Twitter Analytics for Another Account (2024)

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Using third-party Twitter account analysis tool is the only way to get X/Twitter analytics for accounts you don’t own. In other words, free Twitter analytics for other account is not possible in the X app directly.

With an X / Twitter competitor analysis tool, you can:

  • Get X / Twitter analytics for another account
  • Track someone else Twitter followers and competitors performance
  • Analyze another account hashtags, tweets and mentions

In this article, we’ll cover how to how to run X / Twitter analytics for another account. We’ll look at how you can use this tactic for X/ Twitter competitive analysis as well as Twitter influencer analysis. That way you can spy on other X users’ stats and improve your own Twitter marketing strategy at the same time.

Use the search bar below to analyse any X / Twitter profile (@mention), keyword or hashtag for free. Just use the search bar below.

Can I use X/ Twitter analytics of other accounts?

The short answer is yes – you can analyse other X users. In-depth Twitter analytics of followers evolution, demographics and tweet activity is available on third-party Twitter account analysis tools.

You can get basic free Twitter analytics for other users by checking the account’s profile directly in the X app. However, if you don’t have the account’s login details, you can’t see very much.

When you need a more in-depth analysis, X can’t help. Instead, you need dedicated tools like Tweet Binder or Audiense Connect to get X stats and analyze the data.

Use the search bar below to analyse any X / Twitter profile (@mention), keyword or hashtag for free. Just use the search bar below.

What can X/Twitter analytics for another account reveal?

A Twitter account analysis can give you a surprising amount of data. With X competitor analysis tools, you can learn about other accounts’ followers, Twitter audience demographics, hashtags, and more.

X/ Twitter profile checker for another account

Audiense Connect gives you an insight into other Twitter account followers evolution, recent unfollows, audience demographics, etc.

Follower count

Curious how many followers your top competitor has? The Community Insights panel shows their total follower count.

By checking another user follower count, you can see the follower evolution over time. Keep in mind to create a tracker for it to start collecting data. These stats can help you evaluate both competitors and influencers on Twtter.

The Community Insights panel shows the total follower count for another X/ Twitter profile.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (1)

It also charts follower growth over time so you can look for patterns and trends. For example,did they gain a lot of followers quickly? Then, check their X profile to see the type of content they’re creating. Thus, you might get ideas for your own strategy.

The Community Insights dashboard even projects follower growth. That way you can see where their follower count is likely to be in 30 days.

Sign up for Audiense Connect and start checking X/ Twitter analytics for other accounts today.


The Community Insights panel also shows the total Following number so you can easily see the follower to following ratio.

To see a list of these accounts, click the Following panel to open the community wall. Then you can scroll through a complete list of accounts, including their usernames, total followers, and total following.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (2)

To learn more about the accounts they follow, use the filters in the left navigation. For example, are they following a lot of older, highly engaged accounts with large communities? Or are they following smaller accounts that could be micro-influencers?

If any of the accounts look like a good fit for your brand, follow them directly from the Audiense Connect dashboard. You can also tag them or add them to lists so you can easily engage with them later.


Does it look like a lot of users are unfollowing the account? On the Audiense Connect dashboard, you can see recent unfollows just below the main graph.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (3)

If you click this panel, you can see a complete list of accounts that unfollowed. Use these details to learn more about the types of users who are unfollowing and why they chose to leave.

For example, did these accounts become irrelevant because they’re no longer customers of your competitor? If they’re in the market for a new solution, you might engage with them from your own Twitter account.

New followers

To detect Twitter follows, check the New Followers panel just below the main graph. You can see the total number of new followers at the top of the panel. It also charts new followers over the past six months so you can get a sense of overall growth.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (4)

If you click on this panel, you can see the exact users who recently followed the X/Twitter account. Then you can visit their profiles to learn about them and what attracted them to follow the social media account. For example, they may be prospects who are considering a purchase.

Alternatively, if you see a big spike in followers, you can review some of the account’s recent tweets. Did they run a successful organic marketing campaign that led to a lot of new growth? Have they recently changed their social media strategy?

Sign up for Audiense Connect and start checking Twitter analytics for other accounts today.

Use the search bar below to analyse any X / Twitter profile (@mention), keyword or hashtag for free. Just use the search bar below.

How to find Twitter audience demographics

Want to get to know other account X/ Twitter demographic analytics? With Audiense Connect Twitter audience demographic analytics panels, you can learn about third-party accounts’ locations, languages, and gender.


To get a sense of how the other accounts’ followers speak, check the Languages panel. The total number and percentage breakdown can help you better understand the audience makeup.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (5)

For example, you might see that the user has a lot of followers who speak alternative languages. By engaging with them in their preferred language, you might be able to get their attention.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (6)

You can get a complete list of followers who speak a certain language by selecting it on the Languages panel. From the dashboard, you can follow or tag specific users for future engagement or marketing campaigns.


To see where the account’s followers are based, check the Countries panel. Hover over any country to get a total follower count and a percentage breakdown.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (7)

Using this data, you can see if the account is attracting a lot of followers from other countries. That might tell you if the account is expanding to a new market. It is important to know as you do competitor X analysis.


Twitter Analytics for Another Account (8)

For a gender-based breakdown, check the Gender panel. Note that a large percentage may fall under Unknown. Especially, if the account has a lot of business followers.

Sign up for Audiense Connect and start checking Twitter analytics for other accounts today.

X/ Twitter mention analytics for another account

Who’s talking about your competitors or the influencers you consider working with? Check their Twitter mentions to get a sense of the community they’ve built and how people feel about their brand.

Use the search bar below to analyse any X / Twitter profile (@mention), keyword or hashtag for free. Just use the search bar below.

With Tweet Binder’s mentions report, you can see the total number of mentions of any account. This total number shows you how many times others shared tweets mentioning an account. Thus, you can assess their share of voice.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (9)

Along with the total number of mentions, you can see the number of contributors and top tweets per contributor. Are a lot of different users mentioning the account, or are a few users interacting with the account more frequently?

To get a better sense of how many times other users saw the account on their Twitter timelines, check the potential impacts and potential reach. These stats can help you assess the account’s visibility.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (10)

Are other users talking about the account in a positive or negative way? The sentiment analysis allows to dive deeper into these mentions and understand the nature of the conversation.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (11)

With the sentiment timeline, you can take your Twitter competitor research a step further. Did positive or negative sentiment spike on a certain date? Create an instant free Twitter analytics report with Tweet Binder to get Twitter sentiment analysis.

Use the search bar below to analyse any X / Twitter profile (@mention), keyword or hashtag for free. Just use the search bar below.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (12)

You can look at mentions on that date to gain more insight into what happened—such as a positive news feature or bad press. Then you can decide if it makes sense for your brand to join the conversation or engage with those accounts.

To learn more about the users who mentioned the account, check the contributors dashboard. From here, you can see the impact of each user and view their account directly.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (13)

Who are these users, and what is their relationship to the account you’re researching? For example, you might learn that they’re loyal fans, potential prospects, disgruntled customers, or influencers.

X/ Twitter hashtag analytics for another account

Are your competitors or influencers running successful campaigns on Twitter? You can analyze their campaign hashtags using a Twitter monitor like Tweet Binder.

Use the search bar below to analyse any X / Twitter profile (@mention), keyword or hashtag for free. Just use the search bar below.

Like the mentions report above, the hashtag report shows the total number of tweets, including a breakdown of tweet types and media. It also shows the total number of contributors so you can see how many users posted about the campaign.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (14)

If you’re monitoring a competitor campaign, you can see what worked (or failed to work) for them. Then you can use your findings to plan or improve your own campaigns.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (15)

The sentiment report can also show you how well the campaign was received. Did users respond positively or negatively? Did the sentiment change over time? If so, what caused it?

Read this guide to know how to find anyone on X.

Find number of tweets for another account

Want to know how to find the number of tweets that mention another account or that resulted from a hashtag campaign? Tweet Binder displays this number prominently, right at the top of any report.

Simply put “from:handle” in the search bar below to check the number of tweets sent from an account. Alternatively put “@handle” to check the number of mentions of the account.

But that’s just the beginning of what you can learn from analyzing other accounts. The Tweets Activity panel shows when other users mentioned the account or used the hashtag, including the type of tweet (i.e., reply, retweet, etc.)

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (16)

Do you see a spike in activity on a certain day? If you click over to the dashboard, you can view all the tweets to get a better idea of the context and the sentiment. You can click any tweet to see it in its original context.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (17)

Then you can really dig into what users are saying about the other account or their campaign. For example, you might see that happy customers are recommending your competitor or people in your target audience are interacting with your influencer partners.

This dashboard is just as helpful for hashtag campaign analysis. You can view all the tweets from the campaign and see their impact at a quick glance. You can also click any tweet to see it in its original context.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (18)

All these data points can help you fine-tune your own Twitter campaigns and content strategy. They can show you what gets your audience talking and the types of users who engage. In some cases, they can even give you ideas for users you should connect with.

Create an instant free Twitter analytics report with Tweet Binder. Use the search bar below to get tweet analytics for another account.

X/Twitter competitor analysis tactics

Follower numbers are a good place to start. But Audiense Connect can tell you even more about the type of audience other Twitter accounts have attracted and the kind of community they’ve built.

Common followers

Do you have any followers in common with the other account? If you’re vetting an influencer or researching a competitor, checking shared followers can show you how much your audiences overlap.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (19)

If you share a lot of common followers with a competitor, it could signal that these users are getting to know both of you before making a purchase decision. To see more detail, click the panel.

Then use the workflow above to filter and browse the list of accounts. You can see the exact accounts that follow you both— and then engage with them or add them to a DM campaign.

Common following

The same goes for the accounts you follow. By checking the Common Following panel, you can see how many accounts you and a competitor or influencer have in common.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (20)

Then you can click the panel to see a complete list of the accounts. For example, you may share a lot of prospects, customers, or influencers.

Bio tag clouds

Doing a complete Twitter follower audit can tell you a lot about an account’s audience. But when you just want a quick overview, the dashboard’s bio tag cloud is much faster to use.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (21)

Audiense Connect automatically reviews the Twitter bios for the users that any account follows as well as those that are following. The Bio Tag Cloud panels show the keywords that appear most often in their Twitter bios.

By analyzing these topics, you can see what they’re interested in or how they describe themselves. Then you’ll have a better idea of how to engage them with original tweets or replies to their content.

If you’re already running either paid or organic Twitter campaigns, you can use this data to enhance your audience targeting or content strategy. For example, you might see opportunities to expand your reach to an additional audience.

Sign up for Audiense Connect and start checking Twitter analytics for other accounts today.

Best Analytics Tools for Checking X Accounts

To analyze other users’ Twitter accounts efficiently, you need the right tools. Here’s how Audiense Connect and Tweet Binder can simplify Twitter tracking.

Twitter competitor analysis with Audiense Connect

Audiense Connect is a Twitter analytics tool that helps you understand your own audience and other accounts’ followers.

It tracks third-party accounts so you can review their audience growth, learn who they’re following, and see what you have in common. It also lets you take a deep dive into other accounts’ audiences using custom filters and tags.

For example, let’s say we want to analyze @AudienseCo’s new followers. But we’re only interested in micro-influencer accounts with at least 1,000 followers. We can apply that filter to the dashboard.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (22)

To narrow down a larger list, we could add other filters too. For example, we could filter for a certain follower/following ratio or a minimum level of engagement.

Depending on the filters we apply, the remaining accounts could be users we want to follow or add to a Twitter list. They could also be prospects we want to partner with or do business with.

Sign up for Audiense Connect and start checking Twitter analytics for other accounts today.

Twitter hashtag analysis with Tweet Binder

Tweet Binder is a Twitter hashtag analytics tool that also monitors mentions. You can use it to analyze any account’s community or campaigns.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (23)

It helps you understand who is talking about other accounts and who is engaging with their campaigns. Since it reports on impact, lists influencers, and analyzes individual tweets, you can use it to get as granular as necessary.

Create an instant free Twitter analytics report with Tweet Binder. Use the search bar below to get Twitter analytics for another account.

Why should you be interested in Twitter Analytics for another account?

Analyzing another user’s Twitter profile can tell you a lot about their audience and content. But it can reveal just as much about your own X performance.

Here are a few things you can gain from reviewing Twitter stats for other accounts:

  • Twitter competitor analysis: What types of audiences follow your competitors? Are they following you too? Checking their analytics can help you understand their approach and how you can get ahead.
  • Twitter benchmarking: Are your competitors’ audiences growing faster than yours? Does their content reliably get more engagement? You can use their performance as a benchmark for your own stats.
  • Twitter marketing strategy: Does your Twitter content need a refresh? Curious what types of Tweets are working for your competitors? Their analytics can show you what’s working, which can help you update your own strategy.
  • Influencer vetting: Are influencers getting enough engagement to make a partnership worthwhile? What kinds of followers do they attract and engage with? An audience and hashtag check can answer these questions.

Can you analyze another user’s profile directly on Twitter?

It’s possible to analyze Twitter account metrics for other users without leaving the social media app. But if you want to access Twitter analytics for another account free of charge, the data is quite limited.

With a quick profile view, Twitter reveals:

  • Real-time Twitter follower stats for any account
  • View and engagement metrics for any individual tweet

Let’s say we want to check the performance of a pinned tweet by @AudienseCo. Without logging into the account, we can see the number of views, likes, reposts, and quotes. That’s it.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (24)

What if we want to learn about the Twitter audience analysis for the account? We can see follower/following numbers in the @AudienseCo bio. We can also click either of these numbers to see a complete list.

However, there’s no Twitter follower graph or any analysis over time. In other words, it’s very surface level.

If you’re looking for no-cost Twitter account analysis tools, free options like the X app can give you basic data. But to see a true analysis or to gain any real takeaways, a third-party tool is essential.

Check Other Twitter Accounts Today

From Twitter competitive analysis to influencer research, analyzing other users Twitter accounts can be crucial for your own account’s growth.

Sign up for Audiense Connect and start checking Twitter analytics for other accounts today.

Create an instant free Twitter analytics report with Tweet Binder. Use the search bar below to get Twitter analytics for another account.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (25)

Anna Sonnenberg

Anna Sonnenbergis a social media marketer for B2C CPG brands and a B2B SaaS writer specializing in product-led and strategic content marketing for martech, sales automation, and productivity platforms.

Twitter Analytics for Another Account (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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