What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (2024)

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Identify your ideal donor profile


Research and leverage existing connections


Craft a personalized and compelling pitch


Follow up and nurture the relationship


Use social media and online platforms


Experiment and test different strategies


Here’s what else to consider

If you are a fundraiser, you know how challenging it can be to expand your donor base and reach new audiences. You may have a loyal and engaged network of supporters, but you also need to diversify your sources of funding and attract new prospects. How can you do that without spending too much time and money on cold calls, mass emails, or ads? Here are some of the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network and increase your chances of getting a positive response.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Leverage existing connections:

    Reach out through people you already know. Ask current supporters to introduce you to potential donors. This approach builds trust and credibility, as your contacts vouch for you and your cause.

  • Host engaging events:

    Events can be a magnet for new supporters. They're an opportunity to showcase your passion and the impact of your work, creating a shared experience that can turn attendees into donors.

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  • Aravind S. Product Visionary✨| Investor | Proptech…
  • Ana Valerie Mandri Founder Zamia

1 Identify your ideal donor profile

Before you start looking for new donors, you need to have a clear idea of who you are targeting and why. What are the characteristics, interests, values, and motivations of your ideal donor? What are the problems they care about and the solutions they support? How do they prefer to communicate and donate? Creating a detailed donor profile will help you narrow down your search and tailor your message to the right audience.

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  • Aravind S. Product Visionary✨| Investor | Proptech | 85,000+ YT | 2x Founder | AI SaaS
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    Here is how I do it:1)Research investors using tools like Crunchbase or PitchBook.2)Filter out investors based on criteria like funding competitors, recent high investments, market activity, and average investment size.3)Source contact information using tools such as Hunter.io or LinkedIn.4)Craft personalized emails tailored to each investor's interests and investment focus.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (11) What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (12) 3

  • Rabab Baldo Rabab.Baldo Senior Gender and Inclusivity Advisor
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    Frist prepare my organization strategic plan and set the strategic priorities for it. Then scan the donors who will be interested to support it. Read and educate myself with the potential donors priorities, develop a concept note, reach out to them, organize a meeting to share my organization strategic plan and the draft CN


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (21) 5

  • Praise Eboh HR | Improving employee/employer relations | Virtual Assistant | Talent Acquisition | Administration Specialist | Client Management


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    First of all, you need to Know your donor/investor. Know what they do. Know what they've done in the past. Know what the can do for you. Know their interests, values, character, likes and areas of expertise. When you gather that data, then you write a proposal, prepare both written and oral proposal tailored to them. I always advise both written and oral mode of communication, that is if you get the chance to speak with them. If not, a well detailed written proposal is always essential!When approaching, let them know why you chose them, what they've done that attracted you, and how they can impact in your project.Effective communication is key here!


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (30) What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (31) 4

  • Mike Soubirous Retired City Councilmember (City of Riverside CA)Retired CHP Lieutenant (State of CA)
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    As far as political fundraising, glean information from other office holders who will support you and let you use their donor lists. Professional fundraisers have lists of frequent donors and be of help. They get a percentage of what’s donated.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (40) 2

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    Before seeking new donors, define your target audience. Identify their characteristics, interests, values, and motivations. Understand the problems they care about and the solutions they support. Determine their preferred communication and donation methods. Crafting a detailed donor profile streamlines your search and enables tailored messaging, increasing engagement and success.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (49) 2

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2 Research and leverage existing connections

One of the most effective ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network is to use your existing connections as a bridge. You can ask your current donors, board members, staff, volunteers, partners, or friends to introduce you to people they know who might be interested in your cause. You can also research your prospects online and find out if you have any mutual contacts, affiliations, or interests. This will help you build trust and credibility, as well as show that you have done your homework.

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  • Ana Valerie Mandri Founder Zamia
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    Always ask for referrals. People.ar3 willing to introduce to others that may be interested in your cause.Events are a great way to reache new audiences.Make alliances with other NGOs or stakeholders. You both can benefit form each other network.

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    -Use existing network for warm introductions-Current donors often willing to facilitate referrals-Board members, staff also have valuable contacts-Research online to uncover mutual connections-Identify specific affinities to highlightSame associations, schools, employersNeighbors, shared experiencesCommonalities build rapport-Leverage affiliations for credibilityGroups, institutions they support or value-Customize outreach using intel gatheredRelevant messaging to interests-Meet informally first without direct ask-Listen for hints on passions and causes-Plant seeds highlighting alignment and fit-Permission-based follow up communication


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (67) 2

  • Anshul Magotra Co-Founder @Social Innovation Circle l Impact Investor l Consultant @Stanford Seed I I write about social entrepreneurship and how impact founders can raise investment.
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    Warm introductions over cold emails. Always!To reach out to donors outside your network, you need to still begin with those within your network. Be it your network of funders, partners or supporters. They will always be your first champions and can help open doors. Proactively reach out to them and ask for their support. Be specific in what you are asking for and give them all the materials they might need in making relevant connections. And be patient. Sometimes it might not be a direct connection of theirs but a connection of a connection, and that takes time.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (76) 2

  • Nancy Becher Invisible Warriors: a 501c3 NONPROFIT, Empowering Women Veterans with PTSD, MST, and Invisible Illnesses
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    A new organization, dealing with a "taboo" subject is difficult to get funding for. Education, education, education is so important. On top of that you have to really dig down deep, create the persona of who and why someone should support your organization and what you do to help. The question what's in it for me is all to real. People want to know that their time, money and talents are going to support something tangible and very helpful.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (85) 2

  • Mark F. Thimmig - Chairman, CEO, Conservaco, LLC - AI-Global Media - Brand Ambassador | Innovative Breakthrough Solutions | Bitcoin Mining / Tokenization / Blockchain Supporter - 23,700+ Executive Connections
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    Researching and leveraging existing connections is one of the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network. Start by exploring your board members, volunteers, and supporters' networks to identify individuals or organizations with a shared interest in your cause. Utilize social media platforms, alumni networks, professional associations, and community groups to expand your reach and establish new connections. Personal introductions and referrals from mutual contacts can help establish credibility and trust, making it easier to engage with potential donors.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (94) 1

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3 Craft a personalized and compelling pitch

Once you have identified and contacted your prospects, you need to convince them to support your cause. You need to craft a personalized and compelling pitch that shows how your mission aligns with their goals, how your impact is measurable and meaningful, and how their contribution will make a difference. You also need to be clear about what you are asking for, whether it is a donation, a meeting, a referral, or a feedback. And you need to be respectful, courteous, and grateful for their time and attention.

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  • Mark F. Thimmig - Chairman, CEO, Conservaco, LLC - AI-Global Media - Brand Ambassador | Innovative Breakthrough Solutions | Bitcoin Mining / Tokenization / Blockchain Supporter - 23,700+ Executive Connections
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    Crafting a personalized and compelling pitch is crucial for reaching potential donors outside of your network. Start by researching their interests and philanthropic history to tailor your message accordingly. Highlight the specific impact their donation could have on your cause and connect it to their values. Keep the pitch concise, engaging, and focused on the benefits of supporting your organization. Personalize your approach to show genuine interest and establish a meaningful connection that resonates with the donor's motivations.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (103) 3

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    After identifying and reaching out to prospects, it's crucial to convince them to support your cause. Craft a personalized, compelling pitch illustrating alignment with their goals, showcasing measurable impact, and demonstrating how their contribution will make a difference. Clearly state what you're asking for—be it a donation, meeting, referral, or feedback. Remain respectful, courteous, and grateful for their time and attention throughout the interaction.


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4 Follow up and nurture the relationship

Reaching out to potential donors outside of your network is not a one-time event, but a process that requires follow-up and nurturing. You need to keep in touch with your prospects and provide them with relevant and timely information, updates, stories, and invitations. You also need to acknowledge their responses, answer their questions, address their concerns, and thank them for their support. And you need to be consistent, responsive, and authentic in your communication.

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  • Mark F. Thimmig - Chairman, CEO, Conservaco, LLC - AI-Global Media - Brand Ambassador | Innovative Breakthrough Solutions | Bitcoin Mining / Tokenization / Blockchain Supporter - 23,700+ Executive Connections
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    Following up and nurturing the relationship is crucial when reaching out to potential donors beyond your network. After the initial contact, maintain regular communication to keep them engaged and informed about your organization's progress. Personalized follow-ups expressing gratitude and highlighting the impact of their potential contribution can strengthen the relationship. Offering opportunities for involvement, such as events or volunteer opportunities, demonstrates your commitment to their interests and fosters a sense of belonging. Consistent and genuine engagement builds trust and increases the likelihood of securing their support.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (120) 2

  • Anna Sophia Candiotto Pereira Especialista em Gestão: Terceiro Setor, Empresarial | Modernização Administrativa | Gestão de Pessoas | Gestão de Projetos | Mestre em Administração.
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    Crie uma conexão com a causa, faça uma apresentação concisa e esclareça como a contribuição do doador pode fazer a diferença. Após o pitch, faça um follow-up respeitoso. Pode ser um email de agradecimento reiterando os pontos-chave da conversa e o próximo passo proposto.



    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (129) 1

  • Karine Scofield Comunicação em Saúde | Comunicação Organizacional | Marketing Estratégico | Branding | Endomarketing
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    Utilizar ténicas de storytelling para compartilhar histórias reais de impacto. Isso humaniza sua causa, criando uma conexão emocional para os potenciais doadores. As histórias devem destacar as necessidades que a organização atende e como as contribuições fazem a diferença.


  • Honey Khanna Tandon Research| Patients Counselling | GP Assistant| Health Care Management | Dietetics | Canva- Designing and Health Education | Allergy Awareness | Food Science and Nutrition | Weight Management
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    It’s not easy to nurture a relationship and keep following up but it is crucial to reach out to potential donors beyond your network. It not only helps in long term fundraising but also is rewarding in terms of developing further partnerships. I term it as “live LinkedIn” (building future relationships). Mostly works with my experience.

  • Bruno Lemos Xavier Mota Supervisor at Kapô
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    Seja um Bom Ouvido: Ao interagir com outras pessoas, ouça atentamente o que elas têm a dizer. Mostre interesse genuíno em suas histórias e experiências. Isso ajuda a construir relacionamentos mais significativos.



5 Use social media and online platforms

Another way to reach out to potential donors outside of your network is to use social media and online platforms to showcase your work, engage your audience, and generate leads. You can create and share valuable content that educates, inspires, and entertains your followers, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, or webinars. You can also join and participate in online communities, groups, forums, or events that are relevant to your cause and audience. And you can use online tools, such as surveys, quizzes, polls, or forms, to collect data and feedback from your prospects.

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  • Anna Sophia Candiotto Pereira Especialista em Gestão: Terceiro Setor, Empresarial | Modernização Administrativa | Gestão de Pessoas | Gestão de Projetos | Mestre em Administração.
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    Desenvolva uma narrativa forte e consistente em torno da sua causa que ressoe com seu público-alvo. Histórias autênticas e impactantes podem gerar mais engajamento e compartilhamentos, ampliando seu alcance. Mantenha um diálogo ativo com sua comunidade. Responda a comentários, participe de conversas e mostre que você valoriza o feedback e a participação do seu público.



    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (162) 1

  • Mark F. Thimmig - Chairman, CEO, Conservaco, LLC - AI-Global Media - Brand Ambassador | Innovative Breakthrough Solutions | Bitcoin Mining / Tokenization / Blockchain Supporter - 23,700+ Executive Connections
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    Utilizing public relations, social media, and online platforms can effectively expand outreach to potential donors beyond your network. Craft compelling stories about your organization's mission and impact to attract attention and generate interest. Share these stories through press releases, social media posts, and targeted online campaigns to reach a broader audience. Engage with followers and respond promptly to inquiries to build rapport and trust. Leveraging digital channels enables you to amplify your message and connect with individuals who may not be reached through traditional methods.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (171) 1

  • Penny N. Ex-Social Entrepreneur at Positive Health Consulting Ltd. & Music 4 Minors Non-Profit; Executive Chairw🌐man/Consultant 🔊Public Speaker
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    Using other people’s social media and outlets is a great way to spark a diverse, new audience. Collaborate with a colleague or friend and see how amazing your results can be!

  • Bruno Lemos Xavier Mota Supervisor at Kapô
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    Use as Mídias Sociais de Forma Estratégica: Esteja ativo em plataformas como LinkedIn, Twitter e outros sites profissionais. Compartilhe conteúdo relevante, interaja com outras pessoas em sua área e participe de grupos de discussão.



6 Experiment and test different strategies

Finally, you need to experiment and test different strategies to find out what works best for your cause and audience. You need to track and measure the results of your outreach efforts, such as the number of contacts, responses, conversions, donations, or referrals. You also need to analyze and evaluate the feedback and data you receive, such as the preferences, needs, objections, or suggestions of your prospects. And you need to adjust and improve your approach based on your findings and learnings.

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  • Bruno Lemos Xavier Mota Supervisor at Kapô
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    Seja Grato e Reciprocidade: Sempre reconheça e agradeça as pessoas que o ajudaram ao longo do caminho. Além disso, esteja pronto para retribuir os favores sempre que possível. A reciprocidade é fundamental para manter uma rede saudável e funcional.



7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Thorsten Kiefer Social entrepreneur, co-founder & CEO @ WASH United;
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    In my view, the best way to reach out to potential new donors very much depends on what type of donors you're looking for. If you're looking for large numbers of individual donors, social media can work. If you want to engage with institutional donors, in my opinon nothing beats an in-person conversation at a conference or other event.


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (204) 2

  • Kjersti Francis Founder,creator and CEO of Stonelore and the Earth Era 3 entertainment and game property. Please go to our page at Earth Era 3!Show up as your best self no matter how you’re treated. That’s an earth angel.😇 Aspiring.
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    As a former lead member of a non profit development team, this wraps it all up in 6 steps1) Be sure what you’re program offers aligns with their giving goals that year2) Meet in person- go to them, make it easy, bring lunch - above all find a way to meet in person 3) Listen to them - we spend too much time talking about the stuff that doesn’t answer their basic questions 4) Be patient and be passionate about you cause- relationships are cultivated, not one and done5) Follow up with regular calls and updates no matter the size of the donor6) Create your logic model that has 2 main categories - metrics / KPIs and anecdotal, emotional stories


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (213) 2

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    My favourite way of gaining support for what I love doing is to spread the word via Local Newspapers, and sometimes the Daily Press. I work on gaining the interest of people by writing an interesting article, not to gain Financial support in the first instance, but to gather followers. For instance, I met my Wife in a Community Choir. When we announced our Engagement the Choir was desperate for new Members (and their financial contribution), so I wrote a letter o the Local Paper about finding love through music. They came around for a lovely photo shoot, and published my story. Choir Membership quickly increased as a result of the story. I have used the Press to assist the profile of a few Employers by writing novel, readable stories.Ray


    What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (222) 2

  • Deborah Ewald Staff Nurse, Manager and Educator
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    Volunteers have been overlooked often as a source of funding and fundraising. They are a valuable resource in many ways, especially their community connection. Usually, volunteers are there for many reasons , not because they have time to waste; and frequently have their own agenda for their involvement. There is an investment that they have been willing to make with their time and would be willing to make more of that effort. They have community connections and information that corporate does not. Networking into local groups and organizations with volunteer assisting with introductions can be fruitful. Some of the ways to communicate with them would be to develop ‘TED’ talks with the mission of the organization as the main topic.


Fundraising What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (231)


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What are the best ways to reach out to potential donors outside of your network? (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.