Top 10 United States Abundant Natural Resources  (2024)

Natural resources are earth-based commodities that humans utilize to suit their requirements. The United States boasts an exceptional abundance of natural resources: a big continent, two enormous coasts, a significant area of agricultural land, plenty of fresh water, massive oil and coal deposits, and a diversified population. Natural resources are one of the four elements of production required for an economy.

List of the Top 10 Natural Resources of United States

  1. Natural Gas 31.8%
  2. Coal 17.8%
  3. Agriculture land 39%
  4. Minerals 50%
  5. Petroleum 28%
  6. Water 7%
  7. Renewable Energy 12.7%
  8. Forest 33.2%
  9. Biodiversity 13%
  10. Fisheries 18%

(This chart is compiled by last available data)

1. Natural Gas

Natural gas is an important resource in the United States, supporting energy security, growth in the economy, and environmental goals. The United States has an abundance of natural gas reserves, especially in formations of shale such as the Marcellus, Barnett, and Haynesville Shales and in conventional reservoirs. This large resource base has propelled the United States to the forefront of natural gas production and exports worldwide. The United States has a commanding 24.2% share of international production of natural gas.

Exploiting natural gas deposits has boosted economic growth by providing jobs, boosting investment, and pushing energy innovation. Natural gas is an important part of the nation’s energy mix, acting as a cleaner alternative to coal for power production and as feedstock for a variety of sectors, including petrochemicals and manufacturing. Also, the overabundance of natural gas has helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by substituting more carbon-intensive fuels, which supports environmental goals such as climate change mitigation. Furthermore, the United States’ development as a major exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) has increased its geopolitical power and energy security, both domestically and internationally.

2. Coal

Coal has long been a critical resource in the United States, driving industrialization and economic progress. The United States has significant coal deposits, which are mostly concentrated in areas such as the Powder River Basin in Wyoming, the Appalachian Mountains, and the Illinois Basin. Because of its enormous natural resources, the United States has become one of the world’s leading coal producers. The United States uses around 6.6% of the world’s coal.

Coal has played an important role in providing the country’s energy requirements, acting as the major fuel for electricity generation and industrial activities. Despite competition from alternative energy sources such as natural gas and renewables, coal remains a key contributor to the nation’s energy mix, especially in areas with considerable coal infrastructure. However, the use of coal has sparked environmental concerns due to its significant carbon emissions and contribution to air and water pollution. Efforts to combat climate change and improve air quality have resulted in regulatory measures aimed at decreasing coal’s environmental effects, including the shutdown of certain coal-fired power plants and a move toward cleaner energy sources.

Despite these issues, coal remains a valuable resource in several industries and locations, delivering dependable and economical electricity while also sustaining employment and local economies. As the United States shifts to cleaner energy sources, coal’s role is changing, with an emphasis on technology such as carbon capture and storage to reduce its environmental impact.

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3. Agriculture Land

Agricultural land is a valuable resource in the United States, sustaining a thriving and diversified agricultural industry that is critical to the country’s economy, food security, and rural areas. The United States has enormous stretches of fertile soil and excellent climatic conditions throughout many areas, which make it one of the world’s major agricultural producers. Around 39% of the United States is farmland.

From the rich plains of the Midwest to California’s wineries and Florida’s groves, agricultural land in the United States supports a diverse range of crops, animals, and specialty items. Corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, vegetables, fruits, and animals (cattle, poultry, and pigs) are among the most important ones.

The agricultural industry in the United States not only supports the country’s people, but it also contributes considerably to the world food supply via export. American farmers use new technology, machinery, and agronomic methods to increase output while reducing environmental effects. Also, agricultural land serves as the cornerstone for rural economies, creating job opportunities, supporting agricultural companies, and promoting community life. Family farms, as well as large-scale commercial enterprises, are essential components of the agricultural landscape, adding to the country’s agricultural variety and resilience.

4. Minerals

Minerals are a vital resource in the United States, helping to strengthen its industrial base, promote technology, and boost economic prosperity. The United States is rich in mineral reserves, with numerous resources found throughout the country, notably gold, copper, iron ore, lead, zinc, and many industrial minerals. The US has resources of around 43 mineral commodities.

Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, and Montana are known for their mineral richness, which includes large mining activities and reserves. These minerals are required for the production of a broad variety of items, including electronics, vehicles, building materials, and consumer goods.

The mining sector in the United States is critical to delivering raw materials for domestic use and export, creating jobs, and driving economic growth in rural and resource-rich areas. Moreover, minerals are vital for national security and defense, with numerous key minerals utilized in military equipment, electronics, and infrastructure. Efforts to guarantee appropriate mining methods, environmental stewardship, and sustainable resource management are critical to reducing environmental damage and protecting communities. Furthermore, technical improvements in mineral extraction processes continue to improve efficiency and lessen the environmental impact of mining operations.

5. Petroleum

Petroleum is a critical resource in the United States, contributing significantly to the country’s energy security, economic growth, and worldwide influence. The United States has an abundance of petroleum reserves, which are mostly concentrated in Texas, Alaska, California, North Dakota, and the Gulf of Mexico.

These reserves have driven the United States to become one of the world’s largest producers and users of petroleum, powering its industrial infrastructure, public transit systems, and energy-intensive industries. Petroleum provides a large amount of the nation’s energy needs, including gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel, and heating oil.

The petroleum sector in the United States includes exploration, extraction, refining, shipping, and marketing, which provide millions of jobs and generate significant economic value. Major oil-producing areas, such as Texas and North Dakota, have seen a surge in shale oil production, which has boosted economic expansion and contributed to energy independence. Also, petroleum exports from the United States have surged in recent years, enhancing the country’s trade balance and geopolitical power. The United States’ emergence as a significant supplier of crude oil and refined petroleum products has transformed global energy markets and geopolitical relationships.

Despite obstacles such as shifting oil prices and environmental concerns, petroleum remains an important resource for fueling the US economy and establishing its place in the global energy scene.

6. Water

Water is a critical resource in the United States, sustaining life, maintaining ecosystems, and propelling economic activity across all sectors and reducing climate change. The United States is endowed with an abundance of water resources, including rivers, lakes, aquifers, and coastal waterways, which provide drinking water, irrigate agricultural regions, create hydroelectric power, and assist transportation and recreation.

Major rivers like the Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado, and Columbia are the backbone of the United States’ water system, providing vital freshwater for agriculture, industry, and municipalities. The Great Lakes, consisting of five linked freshwater lakes, are one of the world’s greatest sources of surface freshwater, sustaining a wide range of businesses, fisheries, and leisure activities.

Water resources in the United States are administered by a complex network of federal, state, and municipal organizations that regulate water distribution, pollution control, flood management, and conservation initiatives. Water resources must be managed sustainably to ensure long-term supply, mitigate the effects of droughts and floods, and conserve ecosystems and biodiversity. Water shortages, pollution, and conflicting needs for water pose serious concerns for the United States’ water security and sustainability. To protect this valuable resource for future generations, we must work together, be innovative, and invest in water infrastructure, conservation measures, and effective water management methods.

Read Also: 10 Largest Lakes in the United States

7. Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a transformational resource in the United States, promoting a transition toward cleaner, more sustainable energy sources while decreasing reliance on fossil fuels. The United States has an abundance of renewable energy resources, including wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass, which are scattered throughout numerous locations.

Wind turbines are used to collect wind energy, primarily in places with strong and constant wind patterns, such as Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma, and California. Photovoltaic panels and concentrated solar power plants catch solar energy, and states such as California, Arizona, Nevada, and Texas have plenty of sunlight.

Hydroelectric power, created by flowing water in rivers and dams, is an important renewable energy source, especially in the Pacific Northwest and Appalachia. Geothermal energy, obtained from heat stored under the Earth’s surface, is utilized in places such as California, Nevada, and Hawaii. Biomass energy, obtained from organic resources such as agricultural waste, forestry waste, and municipal solid waste, helps to generate renewable energy in many parts of the country.

The construction of renewable energy infrastructure has produced employment, boosted economic growth, and decreased greenhouse gas emissions, all of which help to battle climate change and attain energy independence.

8. Forest

Forests are significant resources in the United States, offering a wide range of ecological, economic, and social advantages such as biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and livelihood support. The United States has a broad range of forest ecosystems, including temperate rainforests in the Pacific Northwest, deciduous forests in the Northeast, and pine forests in the Southeast and West.

Forests provide critical habitat for animals, especially endangered species, and play an important role in regulating the water cycle, preserving soil fertility, and cleaning the air. Furthermore, trees trap carbon dioxide, which helps to combat climate change by storing carbon and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Forests make a considerable contribution to the US economy through timber extraction, wood product manufacture, and recreational activities including hiking, camping, and ecotourism. Millions of Americans, particularly in rural towns and indigenous regions, rely on the forestry sector for employment and income.

Sustainable forest management methods, such as replanting, forest conservation, and responsible wood harvesting, are critical to sustaining the long-term health and productivity of forest systems. Conservation measures, such as creating protected areas and instituting forest certification schemes, help to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem services supplied by forests.

Read More: Top 10 Natural Resources of China

9. Biodiversity

Biodiversity is an important resource in the United States, including a wide range of habitats, species, and genetic variety that sustain life, maintain ecosystems, and offer crucial ecological services. The United States is known for its various ecosystems, which include forests, grasslands, and wetlands, as well as deserts, mountains, and coastal areas.

Biodiversity is critical to maintaining ecological balance, resilience, and stability by facilitating activities such as nutrient cycling, pollination, and pest management. Healthy and diversified ecosystems help to keep the air and water clean, the soil fruitful, and the temperature stable, which benefits both humans and wildlife.

The United States’ diversified ecosystems support a broad range of plant and animal species, including several endemic and vulnerable species that can be found nowhere else on the planet. Conservation activities seek to maintain and restore biodiversity via habitat preservation, recovery of species programs, and environmentally friendly land-management techniques. Also, biodiversity supports industries like agriculture, fishing, forestry, and tourism, which employ millions of Americans and provide them with money and leisure possibilities. Indigenous peoples and local communities depend on biodiversity for food, medicine, cultural activities, and spiritual meaning. Preserving and promoting biodiversity is critical for the long-term health and adaptability of ecosystems and communities in the United States. Conservation initiatives, scientific research, education, and public participation are all critical to preserving biodiversity and supporting sustainable development for current and future generations.

10. Fisheries

Fisheries are critical resources in the United States, supporting coastal communities, ensuring food security, and preserving marine habitats. The United States boasts a broad range of marine and freshwater environments, including the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico coastlines, as well as inland rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.

Marine fisheries in the United States target a diverse range of species, including economically valuable fish such as salmon, tuna, cod, and shellfish such as shrimp, crab, and lobster. Commercial fishing activities provide a substantial contribution to the national economy by providing employment, cash, and seafood products for internal consumption and export. Recreational fishing, in addition to commercial fisheries, is a favorite sport for millions of Americans, boosting tourism and local economies in coastal and interior waterways.

Sustainable fisheries management is critical to sustaining the health and efficiency of marine and freshwater ecosystems. The National Marine Fisheries Service and state fish and wildlife departments control fishing operations, monitor fish populations, and adopt conservation measures to avoid overfishing, maintain habitat, and enhance ecosystem resilience. Efforts to prevent illicit, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, minimize bycatch, and address habitat degradation are critical to safeguarding the long-term viability of fisheries resources in the United States.


The United States of America is a land with abundant natural resources, which have shaped its history, economy, and ecology. From massive minerals below to vast forests and lush agricultural fields, these resources are critical to American wealth and sustainability. With massive petroleum reserves fueling industry and various ecosystems supporting biodiversity, the United States is a shining example of wealth. These resources have powered prosperity, innovation, and progress, exemplifying American resilience and the promise of a thriving future.


Which Natural Resource is Most Abundant in the United States?

The Middle East is the richest in petroleum. The United States is the wealthiest in coal.

Which Natural Resources is the United States the Leading Producer Of?

Oil and gas (natural gas) are fossil fuels that develop underground on land and in water. The United States is one of the world’s leading producers of oil and gas.

What Are Three Often-used Resources in the United States?

The United States has three common resources: petroleum, natural gas, and coal. Canada has three common resources: lumber, hydroelectric electricity, and copper-T.

What Are the Primary Natural Resources of Canada?

Natural gas, crude oil, bitumen, and coal are all types of energy resources found in Canada. Minerals include copper, gold, nickel, zinc, iron, molybdenum, uranium, potash, and diamonds.

What Natural Resources Does the United States Not Possess?

Seven mineral commodities with domestic reserves do not have domestic primary production in the USA, such as: asbestos, rare earths, scandium, chromium, graphite, vanadium, and yttrium.

Top 10 United States Abundant Natural Resources  (2024)


Top 10 United States Abundant Natural Resources ? ›

The top mining jurisdictions in the world feature mineral-rich geology and mining-friendly governments. Leading mining countries include Australia, Chile, China, Russia, Canada, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Africa, and the United States.

What are the top 10 mineral rich countries in the world? ›

The top mining jurisdictions in the world feature mineral-rich geology and mining-friendly governments. Leading mining countries include Australia, Chile, China, Russia, Canada, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Africa, and the United States.

What is the main resource of the USA? ›

North America is home to vast deposits of oil and natural gas, which are drilled for energy and fuel. Oil and gas extraction are key elements of North Americas economy. The United States, Canada, and Mexico are among the world's top oil producers.

What are the six US natural resources that boost the economy? ›

Six natural resources give the U.S. economy with a superior advantage. These include a large landmass, expansive coastlines, fertile land, fresh water, oil and coal, and a diverse population.

What are the natural resources not found in the United States? ›

The United States lacks domestic reserves of five commodities: manganese, niobium, strontium, tantalum, and tin.

What mineral resources is the USA rich in? ›

Minerals are a vital resource in the United States, helping to strengthen its industrial base, promote technology, and boost economic prosperity. The United States is rich in mineral reserves, with numerous resources found throughout the country, notably gold, copper, iron ore, lead, zinc, and many industrial minerals.

Which country has the most untapped natural resources? ›

The Democratic Republic of Congo is considered the world's richest country in terms of wealth in natural resources. Most of the raw mineral deposits remain untapped and are worth an estimated $24 trillion. These deposits include the world's largest coltan reserves and considerable amounts of cobalt.

What are America's greatest natural resources? ›

The U.S. has abundant supplies of coal, copper, lead, iron, natural gas, timber, bauxite, and uranium. 18% of the land in the U.S. is arable land.

Which country has the most untapped oil reserves? ›

Thanks to the shale oil boom, the US is now sitting on more oil reserves than Russia, which estimates as having 256 billion barrels of untapped oil. The next-richest countries in terms of oil after that are: Saud Arabia (212 billion), Canada (167 billion), Iran (143 billion) and Brazil (120 billion).

What is the main source of USA? ›

Energy Sources in the United States

Petroleum (crude oil and natural gas plant liquids): 28% Coal: 17.8% Renewable energy: 12.7% Nuclear electric power: 9.6%"

What is the most scarce resource in the world? ›

Looking farther into the future, other sources claim that things like aluminum might run dry in about 80 years. Other studies indicate that rhodium, followed by gold, platinum and tellurium, are some of the rarest elements in terms of their percentage in the planet's crust and their importance to society.

What resources are scarce in the US? ›

Of the 11 minerals chosen as examples, the platinum group metals, rare earths, indium, manganese, and niobium were determined to be critical. The applications in which each of these were needed, e.g., catalytic converters, electronics, batteries and liquid crys- tal displays, were viewed as extremely important.

What resources will be scarce in the future? ›

The resources that will be most scarce in the future, according to the report, are water, biodiversity and air, rare earth and metals, agriculture, waste disposal, processing power, youth, health and wellness, skills and education, and time.

What are 10 natural resources in North America? ›

  • Trees. Paper, furniture, fuel.
  • Cotton. Clothing.
  • oil/petroleum. Plastic, fuel.
  • Natural gas. Fuel.
  • Coal. Fuel.
  • iron ore. Steel products (cans, bridges)
  • Bauxite ore. Aluminum products (cans, car.
  • Gold. Jewelry, dental material.

Does the US have more natural resources than other countries? ›

With a total natural resource value of 45 trillion U.S. dollars, the U.S. is the second leading country worldwide based on natural resource value after Russia. Among the main contributors to the United States' natural resource value are coal, timber, natural gas, gold, and copper.

Where does the US get its resources? ›

After China, the next largest source of mineral commodities to the United States is Canada, which provides the United States with 16 different mineral commodities, with Mexico, Russia, and South Africa the next leading sources, each providing U.S. imports of 8 different nonfuel mineral commodities.

Which country has the most earth minerals? ›

Unsurprisingly, China has the highest reserves of rare earth minerals at 44 million MT.

What countries are top in critical minerals? ›

Share of top three producing countries in mining of selected minerals, 2022
  • United States.
  • Russia.
  • China.
  • Australia.
  • Chile.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Philippines.
  • Mozambique.

Which country has the most gold minerals in the world? ›

Top five countries with the largest gold mine reserves in the...
  1. Australia – 10,000 tonnes. Australia is way out in front as the country with the largest gold mine reserves in the world at 10,000 tonnes. ...
  2. Russia – 5,300 tonnes. ...
  3. South Africa – 3,200 tonnes. ...
  4. US – 3,000 tonnes. ...
  5. Indonesia – 2,600 tonnes.
Nov 27, 2020

What are the 5 most valuable minerals on earth? ›

The 10 Most Expensive Minerals in the World
  • ——▪️Rhodium▪️—— ...
  • ——▪️Gold▪️—— ...
  • ——▪️Jadeite▪️—— ...
  • ——▪️Diamonds▪️—— ...
  • ——▪️Lithium▪️—— ...
  • ——▪️Platinum▪️—— ...
  • ——▪️Rubies▪️—— ...
  • ——▪️Blue garnets▪️—— Garnets are most commonly red, although they come in almost every colour and have always been popular gemstones in jewellery.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.