Understanding All Weather Portfolio And How It Works (+ tips) (2024)

Updated on: May 30, 2024

| Personal Finance

The All Weather Portfolio is a diversified asset mix first introduced by hedge fund manager Ray Dalio and popularized in Tony Robbins’s book MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom.

Here’s what the portfolio looks like:

Understanding All Weather Portfolio And How It Works (+ tips) (1)

I can already hear you now: “Yeah, yeah. Another portfolio mixthat’s supposed to solve all my money problems. What makes this one different?”

Well as you might be able to guess, this portfolio is designed to weather through any financial climate — be it a bull market, bear market, recession, or whatever! And based on its historical performance thus far, it holds up to the name.

Let’s take a look at the All Weather Portfolio, its origins, and how you can build one yourself.

  • Who created the All Weather Portfolio
  • What’s in the All Weather Portfolio
  • How has the All Weather Portfolio done in the past
  • How do I build an All Weather Portfolio
  • How to set up your All Weather Portfolio w/ brokers
  • Automate your All Weather Portfolio
  • How do I rebalance my All Weather Portfolio
  • Always have money to invest in the All Weather Portfolio
  • FAQs About All Weather Portfolio

Who created the All Weather Portfolio?

The All Weather Portfolio is the brainchild of hedge fund manager Ray Dalio.

Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the “world’s biggest hedge fund firm,” according to Forbes. The firm is also famous for its flagship “Pure Alpha” fund — a fund that holds nearly $40 billion.

Oh, and Dalio also predicted the 2008 financial crisis.

From The New Yorker:

In 2007, Dalio predicted that the housing-and-lending boom would end badly. Later that year, he warned the Bush Administration that many of the world’s largest banks were on the verge of insolvency. In 2008, a disastrous year for many of Bridgewater’s rivals, the firm’s flagshipPure Alpha fund rose in value by 9.5% after accounting for fees. Last year, the Pure Alpha fund rose 45%, the highest return of any big hedge fund.

Before all that, though, he had a relatively modest upbringing. The son of a working-class Italian-American family, Dalio worked as a golf caddy when he was young, earning tips from his wealthier clientele. After a brief stint on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, he started Bridgewater Associates in 1975 out of his Manhattan apartment.

More than three decades later, it’s grown to a massively successful hedge fund firm that manages over $160 billion in assets.

It wasn’t until he was interviewed by motivational speaker and life coach Tony Robbins, though, that he revealed his All Weather Portfolio to the world.

In an interview published in Tony Robbins’s book MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom, Dalio presented an asset allocation mix that Robbins says “stands the test of time.”

Let’s take a look at the exact asset allocation in that portfolio now and see the reasons why it works.

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What’s in the All Weather Portfolio?

The asset allocation of the portfolio is broken up like this:

  • 40% long-term bonds
  • 30% stocks
  • 15% intermediate-term bonds
  • 7.5% gold
  • 7.5% commodities
Understanding All Weather Portfolio And How It Works (+ tips) (2)

The reason he chose those assets goes into his theory on economic “seasons.” According to Dalio, there are four things that affect the value of assets:

  1. Inflation.The increase in prices for goods and services — and the drop in purchasing value of a currency.
  2. Deflation.The decrease in prices for goods and services.
  3. Rising economic growth.When the economy flourishes and grows.
  4. Declining economic growth.When the economy diminishes and shrinks.

Based on these elements, Dalio says that we can then expect four different seasons that the economy can go through. They are:

  1. Higher than expected inflation (rising prices).
  2. Lower than expected inflation (or deflation).
  3. Higher than expected economic growth.
  4. Lower than expected economic growth.

So he constructed a portfolio with assets that performed well when each of those seasons occurred. The result is a diversified portfolio that can consistently earn you money while keeping you financially secure during bear markets.

A few interesting takeaways from the portfolio:

  • The portfolio has a relatively low amount of stocks.This is due to the high volatility of stocks — and if you’re trying to make a portfolio that is as risk-free as possible, you’re going to want to minimize that.
  • Bonds make up the majority of this portfolio.According to Dalio in MONEY, “this counters the volatility of the stocks.” And if you’re building a portfolio that prioritizes minimal risk over making as much money as possible, this is the way to do it.
  • There is 15% in gold and commodities.With the high volatility of those assets, they do well historically in environments where there is inflation.

This all combines to make a well-balanced portfolio that can “weather” any season … but how well has it really done in the past?

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How has the All Weather Portfolio done in the past?

Back-testing the All Weather Portfolio reveals that it does generally live up to its name. “The strategy [Dalio shares] has produced just under 10% annually and made money more than 85% of the time in the last 30 years (between 1984 and 2013)!” Robbins writes.

And it isn’t just Robbins who’s saying this. Others have back-tested the All Weather Portfolio and some have even found that itoutperformed the popular 60/40 asset allocation mixfrom 1984 through 2013.

Robbins also notes that if you invested in the All Weather Portfolio from 1984 through 2013, you would have made money just over 86% of the time. The average loss was just under 2% with one of the losses at just .03%.

A few more fast comparisons:

  • When back-tested during the Great Depression, the All Weather Portfolio was shown to have lost just 20.55% while the S&P lost 64.4%. That’s almost 60% better than the S&P.
  • The average loss from 1928 to 2013 for the S&P was 13.66%. The All Weather Portfolio?3.65%.
  • In years when the S&P suffered some of its worst drops (1973 and 2002), the All Weather Portfolio actuallymade money.
Understanding All Weather Portfolio And How It Works (+ tips) (3)

How do I build an All Weather Portfolio?

If you want to build your own All Weather Portfolio but don’t know where to start, don’t worry. Here’s a suggestion for comparable securities that you can invest in yourself (courtesy ofNasdaq.com):

  • 30% Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI)
  • 40% iShares 20+ Year Treasury ETF (TLT)
  • 15% iShares 7 – 10 Year Treasury ETF (IEF)
  • 7.5% SPDR Gold Shares ETF (GLD)
  • 7.5% PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking Fund (DBC)

If you’ve never invested before and don’t know how to actually buy the above shares, you’re in luck: There is a wealth of great, reliable brokers to help get you started building your portfolio.

My best advice for choosing a broker? Pick one of the big ones.

My suggestions:

BONUS: If you want insights to a few great companies that provide great brokerage services, be sure to check out my video on how to choose a Roth IRA.

How to set up your All weather portfolio with brokers

You can easily sign up for these brokers by following seven really easy steps:

  • Step 1: Go to the website for the brokerage of your choice.
  • Step 2: Click on the “Open an account” button. Each of the above websites has one.
  • Step 3: Start an application for an “Individual brokerage account.”
  • Step 4: Enter information about yourself — name, address, birth date, employer info, and social security.
  • Step 5: Set up an initial deposit by entering in your bank information. Some brokers require you to make a minimum deposit, so use a separate bank account in order to deposit money into the brokerage account.
  • Step 6: Wait. The initial transfer will take anywhere from 3 to 7 days to complete. After that, you’ll get a notification via email or phone call telling you you’re ready to invest.
  • Step 7: Log in to your brokerage account and start investing in the above assets.

NOTE: The wording and order of the steps will vary from broker to broker but the steps are essentially the same. You’re also going to want to make sure you have your social security number, employer address, and bank info like account number and routing number available when you sign up, as they’ll come in handy during the application process.

The application process can be as quick as 15 minutes. At the same time it would take to watch this weirdo tell youhow much to charge your customers, you could set up a new brokerage account and start investing in your future.

If you have any questions about funds or trading, call up the numbers provided above. They’ll connect you with a fiduciary who works for the bank in order to give you the best advice and guidance they can.

Pro-tip: Automate your All Weather Portfolio

You can take your investing even further by automating the whole process so you can easily invest money each month when your paycheck arrives.

Automating your personal finances lets you know exactly how much you have to spend each month while setting aside any worries about paying the bills or investing consistently.

How does it work? Your money is sent exactly where it needs to go — to pay utilities, your sub-savings account, your rent, whatever — as soon as your paycheck shows up each month.

How do I rebalance my All Weather Portfolio?

Dalio also suggests rebalancing this portfolio each year in order to maintain the original asset allocation.

If you want to know more about portfolio rebalancing, be sure to check out our article onhow to rebalance a portfolio. To quickly recap, though, rebalancing your portfolio is the process of modifying your asset allocation as the amount of money in each investment fluctuates with the constantly changing market.

And it all boils down to one thing: Asset allocation. This is how much money you invest into certain asset classes in your portfolio, the major ones being stocks, bonds, and cash.

To rebalance your All Weather Portfolio, you just have to follow three super simple steps.

  • Step 1: Find your target asset allocation.Remember the asset allocation for the All Weather Portfolio: 40% long-term bonds, 30% stocks, 15% intermediate-term bonds, 7.5% gold, and 7.5% commodities. That’s the goal asset allocation you should have when you’re finished rebalancing.
  • Step 2: Compare your portfolio to your asset allocation target.How has your portfolio changed since you last saw it? Which investments got bigger and which need “pruning”? If your stocks ballooned so now it takes up 50% of your portfolio, you’re going to either prune it back or invest in your other assets to balance it out — which brings us to:
  • Step 3: Buy and/or sell shares to get your target asset allocation.To get your original asset allocation back in the above example, you’re going to need to either invest more into the other assets OR sell your shares in stocks to go back to the All Weather Portfolio’s original mix.

Once it’s reverted back to your target asset allocation, congratulations! You’ve successfully rebalanced your portfolio!

Always have money to invest in the All Weather Portfolio

The Scottish poet Robert Burns once wrote, “The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry.”

For all you non–former English majors out there, that means you can have your whole life route planned out, but when life throws a wrench in your spokeseverythingcan turn off-course.

The All Weather Portfolio was designed to get through the times when the market throws you off-course while making you money during stable ones — and unless you’re a billionaire hedge fund manager with a track record of predicting recessions, you’re not going to be able to anticipate the next one.

The best thing YOU can do then is prepare for the worst. That starts with having the money to invest and spend even when the market falters.

FAQs About All Weather Portfolio

Is the All Weather Portfolio still good?

The All-Weather Portfolio, while appealing, may lag in performance compared to other approaches depending on the time frame. This approach can help you manage market volatility, but such volatility will always be part of the journey.

How do you replicate an All Weather Portfolio?

The All Weather Portfolio can be replicated with exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Investors should specify the amount of capital that will be used for the strategy, then divide that capital according to the weightings. UK investors may substitute UK stocks and gilts for US stocks and treasuries.

What stocks are part of the All Weather Portfolio?

Backtest of All Weather Portfolio

  • 40% TLT (long-term Treasuries)
  • 30% SPY (US stocks, S&P 500)
  • 15% IEI (intermediate-term U.S. Bonds)
  • 7.5% GLD (gold)
  • 7.5% DBC (commodities, commodity index tracking fund)

Understanding All Weather Portfolio And How It Works (+ tips) (4)

Ramit Sethi

Host of Netflix’s “How to Get Rich”, NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.

Understanding All Weather Portfolio And How It Works (+ tips) (2024)


How does an all-weather portfolio work? ›

Such a portfolio consists of four asset classes: stocks, bonds, gold, and commodities. Each of these classes has a different degree of risk protection, which is why, according to Ray Dalio, such investment makes it possible to mitigate risks and optimise risk management.

What is the key idea behind the all-weather portfolio? ›

About Ray Dalio's All Weather

Ray Dalio's All Weather portfolio is an investment strategy designed to perform well across different economic conditions. The goal of the All Weather portfolio is to generate consistent returns while minimizing risk, regardless of the economic environment.

What is the all-weather portfolio strategy of Ray Dalio? ›

The all weather portfolio is a dynamic investment strategy designed to thrive in various economic scenarios. Conceived by Ray Dalio in 1996, this approach aims to deliver stable returns during both bull and bear markets and periods of inflation and deflation.

What are the percentages for the all-weather portfolio? ›

Remember the asset allocation for the All Weather Portfolio: 40% long-term bonds, 30% stocks, 15% intermediate-term bonds, 7.5% gold, and 7.5% commodities. That's the goal asset allocation you should have when you're finished rebalancing.

Can I invest with Bridgewater Associates? ›

Bridgewater Associates, LP advises certain private investment funds and institutional clients, and is not available to provide investment advisory or similar services to most other investors.

What is the average return of Ray Dalio's all weather portfolio? ›

This portfolio has a 55% allocation to bonds, leading to its classification as medium risk. As of July 2024, in the previous 30 Years, the Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio obtained a 7.61% compound annual return, with a 7.43% standard deviation.

What stocks does George Soros own? ›

Billionaire George Soros' 6 Top Stock Picks
Stock% of Portfolio*Market Value of Shares
Novo Nordisk A/S (NVO)1.7%$102.4 million
Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (CERE)1.4%$82 million
Liberty Broadband Corp. (LBRDK)1.3%$79.5 million
Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN)1.2%$71.3 million
2 more rows
May 23, 2024

What commodities does Ray Dalio invest in? ›

Dalio spilled the beans on a basic version of the All-Weather Portfolio during an interview, and it consisted of the following: 40% in long-term Treasuries (US government bonds with over 20 years left till maturity), 30% in US stocks, 15% in intermediate-term Treasuries (US government bonds with 7-10 years left till ...

What is the maximum drawdown for the all-weather portfolio? ›

Worst Drawdowns

The maximum drawdown for the Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio was 24.28%, occurring on Oct 20, 2022. The portfolio has not yet recovered. The current Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio drawdown is 7.07%.

How to invest in all weather? ›

It is essentially a mix of assets with varying risk levels and in line with your risk appetite. An all-weather portfolio helps you adapt to the market volatility, adjust to different conditions of the market, minimize downside risks and give you risk-adjusted return over the long term.

What stock does Ray Dalio own? ›

Ranking Tables
TickerName% Of Portfolio
IEMGiShares, Inc. - iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF4.9%
GOOGLAlphabet Inc.4.1%
PGThe Procter & Gamble Company3.4%
NVDANVIDIA Corporation3.2%
21 more rows

What is the 10-year return on Bridgewater? ›

The 10-year return on Bridgewater's All Weather fund was 43 percent and the 10-year return on the average risk-parity fund was 42 percent. Meanwhile, the 10-year return on a 60/40 portfolio was 90 percent.

What are good portfolio percentages? ›

A moderately aggressive strategy would contain 80% stocks to 20% cash and bonds. For moderate growth, keep 60% in stocks and 40% in cash and bonds. A good rule of thumb is to scale back the percentage of stocks in your portfolio and increase the percentage of high-quality bonds as you age.

What is the all weather approach? ›

An all-weather approach is designed to target high single digit returns and has the potential for better downside management during periods of severe or prolonged equity market declines.

What is all weather equity? ›

All-weather funds are meant to diversify funds across several asset types. This diversification serves to minimize the risk level of the portfolio by distributing assets across diverse areas.

What is an all weather investment plan? ›

It is essentially a mix of assets with varying risk levels and in line with your risk appetite. An all-weather portfolio helps you adapt to the market volatility, adjust to different conditions of the market, minimize downside risks and give you risk-adjusted return over the long term.

What is the maximum drawdown for the all weather portfolio? ›

Worst Drawdowns

The maximum drawdown for the Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio was 24.28%, occurring on Oct 20, 2022. The portfolio has not yet recovered. The current Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio drawdown is 7.07%.

What is all weather mutual fund portfolio? ›

The portfolio of the fund is created by using an asset mix that gives capital appreciation as well as dividend income. The fund managers allocate a certain amount in equity that is expected to grow during the bull run or in a good economic condition.

Is all weather investing smallcase good? ›

The All Weather Investing smallcase provides the optimum asset allocation mix for long-term wealth creation. This smallcase is ideal for all types of market conditions. It will ensure that neither will your investment ship sink, nor will the investment flight soar to scary heights.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.