Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? (2024)

After over a year, there is no end in sight for the war in Ukraine. Millions of civilians are unable to return home. Many still in the country are forced to live without access to food, water or electricity, in fear of constant shelling.

This is not an isolated crisis—the ripple effects of the war can be felt across the globe. Blockades of Ukrainian grain exports have worsened hunger in some of the world’s most vulnerable regions. And as Russia recently withdrew from the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which had allowed some shipments to resume, global food security is in even greater danger. In East Africa, for instance, a perfect storm of continued drought, the blockade, and the economic fallout from the war is causing mass starvation. Without urgent international funding, the lives of millions of people are at stake.

Get the facts on how the war in Ukraine is continuing to impact both people within its borders and people around the globe.

Editor's note:Over the weekend of May 12, intensified fighting forced thousands to evacuate from Vovchansk and other towns in Kharkiv region, with some families having to walk for miles to get to safer areas. The IRC is working in the evacuation hub in Kharkiv, providing emergency aid and psychological support. Learn more.

What is life like inside Ukraine?

The continued war in Ukraine is causing extreme civilian harm and leaving millions without access to food, water and other essential supplies. Innocent civilians have been cruelly caught up in the conflict, with almost 23,000 casualties since February 24th 2022. More than 8,000 people have been killed, with the actual number likely much higher. Over 5.1 million have been internally displaced.

There has been catastrophic damage to civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and schools. The recent dam explosion in the Kherson region has dramatically worsened the situation of people who have survived over a year of intense hostilities.

Support our work Help support the IRC's efforts to assist Ukrainian refugees and those affected by conflict worldwide.

Attacks on infrastructure

Missile strikes have damaged approximately 50% of Ukraine’s power grid, and the overall damage to energy infrastructure in Ukraine is estimated to add up to at least US $10 billion. The destruction of water sources in particular left as many as 16 million people without access to clean water or sanitation, and at increased risk of water-borne illnesses in 2022.

Continued violence across Ukraine is pushing the country further into humanitarian catastrophe as hospitals run out of medical supplies and families lose access to food and other essentials.

Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? (1)

Olga in her pickle cellar in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. When the fighting got to her neighborhood, Olga and her neighbors spent entire days and nights in the small cellar, using it as a bomb shelter. Sometimes the only food they had to eat was her pickled vegetables. Olga was supported by the IRC's cash transfer program.

Photo: Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi for the IRC

What is life like for those displaced by the war in Ukraine?

The war in Ukraine has triggered the fastest forced mass flight of the century in Europe. The majority of those displaced are women and children, who are always most at risk of exploitation and abuse during crises.

How many Ukrainian refugees are there?

As of June 2023, there are over 5.9 million refugees from Ukraine recorded across Europe.

Where have most Ukrainian refugees found protection?

Ukrainian refugees are predominantly finding safety in neighboring countries. To date, there are almost 1 million Ukrainian refugees in Poland while other nearby countries Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Moldova have each given safety to tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees.

Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? (2)

Marta* and Oksana* are two sisters from Ukraine. When the war escalated they fled together with their children and one small bag to Poland. The sisters are grateful for the assistance provided by volunteers who are welcoming refugees.

Photo: Andrew Oberstadt for the IRC

What is life like for Ukrainian women and children fleeing the conflict?

In crisis settings, existing gender inequality is exacerbated while instances of gender based violence increase.Women and girls with extremely stretched resources and disrupted support networks are vulnerable to traffickers ready to exploit the crisis.

Women forced to flee their homes also often struggle to access critical reproductive health care and pre and post-natal care, which are typically limited in crisis situations.

Children forced to flee Ukraine have had their lives uprooted, education interrupted and are in some cases have even been separated from their families.

One mother’s story about fleeing Ukraine with her children

Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? (3)

Maria waits for transportation with her daughter, Daryna, and their dog, Tyson. “It was time to leave. I was also concerned about my child. I wanted her to stay alive, that no bombs would fall on us," said Maria.

Photo: Andrew Oberstadt for IRC

How does the war in Ukraine affect the rest of the world?

The war in Ukraine has an obvious impact on those within the country. Outside of Ukraine, the war also continues to have amajor effect on the global markets and food supply.The impact of the armed conflict on grain exports has worsened a global hunger crisis, with catastrophic impacts throughout the world.

Why is Ukraine grain so important?

Ukraine is historically a large exporter of grain. In 2021, Ukrainian grain fed 400 million people around the world. For the first 5 months of the war, Ukraine was unable to export its grain through its primary shipping routes through the Black Sea.

Countries reliant on this grain suffered as a consequence. Several grain-receiving countries across the Middle East and Africa were already experiencing hunger crises due to conflict and climate change. The war in Ukraine made these hunger crises worse.

What countries are impacted by the war in Ukraine?

The global repercussions of the war have had catastrophic impacts on countries already facing conflict and crises.

East Africaisexperiencing one of the worst droughts in recent decades, triggered by six consecutive below average rainy seasons, alongside the disruption in food supply caused by the war in Ukraine. Across the region, 22 million people don’t have access to sufficient food, and 1.5 million children are at a risk of life-threatening malnutrition.

Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? (4)

Dr. Sila, an IRC health manager, screens 1 year old Vanessa for signs of malnutrition at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. The war in Ukraine has contributed to increasing rates of malnutrition in Kenya by limiting food supplies.

Photo: Patrick Meinhardt for the IRC

Decades of conflict and climate change have, over time, made the region uniquely vulnerable and dangerously reliant on important grains—with approximately 80% of East Africa's imported from Russia and Ukraine.

In the Middle East, the war in Ukraine has sent prices of wheat and fuel spiraling. Syrian refugees are among the hardest hit, as many do not have the incomes to cover the dramatically increased cost of living.Recently, the country has also been devastated by a powerful 7.8 earthquake.

Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? (5)

Swasan* is the main breadwinner of her family, displaced from their home in Aleppo, Syria. Rising food prices have made it harder for Swasan to provide enough food for her family.

Photo: Abdullah Hammam

In Central America, prices for staple foods like white maize are well above the five-year average. Together with climate change and ongoing insecurity, nearly 13 million people across the region face growing hunger.

What is the Ukraine grain deal?

Back in July, the U.N.-brokered grain deal paved the way for Ukraine to resume its exports—a crucial step in providing relief to a growing global hunger crisis. However, the grain deal expired in July, with Russia withdrawing from the agreement. If a full blockade is reinstated, 80 percent of grain imported from the region to the African continent could be halted, which risks holding global food security at ransom.

David Miliband, IRC’s president and CEO said, “The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is deeply alarmed at Russia’s withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative, putting the future of the grain exports from the region at risk—a decision which will be most painfully felt by the 349 million people around the world facing food insecurity today. From Ukraine to Somalia, IRC’s clients are facing the ripple effects on food and energy prices of 500 days of war. The expiration of the deal risks holding global food security at ransom.”

What needs to happen now?

Ending violence against civilians is one of the most important steps to help Ukrainians rebuild their lives. World leaders must ensure that international humanitarian law is upheld and that humanitarian actors are protected and maintain access to help those in need.

Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? (6)

Ukrainian refugees gather at the Medyka border crossing point in Poland.

Photo: Francesco Pistilli for IRC

The world must also continue to support both the people who fled Ukraine and the millions of refugees and displaced people worldwide. While there has rightly been an outpouring of global support for people fleeing Ukraine, equal empathy must be shown for refugees and displaced people in many other crises around the world including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen and Syria.

To address the hunger crises hitting East Africa and other regions, donors should urgently channel funding to front line responders who can reach those most in need and deliver the health programming, food and cash assistance, and clean water that people need to survive.

What is the IRC doing to help?

The IRC is continuing to scale up its response efforts in Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and other parts of Europe to meet the evolving needs of displaced families. This includes:

  • Delivering multipurpose cash support to ensure families can cover their most basic needs;
  • Distributing essential winter items such as blankets, sleeping bags and heaters to keep people warm;
  • Providing essential protection services, including Safe Healing and Learning Spaces for children, gender-based violence services and women’s centers, and legal assistance for people whose homes have been damaged by air strikes;
  • Providing information on rights and legal support.

We are assisting Ukrainian refugees in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia and Bulgaria, as well as in Germany, Italy, Greece and the UK.We are also supporting resettled families in the US.

Learn more about the IRC's emergency response in Ukraine and Poland.

How can I help Ukraine?

Donate now: Your gift will help us continue to provide lifesaving support services to families whose lives are shattered by conflict and crises around the world.

*Name changed for privacy.

Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? (2024)


Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today? ›

The war in Ukraine has an obvious impact on those within the country. Outside of Ukraine, the war also continues to have a major effect on the global markets and food supply. The impact of the armed conflict on grain exports has worsened a global hunger crisis, with catastrophic impacts throughout the world.

How does the war in Ukraine affect the world? ›

War destroys farms, erodes soil and displaces farmers. This is particularly damaging in a part of the world known as the 'breadbasket of Europe'. Indeed, the decline in Ukraine's agricultural sector has been especially harmful. Ukraine and Russia were the biggest producers in agriculture and food globally.

Why is Ukraine important to the world? ›

Introduction. Ukraine has long played an important, yet sometimes overlooked, role in the global security order. Today, the country is on the front lines of a renewed great-power rivalry that many analysts say will dominate international relations in the decades ahead. Russia Struck a Defense Pact With North Korea.

What are the effects of war today? ›

Effects of war also include mass destruction of cities and have long lasting effects on a country's economy. Armed conflict has important indirect negative consequences on infrastructure, public health provision, and social order.

How will the war in Ukraine affect the US economy? ›

The Russia-Ukraine war is likely to exacerbate and elongate global supply chain disruptions. Although the U.S. does little direct trade with Ukraine or Russia, certain U.S. businesses and industries face significant exposure from the war: energy, food, and semiconductors are likely to be most affected.

How does war affect the world? ›

War destroys communities and families and often disrupts the development of the social and economic fabric of nations. The effects of war include long-term physical and psychological harm to children and adults, as well as reduction in material and human capital.

How is life in Ukraine now? ›

So many people already live through such a huge and violent experience. They lost their homes. They lost their kids and friends. And now, of course, the situation become much more complicated because more cities are erased, and there is no quite, normal life in any place in Ukraine now.

What does Ukraine lead the world in? ›

Ukraine is normally the world's top producer of sunflower meal, oil, and seed and the world's top exporter of sunflower meal and oil.

What does the world rely on Ukraine for? ›

Ukraine is one of the world's major grain producers. The country mainly grows and exports wheat, corn and barley. According to the European Commission, Ukraine accounts for 10% of the world wheat market, 15% of the corn market, and 13% of the barley market.

What has Ukraine given the world? ›

Yes, these are Ukrainian inventions that changed the world.
  • Hard disk drives (HDD) ...
  • Antonov-225 — world's largest aircraft. ...
  • Antithrombotic prosthetic heart valves. ...
  • Sikorsky R-4 — the world's first production helicopter. ...
  • EnableTalk gloves. ...
  • Immune system — human's strongest shield. ...
  • Liquid fuel missile carrier MBR R-7.

Why did Russia invade Ukraine? ›

Putin espoused irredentist views challenging Ukraine's right to exist, and falsely claimed that Ukraine was governed by neo-Nazis persecuting the Russian minority. He said his goal was to "demilitarise and denazify" Ukraine.

What wars are going on right now in 2024? ›

Their list includes Ukraine, Gaza, a wider Middle East war, and Sudan, of course, but it also details tensions in Ethiopia, the Sahel, Myanmar, Haiti, Armenia-Azerbaijan, and the possibility of conflict between the United States and China.

Who is the US currently at war with? ›

Four military engagements encompassing three wars, all of which are interventions, currently involve the US: the Yemeni Civil War, the Somali Civil War, and the Syrian Civil War.

What are the impacts of the Ukraine war? ›

Not only has the war threatened the stability of Europe but it has also impacted food and energy security globally including in the Middle East and Africa, creating shock waves in a world barely recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why is Ukraine so important to the United States? ›

U.S.-Ukraine Relations

The United States established diplomatic relations with Ukraine in 1991, following its independence from the Soviet Union. The United States attaches great importance to the success of Ukraine's transition to a modern democratic state with a flourishing market economy.

What is the effect of the war in Ukraine to the world economy? ›

The war has contributed to volatile and elevated commodity and energy prices, which exacerbated food shortages and stoked inflation in many regions across the world.

How did the war in Ukraine affect global trade and investment? ›

A new World Bank report -- The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Global Trade and Investment -- shows that world trade will drop by one percent, lowering global GDP by just under one percent. Manufacturing exporters such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Mexico see a sharp decline, especially in energy intensive sectors.

How long can Russia sustain war? ›

The authors concluded Russia could sustain its current rate of attrition for up to three years and maybe longer. The report also detailed how, despite international sanctions, Russia's economy had proved resilient and it had ramped up defense spending for 2024.

Which countries support Russia? ›

Russia also maintains positive relations with countries that have been described as "Russia-leaning" according to The Economist. These countries include Algeria, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Laos, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Uganda.

How does war affect inflation? ›

All in all, there are a number of different ways, both on the demand and supply sides, in which war can lead to inflation rising, both in individual countries and in the world economy as a whole. The fact that war leads to inflation becomes quite clear when studying a longer time series for inflation.

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