What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (2024)

Types of VPN protocols include:

  • Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
  • Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)
  • WireGuard
  • OpenVPN
  • SoftEther
  • Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
  • Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

What Is a VPN?

Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)

What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (1)

Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a set of protocols that support secure communication over Internet Protocol (IP) networks through authentication and encryption. Its primary purpose is to ensure data integrity, data confidentiality, and data origin authentication between two communicating parties.

IPsec operates by encrypting and authenticating all IP packet transfers. It functions through two main modes: Transport and Tunnel. Transport mode encrypts only the message within the data packet, while Tunnel mode encrypts the entire data packet. Two primary protocols within IPsec, the Authentication Header (AH) and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), provide data origin authentication, connectionless integrity, and an anti-replay service.

IPsec is widely implemented in the formation of secure tunnels, especially for VPNs. Enterprises use IPsec for secure remote user access to corporate networks, site-to-site connections, and network layer encryption.

IPsec advantages include its high security and versatility across different network layer protocols. Configuration complexity can be a drawback, requiring expertise for proper setup and maintenance. While IPsec is protocol-independent and supports a wide range of encryption algorithms, managing its keys and certifications can present challenges.

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)

What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (2)

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is a VPN communication protocol developed to provide secure, encrypted connections over a network. SSTP uses SSL/TLS encryption, which is the same technology that underpins secure internet connections. SSL/TLS encryption ensures the privacy and security of data as it travels across the internet.

SSTP works by channeling VPN traffic through the SSL 3.0 channel. This means it can benefit from features like SSL's integrated connection integrity and encryption capabilities. SSTP typically uses the standard HTTPS port (TCP 443), which allows it to bypass most firewalls and network restrictions. SSTP is a reliable choice for users who need to ensure their VPN connections are not blocked or throttled by local network management tools.

SSTP is commonly used in scenarios where other VPN protocols might be blocked. Since it operates over the HTTPS port, it is less likely to be detected and filtered. This is helpful in environments with restrictive internet policies or for those who need to access potentially sensitive information over a public Wi-Fi network.

SSTP benefits include its high level of security, strong encryption methods, and the protocol's ability to traverse firewalls. SSTP is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which may limit its trustworthiness for some users. SSTP is primarily designed for Windows, which can restrict its usability on other operating systems.


What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (3)

WireGuard is a cutting-edge VPN protocol known for its simplicity and high-speed performance. WireGuard is designed to be much simpler and faster than legacy protocols, using state-of-the-art cryptographic techniques. As an open-source project, WireGuard's streamlined approach results in better efficiency and ease of use.

Functioning through a unique mechanism called cryptokey routing, WireGuard establishes secure VPN connections with remarkable speed and agility. It works by assigning static IP addresses to VPN clients and managing traffic through cryptographic keys. This approach simplifies the setup process, reduces latency, and increases the protocol's performance over traditional VPN protocols.

WireGuard is beneficial for businesses with a mobile workforce or requirements for fast, reliable connections for cloud services. Since WireGuard is lightweight, it can run on various devices (embedded systems, full-fledged servers, etc.) making it versatile for different enterprise network scenarios.

WireGuard has its drawbacks. The static IP address assignment can raise privacy concerns as it could potentially log user activity. WireGuard is still undergoing development, which means it may lack the extensive testing and wide-scale trust established by older protocols.


What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (4)

OpenVPN is a robust, secure VPN protocol favored in the enterprise environment for its strong encryption and configurability. This protocol works by creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations. OpenVPN uses custom security protocols that utilize SSL/TLS for key exchange.

OpenVPN operates by encapsulating data in SSL/TLS encrypted packets, which are then transmitted over the network. This protocol can run over either the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or UDP (User Datagram Protocol) internet protocols. TCP ensures reliable delivery of data packets while UDP prioritizes speed, making OpenVPN versatile for different network performance needs.

Businesses use OpenVPN for its adaptability to various network types and ability to establish a secure, reliable connection over intranet and internet. OpenVPN is useful for organizations with remote workforces and/or high security requirements.

OpenVPN advantages include its strong security profile, open-source nature (which allows for peer review and audits), and the ability to bypass firewalls. OpenVPN is not known to be easy to set up and configure, particularly for those without extensive networking knowledge. The protocol does not natively support most operating systems.


What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (5)

SoftEther (Software Ethernet), is a versatile VPN protocol known for performance and interoperability. SoftEther is an open-source, multiprotocol VPN software that supports SSL VPN, L2TP/IPsec, OpenVPN, and SSTP, all within a single VPN server.

The protocol operates by establishing secure client-server communication through SSL-VPN Tunneling on HTTPS. SoftEther bypasses firewalls and NATs, making it highly effective for users within restricted network environments. SoftEther is also comprehensive VPN solution that facilitates remote-access and site-to-site VPN.

SoftEther works well in various scenarios, including individual remote access, corporate networks, and connecting multiple on-premises sites securely. Its ability to support different VPN protocols makes it a universal tool for creating VPN tunnels.

SoftEther stands out for strong encryption capabilities, resistance to network restrictions, and support for various operating systems. SoftEther is less known compared to established protocols like OpenVPN, which can limit adoption. It may present a steeper learning curve for network administrators.

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (6)

Developed by Microsoft, Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is one of the oldest VPN protocols. PPTP facilitates secure data transmission by creating a tunnel for point-to-point communication. The protocol encapsulates data packets within an IP envelope, allowing them to be sent across a network.

PPTP works by using a control channel over TCP and a GRE tunnel operating to encapsulate PPP packets. The simple setup makes it relatively fast and widely compatible with various devices and network configurations. PPTP is not recommended for sensitive communications because it uses weaker encryption standards.

The primary use case for PPTP is scenarios where legacy support is required, or speed is more critical than security. PPTP is not advisable for transmitting confidential enterprise data because of its known security vulnerabilities.

PPTP pros include speed and ease of setup. The protocol is integrated into most operating systems. The disadvantages outweigh the benefits because PPTP is insecure. Advanced encryption standards have surpassed PPTP, making it obsolete for enterprises concerned with protecting sensitive data.

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (7)

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a tunneling protocol. It does not provide encryption or confidentiality by itself. L2TP relies on an encryption protocol that it passes within the tunnel to provide privacy. L2TP is often paired with IPsec, which is responsible for encryption and secure transport of data between endpoints.

L2TP works by encapsulating data packets within L2TP frames that are sent over the internet. When combined with IPsec, data packets are encrypted and authenticated, providing a secure conduit for transmitting sensitive information. This pairing is commonly referred to as L2TP/IPsec. The protocol is widely used for creating VPN connections.

Typical use cases for L2TP include connecting branch offices to a central corporate network, access, and enhancing security for data transmission over the internet. L2TP remains a preferred choice for businesses because it isn’t as complex as newer protocols and offers support across various devices and platforms.

L2TP benefits include compatibility and the ability to work across multiple devices. L2TP has several disadvantages, including potential speed bottlenecks (because of double encapsulation) and difficulties traversing firewalls compared to protocols that use stealth techniques.

Which VPN Protocol Is Best for Your Business?

To choose the best VPN protocol for your business, evaluate security, speed, and network compatibility requirements. Protocols like L2TP/IPsec are widely supported and offer a balance of speed and security. Protocols with stronger encryption and more rigorous authentication processes may be more appropriate for organizations requiring enhanced security measures.

Each protocol comes with its own set of advantages. Some prioritize encryption strength, others are optimized for speed to support bandwidth-intensive tasks, and several offer superior stability for mobile devices and remote users.

The right choice will align with your business's specific use cases, network architecture, VPN services, and performance expectations. A careful assessment of requirements will guide you to the most suitable protocol for a secure and efficient VPN experience. Work with your VPN provider to make the best decision possible.

VPN Protocols Comparison
IPsec- High security
- Versatile across network protocols
- Complex configuration
- Key and certificate management challenges
SSTP- Strong encryption
- Bypasses firewalls using HTTPS port
- Proprietary to Microsoft
- Limited to Windows OS
WireGuard- Simple and fast
- State-of-the-art cryptography
- Efficient and easy to use
- Static IP assignments may raise privacy concerns
- Still under development
OpenVPN- Strong encryption and security
- Open-source and auditable
- Flexible across different networks
- Difficult to set up and configure
- Requires networking knowledge
SoftEther- Strong encryption and interoperability
- Supports various protocols
- Effective in restricted networks
- Less known, which can limit adoption
- Steeper learning curve
PPTP- Fast and easy to set up
- Widely compatible with devices
- Known security vulnerabilities
- Outdated encryption standards
L2TP/IPsec- Widely compatible and easy to use
- Works across various devices and platforms
- Can be slow due to double encapsulation
- Difficulty with firewall traversal

VPN Protocols FAQs

The choice of VPN protocol should align with your security needs, network setup, and performance requirements. Assess your priorities to select the protocol that best fits your organization's infrastructure and security policies.

The best VPN protocol depends on your needs. Consider your priorities like speed, security, device compatibility, and ease of use to choose the most suitable protocol for your specific requirements.

The 3 most common VPN protocols are OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, and IKEv2/IPsec.

VPNs commonly use protocols such as OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, SSTP, and IKEv2/IPsec for secure communication.

The 4 main types of VPNs are site-to-site VPN, remote access VPN, cloud VPN, and SSL VPN.

The 4 VPN tunneling protocols include OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, SSTP, and Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2)/IPsec (jointly developed my Microsoft and Cisco).

VPNs can use either UDP for speed or TCP for reliability in their data transport.

OpenVPN offers robust flexibility and a long track record of reliability, making it suitable for complex networks, while WireGuard's strength lies in its speed and modern, lean design. The better choice depends on specific network requirements and whether the priority lies in established security or cutting-edge efficiency.

The fastest VPN protocol is often considered to be WireGuard because of its streamlined approach to encryption and performance, offering high speeds and lower latency compared to older protocols.

OpenVPN is often cited for its robust security features and extensive configurability, allowing for a highly secure setup tailored to diverse environments. However, what is considered the “strongest VPN protocol” depends on the specific security needs and network configurations.

The safest VPN security protocol varies based on the context and needs. OpenVPN is widely trusted for its strong encryption and open-source auditability. However, other protocols may be preferable depending on the VPN app and environments where different security features or speed are prioritized.

The simplest VPN protocol is technically PPTP because of its ease of setup and use. Although it may be the simplest, it is not the strongest or most secure because of its security vulnerabilities.

Determining the most anonymous VPN protocol depends on the specific use case and desired privacy level. OpenVPN can be highly anonymous when configured correctly, but other protocols may offer anonymity features that better align with a VPN user's particular privacy requirements.

Whether to use IKEv2 or OpenVPN depends on your needs; IKEv2 is faster and more mobile data friendly, while OpenVPN is more secure and stable.

The VPN protocol that is hardest to block is SSTP because it can transmit over the same port as HTTPS traffic.

A VPN's detectability hinges on its ability to mask traffic effectively. No single VPN protocol is inherently undetectable, as this can vary with the network environment and the protocol's ability to obfuscate its traffic to blend in with regular HTTPS traffic.

Whether to use WireGuard or IKEv2 depends on specific use cases. WireGuard may be recommended for speed and modern encryption, while IKEv2 may be recommended for stability and fast reconnections.

The newest VPN protocol is WireGuard, praised for its speed and modern cryptographic techniques.

What Are the Different Types of VPN Protocols? (2024)


What are the 6 common VPN protocols? ›

The most common VPN protocols are OpenVPN, WireGuard, L2TP/IPsec, IKEv2/IPsec, PPTP and SSTP. These protocols offer different trade-offs between security, speed and compatibility, so the best option will depend on your specific needs.

What are three types of protocols used by a VPN? ›

Types of VPN protocols include:
  • Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
  • Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)
  • WireGuard.
  • OpenVPN.
  • SoftEther.
  • Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
  • Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

What protocol should I use for my VPN? ›

OpenVPN is the most secure VPN protocol and the safest choice thanks to its near-unbreakable encryption, which keeps users' data private even when using public Wi-Fi.

Should I use IKEv2 or WireGuard? ›

Based on these findings, if you're looking for the fastest secure tunneling protocol, you should go with NordLynx (or WireGuard). The second fastest will be IKEv2, which can confidently hold its own even when connecting to the other side of the world.

Which is better, OpenVPN or IKEv2? ›

We found that OpenVPN is known for its high security and moderate speed. IKEv2/IPSec thrives for mobile uses and its ability to reconnect quickly. L2TP/IPSec excels in how easy it is to set up manually. PPTP is one of the oldest and least secure protocols, however, it is fast.

What protocol does always on VPN use? ›

Features and Capabilities of Always On VPN: A Tabular Representation
Common FeaturesDefined Capabilities
Industry-standard IKEv2 VPN protocol supportAlways On VPN uses the widely used IKEv2 protocol for secure and reliable VPN connections.
13 more rows
Mar 9, 2023

Is IPsec better than OpenVPN? ›

IPsec is typically faster. IPsec also benefits from its integration into the operating system's kernel, allowing for efficient packet processing and less overhead. OpenVPN is slightly slower because of double encryption, but it still offers adequate performance for most enterprise applications.

Is A VPN UDP or TCP? ›

TCP is more reliable, but there are many uses where UDP is preferred and this is usually the default protocol on most VPN services.

What is the strongest VPN protocol? ›

OpenVPN and WireGuard are protocols that can offer the most robust encryption and the highest level of security. OpenVPN uses an AES 256-bit encryption key, widely used by top-tier entities, such as NASA and the military. Meanwhile, WireGuard® uses a comparatively new and sturdy encryption protocol called XChaCha20.

Does VPN protocol matter? ›

VPN protocols determine how private connections are formed and offer different security solutions. Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all VPN protocol. For example, some protocols prioritize data encryption, others focus on offering users the fastest access to resources possible.

Which protocol is most secure? ›

The TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol is the current standard for ensuring privacy and data integrity between two or more computer systems that communicate with each other.

How many protocols are there in VPN? ›

The most common VPN protocols are OpenVPN, WireGuard, L2TP/IPsec, IKEv2/IPsec, PPTP and SSTP. These protocols offer different trade-offs between security, speed and compatibility, so the best option will depend on your specific needs.

What is the best type of VPN to use? ›

WireGuard and IKEv2/IPSec lead the way as the two best VPN protocols in the industry today. OpenVPN is a close third as it delivers similar results but is more difficult to work with. However, many routers are OpenVPN-compatible, so it's handy if you want to set up a VPN on your home network.

What protocol does Windows VPN use? ›

There are four main protocols supported by VPN companies: IKEv2/IPsec, L2TP/IPSec, OpenVPN, and PPTP. Our preferred protocol is OpenVPN, which is newer and has a reputation for reliability and speed. IKEv2/IPSec is a solid second option and uses new, secure technology.

Is IKEv2 TCP or UDP? ›

IKEv2 uses UDP as the transport layer protocol, usually on port 500. It uses Diffie-Hellman (DH) or Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) for key exchange, which is a process of generating a shared secret key that can be used to encrypt and decrypt the data.

Should I use TCP or UDP for VPN? ›

SUMMARY: If your VPN gives you a choice out of UDP or TCP, try UDP first. UDP is faster than TCP, and you can still use TCP for activities such as web browsing inside your UDP VPN tunnel. Using TCP with your VPN can help if UDP is blocked by a firewall or you have an unreliable connection.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.