What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (2024)

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  • tictag

    last edited by tictag

    TL;DR What are the benefits of using pfSense for DNS resolution, when compared to, for example, configuring the network to use Google's public DNS servers?

    I am trying to understand what the benefits are to using pfSense for DNS resolution, either using the DNS Resolver, the DNS Resolver in Forwarding Mode or the DNS Forwarder services when compared to say, using Google or Cloudflare’s public DNS recursive resolvers.

    You could say: it’s most local so fastest to resolve if the DNS resolution in within cache. Yes, that is true, but most OS’s keep their own DNS cache in memory, which would be faster than querying a local network service.

    You could say: it provides its own recursive DNS resolution, so you’re not having the extra hop to an external recursive server. Yes, that is true, but the fastest DNS servers will be those authoritative for the top-level domains, and these will be cached soon enough anyway, those nearing the end of the DNS chain will be the slowest, and, therefore, both local recursive resolution and forwarding to an external recursive server, even with the extra hop, I can’t imagine there being that much difference timewise.

    You could say: it is easy to setup pfSense as a recursive DNS resolver, the service is on by default and its IP is easily distributed using default DHCP settings. Yes, that’s true but it’s just as easy pass Google’s or Cloudflare’s public DNS servers through via DHCP.

    You could say: pfSense is more secure because it supports DNS over TLS and, I presume, DNS over HTTPS (DoT/DoH) on the local network. Yes, that is true, but why bother? The local network is secured against interlopers via other means e.g. wired infrastructure, wireless WPA, MAC ACLs, 802.1Q, 802.1X etc.

    You could say: pfSense is more secure because it supports DoT and DoH for upstream servers too. Yes, that is true, but this is only supported when DNS Resolver is in Forwarding Mode and if I’m just forwarding DNS queries, I could just as easily configure DHCP with a forwarding DNS server e.g. Google/Cloudflare. And most browsers these days have built in secure DNS (e.g. Chromium-based).

    You could say: pfSense DNS resolution is further secured with DNSSEC support. Yes, but not in DNS Resolver Forwarding Mode, according to the manual.

    So considering that my pfSense application is running on a cheap NUC in my bedroom over an sh*tty ADSL connection, compared to Google/Cloudflare DNS servers running in load-balanced clusters in geographically distributed data centres with resilient and super-fast Internet links … why would I use pfSense for any kind of DNS resolution? In other words, what are the benefits of using pfSense DNS Resolver / Forwarder?

    Edit: changed some text formatting.

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    • nimrod

      last edited by

      You named all reasons why it should be used, however you made a firm decision not to use it. So yeah. You dont have to use it if you dont want to. Your network, your rules. Simple.

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      • tictag @nimrod

        last edited by

        @nimrod Whilst it might not appear so, I am genuinely trying to make a case for using it, in fact, I am currently using it!, I'm just really struggling and thinking to myself, I must be missing something obvious here ...

        I appreciate the response, thank you.

        J1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

        • nimrod

          last edited by


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          • @tictag
            host override
            domain override
            pfBlocker DNSBL lists

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            • @tictag Lets forget about forwarding or resolving..

              You mention most all OSes have their own local cache, which is true. Browsers do as well. But your forgetting that if you have multiple devices on your network.. Device A looks up www.something.tld, the Device B doesn't have to go out to the internet to look that up, it gets from the local dns cache.

              Most iot devices do not have local caches - and some of them can be very dns noisy.. Here is just my thermostat and my AV recv

              What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (6)

              Something like unbound, can be set to prefetch - so that when ttl is close to being expired it can go and look that up again after a client asks so your cache and ttl are refreshed so you never have a situation where your local clients are not pulling from local cached. Unless it hasn't been looked up again.

              Unbound can also be set to serve 0, so even if the ttl of that cached item has expired, it will serve up the last entry it had for that and then refresh it in the background..

              What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (7)

              And my unbound has only been up for 11 hours, I made some changes to it and it restarted and flushed its cache. Notice the cache hits as well in the above.

              If you point your clients to some external dns like google or quad9, how exactly are you going to resolve any local resources?

              To forwarding vs resolving - I would never go back to forwarding.. I could care less if all of google dns goes down.. The roots are not going down. If dns for a specific domain go down.. Only that domain is not going to resolve.. That would be the same if forwarding as well. I don't have to hand over on a silver platter every single thing I am looking up to some outside company..

              As to you mentioning of dnssec and forwarding - if you forward, where you forward already does dnssec or it doesn't.. All the major players do dnssec already unless you use some special IP of theirs that doesn't do it.

              The only time you should really consider forwarding is when your isp connection is just sh*tty and high latency. If your on some sat connection yeah your prob best to forwarding. Or you want to use dot.. Which in its current state does really nothing in hiding where your going from your isp. Since they for sure going to know what IP your going to for some website. And while that might be hiding in a sea of IPs since the site is hosted off a CDN.. The sni you send when you make the connection is in the clear - that your isp can easy just view.. Even though your actual traffic is encrypted in your https connection to some site, the actual fqdn of where your going is in the clear in the sni of the https handsake. Until such time ech (esni is dead) takes off and is deployed across all of the enternet. Maybe you have some other reason for using dot or doh.. But they sure are not hiding where your going from your isp if you isp wants to know - that is for sure.

              Be it you forward or resolve - if you have a sh*tty isp connection its going be better to run a local dns for just caching..

              Also as already mentioned. Running your own local dns allows for easy filtering of stuff you just don't want clients to go to, and those queries never go to the internet in the first place.

              edit: also want to point out I run a pihole that most all of my devices point to first, before unbound even gets asked. The cache hit numbers are going to be a bit skewed because pihole is also caching, total queries to unbound also skewed because of that, etc.

              Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of pfblocker and do run it for aliases and geoip aliases.. I also run pihole because I like it eye candy better.

              What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (8)

              You do you for sure - but I would never not run a local dns. And I would never forward - resolving is the way to go hands down..

              An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
              If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
              Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
              SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

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              • tictag @johnpoz

                last edited by

                You mention that when multiple devices, especially IoT devices, share the same DNS Resolver, they all benefit from that central cache. A very valid point which would undoubtedly speed up DNS resolution across the network as a whole.

                You mention that expired cache can be served (then refreshed in the background). A valid point, this would provide speedier resolution to the application, though this might cause problems if the cached entry is particularly old?

                You mention resolving local resources without a local DNS Resolver. A partially valid point, local resources can be resolved using a local hosts file, though, as I am already using Ad Guard Home, which has its own DNS Rewrites feature, I would most likely use this.

                You mention DNSSEC. A potentially valid point assuming that pfSense cached the resulting ‘secure resolution’ (i.e. to avoid the multiple to’ing and fro’ing of key checks, multiple times per resolution request) but as it is only supported in Forwarding Mode, I doubt this actually happens.

                You mention DoT. Whilst your commentary is acknowledged, pfSense only supports this in Forwarding Mode, so is not a supporting argument for using pfSense as a local DNS Resolver.

                You mention DNS filtering. A partially valid point if the assumption is that no other filtering is available, I personally use Ad Guard Home, which, imho, is a significantly better solution than filtering via the DNS Resolver. Btw, I did try PiHole but Ad Guard just had a richer feature set in my option.

                Thank you for your comprehensive contribution to this debate, your points are clearly made, substantiated and most definitely food for thought.

                You mention AdBlocking, a partially valid point if the assumption is that no other filtering solution is available e.g. Ad Guard, PiHole etc.

                You mention host and domain overrides, a valid, if somewhat niche, point principally benefitting corporate networks. For the home-gamer could be implemented in other solutions, like Ad Guard Rewrites.

                You mention pfBlocker and DNSB lists, a partially valid point if the assumption is that no other filtering solution is available e.g. Ad Guard, PiHole etc.

                Thank you all so much for contributing to this debate, I have a lot to think about!

                J1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                • @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                  cause problems if the cached entry is particularly old?

                  Possible - but it is served to the client with a ttl of 0, so even if that was no longer vaild. Next time the client wanted to go there it would get current value because unbound had updated its record after it served it to the client.

                  A potentially valid point assuming that pfSense cached the resulting ‘secure resolution’

                  Huh? it does cache the resolution. Do you think only forwarding mode caches results?

                  If you are running adguard home, you are already running a local dns.. Be it you also run it on pfsense and have adguard forward to it, like I do for my pihole.. That would be your choice.

                  I think your starting to get into a apples/oranges discussion.. pfsense out of the box provides for local dns, with ability to filter either by creating your own filtering actually directly in unbound, say with redirects, etc. or host overrides - or with the added ability of pfblocker that uses unbound.

                  I let pfsense handle my dhcp, which then handles all my local resolution. If you forward from your other local dns, be that adguard or pihole or just some other local dns your running would be up to you. Then your local resolution would be fine, and you wouldn't need to handle putting records directly into your other dns.

                  Since your already running a local dns, not sure exactly what your asking - are you really asking if unbound with pfblocker is better than adguard or pihole? All of them are local dns solutions with filtering. You could run just 1 of them, or you run them together, etc.

                  An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
                  If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
                  Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
                  SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

                • RobbieTT @johnpoz

                  last edited by RobbieTT

                  For me it is for the balance of security and performance. I use the resolver with forwarding to quad9, DoT, filtered with server hosted in a privacy-minded & 'difficult' country.

                  None of the above in itself makes it 'secure' but it does make it very hard to get a complete picture of activity on IPv6 (or 4). Queries are scattered across 4 servers, are not retained by Quad9, privacy addresses are in use, pre-fetch confusing matters, pfBlocker, additional crypto layer and, of course, 90% or so of queries answered internally.

                  My resolver has also just been reset following patches and an update but the cache is warming up and doing its job for all devices:

                  [23.05.1-RELEASE][admin@Router-8.redacted.me]/root: unbound-control -c /var/unbound/unbound.conf stats_noreset | grep totaltotal.num.queries=119450total.num.queries_ip_ratelimited=0total.num.cachehits=108299total.num.cachemiss=11151total.num.prefetch=18603total.num.expired=16113total.num.recursivereplies=11151total.num.dnscrypt.crypted=0total.num.dnscrypt.cert=0total.num.dnscrypt.cleartext=0total.num.dnscrypt.malformed=0total.requestlist.avg=0.538852total.requestlist.max=13total.requestlist.overwritten=0total.requestlist.exceeded=0total.requestlist.current.all=0total.requestlist.current.user=0total.recursion.time.avg=0.103761total.recursion.time.median=0.0385256total.tcpusage=0[23.05.1-RELEASE][admin@Router-8.redacted.me]/root: 

                  Like all security measure, the goal is to be more 'difficult' than those who just don't bother or think that this kind of stuff is all unimportant and will remain 'unimportant' forever.

                  What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (16)

                  JT2 RepliesLast reply ReplyQuote0

                  • @RobbieTT said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                    Queries are scattered across 4 servers, are not retained by Quad9, privacy addresses are in use

                    What do you mean scattered across 4 servers? quad9 would have access to all of your queries be it you ask only 1 of their servers or 4 different ones. And since they are anycast - just because you say use 4 different Ips for their servers - it quite likely is just going to whatever the closest "server(s)" to you.

                    privacy addresses? Not sure what you mean by that..

                    As to if they retain them or not, who knows for sure? Clearly they are getting some sort of data from the queries that are sent to them - what exactly they do with it, how they monetize it? But clearly all of these services that provide public dns services are getting something out of it. They are for sure not providing public dns to the planet out of the goodness of their hearts ;)

                    An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
                    If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
                    Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
                    SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

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                    • RobbieTT @johnpoz

                      last edited by


                      John, you have posted your antipathy to my reasoning a few times now, so I am aware of your thoughts and your chosen configuration. What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (22)

                      What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (23)

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                      • tictag @johnpoz

                        last edited by

                        @johnpoz said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                        Huh? it does cache the resolution. Do you think only forwarding mode caches results?

                        This comment related to DNSSEC DNS resolution, which, it is my understanding, on its first pass resolves the DNS query, then, on its second pass, confirms the PKI encrypted hash of the query back up the resolution tree to the root. Only once it has the query response together with an unbroken cryptographically secure resolution chain does it provide a 'secure resolution' back to the querying application. If pfSense did this, then cached the result so that the next query would be delivered from that cache instead of requiring the second pass, this would speed up DNS resolution overall. But I doubt this actually happens because it is only supported with Forwarding Mode active, which means that each query is forwarded, so each query will have to go through the first and second passes, as described.

                        I agree with all your other points. pfSense is currently providing my Firewall, DHCP, PPPoE gateway (yes, I know...) and will likely be providing 802.1Q and 802.1X services in the future (homelab), and probably more, I'm just not 100% sure, considering I also use Ad Guard, whether there are sufficient benefits to using it for DNS resolution. And, hence this post!

                        J1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                        • @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                          But I doubt this actually happens because it is only supported with Forwarding Mode active

                          Huh? Again if you forward - asking for any dnssec anything is pointless and only going to create more queries that do nothing.

                          If you forward, where you forward, there is always a resolver at the end of the chain. They are doing dnssec or they are not..

                          If I query something lets say www.domain.tld, and it passes the dnssec checking.. And is given to the client.. If another client asks for www.domain.tld - no dnssec check is required.. is just handed to the client asking..

                          An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
                          If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
                          Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
                          SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

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                          • tictag @RobbieTT

                            last edited by

                            I've heard some good things about Quad9, particularly their base in Switzerland, that has some of the world's most restrictive data privacy legislation - much more restrictive than the EU's GDPR. Of course, @johnpoz is right in that we can't possibly know what they do 'behind the scenes' but I'll put good money on the fact they'll want to comply with their own country's privacy legislation. It's an indicator of privacy, not an assurance.

                            For me this is more about functional performance, but with a healthy dollop of security and privacy. If I can get what I need by, for example, forcing all network devices to use Google's DNS servers (or Quad9's) and that works at least as well if not better than pfSense's DNS Resolver, then I'll force that out via DHCP - I certainly wouldn't want to match my pfSense DNS Resolver performance (running on a cheap NUC etc.) against Google's DNS infrastructure.

                            R1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                            • tictag @johnpoz

                              last edited by

                              @johnpoz said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                              If I query something lets say www.domain.tld, and it passes the dnssec checking.. And is given to the client.. If another client asks for www.domain.tld - no dnssec check is required.. is just handed to the client asking..

                              I defer to your knowledge, my assumption was that if a DNSSEC query was requested (I technically do not know how this is done, some sort of flag?), each and every query would go through the same down'n'up process before the response was provided back to the application. I believe what you are saying is that, yes this does happen, but all resolvers, pfSense or otherwise, would then provide subsequent resolution from cache, within the original TTL. So pfSense would indeed provide resolution from cache, if it is able to, so Forwarding Mode is irrelevant.

                              BJ2 RepliesLast reply ReplyQuote0

                              • bmeeks @tictag

                                last edited by bmeeks

                                @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                I defer to your knowledge, my assumption was that if a DNSSEC query was requested (I technically do not know how this is done, some sort of flag?), each and every query would go through the same down'n'up process before the response was provided back to the application. I believe what you are saying is that, yes this does happen, but all resolvers, pfSense or otherwise, would then provide subsequent resolution from cache, within the original TTL. So pfSense would indeed provide resolution from cache, if it is able to, so Forwarding Mode is irrelevant.

                                Just to be sure you understand- DNSSEC is not about encrypting the DNS traffic at all. It is simply used to validate the endpoint DNS server is who he says he is. Here is the description straight from Google Cloud:

                                The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a feature of the Domain Name System (DNS) that authenticates responses to domain name lookups. It does not provide privacy protections for those lookups, but prevents attackers from manipulating or poisoning the responses to DNS requests.

                                DNSSEC really has nothing at all to do with privacy directly. It only is a way for validating a host is who it portrays itself to be.

                                DoT (DNS over TLS) is geared more towards privacy as it encrypts the actual DNS communications session between the two hosts.

                                1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote1

                                • @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                  so Forwarding Mode is irrelevant.

                                  Correct does not matter if you forward or resolve - once something is cached, any other queries for that record would be served from cache for life of that ttl that is cached.

                                  Which brings up a point, when you resolve you always get the full ttl of whatever you resolved.. When you forward, it will return what it has in its cache with the ttl of what is left on its cached

                                  So lets say something had a ttl of 2 hours. While you will always get that 2 hour ttl if you asked authoritative NS for www.domain.tld, when you forward to say google or quad.. Maybe its ttl only had 30 seconds left? So you would only be able to cache that for 30 seconds until you had to query for it again. Now you might get something closer to the 2 hours next time, you might also get only 45 seconds because a different server answered with a different cache value


                                  $ dig @ www.cnn.com ; <<>> DiG 9.16.42 <<>> @ www.cnn.com ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 62151 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 5, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;www.cnn.com. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: www.cnn.com. 151 IN CNAME cnn-tls.map.fastly.net. cnn-tls.map.fastly.net. 25 IN A cnn-tls.map.fastly.net. 25 IN A cnn-tls.map.fastly.net. 25 IN A cnn-tls.map.fastly.net. 25 IN A ;; Query time: 19 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Sat Aug 19 11:11:19 Central Daylight Time 2023 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 140 $ dig @ www.cnn.com; <<>> DiG 9.16.42 <<>> @ www.cnn.com; (1 server found);; global options: +cmd;; Got answer:;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 16433;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 5, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512;; QUESTION SECTION:;www.cnn.com. IN A;; ANSWER SECTION:www.cnn.com. 82 IN CNAME cnn-tls.map.fastly.net.cnn-tls.map.fastly.net. 6 IN A 6 IN A 6 IN A 6 IN A;; Query time: 9 msec;; SERVER:;; WHEN: Sat Aug 19 11:11:21 Central Daylight Time 2023;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 140

                                  Notice those queries to are only 2 seconds apart.. But I got completely different ttls back.. That for sure are more than 2 seconds different in their length.

                                  If I query the actual NS for that fqdn, I always get back the full TTL.

                                  $ dig cnn-tls.map.fastly.net @ns1.fastly.net ; <<>> DiG 9.16.42 <<>> cnn-tls.map.fastly.net @ns1.fastly.net ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 63836 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;cnn-tls.map.fastly.net. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: cnn-tls.map.fastly.net. 30 IN A ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: fastly.net. 7200 IN NS ns1.fastly.net. fastly.net. 7200 IN NS ns2.fastly.net. fastly.net. 7200 IN NS ns3.fastly.net. fastly.net. 7200 IN NS ns4.fastly.net. ;; Query time: 9 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Sat Aug 19 11:15:42 Central Daylight Time 2023 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 139 

                                  Another possible advantage to resolving vs forwarding. Is you should always get back from the authoritative NS the best geographically IP for where your query came from. When you forward to some anycast NS.. While it should be the one closest to you, and then hand over the best IP, but maybe the one that answers not really all that close to you.. Maybe it has a different geographically based IP for different region. With the use of ECS via EDNS.. Its "possible" that where you forward has something cached for www.domain.tld that is not really the best IP for you to talk to from where your at.. Because the person that queried that before that it had to be resolved was not all that close to where your at.

                                  I prefer to always ask the actual authoritative NS for what I am looking for.. From my actual source IP.

                                  To running your own local dns that either resolves or forwards - also allows you to adjust for min ttl.. Not a fan of 30 second or 60 second ttls that many sites love to hand out for stuff. I have my local dns set to use a min of 3600 seconds (1 hour) I have never yet run into any issue in doing this.. For the years and years have been doing it. This can drastically reduce the amount of queries that have to go out my internet connection, because I cache stuff for min of 1 hour once I have looked it up.

                                  It is normally not good practice to alter a ttl, but then again - its not efficient to set such low ttls on records, unless you were in the process of getting ready to change the IP that record is going to point too.. But more and more your seeing very low ttls, which I believe is a way to help track how long your on a site.. Because like every 30 seconds your on that site a new query would be done..

                                  An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
                                  If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
                                  Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
                                  SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

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                                  • RobbieTT @tictag

                                    last edited by

                                    @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                    ...but I'll put good money on the fact they'll want to comply with their own country's privacy legislation. It's an indicator of privacy, not an assurance.

                                    Yes, it has been thoroughly audited but it has also survived a court-ordered investigation that was based (incorrectly, as it turned out) on the idea that they (surely!) retained more than they claimed. That governments have come to expect that Quad9 is a bit of a dead-end for information has, no doubt, them fishing for data elsewhere but it adds an additional layer of reassurance to the end-users.

                                    There are always skeptics who think Quad9 must be up to something nefarious, rather than operating 'out of the goodness of their hearts' as a non-profit. They are funded, of course, but by companies and by donations, including from those most technically able to test and audit their activities.

                                    But, skeptics do their thing. Which is good for the rest of us.

                                    What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (37)

                                    J1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote1

                                    • JKnott

                                      last edited by JKnott

                                      @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                      I am trying to understand what the benefits are to using pfSense for DNS resolution, either using the DNS Resolver, the DNS Resolver in Forwarding Mode or the DNS Forwarder services when compared to say, using Google or Cloudflare’s public DNS recursive resolvers.

                                      One reason is for accessing my local devices that have private addresses, either RFC1918 on IPv4 or Unique Local on IPv6. No point on having those on a public DNS.

                                      Another reason is to provide my own address for a certain service. For example, my notebook computer is configured to use pool.ntp.org and when I'm away from home, that's what it uses. However, when at home, I want to use my own NTP server, so I use my DNS to send NTP to my own server.

                                      PfSense running on Qotom mini PC
                                      i5 CPU, 4 GB memory, 32 GB SSD & 4 Intel Gb Ethernet ports.
                                      UniFi AC-Lite access point

                                      I haven't lost my mind. It's around here...somewhere...

                                      1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                                      • @RobbieTT said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                        skeptics who think Quad9 must be up to something nefarious

                                        Even if they are the cleanest most moral dns provider on the planet - which they very may well be.. I still wouldn't forward.. There are too many advantages to doing my own resolving..

                                        Other people might have other opinions - they are free to forward to whoever they want to forward.. There are plenty of providers to choose from that is for sure - I find it unlikely that they are all squeaky clean ;)

                                        There can be advantages as well to forwarding, don't get me wrong - they can provide some safety in filtering - but they also could filter stuff that you don't want filtered, etc. They just recently blocked a site..

                                        $ dig @ canna-power.to ; <<>> DiG 9.16.42 <<>> @ canna-power.to ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 37350 ;; flags: qr rd ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;canna-power.to. IN A ;; Query time: 12 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Sat Aug 19 12:51:51 Central Daylight Time 2023 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 43 
                                        $ dig canna-power.to; <<>> DiG 9.16.42 <<>> canna-power.to;; global options: +cmd;; Got answer:;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 60008;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232;; QUESTION SECTION:;canna-power.to. IN A;; ANSWER SECTION:canna-power.to. 3600 IN A;; Query time: 88 msec;; SERVER:;; WHEN: Sat Aug 19 12:52:00 Central Daylight Time 2023;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 59

                                        As to them always sticking to their word - well clearly on their FAQ they state

                                        No. Quad9 will not provide a censoring component and will limit its actions solely to the blocking of malicious domains around phishing, malware, and exploit kit domains.

                                        Yet the above site is blocked by them due to a lawsuit by German arm of Sony Music. Maybe they should add to that faq, or if someone asks us too block something ;)

                                        Now personally I have no use for that site - but if they are blocking that one, what other sites are they blocking? People all about privacy of their PI and and anonymity just hand over all their dns on a silver platter to a company that says - hey trust us, we are the good guys all the time.. Which they all say, so why should I trust any of them, when I can just do my own resolving thank you very much..

                                        An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
                                        If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
                                        Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
                                        SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

                                        R1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote2

                                        • nimrod

                                          last edited by

                                          You cant trust anyone.

                                          1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                                          • RobbieTT @johnpoz

                                            last edited by RobbieTT

                                            @johnpoz said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                            Which they all say, so why should I trust any of them, when I can just do my own resolving thank you very much..

                                            Yet you 'trust' everyone in the chain that links you to all the different upstream domain registries and you do so with all queries unencrypted at every stage. It works for you and you are comfortable with but it is an odd position to be in and question the level of trust with services such a Quad9.

                                            As we understand it, you doubt that Quad9 is secure and may in fact be insecure. Ok, we can see your logic or at least acknowledge your opinion. But as a countermeasure to that potential risk you knowingly chose to run all your external DNS queries as insecure traffic, to all the various upstream root nameservers and below, wherever they reside in the world, under whatever government and by whatever route needed.

                                            My point is that you made a choice; it does not mean those who choose differently are either wrong or fail to understand your point of view. We have simply made a different choice to you. What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (43)

                                            What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (44)

                                            J1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote1

                                            • @RobbieTT said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                              et you 'trust' everyone in the chain that links you to all the different upstream domain registries

                                              Those are all root and gtlds. That guess what who you forward too uses as well.. ;) the internet doesn't work if those are not there..

                                              Domain registries? Do you not actually understand how dns works?

                                              Sure I register domain.tld, that registar that I use to register that places the NS I will use for that domain, in the gltd NS pointing to NS for my domain, etc.

                                              Kind of hard not to trust ICANN and IANA, since for one they are the only game in town..

                                              Lets just agree you can do what you want, and I can do what I want.. You don't have to agree with mine, and I don't have to agree with yours.. But when it comes to trusting, you are the one that are laying all your trust in some company that says, hey trust us with all your dns.. I am not..

                                              Your wanting billys phone number, but instead of asking billy, your asking sam.. I feel better asking billy directly ;)

                                              An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
                                              If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
                                              Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
                                              SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

                                              R1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote1

                                              • RobbieTT @johnpoz

                                                last edited by RobbieTT

                                                @johnpoz said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                Your wanting billys phone number, but instead of asking billy, your asking sam.. I feel better asking billy directly ;)

                                                Exactly, I discreetly ask Sam and Sam discreetly answers my question.

                                                You shout across everyone to someone who knows a bit about Billy but not everything and on you go shouting down the line to get the final detailed answer you seek.

                                                Everyone now knows that you want Billy's number, they also all get yours and Billy's number along the way.

                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (49)

                                                1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                                                • Bob.DigLAYER 8

                                                  last edited by

                                                  I just did the following: I use forwarding in the resolver via DoT. I use two "independent" DoT Server (not google or cloudflare) in General Setup via VPN-gateways. I also forced Unbound to only use the VPNs for outgoing and blocked DNS and DoT on WAN.
                                                  I think this will be as good as it gets.

                                                  1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote1

                                                  • tictag @johnpoz

                                                    last edited by

                                                    @johnpoz said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                    Which brings up a point, when you resolve you always get the full ttl of whatever you resolved.. When you forward, it will return what it has in its cache with the ttl of what is left on its cached

                                                    That seems like a valid point for DNS Resolver, the longer the TTL, the fewer the DNS queries. I had no idea TTLs were so short. My hosting provider's DNS management interface always defaults to a 24 hour TTL for new records, and I usually just accept this, though I do drop that to 1 hour for records I know might change e.g. MX, SPF etc. Shorter than hour makes no sense to me, but seconds!?

                                                    @johnpoz said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                    Another possible advantage to resolving vs forwarding. Is you should always get back from the authoritative NS the best geographically IP for where your query came from.

                                                    Another valid, if somewhat surprising point. Considering that most websites these day are served from a CDN (even my own hosting provider enables CDN distribution by default), I figured every query would be resolved to the most local IP, I mean that is literally the CDNs primary purpose, to be served from cache defeats the purpose. Definitely a plus for local recursive resolution if true, though.

                                                    @JKnott said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                    One reason is for accessing my local devices that have private addresses, either RFC1918 on IPv4 or Unique Local on IPv6. No point on having those on a public DNS.

                                                    A good point but already covered - using pfSense DNS Resolver host/domain overrides, or a local hosts file, or AD Guard DNS Rewrites seem to be equally valid solutions for local device DNS resolution.

                                                    @JKnott said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                    However, when at home, I want to use my own NTP server, so I use my DNS to send NTP to my own server.

                                                    Another good point, though not strictly a benefit of pfSense DNS Resolver when other comparable services exist.

                                                    @johnpoz said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                    Which they all say, so why should I trust any of them, when I can just do my own resolving thank you very much..

                                                    It's weird! How can I take umbrage at the fact that a DNS service provider might sinkhole an IP based on some arbitrary decision (per your Quad9 example) - I'm being censored!!! - whilst at the same time purposefully installing Ad Guard that blocks thousands of IPs, none of which I know anything about or have any control over!! I think you either have to either accept DNS censorship and get on with your 'ad/malware-free' day, or be the Internet purist and suffer ads/malware/phishing. Anyway, for the weird sh*t, there's always ToR.

                                                    @Bob-Dig said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                    I think this will be as good as it gets.

                                                    This thread is about the benefits of the pfSense DNS Resolver over traditional forwarding so, whilst your config suggestion certainly has value, particularly from a privacy/security perspective, by forwarding, you are also having to compromise on some of the benefits described within this thread. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, only that it is a thing.

                                                    Does anybody know why DoT is only supported in DNS Resolver Forwarding Mode? I mean, if it can do it at all (pfSense), why can't it recursively resolve using DoT? I am assuming that DoT is simply a standard DNS request encapsulated inside a TLS encrypted packet, technologies it clearly supports.

                                                    RJG4 RepliesLast reply ReplyQuote0

                                                    • RobbieTT @tictag

                                                      last edited by

                                                      @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                      Does anybody know why DoT is only supported in DNS Resolver Forwarding Mode? I mean, if it can do it at all (pfSense), why can't it recursively resolve using DoT? I am assuming that DoT is simply a standard DNS request encapsulated inside a TLS encrypted packet, technologies it clearly supports.

                                                      DoT & DoH are not supported by the root servers as using them in this way was never anticipated. Indeed, individual use of the root servers is discouraged as they were designed on the premiss that DNS providers would provide the service to users.

                                                      I've no idea why pfSense does not support DoH as well as DoT though.

                                                      What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (56)

                                                      T1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                                                      • @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                        why can't it recursively resolve using DoT?

                                                        Because for that to work every single NS on the planet would have to be setup for dot, and you would have to create new tls connections whenever you wanted to talk to a different NS during the resolve process.

                                                        Not saying something like that couldn't happen.. Maybe someday that will be a thing where something like quic is used to talk to NSers as you resolve. But its been what 20 some years trying to get IPv6.. And look how slow of an adoption that has been.

                                                        Look at how slow it is moving to tls 1.3 from 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2. or even just https for all sites.. When moving to 1.3 from 1.2 should be a simple thing.

                                                        Look at dnssec, another option that you would think should be on everything.. And overall has a very low deployment % for how long its been around. Not even every tld has it.. And some registrars don't even support it, even though its been a requirement to be an accredited registrar for years and years. And some registrars that say they support it, either it doesn't work or is pure PITA to get working.. I moved some of my domains to different registrar because of this years ago..

                                                        And many domains that do have it deployed are broken in when you look at the rfcs to how it should be deployed. You see warnings like this

                                                        RRSIG cdc.gov/A alg 7, id 22544: DNSSEC specification recommends not signing with DNSSEC algorithm 7 (RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1).

                                                        That is on a gov site..

                                                        Change is slow when it comes to the internet.

                                                        An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
                                                        If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
                                                        Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
                                                        SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

                                                        1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                                                        • @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                          whilst at the same time purposefully installing Ad Guard that blocks thousands of IPs, none of which I know anything about or have any control over!!

                                                          You blocking stuff on your own local dns - you do have control over. You can determine which lists you use to block, you can view everything in that list that is blocked if you want. You can edit that list as you see fit, etc.

                                                          An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
                                                          If you get confused: Listen to the Music Play
                                                          Please don't Chat/PM me for help, unless mod related
                                                          SG-4860 24.03 | Lab VMs 2.7.2, 24.03

                                                          1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                                                          • tictag @RobbieTT

                                                            last edited by

                                                            @RobbieTT said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                            DoT & DoH are not supported by the root servers as using them in this way was never anticipated.

                                                            Ahh, of course. And I guess that they are in no hurry to implement it because it would significantly reduce the information they are able to acquire by providing such global services (assuming this information has value to them). This would be akin to end-to-end encryption employed by Telegram, WhatsApp etc - the bane of national security efforts globally.

                                                            @johnpoz said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                            Because for that to work every single NS on the planet would have to be setup for dot, and you would have to create new tls connections whenever you wanted to talk to a different NS during the resolve process.

                                                            Yeah, I guess that would be terribly inefficient resulting in perhaps hundreds of individual transport layer connections per query, mind you, DNS caching would drastically reduce that and we already use encrypted transports for web browsing where any single page might have hundreds of individual [SSL encrypted] GET requests. Not beyond the realms of possibility.

                                                            1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote0

                                                            • Gertjan @tictag

                                                              last edited by

                                                              @tictag said in What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services?:

                                                              why can't it recursively resolve using DoT?

                                                              Another one :
                                                              Creating a TLS connection needs a boatload of cpu cycles, compared to plain UDP.
                                                              Afaik : TLS means : TCP, not UDP, so already an overhead.

                                                              Also : DNS requests are small; short lived connections.
                                                              For every new TLS connection a really rare item needs to be used : random numbers.

                                                              Dot would work from top to bottom if the root servers would 'speak' DoT.
                                                              Right now, they don't.
                                                              Most TLD do .... (afiak).
                                                              Domain name servers : same thing. Mine do... Others ?

                                                              No "help me" PM's please. Use the forum, the community will thank you.
                                                              Edit : and where are the logs ??

                                                              1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote1

                                                              • JonathanLee

                                                                last edited by JonathanLee

                                                                Another benefit is that you can set your smtp servers so systems only can use approved mail servers. This way no device can try to start using non approved email smtp servers.

                                                                What I do with this is I made an alias
                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (63)
                                                                (SMTP US SERVERS)

                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (64)
                                                                (IMAP US SERVERS)
                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (65)
                                                                (Alias for ports)

                                                                After I create a server specific mail ACL (access control list)
                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (66)
                                                                (now my hosts can only access the approved smtp and imap servers)

                                                                The ports I have for mail can only be used for mail and for specific approved servers.

                                                                Once and a while google takes a min to resolve and send only issue.

                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (67)
                                                                (resolved automatically when they change every 5 or so mins)

                                                                Your system now will only use the approved USA servers. A couple years ago this was a big issue for some offices as the email being sent out was going to non approved servers.

                                                                You can also use "DNS over SSL" with port 853 and get some extra security.

                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (68) (DNS OVER 853)

                                                                Everything for my system uses DNS over SSL/TLS. The firewall does the SSL/TLS DNS requests for me.

                                                                You can also create access control lists on who can send DNS requests to the firewall.

                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (69)

                                                                Keep in mind devices will try to use DoH and all sorts of other ways to quarry an IP address if pfSense does it you have some more control over just opening up port 53 with a any any * * rule.

                                                                Of course you need a good NAT rule.

                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (70)

                                                                And you need a good DoH block list to really get good control
                                                                What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (71)

                                                                The firewall can make better use of IPS/IDS if it knows what it is resolving to.

                                                                Make sure to upvote

                                                                1 ReplyLast reply ReplyQuote1

                                                                • What Are The Benefits Of Using pfSense DNS Resolver/Forwarder Services? (2024)


                                                                  What are the benefits of DNS resolver? ›

                                                                  Using a public DNS resolver can offer several benefits. It may provide faster response times, improved security features like malware blocking, and better reliability compared to your internet service provider (ISP) resolver.

                                                                  What does the DNS resolver do in pfSense? ›

                                                                  The DNS Resolver component is in charge of determining whether the hostname is in the local cache and, if not, contacting a number of DNS Name Servers until it receives the IP address of the website or service we are attempting to access.

                                                                  What are the benefits of DNS forwarding? ›

                                                                  Speeding up query resolution: DNS forwarders can take the pressure off other DNS servers on a network so they won't have to handle external query requests. A DNS forwarder can build up a cache of external IP addresses, helping to make domain name resolution more efficient for the requesting server.

                                                                  What is DNS forwarder in pfSense? ›

                                                                  The DNS Forwarder allows pfSense to resolve DNS requests using hostnames obtained by the DHCP service, static DHCP mappings, or manually entered information. The DNS Forwarder can also forward all DNS requests for a particular domain to a server specified manually.

                                                                  What is DNS resolver and forwarder? ›

                                                                  A DNS resolver stores a database of records that it is authorised to resolve and these records can be edited by an administrator. Most DNS resolvers will also act as forwarders so that if they can't resolve a record they will forward on to another DNS server for resolution.

                                                                  Which of the following are benefits of using DNS? ›

                                                                  Expert-Verified Answer. The Domain Name System (DNS) makes internet addresses easier to remember, translates (but does not assign) IP addresses, does not provide Network Address Translation (NAT), and helps automate network configuration.

                                                                  What are the benefits of pfSense? ›

                                                                  Reasons to Use pfSense Software Firewall to Protect Your Network​
                                                                  • Open Source.
                                                                  • Robust.
                                                                  • Flexible.
                                                                  • Next-Generation Firewall Features.
                                                                  • Fault Tolerance and Speed Administration.
                                                                  • VPN Features.
                                                                  • No Vendor Lock-in.
                                                                  • Networking Features.

                                                                  What is the difference between DNS and DNS resolver? ›

                                                                  The DNS resolver is the first stop in the DNS lookup, and it is responsible for dealing with the client that made the initial request. The resolver starts the sequence of queries that ultimately leads to a URL being translated into the necessary IP address.

                                                                  What DNS server should I use for pfSense? ›

                                                                  Use Local DNS (127.0. 0.1), fall back to remote DNS Servers (Default): By default, the firewall will consult the DNS Resolver or DNS Forwarder running on this firewall to resolve hostnames for itself. It does this by listing localhost ( 127.0.

                                                                  Are DNS forwarders necessary? ›

                                                                  Exposing internal domains on the open Internet creates a potential security and privacy vulnerability. Without forwarding, all DNS servers will query external DNS resolvers if they don't have the required addresses cached. This can result in excessive network traffic.

                                                                  What is the purpose of DNS conditional forwarder? ›

                                                                  Conditional forwarders are a DNS configuration setting that allows you to specify specific DNS servers to forward queries for specific domains.

                                                                  What is the DNS forwarder rule? ›

                                                                  DNS forwarding rulesets enable you to specify one or more custom DNS servers to answer queries for specific DNS namespaces. The individual rules in a ruleset determine how these DNS names are resolved.

                                                                  How to use DNS resolver in pfSense? ›

                                                                  Enable SSL/TLS Service: Configures the DNS Resolver to act as a DNS over TLS server which can answer queries from DNS over TLS clients. Activating this option disables automatic interface response routing behavior, thus it works best with specific interface bindings.

                                                                  What is the best DNS forwarder? ›

                                                                  Some of the most popular free DNS servers include:
                                                                  • Google DNS.
                                                                  • OpenDNS.
                                                                  • Cloudflare DNS.
                                                                  • Quad9 DNS.
                                                                  Mar 19, 2024

                                                                  How do I know if my DNS forwarder is working? ›

                                                                  Check whether this server forwards queries to another server by examining the Forwarders tab in the server properties in the DNS console. If the Enable forwarders check box is selected, and one or more servers are listed, this server forwards queries.

                                                                  What is the role of a resolver in DNS? ›

                                                                  When you type a web address, it's the DNS resolver's job to find the correct IP address for that name. You can think of the DNS resolver as a friendly librarian in a massive library who helps you find the right book.

                                                                  What is the importance of DNS resolver cache? ›

                                                                  As a form of temporary storage, caching enables the DNS system to look up and retrieve DNS records more quickly and efficiently for a period of time. There are a limited number of authoritative DNS servers in the world. That means it can take a bit of time to retrieve DNS records from these servers.

                                                                  Why is DNS resolution important? ›

                                                                  During the DNS resolution process, a hostname, like www.example.com, is translated to an IP address that computers can comprehend (such as 192.168. 1.1). Every device has a distinct IP ID, which is necessary for identification in the same way a street location is required to identify a particular home.

                                                                  What are the benefits of reverse DNS? ›

                                                                  The benefits of rDNS

                                                                  In many instances, a mail server may reject messages originating from a server where rDNS is not supported for fear that the sender may be a spammer. To avoid this, set up rDNS, as it can help you to reach the inboxes of your audience with greater consistency.

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