We Now Know What Information the FBI Can Obtain from Encrypted Messaging Apps (2024)

by Riana Pfefferkorn

December 14, 2021

What user data can U.S. federal law enforcement obtain from providers of encrypted messaging services? A recently disclosed January 2021 document from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) supplies a concise summary with respect to nine different “secure messaging” apps. It shows that with legal process, the FBI can get various types of metadata, and in some cases even stored message content. Exactly what’s available, though, varies widely by app. The one-page document should give useful guidance to privacy-conscious people – including journalists, whistleblowers, and activists – while also helping to dispel misconceptions about the FBI’s surveillance capabilities (or lack thereof) in the encrypted messaging context. Kudos to government-transparency nonprofit Property of the People (POTP), run by “FOIA guru” Ryan Shapiro and indefatigable lawyer Jeffrey Light, for obtaining this record under the Freedom of Information Act.

Dated Jan. 7, 2021, the document states that it reflects FBI capabilities as of November 2020. The apps included in the chart are iMessage, LINE, Signal, Telegram, Threema, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp (owned by Meta, fka Facebook), and Wickr (which was acquired by AWS in June). Most of these apps—iMessage, Signal, Threema, Viber, WhatsApp, and Wickr—end-to-end encrypt messages by default. As for the rest, Telegram uses default end-to-end encryption (E2EE) in some contexts, but not others. E2EE is on by default in newer versions of LINE, but it may not be turned on in older clients. And WeChat, owned by Chinese giant Tencent, does not support end-to-end encryption at all (just client-to-server encryption). This variance may explain why the document refers to the apps as “secure” instead of “E2EE.”

What User Data Can the FBI Get?

The chart illuminates the variation in how much data different services collect and retain about users and their communications—and consequently, what data they’ll provide to law enforcement given a valid warrant, subpoena, or court order. (Think, for example, about a warrant asking for “all records” in a provider’s possession pertaining to a user: the more information it retains about its users, the more it can be required to provide to law enforcement.) This ranges from the minimal information available from Signal and Telegram, to the basic subscriber information and other metadata that several services disclose to the FBI, and even “limited” stored message content from three of the nine apps: LINE (which, as said, still supports non-E2EE chats), iMessage, and WhatsApp.

That last part may come as a surprise to some iMessage and WhatsApp users, given that we’re talking about E2EE messaging. True, E2EE renders users’ messages inaccessible to law enforcement in transit, but it’s a different story for cloud storage. If an iMessage user has iCloud backups turned on, a copy of the encryption key is backed up along with the messages (for recovery purposes) and will be disclosed as part of Apple’s warrant return, enabling the messages to be read. WhatsApp messages can be backed up to iCloud or Google Drive, so a search warrant to one of those cloud services may yield WhatsApp data including message content (although a search warrant to WhatsApp won’t return message content). (WhatsApp recently started rolling out the option to E2EE message backups in the cloud, rendering the FBI chart slightly out-of-date.)

While it’s possible to piece together some of the information in the chart by scouring app makers’ public documentation and courts’ criminal dockets, the FBI conveniently pulled it into one at-a-glance page. It might be old news to you, if you happen to be familiar with both the law governing electronic communications privacy and the technical nuances of your encrypted messaging app(s) of choice. That may describe a lot of Just Security readers and government surveillance beat reporters, but it probably doesn’t reflect the average user’s mental model of how an E2EE messaging service works.

The chart also reveals details that app makers don’t talk about forthrightly, if at all, in their public-facing guidelines about law enforcement requests. With a warrant, WhatsApp will disclose which WhatsApp users have the target user in their address books, something not mentioned on WhatsApp’s law enforcement information page. And Apple will give 25 days’ worth of iMessage lookups to and from the target number irrespective of whether a conversation took place, which is described in Apple’s law enforcement guidelines but takes a little digging to understand since neither the FBI nor Apple explains what that means in plain English. In each case, the company is disclosing a list of its other users that happen to have the target user’s contact info, whether or not the target communicated with them. (If other messaging services make a practice of disclosing similar information, it’s not reflected in the chart.) These details underscore the broad sweep of U.S. electronic surveillance law, which lets investigators demand any “record or other information pertaining to a [target] subscriber” in response to a 2703(d) order or search warrant. While Apple and Meta have both fought for user privacy against overreaching government demands, the law nevertheless renders a lot of user data fair game.

Popular Misperceptions of Messaging Privacy

In short, it’s no easy task for the average person to accurately understand precisely what information from their messaging apps could wind up in the hands of federal investigators. Not only do different apps have different properties, but app makers don’t have much of an incentive to be straightforward about such details. As the FBI chart demonstrates, the market of free, secure messaging apps is a gratifyingly crowded and competitive field. Providers want to give current and would-be users the impression that their app is tops when it comes to user security and privacy, whether the user is concerned about malicious hackers, governments, or the provider itself. Providers have learned to be wary of overstating their service’s security properties, but they’re betting that marketing copy will get more attention than technical whitepapers or transparency reports.

In this regard, app makers’ incentives are aligned with those of the FBI. Given the FBI’s years-long campaign against encryption, it makes a strange bedfellow to the encrypted service providers it has condemned by name in public speeches. But service providers and the FBI both benefit from a popular misconception that underestimates the user data available to investigators from certain E2EE services. That misapprehension simultaneously maintains the providers’ image in the eyes of privacy-conscious users while upholding the FBI’s narrative that it’s “going dark” in criminal investigations due to encryption.

Although this misunderstanding may help law enforcement investigators, it can have significant consequences for their targets. Not just garden-variety criminals, but also journalists and their sources, whistleblowers, and activists have a lot riding on their choice of communications service. As noted in Rolling Stone’s article about the FBI chart, WhatsApp metadata was key to the arrest and conviction of Natalie Edwards, a former U.S. Treasury Department official who leaked internal documents to a reporter with whom she exchanged hundreds of messages over WhatsApp. Edwards (and presumably also the reporter, who owed Edwards an ethical duty of source protection) believed that WhatsApp was safe for journalist/source communication. That misunderstanding cost Edwards her freedom.

The Reality Behind the Myth

Thanks to FOIA and its zealous disciples at POTP, the public can now see the internal FBI document that neatly summarizes the reality behind the myth. It shows that despite its “going dark” claims, the FBI can obtain a remarkable amount of user data from messaging apps that collectively have several billion global users. (The ability to test the government’s public claims against its internal statements is one of the reasons why public access to government records, POTP’s raison d’être, is so crucial.) It shows the role that cloud storage and metadata play in mitigating end-to-end encryption’s impact on real-time communications surveillance. And it shows which popular E2EE messaging services truly do know next to nothing about their users.

If users think the encrypted apps they use don’t keep much information about them, the FBI chart shows that belief to be largely false. With some exceptions, many major E2EE messaging services hand over all kinds of data to federal law enforcement, and cloud backups can even enable the disclosure of stored messages sent on two of the biggest E2EE messaging apps. Even if little or none of what’s in the document is truly news, it’s still helpful to see it laid out so succinctly in a single page. If you are concerned about messaging privacy, use this chart (together with privacy and security guides specific to your situation, such as for journalism or protests) to help you decide which app is best for you—and share it with the people you chat with, too. That way, you can make a more informed decision about which app(s) to keep (and which to leave behind) as we enter the new year.

IMAGE: Photo illustration by Chesnot/Getty Images

Filed under:

Apple, Digital Surveillance, Encryption, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), FOIA, Law enforcement, Privacy, Stored Communications Act, Technology, WeChat, WhatsApp

As an expert in digital surveillance, encryption, and technology law, I'll delve into the concepts discussed in the article by Riana Pfefferkorn regarding the user data that U.S. federal law enforcement can obtain from providers of encrypted messaging services.

  1. Federal Law Enforcement and Encrypted Messaging Services: The article discusses a document from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) dated January 7, 2021, which outlines the capabilities of the FBI in obtaining user data from nine different "secure messaging" apps. This includes popular apps like iMessage, Signal, Telegram, Threema, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp, and Wickr.

  2. Metadata and Stored Message Content: The FBI can obtain various types of metadata and, in some cases, even stored message content from these apps with legal process. The document sheds light on the variation in the amount of data different services collect and retain about users and their communications. The level of data provided to law enforcement depends on the app and the legal request.

  3. End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) and Variability: Most of the mentioned apps, such as iMessage, Signal, Threema, Viber, WhatsApp, and Wickr, use end-to-end encryption (E2EE) by default. However, the article highlights the variability in E2EE implementation, noting that Telegram uses default E2EE in some contexts but not others, while WeChat, owned by Tencent, does not support end-to-end encryption at all.

  4. Cloud Storage and Encryption Key Backups: The article points out that even though E2EE renders messages inaccessible to law enforcement in transit, stored messages in cloud storage can be accessed. For example, if iMessage users have iCloud backups turned on, a copy of the encryption key is backed up along with the messages, enabling disclosure. Similar issues are discussed in relation to WhatsApp messages backed up to iCloud or Google Drive.

  5. Misconceptions and Privacy Implications: The article addresses popular misconceptions about messaging privacy, emphasizing the challenge for the average person to understand what information from their messaging apps could be accessible to federal investigators. The discussion includes the implications of such misunderstandings for individuals, including journalists, whistleblowers, and activists.

  6. Role of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): The article acknowledges the role of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in obtaining the disclosed FBI document. The document, obtained by the government-transparency nonprofit Property of the People (POTP), provides valuable insights into the FBI's capabilities and practices.

  7. User Privacy Decision-Making: The article suggests using the disclosed chart, along with privacy and security guides specific to individual situations (e.g., journalism or protests), to make informed decisions about which encrypted messaging app to use. It highlights the importance of understanding the data retention and disclosure policies of different services.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the complexities surrounding encrypted messaging services, federal law enforcement capabilities, and the potential privacy implications for users. The disclosed FBI document serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to navigate the landscape of secure messaging apps and make informed decisions about their privacy.

We Now Know What Information the FBI Can Obtain from Encrypted Messaging Apps (2024)


We Now Know What Information the FBI Can Obtain from Encrypted Messaging Apps? ›

Forensic Tools: The FBI and other law enforcement have access to digital forensic tools that operate similarly to spyware, which enable them to extract personal phone data, like text messages, phone logs, photos, and more. Just in case, learn to check if there's spyware on your phone.

Can the feds see your text messages? ›

Forensic Tools: The FBI and other law enforcement have access to digital forensic tools that operate similarly to spyware, which enable them to extract personal phone data, like text messages, phone logs, photos, and more. Just in case, learn to check if there's spyware on your phone.

Can police read encrypted messages? ›

A recently disclosed January 2021 document from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) supplies a concise summary with respect to nine different “secure messaging” apps. It shows that with legal process, the FBI can get various types of metadata, and in some cases even stored message content.

Does the FBI use Wickr? ›

The warrant, however, shows the government does have some techniques it can use to find criminals using the likes of Wickr and its encrypted data.

Can the FBI see Telegram? ›

The FBI document says about Telegram: No message content.

Can FBI see through your camera? ›

Chances are you are not important enough to be eavesdropped on. But, if you are engaged in criminal activity and the FBI is legally investigating you, they can definitely look through your computer camera.

How do you know if the feds are watching you? ›

Regular, otherwise unexplainable visits by police or federal agents to your workplace or residence could indicate you're under scrutiny. Officers might show up under the guise of routine checks or small talk but pay close attention to their questions—they're possibly probing for information.

Can the FBI see encrypted messages? ›

While the document confirms that the FBI can't gain access to encrypted messages sent through some services, the other type of information they can glean from providers might still help authorities in other aspects of their investigations.

Can FBI read WhatsApp messages? ›

If your iPhone is ever obtained by the police, and they have the legal authority to search it, law enforcement can sometimes find information you believe you deleted — even from encrypted chat apps like WhatsApp.

Can the government see encrypted messages? ›

The FBI training document reveals that the government agencies can obtain access to the encrypted message content and other details from secure messaging solutions like WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber, iMessage, Line, Telegram, Wickr, and Threema.

What apps do the FBI use? ›

FBI Apps
  • myFBI Dashboard App. The FBI's official mobile portal. ...
  • FBI Physical Fitness Test App. Learn what it's like to train like an agent. ...
  • FBI Bank Robbers App. Help take dangerous criminals off the streets. ...
  • FBI Wanted App. ...
  • FBI Child ID App. ...
  • National Stolen Art File App.

What is the secret messaging app for the FBI? ›

ANOM, a secure-messaging app built by the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies, launched in October 2019 and solidified its following after authorities took down another rival service.

Does the FBI monitor cell phones? ›

The FBI likely has several tools and methods to track people's phones. Some known methods include: Obtaining a warrant to bug a phone or access cell networks: The FBI needs a search warrant from the court to get user data from phone companies. The same goes if they want to physically bug a phone or other device.

Can the FBI see my search history? ›

The FBI can look at your search history if it has the opportunity, and it will undoubtedly take advantage of that if you are a person of interest. To protect yourself and your data, you can use Safe Browsing by Clario AntiSpy, which boasts features that help keep you safe online.

Can cops trace Telegram? ›

Can Telegram be traced? In general, Telegram messages can't be traced if the police or other authorities don't have direct access to the app on a user's phone. However, Telegram stores some of the users' data on its servers for up to 12 months, so some of your information might be compromised due to a security breach.

Can police recover Telegram messages? ›

No, they'd have to seize pretty much all Telegram servers to do so. Although if there's any data on your personal devices that may be compromising - you'd better have a plan to wipe it completely in case the police arrests you or seizes the devices.

Can the FBI see your Imessages? ›

All but one (IP address) of iMessage can be accessed by the FBI. For WhatsApp, Line and iMessage, the access to message content is limited, while in the remaining, the FBI said it has no access to message content.

Can my text messages be monitored? ›

Detecting if someone is reading your text messages on Android devices can be challenging, as most methods of intrusion are designed to remain covert. However, if you notice unusual battery drain, increased data usage, or unfamiliar applications on your device, it may indicate potential unauthorized access.

How can police see my text messages? ›

If they have an administrative subpoena, they can access historical IP addresses to retrace your footsteps on where you might have been. Certain programs can help police officers to save, view and even print your text messages. Also, programs like Decipher Text Message can help the police recover deleted messages.

Can you be convicted on text messages? ›

Yes, text messages can be used in court. This is because they're considered electronic records of dialogue.

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