Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (2024)

1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 million. #Bitcoin is currently the 🔥11th largest money in the world. To dig deeper on what it all means, follow on below. This is installment #5. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (1)

2/ Gold & silver is base money of the past. Government fiat is base money today. It comprises both physical cash… and a digital cash component! Bitcoin may be base money of the future. Before we get to the charts, it's important to clarify a few common misconceptions in money.

3/ The first is everyone looking to value Bitcoin always jumps to the "narrow" or "broad" money supplies (M1/M2/M3). This is incorrect. The reason is those money supplies represent "claims" on something else. What is that something else? Answer: the base money supply!!

4/ Fiat base money today includes both physical (notes & coins) and digital (bank reserves at the central bank) components. Think of the digital part as the "account" each bank holds with its central bank. This & only this money supply compares economically with 21 million BTC.

5/ Another mistake that's often made when comparing bitcoins to the analog monetary world is looking at a simple chart like US M1, or Eurozone M2. Besides again being incorrect on the M1/M2/M3 comparison, this method is inadequate because Bitcoin is global, and those... are not.

6/ We can't simply look at one or two nation states' base money supplies to gauge any kind of market depth. The sample must be global. We've done that here, tracking the top 30 floating currencies in the world. This is how the real, global fiat base money supply looks since 1970. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (2)

7/ This top 30 base money sample in fact covers 95% of global GDP, 114 countries, and 83 currencies. Why? The euro is one reason. The other is all the remaining countries/currencies either use one of these top 30 directly, or are legally pegged or fixed to one via currency board.

8/ Let's look again at the global base money supply curve since 1970, but this time see how the split shakes out between physical versus digital base money. Note how bank reserves (the digital printing press) drastically increased its overall % from the 2008 financial slide. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (3)

9/ And for the current breakdown of each country's printing press - of the top 30 monetary bases - how much of each currency is physical, and how much of each is digital… that chart is here. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (4)

10/ Final point on fiat money. The monetary base is in fact a graph of the money monopoly today; meaning, it is the source of the printing press, and only central banks control this. If you're curious where to find it, the answer is simple: the balance sheet of each central bank!

11/ Now let's look at gold. Though central banks hold gold, it no longer acts as base money. This is another topic for another time, but everyone should still understand the global gold supply in both its native market unit (ounces), and in today's unit of account (US dollars). Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (5)

12/ Now silver. It's true, 50%+ of silver demand today is industrial, not remotely monetary. But silver was base money well before gold. 50 billion ounces of the stuff has been mined throughout humanity, and it's worth it to scan its supply curve. Since 1970, this is silver. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (6)

13/ And finally Bitcoin. Bitcoins are limited by the protocol to an eventual 21 million in supply by the year 2140. Bitcoins may circulate as base money of the future. Here is its global supply, both in native units (bitcoins), and in today's unit of account (US dollars). Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (7)

14/ And now we'll put them altogether - global fiat, gold, silver, and bitcoin - today. Without further commentary, note that Bitcoin the system is ranked #11 across all money in the world, and 🔥 #9 ex-gold & silver. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (8)

15/ And for a broad, historical ranking in table format, for the entirety of Bitcoin's history since 2009, that information is here. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (9)

16/ Now for the main event of this analysis: Inflation. Inflation today means "price increases." It's usually measured by the central bank and usually wrong. There is no way all prices can ever be measured in a simple index. The input variables are changed all the time to boot.

17/ When we analyze inflation, we are using the classical definition, which is "monetary inflation." In other words, "money growth," or "money production." Understanding this rate of increase can be very, very helpful when trying to understand money.

18/ Inflation is one of the most important things to understand about money, in fact. Money growth inflation reflects scarcity. But to be clear... 🔥 The charts that follow have nothing to do with price growth or prices at all. 🔥

19/ Let's jump right to the summary this time. This is the last 12 mos. of all base money growth. Remember, this is "unit" growth. % changes in dollars, euros, or yen, ounces of gold, or bitcoins. Maybe the results are surprising. The US hasn't printed money in 5 years, in fact. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (10)

20/ But we need to look deeper. It helps to look long-term. Remember the global fiat supply curve? ☝️ In 1970, the US$ equivalent of global base money was $100 billion. Today: $19.2 trillion. What does this mean? To understand it, you need to understand compound annual growth.

21/ Compound annual growth is an extremely important metric. It's "stronger" than a simple, annual rate (…). We can use this rate to understand investment returns, or long-term trends like population growth. We can also derive doubling time from this figure.

22/ So let's start with the compound annual growth rates for the global monetary base since 1970. 50 years of data. About half the countries' data goes back this far. For the rest, % displayed is since their start date. For bitcoin, the start date is Jan-2009. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (11)

23/ Doubling time also helps. From compound growth %, we can determine exactly how long it takes for an asset's supply to double. Here is the exact same chart as just shown, since 1970 (and since 2009 in Bitcoin's case), but displaying doubling time instead of compound growth. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (12)

24/ It should be clear why gold and silver arose as past base money. 'Twas very difficult to inflate them, and thus with low inflation rates they had long supply-doubling times. Fiat base money has typically been much quicker to double. Bitcoin... needs more explanation.

25/ These next 2 charts will make it easier to understand how Bitcoin's supply works. From 2009 until now, yes, 50 bitcoins grew to 17.7 million. That's a 73% compound annual growth rate, or doubling every 1.3 years. But, from now until 2140… that's when things get interesting. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (13)

26/ Notice how the supply of bitcoins will only grow at 0.1% per year, or double every ~500 years. And it gets even more unique, as the Bitcoin protocol won't allow that doubling to happen, as it's supply will cap at 21 million in 2140. No money in history has worked like this. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (14)

27/ To clarify, these are the long-term trends of past, present, & possibly future base money, since 1970:
✔️Gold: 1.8%, 2x in 39 yrs
✔️Silver: 1.5%, 2x in 48 yrs
✔️US$: 8.6%, 2x in 8 yrs
✔️Global fiat: 12.6%, 2x in 6 yrs
✔️50 BTC in 2009 to 21 million BTC in 2140: 10.4%

28/ Let's look back on a 50 year time series again, this time w/ inflation rates. Here is the total global fiat base money inflation rate, weighted averaged by each currency's US$ equivalent. Notice it overall matches the 12.6% CAGR / 5.8 year doubling time we've already seen. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (15)

29/ Quick note on prior slide. What happened in 1999? Ppl were taking cash out like mad before Y2K. Interesting to note, 2018 and 2019's trend are the lowest (& negative) growth rates of base money ever, as central banks try to unwind the massive stimuli from 2008 through 2013.

30/ Here's gold. Same concept. Notice again the series's overall compounding will match the summaries we've already seen. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (16)

31/ And here's silver. Same deal. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (17)

32/ And now Bitcoin. Remember why the overall compound growth, thus far, is so high, and why it will never be that high again. And now is about the time for a clarification note on the Bitcoin system's compound annual growth rate, specifically. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (18)

33/ Notice the phrase "supply issuance" for Bitcoin's chart titles, & not "inflation." Bitcoin's "inflation," economically, is already "baked in." Everyone knows its max supply: 21 million coins. As already demonstrated, we can predict its growth rate & doubling rate until 2140.

34/ The fact that it's predictable makes all the difference. In money or anything, this is unique. So for Bitcoin's supply growth, "inflation" is not the best term. "Coin issuance" is more apropos, because the total supply is already known by all... unlike fiat, or even gold!!

35/ Alright. Now that we've seen all the data, let's finally take a quick detour to some price chat, because even though I told you none of the above covers prices, I know you're thinking about how all of this monetary inflation has affected or will affect prices.

36/ Milton Friedman said, "Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon." He meant price inflation (not graphed above) always and everywhere follows money inflation (painstakingly graphed above).

37/ The rub is it is impossible to predict how and when price inflation will happen. Hate to be the wet blanket, but it's true. Hyperinflations (of prices) are impossible to predict. The best we can do is measure the money supply and its growth, as we've done here.

38/ But we can say this: If the supply of base money increases, and if there is no or a lesser increase in the demand for that money, then ceteris paribus, prices will rise. Ceteris paribus, a growing base money supply will always undermine that money's purchasing power.

39/ A few notes before the final summary. Almost done! Remember these are the top 30 currencies in the world over the past 50 years. Zimbabwe & Belarus don't make the cut; but as their market size is so tiny, their hyperinflations would barely move the needle on what's presented.

40/ For the euro, its accounting creation began in 1999, and it started circulating in 2002. The ECB estimates a physical currency stock back to 1980. So from 1980 until 1999, we do use this physical currency for euro base money inflation, and then add in bank reserves from 1999.

41/ To be absolutely clear on the global fiat blended inflation rate: it's calculated using a weighted factor of each country's base money supply, based on how large their US$ equivalent actually is, during that month. This weight evolves as more currencies are added.

42/ As mentioned, only about 15 currencies have data back to 1970. For those that weren't, they didn't factor into that period. For example, the US dollar's weight itself was 63% of the pie in 1970, and only 17% today, as (among others), data on China begins only in Dec-1999.

43/ Regarding compound annual growth rates: they're always calculated from monthly fiat unit growth, then compounded to annual (to the 12th exponent). This is necessary due to cases like Brazil and Argentina, which had 6 and 4 different currencies respectively, since 1970 alone.

44/ Continuing, a compound annual growth rate from a 1970 currency to 2019 currency doesn't make sense for Brazil. So the monthly rate must be taken across time and then compounded, ignoring those 6 months when the central bank reset (slashed zeroes) from the old currency.

45/ And finally, the mechanics of this method (compounding monthly growth rates to annual) were of course repeated across gold, silver, and bitcoin's supply curves, for consistency.

46/ On our podcast @crypto_voices, @fernandoulrich and I explore the varying economic nuances of Bitcoin as a contender for the global monetary base, for global money.

47/ To sum up, this graphic includes all items. Print it out if you like. The base money of 114 nations is reflected inside the top 30 currencies, and it summarizes gold, silver, and the supply of bitcoins. It is a supply-side summary of essentially all base money in the world. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (19)

48/ The exhibits are located here: Fiat base money is sourced from central bank balance sheets, wonderful gold and silver history from Nick Laird, and bitcoin from @coinmetrics and @coinmarketcap.

49/ These penultimate graphics show how Bitcoin's supply (US$ equivalent) compares with all other monetary bases, past and present. We have been very pleased that some of #CryptoTwitter has been referring to this as the #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (20)Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (21)

50/ Finally, one might be curious what price it will take for #bitcoin to surpass each nation's monetary base value (including the gold and silver cap). With the definite caveat that these are 🔥calculations, not predictions… that chart is here. Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (22)

51/ More to come in the future. This summary will be covered in depth @hodlhodl's #bh2019 September conference in Riga. Any contributions will help keep up this work and are very much appreciated! 35iDYDYqRdN2x6KGcpdV2W1Hy3AjGje9oL /fin

Thread by @crypto_voices: "1/ Here is the @crypto_voices 2019 Q2 release on the global monetary base. This is the only comparable money supply with Bitcoin's 21 millio […]" #bitcoin #CryptoTwitter #RealBitcoinDominanceIndex #bh2019 (2024)


What are the problems with Bitcoin as a currency? ›

Bitcoins are still only accepted by a very small group of online merchants. This makes it unfeasible to completely rely on Bitcoins as a currency. There is also a possibility that governments might force merchants to not use Bitcoins to ensure that users' transactions can be tracked.

Who controls bitcoin supply? ›

Bitcoin is not controlled by any single group or person. Instead, it is governed by multiple stakeholders — including developers, miners, and users. Developers write the code that makes Bitcoin run; miners validate transactions; and users put the software to work by trading, transacting, holding, and more.

Does bitcoin count as money? ›

Is Bitcoin Real Money? By most definitions, money is any item that acts as a way to exchange value in an economy, stores value or is generally accepted. It is used by people globally for these purposes, so it can be considered "real money."

Which crypto to avoid? ›

Top Cryptos to avoid
Name of the CoinWhy It Should Be Avoided
Hex (HEX)Questionable claims of returns, lacks clear utility or revenue generation, making it a risky investment.
Shiba Inu (SHIB)Lacks differentiation and a competitive edge, with failed catalysts and a history of payment coins crashing after rapid gains.
4 more rows
Apr 10, 2024

Is crypto a bad investment? ›

There are several risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency: loss of capital, government regulations, fraud and hacks. Loss of capital. Mark Hastings, partner at Quillon Law, warns that investors must tread carefully in crypto's unique financial environment or risk significant losses.

Who is controlling crypto? ›

Cryptocurrencies are usually not issued or controlled by any government or other central authority. They're managed by peer-to-peer networks of computers running free, open-source software.

Who owns most Bitcoin? ›

So, who are the top holders of BTC? According to the Bitcoin research and analysis firm River Intelligence, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator behind Bitcoin, is listed as the top BTC holder as of 2024. The company notes that Satoshi Nakamoto holds about 1.1m BTC tokens in about 22,000 different addresses.

How many people own 1 Bitcoin? ›

Summary: As of 2024, there are about 420 million cryptocurrency users globally. Of these, approximately 1.5 million individuals possess more than 1 Bitcoin, which is just 0.36% of all cryptocurrency users.

How much will 1 satoshi be worth? ›

AmountToday at 10:18 pm
0.5 SATOSHI$0.24
1 SATOSHI$0.48
5 SATOSHI$2.41
10 SATOSHI$4.81
4 more rows

How much is $1 Bitcoin in US dollars? ›

1 BTC = 67,318.964998 USD Jul 26, 2024 10:38 UTC

Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here.

What is the smallest amount of Bitcoin you can buy? ›

For Bitcoin, the lowest amount you can possibly purchase is 1 Satoshi, which is 0.00000001 Bitcoins. But since this number is so small, you can't actually buy 1 Satoshi on any exchange. On Coinbase, for example, the minimum amount is 2 Dollars. But on LocalBitcoins the minimum amount is 1 cent.

Can you turn crypto into cash? ›

‍A: Bitcoin ATMs allow you to sell Bitcoin in exchange for cash. You need to verify your identity, typically through a government-issued ID, phone number, and a picture. You then send Bitcoin to the ATM's wallet and receive cash equivalent. The transaction process can take around 10-20 minutes.

Can Bitcoin be used as cash? ›

To convert your bitcoin or other cryptocurrency to cash, you must use a cryptocurrency exchange or send it to someone you know who will give you the money.

Is it illegal to pay with Bitcoin? ›

Despite its use for buying goods and services, there are still no uniform international laws that regulate Bitcoin. Many developed countries allow Bitcoin to be used, such as the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. In several countries, including China and Saudi Arabia, it is illegal to use Bitcoin.

Why Bitcoin fails as a currency? ›

As it grew in popularity, Bitcoin became cumbersome, slow, and expensive to use. It takes about 10 minutes to validate most transactions using the cryptocurrency and the transaction fee has been at a median of about $20 this year. Bitcoin's unstable value has also made it an unviable medium of exchange.

What is the downside of Bitcoin? ›

The disadvantages of cryptocurrencies include their price volatility, high energy consumption for mining activities, and use in criminal activities.

What is the biggest challenge for using Bitcoin as a currency? ›

Despite its many benefits, Bitcoin has also faced its share of challenges. The most notable is its volatility, with the price of Bitcoin fluctuating wildly in recent years. This has led some to question its viability as a long-term investment or store of value.

What are the flaws of Bitcoin? ›

Here are some of Bitcoin's flaws.
  • Energy intensive. In some ways, this is a feature and not a bug. It makes certain that Bitcoin mining is costly and makes the network secure. ...
  • Scalability. Probably Bitcoin's greatest problem. ...
  • Irrational Bitcoin haters. This might be the hardest problem to solve.
Mar 14, 2024

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