʼ97 (Merrick School of Business)

Robert C. Russel, B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick School of Business), and Irene S. Russel

Saul Ewing, LLPKenneth R. Shutts, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Steven D. Silverman, J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law)Silverman, Thompson, slu*tkin &

White, LLCRichard A. Snellinger, B.S. ʼ78 (Merrick

School of Business)State Farm Insurance Companies

FoundationT. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.Wheeler FoundationWright Family Foundation


The Abell Foundation, Inc.Alumni Association—International, Inc.American Corporate Counsel Association—

Baltimore ChapterAnonymous (3)Mimi L. Azrael, B.A. ʼ81 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law), and Richard Azrael

Barbara A. Babb* and Peter Toran*Arthur B. Brisker, LL.B. ʼ69 (School of Law)R. Roland Brockmeyer, J.D. ʼ64 (School of

Law), and Lorraine J. BrockmeyerWilliam E. Cross Foundation, Arthur B.

Brisker, Vice President, LL.B. ’69 (School of Law)

Joel D. Fedder** and Ellen FedderNathaniel C. Fick Jr., J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Mildred S. FisherHerbert S. Garten, A.B.A. ʼ53 (Merrick

School of Business)Jeffrey C. Glock, B.S. ʼ88 (Merrick School

of Business)George W. Hermina, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)John W. HerminaHermina Law GroupJames T. Hill Jr., B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business), M.P.A. ʼ83 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A.Georgette D. Kiser, MBA ʼ04 (Merrick School

of Business)Daniel J. KleinHeidi L. Levine, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Jack Lynch*Timothy F. Maloney, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Maryland Workers’ Compensation

Educational Association, Inc.Maureen Fick May, J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)Lynn McLain*James P. Nolan, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law),

and Nancy J. NolanPeter M. PinkardPNC FoundationEmily RodyThe Elizabeth B. and Arthur E. Roswell

FoundationNeil J. Ruther, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Stuart J. Silberg, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School

of Business)Harry C. Storm, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Tax Executives Institute, Inc.—Baltimore/

Washington ChapterJanice Toran and Robert L. Bogomolny Bonnie L. Warnken, J.D. ʼ90 (School of

Law), and Byron L. Warnken*, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)

Warnken Educational Enterprises, LLC


Baltimore Community FoundationBaltimore Life Insurance CompanyLouis A. Becker III, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Nijole BenokraitisClifton L. Brown Jr., J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law),

and Carol Ann BrownAllen M. CartonKevin B. Collins, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)Crown Title CorporationMary and Dan Dent Fund of the Baltimore

Community FoundationThe Estate of Ruby C. GainesDamon Gasque, B.S. ʼ78 (Merrick School of

Business)Robert W. Graybill, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick School

of Business), and Kimberly A. GraybillMichael K. HassettThe Hassett Family FoundationidfiveJoint TE/GE CouncilPatricia Kelly-White, B.A. ʼ81 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)William I. Kissinger, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick

School of Business)Doris A. Korb, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick School of

Business), and Phillip J. Korb*, M.S. ʼ78 (Merrick School of Business)

Amy MachtLois and Philip Macht Family

Philanthropic FundMildred D. Mitchell, B.A. ʼ80 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)James G. Morgan Jr., B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick

School of Business), and Bernice MorganMorgan Stanley & Co., Inc. Persels & Associates, LLCManuel J. Sampedro, MBA ʼ99 (Merrick

School of Business)Paul L. Saval, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law), and

Ellen M. SavalJeffrey K. Sawyer*Robert W. Schaefer, B.S. ʼ55 (Merrick School

of Business), and Elaine SchaeferMinnie W. Shorter, MBA ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business)Theresa Silanskis*, M.P.A. ʼ95 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)SNCF America, Inc.David W. Stevens*The Bailey A. Thomas Memorial FundLaura A. Thurston, B.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business), and David L. Thurston, B.S. ʼ85 (Merrick School of Business), J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)

Verizon FoundationVeda E. Ward, M.S. ʼ78 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)

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Ronald H. Weich*Joseph S. Wood*Janet Yuspeh and Alan R. Yuspeh


Renée Bronfein Ades, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School of Business), J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)

The Ades Family Foundation, Inc.Ateet K. Ahuja, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Alston & BirdArthur Bell Certified Public AccountantsPatrick P. Bangs, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)John W. Beckley, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law),

and Mary A. BeckleyAlan J. Belsky, B.A. ʼ87 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law)Rebecca L. Besson, CERT ʼ85 (Merrick

School of Business)Morris BloomMichael C. Blum, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)The Blyler/Thompson Family FundDavid Bobart*Matthew BowenFred B. Brown*Karis Evans Brown, MBA ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business), and Neal M. Brown, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)

Terri D. Brown, MBA ʼ00 (Merrick School of Business)

Laura Koppes BryanShelia Higgs Burkhalter*Coleen S. Clemente, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Betty W. CohenMaureen B. Cohon, B.A. ʼ79 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law)

Jerome W. Collier, M.S. ʼ89 (Merrick School of Business)

Anthony M. Conti, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Conti Fenn & Lawrence, LLCJohn A. Currier, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)M. Gordon Daniels, J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)G. Thomas Daugherty, J.D. ʼ76 (School

of Law)Robert W. Deutsch FoundationWilliam C. Dockman, MBA ʼ98 (Merrick

School of Business)Thomas M. Donnelly, J.D. ʼ00 (School

of Law)Thomas Donohue, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Paul J. Duffy, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)Kathleen A. Evans, J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law),

and Gerard E. Evans, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)

John T. Faulkingham, MBA ʼ95 (Merrick School of Business), J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)

Steven K. Fedder, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Federal Bar Association, Maryland ChapterArthur E. Flach, M.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business)Pierce J. Flanigan IV, MBA ʼ08 (Merrick

School of Business)James L. Francis Jr., B.S. ʼ88, MBA ʼ96

(Merrick School of Business)The Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Friedenwald

Memorial Fund, Inc.Michael G. Gallerizzo, J.D. ʼ83 (School

of Law)Courtney C. Geduldig, J.D. ʼ01 (School

of Law)Wendy C. Gerzog* and Harry CohenAudrey A. GilbertMichele Gilligan*Michele E. Gilman*Catherine R. Gira, D.H.L. (Honorary) ʼ06Stuart M. Goldberg, B.A. ʼ70 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)

Goldseker FoundationHamilton BankCaroleigh M. Haw*, M.S. ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business)Michael J. Hayes*F. Carter Heim, M.S. ’84 (Merrick School of

Business), and Doreen HeimMarianne Schmitt Hellauer, J.D. ʼ80 (School

of Law), and Robert E. Hellauer, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)

Lenneal J. Henderson Jr.*David J. Hooper and Wilma R. HooperMarc A. Hurwitz, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)Adrian S. Johnson, B.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Cynthia H. Jones, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law) Mary J. Kaltenbach, J.D. ʼ53 (School of Law)Larry S. Kamanitz, CERT ʼ57 (Merrick

School of Business)Laurence M. Katz and Sandra L. KatzStephen Z. Kaufman, J.D. ʼ69 (School

of Law)Brian M. Keelty, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School of

Business)Gerald W. Kelly Jr., J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Elizabeth A. Kern, B.S. ʼ73, M.S. ʼ82 (Merrick

School of Business)Miriam E. King*Douglas A. Kulp, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School of

Business)Law Offices of Harvey GreenbergLaw Offices of Thomas M. DonnellyGregory T. Lawrence, J.D. ʼ98 (School of Law)

Jeffrey M. Lawson, M.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School of Business)

Jaime Lee*Dana M. Levitz, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Trevor C. Lewis Jr., B.S. ʼ73 (Merrick School

of Business)Katherine A. Lomaskin, B.S. ʼ84, MBA ʼ06

(Merrick School of Business)Marcus W. Corwin, P.A. Darren M. Margolis, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Maryland Law Enforcement Officers

AssociationMaryland State Bar AssociationMaryland Veterans Foundation, Inc.James M. McDonald, M.S. ʼ81 (Merrick

School of Business)James K. Meek, MBA ʼ85 (Merrick School

of Business)The Morgan Family Foundation, Inc.Thomas K. Moseley, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)John NannesRicka E. Neuman, CERT ʼ76, M.S. ʼ81

(Merrick School of Business)Douglas J. Oliver, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School of

Business)Elizabeth G. Osterman, J.D. ʼ85 (School of

Law), and Richard J. Osterman Jr., J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)

P. Flanigan & Sons, Inc.Parker, Pallett & SlezakThomas B. Peace Sr., B.A. ʼ69 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Don J. Pelto, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Christopher J. Peters*Louis S. Pettey, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)PNCKenneth F. Prager, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)PSA Insurance & Financial ServicesLeonard R. Raley, MBA ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business)Charles A. Rees*Norma RichmondWilliam M. Sansing, B.S. ʼ89 (Merrick

School of Business), B.A. ʼ90 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Francis P. Schaecher, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School of Business)

Christine R. Schmitz, CERT ʼ81 (Merrick School of Business), M.A. ʼ92 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Victoria Schultz*, J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)Patricia W. Scott, B.S. ʼ56 (Merrick School of

Business)Frances S. Sellers and Mortimer N.S.

Sellers*Charles W. Shivery, M.S. ʼ75 (Merrick School

of Business)

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Skyline Technology SolutionsAmy E. Sloan*Terrence C. Smith, M.P.A. ʼ86 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Leon Snead, J.D. ʼ69 (School of Law)Deborah G. Spector, J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law),

and Frank W. Spector, J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law)

Gail M. Stern, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Larry W. Thomas*Charles Tiefer*W. Roger Truitt, J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law),

and Patricia L. TruittJames A. Vidmar Jr., J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Douglas G. Walker, B.S. ʼ67 (Merrick School

of Business)Waranch & Brown, LLCSusan B. Watson, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Robert M. Webb, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)West Publishing CorporationWhitney Interactive Design, LLCRobert R. Willasch, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)Shari T. Wilson, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Walter E. Wilson, M.P.A. ʼ87 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Alfred A. Windesheim, B.S. ʼ59 (Merrick

School of Business)A.A. Windesheim Charitable

Foundation, Inc.Charles S. Winner, LL.B. ʼ64 (School of Law)Marvin D. Woods, B.S. ʼ78 (Merrick School

of Business)Joan M. Worthington, B.S. ʼ84, MBA ʼ91

(Merrick School of Business), and John B. Bartkowiak Jr., J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)

Nina K. Yudell, B.S. ʼ81, MBA ʼ82 (Merrick School of Business)

Allan L. Zalesky, J.D. ʼ66 (School of Law)Christos Zirps


Michael M. Ambach, B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick School of Business)

Hallie M. Ambler, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law), and Bruce M. Ambler, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Maryland, Inc.

Burton A. Amernick, LL.B. ʼ66 (School of Law)

Charles E. Andreatta, MBA ʼ82 (Merrick School of Business)

John D. Back, MBA ʼ93 (Merrick School of Business)

Ilene A. Bailey, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Charles M. Blomquist, J.D. ʼ00 (School

of Law)Bradley W. Bloodworth, J.D. ʼ00 (School

of Law)Richard L. Boruta, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Augustus F. Brown, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Jana C. Burch, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law), and

Richard C. Burch, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Stephen D. Burd, B.S. ʼ79, MBA ʼ80 (Merrick

School of Business)Meryl D. Burgin, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Charles G. Byrd Jr., J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)J. Norris Byrnes, LL.B. ʼ69 (School of Law)John F. Calabrese, J.D. ʼ69 (School of Law)Virginia Rafalko Canter, B.A. ʼ79 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law), and Douglas M. Canter, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)

William P. Caruthers, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)

Joseph I. Cassilly, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)George M. Church, MBA ʼ75 (Merrick School

of Business), J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)James H. Clapp, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Carl C. Coe Jr., J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law)Allen F. Cohen, B.A. ʼ70, M.S. ʼ76, M.P.A. ʼ80

(Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Hugh F. Cole Jr., J.D. ʼ71 (School of Law)Michelle W. Cole, J.D. ʼ98 (School of Law),

and William H. Cole IV, M.A. ʼ96 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Ann R. ColemanManus M. Cooney, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Robyn T. Costello, M.A. ʼ96 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), and David L. Costello III, MBA ʼ91 (Merrick School of Business)

Dominic C. Cottone, B.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School of Business)

William J. Cronin, M.S. ʼ79 (Merrick School of Business)

Donald Daneman, LL.B. ʼ61 (School of Law)Kurt Davidson, B.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Walter C. Davis, B.S. ʼ58 (Merrick School

of Business)Gerard F. Devlin, J.D. ʼ69 (School of Law)James M. Di Stefano, J.D. ʼ86 (School

of Law)Gregory T. Donovan, M.S. ʼ99 (Merrick

School of Business)Deborah C. Dopkin, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Norman A. Drezin, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Dominic S. DuBois, B.S. ʼ98 (Merrick School

of Business)

Donald E. Durham, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School of Business)

Eric B. Easton*Gary G. Effemey, B.S. ʼ88 (Merrick School

of Business)Robert C. Ellis, M.A. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Enterprise Community Investment, Inc.Harold T. Flanagan Jr., J.D. ʼ78 (School

of Law)Marvin M. Fribush, B.A. ʼ66 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Helaine S. GannDaniel A. Gerlowski*Michael F. Gilligan, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Robert S. Glushakow, J.D. ʼ82 (School

of Law)John F. Gossart Jr., J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Julius C. Green, B.S. ʼ83, MBA ʼ89 (Merrick

School of Business)Greenbaum Family FoundationJoshua C. Greene, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law),

and Monya A. PhillipKirk A. Grothe, M.P.A. ʼ96 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Louise B. Gussin, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)Glen E. Hall Sr., B.S. ʼ67 (Merrick School

of Business)Michelle E.F. Hampton, MBA ʼ96

(Merrick School of Business), and Harold Hampton

Yasmin N. Harris, M.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School of Business)

Steven J. Heller, B.S. ʼ95 (Merrick School of Business)

James T. Hemelt, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Robert E. Hohman, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Christopher J. Holden, B.S. ʼ88

(Merrick School of Business)Lucy B. Holman*, D.C.D. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Henry Holzman, LL.B. ʼ65 (School of Law)Holzman & Associates, LLCHoneywell International, Inc.Elise M. Ice, J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)Shawan Patterson Jackson, M.S. ʼ88 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)JLLRobert P. Kane, B.S. ʼ69, M.S. ʼ76 (Merrick

School of Business)Wayne M. Keegan, B.A. ʼ76 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)E. Jerry Kelly III, B.S. ʼ73, MBA ʼ80 (Merrick

School of Business), and Marianne KellyMichael L. Kerley, LL.B. ʼ68 (School of Law)Parag Khandhar*

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Tim Kinlock*Dionne L. Koller*Marcia S. Kupferberg, J.D. ʼ83 (School

of Law)Carmela S. LaneJames V. Lane, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Stephen C. LaneBob Lankin, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)The Law Offices of Paul J. DuffyWilliam R. Levasseur, J.D. ʼ61 (School

of Law)Aaron M. Levin, M.A. ʼ91 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Thomas M. Lingan, J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)Andrew A. Lioi, LL.M. ʼ57 (School of Law)Mary G. Loker, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Gordon P. Luetjen, B.A. ʼ85 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)David W. Lynch, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)James P. Magno, M.S. ʼ96 (Merrick School

of Business)Shirley E. Marcus Allen, M.P.A. ʼ78 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Martin E. Marvel, B.S. ʼ57 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ60 (School of Law), and Nancy L. Marvel

Maryland Center for Construction Education and Innovation

Elaine F. MaxeinerJames R. Maxeiner*Saul McCormick, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Linda L. McElhone, B.A. ʼ76 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), and R. Bruce McElhone, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)

Beth McFadden*Mary L. McGeady, MBA ʼ87 (Merrick School

of Business)Linda L. Miller, M.S. ʼ82 (Merrick School

of Business)Thomas Minkin, J.D. ʼ65 (School of Law)Bryan G. Moorhouse, J.D. ʼ77 (School of

Law)Mudd, Harrison & BurchLisa Stello O’Brien, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Michael P. O’Day, J.D. ʼ01 (School of Law)Israel M. Oppenheimer, M.S. ʼ82, M.S. ʼ86

(Merrick School of Business)Parole Rotary Club FoundationPatriot Systems Group, LLCJohn R. Penhallegon, J.D. ʼ79 (School

of Law)Heather L. Pitz, B.A. ʼ95 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)

Adeen Postar*Isabel Crystal Reamer Rappaport, J.D. ʼ88

(School of Law)

David W. Richardson, B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick School of Business)

John L. Roth, B.S. ʼ79 (Merrick School of Business)

Robert Roth*John R. Rush, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)James T. Russell Jr., B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)Robert V. Russo, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Amy E. Schaeffer, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Susan Schubert*Schwab Charitable FundBrian M. Schwartz, B.S. ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)Jennifer A. Schwartz*William T. Skinner Jr., B.S. ʼ76, M.S. ʼ84

(Merrick School of Business)Judy L. Smith, MBA ʼ96 (Merrick School

of Business)Norman Smith*John J. Sofia Jr., J.D. ʼ68 (School of Law)Phaedra R. Stewart, MBA ʼ96 (Merrick

School of Business)Stoy, Malone & Company, P.C.Paul F. Sullivan Jr., M.S. ʼ82 (Merrick School

of Business)Erik A. SvensonKathleen M. Sweeney, J.D. ʼ75 (School

of Law)Donna M.D. Thomas, J.D. ʼ93 (School

of Law)Ivana O. Turner and H. Mebane TurnerTimothy J. Turner, B.S. ʼ07, MBA ʼ08

(Merrick School of Business)Angela M. Vallario*, J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law)Joseph F. Vallario Jr., J.D. ʼ63 (School of

Law), and Mary E. Thornton VallarioMartin C. Valliant, B.S. ʼ66 (Merrick School

of Business)Christopher R. vanRoden, B.S. ʼ80,

M.P.A. ʼ83 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)

Joseph Vigman Foundation, Inc.H. Wayne Walters, B.S. ʼ63 (Merrick School

of BusinessChapman M. Ward Jr., B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick

School of Business)Minnie R. Washington, B.A. ʼ79 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Barbara Ann White*Wiley Rein LLPRonald K. Wright, MBA ʼ85 (Merrick School

of Business)Susan R. Zacur*Carolyn S. Ziegler, MBA ʼ89 (Merrick School

of Business)


Brian D. Aker, B.A. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Solomon O. Akwara, B.S. ʼ01, M.S. ʼ03 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Lisa R. Allen, B.S. ʼ84, MBA ʼ85 (Merrick School of Business), and Mark G. Allen, B.S. ʼ81, M.S. ʼ84 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

William F. Amelia, B.S. ʼ63 (Merrick School of Business)

American Bar EndowmentPaul S. Anderson, B.S. ʼ85, M.S. ʼ86 (Merrick

School of Business)Robert A. Angelo, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)John C.M. Angelos, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)AnonymousLaurie G. Antolovic, MBA ʼ81 (Merrick

School of Business)Richard J. Apley, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Dolores H. AsbacherThomas L. Atkins, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Richard M. Bader, LL.B. ʼ66 (School of Law)Rignal W. Baldwin Jr., J.D. ʼ75 (School

of Law)Baltimore Jewish CouncilBenjamin L. Barnett, B.S. ʼ98 (Merrick

School of Business)Ashley E. Bashur, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Elizabeth S. Beirne, MBA ʼ86 (Merrick

School of Business)Robert W. Berger, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Gordon J. BernhardtJohn Bessler*Edmund A. Bianchi, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick

School of Business)Edward M. Biggin, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law)Alex D. Blum, M.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School of

Business)Arthur Blumberg, B.S. ʼ78 (Merrick School

of Business)Cory S. Blumberg, J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)Gabrielle Boam*Ervan Boone, MBA ʼ12 (Merrick School of

Business)Catherine A. Bowers, M.A. ʼ87 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)

Jane M. Brewer, B.S. ʼ81, M.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School of Business)

Paul G. Broccolino, B.A. ʼ77 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Ronald L. Bromwell, J.D. ʼ65 (School of Law)Emmanuel Bronstein, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick

School of Business)Jane C. Brown and Neil W. Didriksen

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Pamila J. Brown, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Patricia M.C. Brown, J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)Brown, Goldstein, Levy, LLPColin D. Bryan, B.S. ʼ01 (Merrick School of

Business), and Stacy L. LesleyJean R. Buchen, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Jennifer A. Burns, M.A. ʼ02 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Mildred E. Busch, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Jacqueline D. Byrd, J.D. ʼ98 (School of Law)Cynthia P. Campise, J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)Michael A. Canet, B.A. ʼ93 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), LL.M. ʼ02 (School of Law)

Cynthia E. Chambers, M.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Laura Chasney, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Dong Chen*Simone J. Christian, B.S. ʼ07, M.A. ʼ10 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Tony T. Christian, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School

of Business)Anna C. Clark, B.A. ’14 (College of Public

Affairs), and Mary NoorRobin A. Clark, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)Victor H. Clark Jr., B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School

of Business)Robert D. Cole Jr., J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)Christopher E. Collins, J.D. ʼ03 (School

of Law)Commonwealth of Virginia Office of the

Attorney GeneralPaul W. Concannon, B.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Don D. Conklin, B.S. ʼ56 (Merrick School

of Business)Theresa A. Cooper, B.A. ʼ03 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Johanna G. Cote, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Ann Cotten*, B.S. ʼ85, M.S. ʼ86, CERT ʼ92

(Merrick School of Business), D.P.A. ʼ03 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Sylvia H. Coyle, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law), M.P.A. ʼ85 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

James V. Crimmins, B.S. ʼ13 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences), and Kate Crimmins*

Arthur C. Crum Jr., J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Murray M. Dalziel*David Daneman, J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)Ian M. Davis, B.A. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Samantha Stern Davis Andrew W. Davitt, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Richard W. Douglas, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Myrna J. Dunnam, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Sarah K. Duran, J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)

Tricia Eisner, M.A. ʼ02 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Jeremy M. Eldridge, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Michael ElmanPaul T. Falkler, MBA ʼ89 (Merrick School

of Business)R. Terence Farrell, B.S. ʼ74 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Gloria J. Farrow, B.S. ʼ95 (Merrick School

of Business)Chuck Ferraro, B.S. ʼ82, MBA ʼ86 (Merrick

School of Business)Gary P. Fleming, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Donald C. Fry, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)William T. Fryer IIIGardens For All SeasonsJudge Mary T. Garland, J.D. ʼ86 (School

of Law)Morris L. Garten, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)A. Allan Gertner, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Gorman E. Getty III, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Gregory H. Getty, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Kathryn A. Giebenhain, M.A. ʼ95 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)John A. Gilpin, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Terry M. Goldstein, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Howard R. Gopie, B.A. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Charlotte Lee Gordon, J.D. ʼ07 (School

of Law)Michael I. Gordon, J.D. ʼ59 (School of Law)Leo E. Green Jr., J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Beverly Guarino and Felix Guarino Mona T. Hakki, J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)Christina S. Hardy*Kathaleen F. Harris, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)Thomas E. Hartman, MBA ʼ82 (Merrick

School of Business)Henry L. Helweick, B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick School

of Business)Ronald R. J. Hendler, B.A. ʼ80, M.P.A. ʼ87

(Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Albert E. Hendricks, B.S. ʼ79 (Merrick

School of Business)W. Dean Highcove, J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law)Z. Stephen HorvatKenneth W. Horvitz, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick

School of Business)Muhammad A. Imran, B.S. ʼ10 (College of

Public Affairs)Glenn A. Jacobson, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)John S. Jagoda Jr., B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School

of Business)Gretchen L. Jankowski, J.D. ʼ94 (School of

Law)Michael V. Johansen, B.S. ʼ86 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)

Calvin E. Johnson, B.S. ʼ01 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Thomas J. Jones, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Ronald A. Karasic, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Mel D. Kardos, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Neal B. Katcef, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)J. Robert Katherman, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Allen J. Katz, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)J. Mitchell Kearney, J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)Arthur C. Kelly Jr., B.S. ʼ66 (Merrick School

of Business)Brian J. Kelly, J.D. ʼ01 (School of Law)Cynthia Hitt Kent, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Elizabeth Keyes*Shahbaz KhanHarry R.F. King Jr., MBA ʼ97 (Merrick School

of Business)Richard Klitzberg, J.D. ʼ66 (School of Law)Sarah Kratz and Erik Kratz Jerome A. Kurman, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School

of Business)Lamm Insurance Center Inc.Jeri Lande and Robert H. Lande*Shawn M. Lauer, B.S. ʼ98 (Merrick School

of Business)Law Office of Cynthia Hitt Kent, LLCLaw Office of Grant A. PosnerLaw Office of Scott Alan Morrison, P.A.J.M. Michael Lawlor, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)David C. Lehmann, CERT ʼ92 (Merrick

School of Business)Eugene M. Lerner, J.D. ʼ54 (School of Law)Mariana A. Lesher, M.S. ʼ03 (Merrick School

of Business)Loretta Letke, B.A. ʼ91 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Elizabeth A. Lewis, CERT ʼ80 (Merrick

School of Business)Kevin M. LoneyNorman J. Louden, B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick School

of Business)Robert S. Lynch, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law),

and Barbara S. LynchTeresa M. Magness, B.S. ʼ82 (Merrick School

of Business)Michael C. Maloney, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Bradley A. Marcus, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Danielle Grilli Marcus, J.D. ʼ02 (School of

Law)Maryland Construction NetworkTahlala X. Mason, B.A. ʼ97, M.S. ʼ04 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Robert M. Masters, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Keryn N. Mathas, M.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Ronald N. Mather, B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick School

of Business)Linda S. Mathieu, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business)

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UB Foundation FY15 Annual Report | Financials and Donor Listing * UB faculty/staff ** deceased pg. 8

Stephen M. May, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)Barbara L. McCoyAudrey McFarlane*Thomas B. McGee, J.D. ʼ71 (School of Law)McGee PropertiesLisa J. McGrath, J.D. ʼ95, LL.M. ʼ97 (School

of Law)Joseph G. McGraw Jr., J.D. ʼ84 (School

of Law)M. Tracy McPherson, J.D. ʼ86 (School

of Law)Edward H. Meerholz, B.A. ʼ71, M.P.A. ʼ78

(Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Jack W. Merrill, B.S. ʼ56 (Merrick School

of Business)John O. Mitchell III, B.S. ʼ63 (Merrick School

of Business), J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Brian B. Monks, CERT ʼ82, M.S. ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business)Donna L. Moran, MBA ʼ84 (Merrick School

of Business)Elizabeth L. Morrison, M.S. ʼ93 (Merrick

School of Business), and W. Daniel Morrison, M.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School of Business)

Scott A. Morrison, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)C. Frederick Muhl, J.D. ʼ67 (School of Law)Ernest J. Muldrow, M.P.A. ʼ96 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jane C. Murphy*Marguerite Murray, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business), M.P.A. ʼ02 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Nicole E. Musgrave-Burbette, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law)

National Association of Social Workers, Maryland Chapter

James J. Nolan Jr., J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Mark W. Norris, B.S. ʼ79 (Merrick School

of Business)Herbert R. O’Conor III, J.D. ʼ74 (School

of Law)Geoffrey K. Oertel, J.D. ʼ97 (School of Law)Thurman K. Page, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law),

and Calvina D. PageLynn M. Patterson, D.C.D. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Franklin M. Peltzer, A.A. ʼ49 (Merrick

School of Business)Franklin M. Peltzer Management ServicesPeter’s PalletsNancy M. PetersenDouglas B. Pfeiffer, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Jennifer Z. Phelps, B.S. ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business)J. William Pitcher, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)David A. Plymyer, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Grant A. Posner, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)

Raghu R. Prabhu, MBA ʼ97 (Merrick School of Business)

T. Michael Preston, J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law)Stephen F. Pugh, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School

of Business)J. Charles Rammelkamp, M.A. ʼ89 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Cynthia A. Raposo, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law),

and Joseph M. Furey, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)

Nancy S. Rase, B.S. ʼ90 (Merrick School of Business)

Martha F. Rasin, J.D. ʼ81, LL.D. (Honorary) ʼ98

Rheta T. Reid, J.D. ʼ56 (School of Law)Richard K. Renn, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Ronald H. Rhodes, M.S. ʼ78 (Merrick School

of Business)Andrew D. Richmond, J.D. ʼ92 (School

of Law)Morton J. Rosenberg, J.D. ʼ67 (School of

Law)William F. Ruehl Jr., J.D. ʼ66 (School of Law)G. Darrell Russell Jr., J.D. ʼ67 (School of Law)R. Russell Sadler, LL.B. ʼ55 (School of Law)Oren D. Saltzman, J.D. ʼ85, LL.M. ʼ91 (School

of Law)Allie M. Sanborn, MBA ʼ82, CERT ʼ82

(Merrick School of Business)Gary J. Saval, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School of

Business)Ronald D. Schiff, J.D. ʼ71 (School of Law)Edwin W. Schillo III, B.A. ʼ71 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Gwendolyn D. Schindler, M.S. ʼ93 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Carl R. Schlaich, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)Matthew N. Schoenfeld, J.D. ʼ02 (School

of Law)Robert J. Schott, B.S. ʼ63 (Merrick School of

Business), J.D. ʼ66 (School of Law)Randall L. Scott, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Nathan M. Seidman, M.S. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Charles Shafer*David C. Sharman, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)James L. Sherbin, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Hsiao M. Shyong, M.S. ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business)Paul Silberman, LL.B. ʼ60 (School of Law)Thomas G. Slater, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Barbara M. Smith, B.S. ʼ88 (Merrick School

of Business)Linwood J. Smith, B.A. ʼ79 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Orson M. Smith, B.S. ʼ00 (Merrick School

of Business)Peggy Smith

Robert W. Smith Jr., B.S. ʼ99 (Merrick School of Business)

Michael E. Sneeringer Jr., B.S. ʼ87 (Merrick School of Business)

Clinton H. Snyder, B.S. ʼ75, M.S. ʼ75 (Merrick School of Business)

Southway Builders, Inc.Thomas S. Spencer, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)A. Holly Sphar, M.S. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jennifer O. Stephen-Ogbe, B.S. ʼ06 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Andrea M. Strong, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law),

and Brian P. Strong, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)

Nonet T. Sykes, M.P.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Roland P. Taylor, B.S. ʼ99, MBA ʼ05 (Merrick School of Business)

Barry D. Tayman, LL.B. ʼ68 (School of Law)David L. Terzian, J.D. ʼ72 (School of Law)H. Edward Townsley Jr., B.S. ʼ65 (Merrick

School of Business)Elizabeth A. Tuomey, M.P.A. ʼ83 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Gregory H. Uhl, M.S. ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)Richard J. Underwood, M.S. ʼ85 (Merrick

School of Business)Jill M. Valenstein, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)James H. Vance, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School

of Business)Leslie H. Varga, B.A. ʼ88, M.A. ʼ95 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Melanie A. Vaughn, B.A. ʼ82 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)

Byron B. Warnken, J.D. ʼ04 (School of Law)Robert P. Warr, B.S. ʼ75 (Merrick School

of Business)Thomas J. Waxter III, J.D. ʼ91 (School

of Law)Nomiki Bouloubassis Weitzel, J.D. ʼ85

(School of Law)Wells Fargo Community Support CampaignCharles C. Wheeler III, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick

School of Business)Thomas H. Williams, B.S. ʼ72 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jamille J. Wilson, B.A. ʼ12 (College of Public

Affairs)Women’s Bar Association at UBWoodbridge Valley Improvement and Civic

Association, Inc.Derek B. Yarmis, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)William A. York III, B.S. ʼ94 (Merrick School

of Business)

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Muhammad F.A. Abdur-Rahman, B.S. ʼ98 (Merrick School of Business)

Rita N. Abiamiri, B.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School of Business)

Howard S. Abramson, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School of Business)

Dale A. Achenbach, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)George P. Adams, J.D. ʼ72 (School of Law)Paul S. Adams, B.S. ʼ95 (Merrick School of

Business)Richard D. Adams, B.S. ʼ73 (Merrick School

of Business)Theresa M. Adams, J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)Tonja L. Adams, MBA ʼ95 (Merrick School

of Business)Sebastian O. Adejumo, M.S. ʼ10 (Merrick

School of Business)Charese D. Adesalu-Johnson, B.S. ʼ96

(Merrick School of Business)Imoh E. Akpan, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Catherine A. AlbrechtAmira G. Ali, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School of

Business)All Star Family DentistryDavid N. Allen, J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)Raequael Allen, B.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)Wayne F. Allen, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School

of Business)Donald L. Allewalt Jr., J.D. ʼ77 (School of

Law)Daniel J. Allman Jr., M.S. ʼ98, MBA ʼ98

(Merrick School of Business)Monique D. Almy, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Shara B. Alpert, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Francis W. Amann, B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick School

of Business)Parke E. Americus, J.D. ʼ67 (School of Law)Melkia L. Ames, MBA ʼ02 (Merrick School

of Business)Daniel R. Anderson, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)David D. Anderson, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School

of Business)Kenneth C. Anderson, M.A. ʼ89 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law), MBA ʼ04 (Merrick School of Business)

Anonymous (9)Carol L. Antill, J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)Marjorie O. Boafo AppiahCathy A. Applefeld, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law),

and David B. Applefeld, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)

John A. Arney, M.S. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Phillip F. ArnoultKwame Asafo-Adjei, M.P.A. ʼ94 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts), LL.M. ʼ08 (School of Law)

Ashenafi Asega, M.S. ʼ13 (College of Public Affairs)

Bruce D. Ash, LL.B. ʼ68 (School of Law)David P. Ash, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Myron S. Asher, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School

of Business)Association of Baltimore City Public

Schools Retirees, Inc.Marc J. Atas, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Deborah A. Awalt, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law),

and Stephen B. Awalt, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)

Zekargachew Ayele, B.S. ʼ91 (Merrick School of Business)

Alexander J. Bahus, B.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences), J.D. ʼ14 (School of Law)

Baltimore HeritageKenneth L. Bandell, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick School

of Business)Sandra A. Banisky, J.D. ʼ93 (School of Law)Raymond H. Barley Jr., M.S. ʼ94 (Merrick

School of Business)Glenn R. Barnes, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School

of Business)Hasson D. Barnes, B.A. ʼ02 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Martin E. Barnes Jr., B.S. ʼ71, CERT ʼ76

(Merrick School of Business)Ronnie A. Barnes, B.S. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)James A. Barry, J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)Joseph H. Barthelmes, B.S. ʼ66 (Merrick

School of Business)Albert J. Bartlinski Sr., B.S. ʼ58 (Merrick

School of Business)Charles A. Barton Jr., B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick

School of Business)William A. Barton, B.S. ʼ59 (Merrick School

of Business)Marcus Battle, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business)William J. Bavis, B.S. ʼ75, M.S. ʼ79

(Merrick School of Business)Matthew M. Beccio, M.S. ʼ99 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Laura Beck and Linus BeckBelinda V. Bell, J.D. ʼ97 (School of Law)Janell N. Bell, J.D. ʼ04 (School of Law)Anthony D. Belletiere, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick

School of Business)Elizabeth W. Benet, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)The Benevity Community Impact Fund

John R. Benjamin, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School of Business)

Cornelius F. Bennett, J.D. ʼ03 (School of Law)

Rodney L. Benson, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Benson Advisory Services LLCMartin L. Berg, MBA ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Stephen M. Berkeridge, B.S. ʼ04 (Merrick

School of Business)Robert M. Beyer, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School

of Business)Richard M. Biaggi, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Maria I. Bibart, B.A. ʼ93 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Raymond M. Bily Jr., J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Christine A. Binder, M.S. ʼ97 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), and Kurtis J. Binder

Howard J. Birenbaum, MBA ʼ03 (Merrick School of Business)

Bryan A. Bishop, J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)Mark J. Bittle, MBA ʼ87 (Merrick School of

Business)Clinton R. Black IV, J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law)Tanya M. Blacker, B.S. ʼ96, M.S. ʼ01 (Merrick

School of Business)Suzette W. Blackwell, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick

School of Business), J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)

Randy B. Blaustein, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Janet A. Blount, MBA ʼ86 (Merrick School of

Business)Michael H. Blum, MBA ʼ93 (Merrick School

of Business)Carol L. Boemmel, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business)Stephen F. Boettinger, MBA ʼ85 (Merrick

School of Business)Mark W. Bohle, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School

of Business)Diana M. Bolton, B.S. ʼ83, MBA ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business)William A. Booker Jr., B.S. ʼ82 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Anna D. BostonWilliam B. BourneCraig N. Bower, MBA ʼ88 (Merrick School

of Business)William C. Boxwell, B.A. ʼ69 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Michael J. Boyle, B.S. ʼ79 (Merrick School

of Business)Rodger Brame, B.S. ʼ75 (Merrick School

of Business)Douglas J. Brandeen, MBA ʼ96 (Merrick

School of Business)

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Lee W. Bray, MBA ʼ97 (Merrick School of Business)

Jacqueline K. Breeden, MBA ʼ90 (Merrick School of Business)

Stuart G. Breslow, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Kevin F. Bress, M.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School of

Business), J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Dianne L. Brilhart, B.S. ʼ83, MBA ʼ85

(Merrick School of Business)Alan M. Briskin, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)Judith A. BritzAustin W. Brizendine Jr., J.D. ʼ75 (School

of Law)Betty S. Brody, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Valencia BroussardDavid A. Brown, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business), J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Janet Klein Brown, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)John F. Brown, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Kenneth A. Brown, J.D. ʼ93 (School of Law)Lisa R. Brown, B.S. ʼ98 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Michael E. Brown, LL.B. ʼ67 (School of Law),

M.S. ʼ82 (Merrick School of Business)Paula R. Brown, M.S. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Samuel L. Brown*, MBA ʼ90 (Merrick

School of Business)Victor U. Brown, M.S. ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business)David S. Bruce, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Leo E. Bruette, M.S. ʼ84, M.S. ʼ89 (Merrick

School of Business)Samuel J. Brunt, M.P.A. ʼ85 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Marvin C. Bryan Sr., B.A. ʼ80 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)John S. Brzostowski, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)William B. Buettner, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick

School of Business)Herbert Burgunder III, J.D. ʼ94 (School

of Law)Kitridge A. Buritsch, B.S. ʼ66 (Merrick

School of Business)Edward C. BurskKathleen M. Cahill, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)Raymond E. Cain Jr., B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick

School of Business)Calvin P. Calame, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School

of Business)Robert K. Campbell, B.S. ʼ84 (Merrick

School of Business)Eileen A. Canfield, J.D. ʼ98 (School of Law)Leo J. Cantalupo, B.S. ʼ55 (Merrick School

of Business)Irvin N. Caplan, LL.M. ʼ91 (School of Law)Jay M. Caplan, LL.B. ʼ69 (School of Law)

Josh Caplan, J.D. ʼ07 (School of Law)Richard D. Caplan, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Sheldon K. Caplis, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School

of Business)Mark J. Capriani, MBA ʼ02 (Merrick School

of Business)James D. Cardea, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Margarita M. Cardona*Ann P. Carmody, B.A. ʼ81 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Heather L.H. Carpenter, J.D. ʼ03 (School of

Law), and John A. Carpenter Jr., J.D. ʼ03 (School of Law)

Joseph M. Carr, B.S. ʼ86 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Kevin M. Carraway, B.S. ʼ04 (Merrick School of Business)

Carrick Accounting ServicesSean P. Casey, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Laura Cassard and Steve CassardDelancy L. Catlett, B.S. ʼ77 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Thomas J. Caufield, B.S. ʼ88 (Merrick School

of Business)Jennifer S. Cavey, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Jeanne T. Celtnieks, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law),

and Larss G. Celtnieks, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)

Timothy J. Cerny, MBA ʼ89 (Merrick School of Business)

Charlotte L.F. Chambers, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick School of Business)

Julia M. Cheikh, J.D. ʼ03 (School of Law)Chesapeake Human Resource Services, LLCMary Claire Chesshire, J.D. ʼ93 (School

of Law)Evan A. Chestnut, J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)Wabei Chitambala, B.S. ʼ14 (Merrick School

of Business)Eric Church, B.S. ʼ13 (Yale Gordon College of

Arts and Sciences)Stanley M. Cieplak, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Felicia A. Ciesla, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)Marjorie L. Clagett, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law),

and Stephen L. Clagett Sr.Aletha J. Clark, M.S. ʼ01 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Allyson M. Clark, B.S. ʼ04 (Merrick School

of Business)Dwight W. Clark, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Heather E. Clifford, B.S. ʼ95 (Merrick School

of Business)Phillip J. Closius*Raymond D. Coates Jr., J.D. ʼ74 (School

of Law)Barry A. Cohen, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)John D. Cole, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)

Quincy L. Coleman, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)John C. Coliton, MBA ʼ84 (Merrick School

of Business), M.A. ʼ01, D.C.D. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Carol H. Collins, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick School of Business)

Marcia CollinsAlina S. Collison, M.S. ʼ98 (Merrick School

of Business)Allan L. Conn, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)John D. ConstableLachelle D. Conway, M.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Timothy A. Cook, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Mimi R. Cooper, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Melissa K. Copeland, J.D. ʼ98 (School

of Law)Verdeen L. Cornish, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School

of Business)Richard J. Coski, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School

of Business)Ronald E. Council, J.D. ʼ66 (School of Law)Corynne B. Courpas, MBA ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business), and Scott MarkleMichael H. Crawford, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick

School of Business)M. Jaye Crooks*Terry R. Crossfield, B.S. ʼ65 (Merrick School

of Business)Danna M. Crowley, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Samuel M. Crystal, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)Richard L. Cuomo, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School

of Business)Cuomo’s Income Tax CenterEugene C. Curfman, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick School

of Business)Richard W. Curry, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School of

Business)Christopher G. Cwalina, J.D. ʼ97 (School

of Law)Robert K. Cydylo, B.S. ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)Paul T. Cygnarowicz, J.D. ʼ92 (School of

Law)Donald W. Dalrymple, J.D. ʼ74 (School of

Law)Dalrymple & Associates, LLCRobert A. Danielak, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School

of Business)Wallace Dann, J.D. ʼ50 (School of Law)Gloria Danziger*Soroush Dastan, J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)Charles H. Davis, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Harold L. Davis, B.S. ʼ59 (Merrick School

of Business)R. Scott Davis, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)

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Robert C. Davis, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)Robert W. Davis, B.A. ʼ93 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)William H. Davis, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School

of Business)Patricia A. Day, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Valerie A. Day, B.S. ʼ99, MBA ʼ02 (Merrick

School of Business)Robert A. DeAlmeida, M.S. ʼ85 (Merrick

School of Business)Albert G. De Bliss, J.D. ʼ60 (School of Law)Kaliope M. Del Pizzo, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick

School of Business)Michael L. DeLuca, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Jack E. DemyanDaniece C. Dennis, B.A. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Kenneth M. Dennis Jr., MBA ʼ14 (Merrick

School of Business)Brian C. Dent, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law)Matthew L. Desantos, J.D. ʼ96 (School

of Law)Monroe W. De Vos, B.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business) Betsy Diamant-Cohen, D.C.D. ʼ05 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Claudia A. Diamond*, J.D. ʼ95 (School

of Law)Yolande A. Dickerson, B.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Richard E. Dietrich, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School

of Business)Louis S. Diggs, B.A. ʼ79, M.P.A. ʼ82 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Erica S. DiPaula, B.S. ʼ94 (Merrick School

of Business)Derek E. Dittner, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Marcus K. Dixon III, B.S. ʼ66 (Merrick

School of Business)Maurice Dixon, B.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Christopher G. Donhauser, MBA ʼ95

(Merrick School of Business)Linda V. Donhauser, B.A. ʼ87 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law), and

Thomas E. Donoho, LL.B. ʼ66 (School of Law)

William J. Donovan, LL.B. ʼ66 (School of Law)

Ann Marie Doory, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Osasumwen Z. Dorcy, J.D. ʼ09 (School

of Law)Robert E. Doudiken, A.A. ʼ48 (Merrick

School of Business)Celestine D. Douglas-Clark, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick

School of Business)

Lawrence DowneyRachel G. Drohat, MBA ʼ93 (Merrick School

of Business)Deborah J. Drucker, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)James J. Duffy, B.S. ʼ95 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Arayna L. Dukes-Gatewood, B.S. ʼ11, M.S. ʼ15

(College of Public Affairs)James E. Duklewski, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick

School of Business)Latonya D. Dulin, B.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), M.P.A. ʼ14 (College of Public Affairs)

Daniel H. Duncan, MBA ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business)

Edward M. Dunn Jr., B.S. ʼ50 (Merrick School of Business)

Lynn Dymond, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick School of Business)

J. Michael Earp, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Allen O. Efienokwu, B.S. ʼ13 (College of

Public Affairs)Lawrence D. Eisen, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Chinwe G. Ekejiuba, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick

School of Business)Mahasin S. El-Amin, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)John J. Eller, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Donald L. Elmore, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Ijeoma Emenanjo, M.P.A. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)David F. Engstrom, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Lawrence E. Epplein, B.S. ʼ65 (Merrick

School of Business)Brandon D. Epps, M.P.A. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Paulette Epps, M.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Donna N. Ersek, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)Frances E. Evans, B.A. ʼ70 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)George M. Evans Jr., B.S. ʼ78 (Merrick

School of Business)Mary P. Evatt, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Michelle Y. Ewert*Ronald L. Eyre, B.A. ʼ72 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Itamar Ezaoui, J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)Christogonus O. Eze, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick

School of Business)Lisa J. Fales, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)James F. Farmer, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Olivia D. Farrow, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Linda Y. Fassett, M.P.A. ʼ06 (College of

Public Affairs)Wayne C. Faupel, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)Lee F. Fedner, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)

Nicole Felder, B.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

Haskell M. Feldman, J.D. ʼ72 (School of Law)Claudia FerrellIlene J. Ferrell, M.P.A. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)E. Richard Feustle, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Lance C. Finney, B.S. ʼ62 (Merrick School

of Business)Morland C. Fischer, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Robert P. Fischer Jr., B.S. ʼ98 (Merrick

School of Business)Steven R. Fisher, MBA ʼ10 (Merrick School

of Business)Victoria G. Fitch, B.A. ʼ12 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Colleen M. Fitzgerald, J.D. ʼ88 (School of

Law), and Andrew S. Civiletti, J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)

Michael L. Fitzgerald, M.S. ʼ88 (Merrick School of Business)

William A. Fitzpatrick, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School of Business)

Lloyd H. Flagg, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business)

Brian A. Flank, LL.M. ʼ11 (School of Law)Michael C. Flannery, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Charles M. Fleischmann, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick

School of Business)Renee L.C. Fleisher, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Dameon N. Fletcher, M.P.A. ʼ04 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Carlette M. Flowers, B.S. ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business)Mahlon A. Fogle, M.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School

of Business)Katherine Dregier Fones, J.D. ʼ00 (School

of Law), and John C. Fones, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)

Anthony L. Ford, M.A. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

David R. Ford, B.S. ʼ96 (Merrick School of Business)

John P. Ford, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Shannon T. Fortner, M.A. ʼ00 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Marytheresa B. FottoKatelynn Frank, B.A. ʼ13 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Robert E. Frankel, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School

of Business)Frankel Automotive GroupRay Frederick*, B.S. ʼ95, MBA ʼ97

(Merrick School of Business), M.S. ʼ01 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), CERT ʼ02, M.S. ʼ04 (Merrick School of Business), and Winnie D. Frederick

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Charles B. Frey, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School of Business)

Elias S. Friant III, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School of Business)

Richard B. Friedler, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Paul W. Friel Jr., B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Lori E. Furnari, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Jay L. Furtick Jr., J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Shaun L. Gabbidon, M.S. ʼ93 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Michael V. Gainey, B.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Angeline N. Gakuya, MBA ʼ05 (Merrick

School of Business)Leo E. Gallagher Jr., B.S. ʼ98 (Merrick School

of Business)Anne C. Gamson, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Perry A. Gandelman, J.D. ʼ90 (School

of Law)Hal GannDominick A. Garcia, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Lee E. Gardner, B.S. ʼ85 (Merrick School

of Business)Alan F. M. Garten, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Gerald H. Gaskins, MBA ʼ98 (Merrick School

of Business)Anthony M. Gates, B.S. ʼ75 (Merrick

School of Business)Nichole C. Gatewood, J.D. ʼ04 (School

of Law)Carol Derby Gauthier, B.S. ʼ88 (Merrick

School of Business)William A. Gawel Jr., B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick

School of Business)Richard L. Gershberg, J.D. ʼ79 (School

of Law)Jayme Gibbs, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Robert G. Gibbs, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Ian L. Gilden, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Stephen G. Gilden, LL.B. ʼ66 (School

of Law)Alexander M. Giles, J.D. ʼ97 (School of Law),

and Danielle M. Giles*Mark J. Gillen, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)David B. Ginsburg, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Nancy L. Giorno, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law),

and Frank D. Giorno, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)

Staci D. Glenn-Short, MBA ʼ98 (Merrick School of Business)

John S. Gloss, M.S. ʼ82 (Merrick School of Business)

J. Gary Glover, B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick School of Business)

Charles M. Goedeke

Beth A. Goldberg, MBA ʼ99 (Merrick School of Business)

Steven B. Goldberg, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business)

Mark J. Goldenberg, M.S. ʼ00 (Merrick School of Business)

Richard C. Goldman, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)

Robert B. Goldstein, MBA ʼ84 (Merrick School of Business)

Marvin D. Goodley, M.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

G. William Goodwin Jr., B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School of Business)

Erik P. Gordon, J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law)Gene D. Gordon, B.S. ʼ62 (Merrick School

of Business)Frederick W. Goundry, J.D. ʼ91 (School

of Law)Victoria L. Grace, J.D. ʼ03 (School of Law)Brooks B. Gracie Jr., B.S. ʼ62 (Merrick School

of Business)R. Scott Graham, MBA ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)Vanessa Graham, B.S. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Dennis S. Graver, MBA ʼ97 (Merrick School

of Business)Dale A. Gray, MBA ʼ97 (Merrick School

of Business)Elizabeth A. Green, B.A. ʼ77 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jill Green*, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)Lauren Green, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Theresa Green, B.A. ʼ97 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Ronald F. Greenbaum, J.D. ʼ79 (School

of Law)Donald B. Greenberg, CERT ʼ63 (Merrick

School of Business)Mitchell A. Greenberg, J.D. ʼ91 (School

of Law)Ileen M. Greene, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)W. Thomas Grieves, MBA ʼ91 (Merrick

School of Business)Kimberly S. Grimsley, J.D. ʼ00 (School

of Law)Stanley B. Gross, J.D. ʼ71 (School of Law)Nienke Grossman*Roy R. GrundyKathleen M. Guidry, B.S. ʼ77, M.S. ʼ80 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Nereus W. Gunther III, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick

School of Business)Varnetta G. Haley, B.S. ʼ78 (Merrick School

of Business)

Rona K. Halikman, B.A. ʼ73 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

William R. Hall, J.D. ʼ97 (School of Law)Andrew A. Handy, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Mark P. Hanley, LL.B. ʼ67 (School of Law)T. Bruce Hanley, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)John D. Hanna, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Nancy A. Harford, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Brooke A. Hargrave, B.S. ʼ12 (Merrick School

of Business)Eric R. Harlan, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)Bernard W. Harris, B.S. ʼ62 (Merrick School

of Business)George A. Harris, B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick School

of Business)L. Dennis Harris, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Melinna L. Harris, CERT ʼ85 (Merrick School

of Business)Leechelle J. Harrison, B.S. ʼ12 (Merrick

School of Business)Edna L. Harrold, B.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Earl L. Hart, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)Elizabeth A. Hart, M.S. ʼ98 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Salimah Hassan-White, B.A. ʼ87 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)John M. Hassett, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)William L. Haugh Jr., LL.B. ʼ68 (School of

Law)Priscilya M. Hawkes, J.D. ʼ06 (School

of Law)Guyon W. Hay, B.S. ʼ94 (Merrick School

of Business)William C. Hay Sr., J.D. ʼ68 (School of Law)Hay Insurance Services, LLCRoger B. Hayden, B.S. ʼ67 (Merrick School

of Business)Elizabeth M. Haynes, J.D. ʼ85 (School

of Law)Katherine A. Hearn, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)James K. Heckler Jr., B.S. ʼ79, MBA ʼ85

(Merrick School of Business)Dennis P. Heinle, M.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)Mary D. Helfrich, B.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School

of Business)Alvin S. Henderson, B.A. ʼ91 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ03 (School of Law)

Ryan A. Hendricks, J.D. ʼ01 (School of Law)Melodie C. Hengerer, J.D. ʼ02 (School of

Law), and Geoffrey G. Hengerer, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law)

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Jeannie H. Hensel, B.A. ʼ92 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Brian L. Herzberger, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Carol A. Hewitt, B.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School

of Business)Michael L. Hickman, B.S. ʼ83 (Merrick

School of Business)Jeffery F. Higdon, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)Caroll S. W. Highsmith Sr., B.S. ʼ80 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Ardath Hill and Earl E. HillVictor H. Hingeley, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School

of Business)Rhonda C. Hinkle-Exum, M.A. ʼ99 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Kathleen M. Hintz, B.S. ʼ89 (Merrick School

of Business)Marian T. Hodge, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)Bradley J. Hoffman, B.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)R. Neal Hoffman, LL.B. ʼ69 (School of Law)Andrew G. Hofmann, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick

School of Business)Joanne HoggNathaniel D. Holland, B.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Walter B. Hollman Sr., B.S. ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business)Thomas L. HollowakAnn M. Holmes, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick School

of Business)Kathryn K. Holquist, M.S. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Helen L. Holton, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick School

of Business)Joseph B. Hoofnagle, J.D. ʼ63 (School of

Law)William C. Hookham, J.D. ʼ73 (School

of Law)Carol L. Hopkins, B.A. ʼ84 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)

Patricia Hopkins, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School of Business)

Timothy J. Horchar, MBA ʼ95 (Merrick School of Business)

Marshall T. Horman, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law)Harve C. Horowitz, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)David M. Houck, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School

of Business)Elizabeth S. HowardWilliam L. Howard, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School

of Business)Gregory S. Hrebiniak, J.D. ʼ75 (School

of Law)Thaddaeus B. Hubbard, MBA ʼ99 (Merrick

School of Business)

Carroll A. Hulla, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School of Business)

Christina N. Huntley, M.S. ʼ11 (College of Public Affairs)

Lawrence T. Hurwitz, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)

Robert L. Hutton, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School of Business)

Domenic R. Iamele, LL.B. ʼ69 (School of Law)

Deka A. Ibrahim, B.S. ʼ07 (Merrick School of Business)

Alisa Illiano, B.S. ʼ88 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Imagination Productions, Inc.Anne M. Irby, B.A. ʼ84 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Janis G. Jack, B.A. ʼ74 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Robert V. Jackson, B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick School

of Business)Mitra Jafary-HaririBernita James, MBA ʼ07 (Merrick School

of Business)Dwayne J. Jarvis, MBA ʼ94 (Merrick School

of Business)Patricia Jessamy and Howard T. JessamyRobert H. JiranekChristopher T. Johns, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick

School of Business)Kos N. Johns, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)L. Diane Johnson, MBA ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Margaret E. Johnson*Roger J. Johnson, B.S. ʼ51 (Merrick School

of Business)Victoria Johnson, B.A. ʼ13 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Charlena Yvette Jones, B.S. ʼ01 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), M.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

Charles A. Jones, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business)

Harvey C. Jones II, J.D. ʼ54 (School of Law)LaToura M. Jones, M.A. ʼ03 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Matthew J. Jones, B.S. ʼ14 (College of Public

Affairs)Robert B. Jones, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School

of Business)David C. Jordan, MBA ʼ95 (Merrick School

of Business)John A. Jordan, LL.B. ʼ66 (School of Law)Chester M. Joseph, LL.B. ʼ66 (School of Law)Jay Joyner, B.S. ʼ03, M.S. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Brian M. Judge, MBA ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business), J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)

Conrad W. Judy III, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Judith KaiMarian R. Kaiser, B.S. ʼ57 (Merrick School

of Business)Dolores H. Kaisler, B.A. ʼ77 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Paul M. Kamau, B.S. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Michael E. Kaminkow, LL.B. ʼ66 (School

of Law)John B. Kane, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Courtney J. Kappel, B.S. ʼ01, MBA ʼ02

(Merrick School of Business)Hikmet Karagozlu, MBA ʼ06 (Merrick

School of Business)Mojgan Katouzian, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Lawrence L. Katz, B.S. ʼ60 (Merrick School

of Business)Lee J. Kaufmann, M.P.A. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Charles B. Keenan Jr., LL.M. ʼ91 (School

of Law)Mary F. Keenan, J.D. ʼ98 (School of Law)John P. Keller, B.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)William B. Kelly III, M.S. ʼ81, M.S. ʼ85

(Merrick School of Business)Edward G. Kemberling, A.A. ʼ65 (Merrick

School of Business)Angie Dorene Kennard, MBA ʼ02 (Merrick

School of Business)Bryan Kennedy, B.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)Kevin K. Kercher, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Heather Kersey, B.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Aloha KeylorRima A. Kikani, J.D. ʼ14 (School of Law)Theodora B. Kiley, M.A. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Nam Soo Kim, M.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)Brian J. King, MBA ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business)Joseph King, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Robert P. Kirshner, B.S. ʼ63 (Merrick School

of Business)Jason Klitenic, J.D. ʼ93 (School of Law)Richard F. Kloetzli, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business)Frank E. Knapp III, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Francis J. Knott Jr., J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Mary M. Knotts, B.S. ʼ98, MBA ʼ99 (Merrick

School of Business)Sheryl L. Davis Kohl, M.P.A. ʼ86 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

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F. Kirk Kolodner, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law), and Betsy F. Ringel

Jill A. Kolodner, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Dimitrios Komninos, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick

School of Business)Haig A. Kondayan, MBA ʼ86 (Merrick

School of Business)Ellen L.S. Koplow, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Ruengkamol Korangkool, M.S. ʼ91 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Debra Kratz and Floyd KratzAlan Kreshtool, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Robert J. Kresslein, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Joseph F. Kroener, B.S. ʼ91 (Merrick School

of Business)Stanley Krostar, LL.B. ʼ58 (School of Law)Robert A. Krug, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)David M. Krum, J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)Kelly A. Krumpe, J.D. ʼ04 (School of Law)Eric A. Kuhl, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Boniface Kyalla, M.S. ʼ07 (Merrick School

of Business)Deborah D. Kimble Lacy, M.S. ʼ05 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Matthew E. LaFontaine, J.D. ʼ15 (School

of Law)Lilia M. LaGesse, M.A. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Kathy L. Lambrow, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School

of Business), and Gus A. Lambrow, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)

David A. Lamdin, B.A. ʼ71 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Acquanetta O. Lancaster, B.A. ʼ87, M.S. ʼ92 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Lori L. Lancaster, M.S. ʼ93 (Merrick School of Business)

Edward J. Lang, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Belinda R. Laufer, M.S. ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)Michael J. LaVerghetta, B.S. ʼ62 (Merrick

School of Business)Law Office of Andrew E. Teitelman, P.C.Law Office of Suzanne W. PosnerLaw Offices of Mark J. AtasLaw Offices of Mark J. ShmueliLaw Offices of Thomas B. Stone Jr.Monet L. Lea, MBA ʼ12 (Merrick School

of Business)League of Women Voters of Baltimore CityBetty L. Leary, M.A. ʼ95 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Joseph F. Lechman, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Donna F. Lee, B.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School of

Business)Sandra E. Lee, B.S. ʼ88 (Merrick School

of Business)

Martin T. Lego, B.S. ʼ59 (Merrick School of Business)

Anne C. Leitess, J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)Nkiambi J. Lema, B.S. ʼ87 (Merrick School

of Business)C. Douglas Lemon Jr., B.S. ʼ82 (Merrick

School of Business)Frank LePage*, M.P.A. ʼ92 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Charles A. Leutner Jr., B.A. ʼ69 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Barry F. Levin, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Joel L. Levin, B.S. ʼ66 (Merrick School of

Business)Paul M. Levin, J.D. ʼ54 (School of Law)Delane S. Lewis, J.D. ʼ93 (School of Law)Maynard G. Lewis, B.A. ʼ71 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Frank G. Lidinsky, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Carrie A. Liipfert, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Michele N. Lilly, B.S. ʼ87 (Merrick School

of Business)Anthony T. Lindner, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick

School of Business)Matthew Lindsay*Blaine M. Lipski, B.S. ʼ85 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Tracy Lisse*James S. Litsinger, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business)Stephen W. Little, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Richard Liu, MBA ʼ01 (Merrick School of

Business)YaoHui Liu, LL.M. ʼ11 (School of Law)Andrew J. Lobley, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law)Daniel M. Long, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Kathleen H. Lorenzo, J.D. ʼ05 (School

of Law)Lucy A. Loux, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Cylia E. Lowe, J.D. ʼ03 (School of Law),

M.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Anthony J. Lupparelli, B.S. ʼ67 (Merrick School of Business)

C. Alan Lyles*Lee B. Lynch III, B.S. ʼ91 (Merrick School

of Business)Susan A. Lynn*Arthur J. Lyons, CERT ʼ77, CERT ʼ81 (Merrick

School of Business)Martni P. Maarbjerg, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Blair W. MacDermid, LL.M. ʼ11 (School

of Law)William A. Mack, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Lee H. Madairy, B.S. ʼ82 (Merrick School

of Business)Paul S. Magness, B.A. ʼ96, M.P.A. ʼ01

(Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

John B. Maier, J.D. ʼ63 (School of Law)Edward J. Makowski Jr., A.A. ʼ69 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Dennis P. Malone, MBA ʼ78 (Merrick School

of Business)Cynthia A. Mancini, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Michael H. Mannes, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Joseph P. Manning, B.S. ʼ89 (Merrick School

of Business)David C. Manoogian, J.D. ʼ01 (School

of Law)Manor Excavating, Inc.Robert D. Marchant, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Robert M. MarcusGeorge I. Marinakas, MBA ʼ98 (Merrick

School of Business)Lauren E. Marini, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)L. Wayne Markert, B.A. ʼ71 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Sheldon Markoff, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)John P. Markus Jr., J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)Douglas D. Marshall, J.D. ʼ76 (School

of Law)Roland J. Marshall, B.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School

of Business)Craig W. Martin, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)Daniel D. Martin, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)Thomas R. Masino Jr., MBA ʼ11 (Merrick

School of Business)Robert S. Maslin III, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School

of Business)Elise J. Mason, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Shirley S. Massey, B.S. ʼ86 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)

Dennis B. Mather, MBA ʼ81 (Merrick School of Business)

Jacob Matz, J.D. ʼ51 (School of Law)Sherman B. Mayor, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Robert L. McCarty Jr., B.S. ʼ78, M.S. ʼ84

(Merrick School of Business)Elaine A. McClean, B.S. ʼ96, M.S. ʼ03

(Merrick School of Business)J. Bradford McCullough, J.D. ʼ83 (School

of Law)Anastasia L. McCusker, J.D. ʼ10 (School

of Law)John S. McDaniel III, M.S. ʼ89 (Merrick

School of Business)Robert D. McDorman Jr., J.D. ʼ76 (School

of Law)Robert S. McGinn, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Kevin F. McKenna, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School

of Business)

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Alexandra A. McKeown, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)

Kanika O. McKerson, M.A. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Victoria V. McKinney, B.S. ʼ97 (Merrick School of Business)

Ann McLainL. Content McLaughlin, B.A. ʼ00 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ03, LL.M. ʼ05 (School of Law)

Ventura McLee, B.A. ʼ00, M.S. ʼ02 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Patricia C. McMullen, J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)

Robert J. McWhorterAnn M. Mead, CERT ʼ79, MBA ʼ83 (Merrick

School of Business)Frederick E. Meiser, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School

of Business)Arden G. Meissner Jr., B.S. ʼ76 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Lloyd G. Merriam, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)Merrill Lynch & Company Inc.Leslie S. Metzger*, B.A. ʼ84, M.P.A. ʼ92 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Eli Mezei, B.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School of

Business)Paul C. Mickum, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)John L. Miles Jr., J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Richard L. Miles, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Harvey I. Milhiser, B.S. ʼ65 (Merrick School

of Business)Kimberly A. Millender, J.D. ʼ95 (School

of Law)Herbert Miller, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School

of Business)John M. Miller III, B.A. ʼ71 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)

Norlyn D. Miller Jr., J.D. ʼ66 (School of Law)Michael J. Millios, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Marvyn A. MilmanJulia A. Minner, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Cynthia S. Miraglia, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Bertha MitchellJoyce T. Mitchell, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Robert S. Mitchell, B.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Susan H. Mitchell, LL.M. ʼ06 (School

of Law)John Z. MitsosDavid G. Mock, LL.B. ʼ55 (School of Law)Carl A. Mohrwinkel, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Babak Monajemi, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Stephanie J. Monroe, J.D. ʼ85 (School

of Law)William L. Mooney Jr., B.A. ʼ88 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Darren S. Moore, B.A. ʼ02 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

David L. Moore, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Kimberly R. Moore, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)Raymond F. Moore, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)Wendy Moore, B.S. ʼ10 (Merrick School

of Business)Suzanne M. Morgan, MBA ʼ81 (Merrick

School of Business)Shel Luis Morris, B.S. ʼ03 (Merrick School

of Business)Robert J. Morrissey, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Marilyn C. Moses, M.S. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)John D. Mosier, B.S. ʼ91 (Merrick School

of Business)Latonia V. Moss, M.F.A. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Joel A. Mott III, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)J. Edward Muhlbach, LL.B. ʼ62 (School

of Law)Marvin L. Mullen, M.P.A. ʼ80 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Ronald Mullen, B.S. ʼ75 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Carl A. Muly Jr., J.D. ʼ62 (School of Law)Janelle B. Mummey, M.P.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jennifer C. Munch, B.S. ʼ73 (Merrick School

of Business)Brian J. Murphy, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Chris Murphy, B.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Erin H. Murphy, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)Kevin P. Murphy, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Eric D. Murray, MBA ʼ97 (Merrick School

of Business)Rebecca D. Myers, J.D. ʼ93 (School of Law)Monna L. Nabers, M.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School

of Business)Renée Nacrelli, J.D. ʼ93 (School of Law)Fay F. Nash, J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)Odeana R. Neal*Richard D. Neidig, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Janice J. Neil, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School of

Business), J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law), and Benjamin A. Neil, B.A. ʼ73 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)

Lois M. NeilsonSheryl L. Nelson, M.P.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Gary S. Nesbitt Sr., B.A. ʼ82 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Ann M. Nettles, B.S. ʼ97 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Hoang H. Nguyen*, M.S. ʼ03 (Merrick School

of Business)

Damien Nickle, M.S. ʼ10 (Merrick School of Business)

R. Edgar Nippard, B.S. ʼ60 (Merrick School of Business)

Dawn Njoku, B.S. ʼ13 (College of Public Affairs)

Walter Nolley, M.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

John B. Norris, MBA ʼ94 (Merrick School of Business)

Joseph B. Norris, B.S. ʼ79 (Merrick School of Business)

Sarah A. Norton, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law), and Michael Lehr, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)

Angela A. Novy, J.D. ʼ07 (School of Law)John E. Nunn III, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Rachel D. Nystrom, M.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)J. Patrick Oates, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)Marilyn D. Oblak*Alice D. O’Brien, J.D. ʼ01 (School of Law)John F.X. O’Brien, LL.B. ʼ64 (School of Law)Shavaun O’Brien*, B.S. ʼ09, MBA ʼ14

(Merrick School of Business)Bruce G. O’Heir, CERT ʼ78, M.S. ʼ83 (Merrick

School of Business)Chinenye Okoro, M.S. ʼ14 (College of Public

Affairs)Jenifer O’Neal, B.S. ʼ06, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick

School of Business)Sylvan J. Oppenheimer, M.S. ʼ83, M.S. ʼ87

(Merrick School of Business)Douglas C. OsgoodKathleen OsoreElizabeth A. Owens, B.S. ʼ85 (Merrick

School of Business), and Vinod Thankappan, M.S. ʼ79, M.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School of Business)

Lydell S. Owens, B.S. ʼ02, B.S. ʼ04 (Merrick School of Business)

Ronald C. Owens, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Megan B. Owings, J.D. ʼ04 (School of Law)Eric Owusu, M.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon College

of Arts and Sciences)Kimberly M. Owusukoko, J.D. ʼ11 (School

of Law)Olayinka Oyedun Oyewole, B.S. ʼ01 (Merrick

School of Business)Emil M. Paciga, A.A. ʼ64 (Merrick School

of Business), and Paulyne PacigaMark L.G. Paepcke, MBA ʼ98 (Merrick

School of Business)Brian L. Paley, MBA ʼ91 (Merrick School

of Business)Timothy E. Palo, B.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Gregory W. Pappas, MBA ʼ92 (Merrick

School of Business)

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Denise S. Parker, B.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School of Business)

Frances B. Parker, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick School of Business)

Gerald R. Patnode Jr., A.A. ʼ66 (Merrick School of Business)

Paul M. Polansky, P.A.Nadia L. Pavlova, M.P.A. ʼ05 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

Joseph R. Pazienza, B.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School of Business)

Richard F. Pecora, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Maria B. Pellerano, MBA ʼ00 (Merrick

School of Business)H. Jay Penny, CERT ʼ63 (Merrick School

of Business)Gina A. Perilla, B.S. ʼ96 (Merrick School

of Business)Anne S. Perkins, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Thomas C. Perrone, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Marybeth Perry, B.S. ʼ95 (Merrick School of

Business)William D. Perry, B.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School

of Business)Nicole M. Persons, B.S. ʼ94, M.S. ʼ02

(Merrick School of Business)Loreto R. Pettini, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)June C. Phillip, MBA ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)Ashley Latoya Phillips, J.D. ʼ14 (School

of Law)Mark L. Phillips, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Robert E. Philo Jr., J.D. ʼ71 (School of Law)Susan B. Pierce, M.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business)Robert Pillmeier, M.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Raymond V. Pilone, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School

of Business)Patricia M. Pinning, MBA ʼ05 (Merrick

School of Business)Michael D. Pintzuk, LL.B. ʼ63 (School

of Law)Robin L. Pirtle, M.S. ʼ05 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Planet Depos, LLCRobert E. Polack, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Paul M. Polansky, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Kathryn E. PoletoShirley D. Poling, MBA ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Albert B. Polovoy, LL.B. ʼ53 (School of Law)Mary L. Ponticelli, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Oveta H. Popjoy, MBA ʼ84, CERT ʼ84

(Merrick School of Business), and Drew Popjoy

Kenneth A. Porro, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)John E. Porta, B.S. ʼ67 (Merrick School

of Business)

Suzanne W. Posner, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law), and David M. Posner

Anita H. PotemkenJoseph H. Potter, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)Joseph N. Poulin, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School

of Business)Sylvia S. Powell, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law),

and Barry W. Powell, M.P.A. ʼ95 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ03 (School of Law)

Jennifer Powers, M.A. ʼ05 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Brenda Piskor Prevas, M.A. ʼ90 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), and Peter A. Prevas, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)

Linda F. Priebe, B.S. ʼ77, M.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School of Business)

Michelle A. Prikhodko, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)

Michael W. Prokopik, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)

Jack A. Provow, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business)

Bobby S. Putnam Jr., B.A. ʼ86 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Grace T. Quartey, B.S. ʼ91, MBA ʼ95 (Merrick School of Business)

Edward B. Quinn Jr., M.P.A. ʼ79 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Joyce A. Rader, B.S. ʼ80 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Athar Rafiq, MBA ʼ06 (Merrick School of Business)

D. Lester Rainey, B.S. ʼ75, M.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School of Business)

Natalie Ram*Chandru S. Ramachandran, MBA ʼ91

(Merrick School of Business)Maria L. Ray, B.A. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Kevin D. Reed, M.P.A. ʼ03 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)James H. Rees, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Mark A. Reese, B.S. ʼ91 (Merrick School

of Business)Michele Reichlin, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Marvin Reid, B.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Heidi L. Reimer, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law)Michele RendaRepair the World: BaltimoreTimothy S. Reuling, MBA ʼ93 (Merrick

School of Business)Charles F. Rey, B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick School

of Business)Patricia A. Rhodes, M.P.A. ʼ98 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Karen Myers Rhodovi* and Christopher

Douglas Rhodovi

Russell P. Rich, J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)Kathy L. Richardson, M.A. ʼ96 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)James H. Ridgely Jr., LL.B. ʼ52 (School

of Law)J. Paul Rieger Jr., J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)William W. Riggins III, J.D. ʼ93 (School

of Law)William H. Riley, M.S. ʼ75 (Merrick School

of Business)Eric T. Rillorta, M.A. ʼ98 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Nathaniel K. Risch, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Robert M. Marcus DentistryAlbert R. Robinson, B.S. ʼ67 (Merrick School

of Business)Ann J. Robinson, B.S. ʼ98 (Merrick School

of Business)Danielle N. Robinson, M.A. ʼ98 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Harry L. Robinson, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School

of Business)Heather J. Robinson, CERT ʼ90 (Merrick

School of Business)Jeanne L. RobinsonSamantha P. Rodier, J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)Richard L. Rogers, M.P.A. ʼ14 (College of

Public Affairs)Rafael Rojas Jr., D.P.A. ʼ11 (College of

Public Affairs)Martha G. Roll, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School

of Business)Donald H. Romano, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Louis A. Romano, M.S. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Joshua Roseman, J.D. ʼ56 (School of Law)Kenneth R. Rosenblatt, B.S. ʼ82 (Merrick

School of Business)Paul L. Rossi, MBA ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)Harold Rottman, B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick School

of Business)John F. Rowley III, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Joel D. Rozner, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Bruce W. Ruark, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Robert J. Rubinson*John B. Rund Jr., MBA ʼ12 (Merrick School

of Business)Henry T. Rupert, MBA ʼ91 (Merrick School

of Business)Earl W. Rupp, B.S. ʼ66 (Merrick School of

Business)Deborah Rush and Jonathan RushDiane L. Ryan, M.S. ʼ96 (Merrick School

of Business)William F. Ryan Jr., J.D. ʼ79 (School of LawEdward B. Rybczynski, J.D. ʼ52 (School

of Law)Mark E. Ryder, B.S. ʼ81, MBA ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business)

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UB Foundation FY15 Annual Report | Financials and Donor Listing * UB faculty/staff ** deceased pg. 17

Howard M. Sakin, M.S. ʼ88 (Merrick School of Business), and Julie Sakin

SalesBrewers, LLCJanice G. Salzman, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)Richard G. Sambuco, B.S. ʼ82, CERT ʼ83

(Merrick School of Business), and Debra Sambuco

Elizabeth J. Samuels* and Ira A. BurnimDavid R. Sanders, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)John P. Sanderson, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law)Roberto D. Santos, B.S. ʼ00 (Merrick School

of Business)Peter S. Saucier, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)James A. Savopoulos, MBA ʼ85 (Merrick

School of Business)Claudia J. Scarborough, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick

School of Business)Alexander L. Scarola, J.D. ʼ99 (School

of Law)Steven L. Schaeffer, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Stuart J. Schatz, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Gerald Scheinker, J.D. ʼ67 (School of Law)Grace SchirmerMark A. Schissler, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business)Sidney Schlachman, LL.B. ʼ51 (School

of Law)Josh E. Schmerling, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)John W. Schubert, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School

of Business)Sherwin D. Schulterbrandt, MBA ʼ95

(Merrick School of Business)Otto P. Schulze, LL.B. ʼ55 (School of Law)Walter D. Schwidetzky*Dawn E. Sciortino, M.S. ʼ97 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jennifer R. Scott, J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)Mark F. Scurti, J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law)Mark B. Seay, B.S. ʼ99 (Merrick School of

Business)Martin R. Seidman, B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick School

of Business)Marcy Seitel and Peter Seitel Karen P. Severson, J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)William H. Sewell, LL.B. ʼ69 (School of Law)Charles R. Sexton, M.P.A. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Beatrice D. Shapiro, A.A. ʼ49 (Merrick

School of Business)David A. Shapiro, MBA ʼ03 (Merrick School

of Business)David B. Shapiro, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)Brooke J. Shemer, J.D. ʼ13 (School of Law)Darren L. Sheppard, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick

School of Business)Bruce A. Sherbs, B.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School

of Business)

John R. Sheridan, J.D. ʼ72 (School of Law), and Barbara Sheridan

John Carlyle Sherrill III, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)

Lori Sherwood, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Patricia A. Shirley, B.A. ʼ86 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Mark J. Shmueli, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Judith A. Showalter, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Buthaina Shukri, M.S. ʼ00 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Alfred M. Sibedwo, M.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Eric D. Siegel, B.S. ʼ77 (Merrick School of

Business)Christopher J. Silanskis, M.P.A. ʼ93 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Herbert S. Silbert, B.S. ʼ58 (Merrick School

of Business)Dennis G. Silverman, J.D. ʼ74 (School

of Law)Tonya R. Simmons, MBA ʼ07 (Merrick

School of Business)William C. Simmons, M.S. ʼ88 (Merrick

School of Business)Adam T. Simons, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Roderick Q. Simpson, MBA ʼ05 (Merrick

School of Business)Michael L. Singer, M.A. ʼ82 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Susan C. Sizemore, B.S. ʼ95 (Merrick School

of Business)John F. Slade III, LL.B. ʼ69 (School of Law)Erika D. Slater, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law), and

Joshua F. SlaterJames M. Slattery, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Amanda L. Smith, M.S. ʼ92 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Leslie L. Smith, MBA ʼ95 (Merrick School of

Business)Richard T. Smith, J.D. ʼ03 (School of Law)Tashella K. Smith, B.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)Marilyn P. Smullian, A.A. ʼ69 (Merrick

School of Business), and Ronald M. Smullian, A.A. ʼ55 (Merrick School of Business)

SNS Educational and Counseling Services, Inc.

Michael B. Snyder, J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)Jowina C. Sochurek, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick

School of Business), and Jan E. Sochurek, B.A. ʼ74 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

James L. Somerville, B.A. ʼ84 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Richard H. Sothoron Jr., J.D. ʼ69 (School of Law)

Ardy Sowe, B.S. ʼ05 (Merrick School of Business)

Savvas Spanos, M.S. ʼ89 (Merrick School of Business)

James L. Spence, B.A. ʼ91 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Susan L. Spence, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)Robert B. Spiker, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)Lisa S. Spitulnik, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Angela C. Sriram, M.A. ʼ90 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), and Ven Sriram*Wilbur H. Stafford Jr., B.S. ʼ80 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Robert M. Stahl IV, B.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business), J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)Allison C. Staley, J.D. ʼ97 (School of Law)Tina M. Stanczewski, M.A. ʼ01 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)

Natalie C. Standiford, B.S. ʼ92 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Marc G. Stanley, LL.B. ʼ67 (School of Law)Gary L. Stapleton Jr., J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)Donna L. Stark and Stephen J. Shapiro*Catherine E. Stavely, J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)Barbara E. Steinberg, CERT ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business)Melvin A. Steinberg, J.D. ʼ55 (School of Law)Kevin D. Stern, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Greta L. Stetson, B.S. ʼ12, MBA ʼ14 (Merrick

School of Business)Charles I. Stewart, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School

of Business)Donald W. Stewart, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School

of Business)Tyra Stewart, M.S. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Linda S. Stone and Donald H. Stone*Thomas B. Stone Jr., J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)Karen A. Stout, MBA ʼ88 (Merrick School

of Business)Harry P. Stringer Jr., J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)John W. Stupak, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Shalawnda E. Suggs, B.S. ʼ11 (College

of Public Affairs)Victoria A. Sulerzyski, J.D. ʼ06 (School

of Law)Victor A. Sulin, J.D. ʼ72 (School of Law)Diane C. Sullivan, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Emmett J. Sullivan Jr., B.S. ʼ68 (Merrick

School of Business)Patrick O. Sullivan, MBA ʼ98 (Merrick

School of Business)Rene C. Swafford, J.D. ʼ98 (School of Law)

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Valerie T. Swain, M.A. ʼ95 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), and Christopher W. Swain, B.A. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)

Swift TransportationJoseph C. Szper, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School

of Business)Roman Szyjka, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Gustava E. Taler, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)Gary M. Talesnik, B.S. ʼ64 (Merrick School

of Business)Furkan Tari, M.S. ʼ02 (Merrick School

of Business)Cameira V. Taylor, B.A. ʼ00 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Franz T. Tedrowe, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Adrian G. Teel, J.D. ʼ70 (School of Law)Andrew E. Teitelman, J.D. ʼ03 (School

of Law)Naweichi N. Temu, M.S. ʼ00 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Sherita A. Thomas, M.A. ʼ02 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Camilla D. Thompson, M.P.A. ʼ03 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Carol D. Thornton, CERT ʼ80, MBA ʼ85

(Merrick School of Business)James A. Tignanelli, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Mary K. Tilghman, M.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), and Raymond G. Truitt

W. Scott Tinney, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Philip F. Toohey, MBA ʼ80 (Merrick School

of Business)John R. Toston Sr., A.A. ʼ51, B.S. ʼ53 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts), LL.B. ʼ57 (School of Law)

Thomas L. Totten, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law), and Sally Ann Wingo

Sharika T. Townsend, M.S. ʼ12 (College of Public Affairs)

Joseph A. Traino, B.S. ʼ95 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Freddie J. Traub, J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law)Tamika L. Tremaglio, MBA ʼ95 (Merrick

School of Business)Adam W. Trice, M.F.A. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Tri-Graphics, Inc.Jefferson L. Triplett, J.D. ʼ01 (School of Law)Robert L. Troike, LL.B. ʼ64 (School of Law)Robert D. Troska, B.S. ʼ87 (Merrick School

of Business)Nelson I. Tucker, B.A. ʼ76 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), M.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School of Business)

William Turc Sr., J.D. ʼ69 (School of Law)

Sharon M. Tyler, B.A. ʼ85 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Darlene N. Ugwa, MBA ʼ11 (Merrick School of Business)

Stanley S. & Lania Ullman FoundationUnion Pacific Railroad CompanyJeffrey J. Utermohle, J.D. ʼ87 (School of Law)Frank R. van Vliet*, MBA ʼ08 (Merrick

School of Business)Douglas E. Vaughan, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick

School of Business)Daniel P. Vavonese, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Lavonna L. Vice, B.A. ʼ80 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)

Rodrigo M. Villaroman, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School of Business)

Michael F. Vitt, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)William H. Voelker, B.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business)Kemp Vye, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Fred B. Wachter, J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)Jeffrey M. Wadsworth, MBA ʼ91 (Merrick

School of Business)Ronnie A. Wainwright, J.D. ʼ78 (School

of Law)Ardena M. Walker, M.P.A. ʼ03 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Lorin R. Walker, B.A. ʼ10 (College of Public

Affairs)Stephen R. Walker, B.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)David H. Wallace Jr., B.S. ʼ65 (Merrick

School of Business)Kenneth E. Waller, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Mark E. Wallerson, J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)Michael WalshW. Michael Walsh, B.S. ʼ67 (Merrick School

of Business)Wade M. Walters, B.S. ʼ88 (Merrick School

of Business)Karen H. Wang, M.S. ʼ94 (Merrick School

of Business)James M. Ward, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Mary E. Warren, M.P.A. ʼ89 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)James K. Warrington Jr., J.D. ʼ78 (School

of Law)Beth E. Watson, B.S. ʼ12 (College of Public

Affairs)Barbara B. Waxman, J.D. ʼ80 (School

of Law)Michael A. Weal, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Jane Henning Weaver, M.S. ʼ86 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

Michael C. Weaver, M.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School of Business)

Robert C. Weber, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School of Business)

Christopher T. Wedding, M.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School of Business)

Henry J. Wegrocki, B.S. ʼ79 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)

Lori B. Weiman, J.D. ʼ94 (School of Law)Sidney Weiman, LL.B. ʼ62 (School of Law)Alan S. Weisman, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School

of Business), M.A. ʼ91 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

J.C. Weiss III*Suzanne K. Welch, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law),

and John W. WelchTimothy M. Weldon, B.S. ʼ97 (Merrick

School of Business)Angela M. Wells, MBA ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business)Mark A. Welsh, B.S. ʼ85 (Merrick School

of Business)Cheri P. Wendt-Taczak, J.D. ʼ08 (School

of Law)Kenneth Westary, MBA ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business)Gregory P. Whipp, B.S. ʼ85 (Merrick School

of Business)Ryan G. Whipp, B.S. ʼ98 (Merrick School

of Business)Kiere D. Whitaker, MBA ʼ04 (Merrick School

of Business)Maria Whitaker, B.S. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Dorothy Patricia White, B.S. ʼ04 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Stanley R. White, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Susan P. Whiteford, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)John S. Whiteside, J.D. ʼ65 (School of Law)Bobberie L. Whitney, B.S. ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business)Kristina B. Whittaker, J.D. ʼ81 (School

of Law)Frank R. Wieczynski, LL.B. ʼ68 (School

of Law)Anthony Wiggan, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Tonya E. Wilcox, B.S. ʼ93 (Merrick School

of Business), M.P.A. ʼ03 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Justin D. Wilde, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)Barbara A. Wilhelm, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)Victoria W. Willard, CERT ʼ82, M.S. ʼ85

(Merrick School of Business)David G. Willemain, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Mark T. Willen, B.S. ʼ67 (Merrick School of

Business), J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)

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Samuel D. Williamowsky, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)

Alton R. Williams, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business)

John C. Wilson, M.A. ʼ80 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Ilona B. Winter, B.S. ʼ84, MBA ʼ94 (Merrick School of Business)

Melanie F. Winyall, B.A. ʼ80 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Paul G. Wist, A.A. ʼ51 (Merrick School of Business)

Aaron Witherspoon, B.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business)

Robert H. Wolf, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)Brian T. Wolfe, B.S. ʼ86 (Merrick School

of Business)Maurice Wonlin, M.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business)Corrin R. Woodard, B.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School

of Business)K. Donna Woods*Kristin H. Woolam, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)William H. Woolworth III, MBA ʼ99 (Merrick

School of Business)Lise K. Worthington, J.D. ʼ88 (School

of Law)Michael D. Wright, MBA ʼ97 (Merrick School

of Business)Richard T. WrightSteven P. Wright, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Kimberly G. Wynn, M.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Nopharatt Wynn, B.S. ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)Hui Yan, M.S. ʼ99 (Merrick School of

Business)Robert J. Yerman, J.D. ʼ65 (School of Law)Charles E. Yocum, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Karen J. YoungKendra C. Young, M.S. ʼ15 (College of Public

Affairs)Robert H. Young, B.S. ʼ70 (Merrick School

of Business)Kent R. Zeller, MBA ʼ78 (Merrick School

of Business)Mary E. Zorbaugh and Harvey W. ZorbaughMichael A. Zwaig, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)


In Memory of Ajit K. Ahuja, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School of Business)

Ateet K. Ahuja, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School of Business)

David Bobart*

In Honor of Peter G. Angelos, LL.B. ʼ61 (School of Law)

Ivana O. Turner and H. Mebane Turner

In Memory of Mildred Cohen Attman, A.A. ʼ42 (Merrick School of Business)

PNC Foundation

In Honor of Gary L. AttmanBeth Sellman and Michael Sellman

In Memory of Professor Richard W. BourneJohn Bessler*William B. BourneFred B. Brown*Commonwealth of Virginia Office of the

Attorney GeneralM. Gordon Daniels, J.D. ʼ86 (School of Law)Gloria Danziger*Claudia A. Diamond*, J.D. ʼ95 (School of

Law)Catherine A.B. Dickinson, J.D. ʼ12 (School

of Law)Eric B. Easton*Steven K. Fedder, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)William T. Fryer IIIWendy C. Gerzog* and Harry CohenMichele Gilligan*Michele E. Gilman*Nienke Grossman*William R. Hall, J.D. ʼ97 (School of Law)Michael J. Hayes*Robert H. JiranekElizabeth Keyes*Dionne L. Koller*Marcia S. Kupferberg, J.D. ʼ83 (School

of Law)Jeri Lande and Robert H. Lande*Jaime Lee*Heidi L. Levine, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Matthew Lindsay*Jack Lynch*Elaine F. MaxeinerJames R. Maxeiner*Audrey McFarlane*Ann McLainLynn McLain*Leslie S. Metzger*, B.A. ʼ84, M.P.A. ʼ92

(Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Jane C. Murphy*Shavaun O’Brien*, B.S. ʼ09, MBA ʼ14

(Merrick School of Business)Christopher J. Peters*Charles A. Rees*Oren D. Saltzman, J.D. ʼ85, LL.M. ʼ91

(School of Law)Elizabeth J. Samuels* and Ira A. BurnimVictoria Schultz*, J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)Walter D. Schwidetzky*Frances S. Sellers and Mortimer N.S. Sellers*Charles Shafer*Amy E. Sloan*Gary L. Stapleton Jr., J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)Linda S. Stone and Donald H. Stone*Swift Transportation

Ivana O. Turner and H. Mebane TurnerUniversity of Baltimore Law ForumAngela M. Vallario*, J.D. ʼ91 (School of Law)Ronald H. Weich*Barbara Ann White*Shawn C. Wolsey, J.D. ʼ02 (School of Law)

In Memory of Anthony CarterShawn J. Thornton, B.S. ʼ14 (Merrick School

of Business)

In Honor of Barry M. Chasen, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law), and the founding of Chasen Boscolo

John Nannes

In Honor of Dean Murray M. Dalziel*Susan R. Zacur*

In Memory of Helen R. GannHelaine S. Gann

In Memory of Lawrence M. Garten, J.D. ʼ77, LL.M. ʼ90 (School of Law)

Harvey A. Cohen, B.S. ʼ63 (Merrick School of Business)

In Honor of Professor Catherine Gira, D.H.L. (Honorary) ʼ06

Sheldon K. Caplis, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick School of Business)

In Honor of Professor Ed Gold*M. Jaye Crooks*

In Memory of Dean John D. HatfieldSusan D. Baker, CERT ʼ81, MBA ʼ84 (Merrick

School of Business)

In Honor of Professor F. Michael Higginbotham*

Aloha Keylor

In Honor of the Hoffberger FamilyIvana O. Turner and H. Mebane Turner

In Memory of Dr. Thomas M. JacklinRobert Trent Jackson, B.A. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

In Memory of Erin K. Kvedar, M.A. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Dolores H. Asbacher

In Memory of Joseph A. Lane, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)

Joshua K. Stiles and Patricia R. Stiles

In Honor of Adam and Lyne LassenGordon J. Bernhardt

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In Honor of David LassenGordon J. Bernhardt

In Honor of Craig LewisIvana O. Turner and H. Mebane Turner

In Honor of Benjamin F. Lucas II, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)

Ivana O. Turner and H. Mebane Turner

In Honor of Sayra Wells Meyerhoff, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law), M.S. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), and Family

Ivana O. Turner and H. Mebane Turner

In Memory of Randolph MichauxRenée Bronfein Ades, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick

School of Business), J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)

The Ades Family Foundation, Inc.

In Honor of R. Clayton Mitchell Jr. and Marie Whitsitt Mitchell

Clayton A. Mitchell, J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)

In Honor of Judge Joseph F. Murphy Jr.Brown, Goldstein, Levy, LLP

In Memory of Woodward and Virginia Pealer

James W. Dawson Jr., J.D. ʼ88 (School of Law)

In Honor of Kristen K. Piscopo, B.S. ʼ12 (College of Public Affairs)

Jonathan E. Ginsberg, M.A. ʼ12 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

In Honor of Professor Arnold Rochvarg*Mimi L. Azrael, B.A. ʼ81 (Yale Gordon Col-

lege of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law), and Richard Azrael

Ashley E. Bashur, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Kathleen A. Evans, J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law),

and Gerard E. Evans, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)

Lisa J. Fales, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Herbert S. Garten, A.B.A. ʼ53 (Merrick

School of Business)Law Offices of Mark J. ShmueliHeidi L. Levine, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Darren M. Margolis, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Rebecca D. Myers, J.D. ʼ93 (School of Law)Oren D. Saltzman, J.D. ʼ85, LL.M. ʼ91

(School of Law)Mark J. Shmueli, J.D. ʼ96 (School of Law)Stanley S. & Lania Ullman FoundationJoseph Vigman Foundation, Inc.

Fred B. Wachter, J.D. ʼ89 (School of Law)WilmerHale

In Memory of Robert S. Rody, LL.M. ʼ53 (School of Law)

Emily Rody

In Memory of Norbert E. Schirmer, B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick School of Business)

Grace SchirmerKurt L. Schmoke*, LL.D. (Honorary) ʼ85,

and Patricia L. Schmoke

In Honor of President Kurt L. Schmoke*, LL.D. (Honorary) ʼ85

League of Women Voters of Baltimore City

In Memory of Murray Alexander Schmoke Jr.

Barbara L. McCoy Jeanne L. Robinson Kurt L. Schmoke*, LL.D. (Honorary) ʼ85,

and Patricia L. Schmoke

In Memory of Professor Royal G. Shannonhouse IV

Barrett Ranson

In Memory of Kitty Levy SheldonBenjamin J. Sheldon Jr., B.A. ʼ72, M.P.A. ʼ87

(Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

In Honor of Keith and Jennifer SilbergHenry Holzman, LL.B. ʼ65 (School of Law)Jay M. Kramer

In Honor of Stuart J. Silberg, B.S. ʼ71 (Merrick School of Business)

Kate Crimmins*Samantha Stern Davis Tracy Lisse*Beth McFadden*E. Lee Miller*

In Memory of William J. Smearman, B.S. ʼ58 (Merrick School of Business)

Renée Bronfein Ades, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School of Business), J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)

The Ades Family Foundation, Inc.

In Memory of Oyana StephensKate E. Wolfson, J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)

In Honor of William H. Thumel Jr., B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School of Business)

Kelly Frohsin

In Honor of Professor Byron L. Warnken*, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)

Heather M. Arbogast, J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)

Mimi L. Azrael, B.A. ʼ81 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law), and Richard Azrael

Ilene A. Bailey, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)Karis Evans Brown, MBA ʼ87 (Merrick

School of Business), and Neal M. Brown, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)

Kevin B. Collins, J.D. ʼ92 (School of Law)David Connelly, J.D. ʼ98 (School of Law)Thomas M. Donnelly, J.D. ʼ00 (School

of Law)Kathleen A. Evans, J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law),

and Gerard E. Evans, J.D. ʼ84 (School of Law)

Michael G. Gallerizzo, J.D. ʼ83 (School of Law)

Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A.Brian J. Kelly, J.D. ʼ01 (School of Law)Law Offices of Harvey GreenbergLaw Offices of Thomas M. DonnellyHeidi L. Levine, J.D. ʼ95 (School of Law)Timothy F. Maloney, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)J. William PitcherAdam T. Simons, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)W. Roger Truitt, J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law), and

Patricia L. TruittWaranch & Brown, LLCSusan B. Watson, J.D. ʼ76 (School of Law)

In Memory of Mary Ann WattsKurt L. Schmoke*, LL.D. (Honorary) ʼ85,

and Patricia L. Schmoke

In Honor of Jeremy Ryan Weinberg and William Heath Weinberg

Jay M. KramerBeatrice D. Shapiro, A.A. ʼ49 (Merrick

School of Business)

In Memory of Charles WhitsittClayton A. Mitchell, J.D. ʼ00 (School of Law)

In Memory of Donora “Donni” Willemain-Dingman

David G. Willemain, J.D. ʼ74 (School of Law)

In Honor of Soe L. WynnAll Star Family DentistryNopharatt Wynn, B.S. ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)

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UB Foundation FY15 Annual Report | Financials and Donor Listing * UB faculty/staff ** deceased pg. 21


A&R CompaniesWilliam L. and Victorine Q. Adams

FoundationThe Peter and Georgia Angelos

Foundation, Inc.Baltimore Community FoundationBarnes & Noble CollegeBerger CookiesBozzuto GroupGEICO Graystone Consulting, a business of

Morgan StanleyJeppi Nut & Candy Company Lyric FoundationProfiles, Inc.Rheb’s Homemade Candies Ruffalo Noel LevitzUniversity of Baltimore FoundationUniversity System of Maryland

Foundation, Inc.Utz Quality FoodsWhiting-Turner


The ACE INA FoundationPaul G. Broccolino, B.A. ʼ77 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

Aon CorporationRobyn T. Costello, M.A. ʼ96 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)David R. Sanders, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)

Baltimore Gas and Electric CompanyRoland J. Marshall, B.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School

of Business)John S. McDaniel III, M.S. ʼ89 (Merrick

School of Business)Carolyn S. Ziegler, MBA ʼ89 (Merrick School

of Business)

Bank of America CorporationEdmund A. Bianchi, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick

School of Business)Johanna G. Cote, J.D. ʼ80 (School of Law)Carol Derby Gauthier, B.S. ʼ88 (Merrick

School of Business)John A. Gilpin, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)

The Benevity Community Impact FundRaymond F. Moore, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)

The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation

F. Kirk Kolodner, J.D. ʼ79 (School of Law), and Betsy F. Ringel

Brody TransportationAnthony D. Belletiere, B.S. ʼ72 (Merrick

School of Business)

Carnegie Corporation of New YorkKurt L. Schmoke*, LL.D. (Honorary) ʼ85,

and Patricia L. Schmoke

The Annie E. Casey FoundationNonet T. Sykes, M.P.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

CIENA CorporationHsiao M. Shyong, M.S. ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business)

Coca-Cola Company, Inc.Raymond F. Moore, B.S. ʼ69 (Merrick School

of Business)

Ernst & Young FoundationThomas L. Milan, B.S. ʼ65 (Merrick School

of Business), and Mary A. Milan

ExxonMobil FoundationRobert V. Jackson, B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick School

of Business)Jack W. Merrill, B.S. ʼ56 (Merrick School of


F & G Life Insurance CompanyRobin L. Dahlka, B.S. ʼ05 (Merrick School

of Business)

F5 Networks, Inc.Sarah K. Duran, J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)

General Electric FoundationKanika O. McKerson, M.A. ʼ04 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

GraceWilliam C. Dockman, MBA ʼ98 (Merrick

School of Business)

Grant Thornton, LLPLarry S. Kamanitz, CERT ʼ57 (Merrick

School of Business)

IBMDominic C. Cottone, B.S. ʼ83 (Merrick

School of Business)John A. Jordan, LL.B. ʼ66 (School of Law)

Bruce RollierRobert L. Troike, LL.B. ʼ64 (School of Law)

Ingersoll Rand FoundationMaureen B. Cohon, B.A. ʼ79 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ82 (School of Law)

JPMorgan Chase FoundationMark A. Reese, B.S. ʼ91 (Merrick School

of Business)

KPMG, LLPCorrin R. Woodard, B.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School

of Business)

Lincoln National CorporationJames G. Morgan Jr., B.S. ʼ61 (Merrick

School of Business), and Bernice Morgan

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.Angie Dorene Kennard, MBA ʼ02 (Merrick

School of Business)Suzanne K. Welch, J.D. ʼ81 (School of Law)

Maryland SPCAWilliam A. Buzzell, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick School

of Business)

McCormick & Company, Inc.Susan T. Murk, M.S. ʼ99 (Merrick School

of Business)Gregory W. Pappas, MBA ʼ92 (Merrick

School of Business)

McDonald’s CorporationDonald L. Allewalt Jr., J.D. ʼ77 (School

of Law)

McGuire Woods, LLPIlene A. Bailey, J.D. ʼ99 (School of Law)

Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc.Charles L. Laubach, B.S. ʼ78 (Merrick

School of Business)Marie Van Deusen, J.D. ʼ68 (School of Law)

Nationwide FoundationJoseph W. Cook III, LL.B. ʼ69 (School

of Law)Nancy A. Harford, J.D. ʼ85 (School of Law)

Northrop Grumman CorporationHeather L. Pitz, B.A. ʼ95 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ05 (School of Law)

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Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company

Haig A. Kondayan, MBA ʼ86 (Merrick School of Business)

Pew Charitable TrustsJanelle B. Mummey, M.P.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Janice Toran and Robert L. Bogomolny

Pfizer, Inc.William J. Donovan, LL.B. ʼ66 (School

of Law)

PNC FoundationWilliam B. Kelly III, M.S. ʼ81, M.S. ʼ85

(Merrick School of Business)John M. Miller III, B.A. ʼ71 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)

Sealy ISD Paula A. Brown, M.S. ʼ90 (Merrick School

of Business)

Siemens Healthcare USA, Inc.Katherine A. Lomaskin, B.S. ʼ84, MBA ʼ06

(Merrick School of Business)

SolvayLinda L. Miller, M.S. ʼ82 (Merrick School

of Business)

The St. Paul Travelers Companies, Inc.Kenneth L. Bandell, B.S. ʼ81 (Merrick School

of Business)

Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.Caroleigh M. Haw*, M.S. ʼ01 (Merrick School

of Business), and Miles P. HawJulie A. Young, B.S. ʼ91 (Merrick School of


State Farm Insurance CompaniesAnonymousWilliam C. Hookham, J.D. ʼ73 (School

of Law)Andrew A. Lioi, LL.M. ʼ57 (School of Law)

Subaru of America, Inc.David R. Ford, B.S. ʼ96 (Merrick School

of Business)

T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.Syed H. Ali, B.S. ʼ14 (Merrick School

of Business)

T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.Elizabeth S. Beirne, MBA ʼ86 (Merrick

School of Business)Arthur Blumberg, B.S. ʼ78 (Merrick School

of Business)Matthew BowenAlina S. Collison, M.S. ʼ98 (Merrick School

of Business)Carol A. Hewitt, B.S. ʼ84 (Merrick School

of Business)Teresa M. Magness, B.S. ʼ82 (Merrick School

of Business)John Z. Mitsos

Union Pacific Railroad CompanyRodrigo M. Villaroman, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick

School of Business)

Verizon FoundationJason A. Brannock, B.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Maurice Dixon, B.S. ʼ92 (Merrick School

of Business)Yasmin N. Harris, M.S. ʼ83 (Merrick School

of Business)Michael K. Hassett J. Michael Lawlor, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Manuel J. Sampedro, MBA ʼ99 (Merrick

School of Business)

Wells Fargo FoundationPaul W. Concannon, B.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Rachel G. Drohat, MBA ʼ93 (Merrick School

of Business)Suzanne M. Morgan, MBA ʼ81 (Merrick

School of Business)

WilmerHaleAshley E. Bashur, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)

PLANNED GIVING The Planned Giving listing reflects current planned gifts included in donor’s estate plans and those planned gifts realized during Fiscal Year 2015. We would like to extend our deep appreciation to these donors who are mem-bers of the Turner Society. Named in honor of President Emeritus H. Mebane Turner, the Turner Society is a program designed to build long-range financial stability for UB.

Become a member of the Turner Society today by remembering UB in your estate plans and making an invaluable commitment to the future success of UB and of its students. For more information, including ways to partici-pate in planned giving, contact Caroleigh Haw, M.S. ’01, at 410.837.6217 or [emailprotected].

Anonymous (4)Barbara F. Appell**, B.A. ʼ84 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Victor C. Bloede**, J.D. ʼ50 (School of Law)Christine M. Curtis, B.S. ʼ92 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Hal DonofrioClinton C. Emich**, B.S. ʼ39 (Merrick School

of Business)The Estate of Adolphus W. Emmons III,

M.S. ʼ76 (Merrick School of Business) The Estate of Charles C. Fears Jr., B.S. ʼ57

(Merrick School of Business) Nathaniel C. Fick, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)The Estate of Ruby C. Gaines Herbert S. Garten, A.B.A. ʼ53 (Merrick

School of Business)Hugh M. Gibbons, LL.B. ʼ64 (School of Law)Gene D. Gordon, B.S. ʼ62 (Merrick School of

Business)Robert S. Graham, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Paul G. HaysWilma R. Hooper and David J. HooperDavid B. Juppe*, M.P.A. ʼ88 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), D.P.A. ʼ11 (College of Public Affairs)

Anthony R. Katz, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)The Estate of Thomas B. Keagel, MBA ʼ92

(Merrick School of Business) Michael F. Klein, B.A. ʼ76 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)The Philip and Harriet Klein

Foundation, Inc.Douglas A. Kulp, B.S. ʼ74 (Merrick School of

Business)Michael C. Linn, J.D. ʼ77 (School of Law)Scott A. Morrison, J.D. ʼ90 (School of Law)Donald L. Muscolino**, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick

School of Business), and Karen L. Muscolino

Ronald W. Parker, J.D. ʼ73 (School of Law)Anne S. Perkins, J.D. ʼ78 (School of Law)Oveta H. Popjoy, MBA ʼ84, CERT ʼ84

(Merrick School of Business), and Drew Popjoy

Nestor R. Sague, B.S. ʼ80 (Merrick School of Business)

Jonathan H. Shoup, J.D. ʼ75 (School of Law)Janice Toran and Robert L. BogomolnyH. Mebane Turner

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The Abell Foundation, Inc.BVFR & Associates LLCEnterprise Community Investment, Inc.Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLPGEICOMargaret Higginbotham and Robert M.

HigginbothamThe Law Offices of Peter G. AngelosMaryland Center for Construction

Education and InnovationRhona’s Place FoundationRifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLCState of Maryland Treasurer’s OfficeVenable LLPWhiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLPZuckerman Spaeder, LLP


Patricia M. Adadevoh, B.A. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Ateet K. Ahuja, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School of Business)

Imoh E. Akpan, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Syed H. Ali, B.S. ʼ14 (Merrick School of

Business)Lindsay M. AllenSG, B.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Atiba Antoine, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School of

Business), M.A. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

Kwame Asafo-Adjei, M.P.A. ʼ94 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), LL.M. ʼ08 (School of Law)

Regina AsalaSG, M.P.A. ʼ15 (College of Public Affairs)

Kerby R. Baden, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Alexander J. Bahus, B.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences), J.D. ʼ14 (School of Law)

Anonymous (3)AnonymousSG

Esperanza BanksSG, M.S. ʼ15 (College of Public Affairs)

Amanda R. BarnesSG, B.S. ʼ14 (College of Public Affairs)

Rachel J. Barrett-Dolcine, M.P.A. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Ashley E. Bashur, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Carl BlairSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick School of

Business)Daphne BlountSG, B.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Alex D. Blum, M.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School of

Business)Ervan Boone, MBA ʼ12 (Merrick School

of Business)

Jovanni R. BoydSG, B.A. ʼ15 (College of Public Affairs)

Diann M. BradySG, M.S. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

Jason A. Brannock, B.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

David A. Brown, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School of Business), J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)

Paula R. Brown, M.S. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Shelley A. BrownSG, B.S. ʼ15 (College of Public Affairs)

Kira N. Brucker, J.D. ʼ07 (School of Law)Lorene A. Buchman, B.S. ʼ10, MBA ʼ12

(Merrick School of Business)Tonita Y. Burnett, B.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)Cynthia P. Campise, J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)Josh Caplan, J.D. ʼ07 (School of Law)Deborah Carson, B.A. ʼ13 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Matthew J. Chalker, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)Ben Chasen, J.D. ʼ14 (School of Law)Erin M. Cheikh, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Karim T. Cheikh, J.D. ʼ07 (School of Law)Danielle N. Chenoweth, B.A. ʼ07 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Simone J. Christian, B.S. ʼ07, M.A. ʼ10 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Eric Church, B.S. ʼ13 (Yale Gordon College

of Arts and Sciences)Michael CohenSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick School

of Business)Paul W. Concannon, B.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Lachelle D. Conway, M.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)James V. Crimmins, B.S. ʼ13 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Soroush Dastan, J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)Jaclyn Davies, MBA ʼ06 (Merrick School

of Business)Ian M. Davis, B.A. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Zachary D. Dennis, B.S. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Shaketta A. Denson, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Nicole A. Derr, MBA ʼ13 (Merrick School of

Business)Sean DeschepperSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Michael K. Djan, M.P.A. ʼ14 (College of

Public Affairs)Tiangai M. DorleySG, B.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Robin T. DrummondSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick

School of Business)Arayna L. Dukes-Gatewood, B.S. ʼ11, M.S. ʼ15

(College of Public Affairs)

Latonya D. Dulin, B.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), M.P.A. ʼ14 (College of Public Affairs)

Taneria EbornSG, M.P.A. ʼ15 (College of Public Affairs)

Mahasin S. El-Amin, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Paulette Epps, M.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Itamar Ezaoui, J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)Linda Y. Fassett, M.P.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Tanisha A. FaulknerSG, B.S. ʼ14 (Yale

Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)Nicole Felder, B.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon College

of Arts and Sciences)Ilene J. Ferrell, M.P.A. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Rodrigo I. Figueroa, B.A. ʼ13 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Adrienne K. FinleySG, M.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Christopher S. Fishpaw, B.S. ʼ11 (Yale

Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)Nathaniel L. Fissel, M.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)Pierce J. Flanigan IV, MBA ʼ08 (Merrick

School of Business)Devani N. FleetSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Patrick A. Fleming, M.P.A. ʼ12 (College of

Public Affairs)Melissa A. Foley-King, B.A. ʼ06 (Yale

Gordon College of Liberal Arts)Richard B. Friedler, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Meg Gallucci, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Robert A. Garza, J.D. ʼ13 (School of Law)Charlotte Lee Gordon, J.D. ʼ07 (School

of Law)Lauren Green, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Blair C. Hagan, M.S. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Phillip P. Hahn, B.S. ʼ01, MBA ʼ07 (Merrick

School of Business)Candice L. Hall, J.D. ʼ09, CERT ʼ11, LL.M. ʼ11

(School of Law)Francine HalseySG, B.A. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Megan HealesSG, B.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Mary D. Helfrich, B.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School

of Business)Meghan B. HesterSG B.A. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Tracy HoldenSG Kelly C. HollandSG, B.S. ʼ14 (Merrick School

of Business)Lucy B. Holman*, D.C.D. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

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pg. 24UB Foundation FY15 Annual Report | Financials and Donor Listing * UB faculty/staff ** deceased SG Senior Class Gift

Kathryn K. Holquist, M.S. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Kimberly HunterSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick School of Business)

Kelley M. Inman, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Mathew Jahromi, M.A. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Bernita James, MBA ʼ07 (Merrick School

of Business)Christopher T. Johns, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick

School of Business)Barbara J. JohnsonSG, B.A. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Valerie J. Johnson, B.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), M.S. ʼ10 (College of Public Affairs)

Joseph S. Johnston, J.D. ʼ07 (School of Law)Betty A. Jones, B.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School of

Business)Tameka J. Jones, M.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jay Joyner, B.S. ʼ03, M.S. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Conrad W. Judy III, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Hikmet Karagozlu, MBA ʼ06 (Merrick

School of Business)Jamie A. Kass, B.S. ʼ10 (Merrick School of

Business)Julianne J. KellySG, J.D. ʼ15 (School of Law)Shawn M. Kelly, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)Bryan Kennedy, B.S. ʼ13 (Merrick School of

Business)Heather Kersey, B.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Salwa Shahbaz Khan, B.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Makea C. King, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School

of Business)Nicholas G. Klicos, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Monique KochSG, B.A. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Dimitrios Komninos, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick

School of Business)Lawrence A. Kovacs IIISG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick

School of Business)Boniface Kyalla, M.S. ʼ07 (Merrick School

of Business)Matthew E. LaFontaine, J.D. ʼ15 (School

of Law)Lilia M. LaGesse, M.A. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jeffrey M. Lawson, M.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School

of Business)Donna F. Lee, B.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School

of Business)Shanaia M. LeeSG, B.A. ʼ12, M.S. ʼ15 (College

of Public Affairs)Ciera LehmanSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick School

of Business)

Michael Lehr, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Ann E. Levinstim, J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)Steven D. Link, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Josey M. Linthic*msG, CERT ʼ15, B.S. ʼ15

(College of Public Affairs)Dongyi Liu, M.P.A. ʼ10 (College of Public

Affairs)YaoHui Liu, LL.M. ʼ11 (School of Law)Katherine A. Lomaskin, B.S. ʼ84, MBA ʼ06

(Merrick School of Business)Jacqueline M. Lukan, MBA ʼ06 (Merrick

School of Business)Martni P. Maarbjerg, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Blair W. MacDermid, LL.M. ʼ11 (School

of Law)William A. Mack, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Sophia C. Manos, M.A. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Bradley A. Marcus, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Lauren E. Marini, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Victor N. Mark, B.S. ʼ12 (College of

Public Affairs)Roland J. Marshall, B.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School

of Business)Thomas R. Masino Jr., MBA ʼ11 (Merrick

School of Business)Rodney C. MatthewsSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick

School of Business)Margarita Z. Mazurek, B.S. ʼ10 (Merrick

School of Business)Jamel McCorkleSG, B.S. ʼ14 (College of Public

Affairs)Anastasia L. McCusker, J.D. ʼ10 (School

of Law)Robert S. McGinn, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Rose Ellen McIntosh, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick

School of Business)Dennis F. McIver, M.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Carlos M. Amaya MembrenoSG, B.S. ʼ15

(Merrick School of Business)Richard D. Mestas, D.P.A. ʼ12 (College of

Public Affairs)Felicia A. Metz, J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)Eli Mezei, B.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School of

Business)Michael J. Millios, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Susan H. Mitchell, LL.M. ʼ06 (School

of Law)Davona E. Moore, B.S. ʼ07 (Merrick School

of Business)Kristy H. Mumma, MBA ʼ08 (Merrick School

of Business)Janelle B. Mummey, M.P.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Damien Nickle, M.S. ʼ10 (Merrick School

of Business)Walter Nolley, M.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)

Sarah A. Norton, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Angela A. Novy, J.D. ʼ07 (School of Law)Shavaun O’Brien*, B.S. ʼ09, MBA ʼ14

(Merrick School of Business)Ndalaku N. Okagbue, M.A. ʼ12 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Karyn D. Taylor Okelo, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick

School of Business)Roberta O. Onuma, M.S. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Amanda OrtizSG, CERT ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Lisa OsbourneSG, in honor of Holly

Osborne, B.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

Timothy E. Palo, B.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

Natalie K. Pappas, J.D. ʼ13 (School of Law)Samuel C. ParadisSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick

School of Business)Solomon O. Paseda, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick

School of Business)Leon PattersonSG, M.S. ʼ14 (College of

Public Affairs)Elizabeth Payne-Maddalena, J.D. ʼ13 (School

of Law)Jean H. Peigne, B.S. ʼ13 (College of Public

Affairs)Robert Pillmeier, M.A. ʼ11 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Erica A. Pinkos, M.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Grant A. Posner, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Matthew T. Powell, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Corenthia T. PriceSG, B.S. ʼ14 (Merrick

School of Business)Michelle A. Prikhodko, J.D. ʼ11 (School

of Law)Troy W. PrittSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick School

of Business)Athar Rafiq, MBA ʼ06 (Merrick School

of Business)Beena RamaniSG, B.S. ʼ15 (Merrick School

of Business)Pamela A. RanbergSG, B.A. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Sonce ReeseSG, CERT ʼ15, B.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Michele Reichlin, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Marvin Reid, B.S. ʼ08 (Yale Gordon College

of Liberal Arts)Evangeline E. Ridgaway, CERT ʼ10 (Merrick

School of Business)Kenneth W. Ringgold, B.S. ʼ12 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Nathaniel K. Risch, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Pamela Y. RobinsonSG, M.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Laura E. Rocchio, M.A. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)

THIS - University of Baltimore - [PDF Document] (26)

pg. 25UB Foundation FY15 Annual Report | Financials and Donor Listing * UB faculty/staff ** deceased SG Senior Class Gift

Rafael Rojas Jr., D.P.A. ʼ11 (College of Public Affairs)

John B. Rund Jr., MBA ʼ12 (Merrick School of Business)

Aquil Sabree, B.S. ʼ07 (Merrick School of Business)

Adriane SantaCroce, B.A. ʼ10 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Leavern G. Savoy Jr.SG Amy E. Schaeffer, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Josephine N. Schlick, J.D. ʼ09 (School

of Law)Josh E. Schmerling, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)Elizabeth SchroenSG, M.A. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)Daniel E. SchuhSG, B.S. ʼ14 (College of

Public Affairs)Charles R. Sexton, M.P.A. ʼ09 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Brooke J. Shemer, J.D. ʼ13 (School of Law)Darren L. Sheppard, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick

School of Business)Mian I. Siddique, LL.M. ʼ10 (School of Law)Amy M. Siebert, MBA ʼ09 (Merrick School

of Business)Adam T. Simons, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Melissa J. Sines, M.P.A. ʼ10 (College of

Public Affairs)Mandy W. Sleight, B.S. ʼ10 (Merrick School

of Business)Andrew R. Smullian, J.D. ʼ07 (School

of Law)Cheryl SnowdenSG, M.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)David M. Snyder, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law)Lisa D. Sparks, B.A. ʼ05 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ07 (School of Law)

A. Holly Sphar, M.S. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Renee N. Staley, B.S. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Gary L. Stapleton Jr., J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)

Jennifer O. Stephen-Ogbe, B.S. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts)

Greta L. Stetson, B.S. ʼ12, MBA ʼ14 (Merrick School of Business)

Kelley Smith Strong, M.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School of Business)

Shalawnda E. Suggs, B.S. ʼ11 (College of Public Affairs)

Victoria A. Sulerzyski, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)

Karen T. SurabianSG, J.D. ʼ11 (School of Law), MBA ʼ15 (Merrick School of Business)

Christopher W. Swain, B.A. ʼ07 (Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts), J.D. ʼ12 (School of Law)

Glenn N. Swinton, MBA ʼ07 (Merrick School of Business)

Faiz U.H. Syed, B.S. ʼ10 (Merrick School of Business)

Curtis E. Tatum, J.D. ʼ09 (School of Law)Stella ThemelisSG, B.S. ʼ14 (Merrick School

of Business)Ashley L. ThomasSG, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School

of Business), in honor of Nick Banack, B.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

India M. Thomas, B.S. ʼ03, MBA ʼ06 (Merrick School of Business)

Sharika T. Townsend, M.S. ʼ12 (College of Public Affairs)

Hoang-tram N. Tran, MBA ʼ10 (Merrick School of Business)

Isaac C. Trouth IV, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)Timothy J. Turner, B.S. ʼ07, MBA ʼ08

(Merrick School of Business)Frank R. van Vliet, MBA ʼ08 (Merrick

School of Business)Sabrina Viscomi*, MBA ʼ13 (Merrick School

of Business)Ryan M. Walburn, J.D. ʼ14 (School of Law)Stephen R. Walker, B.A. ʼ14 (Yale Gordon

College of Arts and Sciences)

Mollie Wander, MBA ʼ10 (Merrick School of Business), J.D. ʼ10 (School of Law)

Mary WardSG, in honor of Sean Ward, B.S. ʼ15 (Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences)

Yvette WatsonSG, M.S. ʼ14 (College of Public Affairs)

Christopher T. Wedding, M.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School of Business)

Cheri P. Wendt-Taczak, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)

Anthony Wiggan, B.S. ʼ09 (Merrick School of Business)

Justin D. Wilde*, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)Bonita L. WilliamsSG Kim C. Williams, B.S. ʼ11 (Merrick School

of Business)Stacey R. Williams, B.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School

of Business)Tonita K. Williams, M.A. ʼ06 (Yale Gordon

College of Liberal Arts)Jamille J. Wilson, B.A. ʼ12 (College of

Public Affairs)Corrin R. Woodard, B.S. ʼ08 (Merrick School

of Business)Theresa Woodard, B.S. ʼ13 (College of

Public Affairs)Steven P. Wright, J.D. ʼ06 (School of Law)Ellis R. Wyatt, J.D. ʼ08 (School of Law)Jian Na Xu, M.S. ʼ06 (Merrick School of

Business)Kendra C. Young, M.S. ʼ15 (College of

Public Affairs)Jane Zhang, LL.M. ʼ08 (School of Law)

If you would like a printed copy, please contact Tracy Lisse at 410.837.6288 or [emailprotected].

1130 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201 410.837.6170 • [emailprotected]

THIS - University of Baltimore - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.