What Are Funding Fees in Binance Futures? | Binance Blog (2024)

Main Takeaways

  • The Funding Rate determines the periodic payments that are made between traders who hold positions in perpetual futures contracts. These payments that traders pay or receive are known as Funding Fees.

  • If the price of a perpetual futures contract is higher than the spot price of the underlying asset at the time of a Funding Round, longs pay Funding Fees to shorts. Conversely, if the spot price is higher than the futures price, shorts pay Funding Fees to longs.

  • High Funding Fees can affect a trader’s performance by reducing profits or increasing losses, which may lead to increased liquidation risk.

What Are Funding Fees in Binance Futures? | Binance Blog (1)

Binance Futures implements the Funding Rate mechanism to ensure that the price of a perpetual futures contract aligns with the spot price of the underlying cryptocurrency to which the contract relates. In this article, we’ll talk about the fundamentals of the Funding Rates and the impact of its mechanism during periods of high volatility.

Traditional Futures vs. Perpetual Futures

Binance Futures offers contracts that are derived from the price of cryptocurrencies traded in the spot market. Traditional futures contracts, also known as delivery futures, have a fixed expiration date - usually monthly or quarterly. Upon expiration, the contract’s price and the underlying asset’s price align with each other, and all open positions are settled.

Unlike traditional futures contracts, perpetual futures contracts don’t have a set expiration date, which means traders can hold positions indefinitely. Without a proper mechanism to anchor the prices, the contract and spot prices may not align with each other.

On Binance Futures, the mechanism that maintains a balance between futures and index prices in perpetual futures contracts is called Funding Rate.

The Funding Rate determines the periodic payments that are made between traders who hold either long or short positions in perpetual futures contracts during a Funding Round.

Funding Round is the periodic event when the Funding Fee is exchanged between traders holding long and short positions. This exchange usually takes place every eight hours. These notional amounts that a user pays or receives are known as Funding Fees.

Note that the Funding Fees on Binance Futures are not a fee paid to Binance, but between traders. It’s a mechanism used to maintain the balance between the prices of cryptocurrencies in the futures and spot markets.

How Are Funding Fees Determined?

The Funding Rate determines which traders pay or receive Funding Fees and what percentage of their positions is involved.

When the market is in a state of contango, meaning that the futures prices are higher than the spot price, the Funding Rate will be positive. In this scenario, traders holding long positions in perpetual futures contracts will pay Funding Fees to traders holding short positions.

On the other hand, when the market is in a state of backwardation, meaning that the futures prices are lower than the spot price, the Funding Rate will be negative. In this scenario, traders holding short positions in perpetual futures contracts will pay Funding Fees to traders holding long positions.

What Are Funding Fees in Binance Futures? | Binance Blog (2)

How to Check Funding Fees?

Funding Fee: The amount that a trader finally pays or receives at the time of funding. Your history of Funding Fees can be found in your transaction history.

What Are Funding Fees in Binance Futures? | Binance Blog (3)

Funding Rate: The rate that determines the direction and the amount of the Funding Fee. The Funding Rate is based on the price difference between a perpetual futures contract price and the spot price of the underlying cryptocurrency.

Funding Fee Cap/Floor: The maximum amount of Funding Fee that can be charged to traders during a Funding Round, especially when the Funding Rate is very high.

Funding Interval Time: The frequency at which the Funding Fee is exchanged between traders. Typically, it occurs every eight hours, but during periods of high market volatility, the interval can be shorter.

Funding Round: The fixed time at which the Funding Fee is exchanged between traders.

The Funding Rate, Funding Fee Cap/Floor, and Funding Interval Time for different futures contracts can be found on this page.

What Are Funding Fees in Binance Futures? | Binance Blog (4)

Correlation With Market Volatility

Smaller market cap coins in futures contracts are considered riskier and more volatile due to lower liquidity in their markets. This means fewer buyers and sellers and lower trading volumes, often leading to greater price sensitivity.

Due to the lower liquidity of smaller market cap coins, their futures price may be more impacted by high volatility, making it necessary for Binance Futures to implement additional balancing measures.

Binance Futures implements various measures to manage risk and maintain stability during periods of high volatility. These measures aim to keep the price of futures contracts in line with the price of the underlying asset in the spot market. Some of these measures include:

  • Increasing Funding Fee cap: Raising the Funding Fee cap allows the Funding Rate to be higher. This results in an increase in Funding Fees, leading to larger adjustments in the price of a perpetual futures contract. The increase in Funding Fees encourages traders to take on less risk during times of high volatility.

  • Decreasing Funding Interval Time: By reducing the Funding Interval Time, Binance can raise the pace at which the Funding Rate is determined and the Funding Fee is exchanged. This increases the effectiveness of the mechanism in maintaining the similarity between the futures and spot prices.

Moreover, these actions deter traders from taking excessive risk and prompt them to exercise caution with their trades during periods of high volatility.

What Is the Impact of High Funding Fees?

High Funding Fee payments by traders can negatively impact their trading performance.

  • Reduced profits: If a trader is on the paying side of the fee, a high Funding Fee can lower their profits, especially if they hold their position for an extended period. This is because the higher the Funding Rate, the higher the Funding Fees, which reduces overall profits. However, if a trader is on the receiving side of the fee, the Funding Fee can increase their profits.

  • Increased liquidation risk: A high Funding Fee can pose a significant threat to a trader's ability to maintain their position in the market. The Funding Fee is periodically deducted from the trader's margin balance, which can significantly reduce the amount of available margin to keep the position open. If the trader does not have sufficient margin to cover the cost of the Funding Fee, it can result in a liquidation of the position.

Take Note

  • Keep track: Stay informed of the Funding Rate and Funding Fee Cap for the perpetual futures contracts you trade, especially during times of heightened market volatility. This will enable you to anticipate any changes and adjust your trading approach before the Funding Fee is exchanged between traders.

  • Limit holding time: The Funding Fee is levied at regular intervals, so aim to hold positions for the shortest possible duration. If you don’t hold a position at the time of a Funding Round, no Funding Fee would be levied. Holding a position overnight can result in multiple payments.

  • Maintain margin balance: Ensure that you have sufficient margin to cover the cost of the fee. A low margin balance can lead to liquidation, so it’s crucial to have enough margin to accommodate both the Funding Fee payments and potential losses.

In a nutshell, Funding Rates and Funding Fees play a crucial role in maintaining contract prices in the perpetual futures market. It’s recommended to keep an eye on the Funding Rate, Funding Fee Cap, and Funding Round. Additionally, by adjusting your holding period and monitoring your margin balance, you can minimize the impact of the Funding Fee on trading performance and reduce the risk of liquidation.

Further Reading

  • (Support) Introduction to Binance Futures Funding Rates

  • (Blog) What Is Futures Funding Rate And Why It Matters

  • (Support) Liquidation Protocols

  • (Support) What Are Perpetual Futures and Quarterly Futures

I am a financial expert with a deep understanding of the concepts discussed in the article. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive knowledge of financial markets, derivatives, and specifically, perpetual futures contracts. I've closely followed the mechanics of funding rates, funding fees, and their impact on traders' performance. Now, let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the article:

1. Funding Rate and Funding Fees:

  • The Funding Rate is a crucial factor in perpetual futures contracts, determining payments between traders during Funding Rounds.
  • Longs pay Funding Fees to shorts when the contract price is higher than the spot price, and vice versa.
  • High Funding Fees can affect a trader's performance by reducing profits or increasing losses, leading to liquidation risk.

2. Binance Futures Mechanism:

  • Binance Futures uses the Funding Rate mechanism to align perpetual futures contract prices with the spot price of the underlying cryptocurrency.
  • Unlike traditional futures contracts with fixed expiration dates, perpetual futures contracts allow indefinite position holding, necessitating a mechanism for price alignment.

3. Determinants of Funding Fees:

  • Funding Fees are determined by the Funding Rate, which is influenced by the price difference between perpetual futures contract and spot prices.
  • Contango (futures prices higher than spot prices) results in positive Funding Rates, and backwardation (futures prices lower than spot prices) leads to negative Funding Rates.

4. Monitoring Funding Fees:

  • Traders can check Funding Fees in their transaction history, including the amount paid or received at the time of funding.
  • Other parameters include Funding Rate, Funding Fee Cap/Floor, Funding Interval Time, and Funding Round timing.

5. Correlation with Market Volatility:

  • Smaller market cap coins in futures contracts are considered riskier due to lower liquidity, making them more susceptible to high volatility.
  • Binance Futures implements measures during high volatility, such as increasing Funding Fee cap and decreasing Funding Interval Time.

6. Impact of High Funding Fees:

  • High Funding Fees can negatively impact traders by reducing profits and increasing liquidation risk.
  • Traders need to stay informed, limit holding time, and maintain a sufficient margin balance to mitigate these risks.

7. Risk Management Measures:

  • Binance Futures implements measures like increasing Funding Fee cap and decreasing Funding Interval Time to manage risk during volatile periods.
  • These measures encourage traders to exercise caution and reduce excessive risk-taking.

8. Recommendations for Traders:

  • Traders are advised to stay informed about Funding Rate and Funding Fee Cap during market volatility.
  • Limiting holding time and maintaining an adequate margin balance are essential to minimize the impact of Funding Fees on trading performance.

In summary, understanding Funding Rates and Funding Fees is crucial for traders participating in perpetual futures contracts on platforms like Binance Futures. It involves staying informed, implementing risk management strategies, and adapting trading approaches based on market conditions.

What Are Funding Fees in Binance Futures? | Binance Blog (2024)


What Are Funding Fees in Binance Futures? | Binance Blog? ›

Funding fees are payments to or from traders based on the difference between perpetual contract markets and spot prices. Crypto funding rates, recalculated periodically - with Binance Futures doing so every eight hours, prevent prolonged price divergence between the markets.

How much is Binance futures trading fee? ›

Binance Futures Fee Structure

Binance Futures' fee structure can be found on our support page. Indeed, Binance Futures' taker fee rates start at 0.05% and can go as low as 0.017%. Maker fee rates, on the other hand, start at 0.02% and can go as low as 0.0000%.

What is the funding rate in futures? ›

The funding rate is a periodic payment exchanged between buyers and sellers in perpetual futures contracts, which have no expiry date. This rate aims to ensure the perpetual contract price remains aligned with the Bitcoin spot price, balancing the market by adjusting the cost of holding positions​​.

What does funding do in Binance? ›

The funding wallet on Binance is used for peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions. It's different from your spot wallet, which is for regular trading on the exchange. Think of the funding wallet as a temporary holding place for any crypto deposited through P2P services before you decide what to do with it.

Is funding fee interest? ›

In summary, the Funding Rate is a variable interest rate used to maintain the balance between the perpetual futures market price and the underlying asset price, while the Funding Fees are the actual fees charged or paid by traders as a result of the Funding Rate.

What is the funding fee for Binance futures? ›

Funding Fees: What are they? Funding fees are payments to or from traders based on the difference between perpetual contract markets and spot prices. Crypto funding rates, recalculated periodically - with Binance Futures doing so every eight hours, prevent prolonged price divergence between the markets.

What are the fees on futures? ›

How much does it cost to trade futures? Fees for futures and futures options are $2.251 per contract, plus exchange and regulatory fees, and you pay the same commission whether you trade online or with the help of a broker. Note: Exchange fees may vary by exchange and by product.

How to avoid funding fee binance? ›

If you don't hold a position at the time of a Funding Round, no Funding Fee would be levied. Holding a position overnight can result in multiple payments. Maintain margin balance: Ensure that you have sufficient margin to cover the cost of the fee.

Does Binance charge interest on futures? ›

On Binance Futures, the interest rate is fixed at 0.03% daily (0.01% per funding interval), with the exception of contracts such as BNBUSDT and BNBBUSD, where interest rates are 0%. Meanwhile, the premium varies according to the price difference between the perpetual contract and mark price.

What is a funding fee in crypto? ›

The funding fee is based on the difference of the perpetual futures and spot price, and the size of the long or short position. Funding fees are only applicable for users who have an open position at the end of a given interval.

How is the funding rate paid by Binance? ›

Funding rates are exchanged between traders, with long position holders paying funding to short position holders or vice versa, every few hours or at predetermined intervals.

How long can I hold futures on Binance? ›

Binance Futures offer traders the ability to trade quarterly and perpetual futures contracts. Quarterly futures contracts expire after three months, while perpetual futures contracts don't have an expiration date.

What is the difference between spot and funding on Binance? ›

In summary, funding and spot trading are distinct approaches in the cryptocurrency world. Funding involves lending or borrowing digital assets for a specified period, while spot trading is about buying or selling cryptocurrencies in real-time.

What is the purpose of the funding fee? ›

This fee is a one-time charge that enables borrowers to take out a VA loan without needing to make a down payment. The cost of the VA funding fee is a percentage of your mortgage, which varies by borrower based on: Whether you're buying a home or refinancing.

What are funding charges? ›

Funding charges, or interest charges, are the fees levied on leveraged positions that are held open overnight. This is because leveraged trades are made using margin, meaning that you only provide a deposit in order to open the trade. You are in effect borrowing the rest of the position's total cost from your provider.

How to calculate funding fee? ›

Funding fee for purchase loans or construction loans

Fees for a first VA purchase loan or construction loan are 2.15% of the loan amount with a down payment less than 5%, 1.5% of the loan amount with a down payment of 5% to 9.9% and 1.25% of the loan amount with a down payment of 10% or more.

How much are brokerage fees for Futures? ›

F&O - Futures
Brokerage0.03% or Rs. 20/executed order whichever is lower
STT/CTT0.0125% on the sell side
Transaction chargesNSE: 0.0019% BSE: 0
GST18% on (brokerage + SEBI charges + transaction charges)
2 more rows

Does Binance charge interest on Futures? ›

On Binance Futures, the interest rate is fixed at 0.03% daily (0.01% per funding interval), with the exception of contracts such as BNBUSDT and BNBBUSD, where interest rates are 0%. Meanwhile, the premium varies according to the price difference between the perpetual contract and mark price.

How profitable is Binance futures trading? ›

Here is a hypothetical example: Suppose you open a long position on BTCUSDT perpetual futures with 10x leverage and a position size of 100 USDT. This means that you are betting that the price of Bitcoin will go up. If the price of Bitcoin goes up by 10%, your profit will be 100 USDT * 10x = 1000 USDT.

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