Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (2024)

Authorized user tradelines for sale are a valuable way to add positive items to your credit history. In short, it's like "renting" someone else's perfect payment history in order to increase your credit score. There are several terms referring to the practice, but they all mean the same thing.

You may have heard these terms:

"Piggybacking" credit.

Seasoned tradelines.

Authorized user tradelines.

Tradelines for sale.

Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (1)

Bottom line?

It’s a real thing; it is a powerful credit enhancement hack.

But, it’s important to be persuaded by facts and knowledge, not just by a potential increase in your credit scores.

For that reason, consider the following warning and recommendation:

  • You could ruin your credit and/or get ripped off without understanding that industry.
  • You should seriously read (or scan to get the point of) this article.

Two quick (important) definitions.

So, what are tradelines? It’s important to understand something.

Tradelines can mean “any account in your credit report” or it can mean “authorized user accounts you add to credit reports for the purpose of increasing credit scores.”

If you already have open credit, such as credit cards or car loans, your creditors report your payment behavior to the credit bureaus. This information goes on your credit report as an account. Each account is called a “tradeline”.

Also, if you search for companies that sell them, you can purchase authorized user accounts for the purpose of increasing your credit score.

Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (2)

How tradelines work.

In order to explain how tradelines work, we need to explain a tiny bit about credit and credit scores.

Quick facts:

  • Information in credit reports is either good or bad.
  • That good or bad information in credit reports is evaluated by score modelers, like “Fair Issac Corporation.”
  • More good stuff = high score.
  • Less good stuff = lower score.

With that said, you might already see where this is going.

If you add tradelines to your credit report, they will impact your credit score. More specifically:

  • If you add accounts with negative information (like missed payments), your score will go down.
  • If you add accounts with positive information (like perfect payment history), your score will go up.

How do you add tradelines, at all?

There are primarily three ways to add tradelines.

  1. Apply and get approved for a line of credit (like a credit card, loan, etc.). Then, allow that account to age with perfect payment history, over time.
  2. Ask a friend or family member to add you to their credit card as an authorized user.
  3. Buy (or “rent”) a spot as an authorized user on someone else’s credit card through a company or tradelines broker.

Options 1 and 2 deserve a bit of attention because selecting appropriate lines is important.

However, option 3 requires the most attention, as there are many questions and problems that can arise in a tradelines transaction.

Tradelines for sale.

When you look to engage a company to purchase seasoned accounts, you think you’re “buying tradelines” but in reality, you’re “renting” them.


Because you’re not permanently buying anything. You’re paying to be added as an authorized user onto a pre-existing account, temporarily.

Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (3)

In other words:

  • You’re not doing this to add a permanent account that you have access to or that you can use for purchases.
  • You’re doing this to increase your credit scores so that you can get approved for your own lines of credit.

That’s the nature of the service provided by tradelines companies. It’s really a form of credit repair or enhancement.

When buying tradelines, you have to be careful.

You’ll want to:

  • Research your options.
  • Consult trusted experts.
  • Ensure promises are reduced to legally compliant contracts.
  • Monitor credit reports for updates.

Most importantly, you’ll want to use a credit-services escrow platform to ensure you never get ripped off.

Cost, pricing and fees.

If you search the internet, you’ll see everything from tradelines lists to $100.00 tradelines to tradelines packages and more.

Over the last decade, the commercialization of the practice has seemed to solidify prices.

While fees for this service may range based on different factors, the average cost of piggybacking credit seems to be around $600.00 each.

That’s what you can expect to pay when you buy tradelines.

More important than the price is the quality of the company you choose.

Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (4)

Tradelines Companies.

It’s a pretty simple business model.

There are organizations that maintain a list of tradelines onto which you can pay to be added as an authorized user for the purpose of improving your credit score.

These are typically called tradeline sellers or brokers.

The person who owns the credit card gets a cut of the proceeds. The company keeps the rest as income. And, if they run the company well, there’s definitely a lot of room for profit.

Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (5)

The companies range in quality and significance. Here are a few categories we’ve observed:

  • Keyword stuffers. These aren’t companies at all. They just blast out content to get your attention using words you search. They likely sell nothing at all or indirect products like “educational” programs.
  • Website only. These aren’t companies, either. They may or may not become a company. Usually hackish websites indicate very little resources and preparedness.
  • Gmail and a spreadsheet. Some “companies” just sling lists around with a free Gmail account and a spreadsheet. They actually do sell, though.
  • Wholesalers and Suppliers. This industry is already a middleman model. Some people try to jump in and become middlemen of middlemen by wholesaling tradelines of existing companies.
  • Growing. After many years of figuring things out, some companies start to grow.
  • Mature. After even more years of figuring things out, some companies mature and become responsible and worth your time and money.

The effectiveness of tradelines.

Do tradelines really work? What gains in score should you expect? How fast do tradelines work?

This is an area most likely to cause conflict.

  • Consumers expect more results than providers can provide.
  • Providers disclose less information than consumers deserve.

Despite ill-defined benefits like “guaranteed tradelines” or refunds, buyers and sellers of tradeline services are almost never on the same page.

Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (6)

Unfortunately, the consumer needs to inform themselves so that they can understand what kind of expectations are reasonable (whether a company discloses them or not).

Here are two great resources:

Do not look to online reviews to determine whether tradelines work. Online reviews are often subject to manipulation. Even if they were honest, you may not experience the same results with tradelines as someone else.


Ask a lot of questions.

Then act.

What does the law say about this industry?

In addition to concerning yourself with a company’s quality, the effectiveness of the tradelines themselves, you should also concern yourself with the law.

It’s very unlikely that tradelines are illegal for the end-user. Meaning, a person buying authorized user accounts is likely not breaking any laws.

(If anyone knows differently, please comment below).

The specific practice of piggybacking credit is not regulated.

Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (7)

Instead, it falls under typical credit repair laws, such as the TSR and the CROA.

Even so, there are a lot of companies and very few of them comply with those laws and regulations.

It is certainly possible for the sellers of tradelines to violate the law (or rules), including:

  • The Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA). This law prohibits upfront fees, and requires honesty, disclosures, and certain contract requirements, all of which are easy to violate if the company isn’t careful.
  • The Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR). This rule requires a 6-month delay in charging consumers. Compliance with this rule is extremely uncommon if not totally non-existent.
  • State Laws. Most state laws mirror the CROA.

Aside from laws that directly impact the direct service of tradelines, people tend to couple an otherwise legal service with illegal services.

For example, it is common for people to engage in synthetic identity fraud in the form of so-called credit profile numbers (or “CPNs”). Then, they add authorized user accounts to the CPNs, dragging the tradeline industry down into outright fraudulent transactions.

Another example is “primary” tradelines. Buying primary accounts in the same way as authorized user accounts would violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Why? Because that law requires accurate data reporting and buying primary tradelines cannot be accurate.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Are tradelines worth it?

That's an easy one. The answer is a question: Will the tradelines help you achieve your goal? If so, then yes. If not, then no. Clearly, determining whether it will help depends on your research and the honesty and preparedness of the company you hire.

How long do tradelines take to report?

You could ask this question differently. You could ask "How fast do tradelines work?" This depends on a lot of factors, such as whether the company you're working with is responsible. But, the general answer is that it takes about 30 days to report and post. As soon as this happens, you will have a new score.

How long does the boost from tradelines last?

This is a great question because there's some confusion about how long tradelines stay on your credit report vs how long the positive impact on your credit score lasts. Tradelines may stay on your credit report for many years. However, the impact from adding them only lasts for a few months and continues to go back down over time.

Can tradelines help to buy X, Y, or Z?

This is the best question because if it doesn't help you achieve your goal, what's the point? Whether tradelines can help you secure a mortgage on a house, open a new credit card, obtain a car loan, etc., depends on more than tradelines. Yes, tradelines may help you get your credit score into qualifiable territory. But, getting approved for credit requires more than good credit scores. So, if you're otherwise qualified (income, job, etc.), then this technique may be an option for you if need a quick boost in score.

Where should you buy tradelines?

We do not make any specific recommendation to buy tradelines or from whom you should buy them. However, if you plan on pursuing this credit improvement technique, we do recommend that you use Credzu's escrow platform so that you can guarantee that you will not be ripped off. How? We hold your money in escrow and release it to the company only if they performed as agreed. Otherwise, the money goes back to you.

Trying to get your credit score out of the hole?

Our escrow agents are specialists in the process. Talk to us about your goals and we can discuss what options are best for you.

Find Out More

Tradelines: Learn, buy safely, and get results. - Credzu (2024)


How fast will a tradeline boost my credit? ›

You can increase your credit score by 200 points and more by simply buying good credit. You may wonder how it's possible and even argue that it's unethical, but individuals and businesses have been doing it for over 30 years and it's perfectly legal!

Is it safe to buy tradelines? ›

Buying a tradeline is one way to improve your credit score, but it can be costly, and you could be putting yourself at risk of identity theft. What's more, lenders consider the practice to be deceptive. As a result, buying tradelines isn't advised, and there are better ways to build your credit.

How long does it take for a tradeline to hit your credit? ›

Tradelines can take up to six months to show up on your credit report. This is due to the way in which the information is reported by lenders and creditors. First, the lender or creditor must report the new account or increase in credit limit, and then it must be verified with one of the three major credit bureaus.

How many tradelines for a credit score? ›

At least three Tradelines, whether or not on the credit report, or. If a Borrower does not have three Tradelines, at least four Noncredit Payment References or a total of four Tradelines and Noncredit Payment References.

Can you make money off tradelines? ›

People make money by selling their authorized user tradelines. While you may not reach earning $1,000 per hour, you may earn a side income. There are some risks that come with selling tradelines, such as potentially getting your account shut down if you add to many authorized users.

Do tradelines help you get approved for credit cards? ›

The tradelines in your credit report are used primarily for calculating your credit score. But lenders also look at your tradelines when reviewing your credit application. For instance, if you have a high balance on a credit card, a lender will note your credit limit to determine your credit utilization.

Is it illegal to add tradelines to your credit? ›

While it's technically not illegal, buying a tradeline isn't exactly ethical either. Many creditors consider it to be misrepresentative, and the practice poses some risks for borrowers, like identity theft.

How much is a tradeline worth? ›

The cost of tradelines can range from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Pricing may vary depending on how long the account has been opened and the size of the credit limit, as well as how many you purchase.

Do tradelines stay on your credit? ›

Tradelines Stay on Your Report for Years

As long as any account is open and active, the tradeline will stay on your credit report. A mortgage, for example, might be a tradeline on your report for as long as 30 years. A credit card may show as a tradeline for even longer if you keep it open in good standing.

Do you pay tradeline monthly? ›

Types of Trade Lines

These include: Revolving: A line of credit or credit card. Installment: Mortgages and car loans that you pay back over time without being able to automatically borrow again. Open trade lines: Types of credit accounts that must be paid back in full every month, such as your rent.

How fast does piggybacking credit work? ›

How Long Does Piggybacking Credit Take Before I See the Tradelines on My Credit Report? The account you are piggybacking on can show up on your credit report in as little as 11 days, depending on several factors relating to the particular tradeline.

Does closing a tradeline hurt your credit? ›

If the tradeline had positive information that was helping your credit score, the removal could cause your scores to drop. On the flip side, it could improve your credit score if the credit card account has a high credit utilization rate or a negative payment history.

Will a tradeline boost my credit? ›

One of the central benefits of adding positive tradelines is the potential for an improved credit score. If the tradeline reflects timely payments and responsible credit usage, it can boost your score over time. A higher credit score opens doors to better interest rates, loan approvals, and credit offers.

How many tradelines do I need to buy a house? ›

Having a good credit score is incredibly important — but so is the way you built it. A rough rule of thumb: You will need 3 open tradelines to qualify for a conventional loan.

How many tradelines do I need for Dun and Bradstreet? ›

According to Dun & Bradstreet, two tradelines with at least three credit experiences are needed for a PAYDEX score. Dun & Bradstreet analyzes the promptness of your payments against the terms of sale for each payment experience. So, the faster you pay your bills, the better your score.

How fast can I get a credit line increase? ›

You can typically expect to receive an instant decision on whether your credit limit increase is approved or denied. If your request was denied, you may need to wait up to six months to try again.

What happens when you add a tradeline to your credit report? ›

You may get no change or your score may even go down depending on the specifics of your credit file and which tradeline you select. We cannot predict how your score might change or how many tradelines you would need to buy in order to get to a certain credit score.

Do tradelines help your FICO score? ›

Tradelines are part of what makes the information on your credit report. Positive tradelines generally help you build credit, while negative tradelines can lower your credit score.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.