Top 103 Low Competition Niche Markets - The Income Spot (2024)


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If you’re looking for the top profitable low competition niche marketsfor online solo entrepreneurs there are several niches to explore.

Fortunately, for solo entrepreneurs, an online business represents the opportunity for a revenue source that is both passive and sustainable. Many general ideas for businesses–the low-hanging fruit, so to speak–are competitive.

Being competitive is fine. That means there is an opportunity. However, there is also a unique advantage to finding untapped markets. These sub-markets open up for anyone the possibility of achieving global reach and the profits that come with it.

However, identifying potentially profitable markets is always a challenge. Additionally, without examples, it can be daunting to understand just how specific, sometimes, a niche must be to succeed.

The Top Low Competition Niche Markets

Table of Contents

Profitable Low Competition Niche Markets

These represent some of the largest, untapped markets for any innovative solo entrepreneur. Look at the list below and also don’t forget about these best items to resell for a profit.


The online industry comprising health and nutrition is a broad, saturated market, but within the overall category, low competition niche markets exist.

Nootropics, for instance, represent a hot, ever-evolving area of supplements designed to help people create a better, faster, smarter, healthier brain.

The area is so new that anyone interested in learning about it has the opportunity to become a front-runner. Additionally, this young market is projected to reach just over $5,000,000,000 by 2024.

In this particular industry, niche products develop fast. Niagen, for instance, is a corporate-backed niche health product, but because it is on Amazon, it lends itself to niche-health publishers interested in developing affiliate sites.

Another more recent nootropic success story is the solo entrepreneur behind bulletproof coffee. Dave Asprey started out with a nootropic blog, and through his research and travels, he stumbled across coffee mixed with yak butter.

Niches do not get any more specific than coffee and yak butter, but this specific market is wealthy, informed, and ready to buy. Consequently, Bulletproof is now carried nationwide. More important, it, too, is available for online entrepreneurs looking for affiliate products.

The key behind nootropics is something called a “stack,” which represents a precise combination of nutrients, supplements, and food.

In a rush to create a better brain, everyone in this industry is rushing to discover the best stack: the best supplement, the best process, and the best food.

Entrepreneurs interested in niche health and nutrition can certainly establish themselves as subject-matter experts within this growing field.

2. Business Apps – Low Competition Niche Markets

Just a few years ago, securing your place as an application developer would have cost thousands of dollars as well as a lot of time.

Today, the cost to become an app developer is less than two-hundred bucks.

Much of the money required to get started does not even come from learning how to develop apps. Instead, it comes in the form of application fees to become approved to sell online in such places as iTunes or Google Play.

The primary obstacle to app development is training. First, you have to be fairly technically minded. Second, you need to be able to endure the learning curve.

That said, these are no longer very significant obstacles.

By signing up for free classes on Udemy, for instance, even non-tech-minded entrepreneurs can go it alone as app developers. These classes are self-paced, and within six months to one year, you will have solid skills to tackle a variety of apps.

Two decades ago, the internet gold rush involved coming up with the next best website. Today, one of the most low competition niche markets is the next best app.

Once you have undergone the training, the ability to gradually build a library of apps, can eventually develop into a significant source of passive income.

Top 103 Low Competition Niche Markets - The Income Spot (2)

3. Niche Markets: Personal planning

Personal planning does not necessarily mean calendars and schedules.

Instead, the personal planning niche is more concerned with developing specific strategies that help people get from point A to point B. Whatever someone’s goal, helping them get there involves planning and preparation, obtaining resources, contingency planning, and advice regarding how to maintain.

  • Within financial markets

Examples of planning opportunities abound in the financial markets. For instance, a lone blogger has developed quite a following for helping people plan multiple streams of revenue.

Within the saturated market of financial planning, the idea of building and helping people plan out multiple online revenue streams is a profitable niche service.

  • Within health and nutrition

The process of helping people achieve their health goals dovetails nicely with the opportunity existing in untapped nutrition markets. These low competition niche markets are ones that are often needed and undervalued.

One of the best things about planning is that for niche markets, it represents a premium service many people are willing to buy.

For instance, the information can be provided for free, but many subject-matter experts provide guidance and planning for a fee.

4. Social media marketing – consulting

Social media marketing is an absolute necessity for any online solo entrepreneur. That said, it is time-consuming and takes experience to become accomplished.

For a fee, you can take a class on Udacity to learn the ins and outs of social media marketing, or you can sign up for social media tutorials on Udemy.

However, you learn social media marketing is not important. What is important is that once you do learn how to do it, teaching other business owners how to succeed in using it is a profitable niche market.

Additionally, because different industries respond to different types of marketing, social media marketing experts can identify potentially profitable niches within niches.

5. Consider Drones as Niche Markets

Once a promising yet novel tech product, drones now represent the core product in a still budding industry. Drones represent low competition niche markets because they are relatively new over the last 5-10 years.

Whether you want to sell drones, build them, race them, or film with them, a solo entrepreneur can attain a lot of profits via drones while also having a lot of fun.

Following are some of the most profitable areas involving drones.

– HOA security and surveillance
– search and rescue
– indie film
– tourism marketing
– realty
– sports entertainment
– service and repair

When it comes to drones, each of these sub-markets offers profitable venues for tech-minded entrepreneurs.

Top Low Competition Niche Markets for Business

6. Diabetes reversal

Within the area of health and nutrition diabetes reversal ranks as one of the most popular searched-for health topics.

As an online entrepreneur, especially a blogger or videographer, if you’re interested in researching low-fat, anti-inflammatory, heart, and vascular healthy diets, you will have a solid chance at competing in this information-hungry market.

7. Yoga

Yoga helps people achieve a greater balance between body and mind. It increases health and fitness and lowers stress.

Although yoga is an established, relatively mature market, it still represents one of the most profitable niche markets for online publishers, yoga teachers, and health enthusiasts.

Additionally, it only takes a few statistics to illustrate why this niche is so profitable.

– broad customer age range: 30 to 55
affluent customer base
– educated customer base
– spending is dominated by health-conscious individuals in an increasingly health-conscious society

Here is a list of low competition niche markets in Yoga that you could base your website around:

Examples of types of yoga that are commonly searched for online include:

  1. Hatha Yoga: a traditional form of yoga that focuses on physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.
  2. Vinyasa Yoga: a dynamic and flowing style of yoga that links movement with breath.
  3. Bikram Yoga: a type of hot yoga that is practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40°C).
  4. Iyengar Yoga: a style of yoga that emphasizes proper alignment and the use of props, such as blocks and straps.
  5. Kundalini Yoga: a spiritual form of yoga that focuses on activating the energy at the base of the spine.
  6. Restorative Yoga: a gentle and relaxing form of yoga that uses props to support the body in passive poses.
  7. Power Yoga: an athletic and fast-paced style of yoga that builds strength, flexibility, and endurance.
  8. Prenatal Yoga: a type of yoga specifically designed for pregnant women.
  9. Yoga Nidra: a form of yoga that focuses on deep relaxation and meditation.

Whether someone wants to publish information online, sell yoga-related health products, create a video channel, or teach yoga through online video or live video conference, the yoga market remains relatively untapped. Yoga is low competition niche markets also because are so many facets of Yoga that can be explored for all different types of people.

Top 103 Low Competition Niche Markets - The Income Spot (3)

8.Gluten-free food can be low competition niche markets

The gluten-free industry is gaining in popularity, but it remains an emerging industry ripe with opportunity.

In 2015, the billion-dollar industry was worth an estimated $2,790,00,000. By 2020, it will be worth triple.

For you as a solo entrepreneur, the gluten-free industry lends itself to easy product development, recipe books, health-food channels, and cutting-edge blog content.

One note worth remembering: the gluten-free market is an example of another potentially profitable sub-market within the health and nutrition market.

9. Hair loss

If you are a man, by the time you reach 35 years old, you have a 66 percent chance of experiencing some sort of hair loss. By the time you reach 50 years of age, that chance increases to 85 percent.

Women fare a little better. By age 40, nearly half of all women will experience significant thinning.

If you’re interested in online retail sales, opportunity abounds. Hair loss could also see good traffic when pertaining to lifestyle, herbal supplements, etc…

Establishing yourself as a subject-matter expert represents a solid strategy for building an online following. Additionally, hair loss clinics often provide referral fees for bloggers able to send clients.


Perhaps it is counter-intuitive, but the current trend is that the more people become connected, the more people have access to information on a 24/7 basis, the more anxiety they seem to experience. Although these two events–connectivity and feeling anxious–might not be causal, researchers do acknowledge more people seem to experience more anxiety than in previous decades.

Researchers understand the role cortisol plays in anxiety, but they are just now coming to understand the role played by technology in an increasingly connected world.

Perhaps it is ironic that online entrepreneurs are using video technology to help others deal with this anxiety.

For instance, online entrepreneurs are establishing Youtube channels to help others deal with anxiety. In doing so, they are each building a significant following, which leads to increased ad revenue.

Channels geared toward helping others with anxiety include scenic videos containing little more than a forest scene and the sound of rain. Other videos include falling snow. Others include waterfalls.

Publishing videos is just one niche example of how people can take part in this field. Many other low competition niche markets fields exist.

– inspirational products
– health and nutritional products
– health publishing
– fitness
– yoga

11. Dating – (ages 40 to 50 years)

Unfortunately, loneliness abounds.

As people age, they become engrossed in their careers or their personal situations and finding someone with whom they are compatible becomes an increasingly frustrating challenge.

For younger people, apps such as Tinder have taken the interpersonal landscape by storm. For older people unaccustomed to the casual flings promoted by such apps, dating sites geared toward older adults are increasingly popular.

In order to succeed in this market, you need to truly understand and serve a specific group. To do this, dating sites focus on career types or interests.

Currently, dating sites exist for police, farmers, musicians, and gamers interested in finding like-minded partners.

If you are established in some such career or group, helping someone find his or her special someone can be profitable.

12. Pets

People love their pets. Equally important–they love spending money on them.

For dogs, people have found success in developing new dog treats, vegan dog food, clothing, and DIY custom dog pillows.

For cats, people have found success in creating toys, climbing apparatus, and healthy treats.

This market remains particularly motivated that profit potential exists for just about any type of pet-friendly service or product.

There are many sub-niches within the pet niche you should consider as low competition niche markets for pets:

  1. Pet grooming: offers services such as haircuts, baths, nail trims, and ear cleaning for dogs and cats.
  2. Pet training: offers classes and private sessions to teach obedience and behavior modification for dogs and other animals.
  3. Pet sitting and dog walking: provides professional care for pets while their owners are away, including feeding, exercising, and administering medication.
  4. Pet food and treat manufacturing: produce and sells specialized pet food for specific dietary needs, and treats for dogs and cats
  5. Pet photography: provides professional photography services for pets, including pet portraits and action shots.
  6. Pet accessories: manufacturing and sells various pet-related products, such as clothing, beds, collars, and leashes.
  7. Pet transportation: offers transportation services for pets, including airport pick-up and drop-off, long-distance travel, and veterinary visits.
  8. Pet insurance: provides coverage for veterinary expenses and other costs associated with unexpected illnesses or accidents.
  9. Pet daycare and boarding: facilities that provide care for pets during the day, or overnight boarding for when their owners are away.
  10. Pet spas and salons: provides luxury grooming services and spa treatments for pets, such as massages and hydrotherapy.
  11. Pet funeral and cremation services: provides grief support and final disposition services for pet owners.
  12. Pet-related subscription boxes: monthly delivery of curated products for pets like food, toys, and accessories.

These low competition niche markets could be great ways to get your pet business started!

Top 103 Low Competition Niche Markets - The Income Spot (4)

13. DIY crafting

With specialized tools such as CNC routers, CAD-based paper cutters, and 3D printing, crafters have the ability to establish a brand and reach a global market. Additionally, with sites such as Amazon and Etsy, crafters have the ability to target both end users as well as online retailers seeking wholesale manufacturers.

With the rise of laser cutters and engravers, crafters now have the ability to craft, prototype, and produce with more creativity and precision than ever before.

Some of the things they can craft include a variety of fun and innovative products.

  • Drone parts
  • Circuit boards
  • Game prototypes
  • Customized clothing brands
  • Toys
  • Models for training
  • Medical devices
  • Miniature architectural replicas
  • DIY home-improvement tools
  • Appliance replacement parts

For the creative crafter, the ability to create, launch, and successfully market a product is limited only by imagination, practice, and the willingness to stay informed.

Solopreneurs have made headlines making prosthetics, robot parts, modular house components, musical instruments, medical devices, and even operational watercraft.

Just as important, the field of DIY crafting and creating is one dominated by entrepreneurs.

Establishing a blog or app that delivers up-to-date information on innovative tools and resources represents a tried-and-true method of gaining an audience and establishing your own marketing platform.

14. Artificial Intelligence – AI

For the tech-minded blogger, artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the newest, most profitable niches in existence. Many resources such as Ryter and Grammarly use AI.

Granted, artificial intelligence sounds intimidating. However, relatively affordable online classes exist to help people muster the knowledge to jump into this field.

For the lone entrepreneur, this niche dovetails solidly with app development. Combined, they represent skills less likely to be subsumed by advancing technology.

Additionally, the market for AI-based apps is the more motivated business-to-business market rather than the business-to-customer market, which can be much more uncertain.

As such, the profits are considerably higher as business owners are motivated buyers, seeking ways to improve customer service, upgrade their business curb appeal, or learn how to use AI to harvest big data. Also, consider these tech startup ideas as niche markets.

The below niches are all opportunities proven to make money. Do your research and find out which could be a fit for you.

85 More Ideas in Low Competition Niche Markets

Adventure Traveler

Affiliate Marketing


Bar Exam Test Preparation

Blown Glass


Career Advice

Cheap Travel

Credit Repair

Divorce Advice


Dress Making

Drought Tolerant Gardening

Europe Travel

Deck Building

Dog Supplements

Dog Apparel



Electric Bicycles

Event Promotion

Facebook Marketing

Flat Stomach

Flea Market Flipping

Food Tours

Frugal Living

Fruit Tree Care

Gadget Review

Garage Organizing

Garden Design

Go Kart Racing

Hand Made Soap

Hang Gliding

Hiking Tour Guide


Home Fitness

Home Office Organizing

Home Brewing

Home Automation

Home Security

Instagram Marketing

Kitchen Organizing

Kitchen Ideas

Kitchen Hacks

Kite Boarding

Krav Maga Training


Learn Spanish

Living off the grid

Martial Arts for Kids

Natural Dog Food

Natural Makeup

Natural Remedies

Night Photography


Party Rental


Pet Travel Service

Pet Photography

Pet Massage

Pinterest Marketing


Public Speaking

Quit Drinking

Quit Smoking

RC Vehicles


Refurbishing Furniture

Self Confidence Tips

Single Life

Senior Fitness

Senior Life

Sound Proofing

Special Needs Pets

Surfing Tips

Survival Skills

Tiny Homes

Tourism Marketer

Traveling Solo

Traveling with Pets

Urban Gardening

Video Marketing

Virtual Reality

Wellness Travel

Wind Surfing

Wine Marking

Women’s Self Defense

Wood Working

Yoga Retreats

Let us know what niches you are considering!


Top 103 Low Competition Niche Markets - The Income Spot (2024)


What is less competition in niche market? ›

Less Competition. Operating in a niche market means you'll deal with less or no competition. Many companies or individuals like to serve many customers. By going narrow, you'll offer a specific product that'll eliminate many companies from your customers' radar.

Are niche markets profitable? ›

Finding niche markets that leverage existing consumer demand creatively can be a very effective way to build a profitable niche business.

Which market is less competitive? ›

A monopoly is an excellent illustration of a non-competitive market because, by definition, a monopolist is a company that owns its own market. Ans : A monopoly is a company that sells its product exclusively and has no close substitutes. A monopoly with no regulations has market power and can impact prices.

What niche is trending right now? ›

Here are some of the trending niches in eCommerce: Work-from-home equipment, sports & fitness equipment, home & kitchen items, tech gear & accessories, personalized gift jewelry, community-based print-on-demand products, health & wellness products, men's grooming products, beauty & cosmetic products, pet products, ...

Which market has the least competition? ›

Monopoly is the least competitive market structure.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.