Verifying your identity on Airbnb (2024)


At Airbnb, trust is the cornerstone of our community – where millions of people across the world place trust in each other as they travel or host stays.

A key part of building this trust is verifying the identity of our users. Our identity verification process is a series of steps we take to help ensure users within our community are genuine so that everyone can feel more confident using Airbnb. Every Host, Co-Host and booking guest must be identity verified to use our platform.

While no process is perfect, this aims to minimise fraudulent behaviour, promote safety and enable meaningful, real-world interactions within our community.

Note:When a user is identity verified, it means that they provided information that we validated through our process. While this process helps safeguard our community, it does not guarantee that someone is who they claim to be.

Why we verify identity

Verifying the identity of guests and Hosts helps us to:

  • Promote trust between guests and Hosts
  • Uphold Airbnb’s community guidelines
  • Reduce fraudulent behaviour
  • Perform background checks when permitted by law
  • Respond to, support and investigate safety and security issues
  • Comply with applicable laws and regulations, including payments and tax laws

How identity verification works

We require primary Hosts, Co-Hosts and booking guests to be verified for all stays on Airbnb. Certain Airbnb Experiences may require identity verification as well.

Verifying your identity means verifying certain personal information, such as your legal name, address, phone number or other contact details. In some cases, we can do this without any additional info needed from you. In other cases, we may need to ask for more information, as described below.

In the US, some users may be able to choose to use facial recognition technology – also known as facial recognition – to complete identity verification.

Don’t worry – any identity information you provide outside of your name won’t be shared with any Hosts or guests on Airbnb and will be handled according to our Privacy Policy.

What info we ask for

  • Legal name, address and/or other personal information: In some cases, personal info is all we need to verify your identity – but this depends on a few factors, including the country you’re located in or if we detect anomalies on our platform. We’ll collect your legal name during signup or verification, but you can always add a preferred first name that shows to Hosts and guests.
  • Photo of your government ID: If we can’t verify you with the information above, or if a certain verification method isn’t available or effective in your country, we may ask you to provide a photo of your government ID. This could be a driving licence, passport or national identity card. You can learn more about the types of IDs permitted – as well as country-specific guidelines.
  • Selfie: We may need to ask you for a photo of yourself in addition to the above photo of your government ID. Don’t worry – this selfie won’t be used on your profile or shown to other users. If you can’t provide a selfie that matches your government ID, you can contact us for an alternative verification method.

If you’re not able to be verified with this information, in limited circ*mstances, you may be eligible to provide other proof of who you are, such as a marriage licence or court order, to complete this process.

Note: If you’re hosting as a business, you may be asked to verify additional information, such as your home address or citizenship. Additionally, if you are an EU resident and receive income from renting accommodation, providing Experiences or acting as a Co-Host – or if income is received from a listing in the EU – you’ll also be asked to verify additional information.

When we ask to verify


As a guest, you’ll need to verify your identity when you book a stay or when you book an Experience where the Host has required verification. Most users only need to do this once, and we’ll guide you through any steps you’ll need to take.

This typically happens during checkout – where we provide you with a specific deadline to finish. During this time, your reservation is pending, and others can’t book your dates. We’ll also send you notifications – like emails, SMS and push reminders depending on your preferences – to help you finish before the deadline. If you don’t complete the process in this timeline, your reservation won’t be confirmed.


If you’re getting started as a Host, you’ll need to verify your identity when creating a listing for a stay or Experience for the first time, or if you’ve been invited to be a new Co-Host of a listing. While there’s no time limit for Hosts to complete verification, your listing won’t be published until you finish. This means you can’t accept bookings until after you’ve been identity verified. Similarly, as a Co-Host, you’ll need to finish verification before you can accept your invite.

As a Host, we may ask you to go through identity verification periodically. If you don’t complete this when prompted, your calendar may be blocked until you do so.

Lastly, if you edit your legal name in your Account, we’ll also ask you to re-verify your identity. We may be able to do this instantly using information you’ve already provided us, such as your name and contact details – or you might be asked to complete other verification steps. When this happens, any existing trips you’ve booked won’t be affected, but you won’t be able to make a new booking until we verify that change.

As a Host, your existing bookings also won’t be affected, but your calendar will be blocked until you complete verification.

Note:If you’re trying to make a booking, it’s critical to submit the information we need as soon as possible. If your check-in starts within 12 hours, you’ll have 1 hour to complete verification. Otherwise, you’ll need to complete verification within 12 hours of making your booking.

While your reservation is pending during this time, it will not be confirmed if you can’t complete verification before the deadline we specify to you.

How long the process takes

After you submit your info, it typically takes us less than 1 hour to verify your identity. This may differ based on the country you live in and what info you provided.

Make sure the info you provide is valid, accurate and up to date. Otherwise, it could take us longer to verify you, or we might need to follow up and request additional info.

If you’re a guest making a booking – remember to complete verification by the deadline we provide you. During this time, your reservation is pending, and others can’t book your dates. We’ll also send you notifications – like emails, SMS and push reminders – to help you finish before the deadline.

Tips if you’re having trouble

  • Check your messages:You may have been sent additional information via text, email or phone. If you think you missed a message from us, follow these instructions.
  • Use your first and last legal name: Make sure the legal name you provide matches that in public records or on your government ID. If your legal name is different, such as after a marriage or gender affirmation, you can contact our Customer Support team to verify an alternative legal name with a government-issued document like a marriage licence or court order. While you have to use a legal name for verification, you can add a preferred first name that shows to other guests and Hosts instead.
  • Grant camera permission:The Airbnb app or your browser may need permission to access your camera. You can typically find instructions on how to provide these permissions to Airbnb by checking your browser or app settings. If you update these permissions and it’s still not working, try refreshing our app or web page.
  • Use high-quality photos:Take photos in a well-lit room and check that the photos are clear, not obscured and fit within the frames we designate during the process. For selfies, religious head coverings are welcome – but please make sure that we can see your eyes, nose and mouth. Don’t worry – your selfie won’t be shown to other users on Airbnb or on your profile.
  • Take a picture of yourself in the moment:If you’re asked to take a selfie, it must be taken of you at the moment of submission and not be a previous photo of you. Don’t worry – this won’t show on your profile or to other users on Airbnb.
  • Use an original ID that’s not expired:Make sure the ID you provide is unexpired and an original – that means it’s not a photocopy, PDF or other digital copy. If the ID has two sides, such as a driving licence or national identity card, submit photos of both the front and back. Note that you might also need to follow country-specific guidelines, depending on where you’re located.

Where we display your identity verified badge

Once you’ve been verified, you’ll get an Identity verified badge. Your verified badge and status is shown across Airbnb as a red badge with a tick next to your profile photo. It’s also shown in your profile under [Your name]’s confirmed information. If you’re a Host, the label Identity verified may also be shown on your listing page in the Host section.

If you’re a Host who operates as a large enterprise, you may have created multiple accounts to help manage all of your listings. In these cases, your connected Host accounts may not always display an Identity verified badge even though the business operating the account has been verified.

Losing your identity verification badge

If you change your personal information, such as your legal name, or remove your government ID from your account, you may lose your identity verified badge and need to verify again to book or host future guests.

    Identity info your Host can ask for

    Airbnb doesn’t share your government ID with a Host when you book. However, your Host may ask for a government ID after booking if they added information about what is required and why in their listing description at the time you booked – and only where required for legal or compliance reasons as outlined in Airbnb’s off-platform policy.

    Some regions have laws that require guests to register with local authorities. This can be done directly with the local authorities – or at the accommodation by the Host on behalf of the authorities. In other words, if you’ve booked a stay in a region where this applies, a Host of a bed & breakfast, hostel, hotel or other accommodation on Airbnb might request this registration from you.

    How we share and manage your data

    We are a community built on trust. A fundamental part of earning that trust means being clear about how we use your information.

    Only authorised Airbnb personnel and authorised third-party providers may access the information you submit, and all info is stored and transmitted in a secure manner. We share your identification information with authorised third-party service providers to help support the identity verification process – including such things as verifying your identity, authenticating your identification documents and performing background checks (where permitted under applicable law).

    We delete your Government ID after the prescribed retention period relating to the purpose it was collected for has elapsed – unless we’re legally required to retain it. Note that after your ID has been deleted, we continue to retain some information from it – such as your date of birth – for the management of your account, legal compliance and general security purposes.

    We handle the information collected during identity verification for purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy. Examples of the info we collect and the purposes we may use them for are below.

    • Personal information you have provided us with, such as legal name, address and date of birth:
      • Supporting our identity verification process as detailed above
      • Responding to and investigating safety and security issues to protect our users on the Airbnb platform and the wider community
      • Responding to and assisting law enforcement investigations; responding to information requests from public bodies
      • Upholding Airbnb’s community guidelines
      • Complying with applicable laws, which includes payments and tax laws
      • Detecting fraudulent behaviour
      • Doing background checks where permitted under applicable laws
    • Your government ID or other identity-related documentation you have provided:
      • Supporting our identity verification process as detailed above
      • Responding to and investigating safety and security issues involving users of the platform and the wider community
      • Responding to and assisting law enforcement investigations
      • Complying with applicable laws, which includes payments and tax laws

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    Verifying your identity on Airbnb (2024)


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    Why we verify identity. Verifying the identity of guests and hosts helps us to: Promote trust between guests and hosts.

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    Submit an ID for verification

    Often, your legal name and address and/or other personal information are enough for us to verify your identity. We may also ask you to provide a copy of your government ID that includes a photo of you.

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    Don't worry – your government ID and selfie won't be shared with any Hosts or guests on Airbnb.

    How long does it take for Airbnb to verify my ID? ›

    Airbnb ID verification may take up to 24 hours. But usually, an Airbnb account can be approved within a few hours. You can also check your verification status in the verification tab of your Profile. And if you have any issues with your Airbnb ID verification, you should contact Airbnb customer service.

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    If you're not able to be verified with this information, in limited circ*mstances, you may be eligible to provide other proof of who you are, such as a marriage licence or court order, to complete this process.

    Can an Airbnb host ask for a picture of an ID? ›

    However, your Host may ask for a government ID after booking if they added information about what is required and why in their listing description at the time you booked – and only where required for legal or compliance reasons as outlined in Airbnb's off-platform policy.

    How do I verify my Airbnb profile? ›

    What's required
    1. Your full legal name: This is what appears on a government ID or official document. ...
    2. Your home address: This is the physical address where you live, which may differ from your Airbnb listing address(es). ...
    3. Your date of birth: You may have entered this elsewhere, but we still need to confirm it.

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    Airbnb uses the Internal Revenue Service Taxpayer Information Number matching database to verify your taxpayer information. This helps us reduce filing issues which may impact your tax return filings, and avoid any enforcement actions the IRS may instruct us to take on your payouts.

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    If you still don't receive the verification code, you might need to try a different phone number. Some phone types might not be able to receive the verification code. For example: Commercial phone lines that route to multiple extensions/employees.

    Why Airbnb needs my ID? ›

    At Airbnb, we're always working on making our community as secure as possible for everyone. That's why, before booking a home or experience, or becoming a host, we may ask for a government ID. This helps us keep Airbnb secure, fight fraud, and more—and it's something you'll only have to do once.

    Why does Airbnb need my photo? ›

    Beyond showing your verified identity and contact info, your profile can offer more details about you, such as: A profile photo that shows your face so others can recognize you when you arrive as a guest, or host a stay or Airbnb Experience.

    How does Airbnb verify hosts? ›

    When you host or help with hosting on Airbnb, you may be asked to provide information such as your legal name, date of birth, or government ID for verification. Business Hosts may also be asked to provide details about their business and relevant individuals.

    How do I verify my Airbnb guest ID? ›

    This could be a driver's licence, passport, or national identity card. You can learn more about the types of IDs permitted—as well as country-specific guidelines. Selfie: We may need to ask you for a photo of yourself in addition to the above photo of your government ID.

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    Awaiting guest ID

    The Host requires the guest to verify their identity before accepting the trip request. They have 12 hours to do so; otherwise, the request will expire.

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    If you're a guest and you're asked to provide ID, your host will see: Your profile name and photo. Whether you've successfully completed this process. The full name on your government ID and whether you're over or under 25 years old."

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    Sharing passport details with an Airbnb host can be risky, especially if the host is not legitimate. If the host is a fraudster or scammer, they could use your passport details to commit identity theft.

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    By the end of June 2023, 100 percent of guests booking homes and primary Hosts getting booked globally on Airbnb will be required to have undergone the verification process.

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    Article information

    Author: Gregorio Kreiger

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6336

    Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

    Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Gregorio Kreiger

    Birthday: 1994-12-18

    Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

    Phone: +9014805370218

    Job: Customer Designer

    Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

    Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.