Virtual memory in 32-bit version of Windows - Windows Server (2024)

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Applies to: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2012 R2
Original KB number: 2160852


This article contains basic information about the virtual memory implementation in 32-bit versions of Windows.

In modern operating systems such as Windows, applications and many system processes always reference memory by using virtual memory addresses. Virtual memory addresses are automatically translated to real (RAM) addresses by the hardware. Only core parts of the operating system kernel bypass this address translation and use real memory addresses directly.

Virtual memory is always being used, even when the memory that is required by all running processes does not exceed the volume of RAM that is installed on the system.

Processes and address spaces

All processes (for example, application executables) that are running under 32-bit versions of Windows are assigned virtual memory addresses (a virtual address space), ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295 (2*32-1 = 4 GB), regardless of how much RAM is installed on the computer.

In the default Windows configuration, 2 gigabytes (GB) of this virtual address space are designated for the private use of each process, and the other 2 GB is shared between all processes and the operating system. Typically, applications (for example, Notepad, Word, Excel, and Acrobat Reader) use only a fraction of the 2 GB of private address space. The operating system assigns RAM page frames only to those virtual memory pages that are being used.

Physical Address Extension (PAE) is the feature of the Intel 32-bit architecture that expands the physical memory (RAM) address to 36 bits. PAE does not change the size of the virtual address space (which remains at 4 GB), but just the volume of actual RAM that can be addressed by the processor.

The translation between the 32-bit virtual memory address that is used by the code that is running in a process and the 36-bit RAM address is handled automatically and transparently by the computer hardware according to translation tables that are maintained by the operating system. Any virtual memory page (32-bit address) can be associated with any physical RAM page (36-bit address).

The following list describes how much RAM the various Windows versions and editions support (as of May 2010):

Windows versionRAM
Windows NT 4.04 GB
Windows 2000 Professional4 GB
Windows 2000 Standard Server4 GB
Windows 2000 Advanced Server8 GB
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server32 GB
Windows XP Professional4 GB
Windows Server 2003 Web Edition2 GB
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition4 GB
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition32 GB
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition64 GB
Windows Vista4 GB
Windows Server 2008 Standard4 GB
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise64 GB
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter64 GB
Windows 74 GB


RAM is a limited resource, whereas for most practical purposes, virtual memory is unlimited. There can be many processes, and each process has its own 2 GB of private virtual address space. When the memory being used by all the existing processes exceeds the available RAM, the operating system moves pages (4-KB pieces) of one or more virtual address spaces to the computer's hard disk. This frees that RAM frame for other uses. In Windows systems, these paged out pages are stored in one or more files (Pagefile.sys files) in the root of a partition. There can be one such file in each disk partition. The location and size of the page file is configured in System Properties (click Advanced, click Performance, and then click the Settings button).

Users frequently ask how big should I make the pagefile? There is no single answer to this question because it depends on the amount of installed RAM and on how much virtual memory that workload requires. If there is no other information available, the typical recommendation of 1.5 times the installed RAM is a good starting point. On server systems, you typically want to have sufficient RAM so that there is never a shortage and so that the pagefile is not used. On these systems, it may serve no useful purpose to maintain a large pagefile. On the other hand, if disk space is plentiful, maintaining a large pagefile (for example, 1.5 times the installed RAM) does not cause a problem, and this also eliminates the need to worry over how large to make it.

Performance, architectural limits, and RAM

On any computer system, as the load increases (the number of users, the volume of work), performance decreases, but in a nonlinear manner. Any increase in load or demand, beyond a certain point, causes a significant decrease in performance. This means that some resource is in critically short supply and has become a bottleneck.

At some point, the resource that is in short supply cannot be increased. This means that an architectural limit has been reached. Some frequently reported architectural limits in Windows include the following:

  • 2 GB of shared virtual address space for the system (kernel)
  • 2 GB of private virtual address space per process (user mode)
  • 660 MB of system PTE storage (Windows Server 2003 and earlier)
  • 470 MB of paged pool storage (Windows Server 2003 and earlier)
  • 256 MB of nonpaged pool storage (Windows Server 2003 and earlier)

This applies to Windows Server 2003 specifically, but this may also apply to Windows XP and to Windows 2000. However, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7 do not all share these architectural limits. The limits on user and kernel memory (numbers 1 and 2 here) are the same, but kernel resources such as PTEs and various memory pools are dynamic. This new functionality enables both paged and nonpaged memory. This also enables PTEs and session pool to grow beyond the limits that were discussed earlier, up to the point where the whole kernel is exhausted.

Frequently found and quoted statements such as the following:

With a Terminal Server, the 2 GB of shared address space will be completely used before 4 GB of RAM is used.

This may be true in some cases. However, you have to monitor your system to know whether they apply to your particular system or not. In some cases, these statements are conclusions from specific Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 environments and do not necessarily apply to Windows Server 2003. Significant changes were made to Windows Server 2003 to reduce the probability that these architectural limits will in fact be reached in practice. For example, some processes that were in the kernel were moved to non-kernel processes to reduce the memory used in the shared virtual address space.

Monitoring RAM and virtual memory usage

Performance Monitor is the principle tool for monitoring system performance and for identifying the location of the bottleneck. To start Performance Monitor, click Start, click Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Performance Monitor. Here is a summary of some important counters and what they tell you:

  • Memory, Committed Bytes: This counter is a measure of the demand for virtual memory.

    This shows how many bytes were allocated by processes and to which the operating system has committed a RAM page frame or a page slot in the pagefile (or perhaps both). As Committed Bytes grows greater than the available RAM, paging will increase, and the pagefile size that is being used will also increase. At some point, paging activity starts to significantly affect performance.

  • Process, Working Set, _Total: This counter is a measure of the virtual memory in active use.

    This counter shows how much RAM is required so that the virtual memory being used for all processes is in RAM. This value is always a multiple of 4,096, which is the page size that is used in Windows. As demand for virtual memory increases beyond the available RAM, the operating system adjusts how much of a process's virtual memory is in its Working Set to optimize available RAM usage and minimize paging.

  • Paging File, %pagefile in use: This counter is a measure of how much of the pagefile is actually being used.

    Use this counter to determine whether the pagefile is an appropriate size. If this counter reaches 100, the pagefile is full, and things will stop working. Depending on the volatility of your workload, you probably want the pagefile large enough so that it is no more than 50-075 percent used. If much of the pagefile is being used, having more than one on different physical disks, may improve performance.

  • Memory, Pages/Sec: This counter is one of the most misunderstood measures.

    A high value for this counter does not necessarily imply that your performance bottleneck stems from a shortage of RAM. The operating system uses the paging system for purposes other than swapping pages because of memory over-commitment.

  • Memory, Pages Output/Sec: This counter shows how many virtual memory pages were written to the pagefile to free RAM page frames for other purposes each second.

    This is the best counter to monitor if you suspect that paging is your performance bottleneck. Even if Committed Bytes is greater than the installed RAM, if Pages Output/sec is low or zero most of the time, there is no significant performance problem from insufficient RAM.

  • Memory, Cache Bytes, Memory, Pool Nonpaged Bytes, Memory, Pool Paged Bytes, Memory, System Code Total Bytes, Memory, System Driver Total Bytes:

    The sum of these counters is a measure of how much of the 2 GB of the shared part of the 4-GB virtual address space is actually being used. Use these to determine whether your system is reaching one of the architectural limits discussed that were discussed earlier.

  • Memory, Available MBytes: This counter measures how much RAM is available to satisfy demands for virtual memory (either new allocations, or for restoring a page from the pagefile).

    When RAM is in short supply (for example, Committed Bytes is greater than installed RAM), the operating system will try to keep a certain fraction of installed RAM available for immediate use by copying virtual memory pages that are not in active use to the pagefile. Therefore, this counter will not reach zero and is not necessarily a good indication of whether your system is short of RAM.


Address Windowing Extensions

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of Windows operating systems, let's delve into the concepts introduced in the provided article dated 02/23/2023, which focuses on the virtual memory implementation in 32-bit versions of Windows.

Virtual Memory Basics: The article emphasizes the use of virtual memory in modern operating systems, specifically in 32-bit versions of Windows. Virtual memory addresses are used by applications and system processes, automatically translated to real (RAM) addresses by hardware.

Process and Address Spaces: Processes in 32-bit Windows are assigned virtual memory addresses ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1 = 4 GB). Each process has 2 GB of private virtual address space, while the remaining 2 GB is shared between all processes and the operating system.

Physical Address Extension (PAE): PAE, a feature of the Intel 32-bit architecture, expands physical memory (RAM) address to 36 bits, allowing for more RAM to be addressed by the processor. This doesn't change the virtual address space size but increases the volume of accessible RAM.

Windows Version RAM Support: The article provides a list of Windows versions and their respective RAM support. For example, Windows 7 supports up to 4 GB of RAM, while Windows Server 2008 Datacenter supports 64 GB.

Pagefile: Pagefile is discussed as a means to handle memory limitations. When the RAM is insufficient, the operating system moves pages of virtual address spaces to the hard disk, stored in Pagefile.sys files. The size and location of the page file can be configured in System Properties.

Performance, Architectural Limits, and RAM: The article explains that RAM is a limited resource, while virtual memory is practically unlimited. It introduces architectural limits in Windows, such as shared virtual address space, private virtual address space per process, and specific storage limits for system PTE, paged pool, and nonpaged pool.

Monitoring RAM and Virtual Memory Usage: Performance Monitor is recommended for monitoring system performance. Key counters include Committed Bytes, Working Set, %pagefile in use, Pages/Sec, Pages Output/Sec, Cache Bytes, Pool Nonpaged Bytes, Pool Paged Bytes, System Code Total Bytes, System Driver Total Bytes, and Available MBytes.

References: The article concludes with a mention of Address Windowing Extensions (AWE), which is cut off. AWE was historically used for 32-bit systems to access more than 4 GB of physical memory, but the details are not covered in the provided text.

In summary, this article provides a comprehensive overview of virtual memory in 32-bit Windows, covering address spaces, PAE, pagefile usage, performance monitoring, and architectural limits. It serves as a valuable resource for users and administrators looking to understand and optimize memory usage in Windows environments.

Virtual memory in 32-bit version of Windows - Windows Server (2024)


What is the virtual memory limit for 32-bit? ›

All processes (for example, application executables) that are running under 32-bit versions of Windows are assigned virtual memory addresses (a virtual address space), ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295 (2*32-1 = 4 GB), regardless of how much RAM is installed on the computer.

How to fix not enough virtual memory in safe mode? ›

  1. Right-click My Computer and then click Properties.
  2. In the System Properties dialog box, click Advanced.
  3. Click Performance Options.
  4. In the Virtual memory pane, click Change to increase the paging file. ...
  5. After you change the setting, click Set, and then click OK.
Jun 6, 2024

How much memory can the 32-bit versions of Windows address? ›

In terms of Random Access Memory, 32-bit architectures can address 4GB of memory, maximum.

What is the virtual address space for 32-bit? ›

In 32-bit Windows, the total available virtual address space is 2^32 bytes (4 gigabytes). Typically, the lower 2 gigabytes are used for user space, and the upper 2 gigabytes are used for system space. In 32-bit Windows, you can specify (at boot time) that more than 2 gigabytes are available for user space.

What is the VRAM limit for 32bit? ›

The 32-bit limit generally means 2 GB of RAM per process. Many processes run well with “LARGE ADDRESS AWARE” mode, which lets them use 3 GB of RAM when running on a 32-bit OS, or 4 GB of RAM when running on a 64-bit OS. However, you can run many 3 GB processes on a 32-bit OS.

What is the limitation of 32-bit? ›

One bit in the register can reference an individual byte in memory, so a 32-bit system can address a maximum of 4 GB (4,294,967,296 bytes) of RAM. The actual limit is often less than around 3.5 GB since part of the register is used to store other temporary values besides memory addresses.

How to solve virtual memory problem? ›

  1. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
  2. On the Advanced tab, click Settings under Startup and Recovery.
  3. Under System Startup, click Edit.
  4. Add space /3GB to end of last line of boot. ini file.
  5. Click on File>Save>Exit.
  6. Sample Boot. ini File Before and After Changing To Increase Virtual Memory.

How do I increase the amount of virtual memory in Windows? ›

Tuning your Windows virtual memory settings
  1. Click Start > All Programs > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Advanced > Virtual Memory.
  2. Click Change.
  3. In the Maximum size field, set the value to the recommended value shown at the bottom of the window.

How do I increase my virtual RAM limit? ›

  1. Access the System Properties settings. Go to Start > Run. Type sysdm.cpl and click OK. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab. Under Performance, click Settings. In the Performance Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
  2. Adjust the virtual memory setting.
Apr 19, 2024

How do I increase memory limit on 32-bit? ›

One of the simplest ways to increase the amount of memory a process can use on 32-bit Windows is to enable the /3GB flag in the Windows' boot. ini file. This has the effect of adjusting the kernel/user address space split in favour of the application by 1GB, i.e. instead of a 2GB/2GB split you have a 3GB/1GB split.

What is the maximum amount of memory supported by the 32-bit version of Windows 10 pro? ›

32 bit operating systems can utilize a maximum of 4 GB RAM. However, you won't be able to access all of it if you don't have a dedicated graphics card. Some of it will be allocated to onboard graphics and you will able to use around 3-3.5 GB of your RAM.

How to check if virtual RAM is working? ›

From the Control panel, select System. In the System Properties window, select the Advanced tab. Under Performance, click Performance Options, or Settings. In the Performance Options window, click the Advanced tab.

What is a 32-bit memory address? ›

For instance, a computer said to be "32-bit" also usually allows 32-bit memory addresses; a byte-addressable 32-bit computer can address 232 = 4,294,967,296 bytes of memory, or 4 gibibytes (GiB). This allows one memory address to be efficiently stored in one word.

Why can a 32-bit system only address 4GB of memory? ›

By definition, a 32-bit processor uses 32 bits to refer to the location of each byte of memory. 2^32 = 4.2 billion, which means a memory address that's 32 bits long can only refer to 4.2 billion unique locations (i.e. 4 GB). In the 32-bit Windows world, each application has its own “virtual” 4GB memory space.

How much memory can a 32-bit address register access? ›

32-bit system – It can ideally access about 232 memory addresses. It is equal to 4 GB (gigabytes) of physical memory or RAM. It can also access more than 4 GB of physical memory, but not very efficiently.

How much virtual memory should I set for 32 GB? ›

Microsoft recommends that you set virtual memory to be no less than 1.5 times and no more than 3 times the amount of RAM on your computer.

What is the maximum RAM usage for a 32-bit computer? ›

Physical address limits

Many 32-bit computers have 32 physical address bits and are thus limited to 4 GiB (232 words) of memory.

Can a 32-bit program use more than 4GB of RAM? ›

That meant 2GB was reserved for the system (or kernel space) and 2GB for the application (or user space). Even today this address space limit of 4GB is still in effect for 32-bit processes.

What is the memory limit in R for 32-bit system? ›

The address-space limit is system-specific: 32-bit OSes imposes a limit of no more than 4 Gb : it is often 3 Gb .

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