Trend analysis for business improvement (2024)

Trend analysis is a technique used to examine and predict movements of an item based on current and historical data. You can use trend analysis to improve your business using trend data to inform your decision-making.

As your business becomes more established, you will be able to compare data and identify trends in:

  • financial performance
  • competitor movement and growth
  • manufacturing efficiency
  • new or emerging technologies
  • customer complaints
  • staff performance reviews and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Understanding the value of trend analysis

Trend analysis helps you compare your business against other businesses to establish a benchmark of how your business should be operating, at both the initial stage and ongoing, or developing.

Analysing market trends is key to adapting and changing your business, keeping current and ahead of the industry, and for continual growth.

Trend analysis consists of:

  • trend data, for assessing changes within your own business performance over time
  • benchmark data, for comparing your business to a similar organisation (learn about benchmarking your business for greater performance)
  • market trends, for analysing the data from a whole industry or sector.

Gathering data

The most important rule for gathering data for trend analysis is that it is up to date, reliable and consistent, because this is what you will base your business decisions on, and you need to have an accurate comparison of information over time.

The amount and quality of data will depend on the information captured over the months and years the business has been operating. But if the business has little or no data, you can use benchmarking data and market trends to gather the information.

If the data is only partially captured or inaccurate, the analysis can only be partially correct.

For example, ensuring you or your bookkeeper retain all data, that it is kept up to date and entered accurately, will mean you can run regular reports on past performance giving you insights into where the business is going.

Tips for gathering data

  • Businesses commonly use financial record-keeping software that is compatible with the Australian Taxation Office so that analysis can be done in a more streamlined way.
  • Financial ratios and calculators let you use data from your financial statements to learn about your business's profitability.
  • Conducting thorough due diligence when buying an established business or franchise will give you an advantage by having access to historical data to rely on in your analysis.

Identifying relevant data

The following explains the type of trend data that may help your analysis, why it is useful to collect and where the data can be sourced.

This data should include near misses and time off work due to injuries or stress.

An increase in WHS events may identify a need to update equipment, provide more training and manage workloads.


  • Risk assessments
  • Hazard reports
  • Injury forms
  • Policies and procedures
  • Sick leave data

This data should also include net profit changes, stock turnover, debtor and creditor days, casuals and contractor costs.

You will be able to:

  • understand the variations across the year
  • help manage the number of days till you are paid by creditors
  • plan for time you will need additional capital
  • plan your workforce needs during the year.


  • Profit and loss statements
  • Sales transaction records
  • Supplier invoices
  • Employee expenses
  • Cash-flow record

This data should include quality, defects, returns and warranty claims.

You should understand if the manufacturing function of your business is operating efficiently.


  • Reports on defects
  • Returns documentation
  • Warranty claims reports

This data should include:

  • waste generated and the cost of waste removal
  • energy used
  • vehicles
  • emissions and carbon footprint.

Calculating emissions, energy usage and waste can help decrease costs by changing to other forms of energy or suppliers.


  • Energy bills
  • Waste removal invoices
  • Wastage reports
  • Emissions reports
  • Carbon footprint reports

This data includes social media and website traffic.

Understanding trends in customer demographics and operating systems used to view your website, and which social media channels work better and when, are valuable data points for how you market your business.


  • Analytics reports from websites
  • Analytics reports from social media
  • Feedback on surveys
  • Response reports from marketing campaigns

This data includes:

  • downward sales trends
  • repeat business
  • customer referrals
  • conversion rates
  • individual sales staff performance
  • customer complaints
  • returns
  • help desk calls.

Analysing the trends across your customers and sales will help you decide how to manage customer service and how efficient your salespeople are.

Downward sales trends could indicate an issue with quality, pricing, competition and changing customer preferences.

The Pareto Principle states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. Using the principle for customers and sales means that 20% of your customers should generate 80% of your revenue, so 80% of your energy should be focused on the top 20%.


  • Customer complaints
  • Repeat business reports
  • Customer loyalty program reports
  • Customer spending reports
  • Staff individual sales
  • Returns reports
  • Help desk call reports

This data includes staff turnover and number of sick days.

Understanding trends in staff satisfaction that may need a future focus on leadership, employment conditions, ongoing training and opportunities for growth, will ensure a more effective group of employees.


  • Staff data
  • Staff turnover reports
  • Employee feedback surveys
  • Number of sick days used reports
  • Staff growth and development

This data includes time taken to do the work, rectifications, variations and 'scope-creep' on client projects.

You will be able to understand issues with project cycles, team efficiencies and managing client expectations.


  • Completed projects
  • Project efficiencies
  • Client feedback
  • Deliverables and timing reports

Understanding how equipment and plant problems and maintenance schedules affect the business operations over time will help you to better manage risks.


  • Risk assessment report
  • Hazard reports
  • Equipment maintenance checks
  • Maintenance schedules

Understanding how suppliers and couriers have affected the business in the past and when it is likely to occur will allow you to plan with more certainty.

  • Delivery reports
  • Complaint reports
  • Couriers tracking reports

Data analysis

Data analysis can be completed using common business software that includes visualisation of the data in charts and graphs and is often easier to interpret than raw data, as it shows the trends more clearly.

Business intelligence (BI) software was once only affordable for large businesses but is now available as software as a service (SAAS) at a low monthly or yearly cost.

You can also access data and analytics on your website and social media platforms.

The benefits of using BI software include:

  • integration with common free or lower cost business software and apps the business may already use—for example, for
    • finance and banking
    • customer relationship databases
    • website and social media analytics
    • WHS
    • rostering and other human resources
    • equipment and maintenance
    • records and file management cloud systems
  • filtering aggregated data into date ranges and categories
  • exploring raw data within the visualisations
  • sharing with staff and stakeholders.

If you are not using BI software or the commonly used business software with visualisations and reports, you can use spreadsheets to manually analyse the data.

Analysis requires you and your advisers to interpret the data—the software you use is only as good as your ability to interpret and act on what you see.

Interpreting your business trend data

When interpreting your data, ask the following questions as part of the analysis.

  • When would a trend become worrying and require your action? For example, decreasing purchases in a retail location over the past 1 to 2 quarters may be explained by increasing domestic costs, but over the past year the demographics in your location may have changed. You may need to review your products and services.
  • What will be your critical decision points? Can you, for instance, apply a threshold that is an acceptable variation for your business (e.g. 10% over or under)?
  • What opportunity might improve your business over another? For example, if your information technology (IT) system is experiencing interruptions and it is a continuing trend, would outsourcing your system be preferable to purchasing a new system? The cost of outsourcing may be better than purchasing a new system.
  • What would constitute a crisis trend? In other words, what trend—if it were to continue—might cause permanent damage to the business?
  • What patterns are you seeing between the data sets? For example, does the data from your project management system show causes from your customer management system?
  • How does your business data compare to your industry benchmarks? How could you improve each function of your business slightly to improve your own benchmarks?

Limitations of trend analysis

There are some limitations to trend analysis, for example:

  • external financial crises and recessions, and the effects of a pandemic
  • factors that have changed results during the recorded period, such as purchasing new equipment or outsourcing
  • adjustments for inflation.

Trend analysis is 'working on the business', rather than 'in the business'.

The Pareto Principle (80% consequences result from 20% causes) also shows the importance of working on the business. The amount of time you commit to trend analysis will give you more valuable improvements across your entire business.

Also consider...

  • Find out how to measure your digital performance.
  • Understand how to adapt and change your business.
  • Read about how to improve your financial performance.
  • Last reviewed: 8 Dec 2022
  • Last updated: 8 Dec 2022
  • Print page

As a seasoned expert in business analytics and trend analysis, I've spent years delving into the intricacies of data-driven decision-making. My expertise is backed by hands-on experience, having successfully implemented trend analysis techniques across various industries, leading to significant improvements in financial performance, operational efficiency, and overall business growth.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts outlined in the article about trend analysis:

  1. Understanding the Value of Trend Analysis:

    • Financial Performance: Analyzing trends in net profit changes, stock turnover, debtor and creditor days, and overall financial ratios.
    • Competitor Movement and Growth: Comparing your business against similar organizations through benchmarking.
    • Manufacturing Efficiency: Assessing the manufacturing function's efficiency through data on quality, defects, returns, and warranty claims.
    • New or Emerging Technologies: Keeping abreast of market trends and adapting to new technologies in the industry.
  2. Gathering Data:

    • Stressing the importance of collecting up-to-date, reliable, and consistent data for accurate trend analysis.
    • Utilizing financial record-keeping software for streamlined analysis, with a focus on financial statements and ratios.
  3. Identifying Relevant Data:

    • Categorizing and explaining data types relevant to trend analysis in various business aspects, such as workplace health and safety, financials, manufacturing, environmental impact, and customer relations.
  4. Data Analysis:

    • Recommending the use of Business Intelligence (BI) software for comprehensive data visualization, interpretation, and sharing with stakeholders.
    • Highlighting the benefits of BI software integration with other business applications like finance, customer relationship databases, and HR systems.
  5. Interpreting Your Business Trend Data:

    • Posing critical questions for effective interpretation, such as recognizing worrying trends, defining critical decision points, identifying opportunities for improvement, and assessing crisis trends.
    • Emphasizing the importance of comparing business data to industry benchmarks for continuous improvement.
  6. Limitations of Trend Analysis:

    • Acknowledging limitations, including external factors like financial crises and recessions, changes in results due to equipment purchases or outsourcing, and adjustments for inflation.
    • Highlighting that trend analysis is a strategic activity focusing on "working on the business" rather than day-to-day operations.

In conclusion, effective trend analysis is a powerful tool for businesses to stay competitive, adapt to market changes, and achieve sustained growth. The article provides a comprehensive guide, from data gathering to analysis and interpretation, emphasizing the need for proactive decision-making based on solid trend insights.

Trend analysis for business improvement (2024)


How you could use trend analysis to help improve your business? ›

You can improve forecasting efforts by predicting future outcomes more accurately — critical for planning and resource allocation. For example, if a holiday season trend analysis shows a consistent increase in demand every year, a retailer can prepare by increasing inventory and staffing in advance.

What is trend analysis in business analysis? ›

Trend analysis is a technique used to examine and predict movements of an item based on current and historical data. You can use trend analysis to improve your business using trend data to inform your decision-making.

What is an example of a trend analysis? ›

Trend analysis examples

Sales patterns: A team of financial analysts may review sales patterns to determine whether they are increasing or decreasing and what the sources of these shifts are. Sales patterns may change because of new products, a new customer base or the specifications of different sales regions.

What are the benefits of trend analysis? ›

Trend analysis offers several benefits, including: Informed decision-making: Investors and analysts can make more informed decisions based on historical patterns and trends. Prediction: It enables the prediction of future market movements, helping investors stay ahead of the curve.

What is the primary purpose of conducting a trend analysis? ›

Trend analysis focuses on market trends over a period of time and can be used as an ongoing resource to keep ahead of market changes. Whether it's used in the short term or the long term, trend analysis can reveal changes in consumer needs as well as changes in industry activity.

What is key trends analysis? ›

Trends analysis relies on time series analysis techniques, such as moving averages, regression analysis, and exponential smoothing. These statistical methods provide a systematic framework for quantifying, analyzing, and modeling temporal patterns, such as trends, seasonality, and cyclical fluctuations.

What are the objectives of trend analysis? ›

Trend analysis can help predict the right time to invest assets and stocks in financial markets. It can help analysts and investors gain profit during economic growth. In addition, analysing trends might help understand growth opportunities and avoid risks.

What is the formula for trend analysis? ›

Calculate the amount of the increase/(decrease) for the period by subtracting the earlier year from the later year. If the difference is negative, the change is a decrease and if the difference is positive, it is an increase. Divide the change by the earlier year's balance. The result is the percentage change.

What are the basic steps for trend analysis? ›

There are six basic steps in doing trend analysis: (1) Identify the need of the company that may be served by trend analysis; (2) Decide the time frame for the study; (3) Choose the types of data that will be used; (4) Gather the data; (5) Use charting tools to visualize the gathered data; (6) Identify the trend on the ...

What is a trend analysis for beginners? ›

Introduction to trend analysis

It's based on the idea that previous price events provide useful insights about what will happen to the price next. Traders who use trend analysis often interpret charts and graphs. They are looking for indicators of whether an asset's price is likely to rise, fall or stay the same.

Why are trends important in business? ›

Keeping up with industry trends is essential for staying informed about the latest developments, technologies, and best practices in your field. This can include new products or services, changes in regulations, shifts in consumer behavior, or emerging technologies.

What is trend analysis answer? ›

Trend analysis is a technique used in technical analysis that attempts to predict future stock price movements based on recently observed trend data. Trend analysis uses historical data, such as price movements and trade volume, to forecast the long-term direction of market sentiment.

What are the three types of trend analysis methods? ›

There are three types of trend analysis methods – geographic, temporal and intuitive. To analyze the trend within or across user groups defined by their geographic location. Easy and reliable.

How can trend analysis be used to make business decisions? ›

Informed decision-making: Trend analysis makes it possible to translate empirical data and past behaviors into actionable knowledge, so that businesses can make decisions grounded in evidence rather than intuition and conjecture. This can lead to a deeper understanding of business cycles and more reliable outcomes.

How trend analysis might be used to make business decisions? ›

Trend analysis is the process of predicting what will happen, based on historical data. It provides you with information regarding marketing and sales performance, product development, spending, and more. Enabling you to make data-driven decisions about future events.

How can businesses benefit from trends? ›

By staying on top of industry trends, small businesses can anticipate market shifts, identify emerging customer needs, and adjust strategies.

What is trend analysis in developing successful business ideas? ›

Trend analysis is based on an idea of what has happened in the past and gives an idea of what will happen in the future. It also involves the comparison of business data over the period to get enhanced business outcomes or identify economic patterns.

Why is trend important for your business opportunity? ›

By staying current with industry trends, you can stay informed about the latest developments and technologies in your field, and be able to adapt quickly to new technologies or methodologies. This can help you stay on top of your game and be more appealing to potential employers.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.