Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (2024)

Card Grading Using the definitions below, you can see how your cards match the Grade Descriptions below. Once you have determined the card grades, you can multiply the Estimated Value by the Decimal Equivalent to get the value of your cards.

There is additional information on centering, corners, creases, minor flaws, and serious flaws listed below.

Most collectors prefer their cards to be in mint to excellent condition. The majority of Garbage Pail Kids cards produced in the United States are in near mint condition even if they are straight out of the pack.
Grade Grade Abbreviation Grade Description Percent of Card Intact Decimal Equivalent Mint MT A card with no flaws or wear. The card has four perfect corners, 60/40 or better centering from top to bottom and from left to right, original gloss, smooth edges, and original color borders. A Mint card does not have print spots, color imperfections, or focus imperfections. 100% 1.00 Near Mint NM A card with one minor flaw. Any one of the following would lower a Mint card to Near Mint: one fuzzy corner or two to four corners with slight touches of wear, 70/30 to 60/40 centering, slightly rough edges, minor print spots, color imperfections, or focus imperfections. The card must have original gloss and original color borders. 99-90% 0.99-0.90 Excellent / Mint XMT A card with two or three fuzzy, but not rounded, corners and centering no worse than 80/20. The card may have no more than two of the following: slightly rough edges, very slightly discolored borders, minor print spots, color imperfections, or focus imperfections. The card must have original gloss. 89-75% 0.89-0.75 Excellent EX A card with four fuzzy but definitely not rounded corners and centering no worse than 80/20. The card may have a small amount of original gloss lost, rough edges, slightly discolored borders, minor print spots, color imperfections, and focus imperfections. 74-55% 0.74-0.55 Very Good VG A card that has been handled but not abused: slightly rounded corners with slight layering, slight notching on edges, a significant amount of gloss lost from the surface but no scuffing, and moderate discoloration of borders. The card may have a few light creases. 54-35% 0.54-0.35 Good G A well-worn, mishandled or abused card: badly rounded and layered corners, scuffing, most or all of the original gloss is missing, seriously discolored borders, moderate to heavy creases, and one or more serious flaws. 34-15% 0.34-0.15 Fair F A Fair card is badly damaged. It has much more severe damage than a Good card and may have rips or pieces torn off. 14-5% 0.14-0.05 Poor P A card with the grade of Poor has almost no value. It is severely damaged far more than a Fair card and is almost unrecognizable. 4-1% 0.04-0.01
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (1) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (2) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1985 - (1a-41a and 1b-41b) Item Estimated Value Single Card (glossy back): $4.50 Single Card (matte back): $3.00 Numerical Set of 82 (glossy back): $250.00 Numerical Set of 82 (matte back): $175.00 Variation Set of 88 (glossy back): $275.00 Variation Set of 88 (matte back): $200.00 Unopened Pack: $20.00 Full Box of 48 Packs: $1200.00 Card 1a Nasty Nick (glossy back): $15.00 Card 1a Nasty Nick (matte back): $10.00 Card 1b Evil Eddie (glossy back): $15.00 Card 1b Evil Eddie (matte back): $10.00 Card 8a Adam Bomb (either variation) (glossy back): $15.00 Card 8a Adam Bomb (either variation) (matte back): $10.00 Card 8b Blasted Billy (either variation) (glossy back): $15.00 Card 8b Blasted Billy (either variation) (matte back): $10.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (3) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1985 - (42a-83a and 42b-83b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $1.00 Numerical Set of 84 (first print run): $95.00 Numerical Set of 84 (second print run): $75.00 Numerical Set of 84 (third print run): $80.00 Variation Set of 86 (first print run): $100.00 Variation Set of 86 (second print run): $80.00 Variation Set of 86 (third print run): $85.00 Variation Set of 131
(requires cards from more than one print run):
$175.00 Unopened Pack: $5.00 Full Box of 48 Packs: $250.00 Card 49a Double Heather: $3.00 Card 49b Fran Fran: $3.00 Card 49b Schizo Fran (either variation): $3.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (4) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1986 - (84a-124a and 84b-124b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 84: $23.00 Variation Set of 88: $25.00 Copyright Variation Set of 128
(requires cards from more than one print run):
$45.00 Unopened Pack: $1.50 Full Box of 48 Packs: $40.00 Card 112a Frank N. Stein: $0.15 Card 112b Undead Jed: $0.15 Card 117a Rocky N. Roll: $0.15 Card 117b Les Vegas: $0.15 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (5) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1986 - (125a-166a and 125b-166b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 84 (Woody Alan print run): $26.00 Numerical Set of 84 (Oak Kay print run): $28.00 Variation Set of 91
(requires cards from both print runs):
$32.00 Unopened Pack: $0.85 Full Box of 48 Packs: $40.00 Card 125a Holly Wood (either variation): $0.15 Card 125b Woody Alan: $0.50 Card 125b Oak Kay: $1.00 Card 135a Rock E. Horror: $0.50 Card 135b Marty Gras: $0.15 Card 138a Alien Ian (either variation): $0.15 Card 138b Outerspace Chase (either variation): $0.15 Card 149a Reese Pieces: $0.50 Card 149a Puzzled Paul: $1.00 Card 149b Incomplete Pete: $0.15 Card 158a Meltin' Elton: $0.15 Card 158b Crystal Gale: $0.50 Card 158b Ig Lou: $1.00 Card 164a Teddy Bear: $0.15 Card 164b Salvatore Dolly: $0.50 Card 164b Battered Brad: $1.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (6) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1986 - (167a-206a and 167b-206b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 80: $26.00 Variation Set of 88: $28.00 Unopened Pack: $0.85 Full Box of 48 Packs: $40.00 Card 178a Earl Painting: $0.15 Card 178b Blue-Boy George: $0.15 Card 174b Repaired Rex
(with green 10 on front of card):
$15.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (7) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1986 - (207a-250a and 207b-250b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 88: $22.00 Unopened Pack: $0.75 Full Box of 48 Packs: $35.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (8) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1987 - (251a-292a and 251b-292b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 84 (260b/261b blue GPK logo print run): $20.00 Numerical Set of 84 (260b/261b purple GPK logo print run): $29.00 Variation Set of 88 (260b/261b blue GPK logo print run): $22.00 Variation Set of 88 (260b/261b purple GPK logo print run): $30.00 Variation Set of 91
(requires cards from both print runs):
$30.00 Unopened Pack: $0.85 Full Box of 48 Packs: $40.00 Card 260b Blasted Billy II (purple GPK logo): $5.00 Card 261b Bobbi Booger (purple GPK logo): $5.00 Card 289b Alexander The Grate
(white card number in right corner):
$5.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (9) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1987 - (293a-334a and 293b-334b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 84: $20.00 Variation Set of 88: $22.00 Unopened Pack: $0.75 Full Box of 48 Packs: $35.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (10) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1987 - (335a-378a and 335b-378b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 88: $18.00 Variation Set of 89
(includes error card 355b Semi Colin without card number printed on front of card):
$220.00 Unopened Pack: $0.85 Full Box of 48 Packs: $40.00 Card 355b Semi Colin
(without card number printed on front of card):
$200.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (11) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1987 - (379a-417a and 379b-417b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 78: $20.00 Variation Set of 86: $22.00 Variation Set of 88
(includes the white area variations for 384a/b from second print run):
$22.00 Unopened Pack: $0.85 Full Box of 48 Packs: $40.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (12) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1987 - (418a-459a and 418b-459b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 84: $28.00 Variation Set of 88: $30.00 Unopened Pack: $1.00 Full Box of 48 Packs: $45.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (13) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1988 - (460a-500a and 460b-500b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 82: $38.00 Variation Set of 88: $40.00 Unopened Pack: $1.50 Full Box of 48 Packs: $75.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (14) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1988 - (501a-540a and 501b-540b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 78: $38.00 Variation Set of 88: $40.00 Unopened Pack: $1.50 Full Box of 48 Packs: $75.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (15) The Topps Company, Inc. - USA - 1988 - (541a-580a and 541b-580b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 80: $38.00 Variation Set of 88: $40.00 Unopened Pack: $1.50 Full Box of 48 Packs: $75.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (16) The Topps Company, Inc. - USA - 1988 - (581a-620a and 581b-620b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Numerical Set of 80 (with die-cuts): $63.00 Numerical Set of 80 (without die-cuts): $43.00 Variation Set of 88 (with die-cuts): $65.00 Variation Set of 88 (without die-cuts): $45.00 Variation Set of 176: $110.00 Unopened Pack: $1.50 Full Box of 48 Packs: $75.00 Card 620a Ada Bomb: $0.15 Card 620b Blasted Betty (printed correctly): $0.15 Card 620b Blasted Betty (eyelash error): $5.00
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (17) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (18)
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (19) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (20)
Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 2003 - (1a-40a and 1b-40b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Single Bubble Gum Wrap Around Sticker: $0.15 Single Silver Foil Card with Glossy Finish Back: $0.75 Single Silver Foil Card with Matte Finish Back: $1.10 Single Gold Foil Card with Matte Finish Back: $0.60 Numerical Card Set of 80 (first or second print run): $15.00 Numerical Card Set of 80 (third or fourth print run): $12.50 Variation Card Set of 88
(requires cards from more than one print run):
$17.50 Bubble Gum Wrap Around Sticker Set of 60: $15.00 Silver Foil Card with Glossy Finish Back Set of 50: $38.00 Silver Foil Card with Matte Finish Back Set of 50: $55.00 Gold Foil Card with Matte Finish Back Set of 50: $30.00 Full Box of 24 Packs (first print run): $28.00 Full Box of 24 Packs (second print run): $32.00 Full Box of 24 Packs (third or fourth print run): $25.00 Unopened Pack (first print run): $1.15 Unopened Pack (second print run): $1.35 Unopened Pack (third or fourth print run): $1.00 Card 27b Punchy Paul
(with two blue bars on front of card):
$30.00 Card 39a Colin 911
(with short green shadow on front of card):
$30.00 Card 39a Colin 911
(with long green shadow on front of card):
$75.00 Card 39a Colin 911
(with double blob green shadow on front of card):
$30.00 Creepy Freaks Promo Card: $0.25
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (21) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (22)
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (23) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (24)
Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 2004 - (1a-40a and 1b-40b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Single Foil Card: $0.50 Single Scratch 'N Stink Card: $2.75 Numerical Card Set of 80: $12.50 Foil Card Set of 50: $25.00 Scratch 'N Stink Card Set of 12: $35.00 Full Box of 36 Packs: $36.00 Unopened Pack: $1.00 Sealed B1 Bonus Box: $100.00 Sealed B2 Bonus Box: $35.00 B1 On Camera Cameron: $60.00 B2 Paintball Paul: $10.00 Wacky Packages Promo Card Variation Set of 4: $5.00 Wacky Packages Promo Card #1 - Mr. Coffin
(number in red ink is #2 of 3):
$1.00 Wacky Packages Promo Card #1 - Mr. Coffin
(number in red ink is #3 of 3):
$1.00 Wacky Packages Promo Card #2 - Sludgsicle: $1.00 Wacky Packages Promo Card #3 - Coach Motel: $1.00
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (25) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (26)
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (27) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (28)
Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 2004 - (1a-40a and 1b-40b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Single Foil Card: $0.50 Single Scratch 'N Stink Card: $2.75 Single Pop-Up Card: $1.25 Numerical Card Set of 80: $12.50 Foil Card Set of 50: $25.00 Scratch 'N Stink Card Set of 24: $75.00 Pop-Up Card Set of 10: $15.00 Full Box of 36 Packs: $36.00 Unopened Pack: $1.00 Sealed B3 Bonus Box: $40.00 Sealed B4 Bonus Box: $60.00 Sealed B5 Bonus Box: $115.00 B3 Gator Adrian: $5.00 B4 Hill Billy: $35.00 B5 Cole Gate: $70.00 P1 Christina Ugliera: $3.00 Scratch 'N Stink Card 12a Ashy Ashton
(with "SCRATCH 'N STINK" stamped on the top border on front of card):
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (29) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (30)
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (31) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (32)
Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 2005 - (1a-40a and 1b-40b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Single Scratch 'N Stink Card: $2.75 Single Tattoo Card: $0.75 Single Regular Game Card: $0.25 Single Foil Game Card: $9.00 Numerical Card Set of 80: $8.00 Scratch 'N Stink Card Set of 12: $35.00 Tattoo Card Set of 10: $8.00 Game Card Set of 36: $40.00 Full Hobby Box of 36 Packs: $85.00 Full Retail Box of 36 Packs: $30.00 Unopened Pack: $1.00 Sealed B6 Bonus Box: $25.00 Sealed B7 Bonus Box: $50.00 Sealed B8 Bonus Box: $35.00 Sealed B9 Blister Pack: $5.00 B6 Doug Sledding: $7.00 B7 Propelled Miguel: $30.00 B8 Swarmed Norm: $3.00 B9 Dancin' Dominic: $3.00 Tom Bunk Sketch Card: $40.00-$100.00 John Czop Sketch Card: $200.00-$400.00 Justin Green Sketch Card: $15.00-$45.00 Jay Lynch Sketch Card: $15.00-$40.00 Don Perlin Sketch Card: $30.00-$70.00 John Pound Sketch Card: $5.00-$50.00 Strephon Taylor Sketch Card: $20.00-$40.00 Promo Card Batty Brad: $3.00
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (33) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (34)
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (35) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (36)
Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 2006 - (1a-40a and 1b-40b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Single Alphabet Card: $0.50 Single Magnet Card: $1.50 Numerical Card Set of 80: $8.00 Alphabet Card Set of 15: $8.00 Magnet Card Set of 9: $15.00 Full Box of 36 Packs: $36.00 Unopened Pack: $1.00 Sealed B10 Bonus Box: $50.00 Sealed B11 Bonus Box: $75.00 Sealed B12 / B13 / B14 Blister Pack: $5.00 B10 Bruce Brush: $15.00 B11 Opera Ursula: $45.00 B12 Patrick Piñata: $3.00 B13 Blake Quake: $3.00 B14 Pete Heat: $3.00 Card 37a Farrah Faucet
(with "Wheat Husk" mark on back of card):
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (37) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (38)
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (39) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (40)
Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 2007 - (1a-40a and 1b-40b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Single Activity Card: $0.40 Single Magnet Card: $1.50 Numerical Card Set of 80: $8.00 Activity Card Set of 12: $6.00 Magnet Card Set of 9: $15.00 Full Box of 24 Packs: $24.00 Full Box of 36 Packs: $36.00 Unopened Pack: $1.00 Sealed B18 Bonus Box: $40.00 Sealed B19 Bonus Box: $85.00 Sealed B15 / B16 / B17 Blister Pack: $14.00 B15 Barfs Of Holly: $7.50 B16 Watery Eyes Walter: $5.00 B17 Levitating Levi: $7.50 B18 Seth-Shimi: $15.00 B19 Scrapped Brooke: $65.00 P2 Alien Alan: $3.00
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (41) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (42)
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (43) Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (44)
Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 2007/2008 - (1a-55a and 1b-55b) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.15 Single Activity Card: $1.50 Single Loco Motion Card: $2.50 Single Pop-Up Card: $1.50 Single Puzzle Card: $1.50 Numerical Card Set of 110: $10.00 Activity Card Set of 10: $15.00 Loco Motion Card Set of 5: $12.50 Pop-Up Card Set of 10: $15.00 Puzzle Card Set of 10: $15.00 Full Box of 24 Packs: $38.00 Unopened Pack: $2.00 Sealed B1 Bonus Box: $25.00 Sealed B2 Bonus Box:
(this bonus box usually does not contain bonus card B2 Carl Wreck)
$25.00 Sealed B6 Bonus Box: $25.00 Sealed B3 / B4 / B5 Blister Pack: $6.00 B1 Leaky Leslie: $5.00 B2 Carl Wreck (first print): $350.00 B2 Carl Wreck (second print): $15.00 B3 Lock Mess Rex: $7.50 B4 Snack Attack Zack: $5.00 B5 Tongue Tied Tara: $5.00 B6 George Clowny: $45.00 P1 Dough Boyd: $3.00 P1 Rock'Em O-Sock'Em (Osaka Popstar Promo Card): $5.00 P2 Drum Kit (Osaka Popstar Promo Card): $2.00 P2 Drum Kit with John Cafiero Autograph
(Osaka Popstar Promo Card):
$8.00 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (45) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1986 - (1-39) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.75 Numerical Set of 39: $25.00 Variation Set of 40: $30.00 Unopened Pack: $1.00 Full Box of 36 Packs: $40.00 Card 8 Adam Bomb: $0.75 Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (46) Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. - USA - 1986 - (1-15) Item Estimated Value Single Card: $0.75 Numerical Set of 15: $15.00 Unopened Pack: $1.00 Full Box of 72 Packs: $75.00
Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.