Top 6 Channels to Consider When Spending your Marketing Budget (2024)

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You have a chunk of money dedicated to marketing. But do you know exactly how you’re going to spend it? A surprising number of businesses don’t have a defined marketing budget breakdown to use as a starting point. This also means there aren’t any specific goals or metrics they’re chasing either.

The best marketing efforts are born from a clear strategy. This kind of a defined roadmap is the fuel to drive your campaigns. Don’t just dip into the marketing budget as you go. Spend the extra time to set out your plan in defined terms.

Top 6 Channels For Your Marketing Budget Breakdown:

1) Content Marketing

Content marketing promotes your brand through blogs, video, and other online materials. The primary goal is for people to read your post or watch your video. But the secondary goal is to generate content that makes your readers comment and share the material online.

You’ve heard the term “organic marketing” – this is where content marketing fits in. Viewers find your business through searches, blogs, and social media. They’re led to your content naturally by way of theironline customer journey.

The overall purpose of content marketing is getting your brand in front of as many people as possible with engaging content. You then drive those viewers to a landing page and nurture them for a conversion.

What should you consider when budgeting for content marketing?

There are a lot of options to choose from, such as:

  • Hiring one or more writers to create high-quality content for your blog or other publications
  • Commissioning a graphic designer to create images or infographics to pair with your content
  • Working with a videographer to produce professional instructional or informational videos or vlogs
  • Fees associated with posting your articles on highly-viewed websites

When allocating budget to your content marketing, think about the type of content you want to produce. Also factor in the number of content pieces and how frequently you prefer to release fresh material.

2) Paid Marketing

Paid marketing works in stark contrast to organic marketing. With organic marketing, your brand releases content in the hopes it’s viewed and shared by people. Conversely, paid marketing targets specific audiences and pushes ads and content to that audience.

This type of marketing is more upfront in its sales focus. Paid ads typically encourage the audience to “click,” whether it’s on a purchase button, a webinar link, or a white-paper download. The goal is to get the viewer from the ad to the landing page as quickly as possible.

Difference between organic and paid marketing

While organic and paid marketing each have their pros and cons, there’s one significant difference between the two: Speed.

Organic marketing moves at a much slower pace. You have little control over how many views or shares your content may get. Traffic may draw out over weeks, months, and even years.

Paid marketing moves a lot faster, even though paid ad campaigns are usually much shorter in duration.

Because paid marketing focuses on a specific, targeted audience and you push the content to the viewer, there’s a higher likelihood of a quick response.

Potential expenses in paid marketing

When it comes to your marketing budget breakdown for paid marketing, think about these potential expenses.

  • PPC (pay-per-click)
  • Banner ads
  • Social media ads (including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and others)

As with any marketing campaign, it’s key to measure the impact and your return on investment. There are several ways to arrive at these results, some more complicated than others.

Calculating your paid marketing ROI

Here’s a simple equation to help you determine if your campaign is achieving an acceptable ROI.

(Sales Growth – Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost = ROI

Here’s an example:

  • Marketing campaign cost: $1,000
  • Sales growth: $10,000
  • 10,000 – 1,000 = 9,000
  • 9,000 ÷ 1,000 = 9 = 900% ROI

3) PR – Off-page SEO, Influencer Marketing

PR = Public Relations. The concept has existed in business since the beginning of buying and selling. But in the digital world, a lot has changed. Things move fast – really fast. It’s more important than ever for brands to build a trusted image.

It’s no longer just about disaster recovery. PR is all about instilling a feeling of confidence and credibility. In some cases, it’s also a reflection of yourcustomer service.

There are a few ways you can use PR in your marketing efforts.

Off-page SEO

Optimizing your website for search, adding great content, andbuilding high-quality landing pagesare all examples ofon­-site SEO. But to create a trusted brand, it’s important to branch out from your website onto other sites.

When other websites link to your content or website, that’s when off-site SEO comes into play. Ideally, you want top quality, high-traffic sites to include your link. For example, publishes an article with a link to Acme Financial Planning. That link is off-page SEO for Acme Financial Planning. It gives them credibility because the link is published on a trusted site.

But that’s not the only benefit. When other authoritative websites link back to your content, that adds to your ranking too. That’s where SEO comes in.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing targets your audience differently. It helps build your brand through people who are considered influential. Your influencer might be a celebrity, a sports figure, or just a trusted voice in your field. Influencers have a large social media following or a high number of blog readers, but this isn’t always the case.

This sort of marketing works not because the person is famous (although that usually helps.) It works because the person has a certain amount of impact on the consumer.

Here’s an example:Lagavulin Whisky, a relatively unknown brand to the casual weekend drinker, teamed up with actor Nick Offerman. While successful, Nick isn’t considered a Hollywood A-lister. He’s known for his “manly-man” characters and is often stern and authoritative (in a funny way.) This was the image Lagavulin was looking to portray.

Nick’s campaign for Lagavulin Whisky completely transformed their sales and took their brand to the next level.

When considering the PR part of your marketing budget breakdown, think not only about recovering from brand hiccups, but also these potential costs:

  • Time and effort invested in off-site SEO
  • Fees to pay one or more influencers

4) Customer Advocacy and Referral Programs

Customer advocacy and referral programs are the best of both worlds. You’re working to keep your current customers while simultaneously working to get new customers. All this by way of your existing customers!

Don’t let your customer referrals slow down:The Truth About Why You’re Not Getting Customer Referrals

Customer advocacy programs can be as simple as spreading a new hashtag that your customers start using. Now their following sees your brand and your hashtag, so you have exposure to a whole new audience.

Referral programs, on the other hand, offer rewards to your current customers for sending new customers your way. These rewards are often in the form of monetary discounts on future purchases. It can also be free services or upgrades, or even early access to new products.

The logic here is pretty simple. Reward your customers for spreading the word about your brand by making them feel part of an elite group who receives rewards.

Budget to get your referral program off the ground:

  • If you don’t have one already in place, the cost of building a referral program
  • The cost of maintaining your current program
  • Expenses associated with program rewards

5) Marketing Tech Stack

A marketing tech stack is, you guessed it, a bunch of tools used for marketing. Here are some standard tools you’ll find in a marketing tech stack:

  • Customer relationship management system
  • Email management system
  • Social media management applications
  • Content management system
  • Analytics tools

Each application in your tech stack serves a specific function to further your marketing plan. Some are used more than others depending on what a company’s particular needs are. In an ideal setup, your tools will work integrate and work together.

Why an integrated marketing tech stack matters

Marketing tech stacks are essential for lots of reasons, like efficiency and reliability. But the most critical part is data. Bottom line, no question about it. You must have data to track your marketing efforts and plan your future strategy accurately.

6) Events

Many companies forget about event marketing when they’re planning their budgets. In some cases, events are considered a cost of doing business rather than a marketing cost. Events fit better in a marketing strategy, but its metrics ought to be revenue-focused.

Events, like trade shows, conventions, conferences, are not merely staged advertisem*nts.

They shouldn’t be treated as advertisem*nts at all. Events give you the opportunity to engage with your customer genuinely. You’re putting a real face on your brand, which is an opportunity you don’t get often.

Conferences likeNextCon are a great example, where industry leaders come together to share best practices. Consider this an investment in your marketing efforts. Not to mention, trade shows and similar events are a great way to get a peek in on your competitors.

How to Allocate Funds with this Marketing Budget Breakdown

By now you have the first draft of your marketing plan in place. And you’ve kept the budget in mind as you’ve moved through the process. Now it’s time to allocate real figures to those plans.

  • Focus initially on branding.Branding tends to be the most crucial piece of your plan and something we’ve mentioned several times already. Your brand must be recognizable, and you need a trustworthy name before any of the other pieces fall into place.
  • Next, focus on traffic.Consider the costs associated with organic traffic as well as paid traffic. Great branding won’t matter if you don’t have paths for your customers to reach you.
  • Finally, focus onconversion rate optimization (CRO.)In other words, turning visitors into buyers. Your brand is in place; you’ve got traffic flowing, now it’s time to convert all that traffic into paying customers.

Now let’s look at some numbers. Specifically, your company’s age and revenue. Of course, each company is unique, with different strategies and goals, but here’s the general rule for marketing spending.

  • New companies: 12% – 20% of gross revenue
  • Established companies: 6% – 12% of gross revenue

Matching Your Marketing Plan and Your Budget

With your branding-traffic-CRO plan in place and a budget figure in mind, your next step is meshing the two. Apply the available funds to the different aspects of your marketing plan to get the ultimate ROI you’ve calculated!

Republished by permission. Original here.

Photo via Shutterstock

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Top 6 Channels to Consider When Spending your Marketing Budget (2024)


Top 6 Channels to Consider When Spending your Marketing Budget? ›

Kazim uses a 70-20-10 approach to guide marketing spending. 70% should go to activities with proven results for your business, 20% to efforts that could be effective but aren't as certain, and 10% to new and untested activities.

How do you decide which channel to spend your advertising budget on? ›

How to Allocate Your Marketing Budget Across Different Channels
  1. Set Goals.
  2. Identify past efforts.
  3. Research competitors.
  4. Determine which channels to use and what percentage of your budget to allocate.
  5. Evaluate and optimize.

How to spend your marketing budget? ›

Kazim uses a 70-20-10 approach to guide marketing spending. 70% should go to activities with proven results for your business, 20% to efforts that could be effective but aren't as certain, and 10% to new and untested activities.

What is a channel marketing budget? ›

The Basics of a Marketing Budget

It includes line items for every channel and campaign, with specific amounts designated to each sector. Robust budgeting practices mean that each dollar is accounted for and purposefully allocated toward driving brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales.

How do you determine a budget for a marketing plan? ›

How to create a marketing budget
  1. Understand customer needs. ...
  2. Examine customer goals. ...
  3. Audit previous activity. ...
  4. Measure the average cost per lead. ...
  5. Determine the average conversion rate. ...
  6. Consider how many leads the business needs. ...
  7. Calculate final conversion costs. ...
  8. Allocate budget.

How do you figure out which channels to spend budget on? ›

The 70-20-10 distribution rule is useful. Allocate 70% of your budget on channels you're certain will work, 20% on channels you are less sure will be successful, and 10% on areas you want to test out.

What is the 70 20 10 rule for marketing budget? ›

What is the 70/20/10 rule for marketing budget? The 70/20/10 rule divides the budget into three categories: 70% for proven tactics, 20% for innovative strategies, and 10% for experimental initiatives, striking a balance for growth and stability.

How to allocate marketing budgets across channels? ›

Best Practice #1: Allocate your budget based on where your audience is. Invest in platforms and channels to reach your ideal target audience. This seems simple, but it's true for any successful marketing plan. Knowing your audience inside and out will help you choose marketing channels to reach your audience.

What is the rule of marketing budget? ›

In the simplest terms, your marketing budget should be a percentage of your revenue. A common rule of thumb is that B2B companies should spend between 2 and 5% of their revenue on marketing. For B2C companies, the proportion is often higher—between 5 and 10%.

What are channel costs in marketing? ›

Channel Costs means those costs incurred by a Party and its Affiliates in preparing and utilizing distribution channels for a Product (including product returns, customer rebates, dealer incentives, volume discounts, seed service fees, cash discounts (pre-pay discounts), local competitive response, transportation or ...

What is a channel in marketing example? ›

Traditional marketing channels include direct marketing like television, radio, billboards, signs, and print. Traditional marketing still works for reaching enormous numbers of people at the same time. But you need to consider the cost of traditional marketing versus its potential benefits to avoid overspending.

What is a channel plan in marketing? ›

A marketing channel strategy is a plan to connect to your audience and meet customer needs through various marketing channels, both online and offline. Some examples of typical marketing channels include email marketing, websites, social media, mobile marketing, and digital and print advertising.

What are the four elements of marketing budget? ›

The four primary elements of a marketing mix are product, price, placement, and promotion. This framework aims to create a comprehensive plan to distinguish a product or service from competitors that creates value for the customer.

What is the formula for marketing budget? ›

For our example, our small company with a revenue of $100,000 has decided to allocate 15% of their gross revenue to marketing. By taking our revenue (100,000) and multiplying it by our marketing percentage (. 15), we have come to a marketing budget of $15,000 for our accounting period.

How do you decide which channels to use in a CRM campaign? ›

  1. 1 Know your audience. The first step to choosing a CRM communication channel is to understand your audience. ...
  2. 2 Match your message. The second step to choosing a CRM communication channel is to match your message to the channel. ...
  3. 3 Define your goal. ...
  4. 4 Consider your budget. ...
  5. 5 Here's what else to consider.
Aug 23, 2023

How do you determine which marketing channels to target in your strategies? ›

  1. Know your audience. To begin identifying the topic channels, carefully analyze your audience. ...
  2. Monitor the competition. You also want to make sure you keep a close on the competition. ...
  3. Carefully track your success on different channels. You also want to carefully track the success of your different marketing channels.

How do I choose a channel marketing strategy? ›

7 Crucial Steps on How To Choose Marketing Channels for...
  1. Define Your Goals. Start by clearly defining your marketing goals. ...
  2. Know Your Audience. ...
  3. Evaluate Channel Relevance. ...
  4. Conduct Competitive Analysis. ...
  5. Test and Iterate. ...
  6. Create a Multi-Channel Strategy. ...
  7. Monitor and Optimise Performance.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.