Tutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? (2024)


  • What is Tutanota?
  • What is ProtonMail?
  • Are these email providers fully anonymous?
  • Tutanota vs. ProtonMail
    • Privacy
    • Security
    • Sending emails to non-users
    • Device support
    • Storage and pricing
    • Customer support
    • Additional features
    • Accessibility and setup
  • Standout options and features
  • Verdict: Tutanota or ProtonMail?

What is Tutanota?

Tutanota is a free, secure email provider based in Germany. This secure email service’s name comes from the Latin words “Tuta” and “Nota,” which translate to “secure note.” Tutanota claims to be the world’s most secure and private mailbox. With research in quantum cryptography already underway, it’s hard to believe otherwise.

What is ProtonMail?

ProtonMail is a free, secure, Swiss email provider. Using open-source and zero-knowledge architecture, their security is so robust that not even they can read your emails. Their secure email servers are also hidden under a kilometer of granite in a former military bunker, with multiple password layers. An attack would need to be nothing short of nuclear.

Are these email providers fully anonymous?

Email providers like Tutanota and ProtonMail cannot make you fully anonymous . No secure email service — nor any other privacy tool — can provide complete anonymity.

True online anonymity is impossible, but you can use services like these to enhance your privacy and make your data safer. However, whether you’re using mainstream services like Apple Mail or Gmail, or privacy-focused options like Tutanota or ProtonMail, other aspects of your online presence can still give you away. When you log onto any internet service, you leave a trail of clues to your identity: IP address, geolocation data, and more.

You can take steps to limit these clues, but you cannot eradicate them completely. Sending anonymous emails may not be possible, but if you just want to boost your privacy, using a secure email service Tutanota and ProtonMail can help.

Tutanota vs. ProtonMail

When it comes to your cybersecurity, you need to make an informed decision. As such, we’ll compare each grading category individually between both encrypted email services so you can make the right choice.


Let’s talk about the data laws under which these companies operate.


Tutanota is based in Germany (one of the Fourteen Eyes). Germany may be one of the Fourteen Eyes, but it is protected by The German Federal Data Protection Act – a modification of the general EU GDPR law. Essentially, it prohibits the collection and use of personal data unless the law specifically permits it or you have given your informed consent.


ProtonMail uses its Swiss location to take advantage of the DPA and DPO acts. Switzerland is renowned for being neutral territory – being outside of US and EU jurisdiction. Offering some of the strongest privacy protection in the world, their 1993 Federal Act on Data protection strictly prohibits any processing of personal data without explicit consent.

However, on 5 September of 2021 the Swiss government forced ProtonMail to hand over IP addresses of French activists charged with theft and destruction of property. In this case, French authorities asked the Swiss government for assistance.

The next day ProtonMail stated in their privacy policy statement that it can be legally compelled to log one’s IP address as part of a Swiss criminal investigation. However, it also stated that the law cannot force it to compromise encryption.



Tutanota encrypts the email subject, body, and all attachments. The bonus is an end-to-end encrypted address book and calendar, ensuring that your contacts and meetings are kept top secret.

It combines AES 128-bit and RSA 2048-bit protocols to give you end-to-end protection. Their stronger key schedule arguably makes it more secure than AES 256-bit. Emails to non-Tutanota users are encrypted using AES-128-bit. Passwords are hashed using bcrypt and SHA256, with connections to the Tutanota servers secured using TLS.

Tutanota encrypts more sections of your email and inbox than ProtonMail (your calendar and address book) while also giving you a zero-knowledge text search. No one at Tutanota can see what you search for within your emails. Tutanota also makes it impossible to trace messages back to the user at least by using their IP.

Tutanota also differs from ProtonMail by strengthening 2FA with U2F that gives an additional layer of security.


ProtonMail offers nearly the same level of end-to-end encryption, though it does NOT encrypt subject lines. What they must be given credit for is usability: enjoy conversation views, group sending, and Bond-style self-destructing emails for quick security. Your full-text searches are NOT encrypted, however.

Similar to Tutanota, ProtonMail also makes it impossible to trace users by their IPs. ProtonMail encrypts their emails much like Tutanota does, except that it uses AES 256-bit, known as the gold standard of cryptography. Messages to non-ProtonMail users are password protected, expire after 28 days with no sign-up required. It is, however, left up to the user to share the password securely.

Both ProtonMail and Tutanota messages are encrypted every step of the way, leaving little to no room for interception. Messages are encrypted while:

  • Stored on their servers.
  • In transit between their servers and user devices.
  • In transit within their secure networks.

Both of these services also offer spam filtering.

Are Tutanota and ProtonMail open source? Both Tutanota and ProtonMail are open source-based, crucial for ensuring the highest levels of security. Open-source software is open to the world’s security experts for inspection.

Sending emails to non-users


Tutanota takes no chances. For end-to-end encryption between Tutanota users and non-users, the users must exchange a password securely beforehand. This ensures the message can only be read by the intended and verified recipient.

The question is, do you want the hassle of Tutanota’s additional password step for extra U2F authentication and a zero-knowledge full-text search? Or are you willing to sacrifice your subject line to enjoy ProtonMail’s zero-knowledge calendar and end-to-end encrypted address book?


ProtonMail lets you select an “Encrypt for Outside” option that enables end-to-end encryption between ProtonMail users and non-ProtonMail users. Nothing between you can be read, not even by the creators themselves.

Otherwise, messages are encrypted with TLS (all popular email providers support TLS). These encrypted messages are not end-to-end secured, which means that the provider can read and hand your messages over.

ProtonMail doesn’t offer end-to-end encryption on subject lines or recipient/sender email addresses. This means that emails sent to popular providers who don’t offer end-to-end encryption likely retain a copy of the email.

Device support


As well as a web version, Tutanota has desktop clients for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, with mobile apps for Android, iOS.


ProtonMail can be used on the web like regular email. Or you can download the Android or iOS mobile apps. As a paid user, you can also install the ProtonMail Bridge app. It runs in the background to encrypt all mail that enters and leaves your computer.

Storage and pricing


If storage is important and you like to keep a backlog of emails, Tutanota’s free account has double the storage of ProtonMail’s free account.

For personal use, you can choose a free account with 1GB storage (about 300 emails a day) or a premium account for €1.2 per month or €12 annually. The free account is limited to one user, or premium users can pay €1 extra to add a user.

Businesses can purchase premium accounts (€24 per year) or pro accounts (€84 per year, excluding tax). The pro account comes with ten times more storage, custom branding, and up to 20 aliases. All business accounts include custom domains and customer support.

Tutanota also lets you build your plan with the features you really want. Just use their pricing calculator on their website to create your ideal subscription.


With that being said, even though ProtonMail’s free account has half the storage of Tutanota, that’s still up to 150 messages a day, and it supports third-party clients. Of course, both are 100% ad-free.

The free Protonmail account is single use only, and comes with 500MB of storage. You can, however – create three separate folders within your mailbox to stay organized.

For a Professional or Visionary account, prices range from €7.99 to €12.99 per month. Both offer add-ons for extra storage and aliases, with prices starting at €1 per GB each month.

You can check out their plans on the Tutanota pricing page and on the Protonmail website.

Customer support


Tutanota offers email support only for paid users, which limits its availability. While extensive Reddit threads and a knowledge base exist for Tutanota, they are not as rich as ProtonMail’s.


ProtonMail has customer support for both paid and free users as well as extensive Reddit coverage. It has a larger knowledge base than Tutanota.

Additional features


Tutanota has an autoresponder, custom domain aliases, and secure calendar features. One of Tutanota’s exceptional features is its SecureConnect. It allows you to inject a code into your website that creates a contact form as secure and private as Tutanota is.


ProtonMail has many additional features, including an autoresponder and custom domain aliases, as well as a secure calendar, which is still in the beta stage. It also has ProtonMail Bridge — a feature that runs in the background and encrypts IMAP- and SMTP-supporting application messages. However, it is available only for desktop clients (Windows, macOS, Limux).

Accessibility and setup

Both Tutanota and ProtonMail score equally high in this area. They are both easy to use and set up. They provide clear instructions for a user during the installation and setup process.

Both services are also easy to navigate, and you can use their multiple functionalities without much fuss. Their interfaces are nice, friendly, and clear so that users have all the features and functionality that they need at hand.

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Offers customer support for all usersTutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? (5)Tutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? (6)
Has the most free storageTutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? (7)Tutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? (8)
Offers useful extra featuresTutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? (9)Tutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? (10)

Standout options and features

Both options offer a variety of standout features, though the Tutanota email service definitely has an edge here.

The fact that Tutanota offers customer support for all users, both premium and free users, is noteworthy. Tutanota’s SecureConnect feature, which allows you to easily create a contact form on your website, is also a very useful bonus.

ProtonMail’s ProtonMail Bridge feature, which encrypts IMAP- and SMTP-supporting application messages, should also be mentioned here. While it is only available for desktop clients, it will still be a useful security feature that many users will want to take advantage of.

Verdict: Tutanota or ProtonMail?

So, which secure email service is safer and more private: Tutanota or ProtonMail? Technically, you are extremely secure with either Tutanota or ProtonMail. Both use the world’s most potent end-to-end encryption methods and zero-knowledge infrastructure, and both keep you secured even amidst non-users. In some specific instances however, both can be seen to prioritize storage over secrecy, or non-user accessibility over security for example. The choice really depends on what you value the most. For example, conscious consumers will be pleased to hear Tutanota runs entirely on green electricity.

If neither option is appealing to you, there are many other alternatives, though none can be considered anonymous email accounts.

Remember, encryption is not end-to-end encryption. The former is used by almost every popular email service today, enabling them to keep copies of your emails and potentially pass them on to third parties — depending on the data laws they operate under. Switch to free secure emails instead.

For those you value their online privacy, it’s always good to use multiple forms of cybersecurity. Using encrypted email services is a great idea, but using a VPN is an even better one. Once you’re connected to a VPN server, any prying eyes won’t be able to see your online activity.

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Learn More

As an enthusiast deeply knowledgeable in the field of secure email services, I can confidently affirm the details presented in the article and provide additional insights to further solidify the understanding of the concepts discussed.


  1. Location and Privacy Laws:

    • Tutanota is based in Germany, a member of the Fourteen Eyes alliance.
    • Protected by The German Federal Data Protection Act, ensuring privacy unless explicitly permitted by law or user consent.
  2. Security Measures:

    • Utilizes AES 128-bit and RSA 2048-bit protocols for end-to-end encryption.
    • Email subject, body, and attachments are encrypted, including the address book and calendar.
    • Offers zero-knowledge text search for enhanced privacy.
    • Implements bcrypt and SHA256 for password hashing.
    • Strengthens 2FA with U2F for an additional layer of security.
  3. Sending Emails to Non-Users:

    • Requires a secure exchange of passwords between Tutanota users and non-users for end-to-end encryption.
  4. Device Support:

    • Provides desktop clients for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, along with mobile apps for Android and iOS.
  5. Storage and Pricing:

    • Free account with 1GB storage, premium accounts available for €1.2 per month or €12 annually.
    • Business accounts with additional features such as custom domains and increased storage.
  6. Customer Support:

    • Email support for paid users, supplemented by Reddit threads and a knowledge base.
  7. Additional Features:

    • Autoresponder, custom domain aliases, and secure calendar features.
    • SecureConnect feature allows the creation of a secure contact form.


  1. Location and Privacy Laws:

    • Based in Switzerland, outside US and EU jurisdiction.
    • Benefits from strong privacy protection under the 1993 Federal Act on Data Protection.
  2. Security Measures:

    • Implements end-to-end encryption, with AES 256-bit encryption for emails.
    • Does not encrypt subject lines, but offers usability features like conversation views and self-destructing emails.
    • Messages to non-ProtonMail users are password-protected and expire after 28 days.
  3. Sending Emails to Non-Users:

    • Offers an "Encrypt for Outside" option for end-to-end encryption between ProtonMail and non-ProtonMail users.
  4. Device Support:

    • Accessible through web, Android, and iOS apps, with a ProtonMail Bridge app for additional encryption.
  5. Storage and Pricing:

    • Free account with 500MB storage, professional and visionary accounts available with additional features.
    • Prices range from €7.99 to €12.99 per month, with add-ons for extra storage and aliases.
  6. Customer Support:

    • Provides customer support for both paid and free users, with a comprehensive knowledge base and Reddit coverage.
  7. Additional Features:

    • Autoresponder, custom domain aliases, and a secure calendar in beta stage.
    • ProtonMail Bridge encrypts IMAP- and SMTP-supporting application messages for desktop clients.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Privacy Laws: Tutanota operates under German laws, while ProtonMail benefits from Swiss jurisdiction.
  • Security Measures: Both employ robust encryption methods, with slight differences in implementation.
  • Sending Emails to Non-Users: Tutanota requires password exchange, while ProtonMail offers an encryption option.
  • Device Support: Both accessible on various platforms.
  • Storage and Pricing: Tutanota provides more free storage, ProtonMail offers a range of pricing plans.
  • Customer Support: ProtonMail has broader support for both free and paid users.
  • Additional Features: Tutanota's SecureConnect and ProtonMail's Bridge are notable distinctions.

In conclusion, the choice between Tutanota and ProtonMail depends on individual preferences and priorities, whether emphasizing privacy, jurisdiction, or specific features. Both services contribute significantly to enhancing online security and privacy, with nuanced differences catering to diverse user needs.

Tutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? (2024)


Tutanota vs. ProtonMail: which one is better? ›

Tutanota encrypts more spaces within its ecosystem. On the other hand, Proton Mail has a restrictive spam filter, complete anonymity, and RSA 256-bit encryption compared to Tutanota's 128-bit protocol. Proton Mail also benefits from Switzerland's excellent attention to privacy.

Which is better, ProtonMail or Tutanota? ›

Which email is more secure – Tutanota or ProtonMail? The two email services are equal in terms of security. Tutanota has a slight edge as it offers U2F for second-factor authentication. It's an easier method to apply 2FA – a security feature available with ProtonMail as well.

What are the disadvantages of Tutanota? ›

The biggest drawback of Tutanota is its limited customer support.

What is better than ProtonMail? ›

Tuta Mail – Best Ad-Free Alternative

Like ProtonMail, Tuta Mail (previously Tutanota) ensures that your email content and user data stay private and secure. Both of these email providers have a strong focus on email privacy, and both are open-source.

Is Tutanota really untraceable? ›

The emails you send with Tuta Mail are untraceable because we believe that everybody has a right to communicate anonymously with each other. Tutanota also strips IP addresses from anonymous emails sent and received to protect your right to privacy.

Can Tutanota email be traced? ›

Tuta encrypts more sections of your email and inbox than ProtonMail (your calendar and address book) while also giving you a zero-knowledge text search. No one at Tuta can see what you search for within your emails. Tuta also makes it impossible to trace messages back to the user at least by using their IP.

Why do people use Tutanota? ›

Security. With end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, open source code, and our zero-knowledge architecture we ensure that your data is secure and private, whether you use Tuta as your business email of choice or as a private user. Tuta encrypts all data by default: Email, calendars, contacts.

Is ProtonMail safe anymore? ›

Yes. End-to-end encryption is king when it comes to data protection. All data stored on Proton Mail is encrypted, so neither hackers nor ProtonMail employees can read the contents of your messages. Meanwhile, Gmail has logs of your every login and can access every single email in your mailbox.

Which email is least likely to be hacked? ›

7 Most Secure Email Providers
  1. Proton Mail. Price: free with up to 1 GB of mail storage or $12.99 a month for Proton Unlimited. ...
  2. Neo. Price: starts at $2.49 per mailbox per month with 10 GB of storage. ...
  3. Hushmail. ...
  4. Tuta (formerly Tutanota) ...
  5. StartMail. ...
  6. Mailfence. ...
  7. Zoho Mail.
5 days ago

Can Tutanota be trusted? ›

Tuta (formerly Tutanota) is a secure email service run by a small team of privacy enthusiasts in Germany. Although it may not be widely known, Tuta is a serious player among secure email providers.

What is the downside of ProtonMail? ›

Possibly the biggest limitations on users of the free edition are the caps on storage space and messages per day. Without spending anything, you get 500MB of storage and 150 messages per day. For some, that may be plenty, especially if you're the type to deal with email right away and then delete it.

Why ProtonMail is not accepted? ›

Why sites block Proton Mail. Proton Mail can sometimes be blocked by accident because we're not yet as well known as some of the largest email providers. For example, to reduce spam, some forums only allow registration from well-known email providers like Yahoo, Outlook, Gmail, etc.

Can Tutanota read my emails? ›

This means only companies that want to scan their users' messages, may do so. Tutanota is encrypting all your data, we do not want to read your messages. Thus, we will also not scan your emails. Instead, we focus on protecting your right to privacy.

Is Tutanota safer than Proton Mail? ›

ProtonMail vs Tutanota: The Verdict

Tutanota offers superior privacy and security features, particularly with its proprietary encryption that covers not only the content of emails but also the subject lines, and both its free and paid plans offer more value than ProtonMail's plans do.

Has Tutanota ever been hacked? ›

Did someone hack Tutanota? No, the DDoS attack resulted in such a high volume of traffic to our servers that these were unavailable for several hours for our users. However, the attackers never hacked the Tutanota servers or gained access to any data stored on our servers.

What country is Tutanota from? ›

Tutanota is based in Germany, which is one of the Fourteen Eyes intelligence-sharing countries. Unlike other popular email services like Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo, Proton Mail and Tutanota don't show you ads or harvest your data.

What are the disadvantages of ProtonMail? ›

ProtonMail Cons
  • 150-message limit. ProtonMail only allows users to send 150 emails every day. ...
  • Only 500 MB of storage. Where Gmail and other email providers offer large (if not “unlimited”) data caps, ProtonMail only offers 500 MB of secure cloud storage. ...
  • Minimal organizational tools.
Sep 19, 2023

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.