WCF Simplification Features - WCF (2024)

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This topic discusses new features that make writing WCF applications simpler.

gRPC as an alternative to WCF

gRPC is a modern RPC framework that is a popular alternative to WCF. gRPC is built on top of HTTP/2, which provides a number of advantages over WCF, including:

  • Performance: gRPC is much more efficient than WCF, especially for long-running connections.
  • Scalability: gRPC is designed to scale to large numbers of clients and servers.
  • Security: gRPC supports a variety of security mechanisms, including TLS and authentication.
  • Cross-platform: gRPC is platform-neutral and can be used with a variety of programming languages.

For more information on developing or migrating WCF apps to gRPC, see:

  • Why we recommend gRPC for WCF developers
  • Comparing WCF to gRPC
  • Introduction to gRPC for WCF developers

Simplified Generated Configuration Files

When you add a service reference in Visual Studio or use the SvcUtil.exe tool a client configuration file is generated. In previous versions of WCF these configuration files contained the value of every binding property even if its value is the default value. In WCF 4.5 the generated configuration files contain only those binding properties that are set to a non-default value.

The following is an example of a configuration file generated by WCF 3.0.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><configuration> <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_IService1" closeTimeout="00:01:00" openTimeout="00:01:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:01:00" allowCookies="false" bypassProxyOnLocal="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" maxBufferSize="65536" maxBufferPoolSize="524288" maxReceivedMessageSize="65536" messageEncoding="Text" textEncoding="utf-8" transferMode="Buffered" useDefaultWebProxy="true"> <readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="8192" maxArrayLength="16384" maxBytesPerRead="4096" maxNameTableCharCount="16384" /> <security mode="None"> <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None" realm="" /> <message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" /> </security> </binding> </basicHttpBinding> </bindings> <client> <endpoint address="http://localhost:36906/Service1.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IService1" contract="IService1" name="BasicHttpBinding_IService1" /> </client> </system.serviceModel></configuration>

The following is an example of the same configuration file generated by WCF 4.5.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><configuration> <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_IService1" /> </basicHttpBinding> </bindings> <client> <endpoint address="http://localhost:36906/Service1.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IService1" contract="IService1" name="BasicHttpBinding_IService1" /> </client> </system.serviceModel></configuration>

Contract-First Development

WCF now has support for contract-first development. The svcutil.exe tool has a /serviceContract switch which allows you to generate service and data contracts from a WSDL document.

Add Service Reference From a Portable Subset Project

Portable subset projects enable .NET assembly programmers to maintain a single source tree and build system while still supporting multiple .NET implementations (desktop, Silverlight, Windows Phone, and Xbox). Portable subset projects only reference .NET portable libraries that are assemblies that can be used on any .NET implementation. The developer experience is the same as adding a service reference within any other WCF client application. For more information, see Add Service Reference in a Portable Subset Project.

ASP.NET Compatibility Mode Default Changed

WCF provides ASP.NET compatibility mode to grant developers full access to the features in the ASP.NET HTTP pipeline when writing WCF services. To use this mode, you must set the aspNetCompatibilityEnabled attribute to true in the <serviceHostingEnvironment> section of web.config. Additionally, any service in this appDomain needs to have the RequirementsMode property on its AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttribute set to Allowed or Required. By default AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttribute is now set to Allowed and the default WCF service application template sets the aspNetCompatibilityEnabled attribute to true. For more information, see What's New in Windows Communication Foundation 4.5 and WCF Services and ASP.NET.

Streaming Improvements

  • New support for asynchronous streaming has been added to WCF. To enable asynchronous streaming, add the DispatcherSynchronizationBehavior endpoint behavior to the service host and set its AsynchronousSendEnabled property to true. This can benefit scalability when a service is sending streamed messages to multiple clients which are reading slowly. WCF does not block one thread per client anymore and will free up the thread to service another client.

  • Removed limitations around buffering of messages when a service is IIS hosted. In previous versions of WCF when receiving a message for an IIS-hosted service that used streaming message transfer, ASP.NET would buffer the entire message before sending it to WCF. This would cause large memory consumption. This buffering has been removed in .NET Framework 4.5 and now IIS-hosted WCF services can start processing the incoming stream before the entire message has been received, thereby enabling true streaming. This allows WCF to respond immediately to messages and allows improved performance. In addition, you no longer have to specify a value for maxRequestLength, the ASP.NET size limit on incoming requests. If this property is set, it is ignored. For more information about maxRequestLength see <httpRuntime> configuration element. You will still need to configure the maxAllowedContentLength, For more information, see IIS Request Limits.

New Transport Default Values

The following table describes the settings that have changed and where to find additional information.

PropertyOnNew DefaultMore Information
channelInitializationTimeoutNetTcpBinding30 secondsThis property determines how long a TCP connection can take to authenticate itself using the .NET Framing protocol. A client needs to send some initial data before the server has enough information to perform authentication. This timeout is intentionally made smaller than the ReceiveTimeout (10 min) so that malicious unauthenticated clients do not keep the connections tied up to the server for long. The default value is 30 seconds. For more information about ChannelInitializationTimeout
listenBacklogNetTcpBinding16 * number of processorsThis socket-level property describes the number of "pending accept" requests to be queued. If the listen backlog queue fills up, new socket requests will be rejected. For more information about ListenBacklog


2 * number of processors for transport

4 * number of processors for SMSvcHost.exe

This property limits the number of channels that the server can have waiting on a listener. When MaxPendingAccepts is too low, there will be a small interval of time in which all of the waiting channels have started servicing connections, but no new channels have begun listening. A connection can arrive during this interval and will fail because nothing is waiting for it on the server. This property can be configured by setting the MaxPendingConnections property to a larger number. For more information, see MaxPendingAccepts and Configuring the Net.TCP Port Sharing Service
maxPendingConnectionsConnectionOrientedTransportBindingElement12 * number of processorsThis property controls how many connections a transport has accepted but have not been picked up by the ServiceModel Dispatcher. To set this value, use MaxConnections on the binding or maxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint on the binding element. For more information about MaxPendingConnections
receiveTimeoutSMSvcHost.exe30 secondsThis property specifies the timeout for reading the TCP framing data and performing connection dispatching from the underlying connections. This exists to put a cap on the amount of time SMSvcHost.exe service is kept engaged to read the preamble data from an incoming connection. For more information, see Configuring the Net.TCP Port Sharing Service.


These new defaults are used only if you deploy the WCF service on a machine with .NET Framework 4.5. If you deploy the same service on a machine with .NET Framework 4.0, then the .NET Framework 4.0 defaults are used. In such cases it is recommended to configure these settings explicitly.


XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas contains configurable quota values for XML dictionary readers which limit the amount of memory utilized by an encoder while creating a message. While these quotas are configurable, the default values have changed to lessen the possibility that a developer will need to set them explicitly. MaxReceivedMessageSize quota has not been changed so that it can still limit memory consumption preventing the need for you to deal with the complexity of the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas. The following table shows the quotas, their new default values and a brief explanation of what each quota is used for.

Quota NameDefault ValueDescription
MaxArrayLengthInt32.MaxValueGets and sets the maximum allowed array length. This quota limits the maximum size of an array of primitives that the XML reader returns, including byte arrays. This quota does not limit memory consumption in the XML reader itself, but in whatever component that is using the reader. For example, when the DataContractSerializer uses a reader secured with MaxArrayLength, it does not deserialize byte arrays larger than this quota.
MaxBytesPerReadInt32.MaxValueGets and sets the maximum allowed bytes returned for each read. This quota limits the number of bytes that are read in a single Read operation when reading the element start tag and its attributes. (In non-streamed cases, the element name itself is not counted against the quota). Having too many XML attributes may use up disproportionate processing time because attribute names have to be checked for uniqueness. MaxBytesPerRead mitigates this threat.
MaxDepth128 nodes deepThis quota limits the maximum nesting depth of XML elements. MaxDepth interacts with MaxBytesPerRead: the reader always keeps data in memory for the current element and all of its ancestors, so the maximum memory consumption of the reader is proportional to the product of these two settings. When deserializing a deeply-nested object graph, the deserializer is forced to access the entire stack and throw an unrecoverable StackOverflowException. A direct correlation exists between XML nesting and object nesting for both the DataContractSerializer and the XmlSerializer. MaxDepth is used to mitigate this threat.
MaxNameTableCharCountInt32.MaxValueThis quota limits the maximum number of characters allowed in a nametable. The nametable contains certain strings (such as namespaces and prefixes) that are encountered when processing an XML document. As these strings are buffered in memory, this quota is used to prevent excessive buffering when streaming is expected.
MaxStringContentLengthInt32.MaxValueThis quota limits the maximum string size that the XML reader returns. This quota does not limit memory consumption in the XML reader itself, but in the component that is using the reader. For example, when the DataContractSerializer uses a reader secured with MaxStringContentLength, it does not deserialize strings larger than this quota.


Refer to "Using XML Safely" under Security Considerations for Data for more information about securing your data.


These new defaults are used only if you deploy the WCF service on a machine with .NET Framework 4.5. If you deploy the same service on a machine with .NET Framework 4.0, then the .NET Framework 4.0 defaults are used. In such cases it is recommended to configure these settings explicitly.

WCF Configuration Validation

As part of the build process within Visual Studio, WCF configuration files are now validated. A list of validation errors or warnings are displayed in Visual Studio if the validation fails.

In order to help new and existing WCF service developers to configure their services, the Visual Studio XML editor now provides tooltips for every configuration element and its properties that is part of the service configuration file.

BasicHttpBinding Improvements

  1. Enables a single WCF endpoint to respond to different authentication modes.

  2. Enables a WCF service’s security settings to be controlled by IIS

WCF Simplification Features - WCF (2024)


What to replace WCF with? ›

NET 6, I recommend you to use an alternative to WCF: gRPC,CoreWCF,ASP.NET Core MVC. Or use the WCF Web Services Reference Provider Tool, a Visual Studio Connected Services extension that lets you connect . NET 5+, . NET Core, or ASP.NET Core projects to web services.

Which of the following features of WCF help in customizing the behavior of the service? ›

Answer. WCF service behaviors are a set of properties that influence the behavior of a WCF service during runtime. These behaviors allow you to configure various aspects of the service, such as instance management, error handling, concurrency, and metadata publication.

What's the difference between gRPC and WCF? ›

gRPC is a modern RPC framework that is a popular alternative to WCF. gRPC is built on top of HTTP/2, which provides a number of advantages over WCF, including: Performance: gRPC is much more efficient than WCF, especially for long-running connections.

Is WCF asynchronous or synchronous? ›

In Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications, a service operation can be implemented asynchronously or synchronously without dictating to the client how to call it. For example, asynchronous service operations can be called synchronously, and synchronous service operations can be called asynchronously.

Is WCF obsolete? ›

Windows Communication Framework (WCF) may be deprecated in . NET 5/6+, but it doesn't mean your applications are going to be left out in the cold. Just like Web Forms and other . NET Framework technologies, your WCF applications will continue to work for a long time.

What is better than WCF? ›

WEB API can use any text format including XML and is faster than WCF. WEB API can be used to create full-blown REST Services. WEB API doesn't require any data contracts and doesn't require configurations to the level of WCF.

Is WCF service rest or SOAP? ›

By default, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) makes endpoints available only to SOAP clients. In How to: Create a Basic WCF Web HTTP Service, an endpoint is made available to non-SOAP clients. There may be times when you want to make the same contract available both ways, as a Web endpoint and as a SOAP endpoint.

What are the basic concepts of WCF? ›

Key Concepts of WCF

WCF supports various message exchange patterns like one-way (fire and forget), request-reply, duplex (two-way) communication. Endpoints represent a distinct addressable point where a service can be accessed using a specific protocol/data format combination. Services can expose multiple endpoints.

What are the behaviors in WCF? ›

WCF contains four kinds of behaviors, each corresponding to a specific scope of access. These are service, contract, endpoint, and operation.

Why use REST API over WCF? ›

WCF is used for SOAP-based service development, whereas Web API is utilized for both SOAP-based and RESTful service development. WCF does not provide support for MVC functionalities, although Web API does. WCF supports HTTP, UDP, and custom transport protocols, whereas Web API only supports HTTP.

What is the maximum content length in WCF? ›

Introduction. The DataContractSerializer in WCF serializes objects to XML Streams. There is a size (length) limitation on these streams. They are restricted by default to 8k (8192 bytes).

Is gRPC obsolete? ›

So in practice, Grpc. Core is still "maintained", but it might get declared deprecated any day now, without any extra notice.

Does WCF use IIS? ›

A WCF service that runs in the IIS environment takes full advantage of IIS features, such as process recycling, idle shutdown, process health monitoring, and message-based activation.

What are the types of WCF encoding? ›

Encoding is the process of transforming a set of Unicode characters into a sequence of bytes. Decoding is the reverse process. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) includes three types of encoding for SOAP messages: Text, Binary and Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM).

Is WCF part of .NET core? ›

Yes! The good news is, consuming WCF services remains fully supported in . NET 8, building on the foundation established in . NET Core.

What is a substitute for WCF? ›

If WCF is used in a project, this poses an additional challenge in porting. First, an alternative needs to be found, and then a preparatory transition of WCF is required. Microsoft generally recommends two alternatives, gRPC and Web API, to replace WCF.

Does .NET 8 support WCF? ›

Hosting WCF services within ASP.NET Core applications remains unsupported in . NET 8.

Is WCF supported in .NET 5? ›

NET5+ that didn't natively support WCF. It aimed to bring features and capabilities that would allow developers to build and consume SOAP-based services using the WCF programming model. Once a community-driven project introduced in 2019, Microsoft began supporting it on it's release of 1.0 in April 2022.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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