What are pets in Coin Master and which one is the best? (2024)

Modified 02 Jul 2022

What are pets in Coin Master and which one is the best? (10)

Pets are one of the most popular interactive elements in Coin Master. Players can collect and even gift them to fellow Coin Master enthusiasts. The value that pets bring to the game is not just how adorable they look, but how all pets come with a set of benefits.

All buffs are unique to each pet and are used in different game modes in Coin Master. Only one pet can be active at a time, meaning only one specific benefit can be used at a time. Pets are activated for four-hour cycles, and players can only access the buffs of a different pet after a cycle is completed fully.

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Read on for a detailed guide on the specific benefits offered by different pets.

Using pets in Coin Master: Detailed guide

There are three Pets that players can unlock after they reach different levels in Coin Master. Pets become available via "hatching." Once players get to a certain level, they can crack open the eggs of the pet they want.

Some pets are available directly, while others require players to complete card sets before hatching the egg. Once the card set is complete, players will get a notification informing them that a new Pet is available.

The different pets currently available to Coin Master players are:

1) Foxy

Foxy is up and being sly. Do you know what sheโ€™s up to? Is foxy helping us raid or is Foxy attacking villages? Tell us below! #CoinMaster

Foxy is the first pet available to new Coin Master players. Users who have reached Village 4 should check their Pets Section and avail him.

The main benefit that Foxy brings to the table is a buff to the players' raid capabilities. When active, Foxy allows players to get up to 106% extra coins than they traded, making it a fan favorite, particularly among new players. These extra coins go a long way in helping users level up.

2) Rhino

Round Two! ๐Ÿ™ŒWhich one do you love more, Rhino OR Tiger? ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ…Reminder to feed your pets ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ’#CoinMaster #mobilegames #social #fun #pets #play https://t.co/Y5Nf7bPGdZ

Rhino is a protective pet. He adds an additional shield to players' villages, which is not as effective as an actual slot machine shield, but fairly useful as it protects up to 70% of precious buildings in the village. The most efficient way to use Rhino is when players build a new village but don't have the resources to complete it.

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3) Tiger

๐‘บ๐’ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’๐’š ๐‘ป๐’Š๐’ˆ๐’†๐’“๐’” ๐’…๐’“๐’‚๐’˜๐’ ๐’๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’ƒ๐’๐’‚๐’“๐’… ๐’ƒ๐’–๐’• ๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ฌ ๐’Š๐’” ๐’‚ ๐’˜๐’†๐’† ๐’ƒ๐’Š๐’• ๐’…๐’Š๐’‡๐’‡๐’†๐’“๐’†๐’๐’•. Can you spot it?! Drop your answer below for a chance to win 800 Spins, pet food and XP! https://t.co/D9GuP2RL79

Similar to how Foxy gives players a buff during raids, Tiger provides a buff during Attacks. As attacks conventionally grant players smaller rewards than raids, Tiger's buff is much bigger than Foxy's. Players can receive up to 410% of the attack's rewards as additional coins.

Attack opportunities are easier to get from the slot machine than raids, so it does provide equal, if not more, value than Foxy. It's best to unlock and use Tiger during Attack Madness as that allows players to get maximum value from both Attack Madness season and Tiger.

Which pet is the best in Coin Master?

While each pet has its benefits, which means their value will vary with different players, overall, Foxy provides maximum value as his buff is extremely useful. Players have to go give in no effort to obtain it.

A crucial part of getting value from pets is upgrading them whenever possible. Foxy's 106% reward is available to players who upgrade it to Lv. 186. All pets in Coin Master are worthy investments, ensuring that players evaluate what buffs they need more than others will help them decide which to go for.

Note: The article is based on the author's opinion.

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Edited by Rupak Kumar Jha


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    What are pets in Coin Master and which one is the best? (2024)


    What do the pets do in Coin Master? โ€บ

    Pets help players in different aspects of the game, be it increasing attack or raid rewards, or helping to protect your Village from attacks. Hatch Foxy when you reach the Inca village and journey with him as you collect cards to complete sets and unlock new Pets!

    What is the max percentage of Rhino in Coin Master? โ€บ

    These extra coins can get up to 410% of the attack value. Rhino protects player's village from attacks. This pet protects up to 70% of the attacks on their village. Additionally, pets need to be kept awake with treats.

    How to feed my pet on Coin Master? โ€บ

    1. Like pets in real life, pets in the game need to be fed in order to keep them awake, happy, and active! ...
    2. To feed your pets, tap on the pet that is sitting on the left side of the spin button to load up the pet menu. ...
    3. Multiple snacks can be used on a pet at the same time to activate it for longer periods of time.

    What is the best pet to use on Coin Master? โ€บ

    Which pet is the best in Coin Master? While each pet has its benefits, which means their value will vary with different players, overall, Foxy provides maximum value as his buff is extremely useful. Players have to go give in no effort to obtain it.

    How do you break the piggy bank in Coin Master? โ€บ

    The Piggy Bank has a Spin limit and once it's full (which you can see by clicking on your Piggy Bank), it'll stop accumulating Spins until you purchase it. Once you buy it, you break it!

    What is the most difficult card to get in Coin Master? โ€บ

    1) Armstrong

    The Circus set is one of the most profitable card sets in Coin Master, but most players are unable to avail of the card in the village where it is available. Auctions for the card have run up big numbers on eBay as it is currently the rarest card in Coin Master.

    How do you get full spins on Coin Master? โ€บ

    The best way of earning Coin Master free spins is by inviting friends via Facebook to play the game, playing the game or spinning, participating in the in-game events, sharing free spins with friends, and then using the daily links.

    Why is Coin Master so addictive? โ€บ

    The game's simplistic and interactive design, as well as utilization of psychological lures in casino games can easily turn players into gambling addicts. Developing an awareness of these tricks may help you to not fall into the rabbit hole.

    What do you feed your pet in Legend of Mana? โ€บ

    Only three meats find use in feeding pets: animal, bug, and lizard. All other meats have no use, so do not waste time feeding them to your pet. The maximum for any stat is 99 and so is the maximum level for your pets.

    How do I feed my neopet? โ€บ

    Simply go to 'Shops', then click on 'Your Items'. Click on the item you want to feed to your Neopet. A small window will open up, select which Neopet you want to feed the item to and press 'OK'.

    How do you hatch animals on Coin Master? โ€บ

    How to hatch eggs โ€“ Coin Master. To hatch an egg, navigate to the pet menu and, using the arrows found on the sides of the screen, find the egg you wish to hatch and tap on it. That's it! Your pet is now with you and ready to help!

    Who has the highest level in Coin Master? โ€บ

    Coin Master
    Ranking #Google Play Username
    46 more rows

    What to do when your piggy bank is full? โ€บ

    Once the piggy bank is full, you can pay money to get the gold bars you have stored in it.

    How do I stop being attacked on Coin Master? โ€บ

    1. There are two ways to protect a village from Attacks.
    2. The first is by using shields; when a player attacks your village the shield will protect your items automatically and break in the process.
    3. The second way to protect a village is by hatching the Rhino pet.

    How do you stop the octopus on Coin Master? โ€บ

    If you land on the Greedy Octopus you will have two options. The first option is to pay to skip the trap with coins and continue playing or to end the Sea of Fortune with no rewards at all. If at any point you are satisfied with the rewards you have accumulated you can tap on the Quit and Collect button.

    What game is better than Coin Master? โ€บ

    Pirate Kings

    The game retains the slots from Coin Master just with different symbols. You also get to explore and build new islands and sail around.

    What is the most difficult card to get? โ€บ

    Why it's one of the hardest credit cards to get: The hardest credit card to get is the American Express Centurion Card. Known simply as the โ€œBlack Card,โ€ you need an invitation to get Amex Centurion.

    What does the joker card mean in Coin Master? โ€บ

    The Joker Card is a phenomenal prize which can be earned during events or found in mystery chests! It gives you the power to transform it into any card that you wish, including Gold cards! Make sure to use the Joker Card within its expiry time to get the card you that need!

    What is the Golden Spin on Coin Master? โ€บ

    While using the Gold spin button, you will be able to earn extra coins from spinning, raiding and attacking other players! Once the event ends, your spin button will return to its normal, red color.

    What is the max village in Coin Master? โ€บ

    But the Coin Master village cost racks up quickly with each level, and with more than 400 villages to get through, you'd better start saving.

    Is there a ghost mode on Coin Master? โ€บ

    Ghost mode in Coin Master is simple, it is used to avoid being attacked by your friends. Your friends will not be able to trace you. No one from your friend list can raid you village.

    Why Coin Master is so successful? โ€บ

    You don't expect much from a slots game design, and Coin Master has an innovative approach to it. The art style is casual just like the game itself, and the start menu does not require much thinking about the features. Some of the game's key design features revolve around the protagonist of the game โ€“ the pig.

    How much does Coin Master make? โ€บ

    In January 2021, the game generated around 116 million across the app stores. + In November 2021, Coin Master maker Moon Active raised $300 million at a $5 billion valuation. + As of February 2021, Coin Master generated 194.8 million downloads.
    Coin Master Revenue and Usage Statistics (2022)
    YearTotal Player Spending
    2019$539.6 million
    2 more rows
    Apr 26, 2022

    Do people spend money on Coin Master? โ€บ

    Coin Master IAP revenue worldwide 2020-2022

    Thanks to in-app purchases and microtransactions, the app generated revenue of 71.66 million U.S. dollars through player spending worldwide in November 2022. The app has surpassed three billion U.S. dollars in lifetime player spending.

    What is the difference between Coin Master and pet master? โ€บ

    Pet Master is a slots adventure by the makers of Coin Master. Much like in its predecessor, you spin slots to earn gold, which you then spend on village upgrades. Except, in Pet Master, you build a 'pet camp' instead of a village, and your overarching goal is to take over the pet kingdom, presumably.

    What does the fox do in Coin Master? โ€บ

    Foxy Powers up during raids to dig up more coins to buy chest or build your village. I love my fox where I put all my pet potion at.

    What are the rarest cards on Coin Master? โ€บ

    Cards that are hard to obtain in Coin Master in January 2022
    • The Cosmic Carl card in Coin Master (Image via Coin Master official website)
    • The Farmer Feng card in Coin Master (Image via Coin Master official website)
    • The Andromeda card in Coin Master (Image via Coin Master official website)
    Jan 8, 2022

    How do you get unlimited spins on pet master? โ€บ

    Other Ways to Get Pet Master Free Spins

    Invite friends to download and play the game to receive a generous haul of 90 free spins. Complete card sets, and even better, card albums, rewards you with a decent amount of spins. You'll get cards for completing villages and opening chests. Play the dice mini-game.

    What is a master pet? โ€บ

    Name and description) We call it a Master/pet dynamic, which is a style of Dominant/submissive relationship. The best way for me to describe it is to compare it to a real life owner/pet relationship with say a beloved cat or dog.

    How do I hatch my Rhino on Coin Master? โ€บ

    Michelle Xiaoโ€ŽCoin Master

    I hope you received an answer already, but if you haven't, this is how: Click on your "pet", then click the arrow pointing right. It should move you to the next egg and the next. One of those eggs is the Rhino; click to hatch.

    How do I make my Coin Master progress faster? โ€บ

    Raiding other players is the best way to get some gold, but players should know that they can also be raided.

    What is the fastest way to get coins on Coin Master? โ€บ

    12 Ways to Get Free Spins in Coin Master (2022)
    1. Claim the Official Free Spins Links from Coin Master. ...
    2. Coin Master Can Give Out Free Spins Every Hour. ...
    3. Watching a 30-Seconds Ad. ...
    4. Free Spins in Daily Gifts and Offers. ...
    5. Get Free Spins from Your Coin Master Friends. ...
    6. Stop Playing for a Long Time. ...
    7. Complete a Card Set.
    Oct 16, 2022

    What does the Joker card do on Coin Master? โ€บ

    The Joker Card is a phenomenal prize which can be earned during events or found in mystery chests! It gives you the power to transform it into any card that you wish, including Gold cards! Make sure to use the Joker Card within its expiry time to get the card you that need!

    What is ghost mode in Coin Master? โ€บ

    Ghost mode in Coin Master is simple, it is used to avoid being attacked by your friends. Your friends will not be able to trace you. No one from your friend list can raid you village.

    How much money does Coin Master make? โ€บ

    In terms of revenue, Coin Master reached more than $3.1 billion during its lifetime. It comes as no surprise that this game is the second top-grossing casual game of 2022 and the 6th top-grossing app out of all apps, from all categories. Just in 2022, Coin Master earned more than $800 million.

    How to get free cards in Coin Master? โ€บ

    How to get Coin Master free cards
    1. Request cards from the community. ...
    2. Trade cards for chests. ...
    3. Spend excess cash on card chests. ...
    4. Wait until there's a card boom. ...
    5. Get the daily rewards.
    Sep 20, 2022

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    Author: Jerrold Considine

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