What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (2024)

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Assess the situation


Cut costs and increase revenue


Communicate and collaborate


Innovate and adapt


Learn and improve


Plan and prepare


Here’s what else to consider

A financial crisis can hit any business, regardless of its size, industry, or location. It can be caused by external factors, such as a global pandemic, a market downturn, or a regulatory change, or by internal factors, such as poor management, cash flow problems, or fraud. Whatever the cause, a financial crisis can threaten the survival of a business and require urgent and effective action. In this article, you will learn some of the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis and emerge stronger and more resilient.

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  • Sally Brady Business Planning Specialist @Elevey Ltd | Helping Businesses Save Hundreds of Thousands

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What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (9) What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (10) What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (11)

1 Assess the situation

The first step to overcome a financial crisis is to assess the situation and understand the root causes, the extent, and the impact of the problem. You need to gather accurate and relevant data on your financial performance, your cash flow, your assets and liabilities, your customers and suppliers, and your competitors and market conditions. You also need to identify the key risks and opportunities for your business and prioritize them according to their urgency and importance. This will help you to create a realistic and clear picture of your financial position and to make informed decisions.

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    The first step in managing a financial crisis is to conduct a thorough and honest assessment of the situation. This involves understanding the scope of the problem, identifying the underlying causes, and evaluating the impact on various aspects of the business. A detailed financial audit, including cash flow analysis, debt obligations, and revenue projections, is essential. This assessment will provide a clear picture of where the business stands and form the basis for developing a strategic response.


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (20) What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (21) 11

  • Sally Brady Business Planning Specialist @Elevey Ltd | Helping Businesses Save Hundreds of Thousands
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    The panic button usually gets hit first and heads become the obvious solution and this is the biggest mistake I often see, cutting key people and then not being able to deliver! The first step would be a full review of the business financials and cost analysis, cashflow review where are the holes causing the issue and be clear on the objectives for the future, create a strategic plan to get back on track and timeline!


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (30) 8

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    The first step MUST BE bringing in a Financial professional. No one else can truly dig behind the figures, business plan and budget and assess the way forward. Everything else, stems from this. I know this because I've seen it countless times over 35 years in practice. Then other professionals can be brought in based on the initial financial assessment.


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (39) 5

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    First thing to do is find out exactly where you stand at the present moment. After that find what the root problem is and begin to overcome problems one by one


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  • Khadija Elizabeth Felicia AliSamhoul (Harris) Boost Your Leadership Power Instantly with CLIMB TO CLARITY! Embrace Your Own Success.Dive into Personalized Coaching now—DM to catapult your career today! The conscious experience with Coach Khadija! Walking her Talk💃
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    In my experience one of the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis is to carefully reassess its financial situation and create a detailed plan for recovery. This may involve seeking the assistance of financial advisors or consultants who can provide a fresh perspective and offer valuable insights into the company's financial challenges. Another strategy is to prioritize and cut unnecessary expenses. This may involve reducing non-essential spending, renegotiating contracts with suppliers, and exploring opportunities to streamline operations and improve efficiency.Or businesses can explore alternative sources of funding by seeking business loan or an investment from an external partner/s.


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2 Cut costs and increase revenue

The second step to overcome a financial crisis is to cut costs and increase revenue. You need to review your budget and identify areas where you can reduce or eliminate unnecessary or inefficient expenses, such as overheads, travel, marketing, or inventory. You also need to look for ways to increase your income, such as raising prices, offering discounts, expanding your customer base, or diversifying your products or services. You should also consider selling or leasing some of your assets or equipment, or renegotiating your contracts or debts, to generate more cash flow and improve your liquidity.

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  • Vijay Singh Empowering High-Achievers to Break Through Barriers and Realize Their Full Potential | Purpose Coach Dedicated to Turning Your Challenges into Triumphs | Partnering with You to Transform Ambitions into Achievements
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    To overcome a financial crisis, businesses should strategically cut costs while also focusing on increasing revenue. This involves eliminating non-essential expenses and renegotiating contracts to reduce spending. Concurrently, enhancing revenue through diversifying income streams, refining sales strategies, and exploring new markets is crucial. It's important to balance these efforts, ensuring cost-cutting does not impair the business's ability to generate income, maintaining a focus on sustainable financial recovery.


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (66) 3

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    Cost avoidance and cost reduction with raising revenue are the routes that all businessess need to take to bring finances under control. However, in the UK public sector, raising revenue is not always possible and costs may be legally required. In this context, understanding the needs of the sector and demands on expenditure is vital. Finding further efficiencies through collaboration across departments/organisations and ensuring that there is no duplication in spend and develop sharing costs can then help further.


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (75) 3

  • John Chisham 🇺🇸 #1 construction divisions 6,8,9,10, and 28 recruiter in North America- I help construction professionals find their DREAM JOB and contractors find and retain the TOP candidates - 605.502.1385 john@solidrockrecruiting.com

    Cutting costs and raising revenue can be a band-aid. I believe that acting as a business proctologist is most effective focussing on ways of being more efficient and streamlining processes. The fact is, it does not matter ho much water (profit) you have to fill a bucket if there is a hole in the bucket. Take care of the hole and the problem will take care of itself.


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    An important step to overcome a financial crisis is to cut costs and increase revenue. You need to review your budget and identify areas where you can reduce or eliminate unnecessary or inefficient expenses, such as overheads, travel, marketing or inventory. You also need to look for ways to increase your income, such as raising prices, offering discounts to increase volume, expanding your customer base and diversifying your products or services. You should also consider selling or leasing some of your assets or equipment, or renegotiating your contracts or debts, to generate more cash flow and improve your liquidity.


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (93) 2

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    Cash flow...- If your a monthly subscription business, offer a % discount in return for an annual subscription. You'll be surprised at how many loyal customers will pay upfront to secure a lower monthly cost for the product they love- Payment terms: communicate with suppliers and ask for terms extensions- Credits: lots of schemes out there. R & D tax credits is one but you'll also find companies offer credits for using their services eg AWS. Never hurts to ask!- Cut costs: cut once and cut deep. Much better to make the cuts you need in one fell swoop than cut little and often


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3 Communicate and collaborate

The third step to overcome a financial crisis is to communicate and collaborate. You need to inform and involve your stakeholders, such as your employees, your customers, your suppliers, your creditors, and your investors, in your recovery plan and your actions. You need to be transparent and honest about your situation and your expectations, and to listen and respond to their feedback and concerns. You also need to seek and offer support and cooperation, such as asking for payment extensions, offering incentives, or joining forces with other businesses, to create win-win solutions and to build trust and loyalty.

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  • Evan J. Blumenthal, MBA, MS- Professional EOS Implementer® Professional EOS Implementer® | Keynote Speaker | Founder/CEO of EJB Global LLC | Executive Business Coach | Entrepreneur | Advisor | Investor | Board Member | Sit-down Comedian
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    The more frequent and honest you communicate with your key stakeholders, customers, vendors and employees, the more they will have real information to understand the current situation and landscape. Otherwise, what will inevitably happen is that they will make things up, and their imagination will often conjure up scenarios that are far worse than reality.


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    Business spend substantial sum in hiring the best talent from the market. Experienced talent especially at Leadership level is adept in addressing situations like these. Organisations can take following steps to bring collaboration and communication as centre stage to come out of financial crisis:1. Leadership team coming together to bring transparent honest conversation about financial situation and ideating for steps to overcome it2. Regular situation update with core group to keep track 3. Similar core group for external stakeholders like vendors, creditors, investors and possibly customers (B2B), being honest and transparent goes a long way in gathering collaboration


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  • Lois Creamer Make Money Speaking | Professional Speaker/Consultant | Monetize Your Message | Leverage Your Expertise | Grow Your Speaking Practice | Works with Buddy the Intern.(yellow lab) 314-374-4007
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    Having a downturn is an inevitability for most mere mortals. The cause may be overall economic conditions, a rare shutdown like covid, or a company crisis. Doing strategic thinking before a crisis can make all the difference.Leaders owe it to employees to do crisis planning. Communication is key. Let people know you're prepared for a downturn. Transparency is important. Lay out the "battle plan" - the good, bad and ugly. People who have knowledge and can participate in the process feel more of a sense of control, even during chaos. Finally, leaders need to model how they want employees to act. If they remain calm, dedicated, steadfast, and optimistic, employees will too.


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (129) What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (130) 2

  • Vijay Singh Empowering High-Achievers to Break Through Barriers and Realize Their Full Potential | Purpose Coach Dedicated to Turning Your Challenges into Triumphs | Partnering with You to Transform Ambitions into Achievements
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    Effective communication and collaboration are essential in overcoming a financial crisis. Openly communicating with stakeholders, including employees, investors, and suppliers, builds trust and can uncover valuable insights. Keeping them informed about the company's situation and recovery plans is crucial. Internally, encouraging teamwork can lead to innovative, cost-saving strategies. Collaborating with external partners can also reveal opportunities for joint ventures or support. Together, these efforts enhance problem-solving and resilience, key for navigating financial challenges and ensuring long-term sustainability.


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    Open and transparent communication is vital during a financial crisis. Keep stakeholders, including employees, investors, and creditors, informed about the company's situation and the steps being taken to address the crisis. Collaboration is equally important. Engage with your team, stakeholders, and even industry peers to brainstorm solutions, share resources, or form strategic partnerships.


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4 Innovate and adapt

The fourth step to overcome a financial crisis is to innovate and adapt. You need to embrace change and challenge your assumptions and habits. You need to explore new ideas and opportunities, such as using new technologies, creating new business models, or entering new markets, to add value and differentiate yourself from your competitors. You also need to adapt your processes and practices, such as working remotely, outsourcing, or automating, to increase your efficiency and productivity. You should also monitor and measure your results and adjust your strategy and tactics accordingly.

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    A financial crisis often necessitates a reevaluation of the business model. Innovation and adaptability can open new opportunities and revenue streams. This might mean pivoting to a different product or service, adopting new technologies, or modifying operations to suit changing market demands. Companies that successfully innovate during tough times are often those that emerge stronger post-crisis.


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  • Vijay Singh Empowering High-Achievers to Break Through Barriers and Realize Their Full Potential | Purpose Coach Dedicated to Turning Your Challenges into Triumphs | Partnering with You to Transform Ambitions into Achievements
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    To overcome a financial crisis, businesses must focus on innovation and adaptability. Innovation involves exploring new business methods, products, or services, and leveraging technology to unlock new revenue streams. Adaptability is about responding swiftly to market changes and customer needs, which may include pivoting business models or exploring new markets. Embracing change and taking calculated risks are essential for not just surviving but thriving in challenging financial conditions. These strategies ensure businesses remain competitive and resilient.


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (166) 1

  • Some of the nest ideas are borne out of a crisis! Stay super close to your customers and truly lean into to what they want and what they need. Work in public - a different kind of WIP - build with them and showcase what you're doing to gain early buy-in, interest and commitment. Sell before it's ready and consider what other options you have to showcase your skills and expertise, without a sale up front (trials, masterclasses, audits, group sessions etc). You've got this!


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    Embrace a culture that encourages continuous innovation, challenging existing norms. Reevaluate business models, explore new markets, and leverage emerging technologies. Emphasize agility in adapting to evolving market dynamics. Engage with teams to foster a mindset of creative problem-solving. This focus on innovation and change positions the business to not only survive the crisis but also thrive in the face of uncertainty.

  • Lorraine Needham Certified Co-Active Coach, CPCC, CPQC, PCC, Consultant, Mentor, Trusted Advisor
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    To innovate and adapt consider emphasizing agile methodologies: Adopt agile methodologies in project management and product development. This approach emphasizes adaptability and rapid response to change, which is crucial in a crisis.


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5 Learn and improve

The fifth step to overcome a financial crisis is to learn and improve. You need to reflect on your experience and your performance, and to identify the lessons learned and the best practices adopted. You need to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your business, and to recognize the achievements and challenges of your team. You also need to implement changes and improvements, such as updating your policies, procedures, or systems, or investing in your skills, knowledge, or resources, to enhance your quality and performance. You should also celebrate and reward your successes and your efforts, and to acknowledge and appreciate your stakeholders.

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  • Milene Barroso Gerente RH | HRBP | Consultoria de RH e Adm
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    Algumas ações simples se mostram muito eficazes para superar crises financeiras, as principais, maturidade e profissionalismo. Aprender com as situações requer se enxergar "despido" de orgulho e arrogância. É estar aberto a escutar e aprender de diversas formas e fontes. Não há reversão de crise, sem mudança de rota ou análise.SWOT é um excelente ponto de partida, pois buscar eliminar a cegueira que possuímos quando estamos tão envolvidos com o problema que esquecemos que para encontrar solução é preciso reflexão e execução.



    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (200) What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (201) 5

  • Jo Seawright Prepare your business for Sale or Scale 🚀 Move from "Owner Operated Liability" to "Systems Driven Asset"


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    This article really is for those that have a financial crisis that takes several months to unfold. When you have a real crisis you will need to do this before or after the crisis.It is really important to constantly learn and improve, but sitting and reflecting on your experience and actions while you are up to your a*** in allegators is potentially not the right time.Action first, Reflection second.Then you will want to beef up your systems and reporting to at least flag up future issues early if not eradicate them completely.Issues are usually (not always but often) because of 1 of 3 things:- You don't have a system- The system is broken- The system wasn't followed


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  • Vijay Singh Empowering High-Achievers to Break Through Barriers and Realize Their Full Potential | Purpose Coach Dedicated to Turning Your Challenges into Triumphs | Partnering with You to Transform Ambitions into Achievements
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    To overcome a financial crisis, businesses should focus on continuous learning and improvement. Analyzing the crisis to understand its causes and learning from mistakes enhances operations and strategic planning. Emphasizing data-driven decisions and staying informed about industry trends helps navigate current challenges and builds resilience for the future. This approach fosters a proactive culture, crucial for adapting to change and maintaining a competitive edge, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.


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  • Cris Faria Diretora Executiva | Mentora | Analista Comportamental | Trainer | Palestrante | Presidente da ABRH FLN | Squad Leader
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    A mudança é necessária quando o assunto é superação de uma crise!Resultados diferentes chegam por atitudes e decisões diferentes.



    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (228) 1

  • Julien GALEA Manager chez ERA centre Essonne
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    Je suis d’accord pour la réduction de coûts sur certain domaines. Cependant je suggère paradoxalement d’investir pour former les employés en contact avec la clientèle ou les usagers. Le service sera meilleur, le client sera mieux satisfait. Il sera davantage fidèle à l’entreprise et parfois «influenceur» auprès de son entourage. Aussi, afin de fidéliser les employés correctement formés, j’invite les entreprises à les payer correctement voir généreusem*nt. Les gratifier pour les objectifs atteints qu’ils soient quantitatifs ou qualitatifs, individuels et en groupe. Je propose que les encadrant délègue des missions engageantes pour les employés pour souder les équipes et les motiver.



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6 Plan and prepare

The sixth step to overcome a financial crisis is to plan and prepare. You need to develop a long-term vision and a short-term plan for your business, and to align them with your mission, values, and goals. You need to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives and actions, and to assign roles and responsibilities to your team. You also need to prepare for potential scenarios and contingencies, such as new risks, opportunities, or changes, and to have backup plans and resources ready. You should also review and update your plan regularly and to communicate and share it with your stakeholders.

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  • Vijay Singh Empowering High-Achievers to Break Through Barriers and Realize Their Full Potential | Purpose Coach Dedicated to Turning Your Challenges into Triumphs | Partnering with You to Transform Ambitions into Achievements
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    To overcome a financial crisis, businesses must engage in detailed planning and preparation. Start with a thorough financial analysis to understand your current situation and identify critical areas needing immediate attention. Develop a crisis management plan that includes strategies for cost reduction, revenue maintenance or increase, and effective cash flow management. Consider alternative financing options and maintain transparent communication with stakeholders like employees, customers, and creditors. Prepare for various scenarios with contingency plans and regularly update your strategy as situations evolve. After navigating the crisis, learn from the experience to enhance resilience, such as implementing stronger financial controls.


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  • Stephen Portelli Senior Vice President
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    Never make a business live beyond its means. Planning is key with every business but with every plan there needs to be stress testing. Cashflowd and not profits what counts during financial crisis.


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    As you navigate through the crisis, it's also important to plan for the future. Develop a long-term strategy that focuses on financial stability and growth. This includes creating contingency plans to better prepare for potential future crises. Effective planning involves setting realistic goals, developing clear action plans, and regularly reviewing and adjusting these plans as necessary.


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  • Mehar Labana I help personal brands build and monetize their presence using Autowade | CMO at Autowade ✨
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    Planning short- and long-term goals regarding your financial landscape is secondary, but planning "realistically" is the most crucial step. Don't panic. Breathe. Come back in the moment. Visualise and lay out an obvious step-by-step roadmap that will help you overcome a financial crisis, personal or professional. Create a tracker for mapping out the minutest details of future profits and expenditures. Delegate a trusted person to stay on the tracking and let the data speak for itself.

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    What is predictable is preventable. Mitigation of risk and vulnerability in the financial operation and direction of a business, is just as critical as planning for potential loss at your plant or facility due to natural disaster or unforeseen facility losses such as water, fire, or environmental. These losses can contribute to demise of a business already struggling with the bottom line. Far too many businesses fail to fully understand risk management, and loss prevention/recovery strategies, it is just "hit and miss", and hope for the best.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    1) Cut costs where possible but don’t harm your top sellers’ quality 2) Cut profit if need be. Cash flow above anything! 3) Create cheaper versions/products and maximize revenue 4) Change your payment plans to help your customers pay 5) Manage your bills carefully 6) Re-negotiate rates/payments with suppliers 7) Look for 3rd parties that can generate more leads and sales even from neglected target groups 8) Most of all, don’t freak out! That's what business is...risk, doubt, change. You need to adapt. Times of change are great opportunities for innovation, new delivery, new products, new way of doing things. It just comes with a little pain.


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (289) 4

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    Cash is the king so using the cash flow strategically and managing the payment and receipts smartly with patience and courage can help you gain the time advantage which your in dire need of during the financial crises. In parallel dont stop, pivot and change the course to Plan B, C, D ( come very handy when you think ahead and have alternate plans)


    What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (298) What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (299) 3

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    Time is of great essence to acknowledge the challenge as a crisis.Often business leaders have a psychology of denial (how can this happen to my business in spite of me leading it). This leads to a tendency to deny seeking services and delay assessment, cutting cost, or enhancing revenue through alternate channels. Business coaches can work with leaders to evoke awareness of such an imminent situation and preparing them for early acknowledgement and calling out for support.


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  • Julie Quinne Prioritize what matters most and execute with confidence: Life Aligned Leadership™
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    Strategic Innovation: A client found a lucrative revenue stream to carry them through a downturn. Soon, they were facing major morale issues. Lack of communication, unclear roles and confusing decision rights were causing major disruptions. Problem: The new revenue stream was being supported by the same operational structure. Solution: 1. Confirm mission and vision. Decide what lines of business support those aspirations. 2. Align operational structure accordingly. What is more strategically sound: keep the new revenue stream and change operational structure? Or wind down the revenue stream and stick with core business and existing structure? 3. Engage your workforce in uncovering root cause and generating solutions.


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    Focus on niches or aspects in your business that gives quick wins and in other words low hanging fruits that help you keep moving ahead.


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What are the best strategies for a business to overcome a financial crisis? (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.