TransUnion Vs. Equifax (2024)

Victoria Araj6-Minute Read
UPDATED: October 30, 2023


The look of your credit score can be deceiving. If you’re worried you have a low credit score, it may have something to do with which credit reporting agency you’re using.

Two of the major credit bureaus are TransUnion® and Equifax®. While both collect and store your credit information, they do so in slightly different ways.

Let’s look at how TransUnion and Equifax calculate your credit score. We’ll also explain why you may see different results from the two credit bureaus.

What’s The Difference Between Equifax And TransUnion?

TransUnion and Equifax are two of the “big three” credit bureaus. The third credit reporting agency is ExperianTM. Ultimately, all three offer the same service. They collect and provide consumers’ credit information using personal information and public records. This includes generating a credit score that showcases your creditworthiness to potential lenders.

How they offer this service is where TransUnion and Equifax differ. Let’s take a look at some key information about each agency.


TransUnion was founded in 1968 and is based in Chicago, Illinois. TransUnion has free and paid service subscriptions. For $29.95 per month, it offers a consumer credit monitoring plan that includes services such as:

  • Unlimited score and report access: You can check your credit report and score, which TransUnion updates daily, as often as you like.
  • Credit locking: You can lock and unlock your credit reports from your computer or
  • Identity theft protection: You get instant alerts, up to $1 million in insurance and unlimited access to an identity theft
  • Personalized analysis: You can get personalized debt analysis and recommendations for improving your credit.

One of TransUnion’s free products is TrueIdentity. TrueIdentity includes unlimited credit report access, credit locking and instant alerts. However, it doesn't come with personalized debt analysis or identity theft specialist access. TrueIdentity also only provides up to $25,000 of identity theft insurance.


Equifax, founded in 1899 and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, offers three main plans:

  • Equifax Complete™: For $9.95 per month, this plan gives you daily access to your credit score and report. It also includes daily credit monitoring, alerting you of any changes in your score or report. In the event of identity theft, you get help from ID Restoration Specialists and up to $500,000 in insurance. You can also lock your credit report.
  • Equifax Complete Premier: At $19.95 per month, you get all of the Complete plan services, but with a three-bureau annual credit report and scores. You also receive three-bureau credit monitoring. This means TransUnion and Experian are also notified of any changes to your report. Additionally, you’re insured for up to $1 million for identity theft, and you can get a stolen funds replacement.
  • Equifax Complete Family: This plan costs $29.95 and offers the option to extend Complete Premier services to a second adult. You can also protect up to four children with the ability to lock their credit reports.

TransUnion Vs. Equifax: Calculating Your Credit Score

The two agencies also differ in how they calculate your credit score, typically resulting in a different credit score from each.

Credit Score Ranges

TransUnion uses the VantageScore® credit scoring model to calculate your credit score. This model ranges from 300 to 850. A “good” score may rest in the 661 – 720 range. Equifax, meanwhile, uses its own scoring model with a range of 280 – 850, with “good” being 670 – 739 and higher.

How Monitoring Services Calculate Your Score

TransUnion and Equifax may pull your credit information from similar sources.

Creditors are an important source of information for these agencies. These include credit card issuers, banks and lenders who may have lent you money in the past. These institutions report information on their borrowers to credit bureaus.

Credit bureaus can access your information from public records as well. Public records can include data like reports of bankruptcy or tax liens.

Still, the two weigh credit factors a little differently. Let’s take a look, per the TransUnion website:

TransUnion VantageScore Model

Payment history


Age and credit mix


Credit utilization


Account balances


New credit


Available credit


Since Equifax credit scores are meant to offer consumers an educated guess at their FICOScore, which lenders use to determine creditworthiness, the Equifax model more closely resembles the FICO® model.

FICO Scoring Model

Payment history


Account balances


Length of credit history


New credit


Credit mix


TransUnion Vs. Equifax: Why Your Scores May Differ

The main reason your TransUnion and Equifax scores may differ is their algorithms. Each credit bureau uses its own algorithm to compute your score.

Credit bureaus can also only work based on the information they receive. In some cases, creditors may not report the same data to each credit agency, or they may only report to one or two of them.

On the other hand, some credit bureaus may collect information that the others don’t. For example, Equifax often reports longer credit histories than TransUnion or Experian. Additionally, TransUnion may use your employment history to determine your creditworthiness. Equifax and Experian may only report the name of your employer.

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TransUnion Vs. Equifax: Which Credit Score Matters More?

No credit score is necessarily better or more accurate than the other. However, your credit score can make a difference when you’re trying to get a mortgage, auto loan or personal loan.

Lenders typically use your FICO® Score to gauge your creditworthiness. Compared to TransUnion’s algorithm, Equifax’s algorithm more closely resembles the FICO® model. Therefore, your Equifax score may better predict whether you’ll qualify for a loan.

Your Equifax score won’t be a tell-all, though. In some cases, lenders may look at your scores from all three credit bureaus and take the median score. If they only look at two of the three bureaus, they’ll likely take the lower of the two scores. If you’re co-borrowing a loan, lenders will take the lowest median of the two borrowers.

Since each credit bureau uses a different scoring algorithm, a “good” score may appear “fair” on another scale. When applying for a personal loan, make sure your lowest score qualifies you for good rates and terms. A good credit score for a personal loan would be 650 or higher to get favorable rates and terms.

Equifax Vs. TransUnion FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions people ask about their TransUnion and Equifax scores.

Which score is more accurate?

Neither your TransUnion or Equifax score is more or less accurate than the other. They’re just calculated from slightly differing sources. Your Equifax credit score is likely lower due to reporting differences. Nonetheless, a “fair” score from TransUnion is typically “fair” across the board.

What should I do if my credit scores are different?

There’s little you can do to affect whether your score differs between bureaus. You can take action toward building your credit up and correcting errors, though. If you think your credit report has errors, you can file a dispute with the bureau you believe made the mistake.

What factors affect my credit score?

The following factors may affect how your credit score comes out:

  • Your payment history
  • Your amounts owed
  • The length of your credit history
  • How many credit lines you’re currently managing
  • Any new lines of credit you’ve applied for

When should I check my credit score?

You should check your credit score at least annually, if not even more often. Frequent credit score checks may help you catch discrepancies before they cause damage. By law, you can get up to three credit reports each year, one from each agency. However, each of the three credit bureaus is currently offering consumers a free credit report each week through December 2023.

Many financial institutions offer free credit score checks. These credit inquiries aren’t usually hard checks and shouldn’t damage your credit. However, free credit reports may not include information from all three bureaus.

Final Thoughts

Keeping track of your credit scores across three credit bureaus may seem confusing. However, varying scores aren’t necessarily a cause for concern.

Your TransUnion and Equifax credit scores may only differ because they’re calculated differently. You can dispute errors with your credit report or credit score by contacting each credit bureau directly. Even so, you really only control the factors that affect your score itself.

A good or excellent credit score can net you favorable rates and terms for the loan you want. To see what personal loan rates you may qualify for, get prequalified with Rocket LoansSM.

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I'm an expert in credit scoring and financial topics, and I can provide valuable insights into the concepts discussed in the article you provided. The article delves into the differences between two major credit bureaus, TransUnion and Equifax, and how they calculate credit scores. Let me break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Credit Bureaus Overview:

    • TransUnion and Equifax are two of the "big three" credit bureaus, with the third being Experian.
    • They collect and provide consumers' credit information, generating credit scores that reflect creditworthiness.
  2. TransUnion:

    • Founded in 1968, based in Chicago, Illinois.
    • Offers both free and paid service subscriptions.
    • Paid services include unlimited score and report access, credit locking, identity theft protection, and personalized debt analysis.
  3. Equifax:

    • Founded in 1899, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
    • Offers three main plans with varying levels of services and pricing, including credit score and report access, credit monitoring, and identity theft protection.
  4. Credit Score Ranges:

    • TransUnion uses the VantageScore credit scoring model with a range of 300 to 850.
    • Equifax uses its own scoring model with a range of 280 to 850.
  5. Credit Score Calculation Models:

    • TransUnion uses the VantageScore model, with factors like payment history, age and credit mix, credit utilization, account balances, new credit, and available credit.
    • Equifax's model closely resembles the FICO model, with factors like payment history, account balances, length of credit history, new credit, credit mix.
  6. Reasons for Score Differences:

    • Algorithms: Each credit bureau uses its own algorithm to compute credit scores.
    • Data Variations: Creditors may not report the same data to each bureau, leading to score discrepancies.
    • Additional Data: Some bureaus may collect information that others don't, impacting credit scores.
  7. Credit Score Importance:

    • Lenders typically use FICO scores to assess creditworthiness.
    • Equifax scores may better predict loan qualification due to its model's resemblance to FICO.
  8. FAQs:

    • No score is more accurate; they're calculated from slightly differing sources.
    • Little can be done if scores differ between bureaus; focus on building credit and correcting errors.
    • Factors affecting credit score include payment history, amounts owed, credit history length, current credit lines, and new credit applications.
    • Check credit score at least annually; frequent checks may help catch discrepancies.
    • Financial institutions may offer free credit score checks, and consumers can get free credit reports from each bureau annually.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of credit scoring models and the practices of credit bureaus is crucial for managing one's credit health effectively. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything else you'd like to explore on this topic, feel free to ask.

TransUnion Vs. Equifax (2024)


Is Equifax more important than TransUnion? ›

Of the three main credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion), none is considered better than the others. A lender may rely on a report from one bureau or all three bureaus to make its decisions about approving a loan.

Do lenders look at TransUnion or Equifax? ›

According to Darrin English, a senior community development loan officer at Quontic Bank, mortgage lenders request your FICO scores from all three bureaus — Equifax, Transunion and Experian. But they only use one when making their final decision. If all of your scores are the same, the choice is simple.

Which credit score is most accurate? ›

There is no single credit score that's considered the most accurate. The truth is, there are several types of credit scores available to lenders—and many versions of each of those scores. Scores are calculated based on many of the same factors. But thinking of these scores in terms of accuracy can still be misleading.

Why is TransUnion always lower? ›

For instance, major credit bureaus frequently use the FICO score and VantageScore credit assessment models. However, users have often reported that their TransUnion score is usually lower than other credit scores. That is because the TransUnion credit scoring model is usually stricter than other ones.

Which credit score matters most? ›

More banks and lenders use FICO to make credit decisions than any other scoring or reporting model.

Which lenders use Equifax only? ›

PenFed Credit Union is the only loan company that uses only your Equifax credit data. In most cases, you won't be able to determine beforehand which credit bureaus your lender will use. In some cases, lenders will pull your credit report from two or even all three major credit bureaus.

What credit score is needed to buy a $300K house? ›

The required credit score to buy a $300K house typically ranges from 580 to 720 or higher, depending on the type of loan. For an FHA loan, the minimum credit score is usually around 580.

Why is my Equifax score 100 points lower than TransUnion? ›

Neither your TransUnion or Equifax score is more or less accurate than the other. They're just calculated from slightly differing sources. Your Equifax credit score is likely lower due to reporting differences. Nonetheless, a “fair” score from TransUnion is typically “fair” across the board.

What is a good FICO score? ›


What is the most damaging to a credit score? ›

5 Things That May Hurt Your Credit Scores
  • Highlights:
  • Making a late payment.
  • Having a high debt to credit utilization ratio.
  • Applying for a lot of credit at once.
  • Closing a credit card account.
  • Stopping your credit-related activities for an extended period.

What is the average credit score in the United States? ›

Credit scores help lenders decide whether to grant you credit. The average credit score in the United States is 705, based on VantageScore® data from March 2024.

What is a good credit score for buying a house? ›

Some types of mortgages have specific minimum credit score requirements. A conventional loan requires a credit score of at least 620, but it's ideal to have a score of 740 or above, which could allow you to make a lower down payment, get a more attractive interest rate and save on private mortgage insurance.

Why did my credit score go from 524 to 0? ›

Credit scores can drop due to a variety of reasons, including late or missed payments, changes to your credit utilization rate, a change in your credit mix, closing older accounts (which may shorten your length of credit history overall), or applying for new credit accounts.

Why did my credit score drop 40 points after paying off debt? ›

If you take out a loan to consolidate debt, you could see a temporary drop because of the hard inquiry for the new loan. Your credit score can take 30 to 60 days to improve after paying off revolving debt. Your score could also drop because of changes to your credit mix and the age of accounts you leave open.

What is a good TransUnion score? ›

A good credit score for the VantageScore® 3.0 scoring model, which is the model used when you get a score directly from TransUnion, is in the range of 721 – 780. If your credit score is below this range, consider 721 and above a good long-term goal.

Which credit bureau is most important? ›

Which credit bureau is most used? One credit bureau is not necessarily used more over another. Credit bureaus are used for different services, including credit reports, credit scores and tools like identity monitoring. Experian, Equifax and TransUnion are all respected, credible bureaus that are used widely.

When buying a car do they look at TransUnion or Equifax? ›

Equifax and Experian are the most commonly used credit bureaus by auto lenders. They offer services that are directed specifically at the auto industry, and each gets a portion of their revenue from the industry.

What is a good Equifax credit score? ›

Very good (740 to 799): Very good credit scores reflect frequent positive credit behaviors. Lenders are likely to approve borrowers in this range. Good (670 to 739): Lenders may think twice before offering new credit to individuals in this range.

Is 700 a good credit score? ›

For a score with a range between 300 and 850, a credit score of 700 or above is generally considered good. A score of 800 or above on the same range is considered to be excellent. Most consumers have credit scores that fall between 600 and 750. In 2023, the average FICO® Score in the U.S. reached 715.

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