What 12 Financial Experts Predict for the Economy in 2017 - Daisy Luther (2024)

What 12 Financial Experts Predict for the Economy in 2017 - Daisy Luther (1)

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

By Daisy Luther

What 12 Financial Experts Predict for the Economy in 2017 - Daisy Luther (2)

What lies ahead for the economy this year? Will the economy finally collapse as predicted by many or will the early positive signs in stock markets around the world continue and the global economy will flourish?

I’ve taken a lot of heat for being “gloomy” and for “fear-mongering” lately when I’ve said that President-Elect Trump is inheriting a mess of epic proportions and that we may still be in for a rough financial ride. While I do think that Trump is a far better choice than Hillary Clinton ever could have been, when a situation has been declining as long as ours has, it would take an absolute miracle to turn it around without some pain.

And it turns out, I’m not alone in my concern about the worst for our economic situation during the upcoming year.

Here’s what 12 prominent financial experts are predicting.

Lawrence Yun is the chief economist atThe National Association of Realtors® (NAR).

“The budget of many prospective buyers last month was dealt an abrupt hit by the quick ascension of rates immediately after the election. Already faced with climbing home prices and minimal listings in the affordable price range, fewer home shoppers in most of the country were successfully able to sign a contract.” (source)

Gerald Celente is a trends forecaster who has a long history of accuracy. You can find his work at TrendsResearch.com. He predicts:

“We’re forecasting the economy is not going to rebound with the economic proposals that are in place now. . . . The global situation has created an environment for financial panic. The financial panic conditions have been in place for quite a while. What Trump’s victory has done is played it off for a little bit possibly, but on the negative side, you still have the debt and interest rates going up and the debt that has to be paid. On gold, we believe right now is near its bottom.” (source)

James Dale Davidson. He’s the economist who correctly predicted the collapse of 1999 and 2007.

“There are three key economic indicators screaming SELL. They don’t imply that a 50% collapse is looming – it’s already at our doorstep.” (source)

Marc Faber isan investment advisor and fund manager. He is the publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and is the director ofMarc Faber Ltd.Last month, he wrote:

2017 will be [when] the US Economic causes a World Economic Collapse! Trump can’t stop a dollar crisis, stock mark crash or gold and silver prices skyrocketing! “. (source)

Faber was also quoted in an article on The SovereignInvestor:

Mark Faber, Dr. Doom himself, recently toldCNBC that “investors are on the Titanic” and stocks are about to “endure a gut-wrenching drop that would rival the greatest crashes in stock market history.” (source)

Harry Dent, Harvard economist, predicts the safe-haven of gold will be wiped out during 2017. From a conversation withEconomy and Markets:

“While many economists will argue that gold is not in a bubble… and insist it will soar to $2,000, $5,000 and even $10,000, my research has said otherwise…I’ve never been more certain of anything in over 30 years of economic forecasting.

Incidentally,here is his latest report.

Ann Rutledge is a fixed income analyst who is a regular writer for Forbes. She analyses economic patterns and feels the slide has been underway since 2013. Last year, she wrote:

“So, if you ask me whether we are going to have another global financial crisis in 2017…I would say the odds are good. This one probably started in 2013 and by now is well under way.” (source)

Peter Costa, president of Empire Executions, has taken the unprecedented step of pulling out of the markets ,believing that they are overpriced and that a major correction is on the way. In an interview, he said:

“I think that a lot of these stocks, big cap, small cap, they all got ahead of themselves. And I think that there will be a correction to bring them back to some sort of normalization in pricing and once it gets back there, I’ll be back in the market.” (source)

Chris Martenson, aneconomic researcher, wrote:

“GDP growth is very unlikely to support the rate of credit expansion that the Federal Reserve wants (or, more accurately, needs). And what will happen if it indeed doesn’t? A lot of painful, awful things – but central among them is a currency crisis.

Amidst the ensuing unpleasantness will be an awakening within today’s hyper-financialized markets to the huge imbalance now existing between paper claims and ownership of real things. A massive wealth transfer from those with ‘paper wealth’ (stocks, bonds, dollars) to those owning tangible assets (the productive value of which can’t easily be inflated away) will occur – and quickly, too.” (source)

Michael Covel, a teacher of trend-following and financial strategy ,thinks the collapse will start in Europe and then spread to the rest of the world.He explains why in great detail, calling it chillingly “the next Lehman moment.”

“Deutsche Bank has startling leverage of 40 times. Leverage is the proportion of debts that a bank has compared with its equity/capital. That means Deutsche has 40 times more debt than equity/capital. Keep in mind that Lehman Bros. was only 31 times leveraged when it imploded in 2008 and sparked the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression…France’s clear discontent with the EU can’t be overstated. The EU might survive Brexit. But a French divorce from the EU would be cataclysmic, both financially and politically. It would mark the official end of the EU.

Bank runs would spread as consumers sought the safety of cash well before the actual earth-shattering event took place. It would start in French banks… and the knock-on effects would spread to other European banks that have relationships with French banks. This would create a huge decline in confidence, leading to a European-wide decline in bank lending.

And these bank runs would spread into a more widespread financial crisis in the global financial sector. Non-eurozone financial institutions in the U.S. and Asia would come under immense pressure because they too have heavy exposure to European banks. (source)

Alessandro Lombardi, a former global investment banking analyst wrote:

“Emerging markets are the soft underbelly of the global economy. Many analysts expect the election of Donald Trump to the White House will change the United States’ economic and monetary policies. This could worsen conditions for businesses in emerging markets that are financed in U.S. dollars. The result might be a global economic collapse in 2017.” (source)

Jim Rogers, who founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros, is on the record as saying:

“A $68 trillion ‘Biblical’ collapse is poised to wipe out millions of Americans.”(source)

Andrew Smithers, an economist with an unsettling history of being prophetic,was quoted in the same article.

“U.S. stocks are now about 80% overvalued.” Smithers backs up his prediction using a ratio whichproves that the only time in history stocks were this risky was 1929 and 1999. And we all know what happened next. Stocks fell by 89% and 50%, respectively.(source)

What do you think?

Personally, I’m prepping harder than ever before. I’ve spent too much time researching the collapse of Venezuela to sit idly by and let my family face the same hunger and desperation that is rampant there.

Right now, a few rocks are falling, warning of an imminent disaster. If you aren’t prepped, you still have time. Go here to learn more. If you wait until the avalanche begins, it will be unstoppable. You will have waited too long.

My suggestions are:

  • Reduce your expenses to the bone. The less monthly overhead you have, the longer you can live on your savings.
  • Start building an emergency fund. The rainy day may be here sooner than you think.
  • Stockpile food, OTC medications, and other necessities. (Sign up here to get a free report on what they ran out of first in Venezuela. You can use this to build a collapse-proof shopping list.)
  • Get prepared to protect your family. When the economy declines, crime increases.

We’ve been in a decline for years. Our national debt has reached monstrous proportions. Even if Trump is able to pull off a miracle and turn things around, there will have to be drastic cuts for this to happen. Painful ones. People will suffer.

And I’ll do everything I can to protect my family before that happens.

What 12 Financial Experts Predict for the Economy in 2017 - Daisy Luther (3)

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2) The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com,an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published booksand runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on Facebook,Pinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

Leave a Reply

  • Thank you Daisy for again encouraging folks to be more prepared and providing basic steps to take to do so.

    Most here know how FRAGILE the whole system is – our aging grid system and infrastructure, increasing cyberattacks, the growing numbers of people dependent on the government, the “Obama economic recovery”, etc. A large solar flare or any number of things could disrupt the system and change everything.

    “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”
    Proverbs 22:3


  • Don’t forget about contac solution, soap, paper products, dog food, matches, etc. I recently looked in my bathroom cabinet and made a list of things I don’t buy often but I use. I bought an extra contac lens. I could wear glasses but I really don’t like them and can see better with my contacs. I have been buying beans, rice, seasonings, tea, pasta. I am trying to learn and prepare


  • I’m nearly 34 and still paying off student loans, as well as a bunch of credit card debt that my ex-wife and i accumulated after buying our first home in 2007 and then losing my job and foreclosing in 2009 after the housing market bubble burst.
    Still trying to recover, i have nothing. No savings, no assets, no supplies, not even any good weapons. It looks like the sh*t is going to hit the fan long before i have enough time to prepare.
    F*ck it, i give up. I’ve had enough of this bullsh*t painful depressing struggle called the American dream.


  • Well my portfolio returned 22% YTD, not too shabby considering that I am a 60/40 equities/fixed income investor. IMHO, you lost all credibility by claiming we are better off with tRUMP. Apparently, you like having a con man and a grifter as the head of our government. I do not. Of course, differences make the world go round. As to whether or not this is a time to put your money in your mattress or not, I suggest you and your devoted readers read an article by someone who has some real knowledge of market forecasting and investing. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/19/trump-us-markets-illusion-dow-jones
    I did not sell in the 2008 market crash. In 8 years the value of my retirement portfolio has approximately doubled with dividend reinvestment. If you need to make an RMD this year, and have a way to get a 3-4% return in a fixed income investment, now might be a good time to take that amount out of equities and stash it since the market is fairly high and there is no reason to assume it will either boom or bust. Be sure to take into account the growth in the fixed income investment so you do not take out more than necessary from your equity portfolio. But many think that tRUMP will not provide tax relief or stimulus this year. So things will probably remain status quo. No one is rushing for the exits or piling in right now.


  • What 12 Financial Experts Predict for the Economy in 2017 - Daisy Luther (2024)


    When a teacher tiers the ______________, the means by which students demonstrate their learning via assessment varies in complexity.? ›

    When teachers tier process, the activities by which the students learn information vary in complexity. One way to differentiate process for heterogeneous classrooms is to design tiered lessons.

    At what point should a teacher begin preparing students for a differentiated classroom? ›

    At the beginning of the year, the teacher should set aside some time to discuss differentiated instruction with his or her students. This helps the teacher and the students to develop a common understanding of what the differentiated classroom will be like and why it will be beneficial.

    What is differentiation in the education setting? ›

    Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.

    What are the 4 types of differentiation? ›

    Four ways to differentiate instruction. According to Tomlinson, teachers can differentiate instruction through four ways: 1) content, 2) process, 3) product, and 4) learning environment.

    How did the teacher ensure differentiation during the lesson to accommodate all learners? ›

    Differentiation strategies in the classroom can be achieved through various methods, such as offering open-ended tasks for unique responses, providing different tasks based on abilities, adjusting the level of dialogue and content, promoting independence, accommodating different paces, and providing necessary support.

    What are the 3 ways to differentiate instruction? ›

    As teachers begin to differentiate instruction, there are three main instructional elements that they can adjust to meet the needs of their learners:
    • Content—the knowledge and skills students need to master.
    • Process—the activities students use to master the content.
    • Product—the method students use to demonstrate learning.

    What are examples of differentiation strategies applied in the classroom? ›

    20 Differentiated Instruction Examples That Will Maximize Learning
    • Choice Boards. ...
    • Tic-Tac-Toe. ...
    • Think-Pair-Share. ...
    • Small-Group Instruction. ...
    • Tiered Assignments. ...
    • Jigsaw Method. ...
    • Curated Content. ...
    • Learning Contracts.
    Mar 26, 2024

    What does differentiated instruction look like in the classroom? ›

    What Does Differentiated Instruction Look Like in the Classroom? In a differentiated classroom, you might see a teacher leading a whole-class lesson on equivalent fractions, for instance. The teacher might then work with a small group of students to help those who are struggling with the concept.

    How can you differentiate your instruction to meet each student's academic needs? ›

    Some tips for success include:
    1. Start small by differentiating instruction in one or two areas.
    2. Be flexible and willing to adjust instruction as needed.
    3. Communicate with other teachers and collaborate to share ideas and strategies.
    4. Use a variety of instructional strategies to meet the diverse needs of students.
    Jan 26, 2023

    How can teachers that utilize differentiated instruction affect student achievement? ›

    By using various teaching methods to mesh with different learning styles, teachers give students a chance to learn the material through various methods: games, lectures, using computers, quiet reading time and more. This offers students choices about how they learn and how they can attain their learning goals.

    What are the three things a teacher should consider before using differentiated instruction? ›

    Teachers can adjust three main instructional elements: content, process, and product. There are also three student characteristics that teachers should consider when planning instruction: readiness, interests, and learning profile.

    What is differentiated instruction in inclusive education? ›

    Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that tailors instruction to all students' learning needs. All the students have the same learning goal. But the instruction varies based on students' interests, preferences, strengths, and struggles.

    What is differentiated instruction in early childhood education? ›

    Instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach for the whole class, educators tailor their instruction to accommodate the learning styles, interests, and abilities of each child. In other words, it's about meeting children where they are and providing multiple pathways for success!

    Why is differentiated instruction important in special education? ›

    With differentiated instruction, students have more responsibility in their education. In many cases, they can select the approach to learning—and show what they have learned—instead of receiving the material in a way that may not fit best with their background and learning style.

    What is the tiered approach to assessment? ›

    An extremely effective approach to assessment and intervention is the “tiered” approach, which sequentially increases the intensity of instructional interventions (Vaughn & Fuchs, 2003). It promotes and facilitates early identification of students who are at risk, and therefore prevents learning difficulties.

    What are the tiers of assessment? ›

    three tiers of assessment- summative, interim, and formative- are shown in Figure 1.

    What are the tiers of learning? ›

    For this reason, school-specific terms for these levels of support were developed: Tier 1 = Universal or core instruction. Tier 2 = Targeted or strategic instruction/intervention. Tier 3 = Intensive instruction/intervention.

    What tier is concept attainment? ›

    Tier 1, concept attainment: This is working in a structured way to understand a concept. This might involve completing worksheets, creating vocabulary flash cards, and scoring a particular percentage, for example, 70 percent on a worksheet.

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