What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 30, 2024

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Market analysis is a crucial skill for product managers, as it helps them understand the needs, preferences, and trends of their target customers and competitors. But where can product managers find reliable and relevant data for market analysis? In this article, we will explore some of the best sources of data for market analysis and how to use them effectively.

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  • Justin Dielmann Senior Product Manager at 6sense

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  • Kuldeep K. S. Passionate Problem Solver, Optimizer, Product and Program Leader| Digital Craftsmanship: Where Technology Meets Human…

    What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (8) What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (9) 3

What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (10) What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (11) What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (12)

1 Customer feedback

One of the most direct and valuable sources of data for market analysis is customer feedback. Customer feedback can help you identify the problems, pain points, and expectations of your users, as well as their satisfaction and loyalty. You can collect customer feedback through various methods, such as surveys, interviews, reviews, ratings, social media, and analytics. However, you need to be careful about how you design, distribute, and analyze your feedback tools, as they can be biased, incomplete, or misleading if not done properly.

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  • Justin Dielmann Senior Product Manager at 6sense
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    In my experience, customer feedback is crucial for providing context to less subjective methods of Market analysis, but if you count on it alone you will wind up making a product that only addresses the loudest voices not the most common use cases.


    What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (21) 3

  • Kuldeep K. S. Passionate Problem Solver, Optimizer, Product and Program Leader| Digital Craftsmanship: Where Technology Meets Human Values | Intuitive Innovations with Human-Centered Tech for a Better World
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    Customer feedback is one kind of data input into realizing the vision, validating hypothesis that are critical to establishing what you are looking for. In addition it should always be looked in sense of trends. It should be continuous and it should be carefully gathered to avoid corrupting it with biases, preconditions, misleading conclusions. Lastly, one should have a good sample before marking any informed decision or establishing conclusions.


    What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (30) What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (31) 3

  • Customer feedback is crucial. Using feedback analytics tools to consistently track user feedback can we helpful to identify areas with biggest customer pain points. Ex: Feedback analysis via getfeedback.com

  • Vivek Sharma CTO | Product Manager | Certified Scrum Master | SAAS | AI | NLG | NLP
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    Customer feedback should be a weighted source of data. Depending upon if your product is driven by technology, driven by customers, or driven by product vision. An additional consideration is a phase at which the product or product feature is and also if it is B2B product offering or B2C offering in the same product. Social media, surveys might dilute the vision of the product or product offering or just creates confusion among the stakeholders reducing the growth of the product. As a best practice, even though being a very powerful method of designing the product/product feature, the weight of this component should be well understood in developing the product/ product feature.

  • Bryan H.
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    It is crucial to approach customer feedback with caution. Designing, distributing, and analyzing feedback tools require careful consideration to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected. Biases can arise if the sample of customers providing feedback is not representative of your target market. Incomplete or misleading feedback may result if the questions are poorly designed or if respondents are influenced by external factors. It is important to use validated and standardized measurement scales, include open-ended questions to capture detailed insights, and analyze the data objectively to derive meaningful conclusions.


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2 Market research

Another source of data for market analysis is market research, which is the systematic collection and analysis of data about a specific market, industry, or segment. Market research can help you understand the size, growth, structure, and dynamics of your market, as well as the opportunities and threats that exist. You can conduct market research through primary or secondary sources, depending on your budget, time, and objectives. Primary sources are data that you collect yourself, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, or experiments. Secondary sources are data that are already available, such as reports, publications, databases, or websites.

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  • Atika Kumar AI and Digital Strategy Advisor | Transforming Businesses for the Digital Era
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    In addition to above, I find conferences a great way to understand the market. Infact, attending them distills key trends without sifting through vast information that is available on the web. One doesn't have to attend the conferences real-time but can see recorded sessions that are often available post the event.


    What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (64) What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (65) 2

3 Competitive analysis

A third source of data for market analysis is competitive analysis, which is the process of evaluating and comparing your competitors' products, strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. Competitive analysis can help you identify the gaps, trends, and best practices in your market, as well as your competitive advantage and differentiation. You can perform competitive analysis by using various tools, such as SWOT analysis, Porter's five forces, feature matrix, or benchmarking. You should also monitor your competitors' online presence, such as their websites, blogs, social media, reviews, and ratings.

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  • Justin Dielmann Senior Product Manager at 6sense
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    I agree, but competitive analysis should always be taken with a grain of salt. Commonly much of the competitor information you can find will be marketing information about their product. In addition, a competitor providing a feature does not necessarily mean that it is a good feature! You do not want your product to simply mirror what your competitors do instead you want to differentiate yourself from the rest of the market.


    What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (74) What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (75) 2

4 Industry analysis

A fourth source of data for market analysis is industry analysis, which is the study of the external factors that affect your market, such as the economic, political, social, technological, environmental, and legal aspects. Industry analysis can help you assess the attractiveness, stability, and risks of your market, as well as the opportunities and threats that arise from the changes and developments in your industry. You can conduct industry analysis by using various frameworks, such as PESTEL analysis, Porter's diamond, or industry life cycle.

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5 Data analysis

A fifth source of data for market analysis is data analysis, which is the process of transforming, modeling, and interpreting data to extract meaningful insights and conclusions. Data analysis can help you measure, monitor, and optimize your product performance, customer behavior, and market trends. You can use various techniques, such as descriptive, inferential, predictive, or prescriptive analytics, depending on your goals and questions. You can also use various tools, such as spreadsheets, databases, dashboards, or visualization software, to organize, manipulate, and display your data.

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  • Ryan McDougall Part of a set. Collect all eight.
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    For many companies, this may be an under-utilized source. Rather than asking your users and customers about their intents and needs, invest in tools that help you actually *see* their behaviors. Reporting on actual behavior can often be more accurate (avoids response and sample biases) and helps contextualize other forms of research. Trust the user's own actions as a source of inferring what they might actually want, in concert with their qual & quant responses. Remember that most research and insights is more easily understood when presented with multiple sources. Customer behavior + competitive analysis + market research = a fuller picture of what users want and why they behave like they do.


    What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (84) What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (85) 10

  • Mauro Pitaluga Frontend Developer - Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science - Commercial Functional Analyst at YPF SA - CENIT Project
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    Las mejores fuentes de datos para análisis de mercado pueden variar según la industria y los objetivos específicos del análisis, pero algunas fuentes comunes incluyen datos de ventas, encuestas a clientes, datos de redes sociales, datos demográficos, información de competidores, datos económicos y gubernamentales, entre otros. También se pueden considerar datos de investigación de mercado de empresas especializadas en el área de interés.



    What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (94) 1

  • Chris Kirschten Senior Product Manager | Driving ambiguous concepts to launch | MBA | Pragmatic Institute Certified | 15 years in product management | Edtech | Education | Aerospace | PMP
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    I agree with the prior comment that this may be underutilized, surprising also how challenging it can be to get access to company data, particularly across functional organizations.

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    I find that data analysis is more often used to measure trends about whether the latest update had an impact on customer behavior. While quite useful for validating this, a far greater but less utilized approach is to use data analysis to inform the approach used for gathering customer and market feedback.


6 Market validation

A sixth source of data for market analysis is market validation, which is the process of testing and validating your product idea, concept, or prototype with your target customers and stakeholders. Market validation can help you evaluate the feasibility, desirability, and viability of your product, as well as the feedback and suggestions for improvement. You can conduct market validation through various methods, such as MVPs, prototypes, landing pages, beta testing, or user testing. You should also define and track your key metrics, such as conversion, retention, or revenue, to measure your market validation results.

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  • Atika Kumar AI and Digital Strategy Advisor | Transforming Businesses for the Digital Era


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    For assessing the market through MVP, need to ensure that following aspects are taken into account: 1. Define your target market: Before building an MVP, understanding target market is for the analysis to be effective. 2. Create a hypothesis: Based on your understanding of your target market, create a hypothesis about what they need and how they will use your product. 3. Gather 360 Feedback & Iterate: Get feedback on the product's usability, value proposition and usage metrics. The insights received should then feed into the product backlog for iterating through the product to make it more appealing to your market. The consideration would be to focus on high impact features whilst balancing the complexity of enabling the features.


    What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (119) 1

  • Santhosh Kumar Setty Product Leader | AI | B2B SaaS
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    To ensure robust market validation, consider using a multi-tiered approach combining Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) with real-world A/B testing. For example, launch a simplified version of your product with core features to a small segment of your target audience. Track key metrics like user engagement, conversion rates, and customer feedback. Parallelly, conduct A/B tests to compare different product features or pricing strategies. This will not only validate the product's market fit but also provide granular insights into user preferences and behavior, thereby enabling more informed product development and marketing strategies.


Product Management What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (128)

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What are the best sources of data for market analysis? (2024)


What are the sources of data for market analysis? ›

Primary sources are data that you collect yourself, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, or experiments. Secondary sources are data that are already available, such as reports, publications, databases, or websites. In addition to above, I find conferences a great way to understand the market.

Where can I get data for market analysis? ›

Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies.

Which data source is commonly used in marketing analytics? ›

Public Data Sources: Government agencies, industry reports, and research organizations often publish data on demographics, economic trends, and consumer behavior. Market Research Reports: These reports provide in-depth analysis of specific industries, markets, and customer segments (often for a fee).

What data is needed for a market analysis? ›

Some of the most common types of primary data collected during market research include:
  • Short customer experience surveys (online or by mail)
  • Detailed questionnaires (online or by mail)
  • In-depth one-on-one interviews.
  • Focus group feedback.
  • Customer observation.
  • Product testing and analytics.
Jul 26, 2021

How do you gather data for market analysis? ›

11 effective data collection methods for market research
  1. 1 - Surveys. Surveys are one of the most preferred and effective methods of market research. ...
  2. 2 - Focus groups. ...
  3. 3 - Observation. ...
  4. 4 - Form. ...
  5. 5 - Lead quizzes. ...
  6. 6 - Secondary sources (Business reports, etc.) ...
  7. 7 - Online tracking. ...
  8. 8 - Transactional tracking.
Oct 10, 2022

What are the two types of data used in market analysis? ›

It all begins with market research, which yields two types of data – qualitative and quantitative.

Which database is an excellent source of market reports? ›

Mintel. This database gives full-text access to market survey information produced by Mintel.

Which tool is used for market analysis? ›

1 Surveys and polls

You can use surveys and polls to test your product ideas, measure customer satisfaction, identify pain points, segment your market, and more. You can create and distribute surveys and polls online using platforms like SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, Typeform, or Qualtrics.

What is the best platform for market research? ›

Best Tools & Software to Conduct Market Research
  • Tableau: Best for Data Visualization. ...
  • Typeform: Best for Lead Qualification Surveys. ...
  • Qualtrics: Best for Enterprise-Level Surveys With Advanced Features. ...
  • Userlytics : Best for User Experience Testing. ...
  • 15 . ...
  • Make My Persona: Best for Creating Detailed Buyer Personas.
Sep 3, 2024

Where do marketers get their data? ›

There are two types of marketing intent data: First-party intent data - information that a business collects about their users from their own platform and/or website. Third-party intent data - information that is gathered from a number of websites, search engines or platforms.

What is the primary source of data for market research? ›

Primary data in market research may come from interviews, focus groups, and observations of strategically planned activities. Survey methods can collect data by asking questions from participants who might have the appropriate information. Personal interviews or online surveys are a great way to access information.

What are the 4 major sources for finding marketing information? ›

Four common types of market research techniques include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and customer observation.

What is the best way to Analyse the market? ›

This section covers six main steps of market analysis, including the purpose of each step and questions to guide your research and reflections.
  1. Research your industry. ...
  2. Investigate the competitive landscape. ...
  3. Identify market gaps. ...
  4. Define your target market. ...
  5. Identify barriers to entry. ...
  6. Create a sales forecast.
Mar 26, 2024

Where can I find data about a market? ›

Trade Associations & Trade Magazines/Journals can be excellent sources of market share data. Trade Associations often collect data on industry growth trends, sales figures, product developments, shipments and market share rankings. Try using the resources of an association's web site.

How do you collect and analyze marketing data? ›

Follow these steps to analyze data properly:
  1. Establish a goal. First, determine the purpose and key objectives of your data analysis. ...
  2. Determine the type of data analytics to use. ...
  3. Determine a plan to produce the data. ...
  4. Collect the data. ...
  5. Clean the data. ...
  6. Evaluate the data. ...
  7. Visualize the data.
Aug 15, 2024

What are the sources of data and data analysis? ›

Data can be gathered from two places: internal and external sources. The information collected from internal sources is called “primary data,” while the information gathered from outside references is called “secondary data.” For data analysis, it all must be collected through primary or secondary research.

What are the two main sources of data in marketing? ›

In business, primary sources provide information about what a company or industry says about itself. Examples include annual reports, financial statements, press releases, interviews, speeches, blog entries or tweets. Secondary sources provide information about what others think about a company or industry.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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