web3.eth.Contract — web3.js 1.0.0 documentation (2024)

The web3.eth.Contract object makes it easy to interact with smart contracts on the ethereum blockchain.When you create a new contract object you give it the json interface of the respective smart contractand web3 will auto convert all calls into low level ABI calls over RPC for you.

This allows you to interact with smart contracts as if they were JavaScript objects.

To use it standalone:

var Contract = require('web3-eth-contract');// set provider for all later instances to useContract.setProvider('ws://localhost:8546');var contract = new Contract(jsonInterface, address);contract.methods.somFunc().send({from: ....}).on('receipt', function(){ ...});

new contract

new web3.eth.Contract(jsonInterface[, address][, options])

Creates a new contract instance with all its methods and events defined in its json interface object.


  1. jsonInterface - Object: The json interface for the contract to instantiate
  2. address - String (optional): The address of the smart contract to call.
  3. options - Object (optional): The options of the contract. Some are used as fallbacks for calls and transactions:
    • from - String: The address transactions should be made from.
    • gasPrice - String: The gas price in wei to use for transactions.
    • gas - Number: The maximum gas provided for a transaction (gas limit).
    • data - String: The byte code of the contract. Used when the contract gets deployed.


Object: The contract instance with all its methods and events.


var myContract = new web3.eth.Contract([...], '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe', { from: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567891', // default from address gasPrice: '20000000000' // default gas price in wei, 20 gwei in this case});

= Properties =


web3.eth.Contract.defaultAccountcontract.defaultAccount // on contract instance

This default address is used as the default "from" property, if no "from" property is specified in for the following methods:

  • web3.eth.sendTransaction()
  • web3.eth.call()
  • new web3.eth.Contract() -> myContract.methods.myMethod().call()
  • new web3.eth.Contract() -> myContract.methods.myMethod().send()


String - 20 Bytes: Any ethereum address. You should have the private key for that address in your node or keystore. (Default is undefined)


web3.eth.defaultAccount;> undefined// set the default accountweb3.eth.defaultAccount = '0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe';


web3.eth.Contract.defaultBlockcontract.defaultBlock // on contract instance

The default block is used for certain methods. You can override it by passing in the defaultBlock as last parameter. The default value is "latest".


The default block parameters can be one of the following:

  • Number|BN|BigNumber: A block number
  • "earliest" - String: The genesis block
  • "latest" - String: The latest block (current head of the blockchain)
  • "pending" - String: The currently mined block (including pending transactions)

Default is "latest".


contract.defaultBlock;> "latest"// set the default blockcontract.defaultBlock = 231;



The default hardfork property is used for signing transactions locally.


The default hardfork property can be one of the following:

  • "chainstart" - String
  • "homestead" - String
  • "dao" - String
  • "tangerineWhistle" - String
  • "spuriousDragon" - String
  • "byzantium" - String
  • "constantinople" - String
  • "petersburg" - String
  • "istanbul" - String

Default is "petersburg"


contract.defaultHardfork;> "petersburg"// set the default blockcontract.defaultHardfork = 'istanbul';



The default chain property is used for signing transactions locally.


The default chain property can be one of the following:

  • "mainnet" - String
  • "goerli" - String
  • "kovan" - String
  • "rinkeby" - String
  • "ropsten" - String

Default is "mainnet"


contract.defaultChain;> "mainnet"// set the default chaincontract.defaultChain = 'goerli';



The default common property is used for signing transactions locally.


The default common property does contain the following Common object:

  • customChain - Object: The custom chain properties
    • name - string: (optional) The name of the chain
    • networkId - number: Network ID of the custom chain
    • chainId - number: Chain ID of the custom chain
  • baseChain - string: (optional) mainnet, goerli, kovan, rinkeby, or ropsten
  • hardfork - string: (optional) chainstart, homestead, dao, tangerineWhistle, spuriousDragon, byzantium, constantinople, petersburg, or istanbul

Default is undefined.


contract.defaultCommon;> {customChain: {name: 'custom-network', chainId: 1, networkId: 1}, baseChain: 'mainnet', hardfork: 'petersburg'}// set the default commoncontract.defaultCommon = {customChain: {name: 'custom-network', chainId: 1, networkId: 1}, baseChain: 'mainnet', hardfork: 'petersburg'};


web3.eth.Contract.transcationBlockTimeoutcontract.transactionBlockTimeout // on contract instance

The transactionBlockTimeout is used over socket-based connections. This option defines the amount of new blocks it should wait until the first confirmation happens, otherwise the PromiEvent rejects with a timeout error.


number: The current value of transactionBlockTimeout (default: 50)


web3.eth.Contract.transactionConfirmationBlockscontract.transactionConfirmationBlocks // on contract instance

This defines the number of blocks it requires until a transaction is considered confirmed.


number: The current value of transactionConfirmationBlocks (default: 24)


web3.eth.Contract.transactionPollingTimeoutcontract.transactionPollingTimeout // on contract instance

The transactionPollingTimeout is used over HTTP connections. This option defines the number of seconds Web3 will wait for a receipt which confirms that a transaction was mined by the network. Note: If this method times out, the transaction may still be pending.


number: The current value of transactionPollingTimeout (default: 750)


web3.eth.Contract.handleRevertcontract.handleRevert // on contract instance

The handleRevert options property defaults to false and returns the revert reason string if enabled on send or call of a contract method.


The revert reason string and signature are properties on the returned error.


boolean: The current value of handleRevert (default: false)



The options object for the contract instance. from, gas and gasPrice are used as fallback values when sending transactions.


Object - options:

  • address - String: The address where the contract is deployed. See options.address.
  • jsonInterface - Array: The json interface of the contract. See options.jsonInterface.
  • data - String: The byte code of the contract. Used when the contract gets deployed.
  • from - String: The address transactions should be made from.
  • gasPrice - String: The gas price in wei to use for transactions.
  • gas - Number: The maximum gas provided for a transaction (gas limit).
  • handleRevert - Boolean: It will otherwise use the default value provided from the Eth module. See handleRevert.
  • transactionBlockTimeout - Number: It will otherwise use the default value provided from the Eth module. See transactionBlockTimeout.
  • transactionConfirmationBlocks - Number: It will otherwise use the default value provided from the Eth module. See transactionConfirmationBlocks.
  • transactionPollingTimeout - Number: It will otherwise use the default value provided from the Eth module. See transactionPollingTimeout.
  • chain - Number: It will otherwise use the default value provided from the Eth module. See defaultChain.
  • hardfork - Number: It will otherwise use the default value provided from the Eth module. See defaultHardfork.
  • common - Number: It will otherwise use the default value provided from the Eth module. See defaultCommon.


myContract.options;> { address: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567891', jsonInterface: [...], from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe', gasPrice: '10000000000000', gas: 1000000}myContract.options.from = '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567891'; // default from addressmyContract.options.gasPrice = '20000000000000'; // default gas price in weimyContract.options.gas = 5000000; // provide as fallback always 5M gas



The address used for this contract instance.All transactions generated by web3.js from this contract will contain this address as the "to".

The address will be stored in lowercase.


address - String|null: The address for this contract, or null if not yet set.


myContract.options.address;> '0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae'// set a new addressmyContract.options.address = '0x1234FFDD...';



The json interface object derived from the ABI of this contract.


jsonInterface - Array: The json interface for this contract. Re-setting this will regenerate the methods and events of the contract instance.


myContract.options.jsonInterface;> [{ "type":"function", "name":"foo", "inputs": [{"name":"a","type":"uint256"}], "outputs": [{"name":"b","type":"address"}]},{ "type":"event", "name":"Event", "inputs": [{"name":"a","type":"uint256","indexed":true},{"name":"b","type":"bytes32","indexed":false}],}]// set a new interfacemyContract.options.jsonInterface = [...];

= Methods =



Clones the current contract instance.




Object: The new contract instance.


var contract1 = new eth.Contract(abi, address, {gasPrice: '12345678', from: fromAddress});var contract2 = contract1.clone();contract2.options.address = address2;(contract1.options.address !== contract2.options.address);> true



Call this function to deploy the contract to the blockchain.After successful deployment the promise will resolve with a new contract instance.


  1. options - Object: The options used for deployment.
    • data - String: The byte code of the contract.
    • arguments - Array (optional): The arguments which get passed to the constructor on deployment.


Object: The transaction object:

  • Array - arguments: The arguments passed to the method before. They can be changed.
  • Function - send: Will deploy the contract. The promise will resolve with the new contract instance, instead of the receipt!
  • Function - estimateGas: Will estimate the gas used for deploying.
  • Function - encodeABI: Encodes the ABI of the deployment, which is contract data + constructor parameters


myContract.deploy({ data: '0x12345...', arguments: [123, 'My String']}).send({ from: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567891', gas: 1500000, gasPrice: '30000000000000'}, function(error, transactionHash){ ... }).on('error', function(error){ ... }).on('transactionHash', function(transactionHash){ ... }).on('receipt', function(receipt){ console.log(receipt.contractAddress) // contains the new contract address}).on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){ ... }).then(function(newContractInstance){ console.log(newContractInstance.options.address) // instance with the new contract address});// When the data is already set as an option to the contract itselfmyContract.options.data = '0x12345...';myContract.deploy({ arguments: [123, 'My String']}).send({ from: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567891', gas: 1500000, gasPrice: '30000000000000'}).then(function(newContractInstance){ console.log(newContractInstance.options.address) // instance with the new contract address});// Simply encodingmyContract.deploy({ data: '0x12345...', arguments: [123, 'My String']}).encodeABI();> '0x12345...0000012345678765432'// Gas estimationmyContract.deploy({ data: '0x12345...', arguments: [123, 'My String']}).estimateGas(function(err, gas){ console.log(gas);});


myContract.methods.myMethod([param1[, param2[, ...]]])

Creates a transaction object for that method, which then can be called, send, estimated, or ABI encoded.

The methods of this smart contract are available through:

  • The name: myContract.methods.myMethod(123)
  • The name with parameters: myContract.methods['myMethod(uint256)'](123)
  • The signature: myContract.methods['0x58cf5f10'](123)

This allows calling functions with same name but different parameters from the JavaScript contract object.


Parameters of any method depend on the smart contracts methods, defined in the JSON interface.


Object: The transaction object:

  • Array - arguments: The arguments passed to the method before. They can be changed.
  • Function - call: Will call the “constant” method and execute its smart contract method in the EVM without sending a transaction (Can’t alter the smart contract state).
  • Function - send: Will send a transaction to the smart contract and execute its method (Can alter the smart contract state).
  • Function - estimateGas: Will estimate the gas used when the method would be executed on chain.
  • Function - encodeABI: Encodes the ABI for this method. This can be send using a transaction, call the method or passing into another smart contracts method as argument.


// calling a methodmyContract.methods.myMethod(123).call({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}, function(error, result){ ...});// or sending and using a promisemyContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}).then(function(receipt){ // receipt can also be a new contract instance, when coming from a "contract.deploy({...}).send()"});// or sending and using the eventsmyContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}).on('transactionHash', function(hash){ ...}).on('receipt', function(receipt){ ...}).on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){ ...}).on('error', function(error, receipt) { ...});


myContract.methods.myMethod([param1[, param2[, ...]]]).call(options [, defaultBlock] [, callback])

Will call a “constant” method and execute its smart contract method in the EVM without sending any transaction. Note calling cannot alter the smart contract state.


  1. options - Object (optional): The options used for calling.
    • from - String (optional): The address the call “transaction” should be made from. For calls the from property is optional however it is highly recommended to explicitly set it or it may default to address(0) depending on your node or provider.
    • gasPrice - String (optional): The gas price in wei to use for this call “transaction”.
    • gas - Number (optional): The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit).
  2. defaultBlock - Number|String|BN|BigNumber (optional): If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with contract.defaultBlock. Pre-defined block numbers as "earliest", "latest", and "pending" can also be used. Useful for requesting data from or replaying transactions in past blocks.
  3. callback - Function (optional): This callback will be fired with the result of the smart contract method execution as the second argument, or with an error object as the first argument.


Promise returns Mixed: The return value(s) of the smart contract method.If it returns a single value, it’s returned as is. If it has multiple return values they are returned as an object with properties and indices:


// using the callbackmyContract.methods.myMethod(123).call({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}, function(error, result){ ...});// using the promisemyContract.methods.myMethod(123).call({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}).then(function(result){ ...});// MULTI-ARGUMENT RETURN:// Soliditycontract MyContract { function myFunction() returns(uint256 myNumber, string myString) { return (23456, "Hello!%"); }}// web3.jsvar MyContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);MyContract.methods.myFunction().call().then(console.log);> Result { myNumber: '23456', myString: 'Hello!%', 0: '23456', // these are here as fallbacks if the name is not know or given 1: 'Hello!%'}// SINGLE-ARGUMENT RETURN:// Soliditycontract MyContract { function myFunction() returns(string myString) { return "Hello!%"; }}// web3.jsvar MyContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);MyContract.methods.myFunction().call().then(console.log);> "Hello!%"


myContract.methods.myMethod([param1[, param2[, ...]]]).send(options[, callback])

Will send a transaction to the smart contract and execute its method. Note this can alter the smart contract state.


  1. options - Object: The options used for sending.
    • from - String: The address the transaction should be sent from.
    • gasPrice - String (optional): The gas price in wei to use for this transaction.
    • gas - Number (optional): The maximum gas provided for this transaction (gas limit).
    • value - ``Number|String|BN|BigNumber``(optional): The value transferred for the transaction in wei.
  2. callback - Function (optional): This callback will be fired first with the “transactionHash”, or with an error object as the first argument.


The callback will return the 32 bytes transaction hash.

PromiEvent: A promise combined event emitter. Resolves when the transaction receipt is available, OR if this send() is called from a someContract.deploy(), then the promise will resolve with the new contract instance. Additionally the following events are available:

  • sending returns payload: Object: Fired immediately before transmitting the transaction request.
  • sent returns payload: Object: Fired immediately after the request body has been written to the client, but before the transaction hash is received.
  • "transactionHash" returns transactionHash: String: Fired when the transaction hash is available.
  • "receipt" returns receipt: Object: Fired when the transaction receipt is available. Receipts from contracts will have no logs property, but instead an events property with event names as keys and events as properties. See getPastEvents return values for details about the returned event object.
  • "confirmation" returns confirmation: Number, receipt: Object, latestBlockHash: String: Fired for every confirmation up to the 24th confirmation.
  • "error" returns error: Error: Fired if an error occurs during sending. If the transaction was rejected by the network with a receipt, the receipt will be available as a property on the error object.


// using the callbackmyContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}, function(error, transactionHash){ ...});// using the promisemyContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}).then(function(receipt){ // receipt can also be a new contract instance, when coming from a "contract.deploy({...}).send()"});// using the event emittermyContract.methods.myMethod(123).send({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}).on('transactionHash', function(hash){ ...}).on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){ ...}).on('receipt', function(receipt){ // receipt example console.log(receipt); > { "transactionHash": "0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec597f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c445836d8b", "transactionIndex": 0, "blockHash": "0xef95f2f1ed3ca60b048b4bf67cde2195961e0bba6f70bcbea9a2c4e133e34b46", "blockNumber": 3, "contractAddress": "0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe", "cumulativeGasUsed": 314159, "gasUsed": 30234, "events": { "MyEvent": { returnValues: { myIndexedParam: 20, myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...', myNonIndexParam: 'My String' }, raw: { data: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385', topics: ['0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385'] }, event: 'MyEvent', signature: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', logIndex: 0, transactionIndex: 0, transactionHash: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385', blockHash: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', blockNumber: 1234, address: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe' }, "MyOtherEvent": { ... }, "MyMultipleEvent":[{...}, {...}] // If there are multiple of the same event, they will be in an array } }}).on('error', function(error, receipt) { // If the transaction was rejected by the network with a receipt, the second parameter will be the receipt. ...});


myContract.methods.myMethod([param1[, param2[, ...]]]).estimateGas(options[, callback])

Will call to estimate the gas a method execution will take when executed in the EVM.The estimation can differ from the actual gas used when later sending a transaction, as the state of the smart contract can be different at that time.


  1. options - Object (optional): The options used for calling.
    • from - String (optional): The address the call “transaction” should be made from.
    • gas - Number (optional): The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit). Setting a specific value helps to detect out of gas errors. If all gas is used it will return the same number.
    • value - Number|String|BN|BigNumber (optional): The value transferred for the call “transaction” in wei.
  2. callback - Function (optional): This callback will be fired with the result of the gas estimation as the second argument, or with an error object as the first argument.


Promise returns Number: The gas amount estimated.


// using the callbackmyContract.methods.myMethod(123).estimateGas({gas: 5000000}, function(error, gasAmount){ if(gasAmount == 5000000) console.log('Method ran out of gas');});// using the promisemyContract.methods.myMethod(123).estimateGas({from: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}).then(function(gasAmount){ ...}).catch(function(error){ ...});


myContract.methods.myMethod([param1[, param2[, ...]]]).encodeABI()

Encodes the ABI for this method. The resulting hex string is 32-bit function signature hash plus the passed parameters in Solidity tightly packed format. This can be used to send a transaction, call a method, or pass it into another smart contract’s method as arguments. Set the data field on web3.eth.sendTransaction options as the encodeABI() result and it is the same as calling the contract method with contract.myMethod.send().

Some use cases for encodeABI() include: preparing a smart contract transaction for a multisignature wallet, working with offline wallets and cold storage and creating transaction payload for complex smart contract proxy calls.




String: The encoded ABI byte code to send via a transaction or call.


myContract.methods.myMethod(123).encodeABI();> '0x58cf5f1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007B'

= Events =


myContract.once(event[, options], callback)

Subscribes to an event and unsubscribes immediately after the first event or error. Will only fire for a single event.


  1. event - String: The name of the event in the contract, or "allEvents" to get all events.
  2. options - Object (optional): The options used for deployment.
    • filter - Object (optional): Lets you filter events by indexed parameters, e.g. {filter: {myNumber: [12,13]}} means all events where “myNumber” is 12 or 13.
    • topics - Array (optional): This allows you to manually set the topics for the event filter. If given the filter property and event signature, (topic[0]) will not be set automatically.
  3. callback - Function: This callback will be fired for the first event as the second argument, or an error as the first argument. See getPastEvents return values for details about the event structure.




myContract.once('MyEvent', { filter: {myIndexedParam: [20,23], myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...'}, // Using an array means OR: e.g. 20 or 23 fromBlock: 0}, function(error, event){ console.log(event); });// event output example> { returnValues: { myIndexedParam: 20, myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...', myNonIndexParam: 'My String' }, raw: { data: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385', topics: ['0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385'] }, event: 'MyEvent', signature: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', logIndex: 0, transactionIndex: 0, transactionHash: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385', blockHash: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', blockNumber: 1234, address: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}


myContract.events.MyEvent([options][, callback])

Subscribe to an event.


  1. options - Object (optional): The options used for deployment.
    • filter - Object (optional): Let you filter events by indexed parameters, e.g. {filter: {myNumber: [12,13]}} means all events where “myNumber” is 12 or 13.
    • fromBlock - Number|String|BN|BigNumber (optional): The block number (greater than or equal to) from which to get events on. Pre-defined block numbers as "earliest", "latest" and "pending" can also be used. For specific range use getPastEvents.
    • topics - Array (optional): This allows to manually set the topics for the event filter. If given the filter property and event signature, (topic[0]) will not be set automatically.
  2. callback - Function (optional): This callback will be fired for each event as the second argument, or an error as the first argument.


EventEmitter: The event emitter has the following events:

  • "data" returns Object: Fires on each incoming event with the event object as argument.
  • "changed" returns Object: Fires on each event which was removed from the blockchain. The event will have the additional property "removed: true".
  • "error" returns Object: Fires when an error in the subscription occours.
  • "connected" returns String: Fires once after the subscription successfully connected. Returns the subscription id.

The structure of the returned event Object looks as follows:

  • event - String: The event name.
  • signature - String|Null: The event signature, null if it’s an anonymous event.
  • address - String: Address this event originated from.
  • returnValues - Object: The return values coming from the event, e.g. {myVar: 1, myVar2: '0x234...'}.
  • logIndex - Number: Integer of the event index position in the block.
  • transactionIndex - Number: Integer of the transaction’s index position the event was created in.
  • transactionHash 32 Bytes - String: Hash of the transaction this event was created in.
  • blockHash 32 Bytes - String: Hash of the block this event was created in. null when it’s still pending.
  • blockNumber - Number: The block number this log was created in. null when still pending.
  • raw.data - String: The data containing non-indexed log parameter.
  • raw.topics - Array: An array with max 4 32 Byte topics, topic 1-3 contains indexed parameters of the event.


myContract.events.MyEvent({ filter: {myIndexedParam: [20,23], myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...'}, // Using an array means OR: e.g. 20 or 23 fromBlock: 0}, function(error, event){ console.log(event); }).on("connected", function(subscriptionId){ console.log(subscriptionId);}).on('data', function(event){ console.log(event); // same results as the optional callback above}).on('changed', function(event){ // remove event from local database}).on('error', function(error, receipt) { // If the transaction was rejected by the network with a receipt, the second parameter will be the receipt. ...});// event output example> { returnValues: { myIndexedParam: 20, myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...', myNonIndexParam: 'My String' }, raw: { data: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385', topics: ['0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385'] }, event: 'MyEvent', signature: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', logIndex: 0, transactionIndex: 0, transactionHash: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385', blockHash: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', blockNumber: 1234, address: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'}


myContract.events.allEvents([options][, callback])

Same as events but receives all events from this smart contract.Optionally the filter property can filter those events.


myContract.getPastEvents(event[, options][, callback])

Gets past events for this contract.


  1. event - String: The name of the event in the contract, or "allEvents" to get all events.
  2. options - Object (optional): The options used for deployment.
    • filter - Object (optional): Lets you filter events by indexed parameters, e.g. {filter: {myNumber: [12,13]}} means all events where “myNumber” is 12 or 13.
    • fromBlock - Number|String|BN|BigNumber (optional): The block number (greater than or equal to) from which to get events on. Pre-defined block numbers as "earliest", "latest" and "pending" can also be used.
    • toBlock - Number|String|BN|BigNumber (optional): The block number (less than or equal to) to get events up to (Defaults to "latest"). Pre-defined block numbers as "earliest", "latest" and "pending" can also be used.
    • topics - Array (optional): This allows manually setting the topics for the event filter. If given the filter property and event signature, (topic[0]) will not be set automatically.
  3. callback - Function (optional): This callback will be fired with an array of event logs as the second argument, or an error as the first argument.


Promise returns Array: An array with the past event Objects, matching the given event name and filter.

For the structure of a returned event Object see getPastEvents return values.


myContract.getPastEvents('MyEvent', { filter: {myIndexedParam: [20,23], myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...'}, // Using an array means OR: e.g. 20 or 23 fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'}, function(error, events){ console.log(events); }).then(function(events){ console.log(events) // same results as the optional callback above});> [{ returnValues: { myIndexedParam: 20, myOtherIndexedParam: '0x123456789...', myNonIndexParam: 'My String' }, raw: { data: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385', topics: ['0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385'] }, event: 'MyEvent', signature: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', logIndex: 0, transactionIndex: 0, transactionHash: '0x7f9fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead79fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91385', blockHash: '0xfd43ade1c09fade1c0d57a7af66ab4ead7c2c2eb7b11a91ffdd57a7af66ab4ead7', blockNumber: 1234, address: '0xde0B295669a9FD93d5F28D9Ec85E40f4cb697BAe'},{ ...}]
web3.eth.Contract — web3.js 1.0.0 documentation (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.