Types of Commercial Leases: Which is Right for You? - Feldman Equities (2024)

Here at Feldman Equities, we’ve negotiated thousands of commercial leases over the years and understand the nuances. In this article we’ll describe some of the key attributes of leases that are involved in owning and operating a successful office building.

What is a Commercial Lease?

A commercial lease is an agreement between a landlord and tenant where the tenant is conducting some sort of business in the leased space. Commercial leases are similar in concept to residential leases, except that of course the tenant does not live in the building! Commercial leases tend to be more complex than residential leases because of the nature of the tenancy: operating a business entails more variety than residential occupancy.

Some examples of buildings that use commercial leases include

  • Office spaces
  • Retail spaces
  • Supermarkets
  • Warehouses, or
  • Shopping malls.

Whether it’s a large business like an Amazon fulfillment center, a large law firm, or a small optician’s office, a lease is considered commercial when the tenant is a business of any kind. The lease terms may differ, but they will all fall under the larger umbrella of commercial leases.

In fact, one of the biggest differences between residential and commercial leases is the term of length. Commercial leases tend to be longer term leases than residential. Residential leases generally max out at one year and then move to month to month. Commercial leases usually have a minimum period of one year, though typical leases are much longer than that. It’s not uncommon to have five, ten, or fifteen year commercial leases. While shorter lease terms for some types of businesses exist, they are the exception and not the norm.

Related: How to Buy Commercial Real Estate

Types of Commercial Leases: Which is Right for You? - Feldman Equities (1)

First Central Tower / St. Petersburg, FL

What is a Commercial Lease Agreement?

The commercial lease agreement is the actual legal contract signed between the landlord and the tenant. It lays out all the details and creates a legally binding contract that tells each party what its obligations are to the other.

These are detailed documents. Whereas a residential tenant might sign an eight to ten page contract, commercial clients can expect closer to 20-30 pages. For larger tenants with more complicated lease terms, there could be more than 100 pages in a lease agreement.

Commercial lease agreements need to include every detail in writing. Who’s paying for the cleaning costs of the building? How much construction – called tenant improvements (‘TIs’) – is included in the deal upfront? What happens if the tenant or landlord defaults? What are the exact obligations of each party? It is important not to leave anything to chance in a commercial lease agreement because the last thing you want is an issue that pops up and ruins your returns on a ten year lease.

A lesser form of a commercial lease agreement is the license agreement. This is a temporary agreement to allow a licensee to use a limited space for a limited purpose over an indefinite or short-term time period. Mall kiosks, flea market tables, and other small-scale commercial space rentals are good examples of license agreements.

How Often Are Commercial Leases Renewed?

Depending on the tenant mix and caliber of the building manager, commercial lease renewal rates vary between 50-75%, meaning half to three quarters of tenants will typically extend the term of their lease when it comes time to renew. Tenants who have more money invested in a space and who are more dependent on the use of a particular space – for example a data center that is very difficult to relocate – are more likely to renew.

If you’re working with large clients who sign ten or fifteen year contracts with large upfront TI costs, they’re far more likely to stay put and renew. Similarly, when a tenant occupies a whole floor of your building with a fully customized space, they are generally stable. These types of tenants are most likely to renew.

Tenants that have other space options elsewhere, or who haven’t invested as much into modifying the space, are closer to the 50% chance of renewal. They don’t have as much to lose by moving or as much to gain from staying, so they require more work to encourage them to stay in place and extend their lease terms.

For longer leases and large tenants, there’s often a formal renewal option clause built into the lease agreement. This gives the tenant the choice to renew their lease for a certain number of years once the initial term ends. If they activate this option, the fair market rate of the space at the time of renewal will be laid out through pre-determined methods (appraisals, negotiations, etc.).

Renewal options often must be triggered a minimum of one year before the expiration of the lease. If you keep in contact with your tenants, as we do here at Feldman, the formal renewal clause is less likely to be triggered because you’ll already be having an ongoing discussion with them about whether or not they’d like to renew.

Renewals Best Practices

You can hold out and wait until the renewal clause is close to triggering before you get in touch with your tenants or you can get ahead of it. Here at Feldman Equities, we prefer the latter.

Our tenants know us on a first name basis. At least once per year we meet with our larger tenants to touch base with them and see how the space is working out for their needs. We also like to check on their plans so we always have a sense of their renewal probability. It’s our goal to know at least two years before an expiration if a tenant is likely to renew, rather than waiting until crunch time.

For larger tenants, we work with them to come up with incentives that might persuade them to extend their lease terms. Incentives can take many forms such as:

  • Providing an option for extra space to expand
  • Discounted or free rent in expanded space for a set period
  • Additional interior renovations of the tenant space
  • Below market rental rates

Tenant relationships are valuable. We want to know what’s going on and how we can keep occupancy high. We always have to be willing to go the extra mile for the right tenant.

Our motto is to defy the stereotype of a salesman who’s attentive until the sale and then ignores you until it’s time to renew!

Sign up to learn more about how to invest in office buildings and to get early access to our next investment opportunity.

Types of Commercial Leases

Commercial leases come in different forms. To know which kind of lease you want to use or sign, you need a basic understanding of what differentiates them. We’ll look at several of the most common lease types in the industry.

Full Service/Gross Lease

Types of Commercial Leases: Which is Right for You? - Feldman Equities (2)

Wells Fargo Center / Tampa, FL

Gross leases, also known as full-service leases, are commercial leases where the tenant’s only financial responsibility is its rental payment, sales tax if applicable, and some outside services such as parking.

The landlord is responsible for all the normal operating costs of the building and the individual spaces inside. Usually this includes electrical, water, cleaning, maintenance, building repairs, real estate taxes, etc.

In our office buildings in Tampa, we use gross leases. Our tenants initially pay a flat rate per square foot, and we cover all the expenses associated with the buildings, minus the required sales taxes on rental payments. Over time, tenants begin to pay their proportional share of any increase in operating expenses.

Net Lease

Unlike gross leases, net leases push operational costs to the tenant. The landlord still pays for structural repairs, real estate taxes, and other costs of ownership, but tenants take up the costs of operating in their rented space, including cleaning, electrical, landscaping, and other costs.

You’ll often see net leases used for industrial tenants. These tenants need a large space for an affordable rate. They can get a great rate on an industrial building and cover their operational costs themselves without having to commit to fixing up larger structural issues.

Triple Net Lease

Triple net leases take regular net leases a few steps further. These are leases used by building owners who want as little risk as possible. A triple net lease separates the landlord from all expenses associated with the building. Tenants are responsible for operating costs, maintenance, structural repair costs, real estate taxes, and everything else.

Lenders prefer triple net leases when it comes to loans because the income the landlord receives is all profit so it’s easier for the lender to get comfortable that their loans will remain current. The tenant takes on more risk, but the cost per square foot is also lower and the tenant has more control over its space.

Land Lease

Land leases are more of a financial instrument than anything else. Sometimes they’re done for family estate planning or family legacy investments. Land leases are long-term rentals, sometimes as long as 99 years. The tenant pays the lease and develops the property at their own will.

For tenants, land leases can be risky investments. Although there’s no upfront investment to purchase the land, property values for the buildings on the property often begin to go down as the lease expiration date approaches. Landowners have no obligation to renew land leases, so the developer may have to hand over whatever’s been built on the property after the lease expires.

Land lease payments take seniority over almost every other investor obligation, including the mortgage but after real estate tax. Paying other investors, mortgage payments, or other debts come after land rent. Some land leases may have extra provisions and clauses that are unfavorable to tenants as well, such as the need to get approval from the landowner before making large material changes to the property or buildings thereon.

You don’t really own your building when you enter a land lease, which can cause more problems than it’s worth for the tenant over time.

Double Net Lease

Similar to a triple net lease, double net leases pass the operational costs on to tenants. The cost of real estate taxes is also passed to the tenant. In most double net leases however, the larger repair and structural costs are still the responsibility of the landlord.

While double net leases reduce the costs for landlords, they include risks in the form of unexpected, potentially large structural repair and maintenance costs. As you might expect, lenders tend to prefer triple net leases over double leases.

Types of Commercial Leases: Which is Right for You? - Feldman Equities (3)

Wells Fargo Center / Tampa, FL

Modified Gross Lease

With a modified gross lease the landlord is still responsible for the bulk of the costs of the building, but tenants take on some specific costs.

Usually these types of leases are reserved for unique cases where specific operational costs are higher than normal. For example, if a tenant has an exceptionally high-power consumption, they may be responsible for the power bill while the landlord still covers the other costs.

Related: Short Term Lease Agreements: What You Need to Know

Negotiation Tips

Before you enter into any type of commercial lease arrangement with a tenant, there will be a negotiation. Here are three key points to focus on:

Tenant Suitability

Is the prospective tenant a good fit for the type of building you run and the existing tenants you have in that building? What the tenant uses the space for matters. If it’s going to disturb the other tenants or the general atmosphere of the building, it may not be a good fit.

You want a sense of coherence in your buildings. For example, you probably wouldn’t want to sign a lease with a sports bar in a space surrounded by offices. The mix of businesses just doesn’t work well.


There are two ways to think about tenant credit. If a prospective tenant already has good credit, they’re an asset to you. Even if they aren’t a credit tenant, there might still be some characteristics of the lease that make you comfortable enough to sign. If it’s a legitimate business with a good business plan, you can require cash security deposits or letters of credit to boost their creditworthiness and make them a better fit for your portfolio. Other times, you may not care much about a tenant’s credit because you intend to subsidize its occupancy as an amenity for the rest of your building. A small café is a common example.

Lease Lengths

The length of a lease matters.

Push back lease terms as much as possible. You want tenants to commit to a long lease. With longer leases, you can commit to more benefits for the tenant, such as a greater construction budget. A larger budget can be justified if the expense can be amortized over the length of a long lease. It’s harder to recoup tenant improvement costs on shorter leases or if the tenant moves out.

Longer lease terms prepare you for unstable market conditions. No one knows when the next recession might happen, but a tenant portfolio full of long-term credit tenants helps to keep your building stable.

Related: How Long is the Commercial Real Estate Bid Process?

Types of Commercial Leases: Which is Right for You? - Feldman Equities (4)

Morgan Stanley Tower / St. Petersburg, FL


Commercial leases are more complex than residential leases. This is a basic overview of what you need to know and not an exhaustive guide, but it should be enough to give you a head start. Here at Feldman, our guiding philosophy is to keep leases as long as possible with high credit tenants. “Rent and Repent,” as Larry Feldman’s father used to say – get tenants in, and keep them there. That’s the key to running a successful office building portfolio.

Sign up to learn more about how to invest in office buildings and to get early access to our next investment opportunity.

Types of Commercial Leases: Which is Right for You? - Feldman Equities (2024)


What is the best type of commercial lease? ›

Compare Commercial Lease Agreements

Gross leases tend to benefit the tenant, whereas net leases are more landlord friendly. In a gross lease, the tenant has more control over how much is spent on such expenses as janitorial services and utilities.

What type of commercial lease is most favorable to the landlord because it allows you to pass through a portion of the operating expenses to the tenant? ›

Commercial property landlords prefer triple net leases because they pass on the risk of unexpected costs to tenants.

What is equity leasing? ›

An equity lease, also commonly referred to as an “open-end lease”, “TRAC lease”, “finance lease”, or “capital lease”, refers to a type of lease where the cost of the vehicle is depreciated a set amount each month until you reach a predetermined balance (or zero balance at all).

What is the difference between NNN and FSG lease? ›

A tenant with a FSG lease pays the same amount of rent every month, making budgeting for expenses easier, which is a big benefit for newer businesses. On the other hand, a tenant with a NNN lease pays a lower base rent plus the landlord's operating expenses.

Is a triple net lease a good idea? ›

Pros of Triple Net Leases

property and has direct control over the costs they pay, such as electricity or water. They can also select the insurance carrier of their preference and can protest the taxes if necessary. For landlords: A triple net lease provides a steady and consistent revenue stream.

What type of commercial property is most profitable? ›

Properties that are capable of bringing in the highest return on investments are typically those with the highest number of tenants. These commercial real estate properties can include multifamily projects, student housing, office space, self storage facilities, and mixed use buildings.

How do you take advantage of equity in a lease? ›

Here are five ways to leverage end-of-lease equity to cash out or lower the cost of your next car.
  1. Buy the Car Yourself. If you love your car, consider buying it at the end of your lease term. ...
  2. Buy the Car and Sell It. ...
  3. Use Equity as a Down Payment. ...
  4. Sell to a Third-Party Dealer. ...
  5. Sell to an Approved Dealer.
Jul 23, 2023

Is equity financing good or bad? ›

Equity financing may be less risky than debt financing because you don't have a loan to repay or collateral at stake. Debt also requires regular repayments, which can hurt your company's cash flow and its ability to grow.

What is positive lease equity? ›

You have equity when the vehicle's value is higher than what you owe on the lease. For example, if your leased car is worth $20,000 and you owe $15,000 on the lease, you've got $5,000 in equity.

What does mg mean in commercial lease? ›

With a modified gross lease, the tenant takes over expenses directly related to his or her unit, including unit maintenance and repairs, utilities, and janitorial costs, while the owner/landlord continues to pay for the other operating expenses.

What is a triple net lease typically used for? ›

Triple net lease (NNN) is normally a commercial lease where the lessee pays rent and utilities as well as three other types of property expenses: insurance, maintenance, and taxes.

Is there a base year in a NNN lease? ›

A base year lease, or modified gross lease, calls for existing expenses to be paid by the landlord, but any annual increases in expenses to be assumed by tenants. A base year lease is somewhere in between the NNN lease and the gross lease.

What is the best commercial tenants to have? ›

The Best Types of Tenants for Commercial Properties

Automotive centers, gas stations, and even restaurants are often selected because they are closest to their customers. So if you have a flat tire, for example, you're going to the nearest mechanic rather than the cheapest or a local favorite.

What are the 3 main types of lease? ›

Exploring what are the 3 main types of lease agreements
TypeDurationOwnership of Asset
Operating LeaseShort-to-MediumNo (Lessor)
Finance LeaseLong TermYes (Lessee)
Sale and LeasebackDepending on AgreementYes (Lessor, then Lessee)

What is the most popular type of lease? ›

Triple Net Lease:

The triple net lease encompasses property taxes, insurance, and common area maintenance, with the tenant paying for some or all of the cost of these three things on top of their base rent. It is one of the most common lease types.

What kind of commercial tenant is most likely to have a percentage lease? ›

Landlords in shopping centers and some strip malls may demand a share of a retail tenant's profits in addition to the monthly rent. If you have a retail business and are headed for the mall, you may be asked to pay what's known as percentage rent.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.