Tools of Financial Analysis: Common Size Statements, Trend Analysis etc. (2024)

Analysis of Financial Statements

Financial statements are prepared to have complete information regarding assets, liabilities, equity, reserves, expenses and profit and loss of an enterprise. To analyze & interpret the financial statements, commonly used tools are comparative statements, common size statements etc. Let us take a look.

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Comparative Statements

Also known as ‘horizontal analysis, are financial statements showing financial position & profitability at different periods of time. These statements give an idea of the enterprise financial position of two or more periods. Comparison of financial statements is possible only when same accounting principles are used in preparing these statements.

Browse more Topics under Analysis Of Financial Statements

  • Meaning, Significance and Objectives of Financial Analysis
  • Statements and Limitations of Financial Analysis

Comparative Balance Sheet

The progress of the company can be seen by observing the different assets and liabilities of the firm on different dates to make the comparison of balances from one date to another. To understand the comparative balance sheet, it must have two columns for the data of original balance sheets. A third column is used to show increases/decrease in figures. The fourth column gives percentages of increases or decreases.

By comparing the balance sheets of different dates, one can observe the following aspects

  • Current financial position and Liquidity position
  • Long-term financial position
  • Profitability of the concern

Comparative Income Statement

Traditionally known as trading and profit and loss A/c. Net sales, cost of goods sold, selling expenses, office expenses etc are important components of an income statement. To compare the profitability, particulars of profit & loss are compared with the corresponding figures of previous years individually. To analyze the profitability of the business, the changes in money value and percentage is determined.

By comparing the profits of different dates, one can observe the following aspects:

  • The increase/decrease in gross profit.
  • The study of operational profits.
  • The increase or decrease in net profit
  • Study of the overall profitability of the business.

Common Size Statements

Common size statements are also known as ‘Vertical analysis’. Financial statements, when read with absolute figures, can be misleading. Therefore, a vertical analysis of financial information is done by considering the percentage form. The balance sheet items are compared:

  • to the total assets in terms of percentage by taking the total assets as 100.
  • to the total liabilities in terms of percentage by taking the total liabilities as 100.

Therefore the whole Balance Sheet is converted into percentage form. And such converted Balance Sheet is known as Common-Size Balance Sheet. Similarly profit & loss items are compared:

  • to the total incomes in terms of percentage by taking the total incomes as 100.
  • to the total expenses in terms of percentage by taking the total expenses as 100.

Therefore the whole Profit & loss account is converted into percentage form. And such converted profit & loss account is known as Common-Size Profit & Loss account. As the numbers are brought to a common base, the percentage can be easily compared with the results of corresponding percentages of the previous year or of some other firms.

Trend Analysis

Also known as the Pyramid Method. Studying the operational results and financial position over a series of years is trend analysis. Calculations of ratios of different items for various periods is done & then compared under this analysis. Whether the enterprise is trending upward or backward, the analysis of the ratios over a period of years is done. By observing this analysis, the sign of good or poor management is detected.

Ratio Analysis

Quantitative analysis of information contained in a company’s financial statements is ratio analysis. It describes the significant relationship which exists between various items of a balance sheet and a statement of profit and loss of a firm.

To assess the profitability, solvency, and efficiency of a business, management can go through the technique of ratio analysis. It is an attempt at developing a meaningful relationship between individual items (or group of items) in the balance sheet or profit and loss account.

Cash Flow Analysis

The actual movement of cash into and out of a business is cash flow analysis. The flow of cash into the business is called the cash inflow. Similarly, the flow of cash out of the firm is called cash outflow. The difference between the inflow and outflow of cash is the net cash flow.

Cash flow statement is prepared to project the manner in which the cash has been received and has been utilized during an accounting year. It is an important analytical tool. Analysis of cash flow explains the reason for a change in cash. It helps in assessing the liquidity of the enterprise and in evaluating the operating, investment & financing decisions.

Tools of Financial Analysis: Common Size Statements, Trend Analysis etc. (9)

Solved Example for You

Question: State any four tools which are commonly used for analyzing and interpreting financial statements.


  • Comparative statements
  • Common size statements
  • Trend analysis
  • Ratio analysis
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Tools of Financial Analysis: Common Size Statements, Trend Analysis etc. (2024)


What are the tools of analysis of financial statements? ›

The three major tools for financial statement analyses are horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, and ratios analysis.

What is the common size analysis tool? ›

Common size analysis is used to calculate net profit margin, as well as gross and operating margins. The ratios tell investors and finance managers how the company is doing in terms of revenues, and can be used to make predictions of future revenues and expenses.

What are the 5 methods of financial statement analysis? ›

What are the five methods of financial statement analysis? There are five commonplace approaches to financial statement analysis: horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, ratio analysis, trend analysis and cost-volume profit analysis. Each technique allows the building of a more detailed and nuanced financial profile.

What is trend analysis and common size statement of financial statement analysis techniques? ›

Trend Analysis: It is a technique of studying the operational results and financial position over a series of years. Using the previous years' data of a business enterprise, trend analysis can be done to observe the percentage changes over time in the selected data.

What are the three most basic tools of financial analysis? ›

Several techniques are commonly used as part of financial statement analysis. Three of the most important techniques are horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, and ratio analysis.

What are the three financial tools? ›

The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are required financial statements. These three statements are informative tools that traders can use to analyze a company's financial strength and provide a quick picture of a company's financial health and underlying value.

What is trend analysis in simple words? ›

What Is Trend Analysis? Trend analysis is a technique used in technical analysis that attempts to predict future stock price movements based on recently observed trend data. Trend analysis uses historical data, such as price movements and trade volume, to forecast the long-term direction of market sentiment.

What are common size financial statements? ›

What Is a Common Size Financial Statement? A common size financial statement displays items as a percentage of a common base figure, total sales revenue, for example. This type of financial statement allows for easy analysis between companies, or between periods, for the same company.

Why is trend analysis important? ›

Trend analysis is important because it can help businesses and other organizations predict future patterns and behaviors based on historical data. This analysis empowers them to make more informed strategic decisions that can help them stay ahead in their respective markets.

What are the 4 types of financial statement analysis? ›

For-profit businesses use four primary types of financial statement: the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of cash flow, and the statement of retained earnings. Read on to explore each one and the information it conveys.

What are the most common types of financial analysis? ›

The Bottom Line

Different types of financial analysis include valuation, variance, horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, liquidity, profitability, cash flow analysis, and more, which serve various purposes for analyzing a company's overall financial health.

How to do financial analysis? ›

How To Conduct Financial Analysis for Your Company
  1. Collect your company's financial statements. ...
  2. Analyze balance sheets. ...
  3. Analyze income statements. ...
  4. Analyze cash flow statements. ...
  5. Calculate relevant financial ratios. ...
  6. Summarize your findings. ...
  7. Horizontal analysis. ...
  8. Vertical analysis.
Jul 7, 2023

What are the tools of financial statements? ›

A firm's financial statements record critical financial data on all aspects of its operations. Consequently, they can be examined based on their past, recent, and coming performance. Some useful tools for analysing financial statements are comparative statements, common-size statements, and cash flow analysis.

How to do common size analysis? ›

Common Size Analysis, also known as Vertical Analysis, is a method of financial statement analysis that compares all items on the statement against one pre-determined item that acts as a base against which to evaluate all others. The formula for calculating this ratio is (Comparison Amount/Base Amount) * 100.

What is common trend analysis? ›

One of the most common trend analysis strategies is when you are examining the share price of a financial asset to help with the decision-making process. For example, the figure below compares the share prices of two companies, X and Y, over one year.

What is a useful tool in financial statement analysis? ›

A useful tool in financial statement analysis is the common-size financial statement.

Why are different tools needed to analyze financial statements? ›

The tools help a firm in discovering errors in the operations and also suggest a measure to make necessary improvements. The most popular tools involve comparative statements, cash flow, fund flow, ratio analysis. All such tools measure the viability of a company's performance.

What are the tools of financial statement analysis Wikipedia? ›

Financial ratios are very powerful tools to perform some quick analysis of financial statements. There are four main categories of ratios: liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, activity ratios and leverage ratios. These are typically analyzed over time and across competitors in an industry.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.