Top Sales Closing Techniques | How to Close Sales (2024)

The ultimate goal of every sales professional is to close more sales.

In most cases, achieving that is a matter of refining your sales technique by:

  • Asking the right questions

  • Emphasizing the benefits of your product

  • Noting the alignment between product value and buyer objectives

  • Promoting a slight sense of urgency

By understanding which steps you should follow to close a deal, you can often shorten the sales process and win more.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to close a sales deal in seven steps. We’ll also look at the different requirements to close sales in various industries and explore some well-established closing techniques.

Closing sales in 7 steps (or less)

You’ve selected qualified leads and worked hard to understand their pain points. You’ve used your best sales pitch, demo or sales presentation to highlight a solution that will help solve their problem and move them along your sales funnel. Now, it’s time to convert your prospect into a customer.

The sooner you can do this, the more successful you’ll be. Research from RAIN Sales Training shows that top sales reps don’t just achieve higher close rates (48% versus 37%), they do it with fewer touches.

Here’s how to close a standard sales deal in just seven steps or less.

1. Send through the costs

If you’ve yet to discuss price in detail, you should first send your prospect an official sales proposal or quote. This is also an excellent opportunity to re-pitch your product or service by recapping how it will positively impact your buyer – especially if the sales cycle has been long or complicated.

Try to provide your prospect with multiple pricing options. Often, offering a free test drive of your product helps with closing deals, particularly in software and B2B sales.

For example, you might offer two or three differently priced plans for your SaaS subscription.Consumer research shows that by letting potential customers make value comparisons, you can satisfy their desire to shop around and speed up the decision-making process.

Recommended reading9 Essential Sales Stages for Effective Sales Cycle Management

2. Ask for the sale

If you’ve been thorough in your presentation and pricing, your prospect might be ready to purchase right now. However, that’s less likely to happen if you don’t directly ask for the sale during your sales call.

Top Sales Closing Techniques | How to Close Sales (2)

There are two main ways you can do this.

  • You can include a clear call-to-action in your proposal that makes it easy for your prospect to click on their preferred buying option and e-sign your contract

  • You can schedule a follow-up call or appointment to review the pricing information you’ve provided, answer any questions and ask for the sale

The way you word your request matters.

You’ll close more deals faster, for example, by asking a close-ended – (yes or no –) question (e.g., “Shall I send you the terms and conditions?”) than you will with a vague, open-ended question (e.g., “So, what do you think?”).

3. Address your prospect’s concerns

Sometimes your buyer will want additional clarification or reassurance around the information you’ve provided, especially if multiple decision-makers or stakeholders are involved.

LinkedIn’s State of Sales Report 2021 shows that even though 65% of sellers say they always put the buyer first, only 23% of buyers agree.

So, listen carefully, provide thoughtful answers promptly and ask probing questions when appropriate. These will:

  • Encourage your prospect to elaborate on anything that isn’t working for them

  • Help you quickly drill down to the root of their hesitation

  • Enable you to gather information to address their concerns effectively

You might, for example, say something like:

If I’m hearing you correctly, it sounds like you’re concerned about X. Have I got that right?

You can then move ahead with alleviating your prospect’s doubts by reiterating how and why your product is the right fit for their needs.

4. Prepare to negotiate

Even if you’ve qualified your prospect well, sales negotiation is a key part of closing the deal.

Your customer might have hesitations about:

There are often ways to reframe a new customer’s perspective if you approach their concerns correctly. Learning about and practicing overcoming sales objections should be part of your ongoing sales training on closing deals.

Top Sales Closing Techniques | How to Close Sales (3)

You should also know what concessions you’re willing (or authorized) to make when closing a deal, such as multi-item price discounts or free shipping.

5. Use the right sales closing technique

Different prospects require different closing techniques, so you might need to change your sales strategy sometimes. Here are some examples of effective sales closing techniques.

  • If your prospect expresses price concerns, reduce their costs by removing certain product features or offer a value add-on, like free delivery

  • If your prospect is hesitant to commit to change, allow them to try your product free of charge for a specified time

  • If your buyer has doubts about product fit, cite a specific example of what they stand to gain (e.g., “By signing this contract today, you’ll have reduced your administrative costs by X% this time next quarter”)

Don’t forget to ask for the sale again at this point. Use a suitable, straightforward question like:

“I can offer a special, reduced subscription term of six months. Can you commit to this plan today?”

6. Follow up with your prospect

If, despite your best negotiation efforts, your prospect asks for more time to consider your offer, you need to choose the best time to follow up.

A good rule of thumb is to send a sales follow-up by email or phone after one or two days for single buyers or four to five days for buying groups (to give them time to discuss the purchase decision). You’ll be able to do this far quicker with our follow-up email templates.

Top Sales Closing Techniques | How to Close Sales (4)

When you do reach out, ensure you summarize the highlights of your sales offering once again and remind your prospect exactly how your product or service will benefit them.

7. Know when to move on

If your prospect is still not ready to sign on the dotted line, do your best to revive the deal by:

  • Contacting them to see if they have any further questions

  • Inquiring about the next step they’d like to take

  • Asking directly if they’re still interested in doing business

Once you conclude the sale isn’t going to close, remove it to your cold files and document the experience in your customer relationship management (CRM) tool so you can apply what you’ve learned (and possibly reestablish contact) in the future.

RAIN Group president Mike Schultz recommends consistent outreach:

“Stay focused, persevere in your outreach efforts and drive value for buyers in your sales conversations, and you’ll see an increase in sales wins soon enough.”

Sales closing techniques in different industries

Although the steps outlined above are adaptable to most businesses, salespeople in some industries, like SaaS, finance and real estate, may need additional sales tactics.

Closing SaaS sales

Because prospective customers sometimes view SaaS products as a nice-to-have rather than a must-have, you may have to do some extra work to connect the dots between their pain points and your solution.

Top Sales Closing Techniques | How to Close Sales (5)

One way to do this is by asking a series of pointed questions during your sales presentation or negotiation.

Here are a few examples:

  • “What would you say is the biggest challenge about your business process?”

  • “What have you been doing to overcome it?”

  • “How many resources do you devote to this workaround?”

Be prepared to show – e.g., via live demo, verified data or client testimonials – how easy your SaaS product is to use and how much time and money your prospect will save by applying it.

Recommended readingA complete guide to enterprise software sales

Closing financial services sales

Closing a financial services sale can be especially challenging since there isn’t usually a tangible product for your potential client to see or touch.

Top Sales Closing Techniques | How to Close Sales (7)

According to business growth, sales and leadership expert Meridith Elliott Powell:

The key to selling financial services is to focus first on building trust with your consumers.

“The key to selling financial services is to focus first on building trust with your consumers.”

You may need to take additional closing steps to do that, such as

  • Positioning yourself as a specialist or trusted advisor in your field with the help of proven results or testimonials

  • Asking deep-dive questions to help develop a consultative selling relationship with your prospect

  • Only asking for the sale once a solid partnership is established

Finally, to close out finance-based deals faster, stay focused on your prospect’s most urgent need rather than selling them on all the ways you could be helping them financially.

Recommended readingCRM for Financial Advisors | Financial CRM Software

Closing strategies in real estate sales

Property buyers and investors often hesitate about taking on big debts or parting with large sums of money.

Top Sales Closing Techniques | How to Close Sales (8)

To close more deals with real estate clients, spend extra time talking through their concerns. Do this by:

  • Helping them recognize that having cold feet is normal

  • Reminding them about the property features they love

  • Stressing any extra value built into the sale (like a house that comes with appliances, for example)

By summarizing everything they stand to gain, be it a preferred property feature, location or price point, you can help reframe your prospect’s purchase concerns more positively. The results are a smoother sales process and increased revenue.

Recommended readingThe real estate sales stack tools

6 tips and techniques for closing sales

There is an assortment of well-established closing techniques in sales. Below, we’ve summarized six expert sales tips and techniques, along with some sales closing phrases you can experiment with.

If you remember that a closing technique is simply a way of helping a person to make a decision, you will actually find it enjoyable and fun to practice different methods.

Brian TracySales Expert

1. Summary close

With the summary close, summarize how your product or service will address your customer’s needs. By describing these value points all at once, you intensify their impact. This can prove particularly effective if you’ve shared lots of information over a lengthy sales cycle.


So with this house, you’re getting everything on your wish list: three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a large, updated kitchen and a low-maintenance lot. It’s also walking distance to school and comes with those stainless-steel appliances you love. The owner is motivated to sell quickly, so are you ready to snap this up and sign the contract today?

Pro tip: Baker Communications founder James A. Baker advises that, even if you gain a sales commitment using an alternate technique, you should follow it with a summary closing conversation. Review the needs expressed by your customer and then state the exact actions you’ll be taking to fulfill them.

2. Question close

We already know incisive questions are a powerful tool to help close sales. The question close lets you build on that practice by asking questions that cut through buyer confusion and reignite enthusiasm for a purchase.


Here’s what I suggest. Does that sound good to you, too?

Pro tip: Sean McPheat, Managing Director at MTD Sales Training, suggests not thinking of sales closing questions as closing at all, especially if you’re nervous about selling. You’ll feel more relaxed and worry less about rejection if you simply view these questions as the next step in a partnership with your buyer.

3. Assumptive close

The assumptive close is a psychological selling technique. By projecting complete confidence in your product (through your attitude, language and body language), you can influence the prospect’s buying decision and close the deal faster.

Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.


How soon would you like these delivered? Does Thursday work, since you’ve indicated that’s your slow business day?

Pro tip: The key to the assumptive close is transitioning seamlessly from outlining the benefits to asking for the sale.

4. Now-or-never (urgency) close

The now-or-never close can be useful if your prospect is on the fence about buying and you’re confident your product is a good fit and value. The idea is to use a limited-time offer to create a sense of urgency.


You have every right to think about this great offer – take all the time you need. Please remember, however, that it ends tomorrow and if you wait and call at the end of the week, you will miss out.

Pro tip: Be truthful and authentic when using a sales closing technique like the now-or-never close. It’s the right thing to do but it’s also illegal to mislead consumers under section five of the FTC Act.

5. The puppy dog close

This sales closing technique is based on the notion that giving up a puppy is hard once you adopt it. It involves letting your prospect try your product or service for a short time (free of charge or at a reduced price) with the expectation that they’ll love it so much they’ll want to keep it.


This software comes with so many great features, it’s tough to do justice to them in words. Instead, I can arrange for you to try it free of charge for one month, starting tomorrow.

Pro tip: According to sales expert Brian Tracy, a simple approach works best. If you know your prospect likes your product, but they’re feeling a little overwhelmed, you might try a disarmingly simple closing phrase like, “Well then, why don’t you give it a try and I’ll take care of all the details?”

6. Soft close

Many of the above could be called “hard close” techniques. The soft close is your best choice if a prospect has lingering doubts. It involves asking direct but low-pressure questions that will allow you to prove your solution’s value and fit.


If I could show you how to reduce your manufacturing costs by X% this year. Does that sound like something you’d want to learn more about?

Pro tip: Using the soft close, you can adopt an advisor mindset and offer personalized advice to enhance your prospect’s knowledge.

  • When you’re ready to close a deal start by summarizing all the key points and addressing any remaining concerns. Make sure you reemphasize the value proposition. Propose a clear call to action, such as signing a contract or making a purchase. Confirm the agreement, ensure all terms are understood and facilitate all the necessary paperwork, and then set expectations for next steps. Use a tool like Pipedrive’s Smart Docs to make document management easy and help streamline the process.

  • Sometimes to get a sale you have to ask. Use a confident and direct approach, summarizing your product or service’s benefits and value. Ask the prospect if they're ready to proceed, using phrases like “Are you ready to move forward?” or “Shall we proceed with this?” Be attentive to their response and address any final concerns.

  • To close a sale, you should first qualify leads using needs analysis and budget assessment. Present tailored solutions to qualified leads, highlighting the benefits of your product or solution. Address their objections with empathy, emphasizing value, and inspire commitment by proposing next steps or a trial. Once you’ve reached an agreement, confirm the deal’s details and provide a seamless purchasing experience. Follow up post-sale to measure and improve customer satisfaction.

7 sales closing phrases to help you seal the deal

The end of the selling process goes far smoother when you know how to handle objections, address buyers’ business needs head-on and promote your product clearly.

Here are seven sales closing lines to help you achieve all three:

“Let me address any concerns you may have”

This phrase invites the prospect’s objections, allowing you to address them directly.

“Here’s how our product/service can address [specific business need].”

Tailoring the pitch to address specific pain points demonstrates understanding and positions your product as a solution.

“Would you like to see a demo or further explore how our product/service works?”

Offering a demo or deeper exploration enhances buyer understanding and trust – both significant sales motivators.

“Are there any other questions or information you need before making a decision?”

Encouraging clarification ensures you can address all concerns comprehensively.

“I’m confident that our product/service can deliver the results you’re looking for.”

Expressing confidence reassures buyers and instills trust in your recommendation.

“Shall we proceed with finalizing the details of the agreement?”

Proposing to finalize the agreement prompts the buyer to commit to the next steps.

“When would be a good time to start implementing our solution?”

By focusing on implementation timeframes, this question prompts action consideration.

Final thoughts

Putting your prospect’s needs first when closing the deal is a win-win that will get you ahead of the sales curve. You’ll get consistently better at it if you:

  • Research and apply different methods for dealing with common sales objections

  • Try out various closing techniques, practicing them over and over in your business and personal life

  • Take advantage of closing tools like Pipedrive’s Smart Docs, sales insights and sales reporting

With a CRM like Pipedrive, you can track all your leads and prospects through your sales pipeline, ensuring your sales team never misses an opportunity to convert them into customers.

For more on closing sales deals, read our article containing stories from sales experts about the best deals they closed.

Seal more deals with your free sales communication handbook

Learn to master your sales conversations with this 25-page e-book. Expect expert advice to help you level up your soft skills and boost your conversion rates.

Top Sales Closing Techniques | How to Close Sales (2024)


How do you close a sale technique? ›

What Are the Best Closing Techniques in Sales?
  1. Making an assumption. ...
  2. Offering an alternative option. ...
  3. Asking a sharp-angle question. ...
  4. Creating a sense of urgency. ...
  5. Giving a professional suggestion. ...
  6. Making it feel like "now or never" ...
  7. Summarizing the points. ...
  8. Offering a discounted (but less attractive) option.

How does a salesperson close a sale? ›

To close a sale, you should first qualify leads using needs analysis and budget assessment. Present tailored solutions to qualified leads, highlighting the benefits of your product or solution. Address their objections with empathy, emphasizing value, and inspire commitment by proposing next steps or a trial.

How do you close a sales deal quickly? ›

One effective technique to close sales deals is by creating a sense of urgency. Communicate to the prospect that delaying a decision may result in missed opportunities or increased costs. Highlight limited-time offers, exclusive incentives, or upcoming price changes to encourage prompt action.

What is the Ben Franklin close technique? ›

The Ben Franklin Close is a closing technique where you create a list of the pros and cons of the product with your prospect. The idea is to understand the prospect's objections, priorities, and other factors influencing their purchase decision.

How to hard close a sale? ›

The most obvious use of hard closing techniques is being totally direct with your client. Asking “do you want to move forward with this deal?” or “shall we close this today?” forces your prospect into the hot seat, and encourages them to make a commitment on the spot.

What is the 1/10 closing technique? ›

The 1-10 closing technique is a straightforward process of asking your prospect how you're doing so far – on a scale from 1 to 10. Next, use that answer as a guide for the rest of the closing process.

What are the 4 types of selling techniques? ›

The four types are transactional selling, solution selling, consultative selling, and provocative selling. Each type has its own set of characteristics and works best in certain situations.

What is the takeaway sales strategy? ›

One of the more powerful closing tactics is the sales takeaway. This tactic is where the salesperson switches from trying to get the prospect to buy the product to trying to take away the option for the prospect to buy the product.

What is the porcupine closing technique? ›

The porcupine close is a subtle yet highly effective technique for handling objections during the sales process. Just like a porcupine uses its quills to protect itself, the salesperson uses positive statements to deflect objections and maintain a positive atmosphere.

What is the assumptive close technique? ›

An assumptive close is when you assume a customer plans to purchase from you and you encourage them with positive, reassuring remarks. This technique persuades hesitant customers to purchase your services or products.

What is the sharp angle close? ›

The Sharp Angle Close is a method used to respond to prospects that test limits. When they ask your reps to include incentives, make sure the reply is positive but one that is on the terms of the sales rep. Your reps want to avoid a scenario where it looks like they are caving into demands.

What are the three types of closes of a sale? ›

3 Best Sales Closing Techniques (and One to Avoid)
  • The assumptive close. Talk about the sales deal as if you're sure it's going to close. ...
  • The gauge technique. This sales closing technique can give you a better idea of how close your prospect is to purchase and what barriers may still stand in the way. ...
  • The summary close.

What is the artisan closing technique? ›

The Artisan Closing technique lets you highlight the amount of work, skill, and time invested in the product. It deviates from the usual sales closing strategy norms by focusing more on the behind-the-scenes of your product rather than the prospect or the benefits of your product.

What is the direct close technique in sales? ›

The direct close is a straightforward technique where the salesperson simply asks the customer if they're ready to make a purchase. This method is best used when the customer has shown clear signs that they are likely to buy.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.