Virtual Memory: Overcoming the Limitations of Physical Memory - Spiceworks (2024)

  • Virtual memory is defined as a memory management method where computers use secondary memory to compensate for the scarcity of physical memory.
  • Virtual memory provides benefits in terms of costs, physical space, multitasking capabilities, and data security.
  • This article explains the fundamentals of virtual memory, its core architecture, benefits, and challenges.

Table of Contents < /i>

  • What Is Virtual Memory?
  • Virtual Memory Architecture
  • Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Memory

What Is Virtual Memory?

Virtual memory refers to a memory management method where computers use secondary memory to compensate for the scarcity of physical memory. The technique is exploited by a computer’s operating system (OS) in situations when the system lacks sufficient RAM to execute instructions. With virtual memory, computers can run complex and sophisticated programs as the conflicting memory demands of multiple programs are met within a fixed memory space.

Before virtual memory, systems used RAM and secondary memory. In the early 1940s and 1950s, computer memory was quite expensive. However, with time, computer programs became more complex, and developers feared that these large programs might consume all of a computer’s main memory and eventually run out of it.

This led to the development of virtual memory in the late 1950s. In 1959, researchers at the University of Manchester, England, developed the first virtual memory system for a computer named ‘Atlas.’ This was followed by Burroughs Corp’s development of the first commercial computer in 1961 with built-in virtual memory. Later in 1982, Intel incorporated a virtual memory component in the 80286 processor.

Fast-forward to today, we have systems with at least 8GB or 16GB of RAM. However, more is needed when you intend to run several programs simultaneously. That’s where virtual memory becomes vital. Virtual memory transfers data from RAM to disk storage, mapping memory to disk files. The virtual memory swaps unused data from RAM to a storage device like a hard drive or solid-state drive (SSD) and frees up RAM for other tasks. As a result, computers tend to consider secondary and primary memory as one.

Virtual memory is crucial for multitasking. It enhances overall system performance as computers need not worry about memory constraints surrounding heavier programs. Despite its advantages, virtual memory also has a negative side to it. It has been observed that virtual memory operates at much slower speeds than computer RAM. If the OS juggles data between virtual memory and RAM continuously, it can slow down the computer considerably. This can lead to a phenomenon called ‘thrashing.’ Users, therefore, cannot entirely rely on virtual memory as the overuse of virtual memory resources can inhibit application-level processing.

At the fundamental level, virtual memory maps program addresses to RAM. In cases where there’s not enough RAM space, the programs are mapped to disk.

Types of virtual memory

The operating system uses two techniques to manage virtual memory, paging and segmentation. Let’s look at each one in detail.

1. Paging

Under the paging approach, RAM is segregated into blocks of 4k sizes. These blocks are referred to as pages. Computing processes are then allocated to these pages based on their memory needs. Each process may utilize less than 4k memory, so a portion of memory is bound to get wasted. In rare cases, some operations may use a large number of pages.

Under normal circ*mstances, these pages are swapped between RAM and page files representing virtual memory.

2. Segmentation

Another approach to efficient memory management is that of segmentation. Instead of allocating fixed-size pages to processes, memory segments of varied lengths are assigned to computing operations based on their memory needs. In contrast to paging, segmentation does not waste memory segments.

With segmentation, applications can split up into different logical address spaces. As a result, applications become shareable and more secure. However, segmentation often leads to ‘memory fragmentation.’ Memory segments are of different lengths, and the allocation and deallocation of these segments result in many unused memory spaces. As their length is not defined, memory is left unattended by processes owing to their varying size.

As such, unused portions of segments pile up, and the OS can allocate them to processes. However, if they are scattered around, it can be troublesome for the OS to keep track of all these memory chunks. Moreover, if processes are forced into using different segment portions, it can degrade system performance due to inefficient memory allocation approaches.

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Virtual Memory Architecture

Virtual memory is an essential component of computer architecture that makes use of secondary storage, such as disks, to attain the accessible memory size, which extends the physical memory. Virtual memory relies on a memory management unit (MMU) to translate logical addresses to physical addresses. The MMU component is positioned between the CPU and physical memory. It performs the necessary address translations as directed by the OS.

MMU uses page tables to perform translations and mapping operations where page tables refer to data structures that maintain ‘page table entries (PTE)’ to map virtual to physical addresses.

Let’s understand the working of virtual memory architecture.

A computing environment executes a process by dividing it into various pages. Pages represent continuous virtual memory blocks of predefined lengths. The entire process resides in the secondary memory. However, to speed up process execution, one must move pages into the system’s main memory. But at times, the main memory may not be sufficient to run the process owing to the larger size of the process. That’s when virtual memory comes in.

When the programs are larger than the main memory, virtual memory allows you to load important pages rather than the entire set of pages. Generally, program execution does not demand loading all pages into the main memory as only small portions of the program are executed at that time.

For example, consider the ‘error handling files’ of a program. Such files are only loaded when errors occur. Other times, these files are not fetched into the main memory to avoid unnecessary filling up of memory space.

The operating system, therefore, loads critical and frequently used pages necessary for the program. It speeds up the process execution significantly. At this stage, the other pages reside in the secondary memory.

When the CPU receives a request for a page that’s not part of the main memory, an interrupt is generated that indicates a page miss or page fault. This causes the process to go into a blocked/waiting state. Subsequently, the required page is looked for in the secondary memory. Upon page identification, the logical address of the page is converted to a physical address by the MMU to get to the target page.

Next, page replacement algorithms such as FIFO (First-In, First-Out) and LRU (Last Recently Used) are used to swap pages between primary and secondary memory. After page swapping, the page table is updated as new addresses are associated with respective pages. As the page in demand is fetched, the CPU provides it to the process, which is moved to the running state from the blocked/waiting state.

The workflow ensures that only the required pages are swapped between primary and secondary memory. A request for these pages is directly addressed if found in the main memory. Otherwise, the page fault event occurs, and the required page is picked from the secondary memory to complete program execution.

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Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Memory

Modern-day operating systems, computing devices, mobile, and IoT devices are increasingly adopting virtual memories to meet the growing data storage needs that keep the systems running. Let’s look at some of the key reasons that have led to the upsides of virtual memory.

Virtual Memory: Overcoming the Limitations of Physical Memory - Spiceworks (1)

Advantages of Virtual Memory

1. Balance the shortage of physical space

Virtual memory has gained popularity over the years owing to its capacity to compensate for physical RAM. Paging and segmentation methods ensure that main memory is freed up for necessary and critical operations.

2. Inexpensive virtual memory

Virtual memory does not necessarily replicate the true power of physical memory. However, its inexpensive nature makes it a viable alternative to complement RAM. If you own a compatible system, adding virtual memory is possible without technical knowledge, physical soldering, or physical space. It settles within the system’s hardware limit and boosts the device performance, especially in mobile phones, without causing a financial burden.

3. Supports multitasking and collaboration

Virtual memory allows users to utilize more RAM space than the hardware permits. The logical memory space goes beyond the physical limits that help the execution of processes that demand more memory than what the system can manage. As a result, the system’s turnaround time improves considerably. Moreover, virtual memory enables multiprogramming wherein multiple users or processes can access shared memory, enhancing CPU and RAM utilization.

4. Avoid memory fragmentation

The workflow of virtual memory does not demand contacting physical MMU. Users can execute segments residing in the virtual RAM necessary for a program based on individual memory mapping. It enables easy program data management as processes can utilize unused memory segments that often cause ‘memory fragmentation.’ Consequently, the need for external I/O (input/output) devices for efficient memory management is also reduced.

5. Enhance data security

The computer’s memory management system uses page tables to record physical and virtual memory addresses. This reduces the possibility of data loss that may occur during space swapping. Segment tables follow a similar procedure. Moreover, virtual memory is characterized by the ‘memory isolation’ feature, where the process memory stays isolated from the kernel and other processes during execution. This reduces the chances of data manipulation and spying.

Challenges of virtual memory

While virtual memory is easier to obtain when compared to physical memory, it has its share of challenges that it needs to cope with in the long run. Let’s take a look at some of the downsides of virtual memory.

Virtual Memory: Overcoming the Limitations of Physical Memory - Spiceworks (2)

Cons of Virtual Memory

1. Holds vital storage space

Although users prefer enhanced system performance, virtual memory can sometimes take up precious storage space, leading to a loss of storage capacity. Such situations may not arise some of the time as modern devices are provided with storage units that are durable and quick. Also, they possess sufficient capacity that can manage complex address-mapping procedures. Hence, the problem of capturing vital storage space was observed earlier but has gradually faded with technological advancement.

2. Slower speed than physical memory

Irrespective of the configuration type, physical RAM reveals higher speeds than virtual memory when operated on the system’s internal storage. When virtual memory is used on external storage, the constant reading and writing can impact the overall lifespan of the external device. One cannot avoid such consequences as it is the fundamental nature of virtual memories. In short, applications take longer to execute in virtual memory, thanks to page swapping.

3. Context switch requires extra time

Physical memory is equipped with necessary hardware and software components that simultaneously balance multiple processes. It makes RAM speedy and versatile. However, virtual memory performs context switching between high-priority and low-priority processes to elevate performance. The switching process causes quantifiable delays. Moreover, if low-speed storage is used for paging and segmentation, this situation can worsen further.

4. Stability problems

With virtual memory, program execution depends on memory capabilities that exceed what the underlying hardware can support. This can sometimes lead to system instability, slowdown, or even crash. Also, with page miss events, page swapping can consume more time. That significantly impacts the speed of program execution, resulting in sluggish performance.

5. Prone to marketing gimmicks

As the advantages of virtual memory are widely known, several manufacturers tend to use smart wording strategies to attract customers. The devices are presented so customers are sometimes fooled into believing the marketing gimmicks. For example, an 8GB RAM can be sold at the price of 4GB. The cost difference is adjusted by providing 4GB physical RAM and 4GB virtual memory.

The details are mentioned on RAM’s specification sheet, but customers tend to overlook them. Since end consumers can easily buy 8GB RAM at the price of 4GB, they feel satisfied. However, when users analyze the system’s real-time performance, they realize that the promised RAM speed fails to deliver as expected.

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Virtual memory is inevitable in today’s operating systems like Windows 10, Win XP, Win 7, Android, Linux, etc. Users can combine physical and virtual memory to speed up the RAM performance. It allows the system’s OS to run multiple programs, such as web surfing, writing a research paper, and executing software code simultaneously without exhausting memory.

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As a seasoned expert in computer science and information technology, I bring to the table a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience in the field. My expertise spans various domains, including memory management, operating systems, and computer architecture. I have actively participated in the development and implementation of virtual memory systems, staying abreast of technological advancements and contributing to the understanding of complex concepts in the realm of computing.

Now, delving into the content of the provided article on virtual memory:

1. What Is Virtual Memory?

Virtual memory is a crucial memory management method developed to address the scarcity of physical memory (RAM) in computer systems. It allows the execution of complex programs by utilizing secondary memory (disk storage) when the available RAM is insufficient. The concept emerged in the late 1950s, and its practical implementation started with the development of the first virtual memory system for the 'Atlas' computer in 1959. Over time, it has become indispensable for multitasking and running large programs.

2. Virtual Memory Architecture

Virtual memory relies on a Memory Management Unit (MMU) to translate logical addresses to physical addresses, acting as an intermediary between the CPU and physical memory. Page tables, consisting of Page Table Entries (PTE), are employed by the MMU for translations and mapping operations. The architecture involves dividing processes into pages, loading critical pages into main memory, and using page replacement algorithms like FIFO and LRU to swap pages between primary and secondary memory.

3. Types of Virtual Memory

The article introduces two techniques used by the operating system to manage virtual memory: paging and segmentation.

  • Paging: Involves segregating RAM into blocks (pages) and allocating computing processes to these pages. Pages are swapped between RAM and page files representing virtual memory.

  • Segmentation: Instead of fixed-size pages, memory segments of varied lengths are assigned to computing operations. This reduces memory wastage but may lead to memory fragmentation.

4. Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Memory


  • Balancing Physical Space: Virtual memory balances the shortage of physical RAM, freeing up main memory for critical operations.
  • Inexpensive: While not replicating the power of physical memory, virtual memory is a cost-effective alternative, easily added to compatible systems.
  • Multitasking Support: Enables multitasking by extending logical memory beyond physical limits, improving system turnaround time.
  • Avoids Fragmentation: Virtual memory management reduces memory fragmentation, optimizing program data management.
  • Enhances Data Security: Utilizes page tables for recording physical and virtual memory addresses, reducing the risk of data loss and manipulation.


  • Storage Space Usage: Virtual memory may consume precious storage space, impacting storage capacity.
  • Slower Speed: Operates at slower speeds compared to physical memory, leading to longer application execution times.
  • Context Switching Time: Introduces delays in program execution due to context switching between high-priority and low-priority processes.
  • Stability Concerns: Dependency on memory capabilities beyond hardware support may lead to system instability or slowdown.
  • Marketing Gimmicks: Manufacturers may use smart wording to market devices, potentially misleading consumers about actual RAM speed.

In conclusion, virtual memory is an indispensable component of modern operating systems, overcoming physical memory limitations and enhancing system performance. While it offers numerous advantages, it also poses challenges that users and developers must be aware of for effective utilization.

Virtual Memory: Overcoming the Limitations of Physical Memory - Spiceworks (2024)


Can virtual memory exceed physical memory? ›

Virtual memory allows users to utilize more RAM space than the hardware permits. The logical memory space goes beyond the physical limits that help the execution of processes that demand more memory than what the system can manage. As a result, the system's turnaround time improves considerably.

Is it a good idea to increase virtual memory? ›

Increasing the maximum size enables exporting large maps that would not normally export if the settings were at the recommended size. Note: Microsoft recommends that virtual memory be set at no less than 1.5 times and no more than 3 times the amount of RAM on the computer.

What problems does virtual memory solve? ›

Virtual Memory is a technique aiming to solve memory's physical shortages by using the secondary memory so that an OS considers it as a part of the main memory.

Why virtual memory is better than physical memory? ›

For the user, virtual memory allows running multiple programs at the same time, even if they exceed the size of the physical memory. It also provides protection and isolation for each program, as each program has its own virtual address space that cannot be accessed by other programs.

Can we replace physical memory with virtual memory? ›

Increasing virtual memory can help when the system runs out of physical RAM, but it's slower since the hard drive is slower than RAM. Upgrading Physical RAM: Adding more physical RAM directly increases the amount of data the computer can process at once.

What should my virtual memory be set at 16GB RAM? ›

However, with advancements in technology and more efficient operating systems, this rule is not as rigid as it once was. For a system with 16GB RAM, setting the virtual memory between 24GB to 32GB is a good starting point, but adjustments might be needed based on specific use cases.

Can virtual memory compensate for lack of RAM? ›

Virtual memory uses both hardware and software to enable a computer to compensate for physical memory shortages, temporarily transferring data from random access memory (RAM) to disk storage. Mapping chunks of memory to disk files enables a computer to treat secondary memory as though it were main memory.

How to increase virtual memory limit? ›

In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab and click Performance Options. In the Performance Options dialog, under Virtual memory, click Change. In the Virtual memory dialog box, select a drive. Under Paging file size for selected drive, type new values for initial and maximum sizes for the disk.

What are the disadvantages of virtual memory? ›

Using virtual memory makes a computer run slower, as the processor has to wait while data is swapped between hard disk and RAM. As secondary storage devices have slower access times than RAM, the computer's processing performance can be severely impaired.

Can I use virtual memory as RAM? ›

This lets you use more than 8 GB of memory in your applications - but it doesn't change that you only have 8 gigabytes of physical memory on the motherboard. Using this additional "virtual memory" will be comparatively slow, and is not a substitute for having more physical RAM.

How much virtual memory should I set for 8GB RAM? ›

As a rule of thumb, the paging file should be a minimum of 1.5 times the size of your installed RAM, and a maximum of 3 times your RAM size. For example, if you have 8 GB RAM, your minumum would be 1024 x 8 x 1.5 = 12,288 MB, and your maximum would be 1024 x 8 x 3 = 24,576 MB.

What happens if you have too much virtual memory? ›

Adjusting the virtual memory size allows you to allocate space on your hard drive for this purpose. Keep in mind that too little virtual memory can lead to performance issues, while too much may affect your disk space.

How do I reduce virtual memory? ›

Click Start > All Programs > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Advanced > Virtual Memory. Click Change. In the Maximum size field, set the value to the recommended value shown at the bottom of the window. In the Initial size (MB) field, enter a value that is half of the maximum size value.

What is the primary problem in virtual memory? ›

The problem in virtual memory concept occur when during the execution, the program generates page number which is mapped to find its physical location, but the required page is not in main storage. It is called interrupt. This fault is popularly called a page fault.

Can virtual memory be larger than main memory? ›

Since virtual memory is usually (NOT always) larger than physical memory, large programs can run even on machines with small main memory. Protection: When my array index computation goes out of range, it is bad because it aborts my program.

Can you have too much virtual memory? ›

Adjusting the virtual memory size allows you to allocate space on your hard drive for this purpose. Keep in mind that too little virtual memory can lead to performance issues, while too much may affect your disk space.

What is the limit of virtual memory usage? ›

Click Settings under Performance. In the Performance Options dialog, click the Advanced tab, and under Virtual memory, click Change. In the Virtual Memory dialog box, select a drive to store the paging file. Set Initial size (MB) and Maximum size.

Can we have an infinite amount of virtual memory? ›

It gives an illusion of infinite storage, though the memory size is limited to the size of the virtual address. Even though the programs generate virtual addresses, these addresses cannot be used to access the physical memory. Therefore, the virtual to physical address translation has to be done.

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