What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (2024)

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Programming languages


Testing tools and frameworks


Test design and development


Test execution and reporting


Test automation strategy and management


Continuous learning and improvement


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Automated testing is a vital skill for software testers who want to increase their efficiency, accuracy, and value in the software development lifecycle. But what are the most in-demand automated testing skills that can help you advance your career and stand out from the competition? In this article, we will explore six automated testing skills that are highly sought-after by employers and clients, and how you can learn and improve them.

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  • Dani Cavalcanti 🐞 Engenheira de Desenvolvimento de Software em Testes (SDET) | Embaixadora do Cantinho das QAs | Embaixadora Google Women…

    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (3) What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (4) 20

  • Dharmalingam Krishnan All about QA at Visteon | Certified Scrum Master | Youtuber @ TechieQA | Full-Stack Tester |…

    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (6) 14

  • Ashwin Kamde Test Automation Lead | 🤖 Generative AI Enthusiast | Cypress | Selenium | 🐍Python | PowerShell | REST Assured |…

    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (8) 7

What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (9) What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (10) What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (11)

1 Programming languages

One of the most essential automated testing skills is the ability to write and execute code in one or more programming languages. Programming languages are the tools that enable you to create, modify, and run automated test scripts, frameworks, and tools. Some of the most popular programming languages for automated testing are Java, Python, C#, Ruby, JavaScript, and Kotlin. You should choose the programming language that best suits your project, domain, and personal preference, and master its syntax, logic, and best practices.

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  • Dharmalingam Krishnan All about QA at Visteon | Certified Scrum Master | Youtuber @ TechieQA | Full-Stack Tester | Selenium,Appium(Android/iOS),Cypress,Jmeter,Postman | AWS , Kubernetes , Docker
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    Pogramming language is the base of any tool you want to use for Automation. But with having basic knowledge with programming also you can start automation and day by day you learn both automation and programming skills as well.But don’t wait for long time to learn programming to start automation. Start ASAP as soon as you have basic programming skills.Now will see about the tools —Web Automation Testing —> Selenium> Cypress> Protractor — Mobile App Automation—> Appium ( Android & iOS)> Espresso (Android only)— API Automation—> Rest Assured> Cypress > JestjsThese are the tools on demand in Market now.


    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (20) 14

  • Ashwin Kamde Test Automation Lead | 🤖 Generative AI Enthusiast | Cypress | Selenium | 🐍Python | PowerShell | REST Assured | 🥒Cucumber BDD | Azure DevOps | Jenkins
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    The most in-demand automated testing skills include proficiency in scripting languages (e.g., Python, Java, or JavaScript), expertise in test automation frameworks (such as Selenium, Appium, or Cypress), knowledge of version control systems (e.g., Git), understanding of CI/CD pipelines, familiarity with containerization tools like Docker, experience in API testing using tools like Postman or RestAssured, and the ability to work with test management and defect tracking tools (e.g., Jira). Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, along with adaptability to evolving technologies, are also crucial. Additionally, knowledge of performance testing tools (e.g., JMeter or Gatling) will be beneficial too.


    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (29) 7

  • Anup Yadav Technical Lead | Test Architect (Automation) | Test Automation Consultant | Selenium | Core Java | API Testing | Agile | JIRA | Cucumber(BDD) | TestNG | Jenkins | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner |
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    I would say majorly Java/python/Java Script is used in industry but expertise only come when someone keep progressing with one(language) else we end up with jumping to one language to other and not become expert. One thing is important is programming concepts(example- oops in java)analysis, logic. This is common across languages. So we should focus in this area irrespective of any language.


    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (38) 5

  • Ashwin Kamde Test Automation Lead | 🤖 Generative AI Enthusiast | Cypress | Selenium | 🐍Python | PowerShell | REST Assured | 🥒Cucumber BDD | Azure DevOps | Jenkins
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    Logic Building is Important before selecting Programming Languages.Logic Building Steps:1.Breaking down Problem2.Drawing Flowcharts3.Writing PseudocodeThere are 3 most popular Programming Languages used for Automated Testing:1.Python: If you are someone completely new to programming and want to learn Automated Testing, Python is most suitable as its Simple and Easy.2.Java: If you are someone with some programming knowledge then Java is the Best. Java will help you to create Better Automation Frameworks with Design Patterns.3.JavaScript: JavaScript can be preferred if development team is using it and they wanted to collaborate in Test Automation. Also if you are using Tools like Cypress you have No Option but JavaScript.


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  • Scot Noftz Software Quality Engineering Manager focused on empowering and developing team members to achieve higher quality within software applications
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    Understanding how to write reliable tests in the programming language of your choice is imperative. The better you are at programming, the more effective you can be at test automation. Not only are you able to write tests that are more reliable but you are able to debug and find the root cause of issues that may arise more quickly.


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2 Testing tools and frameworks

Another important automated testing skill is the knowledge and experience of using various testing tools and frameworks that can help you automate different types of testing, such as functional, performance, security, and accessibility testing. Testing tools and frameworks are software applications or libraries that provide features, functions, and interfaces to facilitate and simplify the automation process. Some of the most widely used testing tools and frameworks are Selenium, Appium, Cucumber, TestNG, JUnit, PyTest, Postman, JMeter, and Cypress. You should familiarize yourself with the features, advantages, and limitations of each tool and framework, and how to integrate them with your programming language and environment.

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  • Harpal Singh Senior Software Engineer @OrangePower | Go-lang | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | Open Source | Backend Developer
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    1. Unit Testing: - Java: JUnit, Mockito, TestNG - C#: NUnit, MSTest, xUnit.net, Moq - Python: unittest, pytest, nose - JavaScript: Mocha, Jest, Jasmine, QUnit - Ruby: RSpec, MiniTest2. Functional Testing: - Web UI Testing: Selenium, Appium, Protractor, Cypress.io, Puppeteer - API Testing: Postman, JMeter, RestAssured, SoapUI3. Performance and Load Testing: - Apache JMeter - LoadRunner - Gatling - Locust.io4. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): - Jenkins - Travis CI - CircleCI - GitLab CI/CD - GitHub Actions5. Test Management: - TestRail - Zephyr - qTest - TestLink


    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (65) 7

  • Anup Yadav Technical Lead | Test Architect (Automation) | Test Automation Consultant | Selenium | Core Java | API Testing | Agile | JIRA | Cucumber(BDD) | TestNG | Jenkins | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner |
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    Functional Testing(UI) - Selenium with BDD(Cucumber) framework,Selenium with TestNG framework,CypressAPI - Postman, Rest Assured.


    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (74) 5

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    A comprehensive understanding of testing tools and frameworks is pivotal in the world of automation testing. amiliarity with Selenium, Appium, Cucumber, TestNG, JUnit, PyTest, Postman, JMeter, and Cypress is indispensable. Knowing their features, advantages, and limitations, and how to seamlessly integrate them with your programming stack ensures efficient and effective test automation


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    Knowledge of popular testing tools and frameworks, such as Selenium, Appium, JUnit, TestNG, and others, is vital. These tools simplify test automation and make it more efficient.


3 Test design and development

A third automated testing skill is the ability to design and develop effective, reliable, and maintainable automated test cases, scenarios, and suites. Test design and development involves applying various techniques, methods, and principles to plan, create, and organize your automated tests, such as test-driven development, behavior-driven development, keyword-driven testing, data-driven testing, and page object model. You should also follow coding standards, naming conventions, and documentation practices to ensure the quality and readability of your automated test code.

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    Skill in designing test cases and test scenarios is important. Test design includes creating effective, reusable, and maintainable test cases that cover different aspects of the application.


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    Applying techniques like test-driven development and behavior-driven development helps in creating reliable and maintainable test cases. Moreover, employing data-driven testing and the page object model enhances the efficiency of your automated testing efforts. Adhering to coding standards and naming conventions, along with robust documentation practices, is crucial to ensure the quality and readability of your automated test code. This skill set not only boosts your career but also adds substantial value to your organization's software development lifecycle.


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  • Magnus Rydberg Test Engineer at Blancco Technology Group


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    Designing tests it really the core skill above all. At its simplest, it is really about making wise decisions about what is worth testing and why.

4 Test execution and reporting

A fourth automated testing skill is the ability to execute and report your automated tests in a consistent, timely, and accurate manner. Test execution and reporting involves running your automated tests on different platforms, browsers, devices, and environments, using tools such as Jenkins, Docker, BrowserStack, and Sauce Labs. You should also generate and analyze test results, logs, and reports, using tools such as Allure, Extent Reports, and Kibana. You should be able to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve any issues or errors that occur during or after the test execution, and communicate your findings and recommendations to the stakeholders.

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  • Si Ling L. QA Engineer (Automation Testing)
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    Test execution is not just about clicking the run button and letting the automated test script execute. It is also about understanding the test script flow so that you are able to identify if an error is an actual issue due to the failure of the application you are testing or a failure in the test script. Understanding of the flow also allows for capture of errors that might be missed by the test script.


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    The ability to execute test scripts, analyze results, and generate meaningful reports is crucial. This includes identifying and reporting defects effectively.


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    This involves running tests on various platforms, browsers, and devices, utilizing tools like Jenkins, Docker, BrowserStack, and Sauce Labs. To maintain accuracy, it's crucial to employ reporting tools such as Allure, Extent Reports, and Kibana. This ensures that results and issues are well-documented, and stakeholders are informed promptly. Timely identification and resolution of errors are essential for a streamlined testing process, ultimately enhancing software quality.


5 Test automation strategy and management

A fifth automated testing skill is the ability to define and implement a test automation strategy and manage the test automation process. Test automation strategy and management involves deciding what, when, how, and why to automate, based on the project scope, objectives, requirements, risks, and resources. You should also be able to select and configure the appropriate tools, frameworks, and infrastructure for your test automation, and coordinate and collaborate with the development team, the testing team, and the business team. You should also monitor and evaluate the performance, effectiveness, and return on investment of your test automation, and make adjustments and improvements as needed.

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    One key aspect of automated testing that greatly impacts its success is test automation strategy and management. Having a well-defined strategy is essential as it guides what, when, and how to automate, aligning with project objectives and constraints. Additionally, coordinating with development and testing teams is vital for seamless integration.


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    Understanding how to plan, implement, and manage test automation strategies is a high-demand skill. This involves deciding what to automate, when to automate, and how to maintain and scale automated test suites.


6 Continuous learning and improvement

A sixth and final automated testing skill is the ability to continuously learn and improve your automated testing skills, knowledge, and practices. Continuous learning and improvement involves staying updated and informed about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the field of automated testing, and applying them to your own projects and work. You should also seek feedback, guidance, and mentorship from your peers, managers, and experts, and participate in online courses, webinars, podcasts, blogs, forums, and communities related to automated testing. You should also reflect on your own strengths, weaknesses, and goals, and set realistic and measurable action plans to enhance your automated testing skills.

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    Automation technologies evolve rapidly. Test automation professionals should continuously update their skills and stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and best practices in the industry.


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    From an improvement perspective, I wouldn't focus on any one specific language or tool or framework. Instead the building blocks of computing in general and how to build "systems". Having the capability to visualize a system before it is built will yield dividends when it comes time to test or automate.Tools can be learned in a week. Understanding how systems are designed and how they work is a pre-requisite for not only test automation but also any other discipline within software development.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Dani Cavalcanti 🐞 Engenheira de Desenvolvimento de Software em Testes (SDET) | Embaixadora do Cantinho das QAs | Embaixadora Google Women Techmakers | CTFL | CTFL-AT | Speaker | Mentora
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    A meu ver, estratégia e planejamento. Antes de pensar em frameworks ou ferramentas, o profissional precisa saber o quê, como e quando automatizar seus testes.Tendo essa capacidade analítica, ele terá destaque em qualquer frente que atue independente da ferramenta que esteja usando.



    What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (187) What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (188) 20

  • Konstantin Sakhchinskiy QA Team Lead and Engineer with skills and expertise to help improve your products and enhance customer satisfaction
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    BugBug provides a list of the skills:-Being a Good Manual Tester-Analytical thinking-Understanding of Software Development Methodologies-Analytical and Problem-solving Abilities-Understanding of Business Requirements-Automated Test Design and ExecutionStatistically, the most in-demand skills:-Analytical thinking-Programming experience-Functional testing skills-Test script development expertise-DevOps tools-Human or soft skills-Business analysis skills-Customer-focused mindsetMuukTest list of skills:-Understanding of STLC & SDLC-The Agile Approach to Testing- Programming-Documentation-Analytical Tester Skills-Familiarity With Automation Tools-Bug Reporting-Willingness to Learn-Business Flows-Communication Skills


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    Understand that automation and testing are not exactly the same thing. You can use automation in testing just like you can use automation while building cars on an assembly line. It is a tool and nothing more. In my experience, if we focus on understanding the problem we are trying to solve and then define a strategy that will drive us to choose the appropriate programming language, frameworks, tools, etc.When it comes to testing in general, having a bird's-eye view is always a good idea before diving into solutions, which we often do.


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  • George Ukkuru Leading Pre-Sales, Marketing, and Innovation in Software Testing | Spearheading Test Transformation and Capability Development
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    In addition to proficiency in programming and familiarity several essential skills stand out:Automation Strategy: The capacity to formulate a comprehensive automation strategy for an enterprise is crucial. This involves determining the scope, objectives, and roadmap for automation initiatives that align with goals.Framework Development: Being able to define an enterprise-wide automation framework or recommend a suitable automation platform . Stakeholder Communication: Proficiency in demonstrating the value of test automation to stakeholders is vital. This skill entails effectively conveying how automation enhances testing efficiency, reduces costs, and improves quality.


Software Testing What are the most in-demand automated testing skills? (215)

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.