Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Explained with Formula and Example (2024)

What Is Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)?

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) represents a company's average after-tax cost of capital from all sources, including common stock, preferred stock, bonds, and other forms of debt. As such, WACCis the average rate that a company expects to pay to finance its business.

WACC is a common way to determine required rate of return (RRR) because it expresses, in a single number, the return that bondholders and shareholders demand to provide the company with capital. A company's WACC is likely to be higher if its stock is relatively volatile or if its debt is seen as risky, because investors will want greater returns to compensate them.

Key Takeaways

  • Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) represents a company's cost of capital, with each category of capital (debt and equity) proportionately weighted.
  • WACC can be calculated by multiplying the cost of each capital source by its relevant weight in terms of market value, then adding the results together to determine the total.
  • WACC is commonly used as a hurdle rate against which companies and investors can gauge the desirability of a given project or acquisition.
  • WACC is also used as the discount rate for future cash flows in discounted cash flow analysis.

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Explained with Formula and Example (1)

Understanding WACC

Calculating a company's WACC is useful for investors and stock analysts, as well company management, although they may use it for different purposes.

In corporate finance, determining a company's cost of capital can be important for a couple of reasons. For instance, WACC can be used as the discount rate for estimating the net present value of a project or acquisition.

If the company believes that a merger, for example, will generate a return higher than its cost of capital, then it's likely a good choice for the company. However, if it anticipates a return lower than its investors are expecting, then it might want to put its capital to better use.

To investors, WACC is an important tool in assessing a company's potential for profitability. In most cases, a lower WACC indicates a healthy business that's able to attract money from investors at a lower cost. By contrast, a higher WACC usually coincides with businesses that are seen as riskier and need to compensate investors with higher returns.

If a company only obtains financing through one source—say, common stock—then calculating its cost of capital would be relatively simple. If investors expected a rate of return (RoR) of 10% on their shares, the company's cost of capital would be the same as its cost of equity: 10%.

The same would be true if the company only used debt financing. For example, if the company paid an average yield of 5% on its bonds, its cost of debt would be 5%. This is also its cost of capital.

However many companies use both debt and equity financing in various proportions, which is where WACC comes in.

WACC Formula and Calculation

WACC=(EV×Re)+(DV×Rd×(1Tc))where:E=Marketvalueofthefirm’sequityD=Marketvalueofthefirm’sdebtV=E+DRe=CostofequityRd=CostofdebtTc=Corporatetaxrate\begin{aligned} &\text{WACC} = \left ( \frac{ E }{ V} \times Re \right ) + \left ( \frac{ D }{ V} \times Rd \times ( 1 - Tc ) \right ) \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &E = \text{Market value of the firm's equity} \\ &D = \text{Market value of the firm's debt} \\ &V = E + D \\ &Re = \text{Cost of equity} \\ &Rd = \text{Cost of debt} \\ &Tc = \text{Corporate tax rate} \\ \end{aligned}WACC=(VE×Re)+(VD×Rd×(1Tc))where:E=Marketvalueofthefirm’sequityD=Marketvalueofthefirm’sdebtV=E+DRe=CostofequityRd=CostofdebtTc=Corporatetaxrate

WACC is calculated by multiplying the cost of each capital source (debt and equity) by its relevant weight and then adding those results together. In the above formula, E/V represents the proportion of equity-based financing, while D/V represents the proportion of debt-based financing. The WACC formula thus involves the summation of two terms:

(EV×Re)\left ( \frac{ E }{ V} \times Re \right )(VE×Re)

(DV×Rd×(1Tc))\left ( \frac{ D }{ V} \times Rd \times ( 1 - Tc ) \right )(VD×Rd×(1Tc))

The former represents the weighted value of equity capital, while the latter represents the weighted value of debt capital.

Suppose that a company obtained $1 million in debt financing and $4 million in equity financing by selling common shares. E/V would equal 0.8 ($4,000,000 ÷ $5,000,000 of total capital) and D/V would equal 0.2 ($1,000,000 ÷ $5,000,000 of total capital).


WACC can be calculated using Excel. The biggest challenge is sourcing the correct data to plug into the model. See Investopedia's explanation of how to calculate WACC in Excel.

Explaining the Formula Elements

Cost of equity (Re in the formula) can be a bit tricky to calculate because share capital does not technically have an explicit value. When companies reimburse bondholders, the amount they pay has a predetermined interest rate. On the other hand, equity has no concrete price that the company must pay. As a result, companies have to estimate the cost of equity—in other words, the rate of return that investors demand based on the expected volatility of the stock.

Because shareholders will expect to receive a certain return on their investment in a company, the equity holders' required rate of return is a cost from the company's perspective; if the company fails to deliver this expected return, shareholders may simply sell their shares, which can lead to a decrease in both share price and the company's value. The cost of equity, then, is essentially the total return that a company must generate to maintain a share price that will satisfy its investors.

Companies typically use the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to arrive at the cost of equity (in CAPM, it's called the expected return of investment). Again, this is not an exact calculation because companies have to lean on historical data, which can never accurately predict future growth.

Determining cost of debt (Rd in the formula), on the other hand, is a more straightforward process. This is often done by averaging the yield to maturity for a company's outstanding debts. This method is easier if you're looking at a publicly traded company that has to report its debt obligations.

For privately owned companies, one can look at the company's credit rating from firms such as Moody's and S&P Global and then add a relevant spread over risk-free assets (for example, Treasury bonds of the same maturity) to approximate the return that investors would demand.

Businesses are able to deduct interest expenses from their taxes. Because of this, the net cost of a company's debt is the amount of interest it is paying minus the amount it was able to deduct on its taxes. This is why Rd x (1 - the corporate tax rate) is used to calculate the after-tax cost of debt.

WACC vs. Required Rate of Return (RRR)

The required rate of return is the minimum rate that an investor will accept. If they expect a smaller return than they require, they'll put their money elsewhere.

One way to determine the RRR is by using the CAPM, which looks at a stock's volatility relative to the broader market (its beta) to estimate the return that stockholders will require.

Another method for identifying the RRR is by calculating WACC. The advantage of using WACC is that it takes the company's capital structure into account—that is, how much it leans on debt financing vs. equity.

Limitations of WACC

The WACC formula seems easier to calculate than it really is. Because certain elements of the formula, such as the cost of equity, are not consistent values, various parties may report them differently for different reasons. As such, although WACC can often offer valuable insight into a company, one should always use it along with other metrics in deciding whether to invest.

More complex balance sheets, such as for companies using multiple types of debt with various interest rates, make it more difficult to calculate WACC. In addition, there are many inputs to calculating WACC—such as interest rates and tax rates—all of which can be affected by market and economic conditions.

Example of How to Use WACC

Consider a hypothetical manufacturer called XYZ Brands. Suppose the market value of the company's debt is $1 million, and its market capitalization (or the market value of its equity) is $4 million.

Let's further assume that XYZ's cost of equity—the minimum return that shareholders demand—is 10%. Here, E/V would equal 0.8 ($4,000,000 of equity value divided by $5,000,000 of total financing). Therefore, the weighted cost of equity would be 0.08 (0.8 × 0.10). This is the first half of the WACC equation.

Now we have to figure out XYZ's weighted cost of debt. To do this, we need to determine D/V; in this case, that's 0.2 ($1,000,000 in debt divided by $5,000,000 in total capital). Next, we would multiply that figure by the company's cost of debt, which we'll say is 5%. Last, we multiply the product of those two numbers by 1 minus the tax rate. So if the tax rate is 0.25, then "1 minus Tc" is equal to 0.75.

In the end, we arrive at a weighted cost of debt of 0.0075 (0.2 × 0.05 × 0.75). When that's added to the weighted cost of equity (0.08), we get a WACC of 0.0875, or 8.75% (0.08 weighted cost of equity + 0.0075 weighted cost of debt).

That represents XYZ's average cost to attract investors and the return that they're going to expect, given the company's financial strength and risk compared with other investment opportunities.

What Is a Good Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)?

What represents a "good" weighted average cost of capital will vary from company to company, depending on such factors as whether it is an established business or a startup, its capital structure, and the industry in which it operates. One way to judge a company's WACC is to compare it to the average for its industry or sector. For example, according to Kroll research, the WACC for companies in the consumer staples sector was 8.4%, on average, in June 2023, while it was 11.4% in the information technology sector.

What Is Capital Structure?

Companies use various means to obtain the capital they need, which can include issuing bonds (debt) and shares of stock (equity). Capital structure refers to how they mix the two.

What Is a Debt-to-Equity Ratio?

A debt-to-equity ratio is another way of looking at the risk that investing in a particular company may hold. It compares a company's liabilities to the value of its shareholder equity. The higher the debt-to-equity ratio, the riskier a company is often considered to be.

The Bottom Line

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is a useful measure for both investors and company executives. However, it can be difficult to compute with accuracy and usually should not be relied on all by itself.

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Explained with Formula and Example (2024)


What is an example of a weighted average cost of capital WACC? ›

WACC is a percentage. The best way to think of that percentage is in terms of money. For example, if a company has a WACC of 5%, that means that for every dollar of financing (through debt or equity), the company needs to pay $0.05. Determining a good weighted average cost of capital depends on the industry.

What is the formula for WACC with example? ›

weighted average cost of capital formula of Company A = 3/5 * 0.04 + 2/5 * 0.06 * 0.65 = 0.0396 = 3.96%. WACC formula of Company B = 5/6 * 0.05 + 1/6 * 0.07 * 0.65 = 0.049 = 4.9%. Now we can say that Company A has a lesser cost of capital (WACC) than Company B.

What does a WACC tell you? ›

In investors' eyes, WACC represents the minimum rate of return for a company to produce value for its investors. Higher WACC ratios generally indicate that a business is a riskier investment, while a lower WACC tends to correlate with more stable business investments.

Is it better to have a higher or lower WACC? ›

A low WACC is beneficial to any company and its stakeholders. It represents the rate of return that a company must pay for all its financial sources such as debt and equity. A lower WACC means that there is less risk associated with the financing and so the expected return on investment (ROI) will be higher.

What is the WACC for dummies? ›

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) represents a company's average after-tax cost of capital from all sources, including common stock, preferred stock, bonds, and other forms of debt. As such, WACC is the average rate that a company expects to pay to finance its business.

What is an example of a high WACC? ›

Example of a High Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Because shareholders expect a return of 6% on their investment, the cost of equity is 6%. XYZ then sells 4,000 bonds for $1,000 each to raise the other $4,000,000 in capital. The people who bought those bonds expect a 5% return, so XYZ's cost of debt is 5%.

How do you calculate WACC from cost of capital? ›

Essentially, you need to multiply the cost of each capital component with its proportional rate. These results are then multiplied by your business's corporate tax rate, providing you with a figure for the weighted average cost of capital.

How to calculate weighted average cost? ›

How to calculate inventory weighted average cost. To calculate the weighted average cost, divide the total cost of goods purchased by the number of units available for sale.

What does 12% WACC mean? ›

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is expressed in a percentage form like interest rate. If a company works with a 12% WACC, all investments should give a higher return than the 12% of WACC. A company should pay an amount to its bondholders for financing debt.

What is a good level of WACC? ›

As a rule of thumb, a good range of WACC values for mature companies spans about 2-3% from the minimum to the maximum. So, 10-12% or 6-9% would be fine. But 5-10% might be a bit too wide, and 5-15% would be too wide to be useful. (Exceptions apply in emerging markets and for more speculative companies.)

What is the WACC of Apple? ›

Apple WACC - Weighted Average Cost of Capital

The WACC of Apple Inc (AAPL) is 8.8%. The Cost of Equity of Apple Inc (AAPL) is 9%. The Cost of Debt of Apple Inc (AAPL) is 4.3%.

What happens to the WACC of a company in debt? ›

Initial Stage → As the proportion of debt in the capital structure increases, WACC gradually decreases due to the tax-deductibility of interest expense (i.e., the “tax shield” benefits).

What is the difference between cost of capital and WACC? ›

Cost of capital encompasses the cost of both equity and debt, weighted according to the company's preferred or existing capital structure. This is known as the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

What is the cost of capital example? ›

Cost of Debt + Cost of Equity = Overall Cost of Capital

The firm's overall cost of capital is based on the weighted average of these costs. For example, consider an enterprise with a capital structure consisting of 70% equity and 30% debt; its cost of equity is 10% and the after-tax cost of debt is 7%.

What is a good WACC for a company? ›

There is no fixed value that can be considered a “good” weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for a company, as the appropriate WACC will depend on a variety of factors, such as the industry in which the company operates, its capital structure, and the level of risk associated with its operations and investments.

What is the weighted average cost of capital WACC quizlet? ›

The weighted average cost of capital is the weighted average of the after-tax cost of debt, the cost of preferred stock, and the cost of common equity. Because the cost of debt capital is computed on an after-tax basis, an increase in the tax rate will decrease the marginal cost of debt capital.

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