Tipsaholic | How To Get One Month Ahead on Bills and Meet Your Financial Goals (2024)

Are you living paycheck to paycheck, read this guide to learn how to get one month ahead on bills and meet all your financial goals!

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Are you living paycheck to paycheck, or do you have enough money in a savings account or an emergency fund to cover next month’s bills? A 2021 study by Philadelphia’s Federal Reserve Bank showed that approximately 2 million American households owe about $15 million in unpaid rent. The same research links high levels of debt to psychological and emotional turmoil.

Follow the steps below to learn how to get ahead on bills by creating a budget, tracking your spending, and saving for long-term goals.

Step 1: Analyze Your Current Financial Situation

Tipsaholic | How To Get One Month Ahead on Bills and Meet Your Financial Goals (1)

The first step is to analyze your current financial situation. Understanding how much you bring in and where your money is going can help you set financial goals and create a plan for reaching them.

Step 1A: Evaluate Your Current Income and Expenses

When analyzing your financial situation, start by determining how much you earn each month and how much you spend. Look at all sources of income, including your paycheck, investments, and any other side hustles. Then look at your spending, including rent, utilities, food, entertainment, and other bills.

Once you’ve done that, you can allocate an amount to save each month. Knowing this information will help you determine how much money you have to work with each month, assuming your current spending habits remain as-is and how quickly you can reach your financial goals.

Step 1B: Determine How Much You Need To Set Aside Each Month To Meet Your Goals

Your goals can be anything from saving up for a large purchase or travel to building an emergency fund or retirement savings. When setting financial goals, start with the most critical items first.

In this case, your goal is to save enough money to pay your bills a month in advance. Add up all your monthly bills and set a goal to save an equivalent amount.

Based on the amount of money you have left, how many months will it take you to save up for your financial goal? You can then determine if you need to save more aggressively or not. Step 2 below will help you make the most of your money.

Step 2: Set up a Budget and Save

Tipsaholic | How To Get One Month Ahead on Bills and Meet Your Financial Goals (2)

Budgets are essential. They help you to allocate funds to where you need them most. It also enables you to save money and plan for the future.

Creating one that works for you is essential when setting up a budget. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to budgeting. Your budget should reflect your needs and lifestyle.

Step 2A: Create Categories

The first step is to break your budget down into categories. Common categories include housing, food, bills, entertainment, transportation, and savings.

You can also add other categories that reflect your specific needs. For example, if you have children, you should create a category for childcare.

For our purposes, create a savings category for bills.

Step 2B: Set up a Savings Plan

Once you’ve broken your budget into categories, setting up a realistic plan to save money is essential. For each type of expense, you can decide what percentage of your income you can reasonably allocate to it.

You might decide that you’ll save 10% of your monthly income to get ahead on bills and for a rainy day fund. Calculate how long it will take you to meet your goal.

For example, if your monthly bills total $2000 and you can save $200 a month, it’ll take you ten months to save up enough to pay one month’s worth of bills. If you want to meet your goal earlier, this calculation tells you to generate additional income or cut expenses elsewhere.

Creating and maintaining a budget can be daunting, but it’s essential to achieving your financial goals. With the right plan, you can ensure that you’re living within your means and setting yourself up for success.

Step 3: Track Your Spending

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By tracking your spending, you can ensure you’re staying on budget.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to track your spending. You can use online tools or apps to help you keep track of your money and investments.

Online tools and apps offer several advantages. Most tools and apps allow you to set budget goals, track your spending in real time, and see where your money is going. This can help you stay on top of your budget and ensure you’re not spending more than you should.

Here are some of the best tools and apps to help you track your spending:

  1. Mint: Mint is an online tool that helps track your spending. You can connect your bank accounts, credit cards, and other accounts to see all your financial activity in one place. It also provides budgeting tools to help you manage your money.
  2. Personal Capital: Personal Capital helps manage your investments and provides budgeting tools.
  3. YNAB (“You Need A Budget”): YNAB is a budgeting app that helps you create a budget and track your spending. It also provides financial education to help you get the most out of your money.
  4. PocketGuard: PocketGuard is an app that helps you track your spending and stay on budget. It connects to your bank accounts, credit cards, and other accounts to track your spending and lets you know when you’re reaching your budget limit.
  5. Acorns: Acorns is an investment app that helps you save money and invest. It also offers budgeting and spending tracking tools.

With the right tools in hand, you can keep your budget on track. Start by setting reasonable budget goals, and then use the many tools and apps available to help you stay on budget and make better financial decisions.

Step 4: Make a Plan To Get Ahead

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It is essential to focus on three key steps to make your plan work: setting up an emergency fund, making extra payments on bills whenever possible, and considering setting up an automatic payment plan.

Step 4A: Set up an Emergency Fund for Bills

A large part of getting ahead on bills is saving up enough cushion to pay all your bills in case of emergencies. Creating an emergency fund is a great way to ensure you can pay for unexpected expenses without going into debt.

Start by setting aside a specific amount of money each month into a savings account designated for emergency bill payments. This money should not be touched except in an emergency, and if you have to use it, begin rebuilding the fund as soon as possible. Aim for one to three months’ worth of expenses to start.

Step 4B: Redirect Extra Savings to Bills

If you still have any extra money left over, make additional payments on bills whenever possible. If you receive bonuses or gifts of money, put them towards bills so you can get ahead.

Step 4C: Set up Automatic Payments

If you’re having trouble keeping track of your bills, you can set up an automatic payment plan. This will ensure your bills are paid on time, and you’ll never have to worry about late or missed payments and the associated penalties.

Many companies also offer discounts for automatic payments, so be sure to inquire about this option.

Getting ahead on bills can be challenging, but it’s achievable with a little planning and discipline. These simple steps can help you get a month ahead on bills and enjoy greater financial freedom.

Step 5: Re-evaluate Your Financial Goals

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Re-evaluating your financial goals is essential to keeping your finances on track. Taking the time to review and adjust your goals can help ensure that you’re still on the path to achieving them. Here’s how you can re-evaluate your financial goals.

Step 5A: Re-identify Your Goals

Take the time to review your financial goals and ensure they’re still relevant and attainable. Determine if they still accurately reflect your current financial needs and situation. Setting a timeline for each goal and sticking to it is also essential. It will help you stay on track and avoid procrastination.

Step 5B: Revisit Your Budget

Make sure your budget still reflects your current financial situation and goals. Are there any changes you need to make to accommodate any changes in your income or expenses?

Step 5C: Review Your Progress

Check your progress to ensure you’re still on track to reach your goals. Are there any changes you need to make to stay on track?

Step 5D: Adjust Your Plan

If necessary, adjust your plan to ensure that you’re still on the path to meeting your goals. Consider any changes in your income or expenses and make the necessary adjustments to your budget.

Time To Get Started

Getting a month ahead on bills and meeting financial goals is an essential step toward achieving financial success. The earlier you start, the sooner you can start seeing results.

Understanding the importance of budgeting, setting goals, tracking expenses, and automating payments makes it possible to create a financial plan that helps you stay on track and reach your financial goals. Taking these steps can lead to both short and long-term financial success.

This article originally appeared on Wealth of Geeks.

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Ash & Pri

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Ash & Pri are the founders of, where they empower readers to make smart money decisions across all aspects of life. After achieving their FIRE goals in their 30s, they launched their blogging business in late 2021 and scaled it up quickly to generate a consistent income within a few months. You can find their expert financial advice & tips featured on sites like Forbes, GoBankingRates, Apartment Therapy, MSN, and more.

Tipsaholic | How To Get One Month Ahead on Bills and Meet Your Financial Goals (2024)


Tipsaholic | How To Get One Month Ahead on Bills and Meet Your Financial Goals? ›

Helps you save money: A budget identifies areas where you can spend less, so you can use some of your money to achieve bigger financial goals, such as paying off debt or saving more.

How to get ahead when you are behind on bills? ›

How to Catch Up When You've Fallen Behind on Paying Your Bills
  1. Create a list of your bills.
  2. Prioritize missed payments.
  3. Pay bills with the highest interest rates.
  4. Create a budget and track your spending.
  5. Watch out for debt relief scams.
  6. Consider financial assistance programs.

How can a budget help you meet your financial goals? ›

Helps you save money: A budget identifies areas where you can spend less, so you can use some of your money to achieve bigger financial goals, such as paying off debt or saving more.

How do you financial goals fit into your financial plan? ›

Write down specific details about each goal, such as the timeline, the amount of money you'll need and how much you've already saved. This will help you understand what it will take to achieve each goal and build a plan.

How to financially get ahead? ›

How Can You Get Ahead Financially?
  1. Consider How You Can Change Your Behavior. ...
  2. Create a Detailed Budget. ...
  3. Make a Plan for Saving. ...
  4. Build Your Emergency Fund. ...
  5. Work on Paying Down Your Debt. ...
  6. Start Investing Your Money. ...
  7. Look for Ways To Increase Your Income.
Mar 29, 2024

How do I prioritize my bills? ›

With the bills you should pay first in mind, here's the order for how you should prioritize your bills when on a budget.
  1. Mortgage or Rent Payments. ...
  2. Utilities. ...
  3. Insurance Premiums. ...
  4. Food and Other Living Essentials. ...
  5. Car and Work-Related Expenses. ...
  6. Credit Cards and Unsecured Debts. ...
  7. Student Loans.

What happens if you get behind on bills? ›

Falling behind on or missing bill payments can lead to late fees, credit score damage, and other negative financial consequences. Federal government programs can help if you're struggling with mortgage or student loan payments.

How should I schedule my bills? ›

  1. Make a list of every bill. ...
  2. Find out when your payments are due. ...
  3. Add your payments to a calendar. ...
  4. Decide how much you want to pay. ...
  5. Set up automated payments whenever possible. ...
  6. Devise a system for manual payments. ...
  7. Sign up for reminders.
Jun 14, 2023

How to live off one paycheck a month? ›

7 strategies for living on a single income
  1. Have an emergency fund. Having a healthy emergency fund can help reduce anxiety about living on one income. ...
  2. Set a new budget. ...
  3. Start cutting costs early. ...
  4. Pay down debt. ...
  5. Consider tax withholding. ...
  6. Spend time, not money. ...
  7. Determine how you're going to manage finances.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The rule is to split your after-tax income into three categories of spending: 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. 1. This intuitive and straightforward rule can help you draw up a reasonable budget that you can stick to over time in order to meet your financial goals.

How much money should you save each month? ›

How much should you save each month? For many people, the 50/30/20 rule is a great way to split up monthly income. This budgeting rule states that you should allocate 50 percent of your monthly income for essentials (such as housing, groceries and gas), 30 percent for wants and 20 percent for savings.

How to budget money for beginners? ›

Try the 50/30/20 rule as a simple budgeting framework. Allow up to 50% of your income for needs, including debt minimums. Leave 30% of your income for wants. Commit 20% of your income to savings and debt repayment beyond minimums.

What are the 7 components of personal financial? ›

The following are the seven important components of financial planning.
  • Cash flow and debt management: ...
  • Risk management and insurance planning: ...
  • Tax planning: ...
  • Investment planning: ...
  • Retirement savings and income planning: ...
  • Estate planning: ...
  • Psychology of financial planning:
Oct 24, 2022

What are smart goals for budgeting? ›

Identify what you'd like to accomplish financially and create a plan to make it happen. We suggest setting SMART goals. SMART goals help you identify exactly what you want and how you plan to achieve it. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based.

Can you live on $1000 a month after bills? ›

Getting by on $1,000 a month may not be easy, especially when inflation seems to make everything more expensive. But it is possible to live well even on a small amount of money. Surviving on $1,000 a month requires careful budgeting, prioritizing essential expenses, and finding ways to save money.

How do I set up a bill payment schedule? ›

4 Steps to Manage your Bills
  1. Make a list of all of your bills. Next to each one write the day that it is due. ...
  2. Decide on 2 days per month that you will pay your bills. ...
  3. Organize them by due dates. ...
  4. Figure out what your monthly dollar amount needed for bills is and divide it by 2.

How do I keep up with my monthly bills? ›

How to manage your bills: A step-by-step guide
  1. Make a list. ...
  2. Create bill-paying spaces. ...
  3. Check your statements. ...
  4. Review your due dates. ...
  5. Ask about your grace periods. ...
  6. Make a bill-paying date with yourself. ...
  7. Streamline the payment process. ...
  8. Keep paying attention.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.