What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (2024)

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Password-based authentication


Cookie-based authentication


Token-based authentication


OAuth-based authentication


Biometric-based authentication


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User authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user who wants to access a website or an online service. It is a crucial aspect of web security and user experience, as it prevents unauthorized access, protects sensitive data, and enables personalized features. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

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  • Aryan Kumar Web Lead @ GDSC LPU | Backend Dev | CyberSec Enthusiast

    What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (9) What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (10) 13

What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (11) What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (12) What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (13)

1 Password-based authentication

The most common and traditional way to authenticate users is by asking them to provide a username and a password. The password is usually hashed and stored in a database, and compared with the user input when they log in. Password-based authentication is simple and familiar, but it has some drawbacks, such as the risk of password breaches, phishing, and user forgetfulness. To improve password-based authentication, you can use techniques such as enforcing strong password policies, implementing password reset mechanisms, and adding multi-factor authentication.

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    First of all, the motivation of the fake users should be understood. The activity of fake users and bots on the Twitter or X network has been determined to some extent, and the strategies to identify them are growing.I don't find the password solution effective because real users can sometimes activate bots to act for specific purposes.A suitable solution for understanding activities that are far from the behavior and activities of normal users. Of course, it is a serious discussion and the proposal of a conference is necessary to think together.


    What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (22) What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (23) 19

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    When you think about user security, you think about the password. Password-based authentication is the first that strikes the mind as it is the easiest way to authenticate users. It is also known as knowledge-based authentication which consists of usernames and passwords. However, passwords are easy to guess in some cases. That’s why, in my opinion, to authenticate users on the website, setting a certain length and character limit will be great. Also, setting up password policies that ask users to change passwords every 3 or 6 months will help them escape from phishing.


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  • Nina D. Chief Technology Officer @ Simplify Hospitality | Software Development, Technology Strategy, Leadership | Cambridge Alumni
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    Although it might be annoying for the users, implementing multi-factor authentication in addition to strong password policy and password reset mechanisms is imperative to keep the systems secure from potential intruders.


    What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (42) What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (43) 7

  • Abbas Taheri PKI Specialist | Software Developer
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    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is one of the most effective ways to authenticate users. It adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification, typically something they know (password), something they have (security token or phone), or something they are (biometric data like fingerprints or facial recognition). This significantly enhances the overall security posture, reducing the risk of unauthorized access even if one factor is compromised.


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  • Roland Stenutz Looking for new opportunities...
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    There are normally two parts to authentication: username and password.Unfortunately it has become common practice to use e-mail addresses as usernames. This gives away half of the username-password pair.Also, the e-mail addresses can in themselves have value for e.g. spam or phishing...


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2 Cookie-based authentication

Another way to authenticate users is by using cookies, which are small pieces of data that are stored in the user's browser and sent to the server with every request. Cookies can store information such as the user's session ID, preferences, or roles. Cookie-based authentication is convenient and stateful, as it allows the user to stay logged in across multiple pages and visits, and access different features based on their permissions. However, cookie-based authentication also has some challenges, such as the need to manage cookie expiration, renewal, and deletion, and the vulnerability to cookie theft, tampering, or replay attacks.

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    Cookie-based authentication is another way to authenticate users on a website. It is one of the popular options which are small pieces of data stored in the user’s browser. Every time the user makes any request, these cookies are sent along to enable the server to recognize the user and deliver the requested information. The best practices for cookie-based authentication involve using HttpOnly and Secure flags set for secure cookies, setting cookie expiration data as per the sensitivity of the data, and also considering a strong encryption method. You can even give a special identification number to limit replay attacks.

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    Cookie auth can be achieved using JWT auth.Very easy to implement and supports various extensions. The framework can be used to authenticate using Directories from cloud service providers.Few keywords to work on would RBAC (Role based access control), SSO (Single sign on), Token refresh timeout, token refresh key, user roles and roles assignment.


    What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (80) 3

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    Below are the pros, cons, and best practice tips for using Cookie-based authentication from my perspective.Advantages:- Stateless sessions. Users can access the website without repeatedly entering their credentials.- Simplicity. Easy to implement and understand. Disadvantages:- Security vulnerability. Cookies can be stolen or modified, compromising user authentication. Vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.- Limited token control. Users have little control over session termination.Best practices: 1. Secure Cookies. Implement secure, HTTP-only cookies (add other cookie flags) to mitigate security risks. 2. Session Management. Regularly rotate session tokens and set expiration periods.


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  • Michael Apina "Empowering Tomorrow's Digital World: Software Engineer and Developer | Architect of Innovative Solutions for Transformative Interactions"
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    Navigating the digital landscape, cookie-based authentication offers convenience, creating a seamless user experience by storing essential data in the user's browser. This stateful method ensures users stay logged in across pages, accessing diverse features based on permissions. However, in this digital dance, challenges emerge—managing cookie lifecycle intricacies and guarding against potential vulnerabilities like theft, tampering, or replay attacks. While cookies provide a sweet taste of user convenience, their vulnerabilities remind us of the importance of a well-choreographed security routine in the grand ballet of web authentication.


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  • Eduardo Adam Climent Freelance Software Developer


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    When working with cookie-based authentication we must consider whether we need them to be accessible client-side or just server-side. A server-side-only approach is preferable because we have a limited control over what happens on the client.If cookies are only for the server, we must indicate that our cookie is HttpOnly. In this way it cannot be read with JavaScript on the client, which is an important layer of security.In case of working on the client we must notice that cookies will be accessible from the browser. This can make us vulnerable to attackers who, through XSS, could steal the session or authentications of our users. More modern options for client-side storage, such as localStorage or sessionStorage, should be considered.


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3 Token-based authentication

A more modern and secure way to authenticate users is by using tokens, which are encrypted strings that contain information about the user's identity and claims. Tokens are generated by the server after the user provides valid credentials, and are stored in the user's browser or device. Tokens are then sent to the server with every request, usually in the header, and verified by the server using a secret key or a public key. Token-based authentication is stateless and scalable, as it does not require the server to store or manage user sessions, and can work across different domains and platforms. However, token-based authentication also requires careful handling of token storage, transmission, and revocation, and may have performance implications due to token size and validation.

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    Its good to do token fingerprinting by adding any client specific identifier such as IP or user agents to prevent side jacking attacks. Always make sure the transmission is secure between client and servers as it could be intercepted and compromised. Every token should be validated properly at the server side and should verify the issuer. While dealing with tokens every system should have a method to invalidate or revoke the tokens if its compromised.


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  • (edited)

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    Token-based authentication involves using JWTs (JSON Web Tokens). A token is generated upon successful authentication and is sent with each subsequent request for user verification.Below are the pros, cons, and best practice tips for using Token-based authentication from my perspective.Advantages:- Enhanced security. No need to store user sessions on the server.- Scalability. Well-suited for microservices and distributed architectures.Disadvantages:- Complexity. The implementation may require additional server-side logic for effective token management.Best practices:1. Token encryption. Encrypt sensitive information within tokens.2. Short token lifespan. Minimize the risk of token compromise by setting short expiration times.


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  • Hossein Fazeli Software Development Engineer at Amazon
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    In my opinion this is the most secure way to secure all the transactions between client and seever. However, 2 very important points you need to pay attention to are first choosing a proper encryption algorithm and next always make sure the token is not hijacked.


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  • Osama Alvi Team Lead (Backend) at Mawqif Technologies
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    I am a big fan of tokens. A high percentage of web apps use tokens for authentication. Why? Because they enhance security by adding an extra layer of protection, making it challenging for unauthorized access by attackers. Tokens, with their limited validity period, offer a higher level of security compared to conventional, persistent login methods.


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  • Ahmad Alhaj Alabdulla Technical Lead/ Technologist
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    I guess that you are talking here about JWT-based authentication. JWT tokens have signatures and payloads. If you used in the correct way you will be safe. As we said above that first we need to authenticate the user using username and password or using a third party which is responsible for authenticating the user. then we can generate the token in the backend and send it to the browser.In order to have a safe cookie we need to make its payload encrypted and we need to verify the signature of each token. The expiry time should not be so long because the token can be leaked somehow and can be reused easily.To have a better user experience we need to implement a refresh mechanism, so he won't be asked to login again when the token expires.


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4 OAuth-based authentication

A more advanced and popular way to authenticate users is by using OAuth, which is a standard protocol that allows users to authorize third-party applications to access their online resources or accounts, without sharing their passwords. OAuth works by using an authorization server that issues tokens to the third-party application, after the user grants consent through a redirect or a popup. The third-party application can then use the tokens to access the user's resources or accounts from the resource server, according to the scope and duration of the authorization. OAuth-based authentication is convenient and user-friendly, as it allows users to log in with their existing online accounts, such as Google or Facebook, and control their permissions and privacy. However, OAuth-based authentication also involves complex flows and interactions, and may pose security risks if the tokens are compromised or misused.

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  • Salman Nazir Mobile Software Engineer | Corporate Android Trainer
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    - Users prefer using their existing credentials from trusted platforms like Google or Facebook, eliminating the need to create and remember new passwords for every service.- These platforms often have robust security measures in place, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.


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  • Rinosh Sasidharan Techno Functional Expert - Architect / Manager


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    It is always safe to use there existing credentials from trustable sources, they dont have to remember username and password for each website, then no need to worry about any network spoofing, if needed they can enable 2 factor authentication along with normal login


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  • (edited)

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    OAuth (Open Authorization) is an authorization framework for third-party authentication. It allows users to grant access to their resources without sharing credentials. Below are the pros, cons, and best practice tips for using OAuth-based authentication from my perspective.Advantages:- User convenience. Simplifies user experience by avoiding additional credentials.- Scalability. Facilitates secure interactions between services.Disadvantages:- Complex implementation. Requires careful implementation to prevent security loopholes. Introduces an additional layer of complexity in the authentication processBest Practices:1. Use OAuth 2.0.2. Scope limitations. Clearly define and communicate the scope of access during authorization.


    What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (178) 3

  • AMIT GUPTA GoldmanSachs | Ex-Deutsche Bank | Backend(Java/Spring/Microservices ) | Expert @CodeForces | DTU
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    The best part about using OAuth type authentication is that it reduces the Complexity of giving personal data(like passwords) to other apps(Like Facebook / Instagram) and allows convenience and user experience. While logging into facebook,it creates a token that is used to verify your identity in instagram too, instead of again giving instagram your password.


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  • Stephanos A Digital program manager — blending technology and business
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    OAuth is more categorized as authorization framework than authentication protocol and is used with other auth protocols. Few of its benefits are:- OAuth is more secure than sharing passwords with third-party applications.- OAuth gives more control over what data is shared and how long it gets shared.- OAuth is supported and recommended by the tech giants.- OAuth is flexible and can be used with multiple environments.Although OAuth is a modern framework, it requires careful implementation and configuration to ensure security and effectiveness.


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5 Biometric-based authentication

A more futuristic and innovative way to authenticate users is by using biometrics, which are physical or behavioral characteristics that are unique to each individual, such as fingerprints, face, voice, or iris. Biometrics can be used to verify the user's identity by capturing and comparing their biometric data with a stored template, using a device such as a scanner, a camera, or a microphone. Biometric-based authentication is fast and accurate, as it does not rely on user input or memory, and can provide a high level of security and confidence. However, biometric-based authentication also has some limitations, such as the cost and availability of biometric devices, the accuracy and reliability of biometric recognition, and the privacy and ethical issues of biometric data collection and storage.

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    If you wish to level up the user authentication game on the website, biometric-based authentication is the most reliable authentication. As it is not based upon the user’s memory or input but on their biometric data such as fingerprint or facial recognition, it provides a high level of security. However, you can still not completely rely on biometric authentication as various scams are taking place due to false biometrics. That’s the reason, I believe, OTP coupled with biometric authentication would make a stronger authentication method to ensure the security of the users on the website.


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  • Salman Nazir Mobile Software Engineer | Corporate Android Trainer
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    - Biometric data, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, is unique to each individual and difficult to replicate, offering a high level of security.- Users find biometric authentication more convenient than remembering and typing passwords, which can improve user experience.


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    Below are the pros, cons, and best practice tips for using Biometric-based authentication (fingerprints, facial recognition, voice patterns, etc.) from my perspective.Advantages:- High security. Strong user authentication through unique biological characteristics.- User convenience. Authentication process without passwords.Disadvantages:- Complex implementation. Requires specialized hardware and software for accurate recognition.- Privacy concerns. Raises issues regarding the storage and protection of biometric data.Best practices:1. Secure storage. Encrypt and securely store biometric data.2. Fallback mechanism. Implement alternative authentication methods in case of biometric failure.


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    Biometric authentication is a risky bit, because most of the legal entities are tied up with human biometrics. The risk also reaps the reward for accurate authentication ability without password dependency.In light of recent scams, if the biometric system is not designed right can have catastrophic effects to the users, with fake authentication by using sources of biometrics.Biometric auth needs to be optional and must have facility to deactivate authentication at users will.Biometric coupled with OTP based auth will improve visibility to auth requests to users.


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  • Tom Secreto Founder VSSA
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    Multiple biometrics in combination provides a really tight authentication method that is very tough to defeate.VSSA by validtech has been doing this for years.Tom Secreto


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Aryan Kumar Web Lead @ GDSC LPU | Backend Dev | CyberSec Enthusiast
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    Hardware based token authentication can be another approach. In my opinion they are the most secure among all the generally available methods.They can be thought to be similar to time based OTP, except the code/token is generated and encrypted by some hardware.I think hardware based authentication is also the most user friendly option because there is no need to remember passwords.


    What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (251) What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (252) 13

  • Vishal Rao Avid Software Professional
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    PassKeys! I'd also mentioned this in another collaborative article that they are the up and coming authentication method of choice with growing mindshare amongst users and developers on the various platforms such as mobile phone and computer operating systems.


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  • (edited)

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    In my opinion, token-based authentication, particularly using JWTs, stands out as the most effective method for user authentication on websites. It offers a robust combination of security and flexibility, allowing for stateless and scalable architectures without the need to store session information on the server. Moreover, JWTs support a secure way of transmitting user credentials and can be seamlessly integrated across different services and platforms. While this method requires careful management of token lifecycle and security, its benefits in modern web applications, especially those with distributed or microservice architectures, make it a superior choice for ensuring both user convenience and strong security.


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  • Adi Mallikarjuna V. Engineering Leader | Researcher | Technology Enthusiast
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    The technology industry is striving to move away from password-based authentication due to security breaches worldwide. This has compelled companies to implement additional layers of authentication such as 2FA and biometrics. With the rise in the adoption of powerful smart devices that can perform on-device computation, biometric authentication has become much easier. Therefore, no single authentication mechanism may work for every situation. For instance, Google, in addition to using passwords, provides support for software tokens using authenticator apps and hardware tokens. Google recently introduced Passkeys as a means to eliminate passwords.


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  • Abbas Taheri PKI Specialist | Software Developer
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    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is one of the most effective ways to authenticate users. It adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification, typically something they know (password), something they have (security token or phone), or something they are (biometric data like fingerprints or facial recognition). This significantly enhances the overall security posture, reducing the risk of unauthorized access even if one factor is compromised.


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What are the most effective ways to authenticate users on a website? (2024)
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