Types of Socket - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Types of Socket - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 27 May, 2022




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A network that is connected with two devices as a link to execute two-way communication on the network. It receives and sends data to the devices. The socket address is a combination of IP address and port. In the TCP/IP layer, a socket is bound as a port number which can identify whether the data is to be sent to an application or not. The transport layer in the socket is the core mechanism for managing and establishing communication between the devices.

Sockets are used as a communication device or interaction between the client and server. It receives information from the client and sends information to the client and disconnects it after receiving the data.

Types of Socket:

1. Datagram Sockets: Datagram sockets allow processes to use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). It is a two-way flow of communication or messages. It can receive messages in a different order from the sending way and also can receive duplicate messages. These sockets are preserved with their boundaries. The socket type of datagram socket is SOCK_DGRAM.

2. Stream Sockets: Stream socket allows processes to use the Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) for communication. A stream socket provides a sequenced, constant or reliable, and two-way (bidirectional) flow of data. After the establishment of connection, data can be read and written to these sockets in a byte stream. The socket type of stream socket is SOCK_STREAM.

3. Raw Sockets: Raw Socket provide user access to the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). Raw sockets are not used for most applications. These sockets are the same as the datagram oriented, their characteristics are dependent on the interfaces. They provided support in developing new communication protocols or for access to more facilities of an existing protocol. Only the superusers can access the Raw Sockets. The socket type of Raw Socket is SOCK_RAW.

4. Sequenced Packet Sockets: Sequenced Packet Sockets are similar to the stream socket, with the exception that record boundaries are preserved in-stream sockets. The given interface in this section is of Network System ( NS) that has an abstraction of Sockets and is ordered in all the applications. The Sequenced Packet Sockets enable the user to multiply the sequence packet protocol or some IDP (Internet Datagram Protocol) which heads on the packet or a packet group by writing in the header of the prototype along with the data that has been sent. The socket type of Sequenced Packet Socket is SOCK_SEQPACKET.

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Types of Socket - GeeksforGeeks (4)

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Types of Socket - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


Types of Socket - GeeksforGeeks? ›

There are two widely used socket types, stream sockets, and datagram sockets.

What are the three types of socket functions? ›

Three types of sockets are supported:
  • Stream sockets allow processes to communicate using TCP. A stream socket provides bidirectional, reliable, sequenced, and unduplicated flow of data with no record boundaries. ...
  • Datagram sockets allow processes to use UDP to communicate. ...
  • Raw sockets provide access to ICMP.

What are the different socket types in C++? ›

There are two widely used socket types, stream sockets, and datagram sockets.

How many types of sockets are there in Java? ›

We'll see both in this chapter. Java provides sockets to support three distinct classes of underlying protocols: Socket s, DatagramSocket s, and MulticastSocket s. In this first section, we look at Java's basic Socket class, which uses a connection-oriented and reliable protocol.

What are the two most common socket types? ›

Here's a breakdown of the most common socket types you'll find and when you'll likely use them:
  • SAE sockets: Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) sockets are manufactured for work on American-made vehicles. ...
  • Metric sockets: Ideal for working on imported vehicles, metric sockets' sizes are measured in millimeters.

How many types of electrical sockets are there? ›

' And even though the world has embraced globalization, there are still 15 different plug types for today's travelers to cope with – labeled from Type A to Type O. As you'll see from our infographic, these plug sockets are all similar in size, but they feature either two pins or three.

What is the difference between a socket and a port? ›

A socket uniquely identifies the endpoint of a communication link between two application ports. A port represents an application process on a TCP/IP host, but the port number itself does not indicate the protocol being used: TCP, UDP, or IP.

What are the different types of socket designs? ›

Socket Designs at the LPC
  • Patellar Tendon Bearing (PTB): This involves using specific anatomy like the patella tendon, popliteal fossa, and the medial flair for weight-bearing.
  • Total Surface bearing (TSB): This involves using tension values to uniformly distribute the weight over the entire residual limb.

What are the basics of sockets? ›

A socket is created with no name. A remote process has no way to refer to a socket until an address is bound to the socket. Processes that communicate are connected through addresses. In the Internet family, a connection is composed of local and remote addresses and local and remote ports.

Why are there so many socket types? ›

Outlets are outlets, right? It might seem that way, but there are subtle differences in how the electricity is delivered. Some countries, like the U.S., rely on 120V outlets, while those in Europe have more powerful 240V ones. Beyond that, the Hertz frequencies could be different, changing how appliances work.

How do I know my socket type? ›

To find out what type of socket your CPU has, you can either look at the product specifications, the packaging, or the CPU itself. The product specifications should list the socket type under the CPU model name or number, such as Intel Core i7-9700K (LGA 1151) or AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (AM4).

How many types of CPU sockets are there? ›

Common types of CPU sockets include the Pin Grid Array (PGA) and the Land Grid Array (LGA). The difference between the two is that PGA places the pins on the processor and the holes in the socket, whereas LGA has a socket with pins that you place the processor on.

What are the three basic types of sockets? ›

Socket Lengths

They are usually shallow, intermediate and deep. Shallow socket - Good for working in tight spaces. Intermediate - Work well for most basic applications. Long - Ideal for deep bolts.

What is socket and types of sockets? ›

Types of Sockets : There are two types of Sockets: the datagram socket and the stream socket. Datagram Socket : This is a type of network which has connection less point for sending and receiving packets.

How many sockets are there in a CPU? ›

The count of CPU sockets in a server aligns with the number of CPUs that can be installed. Typically, servers support 1/2/4/8/16/32 CPU sockets. A single-socket server accommodates a solo processor, while a 4-socket server can concurrently run 4 processors.

Is a 6 point or 12-point socket better? ›

If your fastener is 12-point, which is somewhat uncommon, then you must use a 12-point tool. For 6-point fasteners, a 6-point tool is your best choice. Matching up the points between the tool and fastener means that you will maximize the surface area of steel in contact, making the tool less likely to slip or fail.

What are socket types C and F? ›

Plug type C is the plug which has two round pins and plug type F is the plug which has two round pins with two earth clips on the side.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.