Top 11 Project Success Criteria Examples + Best Practices (2024)

An organization starts a project to fulfill consumer demand or increase the company's growth. The board members of the company will define the success of a project before starting it. The success of a project can be measured against different criteria. Usually, project managers collaborate with customer feedback and company goals to develop these criteria. A Project Management Certification course is a great way to learn about this field.

The best way is to define the goals before starting the project to determine the project's success. Project criteria such as scope, time, or cost are a few primary benchmarks to assess the project's success. Project success criteria examples or measurable goals provide clear standards under which the project is defined. This article enlists 11 project success criteria examples, which will make everything very clear.

What are Project Success Criteria?

The perception that if a project is completed within the given cost and time, it is a successful one is a myth. It is easy to misunderstand one or two aspects of a project as the complete project when most projects are multi-pronged. Even if some of the project's goals are not completed, the project cannot be called a successful one. This is the importance of documentation while the project is going on. Documentation will also keep the team on track to see which is the actual project management success.

All successful projects meet the requirements of all the stakeholders who have invested in the organization. Apart from project success criteria examples, the project manager should also focus on several things. The project document should include entities like what has to be measured, at what intervals it should be measured, and who will measure it. The success criteria are bound to change if the focus of the project changes, so the project managers need to have a dynamic approach.

Top 11 Project Success Criteria Examples + Best Practices (1)

Techno PM

11 Success Criteria for Projects

Some of the project success criteria are difficult to define because they might be intangible values like the expectations of stakeholders and donors. These can take months, if not years, to be revealed entirely. Yet some can be decided beforehand and worked upon for the success of a project. Again, a PMP Certification is an in-depth resource to understand the need for the project success criteria.

The project manager and his team must maintain a delicate balance between documenting the project's success and completing the project. A successful project can be recognized by using these criteria:

  1. Scope
  2. Schedule
  3. Budget
  4. Client goals
  5. Quality
  6. Team goals
  7. Deliverables
  8. Resource Capacity
  9. Risk Management
  10. Documentation
  11. Regulatory Compliance

1. Scope

First, the scope and the goals of the project have to be defined. Without setting the proper goals of the project, the team can become directionless. Usually, the project manager and the company's stakeholders decide the goals of the more significant projects, which can be further divided into smaller goals handled by smaller teams. The goals must be SMART, i.e., the goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. If the project's goals fulfill these criteria, which are fulfilled in the end, then the project is successful.

Project Success Criteria Example: For a digital project, a checklist to add cross-device compatibility designates the acceptance criteria against which the project's scope will be marked completed.

2. Schedule

One of the most important factors of any project is the time limit in which it should be completed. The time limit has to be set before the project starts. However, there may be some deviations in time, so some extra time should be kept for any mishaps. If the project is completed within the time limit, then the project will be called successful.

Project Success Criteria Example: Establishing a project schedule with key milestones and checkpoints to indicate progress and meet project timelines along with stakeholder communications and updates.

3. Budget

The project manager and stakeholders have to assess the cost of the project and the return on investment through it. This is how they allocate the budget. Every project has an allocated budget. The project has to be completed within that budget. If the project is completed within the allocated budget, this criterion is fulfilled, and the project is called successful.

Project Success Criteria Example: Completing the project on time and within the planned cost or returning back budgeted expenses during project closure cements a long-term relationship of trust alongside creating a hallmark of quality and expertise in the eyes of the customer.

4. Client goals

It is imperative to keep the client's goals as the top priority. If the project does not align with client goals, then the project cannot be successful. Feedback from the client should be taken after every step.

Project Success Criteria Example: Realigning priorities of tasks and moving versions based on customer feedback, adding accessories or enhancements is a classic example of aligning with customer goals and feedback.

5. Quality

The aim of any ongoing project should be that it delivers the top quality of any product or service. Going the extra mile for the client shows professionalism on the part of the team providing the service.

Project Success Criteria Example:Meeting customer requirements with clear documentation, checklists, known issues and end-to-end customer demos increases confidence inproject deliverablesand enhances quality benchmark not only in the project but also across the organization.

6. Team goals

The aim of the project manager while finishing a project should also be for their team to gain experience. Feedback from the team is also very crucial because they are the ones that have been working hands-on on the project and know every detail of the project. Satisfaction with the work that they have done can also be a great indicator of a project's success.

7. Deliverables

The quality of the deliverables is an excellent indicator of project success; for example, if a company makes laptops, its functionality will govern its success.

Project Success Criteria Example: Going beyond merely defined requirements and addressing key project criteria such as security, performance, usability and user experience improve project deliverables and confidence of stakeholders in the team.

8. Resource Capacity

Location is one of the significant responsibilities of a project manager. Proper resource allocation and understanding the resource capacity of your organization can be the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful project.

Project Success Criteria Example:Assessment of type of activities involved, considering availability of teammembersand aligning resources and team members to complete project activities as planned helpsestablishstrong project success criteria.

9. Risk management

Understanding the risks involved in the project can lead to better management and better chances of project success. Every project has tangible or intangible risks, and an experienced project manager can identify the risks in advance.

Project Success Criteria Example:Collaborating with the team inidentifyingrisks/key areas of risk and drawing impactful measures, actions to manage/mitigate/address risks is clearly the most effective and efficient way to ensure project success.

10. Documentation

The documentation of the entire project gives a clear picture of every step of the project. This document can even be saved for posterity to understand different kinds of projects.

Project Success Criteria Example:Maintainingclear and crisp documentation helps transition project knowledge, create positive customerengagementand enhance process quality and adherence to project best practices resulting in high customer retention and project success.

11. Regulatory compliance

Regulatory compliance refers to adherence with the laws of the land, rules,regulationsand other statutory guidelines which help conduct operations and business activities fairly and within the limits/rulesestablished. Internal and external audits, assessments, and documentation checklists help measure adherence and become success criteria measures to assess project compliance.

Project Success Criteria Example:In the case of the automobile industry, adhering to the latest regulations and measures requires project governance models to learn newer laws and upgrade knowledge of existing team members to comply and establish processes as per the new guidelines/measures.

Why is It Important to Define and Measure Project Success?

Having clearly defined goals is one of the best ways to achieve success, especially when using project success criteria examples to guide the process. If a team has no idea of what they are looking to achieve, they will be directionless. Cutting goals with strictly mentioned criteria can enable a level of success that cannot be achieved by working without a goal.

Defining the goals before the project starts can also lead to better ideas for the team. The project goals are defined in steps then achieving each step will boost the team's morale.It's essential to view these as success criteria of a project example rather than rigid templates. By doing so, the team can maintain a dynamic approach, adjusting as needed to meet the project's evolving demands.

Examples of Project Success Criteria

The best way to understand any concept is to learn from examples. So, this article discusses examples of success criteria for a project. Project management success depends upon the fulfillment of the criteria discussed above. Project success criteria examples are as follows:

  1. The project is completed on time
  2. The project is completed within the given amount of budget
  3. The project fulfills all the scope given beforehand
  4. The results of the project are functional
  5. The project meets consumer demand
  6. The client is satisfied with the outcome of the project
  7. All the resources given to the project manager are fruitfully utilized
  8. The team gains experience and is satisfied with the project results
  9. The project meets corporate social responsibility needs
  10. Finally, the documentation of the project is such that it is also helpful in the future

Top 11 Project Success Criteria Examples + Best Practices (2)

Techno PM

The above are examples of criteria for the success of a project. All the acceptance criteria for project management are based on project management success factors, as discussed above. All these factors are graded at different scales, i.e., they are given different weights depending upon the type of project.

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Importance of Project Success Criteria

Success criteria for project management are one of the most important parts of the project success criteria examples. These criteria are important for every team member, the project manager, the stakeholders, and the client. Many project management success examples make it very clear what success criteria of a project is all about. These criteria give the project a direction and a goal. In addition, the project success criteria give the team something to achieve every day.

Well-iterated goals are easier to follow for a team. Success criteria are also helpful in judging the success of a project. Continuously checking the same criteria for different projects also helps improve the quality of work in the future. Robust and realistic success criteria are responsible for the growth of any organization.

Characteristics of Good Project Success Criteria 

1. Setting SMART Goals:

  • Project success factors are driven by well-defined criteria.
  • Effective criteria are established using the SMART goal framework:Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Relevant,and Time-bound.
  • Realistic and attainable goals with clear benchmarks ensure success.

2. Understanding Project Manager Expectations:

  • Knowing project manager expectations allows for better tracking and progress assurance.
  • Defined expectations minimize risks, boost stakeholder engagement, and create transparency for future successes.
  • Businesses should find areas of improvement by evaluating documents, resources, and by working with other stakeholder to define project's goal, objective, and scope.

3. Tracking Progress and ROI:

  • Monitor projects by evaluating accomplishments and ensuring a high return on investment (ROI).
  • A project manager can compile weekly reports and review them with team members and clients to assess success criteria.
  • Based on these evaluations, refine and improve existing criteria. This system will help giving feedback to the team and also help them measure project outcomes before completion.

Once you have developed the criteria, getting buy-in from stakeholders is critical to ensure everyone is on the same page.

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How to Measure and Document the Project Success Criteria

After looking at what project management success looks like, it's also essential to understand project success criteria examples and how to measure and document these criteria. The project's success is an ongoing process for the duration of the project. Continuous analysis and review of the project's scope, time, and budget are used to analyze project success.

It is important to document the status of a project at every step. Therefore, the project must be divided into several steps that can be evaluated at given intervals. At these intervals during the project, the budget allocated and the milestones must be checked and documented. If these match the estimation done at the beginning of the project, then the project is said to be working at a reasonable pace.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Project Success Criteria

Below is a list of common mistakes to avoid inproject success criteriaplanning and management:

1. Poor planning:Not understanding the organization's values, culture, and mission is one of the fundamental mistakes. Poor planning translates to assigning team members the wrong roles and responsibilities, not identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and failing to consider industry statistics.

2. No checklists:Every project manager has aproject criteria success checklistthat they follow to ensure thorough evaluation. Checklists are indispensable tools and reduce the risk of re-doing completed tasks,eliminateerrors, and increase chances of continued success. 

3. No follow-up:If a project managerfails tofollow up on theproject success criteria they set, then that's a clear sign of incompetency. There are many tools available in the market that make it easy to schedule appointments and reminders for upcoming meetings. Not following up and lacking accountability are the top mistakes to avoid and can cost an organization if neglected. 

4. Lack of organization:The setting requires strong time management skills and a sense of organization. There are various components to projects, and notestablishingsolid workflows can translate to inefficiencies and failures in the long term.

5. Prioritizing urgent tasks:This may come as a surprise, but important tasks carry more weight than urgent onesregardingproject success criteria. The order of tasks gets prioritized incorrectly when organizations complete urgent tasks and stall important tasks first.

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Project success criteria management is an art and science requiring careful planning and proactive client management. Kanban boards and Gantt charts are insufficient to cover organizational requirements, and it's important to arm the team with various tools and techniques.  Setting smart criteria in project management can pave the way to success, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

The best PRINCE2 course online is one of the best places to understand the project success criteria examples in detail. A project manager working with all these criteria and understanding their depth with examples is sure to gain experience and work on successful projects.

Top 11 Project Success Criteria Examples + Best Practices (2024)


Top 11 Project Success Criteria Examples + Best Practices? ›

Success criteria in project management are the measures used to determine whether a project has been successful. The criteria will depend on your project and goals but often includes scope, budget, timeline, business goals, deliverables, and risk management.

What are project success criteria examples? ›

Success criteria in project management are the measures used to determine whether a project has been successful. The criteria will depend on your project and goals but often includes scope, budget, timeline, business goals, deliverables, and risk management.

Which of the following is the best example of success criteria? ›

The best example of success criteria among the given options is to "Create a new product feature that increases customer engagement by 10%." This example is the best because it provides a specific and measurable goal. By aiming to increase customer engagement by 10%, it sets a clear target for success.

What are the 5 project completion criteria? ›

Characteristics of Good Project Success Criteria

Effective criteria are established using the SMART goal framework: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

What are the six criteria for IT project success? ›

They see six dimensions here: System quality (measuring the developed system), information quality (measuring the system's output), user satisfaction, system use, individual impact (effect on behavior) and organizational impact (effect on organizational performance).

What should I write for success criteria? ›

When you are writing them, remember: Learning Goals should refer to understanding, knowledge, skills, or application. Success Criteria should refer to a concrete learning performance: something students will say, do, make, or write to indicate they are moving toward the Learning Goal.

What are the 6 key success factors of this project? ›

6 Critical Success Factors Of Engineering Project Management
  • Effective planning. ...
  • Efficient resource management. ...
  • Risk management. ...
  • Effective communication. ...
  • Quality assurance. ...
  • Project monitoring and control. ...
  • Understanding how critical project management is for project success.
May 3, 2023

What are three main success criteria to think a project is successfully finished? ›

Main project success criteria include the classic iron triangle: cost, time, and scope. In addition, stakeholder satisfaction, team satisfaction, resource utilization, control, risk management, and quality are also vital project criteria categories.

What are few examples of success? ›

Here are some common examples of success:
  • Getting a degree from a prestigious college or university.
  • Earning a significant salary or attaining financial security.
  • Holding a high-level position or important job title.
  • Being selected for a promotion.
  • Having the financial means to give back to others and your community.

What are my success criteria? ›

Success criteria is a set of features which a teacher wants to see in a child's work throughout a lesson or term. It is a good way to ensure that young students know what's expected of them. It also encourages students to challenge themselves and think carefully about how they structure their work.

What are the six 6 steps to ensure successful project completion? ›

6 Steps To Ensure Successful Project Completion
  • Step 1: Study the project thoroughly. ...
  • Step 2: Prepare a concrete project plan. ...
  • Step 3: Daily monitoring of work assigned after project begins. ...
  • Step 4: Keep the client informed on a predetermined basis. ...
  • Step 5: Perform testing at regular intervals. ...
  • Step 6: Final project delivery.

What is checklist criteria of a project? ›

A project checklist is a list of the steps required to successfully complete a project. These steps focus on the planning and setup phases. Using a checklist helps teams prepare sufficiently for future project work.

What are the 5 steps to project success? ›

The project life cycle includes five main stages: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure. Keeping an eye on the completion of each phase helps ensure the project stays on time and within budget.

What are the 7 C's for project success? ›

These seven dimensions (7C's) are: customers, competitors, capabilities, capital, channels, communication, and coordination.

What is the smart criteria for project success? ›

Define your project success criteria

SMART, or specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals are steps you need to add to your project.

What are the smart criteria for a project? ›

Keep them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound to ensure that they are as focused as possible. “Focus on one part of the SMART acronym at a time. I like to focus on 'time' first. Once the project becomes time bound, then we can get more specific with the requirements and make them measurable.

What are the 4 characteristics of project success? ›

Successful projects are those that 1) meet business requirements, 2) are delivered and maintained on schedule, 3) are delivered and maintained within budget, and 4) deliver the expected business value and return on investment.

What are the four main criteria for assessing the success of a project? ›

Here are seven common types of project success criteria:
  • Cost. This factor measures the total cost of the project against the expected budget that stakeholders establish at the beginning of a project. ...
  • Timeline. ...
  • Scope. ...
  • Deliverables. ...
  • Resource capacity. ...
  • Business goals. ...
  • Stakeholder satisfaction.

What are the three success criteria that apply to all projects? ›

The three project success criteria are the triple constraints: Cost, scope, and time. Success hinges on these three elements, even though the specifics may vary depending on the project's industry, employer, or goal.

What are the smart project success criteria? ›

1 Define SMART success criteria

SMART is a well-known acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By applying this framework to your project success criteria, you can make them clear, realistic, and meaningful.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.