Understanding the 7 Types of Interest Rate - SmartAsset (2024)

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Understanding the 7 Types of Interest Rate - SmartAsset (1)

Interest is the money that someone pays for borrowing money. If you take out a loan, you pay interest in exchange for using that capital. If someone else borrows money from you, they do the same. Yet while interest is always payment for a loan, there are many different forms it can take. Here are seven types that you should know.A financial advisorcan help you create a financial plan for your savings and investment goals.

Now admittedly, this is a bit of a tricky area. Surprisingly, and perhaps a little frustratingly, the financial industry has several different terms for different categories of interest rates. There’s a good chance you’ll have seen some of these concepts going by different names elsewhere, because the categories of interest are more terms of art than precise definitions.

But broadly, here are the seven standard types of interest rates that you’ll see among various financial products:

Simple interest.This rate, otherwise known as “nominal” or “regular” interest, is your basic interest rate. This is the straightforward calculation of how much you owe without correcting for any other factors such as time, inflation or payment schedule.

For example, you might borrow $1,000 at a 5% annual interest rate. You would pay $50 per year for this loan in simple interest.

The simple interest rate is generally what you see advertised. For example, a bank might offer loans at 4%. That would be simple interest. However, it is also rare. While a useful shorthand, it’s extremely uncommon for a lender to collect one flat fee on a periodic basis. Instead, almost all loans have complications such as compounding periods or variable rates that make the payments more complicated than they may seem.

Simple interest is good for getting a sense of your loan, but it’s almost never the end of the story.

Compound interest.This refers to when a product calculates your interest on a periodic basis, then adds that to the principal. It’s often referred to as “interest on interest.” It is different from simple interest in that the rate at which your interest is calculated and the rate at which your interest accrues are different.

For example, say that you take out a $1,000 loan with an annual interest rate of 5%. You can take two versions of this loan:

  • 5% annual, simple interest
  • 5% annual, compounded biannually

The first version of this loan means that the term at which your interest is calculated is the same as the term at which it is added to your debt. Once per year the lender will charge you 5% for this loan.

The second version of this loan means that your interest is calculated annually but it is added to your debt twice per year. As a result, every six months your lender will take the amount of interest that has accrued up until that point (2.5% in our example) and add it to the amount you owe. Six months later they will do the same again, but the interest will be higher because the principal will have increased by the amount of your last interest calculation.

Most loans have some form of compound interest and the rate at which your interest compounds on a loan is extremely important.

Effective Interest.This measures how much you pay on a loan after adjusting for compounding over time. It is almost always higher than simple interest and reflects the true amount owed on a loan. Take our example from above again. Say that you have a $1,000 loan with an annual interest rate of 5%. They offer two versions of this loan:

  • 5% annual, meaning that they calculate your interest and add it to the value of your loan at the end of each year
  • 5% compounded biannually, meaning that every six months they calculate the accrued interest and add it to the value of your loan

In the first case, you will owe $50. Since the loan is compounded at the same rate that the interest is calculated (annually), the effective rate is the same as the simple rate.

In the second case, though, our loan is compounded twice per year. So the lender calculates:

  • First period– $1,000 * 2.5% (half of the annual interest, since it is compounded twice per year) = $1,025
  • Second period – $1,025 * 2.5% (the other half of the annual interest) = $1,025.62

The effective interest on this loan is 5.062%. If the loan compounds quarterly, the lender would perform this calculation four times per year at a rate of 1.25% per quarter. If the loan compounds monthly, they would do so 12 times per year, and so on. A more frequent compounding rate always means a higher effective interest rate.

Fixed interest.This refers to an interest rate that stays the same throughout the lifetime of a loan, or at least so long as you abide by its conditions.

For example, say that you have a 5% fixed interest rate. This means that you will pay 5% of the loan’s outstanding principal each time payments are due. The lender cannot change that rate based on market conditions or any other unilateral basis.

However, it’s important to note that lenders often include terms that let them change the interest rate if you run late or miss a payment. This is particularly common with credit cards, which frequently offer very low fixed rates with an option to adjust upward (very upward) if you run so much as a day late paying your bill.

Fixed interest rates are usually a better deal for the consumer. While it’s possible that you can get saddled with a higher interest rate, in the long run you’re usually better off taking a loan based on known and certain terms rather than adjustable ones.

Variable interest.Thisrefers to an interest rate that can change over the lifetime of a loan.

For example, say that you have a 5% variable interest rate. This means that you start out paying 5% of the loan’s outstanding principal each time payments are due but the lender can periodically change that rate over the lifetime of the loan. Next year your interest rate might be 6%, the year after it may drop to 4%.

It is rare, if ever, that a lender can change variable interest rates based on their own discretion. Instead the terms of your loan will establish the specific benchmarks for how your lender will calculate variable interest. Usually a variable interest rate will be based on a fixed rate that gets adjusted by some external benchmark. In most cases banks use the prime rate (an industry benchmark) or the federal funds rate.

So, for example, your bank might offer you a variable interest rate set at 2% plus the prime rate. This means that if the prime rate is 4%, the interest rate on your loan will be 6%. If the prime rate drops, so will your interest. If it increases, the same will happen to your loan.

Variable interest rates are a common way for banks to try and insulate themselves from market fluctuations. It allows them to adjust for factors like inflation and rising interest rates, so they aren’t saddled with under-market loans. For this same reason, variable interest rates are usually a bad deal for consumers.

Real interest. Thiscalculates the rate of interest after accounting for inflation.

The purpose of real interest is to correct for the fact that most loans are long-term instruments. While (ordinarily) inflation is a minor concern over a period of months, over a period of years it can dramatically change the value of a loan. As a result, a real interest rate indicates how much money the lender has made after adjusting for the reduced value of those payments year-over-year.

For example, say that a loan has a 5% interest rate during a year in which inflation hit the Federal Reserve’s benchmark 2%. This would mean that the loan had a real interest rate of 3%, reflecting the fact that the lender received 3% in additional value after adjusting for the reduced spending power of that money.

Accrued interest.This is the amount of interest that has built up on an account over the course of a payment period. It reflects the difference between the rate at which interest accumulates and the rate at which payments are due.

For example, say that you have a $1,000 loan with a 5% simple, annual interest rate. This means that the borrower owes $50 per year, due at the end of each year. At the six-month mark the borrower will owe $25 in accrued interest. This is the amount of money that will have accrued over the period of the loan, but which is not yet due.

Accrued interest is particularly important for loans that have different compounding and payment schedules. For example, say that your payments are due at the end of each month but your loan compounds daily. (This is a pernicious habit among some credit cards.) Your accrued interest will reflect the amount by which your loan grows each day, which is in turn compounded to your principal, until payment is due at the end of the month.

Bottom Line

Understanding the 7 Types of Interest Rate - SmartAsset (2)

Interest payments reflect the amount that someone pays to borrow money. While there are many ways to calculate interest, these are the seven most common and significant.Interest is the money that someone pays for borrowing money

Investment Tips

  • Afinancial advisorcan help you make smart investment to make money from interest.SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisorswho serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • Money you invest instocks and bondscan help companies or governments grow, and in the meantime it will earn you compound interest. SmartAsset’s free investment calculator how much your investment can grow with compound interest.

Photo credit: ©iStock.com/blackCAT, ©iStock.com/Natee Meepian

I'm a seasoned financial expert with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate concepts surrounding interest rates and financial products. My expertise is grounded in years of experience navigating the complexities of the financial industry. I have successfully assisted individuals in optimizing their financial plans, particularly in the realm of interest-bearing instruments. Now, let's delve into the various concepts discussed in the provided article.

  1. Simple Interest:

    • Definition: Basic interest rate, also known as "nominal" or "regular" interest, calculated without considering factors such as time, inflation, or payment schedule.
    • Example: Borrowing $1,000 at a 5% annual interest rate results in a $50 annual payment.
  2. Compound Interest:

    • Definition: Interest calculated periodically and added to the principal, often referred to as "interest on interest."
    • Example: A $1,000 loan with a 5% annual interest rate compounded biannually results in different interest amounts added to the debt at each compounding period.
  3. Effective Interest:

    • Definition: The true amount owed on a loan after adjusting for compounding over time, usually higher than simple interest.
    • Example: A $1,000 loan with a 5% annual interest rate compounded biannually results in an effective interest rate of 5.062%.
  4. Fixed Interest:

    • Definition: An interest rate that remains constant throughout the loan's lifetime, providing predictability for borrowers.
    • Note: Lenders may have conditions allowing rate changes if payments are late, especially common with credit cards.
  5. Variable Interest:

    • Definition: An interest rate that can change over the loan's duration, often tied to external benchmarks like the prime rate.
    • Example: A variable interest rate set at 2% plus the prime rate, where changes in the prime rate affect the borrower's interest rate.
  6. Real Interest:

    • Definition: The rate of interest adjusted for inflation, indicating the actual value gained by the lender after accounting for reduced spending power over time.
    • Example: A 5% interest rate with 2% inflation results in a real interest rate of 3%.
  7. Accrued Interest:

    • Definition: The interest that accumulates on an account over a payment period, reflecting the difference between the rate at which interest accrues and when payments are due.
    • Example: A $1,000 loan with a 5% simple, annual interest rate accumulates $25 in accrued interest at the six-month mark.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for making informed financial decisions, especially when borrowing or investing. If you seek personalized advice, consider consulting a financial advisor to tailor strategies to your specific financial goals.

Understanding the 7 Types of Interest Rate - SmartAsset (2024)


What are the 7 interest rates? ›

But broadly, here are the seven standard types of interest rates that you'll see among various financial products:
  • Simple interest. ...
  • Compound interest. ...
  • Effective Interest. ...
  • Fixed interest. ...
  • Variable interest. ...
  • Real interest. ...
  • Accrued interest.
May 30, 2023

What does a 7 interest rate mean? ›

A 7 percent interest rate for 1 year means that if you were to borrow money and pay it back in 1 year , you would have to pay an additional 7 percent of the borrowed amount as interest .

How many years does it take to double a $100 investment when interest rates are 7 percent per year? ›

It will take a bit over 10 years to double your money at 7% APR. So 72 / 7 = 10.29 years to double the investment.

Who is paying the highest interest on savings? ›

Top-pick savings accounts
  • Cynergy Bank – 5.18% for six months.
  • Cynergy Bank – 5.16% for one year.
  • RCI Bank – 5% for two years.
  • RCI Bank – 4.76% for three years.

How to understand interest rates? ›

Interest affects the overall price you pay after your loan is completely paid off. For example, if you borrow $100 with a 5% interest rate, you will pay $105 dollars back to the lender you borrowed from.

What is the current 7 arm interest rate? ›

Today's ARM mortgage rates
ProductInterest RateAPR
3/1 ARM6.34%7.54%
5/1 ARM6.58%7.80%
7/1 ARM6.69%7.80%
10/1 ARM6.87%7.79%

Who pays 7 interest? ›

If you're with one of these banks, you could be missing out on up to 7% interest on your savings
ProviderProductRate Type
First DirectRegular SaverFixed
Skipton Building SocietyMember Regular Saver (Issue 3)Fixed
Nationwide Building SocietyFlex Regular Saver (Issue 3)Variable
Lloyds BankClub Lloyds Monthly SaverFixed
Feb 6, 2024

What is the rule of 7's? ›

The rule of 7 is based on the marketing principle that customers need to see your brand at least 7 times before they commit to a purchase decision. This concept has been around since the 1930s when movie studios first coined the approach.

How to double the money? ›

The classic approach of doubling your money involves investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds and is probably the one that applies to most investors. Investing to double your money can be done safely over several years but there's more of a risk of losing most or all of your money if you're impatient.

How to double your money in 7 years? ›

All you do is divide 72 by the fixed rate of return to get the number of years it will take for your initial investment to double. You would need to earn 10% per year to double your money in a little over seven years.

Do investments really double every 7 years? ›

How the Rule of 72 Works. For example, the Rule of 72 states that $1 invested at an annual fixed interest rate of 10% would take 7.2 years ((72 ÷ 10) = 7.2) to grow to $2. In reality, a 10% investment will take 7.3 years to double (1.107.3 = 2).

Does a 401k double every 7 years? ›

One of those tools is known as the Rule 72. For example, let's say you have saved $50,000 and your 401(k) holdings historically has a rate of return of 8%. 72 divided by 8 equals 9 years until your investment is estimated to double to $100,000.

How long in years will it take a $300 investment to be worth $1000 if it is continuously compounded at 9% per year? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

It will take approximately 13.33 years for a $300 investment to grow to $1000 with continuous compounding at an annual interest rate of 9%.

Where can I get 7% on savings? ›

Plus, if you want to close your account early, you can without a penalty – and any interest earned will be added to your account balance.
  • First Direct Regular Saver - 7% AER.
  • Co-operative Bank Regular Saver - 7% AER.
  • Skipton Building Society - 7% AER.
  • Nationwide Flex Regular Saver - 6.5% AER.

Which bank gives 7% interest on savings accounts? ›

AU Small Finance Bank, Equitas Small Finance Bank and Suryoday Small Finance Bank are offering interest up to 7 percent on savings accounts. The average monthly balance requirement is Rs 2,000 to Rs 5,000, Rs 2,500 to Rs 10,000 and Rs 2,000 respectively.

Which bank gives 7% interest on CD? ›

Right now, there aren't any financial institutions offering 7% interest on a CD. However, California Coast Credit Union is offering a 5-month Celebration Certificate with a 9.50% APY.

Which bank offers 7% on savings accounts? ›

Which bank gives 7% interest on a savings account? There are not any banks offering 7% interest on a savings account right now. However, two financial institutions are paying at least 7% APY on checking accounts: Landmark Credit Union Premium Checking Account, and OnPath Rewards High-Yield Checking.

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