What are the most important digital strategy skills? (2024)

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Data-driven decision making


User experience design


Content marketing


Artificial intelligence and automation


Collaboration and leadership


Here’s what else to consider

The digital world is constantly evolving, and so are the skills required to succeed in it. Whether you are a digital strategist, a marketer, a consultant, or a business owner, you need to keep up with the latest trends, tools, and techniques to create and execute effective digital strategies. In this article, we will explore some of the most important digital strategy skills, based on the current and projected demands of the market, the customers, and the technology.

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  • Moninder Kumar Associate Vice President at Reliance Industries Limited

    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (3) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (4) 21

  • Greg Newby Helping Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs Stay Over Their Skis for 15 Years | Fractional CMO | Copywriter

    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (6) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (7) 17

  • Felix Wong Full-Stack Growth Marketer | Data Analytics | Digital Innovation | Ex-CircleDNA | Ex-Techstars

    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (9) 14

What are the most important digital strategy skills? (10) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (11) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (12)

1 Data-driven decision making

One of the core skills of any digital strategist is the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data from various sources, such as web analytics, social media, customer feedback, and market research. Data-driven decision making helps you to understand your audience, measure your performance, optimize your campaigns, and identify new opportunities. To master this skill, you need to be familiar with the tools and platforms that enable data collection and analysis, such as Google Analytics, Tableau, Power BI, and SQL. You also need to develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as your communication and presentation skills, to convey your insights and recommendations clearly and persuasively.

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  • Moninder Kumar Associate Vice President at Reliance Industries Limited
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    After knowing the algorithms of various digital marketing platforms, you need to know how to read the data and most important is to define the next actions basis the data, environment and foreseen challenges. So, definitely analytical thinking.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (21) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (22) 21

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    Mais uma vez, quero evidenciar que o digital não acaba na pequena tela do celular ou do computador. O OOH é um meio digital que precisa ser direcionado cada vez mais por dados qualitativos e quantitativos. Então não é só usar GA ou powerBI. Precisa escolher dados que permitam ser boas estrategistas digitais à respeito de todos os canais ativados numa campanha.



    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (31) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (32) 13

  • Greg Newby Helping Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs Stay Over Their Skis for 15 Years | Fractional CMO | Copywriter
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    How users will respond should drive every decision you make in digital marketing. How do you understand that question? Data analysis.Gone are the days where you make a decision based off a "hunch" or "years of experience". Those things are great to build a hypothesis around, but just because YOU would respond a certain way or people have responded a certain way in the past doesn't mean everyone in your audience will continue to do so.Don't ignore the data! With the plethora of tools available and courses on how to use those tools, there's no good excuse to skip out on this!


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (41) 7

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    Businesses and organizations often invest significant resources in digital strategies. Data-driven decision-making enables the measurement of return on investment (ROI). This ability to demonstrate the impact of digital initiatives is crucial for securing ongoing support and resources. Digital strategies involve various elements such as website performance, social media engagement, email marketing effectiveness, and more. Utilizing data allows strategists to measure the performance of these elements accurately. This enables them to identify what works well and what needs improvement.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (50) 5

  • Sinan Deriş
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    Digital strategists must master data analytics to make informed decisions. This involves collecting and interpreting data from various sources. Personal advice: Embrace a continuous learning mindset. Stay updated on data analysis tools and techniques. In digital marketing, data is the compass guiding your strategy; use it wisely.


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2 User experience design

Another essential skill for digital strategists is user experience design, or UX design. UX design is the process of creating and improving the interactions and emotions that users have with your digital products or services, such as websites, apps, or software. UX design helps you to create user-centric solutions that meet the needs and expectations of your customers, as well as the goals and objectives of your business. To master this skill, you need to understand the principles and best practices of UX design, such as user research, wireframing, prototyping, testing, and iterating. You also need to be familiar with the tools and software that enable UX design, such as Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, and InVision.

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  • Sinan Deriş
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    Prioritize creating positive user interactions. UX design is pivotal for effective digital strategies. Personal advice: Understand the user journey intimately. Regularly engage with your digital products as a user. In digital marketing, a seamless user experience fosters engagement and customer loyalty.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (68) 5

  • Riitu Chugh


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    user experience design tools are just that. tools. they are enablers. in order to craft a great user experience - put yourself in the shoes of your sweet spot consumer- try to think like they would- use the channels / platforms they would be using- use their language - think about the time frame in which they would be operating in order to get what they want - appeal to their needs with not just features and benefits - but ease of use and a smooth as silk interaction that makes things as quick and simple as A-B-C with zero or minimal effort.example - voice / chat activated solutions solve many customer support needs and rarely is a human required to solve the problem. all part of the evolving space of great user experiences.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (77) 2

  • John Perkins I help life sciences companies reach and engage with more customers and patients.
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    UX design is a great skill. There are many experiences that fail from poor UX design, or indeed undifferentiated products which benefit from amazing UX design. Most important, of course, is having a deep understanding of your customer's needs.


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    In today's digital landscape, mastering UX design is more than just using the right tools. It's about deeply understanding our customers - stepping into their world, speaking their language, and meeting them on their preferred platforms. As we develop digital products, it's crucial to focus not only on features but on creating seamless, intuitive experiences in order to serve the customers needs.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (95) 1

  • Christiane Zhao Empower clients to transform their payment experience // Strategic Marketing @G+D // Accessibility is for all // Opinions are my own // Advisor at Harvard // Money20/20 RiseUp’24
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    With these new web/app development platforms, UX design is getting easier for other non-ux expert in the same team. However, it doesn't mean the challenges are gone. UX design can best reflect a company's value and shape the key messages, it also determinate who will be viewing and interacting. It is more than important to have accessibility in the core, test it with some known standards, user groups, or even leverage AI as a partner to generate better content as a "team". As digital accessibility is getting more important, we shall also expand our key user groups with a more diverse and inclusive focus.


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3 Content marketing

Content marketing is another key skill for digital strategists, especially in the era of information overload and short attention spans. Content marketing is the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and engaging content that attracts and retains your target audience, and drives them to take action. Content marketing helps you to establish your authority, credibility, and trustworthiness in your niche, as well as to generate leads, conversions, and loyalty. To master this skill, you need to understand the types and formats of content that work best for your audience, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, ebooks, or infographics. You also need to know how to optimize your content for search engines, social media, and email marketing, using tools and techniques such as keyword research, SEO, copywriting, and analytics.

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  • Greg Newby Helping Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs Stay Over Their Skis for 15 Years | Fractional CMO | Copywriter
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    The operative word here is VALUABLE. If your content doesn't provide value to the audience you're trying to reach, it'll get lost in the noise and clutter up the internet, making it harder to find useful information.Another crucial point that so many get wrong about content marketing is that it shouldn't be about selling. You have product pages and a sales team for that. True content marketing helps lead people through the decision making funnel:Awareness > Discovery > Evaluation > Intent > Purchase > LoyaltyToo many content marketing programs focus on the Purchase step and don't create any resources around the other steps. Don't fall into this common trap!


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (113) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (114) 17

  • Sinan Deriş
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    In the age of information overload, compelling content is a strategic necessity. Craft valuable, relevant, and engaging content to capture and retain your audience's attention. Personal advice: Hone your storytelling skills. Understand your audience's pain points and aspirations. In digital marketing, content is the bridge between brand and consumer.


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  • Joseph Tarnowski I create B2B Content that Builds Brands, Drives Awareness and Generates $$$
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    Content has become an essential part of any company's marketing efforts. The ability to create content that delivers value — and engages your audience — is probably the most powerful way to build trust with your audience.


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    In my opinion, it's clear that digital strategists must innovate to cut through the noise of an information-saturated world. The key to mastering future content marketing lies in the ability to blend technology with creativity: Content marketing will heavily rely on personalization and interactivity. Utilizing AI and machine learning, content can be tailored to individual user preferences, leading to more meaningful and engaging experiences. Interactive content formats like augmented reality experiences, interactive videos, and personalized storytelling will become increasingly popular. These formats not only capture attention but also significantly enhance user engagement and retention.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (141) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (142) 2

  • Ricardo Oliveira Boosting EV demand in mass market. Evangelizing AI tools - Futurist with a track record of over 30 years in the automotive industry, pioneering electric mobility and new trends.
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    The production of content marketing is a fundamental strategy in my professional activity as a manager. This strategy "forces me" to step out of my comfort zone, to study, create, and test, as well as to develop communication skills. It also helps me to observe my organization from an external perspective, which turns out to be crucial in its management. Investing in content marketing production is one of the best investments a manager can make.


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4 Artificial intelligence and automation

Artificial intelligence and automation are two of the most disruptive and transformative technologies that are reshaping the digital landscape. They offer new possibilities and challenges for digital strategists, who need to leverage them to enhance their efficiency, effectiveness, and creativity. Artificial intelligence and automation can help you to automate repetitive and mundane tasks, such as data entry, reporting, or scheduling. They can also help you to generate insights, predictions, and recommendations, based on large and complex data sets, such as customer behavior, preferences, or sentiments. They can also help you to create and personalize content, such as headlines, captions, or images, using natural language processing, computer vision, or generative adversarial networks. To master this skill, you need to understand the basics and applications of artificial intelligence and automation, such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and chatbots. You also need to be aware of the ethical and social implications of these technologies, such as privacy, bias, and accountability.

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  • Sinan Deriş
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    Embrace the transformative power of AI and automation. Stay abreast of how these technologies reshape digital landscapes. Personal advice: Develop a foundational understanding of AI principles. Explore automation tools relevant to your industry. In digital marketing, leveraging AI enhances efficiency and precision in targeting.


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  • ⚡️ SEBA MARÍN I'm the Marketing Consultant Your Business Needs
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    Aprende sobre IA y adáptala a tu personalidad y a tus necesidades. No te fíes de ella al 100%, pero no dejes de usarla por desconocimiento o por miedo.¡No te quedes atrás!



    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (169) 3

  • Al Restar
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    Incorporating AI and automation in this era of the digital landscape is crucial in designing sustainable and efficient digital strategies. AI and automation cut off unnecessary processes that takes up resources which could be re-allocated to other strategies that directly provide value.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (178) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (179) 2

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    While acknowledging the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, it's crucial to consider the potential drawbacks and ethical implications. Dependence on these technologies may inadvertently lead to a loss of the human touch in digital strategy. Overreliance on AI for content creation, personalization, and decision-making could risk overlooking the unique insights and creative nuances that human strategists bring to the table. Striking a balance between leveraging AI for efficiency and preserving the irreplaceable aspects of human intuition and ethical decision-making becomes paramount in navigating the evolving landscape of digital strategy.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (188) 2

  • Riitu Chugh
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    remember these are just media. the basics of user insights, creative expression, great user experiences all are now even more important than ever as media and presentation become increasingly sophisticated.brands will have to acquire a whole new level of "polish" in order to do create compelling interactions for their brands.virtual reality, anyone ?


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5 Collaboration and leadership

The last but not least skill for digital strategists is collaboration and leadership. Digital strategy is not a solo endeavor, but a team effort, that involves working with different stakeholders, such as clients, colleagues, partners, and vendors. Collaboration and leadership help you to coordinate, communicate, and manage the expectations and contributions of each party, as well as to align them with the vision and goals of the project. They also help you to foster a culture of innovation, experimentation, and learning, that encourages feedback, iteration, and adaptation. To master this skill, you need to develop your interpersonal and emotional intelligence skills, such as empathy, listening, negotiation, and conflict resolution. You also need to use the tools and platforms that facilitate collaboration and leadership, such as Slack, Trello, Zoom, and Google Workspace.

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  • Greg Newby Helping Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs Stay Over Their Skis for 15 Years | Fractional CMO | Copywriter
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    Collaboration is key. It's easy for everyone on a project to get buried in their specialization silo, and often the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.To have a fully-integrated digital strategy, you need buy-in and regular communication with all the stakeholders.Make sure your project team includes someone from all areas of your marketing team. From social media, to web development, to email, to the blog, and even leadership.Everyone needs to be on the same page and understands how each of the pieces will be implemented to achieve the overall goals.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (206) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (207) 12

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    In my time at T-Mobile, I learned the critical importance of collaboration and leadership in digital strategy. Leading an assisted digital sales channel, I often faced conflicting needs with our web e-commerce flow. Despite being part of the same company, our leadership teams initially clashed. However, by purposefully working towards a unified charter, shared performance metrics, and a joint steering body, we achieved significant improvements in our digital experience. This experience taught me that aligning leadership is crucial for cascading unity and focus to the working teams, fostering a culture of innovation, experimentation, and learning. It's about using empathy, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (216) What are the most important digital strategy skills? (217) 6

  • Sinan Deriş
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    Digital strategy is a collaborative effort. Cultivate leadership skills to guide and inspire your team. Personal advice: Foster open communication and a supportive team culture. In digital marketing, effective collaboration ensures diverse perspectives contribute to innovative and successful strategies. Leadership is about empowering others to excel.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (226) 5

  • Vir Kullar 14+ Years in Digital! Director at YEGO, NFX Digital, Kommlabs, and SuperStartups
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    Digital strategy is not a solo venture. The ability to collaborate across teams and lead initiatives is more important than ever. My journey has taught me the value of teamwork, clear communication, and leadership in driving successful digital strategies.The mentors I've had over the years have instilled in me the importance of staying adaptable and committed to lifelong learning. Keeping pace with emerging trends, technologies, and consumer behaviors is essential for staying relevant and effective in this field.


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    Looking ahead, I foresee an increased reliance on virtual collaboration tools and techniques as remote and hybrid work environments become the norm. The ability to lead and collaborate effectively in these settings will be critical for the success of any digital strategy initiative. My focus is on leveraging these tools to create an inclusive, connected, and efficient work environment where innovative ideas can flourish.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Felix Wong Full-Stack Growth Marketer | Data Analytics | Digital Innovation | Ex-CircleDNA | Ex-Techstars


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    This topic never ends.Next year, you will see the same thing for 2024. If we really wanted to pick one, I would definitely vote for "Curiosity". If you're not curious about something unfamiliar, your chances of mastering a new skill are slim.Always keep an open mind to new people, new conversations, new technologies, and even new ways of doing things.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (253) 14

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    In the digital world, I believe Emotional Intelligence is critical when developing a Digital Strategy for business.𝗘𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽Every journey begins with a single step.Start practicing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) today and pave the way for fulfilling work and peace of mind


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (262) 5

  • Osman Daggezen Pharma Digital Transformation Consultant | Helping Pharma Businesses to Enhance Omnichannel Customer Experience | Author of "Omnichannel Customer Engagement in Pharma" Book | Board Member | Lifelong Learner
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    Digital strategy should not be disconnected from physical interactions, so "Omnichannel marketing" skills should also be prioritized among the list here. The ability to create a seamless customer experience across various digital platforms and physical touchpoints is becoming increasingly important.Another point to consider is "Digital ethics and compliance", which means understanding the ethical considerations and compliance requirements in digital initiatives, particularly with AI implementations.


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (271) 5

  • Patrick Klotz Digital Transformation Solutions for SMEs - Speaker | Awareness/Assessments | Consulting | Digital Solutions | Trainings💡 LinkedIn TopVoice on Digital Transformation, Digital Strategy, Innovation - HRDC Certified TTT
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    I think the title is misleading. Are we looking for/describing 'digital skills' or is it about 'digital strategy skills'? Like skills to define, plan and execute a digital strategy? I can see none of these listed in the article, thus thinking it's about 'digital skills'. Skills employees need to cope with the digital advancements and future. If that's the case, I believe another important skill is missing in the list: "Digital Leadership skills"


    What are the most important digital strategy skills? (280) 3

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    In my opinion, one of the most important strategy skills for a digital marketer is the ability to "unlearn". We work in an industry that moves faster than the light and each day we wake up to a new world. Your ability to stay up to date with this will be determined by your ability to unlearn and learn new things. It's exciting and fun!


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Digital Strategy What are the most important digital strategy skills? (290)

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What are the most important digital strategy skills? (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.