Vendor Requirements (2024)

If you provide paid access to public or private invite-only scripts, then you are considered a Vendor and we expect you to meet these requirements, in addition to theGeneral House RulesandScript Publishing Rules. Our Vendor Requirements assume you hold a Premium account, but the relevant requirements also apply to vendors using other types of accounts.

TradingView is a global platform dedicated to helping its community share the love of finance and trading in a learning environment. We believe vendors can bring value to our community by providing quality tools and services to traders who choose to rely on more experienced traders.

TradingView welcomes honest and responsible vendors with the trading experience and know-how required to offer worthwhile services, build original and useful trading tools, provide helpful content to traders and engage traders in a realistic and responsible fashion. Those are the principles governing these Vendor Requirements. Charlatans luring traders in deceitful black boxes, promising unrealistic results, or repurposing open-source code to resell it, do not belong in our community.

Business practices

Any vendor using wrongful business practices or misleading traders, whether on TradingView or elsewhere, can be permanently banned.

Vendor publications

TradingView content cannot be used as outright advertisem*nt. Like other TradingView users, we expect vendors to acquire reputation by providing useful content.Any content you publish, whether in the form of ideas, videos, scripts, comments, chat posts, update or release notes, should be about providing immediate value to traders:

  • Teaser-style content, disguised attempts to display your wares or drive traffic, and limited-time offers are not allowed.
  • Content not providing actionable information or a valid analysis to traders is considered a serious violation and will be moderated, accompanied by stiff ban periods.
  • Keep the language real in your communications. Respect our traders and the inherent uncertainty of the future when discussing trading ideas or the use of scripts. Never infer past results will repeat in the future.
  • Other than in "How-To" ideas/videos mentioned later, content (ideas, videos, chats, comments, related ideas, etc.) cannot show, discuss or link to invite-only scripts.
  • Giving access to your invite-only scripts without an explicit request from a user is considered solicitation, and a serious violation.

Private publications

Script moderators do not analyze privately published scripts, as long as they remain private. You are not allowed to refer or link to them from any public TradingView content. If you publish links to private scripts in groups, social networks, or other public content to make them known, they are considered public and subject to moderation.

In order to protect our users, we expect vendors selling access to invite-only scripts to do so via public scripts only, which moderators analyze. If you publish invite-only scripts privately and sell access to them, you face the risk of a permanent ban.

Vendors providing private TradingView content to customers are still subject to our business practices requirements. Your account may be permanently banned if you use private publications to publish what would otherwise be non-compliant public content or you mislead traders from your own website or other content outside TradingView.

Ideas and Videos

  • How-To's:
    • Vendors may publish How-To Ideas or Videos to showcase their invite-only scripts.
    • A maximum of ten How-To's can be published per script, per year.
    • If the information in those publications is not considered substantial enough by moderators, they will be moderated.
    • The title of Ideas or Videos explaining your invite-only scripts must begin with "HOW-TO: ..." with CAPS used for those first two words only.
    • How-to's are the ONLY publications that can link to your invite-only scripts, including in the "Related Ideas" section of the publication.
  • Post-factum analysis of trading signals is not allowed, except in How-To's.
  • If you abuse discussing your services or scripts in your content, it will be moderated. Ban periods for such violations tend to be lengthy.
  • Using language that misleads traders is not allowed in any TradingView content, or elsewhere.
  • Solicitation is forbidden in Vendor publications. Do not ask users to comment or like your publication, or to follow you.

Granting access to invite-only scripts

Whether your invite-only scripts are private or public, only grant access to users who have explicitly requested it.

Publication titles

You may include either one of your user name or company/brand name in titles.

Public invite-only scripts

Strive for unequivocal originality in your invite-only scripts and ensure your script publications provide clear value to traders. Moderators will use your publication's description and visuals to determine whether it meets our requirements.

If your invite-only script uses classic elements such as MAs, BBs, RSI, WaveTrend, Support & Resistance, etc., or it uses public domain code, including built-ins and educational materials, your description must justify why it's worth paying for.

Suites of optimized, market- or timeframe-specific script publications are not allowed. If you provide distinct settings of the same script for different markets/timeframes, make these available in a single publication. If needed, use a password to unlock specific sub-features.


  • Make your script descriptions about the script itself—not about your company, brand, group, other products, or results.
  • If your source code requires protection and you expect our users to pay for your script, we assume it does something special—otherwise protecting your source and asking for payment would not be required, or honest. If you deem your script to be original and useful, then you should be able to explain this to the community so users can decide for themselves if your script is worth paying for. If you require our users to blindly trust you without providing worthwhile information on your product, then you do not belong in the TradingView community. We do not expect your description to reveal everything about your calculations and logic, but the community should be able to understand the underlying principles used, how they can be useful and why they should pay for your script.
  • Do not overuse your company/brand name in descriptions: one or two mentions should be enough.
  • If your scriptmustbe used with another oneandyour description explains how to do that, you will be allowed to link to it and show the other script on your chart. If you abuse this to direct traffic to your unrelated publications, your script will be moderated.
  • No pricing information is allowed in descriptions.
  • Solicitation is forbidden in descriptions. Do not ask users to comment or like your invite-only scripts, or to follow you.
  • Do not make unrealistic claims. Do not attempt to confuse the community by inferring future performance from past results. If you are selling access to strategies, you should know enough about backtesting to understand that the results of a single test run shown with a published strategy donotconstitute proof they will repeat in the future. If you don't, then you are a danger to the community and shouldn't be selling indicators.
  • Keep things real. Stating you offer "the greatest trend detector" or using a word like "guarantee" denotes either ignorance on your part or disrespect towards the community's intelligence. It will also quickly get you noticed by script moderators, which in turn can make your experience as a vendor on TradingView very difficult.
  • If you are presenting a strategy, we expect a discussion of the parameters you used, the inevitable compromises involved in designing any strategy, the conditions or markets it is optimized for, and its limits. Do not discuss metrics like win rate in isolation, as this is useless without a thorough analysis of other metrics.
  • We expect you to document all the values used in the strategy's Properties dialog box to generatethe results you show, including commission or slippage used.


  • The graphic presentation of your script must be restrained and in-line with the down to earth tone we expect in descriptions.
  • While you may strive to achieve high visual impact, do not use splashy graphics that won't help users understand what your script does or how to use it, and do not use all caps. Your indicator name in a text element on the chart does not qualify as being useful.

Author's instructions

  • This field must contain instructions to users who want to request access to your script. They will appear under your script's description.
  • Instruct users to either contact you privately or to follow a link that you may include in the field. DO NOT instruct users to use the "Comments" section of your script to request access.
  • You may also use this field to include links to complementary information about your script. If you do, your script's description must still include the essential information we require.

Release Notes and Comments

  • Release notes must only contain information relevant to the update.
  • Release Notes and Comments are subject to the same rules applying to your script descriptions.

Reuse of open-source code

  • Open-source scripts on TradingView exist to benefit the community—not vendors selling scripts. Accordingly, our House Rules concerning the reuse of open-source code are aggressively enforced with invite-only scripts.
  • Remember that if you intend to reuse open-source code, you must obtain permission from the original author and make it clear to them that you want to reuse it in a paid script. Save your authorizations preciously.
  • If you reuse open-source code with permission from the author, this should be mentioned in your description. You may name the author, but not link to his content.

Challenge on the reuse of open-source code

  • Plagiarizing open-source code is considered a severe violation and may result in a permanent ban. If moderators have good reasons to suspect your script reuses open-source code (not considered public domain) without permission, the onus of supplying evidence proving the contrary falls on you.
  • If moderators do not receive proof within 4 hours of their request (which will be issued when you are online), you will be considered to have failed the challenge.
  • Proving your code does not reuse open-source code will require you to send your code to moderators.
  • Vendors failing the challenge will, in most cases, be permanently banned.

Signature field

  • Use your Premium account'sSignature fieldto include your links, contact information, advertising, or solicitation.
  • Your Signature will automatically and retroactively appear under all your publication descriptions.
  • Unless its content is misleading or distasteful, the Signature field is not moderated.


Bans imposed by moderators apply to your use of social features on TradingView. Banned Vendors may still log in and use charting functionality.

Banned vendors who have invite-only script publications will no longer be able to manage user access to those.

Increasingly longer ban periods may lead to a permanent ban. Rogue or negligent vendors will usually be the only ones capable of accumulating enough moderation events or serious violations to justify a permanent ban. Permanent bans can also involve all your publications being hidden.

Vendors and script moderation

Script publication violations should be taken seriously, as a limited number of violations are permitted. Which each successive violation, your ban period will increase. When your quota of violations has been reached, your account will be permanently banned.

We recommend that you not attempt to make a case to our moderators that you cannot provide the information we require in your script's description, as doing so will immediately alert moderators to the fact that you are probably not the type of vendor that is right for our community.

We appreciate vendor creativity in designing their products and services, but using the same creativity to try to workaround our rules will get you into much more trouble than whatever gains you may have hoped for in doing so. It has very poor risk:reward and we do not recommend it.

While we realize many requirements apply to vendors, we believe they are reasonable and well worth having access to the millions of TradingView traders. Any serious vendor able to bring genuine value to our community should have no problem meeting these requirements. If this is problematic for you, you will be better off selling your wares on another platform.

If you can respect these requirements, then welcome to the TradingView community!

Vendor Requirements (2024)


Vendor Requirements? ›

Purchasers often define the type of documents that vendors must supply as part of the supply contract. The Vendor Document Requirements (or VDR) is the list of those document types. Each line typically includes a document code, description, and delivery timeline (e.g. 10 days after order).

What are the vendor document requirements? ›

Purchasers often define the type of documents that vendors must supply as part of the supply contract. The Vendor Document Requirements (or VDR) is the list of those document types. Each line typically includes a document code, description, and delivery timeline (e.g. 10 days after order).

What are the vendor specifications? ›

Vendor Specifications means the detailed specifications and related technical documentation, as identified by title or other relevant description in APPENDIX 2 to the Contract, prepared by each Vendor in respect of items of Owner-Procured Equipment, which specifications and documentation shall be provided by the ...

What is vendor compliance requirements? ›

Essentially, it's about ensuring that the products or services provided by a vendor meet the specified requirements, such as quality standards, delivery timelines, and any other contractual obligations. This helps maintain consistency, reliability, and efficiency in the supply chain.

What is needed to set up a vendor? ›

A properly completed vendor form (business name, address, phone number, tax id etc.), and 2. A properly completed tax form based on the vendors type of entity: o W-9: For individuals or companies in the United States, o W8-BEN*: For foreign individuals, or o W8-BEN-E*: For foreign companies.

What is a vendor requirement? ›

Vendor Requirements means any policy, procedure, practice, custom or requirement of any Mass Merchant, including any risk, duty, obligation or liability assumed or undertaken by CellStar in compliance with, or in order for CellStar to comply with such Mass Merchant's terms, conditions or requirements for sales to such ...

What qualifies you as a vendor? ›

A vendor is a general term for anyone who buys and sells goods or services. A vendor purchases products and services and then sells them to another company or individual.

What are vendor guidelines? ›

Vendor Compliance is a set of guidelines and standards that businesses establish to ensure that their suppliers or vendors meet specific requirements. These requirements can range from regulatory standards to internal policies set by the company.

How do you choose vendor criteria? ›

11 vendor selection criteria:
  1. Quality product or service, meeting any technical specifications.
  2. Value with reasonable cost and terms.
  3. Transportation costs.
  4. Discounts for volume and early payment.
  5. On-time delivery.
  6. Financial strength.
  7. Excellent customer references.
  8. Customer service.

What does a vendor include? ›

A vendor is an entity—either an individual or business—that sells goods or services to companies or consumers for profit. This term covers both manufacturers and suppliers or resellers of goods made by others.

What is the 3 vendor rule? ›

Now, the three vendor rule is a best practice more than a rule, stated as: Ask seven vendors for an itemized, apples-to-apples quote, bring me the first three complete ones in a spreadsheet with the % difference in pricing highlighted. Ask the vendors to update non-competitor parts of their quotes.

What is a vendor due diligence checklist? ›

Vendor due diligence checklists can vary between organizations, but in general, should include a few basic sections: Company information and background. Risk management program. Vendor compliance management. Vendor security certifications.

What is vendor audit checklist? ›

A vendor audit checklist is used to ensure that the vendor's quality management system (QMS) meets business requirements and standards. This checklist can be used by vendors to document and report any non-compliance to quality standards.

What is a vendor onboarding checklist? ›

What Is a Vendor Onboarding Checklist? A vendor onboarding checklist consists of a list of details that you need from potential suppliers before you onboard them into your ecosystem.

What are the four stages to managing a vendor? ›

The four stages of effective vendor management include classification and selection of vendors, collaboration, implementation of plans, and evaluation of vendor performance, wherein the strategy should result in a mutually beneficial relationship.

What information do I need from a new vendor? ›

Vendor onboarding can be broken down into bits that happen at different stages, post-contract:
  • Collecting a supplier's information, such as basic business details, product catalogs, pricing, contracts, etc., and storing them on your supplier management platform.
  • Assessing vendor compliance and potential risks.
Aug 2, 2022

What are the essentials of a vendor agreement? ›

#1: Detailed Description of Goods or Services

The vendor agreement should define the products or services the vendor agrees to deliver – along with (to start) payment schedules/types, project timelines, necessary materials, and distribution specifics.

What are the requirements for vendor evaluation? ›

11 vendor selection criteria:
  • Quality product or service, meeting any technical specifications.
  • Value with reasonable cost and terms.
  • Transportation costs.
  • Discounts for volume and early payment.
  • On-time delivery.
  • Financial strength.
  • Excellent customer references.
  • Customer service.

What is the scope document for a vendor? ›

A well written scope of work should be detailed and define the goods and/or services such that the vendors can easily submit a proposal in response. a. What? Define goods and/or services in detail; deliverables should be defined as specific as possible.

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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 6369

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.