What are the Black Spots on Corn Chips? (2024)

C. Lani asks: What are those little black spots on some kinds of chips?

What are the Black Spots on Corn Chips? (1)Corn and tortilla chips are speckled with black spots, but what exactly are they?

The staple ingredient for both corn and tortilla chips is, of course, corn. An ear of corn is made up of individual rows of kernels, and each kernel is attached to the cob via the tip cap located at the very bottom of the kernel.

Strip away the tip cap and the hilum is revealed. The hilum is what seals the base of each kernel and draws in water and other nutrients needed during the growth process. The hilum, in a way, serves as a sort of umbilical cord for the kernel. Once the kernels detach from the cob, the hilum remains as a type of scar from where it was connected.

What are the Black Spots on Corn Chips? (2)The hilum starts out clear then progresses to light green, then light brown, and finally black, which shows up on more mature kernels. It is these mature kernels that are used to make corn and tortilla chips. Since these specks of hilum do not disappear during the cooking process, they remain visible in the final food product. In addition to corn and tortilla chips, the black hilum can also typically be seen on taco shells, corn tortillas, and other similar foods made with corn.

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Bonus Facts:

  • Corn isn’t the only seed with a hilum. If you look at a bean, the hilum is usually located on the inner curved side of the kidney shape. A bean hilum is often called the eye, which makes sense since it is usually a contrasting color from the bean’s shell. The eye is the point where beans are connected to their pod via a string-like placenta by which they receive necessary nutriments for maturation.
  • In Spanish, the word tortilla comes from “torta” meaning “round cake.”
  • Corn chips are made from cornmeal that is fried in oil and baked, whereas, tortilla chips are made from corn tortillas which are most often cut into triangles and fried, or baked.
  • While it may seem like nachos have been around forever, in fact they are something of a modern invention. The person who came up with this tasty food item is generally thought to be one Ignacio “Nacho” Ayala. He seems to have invented them in the 1940s at the El Moderno restaurant near the Texas/Mexico border. His original “Nacho’s Especiales” were made via frying up some corn tortillas, melting some cheddar cheese over them, and topping the whole thing with jalapeno peppers.
  • As for the inventor of the tortilla chip itself, Rebecca Webb Carrara is generally given credit there, thinking them up in the 1940s. The genius idea came about in an attempt to reduce the amount of waste from imperfect tortillas that were rejected by her family restaurant’s automated tortilla making machine. Carranza found that these tortilla scraps made a pretty good snack when they were cut up and fried. As a result of her role here, Carranza received the Golden Tortilla award in 1994 for her contribution to the Mexican food industry.
  • After witnessing the popularity of tortilla chips in California restaurants, Frito-Lay executives decided to jump on board and create their own line of chips called Doritos, Spanish for “little golden things.” You can read all about the story of the creation of Doritos here.
  • For some foods, manufacturers see visible hilum specks as a negative component to the food item and they go to great lengths to remove them, such as with dry milled products like corn meal, corn flours, grits, and the like. In these cases, black specks may appear to be bugs or other undesirables that can sometimes naturally find their way into such product.

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What are the Black Spots on Corn Chips? (2024)


What are the Black Spots on Corn Chips? ›

The black specks are simply naturally dark pieces of the pericarp (skin) of the corn, where the tip of the kernel attaches to the cob. The color of the specks will vary by crop and year. They are the same as those commonly seen in hard taco shells, corn or tortilla chips, cornmeal, and natural whole corn products.

Why is there black stuff on my chips? ›

What you see: Brown or black areas on your potato chips. What it is: Minor imperfections that don't impact the safety of the chip—they could be bruises or the result of excess potato sugars darkening during frying. Eat or toss: Eat!

Can you eat chips with black spots? ›

Wilson said the dark spots on the chips are unrelated to ring rot and are common for potatoes used for chips. Discoloration in potato chips is cosmetic and they are still safe to eat. "(They) are dark spots or dark coloring from bruising, changes in sugars during storage or vascular discoloration," he said.

What are the brown spots on corn chips? ›

Unlike the common belief that a back or brown spot on your potato chips is a sign of spoilage, experts say that they are actually either bruises or the result of excess potato sugars darkening during frying.

What are the black spots on baked lays? ›

Black spots in potatoes are mostly attributed to internal bruises or the result of sugar concentrations brought on by any of several pre or post-harvest conditions and are generally harmless. However, the black spots could also be an early concentration of decay.

What are the little black specks on my food? ›

First, the black specks you see coming off into your food are not harmful. They are most likely carbon deposits. This happens due to overheating of fats and oils. Using an oil with a low smoke point will carbonize at high temperatures and cause residue from the pores of your pan to rub off onto your food.

How do you know if chips are bad? ›

How can you tell if potato chips are bad or spoiled? The best way is to smell and look at the potato chips: if potato chips develop an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if mold appears, they should be discarded.

What to do if you ate moldy chips? ›

Most likely, you'll be okay.” However, in certain cases, the mold found on spoiled food could be dangerous, so if you suddenly develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, an elevated temperature or diarrhea, you should immediately seek medical help.

Are potatoes with black Scurf safe to eat? ›

The spots look unsightly, but have no effect on the inside flesh of the tuber. The potato is edible and the spots can be easily peeled off before cooking.

What is in acrylamide? ›

Acrylamide is a substance that forms through a natural chemical reaction between sugars and asparagine, an amino acid, in plant-based foods – including potato and cereal-grain-based foods. Acrylamide forms during high-temperature cooking, such as frying, roasting, and baking.

Do corn chips go bad? ›

Properly stored, an unopened package of corn chips will generally stay at best quality for about 2 to 3 months after the date on the package.

Can you eat corn with brown spots? ›

If either the husks or the silks are already brown, the corn may still be fine to eat, but it is certainly already aging and should be avoided unless you intend to cook it immediately. Shoppers should also be on the lookout for fungal or insect damage, per Farming Method.

Can you eat old corn chips? ›

Yes, in most cases, expired chips are safe to eat as long as the bag hasn't been opened. You also don't want to go too long past the expiration or use-by date. However, old chips may have an “off” taste, or their texture may not be as good as when they were fresh.

Why does my potato have black dots? ›

What causes black spots in a potato? Black spots are usually bruises which are caused by rough handling. One type of bruising happens when the skin is broken. The potato forms a thicker layer of skin to protect and heal the wound.

What are the black specks on biscuits? ›

They're the residues of bran in the flour which absorbed water. They're not harmful and they will go away during baking, nothing to worry about. Pretty common. Thanks!

Are black specks mold? ›

Black spot mould (also known as Aspergillus Niger) is a common problem in households due to leaks, moisture in the air, and poor ventilation throughout the property. Black mould doesn't just look horrible either. It can cause major damage to your furniture, and have a real impact on your physical health.

Are black dots mold? ›

No matter how hard you work at cleaning, there eventually comes a time when you'll look up and see blacks dots on your ceiling or appearing on the tile in your shower. These black dots are almost always mold or mildew. It's always challenging to keep mold and mildew out of bathrooms and kitchens.

Is it safe to eat vegetables with black spots? ›

The spots and mushy patches on produce makes us wonder how fresh they are, and most importantly, how safe they are to consume. Host Elizabeth Brauer of TED-Ed's latest video, "Are spotty fruits and vegetables safe to eat?”, suggests the stigma against blemished produce should be erased — they're not harmful after all.

Can rancid corn chips make you sick? ›

Eating rancid food won't make you sick, but the new molecules that form as oxidation occurs may lead to digestive issues. Rancid foods are also less nutritious because oxidation destroys the good fats and some of the vitamin content.

Can you get food poisoning from chips? ›

Chips, crackers, soup, peanut butter, even frozen meals may pose a slight risk for salmonella infection.

Can you get food poisoning from bad chips? ›

Yes, even chips can give you salmonella.

Can black mold form on food? ›

But, when it comes to black mold on food, there are plenty of non-toxic molds as well. The most common is Rhizopus Stolonifera, also known as black bread mold. As the name suggests, this mold is often found on bread. Other black molds appear on the rubber seal of the refrigerator.

What are the signs of mold poisoning? ›

What are the symptoms of mold toxicity?
  • Cognitive difficulties (brain fog, poor memory, anxiety)
  • Pain (especially abdominal pain, but can include muscle pain similar to fibromyalgia)
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss.
  • Numbness and tingling in extremities or other areas of the body.
  • Metallic taste in the mouth.
Apr 30, 2021

Is it OK if I ate a small amount of mold? ›

Chances are you won't have any ill effects after eating a bit of mold… but it's def not something you should actively try to do. The good news is that mold generally tastes pretty bad, so you'll likely notice it and spit it out. Even if some does slip past your guard, it's unlikely to make you sick.

How do you get rid of black Scurf? ›

Top pulling to remove below ground stems, stolons and roots can reduce sources of the fungus. Early harvest dates limit exposure periods of tubers to the pathogen. Avoid planting in cold, wet soil. Cover seed pieces with not more than 5 cm of soil to allow warming by the sun and quick emergence.

What does potato rot look like? ›

Symptoms of soft rot include soft, wet, rotted, tan or cream-colored tissues. Rot begins on the tuber surface and progresses inward. Infected tissues are sharply delineated from healthy tissue by dark brown or black margins. Shallow necrotic spots on the tubers result from infections through lenticels.

Can you cut moldy spots off of potatoes? ›

It is okay to cut mold off of hard cheeses and hard fruits or vegetables like apples, potatoes, onions or cauliflower. Just be sure to cut away at least 1 inch as surface mold is more than what you see. It actually has hyphae or roots which can penetrate deeper into the food.

Do all chips have acrylamide? ›

“Acrylamide forms when foods like potatoes and cereals become crispy and brown. It even forms in roasted coffee beans.” That means acrylamide is in the crunch of potato chips, the crispy edges of French fries, and in toasted snacks and rich roasted coffees. But Stelwagen says it's not as much of a worry as it sounds.

How do I remove acrylamide from my body? ›

Drinking more water, a lot more water for some of us, will probably be the most important thing you can do to get rid of Acrylamide. However, make sure you are drinking pure water; otherwise you may inadvertently increase your exposure. Taking herbs to improve kidney and liver detoxification may be helpful.

What cancers does acrylamide cause? ›

High acrylamide exposure was associated with a linearly increased risk of endometrial cancer, particularly in never-smokers. A statistically significant association was found between dietary acrylamide exposure and ovarian cancer (especially in non-smokers).

Can tortilla chips mold? ›

How can you tell if tortilla chips are bad or spoiled? The best way is to smell and look at the tortilla chips: if tortilla chips develop an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if mold appears, they should be discarded.

Can you refresh corn chips? ›

Preheat oven to 400 F degrees. Refresh the chips by arranging them on a cookie sheet and heating in the oven for 5-10 minutes until crispy.

Is corn supposed to have black spots? ›

In many instances these spots may be a result of Purple leaf sheath or Physoderma brown spot. In both cases, the black spots do not affect the stalk. Check this out for yourself by removing a sheath with brown spots. The discoloration is limited to the inside of the leaf sheath and the stalk should be healthy.

Why does corn have black spots? ›

What is tar spot? Tar spot is caused by the fungus Phyllachora maydis and can be identified by the raised, black spots that appear on corn leaves and husks. Surrounding some of the black spots may also be a tan halo, which is called a fish-eye lesion.

Is it safe to eat corn with black layer? ›

It forms when the kernel reaches maturity, and this is when the kernel is ready to be harvested. This is also an indication that the corn has reached its maximum nutritional value. The black layer is not harmful to consume and it is safe to eat.

Do sealed chips go bad? ›

Snack foods contain preservatives in order to maintain shelf life. Different types of snacks have varying expiration dates: Potato chips will last one month after expiration date. Crackers and pretzels can last up to three months. One of the longest lasting snacks is popcorn, which has a shelf life of one to two years.

What color corn chips are healthiest? ›

This saying still holds true in the corn arena: blue corn is a healthier option. Its healthy status comes from the fact that it contains more of the amino acid lysine and the antioxidant anthocyanin than "regular" yellow corn. That being said, it can lose much of these nutrients when it's processed into a chip.

Why do tortilla chips go stale? ›

Moisture and air are what cause tortilla chips to go soggy and stale, so you'll want to keep them sealed in an airtight container in a cool, dry spot, away from any sunlight. They'll last up to three months, which should be enough time for you to figure out what you're going to put on your next batch of nachos.

What do McDonald's coat their fries in? ›

In addition to frying and seasoning the fries, McDonald's coats them in dextrose, a form a sugar.

What do Africans call fries? ›

“Slap chips” are a traditionally South Africa product that is widely consumed throughout the country. These chips are similar to French fries but are thicker and fried for a longer time at a lower temperature using a double fry method.

Why do restaurants soak fries in water? ›

The soaking, Mr. Nasr said, is the secret to the crisp texture of the fries. It draws out the starch, making them more rigid and less likely to stick together.

What does potato mold look like? ›

Mold may appear as fuzz or a few dark spots that are brown, black, red, white, or bluish gray. Potatoes sometimes cause food poisoning. To avoid getting sick, be sure to eat cooked potatoes within 4 days and immediately throw away any potatoes that show signs of mold.

What is black dot? ›

Black dot is a disease that affects roots, stems and tubers and is named for the small black, dot-like structures (sclerotia) that form on the surface of infected stems, stolons, and tubers. Black dot first appears in mid- to late season as a yellowing and wilting of plants.

Can potatoes grow black mold? ›

Small, bumpy, irregular black lesions that look like dark soil on potato tuber skin are the classic sign of this fungal disease. Caused by the fungus rhizoctonia, black scurf generally occurs near the end of the growing season. Black scurf lesions do not wash off, but can be scraped off with a fingernail.

What are the black bits in cereal? ›

Some varieties are more prone to black-point than others. Black-point-infected plants produce chemicals in the bran and the germ area, resulting in brown-to-black specks in flour, poor bran colour and rejection.

What are the black spots on top of bread? ›

You shouldn't eat mold on bread or from a loaf with visible spots. The mold roots can quickly spread through bread, though you can't see them. Eating moldy bread could make you sick, and inhaling spores may trigger breathing problems if you have a mold allergy. Try freezing bread to prevent mold.

What are the tiny black dots on bread? ›

Mostly its caused by incorrect storage. Unless your gluten-free bread is added with black sesame seeds.. the black spots in a bread is molds! The smell can easily be identified if it is in plastic packaging. Otherwise, if you're in doubt, throw it out!

What is the black part of a chip? ›

The black part of a chip is simply a plastic epoxy resin.

What do moldy chips taste like? ›

Moldy food also tastes quite distinctive, a bit like wet dirt. Likewise, moldy food may smell “off.” Even if mold is only visible on the surface, its roots may lie deep in the food. Mold needs moist, warm organic matter to grow, so food is often the perfect environment.

What is the black on fries? ›

This discoloration is due to a chemical reaction between iron and chlorogenic acid, natural components of a potato. In a freshly cooked potato these form a colorless complex which then turns gray on exposure to oxygen in the air. The color is unappetizing but has no detrimental effect on health or nutritional value.

Can rancid chips make you sick? ›

Eating rancid food won't make you sick, but the new molecules that form as oxidation occurs may lead to digestive issues. Rancid foods are also less nutritious because oxidation destroys the good fats and some of the vitamin content.

What are the brown spots on my Pringles? ›

On rare occasions, our crisps can fry for longer than intended & the dough can take the shape of the equipment, resulting in the bumpy spots you noticed.

Why are my chips dark brown? ›

Sugar acts as a caramelising agent, so when a chip hits the fryer, the sugar melts and the potatoes turn a dark, unwelcoming brown colour before they expel the excess moisture within.

What is the dark ring on potato chips? ›

Vascular discoloration refers to a darkening of the ring of tissue that runs around the tuber just below (about a quarter of an inch) the skin. This ring contains the vascular system, phloem an xylem, of the tuber. This appears dark in the raw tuber and darker upon frying (picture of potato chip with discoloration).

Can corn chips get moldy? ›

The best way is to smell and look at the corn chips: if corn chips develop an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if mold appears, they should be discarded.

What happens if you accidentally eat moldy chips? ›

Most likely, you'll be okay.” However, in certain cases, the mold found on spoiled food could be dangerous, so if you suddenly develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, an elevated temperature or diarrhea, you should immediately seek medical help.

What should I do if I accidentally ate mold? ›

“However, some molds can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems. Other molds can produce poisonous toxins and make you sick.” If you do eat moldy food and feel ill or short of breath, see a doctor immediately.

What are hillbilly fries? ›

Hillbilly Fries! Fresh, crispy fries loaded with chili, smoked pulled pork, cheddar-jack cheese, smoky bacon and house barbecue sauce.

What is the black dot on my Pringles? ›

Years ago, many thought that a black or brown bad spot on the chips were from being spoiled. Many experts say that they are actually bruises which turn black from the frying process as a result of the excess sugars. This means that they are still safe to eat even though they have minor blemishes.

Can bacteria grow on chips? ›

Bacteria need oxygen to thrive, and if all of the oxygen is removed, it can't grow. This means there is no chance of mold, mildew, or other substances showing up on the chips.

Do chips actually expire? ›

Snack foods contain preservatives in order to maintain shelf life. Different types of snacks have varying expiration dates: Potato chips will last one month after expiration date. Crackers and pretzels can last up to three months. One of the longest lasting snacks is popcorn, which has a shelf life of one to two years.

Can old corn chips make you sick? ›

If there are no signs of mold, bacteria growth or a smell of rancid oil then you can use your own judgment. The possibility of stale chips making you sick is low, however eating expired food ALWAYS as the possibility to make you sick.

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