Top 10 programming languages for computer science students. (2024)

One of the questions I hear most often from aspiring computer scientists is:

  1. Continuous learning
  2. Why should you think about programming languages?
  3. Selection criteria
  4. The top 10 programming languages
  5. How to choose the right programming language
  6. How to effectively learn a new programming language

Which programming languages should I know in 2023?

I remember well the times when I was grappling with the same question. In the abundance of programming languages, you feel like you’re in a maze. “Which is the best one?”, “Which one should I learn”?

Why is that so?

Because programming languages are not just code. They are the tools of our trade. Just like you don’t try to hammer a nail into the wall with a spoon, you should choose the right language for the job. In this article, I’ll show you the top 10 programming languages that every computer science student should know in 2023.

Continuous learning

Think the technology world is moving and changing fast? Well, you’re right.

Every time you type in “Hello World”, it seems like a new programming language or an update to an existing one has popped up. I know, it’s overwhelming, especially when you’re just starting out. But here’s the kicker: the core skills you learn in one language are often just as useful in others.

Just as Flutter has revolutionized the world of cross-platform apps and mobile UI development, there are always languages that challenge the status quo.

I can already hear you asking: “What are the must-knows?”

Don’t worry, I’ll get to that in a minute. And I’m not just going by trends, I’m talking about languages, the job prospects that come with them and how versatile these languages are.

Why should you think about programming languages?

Think of it like this: Programming languages are like a craftsman’s tools. While some languages are true jacks of all trades – a Swiss army knife in a world of specialized tools – there are others that specialize in specific niches.

Surely you want to work in a good company after graduation. Your chances will increase if you know which languages are used for what and how much they are used. Companies are actively looking for professionals who know languages like Python, JavaScript or C#. But let’s think further: maybe you have ambitions to start your own projects. Here too, choosing the right language is important. Who knows, maybe you’ll create the next big thing in the tech world. Ultimately, programming languages are a ticket to countless opportunities, whether at work or for your own projects. In the next section, we look at the selection criteria for the “top 10 programming languages every computer science student should know. Stay tuned!

Selection criteria

You’re still on the ball? That makes me happy! Now you’re probably curious about how I came to my decision for the programming languages, right? Here are the criteria I took into account:

The zeitgeist of software development: Who doesn’t dream of being the founder of the next Facebook? But to get there, it’s important to stay up to date. Some languages are simply the perfect choice for certain trends, be it AI, web development or mobile applications.

The job market: A point that should not be underestimated. The programming languages you choose can have a significant impact on your career opportunities. Some languages are very popular right now, and there is a high demand for experts.

Versatility: There are real all-rounders among the programming languages that can be used in many different areas. The advantage: you are flexible and can develop in different directions.

The learning curve: Sure, you’re a computer science student. You’re smart anyway. But sometimes a programming language can be particularly tricky. Do you really want to invest months in learning it? You should think about that carefully.

Community and resources: An invaluable advantage. An active community and good learning materials can be worth their weight in gold when you’re stuck.

The top 10 programming languages

And now the long-awaited list:

1. Python – A real all-rounder. Ideal for web development, data science and AI. And thanks to its clear syntax, you can make rapid progress.

2. JavaScript – Indispensable for web developers. Whether client or server side, and with frameworks such as React and Angular, it remains exciting.

3. Java – The proven classic. Perfect for business software and Android apps.

4. C# – Top for Windows and gaming, especially when working with Unity.

5. C++ – For the performance junkies. Direct hardware access and ideal for system development.

6. PHP – Old but powerful! Especially because of its role in web development and CMS like WordPress.

7. Dart – The shooting star, especially thanks to Flutter. Modern and beginner-friendly.

8. Ruby – A favorite among start-ups. Elegant syntax and the Ruby on Rails framework make it particularly attractive.

9. TypeScript – JavaScript, but on steroids. Ideal for larger projects when structure is required.

10. Go – Fast and efficient. A product from Google that impresses with its clear syntax.

So you’re looking for the right programming language for your next project or just to learn a new skill? Based on my years of experience in software development and consulting, I can give you some insights. Why are some languages so popular and others less so? Let’s find out together.

Python: Why do so many people start with Python? Simple! It’s a real workhorse. Whether you’re just starting out or already deep into AI research, Python is by your side. I remember numerous projects where Python was an absolute lifesaver.

JavaScript: Imagine designing a website – without JavaScript? Unimaginable! From the frontend to the backend, this language does it all. And let’s be honest: what website today can do without interactive elements?

Java: I’m sure we’ve all used an app on our Android phone at some point, right? Have you ever wondered what it was made with? Java is the answer. A giant in the corporate world that has been indispensable for years.

C# and C++: Gaming fans, you’ve come to the right place! These two powerhouses are indispensable in the gaming sector. And when it comes to system programming, they really show what they can do.

PHP: Some say it’s a dinosaur. But how do you explain the huge number of WordPress sites on the Internet? Old habits die hard.

Dart: Who hasn’t heard of Flutter? That’s right, nobody! And what’s behind Flutter? That’s right, Dart.

Ruby: For all those who like it elegant. With Ruby on Rails you can create prototypes in no time at all. And the community? Simply fantastic!

TypeScript: JavaScript is great, no question about it. But what if you want it a little more structured? TypeScript adds a new layer to the whole thing.

Go: A child of Google. For network applications or system programming – Go is your faithful companion.

In conclusion: Whatever your choice, it’s all about finding the language that best suits your project. Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about the language itself, but what you create with it.

How to choose the right programming language

You are faced with an important decision: Which programming language do you want to learn? Based on my experience in software development over the last few years, I’d like to give you a few thoughts along the way.

Why do you want to learn a new language? Your goals are crucial. Do you want to develop websites, optimize systems or immerse yourself in the fascinating world of artificial intelligence? For data science, for example, Python is often the first choice, while JavaScript dominates in web development.

Then there’s the time factor: some languages are easier to learn than others. If you want to see progress quickly, Python or Ruby could be just the thing for you. Their clear syntax makes it possible to achieve initial success quickly.

Another aspect is the community. A vibrant and supportive community can be invaluable when it comes to questions and challenges. Languages with an active community can make it easier for you to get started.

Think about what kind of developer you want to be. Some people are detail-oriented and want to optimize everything down to the last detail – for them, languages like C++ or Go might be exciting. If, on the other hand, you prefer creative solutions, Ruby or JavaScript might suit you.

Finally, a piece of advice that I always give: Just start! Theory is important, but practical experience will really help you. So, don’t hesitate, open an editor and start your programming adventure.

Hopefully these considerations will help you with your decision. In the next chapter, I’ll talk about how to start learning effectively. Stay tuned!

How to effectively learn a new programming language

You’ve chosen your favorite programming language – now what? Getting started can be overwhelming at first. From my experience in software development, I would like to give you a few tips:

Set the foundation: Before you venture into deeper waters, the basics are crucial. Whether it’s online tutorials or a textbook, build a solid foundation. After all, you want to do more than just copy-paste development, don’t you?

Small steps: Start with simple projects. A “Hello world” may be the start, but how about a simple to-do list or a basic calculator afterwards? You’ll be amazed at the possibilities offered by even basic knowledge.

Networking: The developer community is your ally. Platforms like Stack Overflow or GitHub can be valuable resources if you get stuck. Remember, everyone started small once.

Continuity: Whether it’s 15 minutes or several hours – try to study regularly. You won’t become a master overnight, but consistency brings results.

Learn from mistakes: No developer is error-free. It is often the stumbling blocks from which we learn the most. Bug fixing is essential and sometimes more instructive than writing perfect code.

I hope these tips make it easier for you to get started. In the next chapter, we’ll go deeper and look at advanced topics that will help you on your journey.

Advanced topics and hurdles

Congratulations! With the basics behind you and perhaps a first project under your belt, you’re now ready to take on the higher levels of development. A few key areas:

Design patterns: They are like blueprints for your code and can save you valuable time. Whether singleton or factory method, these patterns can be your savior for complex tasks.

Databases: Every extensive application requires data storage. Mastering databases, whether SQL or NoSQL, is essential.

Security: The deeper you dive in, the more important it becomes to secure your projects. From simple input validations to encryption, security should never be neglected.

Testing: Good code is tested code. Techniques such as unit testing and test-driven development (TDD) help to ensure the quality of your code.

DevOps and deployment: Developing an application is only half the battle. Rolling it out and monitoring it under different conditions is just as critical.

These advanced topics can be challenging, but with dedication and the right resources, it’s doable. In the next section, I’ll introduce you to useful tools and resources to support you on this exciting journey. Stay tuned!

Tools and aids for the experienced developer

You are on an impressive path to establishing yourself as an accomplished developer. This may seem a little overwhelming at first. But luckily, there are a variety of tools and resources that can help you along the way. Let’s take a look at some of these tools:

  1. Code editors: Sure, you can write code in any text editor, but specialized editors like Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ IDEA have many advantages. They offer features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting and built-in terminals that make developers’ lives more pleasant.
  2. Version control: If you’re not yet familiar with Git or GitHub, it’s time. They are indispensable in the current development process, facilitate collaboration and ensure secure code storage.
  3. Online courses & certificates: There are many platforms such as Coursera or Udemy that offer courses on a variety of IT topics. Such a certificate can give your CV that decisive kick.
  4. Developer networks: It’s already been mentioned, but it’s worth repeating: Connecting with other developers is invaluable. Be it through forums, blogs or social networks – exchange ideas, look for solutions and share your findings.
  5. Automation: With tools such as Jenkins or Docker, you can automate many manual steps, which not only saves time, but also increases the consistency and quality of your work.

Final thoughts

In the fast-paced digital era we live in, programming skills are essential. This text has covered the entire path from language choice and getting started to expert topics and useful tools. A key aspect of this is that behind a successful developer is not just pure knowledge, but also a dedicated community and effective tools. Coding is an ongoing journey of discovery. With the right resources and a focused approach, it can become a fulfilling and successful career. So my advice: Wherever you are in your developer path, stay on the ball, use the tools available and throw yourself into the fascinating world of programming with joy!

Cover image: Photo by Lukas on Pexels

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Top 10 programming languages for computer science students. (2024)


What is the most used programming language in computer science? ›

JavaScript is the most common coding language in use today around the world. This is for a good reason: most web browsers utilize it and it's one of the easiest languages to learn. JavaScript requires almost no prior coding knowledge — once you start learning, you can practice and play with it immediately.

What are 3 of the most in demand programming languages in computer science? ›

If you are looking to become a web developer, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will be important. If becoming a data scientist or data analyst is more enticing, then Python, SQL, and R are key. Software developers may use C#, C++, or Java more often. Others in the tech arena may use Ruby, Kotlin, or Shell.

What coding language do computer science majors use? ›

These programming languages include: C, C++, JAVA, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, RUBY, Objective C, and Python. C is used as the foundational programming language that many of these newer languages are based on.

What language do most computer scientists use? ›

Most commonly used programming languages
  • JavaScript: 63.61%
  • HTML/CSS: 52.97%
  • Python: 49.28%
  • SQL: 48.66%
  • TypeScript: 38.87%
Aug 7, 2023

Is it better to learn Python or JavaScript? ›

Should I learn JavaScript or Python as my first language? If you're new to making websites, starting with JavaScript might be a good idea since it's used for the visual parts of a website. Python is better if you're more interested in the behind-the-scenes work or dealing with data.

Which language is most useful in computer science? ›

Top 10 most in-demand programming languages
  • Structured Language Query (SQL)
  • Python.
  • Java.
  • JavaScript.
  • C#
  • C++
  • R.
  • C.
Jun 26, 2024

What are the big 3 in computer science? ›

The rule of three (also known as the law of the big three or the big three) is a rule of thumb in C++ (prior to C++11) that claims that if a class defines any of the following then it should probably explicitly define all three: destructor. copy constructor. copy assignment operator.

What is the most taught programming language? ›

According to a study by Statista, JavaScript is the most popular language to learn. JavaScript (JS) is a scripting language used to make websites and mobile applications more interactive. It is also commonly used for game development.

Which programming language is booming? ›

Javascript is the most popular programming language in the world and is in high demand among various organizations.

What is the first language to learn in computer science? ›

While C is one of the more difficult languages to learn, it's still an excellent first language pick up because almost all programming languages are implemented in it. This means that once you learn C, it'll be simple to learn more languages like C++ and C#.

Which programming language is best for computer science students? ›

Top Programming Languages to Learn
  • Python. Python debuted in 1991 and remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world. ...
  • JavaScript. JavaScript operates alongside HTML and CSS as one of the core languages of the internet. ...
  • HTML/CSS. ...
  • C. ...
  • C++ ...
  • Go (or Golang) ...
  • Swift. ...
  • Java.

What computer language is most in demand? ›

Top Programming Languages in Demand for 2024
  • Java. Java is a programming veteran known for its reliability, performance, and cross-platform capabilities. ...
  • C# ...
  • Go (Golang) ...
  • JavaScript. ...
  • Kotlin. ...
  • Swift. ...
  • Rust. ...
  • Dart.
4 days ago

What is the easiest language to learn in computer science? ›

HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, GoLang, R, Ruby, Python, and C are considered to be the easiest programming languages to learn for beginners. They have simple syntax with words closer to the English language and are fairly popular, thus enabling good availability of learning opportunities.

What language do most coders use? ›

Most used programming languages among developers worldwide as of 2023
CharacteristicShare of respondents
9 more rows
Apr 3, 2024

What is the most used programming language in science? ›

Key Data Science Programming Languages
  • Python. Python has been among the most popular data science languages in the last several years. ...
  • SQL. ...
  • R. ...
  • VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) ...
  • Julia. ...
  • JavaScript. ...
  • Java. ...
  • Scala.
Jan 20, 2023

What is the No 1 popular programming language? ›

Javascript is the most popular programming language in the world and is in high demand among various organizations.

Why is Python better than Java? ›

While Java boasts strong performance and scalability, making it well-suited for large-scale systems and web applications, Python's simplicity and versatile library collection make it an excellent choice for beginners and projects focused on data analysis or machine learning.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.