What Are the Pros and Cons of a Health Savings Account (HSA)? (2024)


A health savings account (HSA) is essentially a personal savings account that can be used only for medical expenses. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). HSAs have certain tax advantages, som many people use them as retirement plans alongside their 401(k) or IRA accounts.

Contributions to an HSA are made with pretax dollars. This means that you won’t pay income tax on the money that you put directly into your HSA. On the other hand, the money that you put into your HSA is expensive to access once it’s already in the account unless it is used properly.

Key Takeaways

  • The health savings account (HSA) helps people with high-deductible health insurance plans cover out-of-pocket medical costs.
  • Contributions to HSAs aren’t subject to federal income tax, and earnings in the account grow tax-free.
  • Unspent money in an HSA rolls over at the end of the year, so it’s available for future health expenses.
  • You’ll owe income taxes plus a 20% penalty if you withdraw funds from your HSA for non-qualified expenses before you turn age 65.

Understanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

A health savings account (HSA) is a tax-exempt savings account that is available only to people who have high-deductible health insurance plans. The money in an HSA can be used only to pay for qualified medical expenses. If the money is spent for any other purpose, the account holder has to pay income tax on the withdrawal plus a 20% tax penalty (unless the person is age 65 or older, in which case the penalty is waived).

Who Is Eligible for an HSA?

People with an HDHP can open an HSA. The two are usually paired together, so you’ll be offered an HSA when you enroll in a qualifying HDHP plan through an HSA provider.

You must also meet the eligibility standards set by theInternal Revenue Service (IRS). An eligible individual is someone who:

  • Has a qualified HDHP
  • Has no other health coverage
  • Is not enrolled inMedicare
  • Is not claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return

Is It Worth It to Have an HSA?

It can be worthwhile to have an HSA for the tax advantages alone. The money that you contribute to an HSA is tax-free, so you lower your tax bill by routing money that you can use for medical expenses through an HSA. Your employer won’t withhold income taxes on this money either.

On the downside, an HSA is open only to people with HDHPs, and a high-deductible plan is not for everyone. The financial benefit of an HDHP’s lower premium and higher deductible structure depends on your personal situation. The higher deductible means you'll pay more for your out-of-pocket expenses, but you can also use the HSA to cover those costs. Generally, healthy people with no ongoing issues that require regular treatment may find them worthwhile.

Does HSA Money Expire?

The money you put in your HSA has no expiration date and will stay in your account forever–even after you retire. This means that unspent money in an HSA rolls over at the end of the year and remains available for future health expenses.

This is unlike flexible spending accounts (FSAs), which are available to many through their employers, FSAs are strictly “use it or lose it", requiring you to spend all the funds by the end of each year or shortly thereafter.

You generally cannot contribute to an HSA and a traditional FSA in the same year. However, some plans allow you to have an HSA alongside a limited-purpose FSA (LPFSA)for dental and vision costs plus a Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) for childcare costs.

What Can HSA Funds Be Used for?

Money that you withdraw from your HSA isn’t taxed as long as it is used for a qualified medical expense for you, your spouse, and your dependent children (even if they are not covered by the HDHP). The list of permitted expenses is quite long, and includes deductibles, dental services, vision care, prescription drugs, co-pays, psychiatric treatments, and other qualified medical expenses not covered by a health insurance plan.

Insurance premiumsdon’t count as a qualified medical expense with some exceptions: premiums forMedicare or other healthcare coverage for people 65 or older; for healthcare continuation coverage (COBRA) while receiving unemployment compensation; or forlong-term care insurance, subject to annually adjusted limits.

Premiums for Medicare supplemental or Medigap policies are not treated as qualified medical expenses.

If you use your HSA to pay for anything other than a qualified medical expense, that amount is subject to both income tax and an additional 20% tax penalty if you are less than 65 years old. After you reach age 65, you only have to pay income tax on the amount withdrawn.

Annual Contribution Limits

For 2024, the limit is $4,150 for individuals and $8,300 for family coverage for families. For 2025, those amounts are $4,300 and $8,600, respecitvely. There is also an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution available for anyone age 55 or older by the end of the tax year who has not enrolled in Medicare.

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Health Savings Account (HSA)? (1)

Advantages of HSAs

Access to an HSA is intended to take some of the stress out of unexpected health costs. These accounts also have several other advantages.

Many Expenses Qualify

Eligible expenses include a wide range of medical, dental, and mental health services. These are explained in detail in IRS Publication 502, Medical and Dental Expenses.


Over-the-counter medications and menstrual products qualify as HSA expenses, thanks to the CARES Act of 2020.

Others Can Contribute

Contributions can come from you, your employer, a relative, or anyone else who wants to add to your HSA. Employers can choose whether or not to contribute to their employees' accounts

Pretax Contributions

Contributions are made with pretax dollars through payroll deductions by your employer. In other words, your employer won’t withhold taxes on these dollars.

That means that the money is not included in your gross income and is not subject to federal income taxes. In most states, contributions are not subject to state income taxes.

Tax-Deductible After-Tax Contributions

If you make contributions with after-tax dollars, you can deduct the money from your gross income on your tax return, reducing your tax bill for the year. For example, if you’re an individual under the age of 55, your maximum allowed contribution to an HSA is $4,150 in 2024.

So, if you deposit only $2,600 into your HSA through payroll deductions by the end of 2023, you may choose to deposit an additional $1,550 to further lower yourtax liability. You generally have until the IRS tax filing deadline to contribute.

Tax-Free Withdrawals

Withdrawals from your HSA are not subject to federal (and in most cases, state) taxes if you use them for qualified medical expenses.

There are also no required minimum distributions (unlike some retirement accounts). You should only take out money when you have healthcare costs and save the rest for future expenses.

Investment Options

The balance in an HSA can be invested. You can purchase stocks, bonds, and other types of assets to boost your potential returns. Most financial advisors will strongly suggest putting FSA funds in conservative investments such as U.S. Treasury bonds. This account is, first and foremost, a nest egg for unexpected medical expenses.

Tax-Free Earnings

Any interest or other earnings on the money in the account is tax free. While most HSAs earn a minimal amount of interest, generally less than 0.1%, the account can generate significant returns from investments.

Annual Rollover

If you have money left in your HSA at the end of the year, it rolls over to the next year.

This is a big advantage over FSAs, which normally can only be carried for 2½ months into the following plan year. For 2024, you could only carry forward up to $640 in an FSA.


The money in your HSA remains available for future qualified medical expenses even if you change health insurance plans, leave for a different employer, or retire.

Essentially, your HSA is a bank account in your name, and you decide how and when to use the funds.


HDHPs are required to set a minimum deductible and a maximum for out-of-pocket costs.

  • In 2024, the deductible must be at least $1,600 for an individual and $3,200 for a family while out-of-pocket costs are limited to $8,050 for individuals and $16,100 for families.


Many HSAs issue a debit card so you can pay for prescription medications and other eligible expenses. If you are waiting for a bill to come in the mail, you can call the billing center and make a payment over the phone using your HSA debit card.You can also reimburse yourself out of an HSA if you have paid a medical bill with another form of payment.

Disadvantages of HSAs

If you qualify for an HSA, there are some disadvantages to consider.

High-Deductible Requirement

An HDHP, which you are required to have to qualify for an HSA, can put a greater financial burden on you than other types of health insurance. Even though you will pay less in premiums each month, it could be difficult—even with money in an HSA—to come up with the cash to meet the deductible for a costly medical procedure.

This is something to consider for anyone who knows they will have hefty medical bills in a particular plan year.

The deductibles for HDHPs are often significantly higher than the minimums required and can be as high as the maximum out-of-pocket costs allowed.

Pressure to Save

Some people may be reluctant to seek healthcare when they need it because they don’t want to spend the money in their HSA accounts.

Cash Requirements

People who fund their own HSAs should be able to afford setting funds to cover a significant portion of their HDHPs’ deductibles in case they encounter unexpected medical bills.

Taxes and Penalties

If you withdraw funds for non-qualified expenses before you turn age 65, you’ll owe income taxes on the money plus a 20% penalty. Once you’re 65, you’ll still owe taxes but there is no penalty.

This can be hard on a person who faces an unexpected expense that is anything but medical. They have saved the money but can't access it without taking a financial hit.


HSAs also come with regulatory filing requirements regarding contributions, specific rules on withdrawals, distribution reporting, and other factors. This can create a record-keeping burden (unless your HSA provider takes care of the paperwork). Even so, you must keep receipts to prove that your withdrawals were used for qualified health expenses. This will be necessary if you are audited by the IRS.


Some HSAs charge a monthly maintenance fee or a per-transaction fee, which varies by institution. While typically not very high, the fees are almost certainly higher than any interest that the account may earn, so they will cut into your bottom line.

Sometimes these fees are waived if you maintain a certain minimum balance.

Planning Challenges

Budgeting for next year's medical expenses is often difficult. Obtaining accurate information about healthcare costs can sometimes be challenging, The timing and likelihood of Illness can also be unpredictable. An HSA can help you prepare to some degree, but you cannot always forecast major bills in the coming year, so you might find yourself with large, unexpected expenses.

What Is the Main Benefit of a Health Savings Account (HSA)?

Having a health savings account alleviates some of the stress of unexpected medical expenses. The money you save in this account is tax-free. You can claim a deduction on your tax return for your HSA contributions regardless of whether you itemize deductions. You can claim a tax deduction even if someone other than your employer makes a contribution to your HSA. If your employer contributes to your HSA, these contributions are excluded from your gross income. You do not even pay taxes on the earnings and interest you receive from the assets you hold in your HSA.

What Is the Main Downside of an HSA?

The main downside of an HSA is that you must have a high-deductible health insurance plan to get one. A health insurance deductible is the amount of money you must pay out of pocket each year before your insurance plan benefits begin.

You will be responsible for coming up with the cash to pay for your deductible before your insurance plan begins paying your healthcare costs. You’ll need to pay for visits to the doctor, medical procedures, and prescriptions until you satisfy your deductible.

In 2024, you’ll need to pay a deductible of at least $1,600 for an individual and $3,200 for a family.

What Are the Benefits of a High-Deductible Insurance Plan With an HSA?

The main benefits of a high-deductible medical plan with an HSA are tax savings, the ability to cover some expenses that your insurance doesn’t, the ability to have others contribute to your account, and the convenience of using the account to pay for healthcare expenses.

Another benefit of an HSA is the portability of the account. You roll over any funds left in your account at the end of the year to the following year. The money is yours forever. You can simply allow it to grow in your HSA. Some people use their HSA as part of their retirement planning strategy.

Are Employers Required To Contribute to an HSA?

No, employers who offer HSA plans to their employees have the option of contributing or not contributing. Still, most employers do provide funds for their staff members.

How Can I Check the Balance on My HSA?

Most financial institutions that provide HSAs offer their customers various ways to check their account balances. These include:

  1. Online access: Your HSA provider will give you access to your account online, and you can log in just as you would for an online bank or brokerage service.
  2. Printed statement: Your balance and recent transactions can be included in your printed statement.
  3. Phone app: Check to see if your HSA provider offers an app that allows you to check your account balance from your phone.
  4. Customer service: Your HSA provider will have a customer service number that you can call for assistance.

Should You Invest Your HSA Funds?

An HSA offers a number of advantages over traditional accounts for investment. Your contributions are tax-free; your gains are tax-free; there is no required minimum distribution; and any distributions for eligible medical expenses are not taxed.

The Bottom Line

For those who choose high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), an HSA has real advantages. It can offset your medical costs, reduce your taxes, and give you a long-term tax-advantaged savings account. An HDHP isn't the best option for everyone, but having one is the only way to get access to an HSA account.

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Health Savings Account (HSA)? (2024)


What Are the Pros and Cons of a Health Savings Account (HSA)? ›

Contributions to an HSA are made with pretax dollars. 2 This means that you won't pay income tax on the money that you put directly into your HSA. On the other hand, the money that you put into your HSA is expensive to access once it's already in the account unless it is used properly.

What are the pros and cons of an HSA? ›

Contributions to an HSA are made with pretax dollars. 2 This means that you won't pay income tax on the money that you put directly into your HSA. On the other hand, the money that you put into your HSA is expensive to access once it's already in the account unless it is used properly.

What is the benefit of a health savings account HSA? ›

A type of savings account that lets you set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualified medical expenses. By using untaxed dollars in an HSA to pay for deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and some other expenses, you may be able to lower your out-of-pocket health care costs.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the use of health savings accounts in promoting greater efficiency of consumption of health care? ›

You pay less out-of-pocket due to the lower deductible and copay, but pay more each month in premium. HSA plans generally have lower monthly premiums and a higher deductible. You may pay more out-of-pocket for medical expenses, but you can use your HSA to cover those costs, and you pay less each month for your premium.

Who is an HSA not good for? ›

HSAs might not make sense if you have some type of chronic medical condition. In that case, you're probably better served by traditional health plans. HSAs might also not be a good idea if you know you will be needing expensive medical care in the near future.

What is the advantage of investing in HSA? ›

As you can see from this table, your HSA brings all the tax efficiency of a 401(k) along with additional bonuses. For example, 401(k) contributions are subject to FICA payroll taxes, while HSA contributions are not. So, HSA contributions can go further than 401(k) contributions and can help you save faster.

Can you go negative with HSA? ›

However, an HSA should never have a negative account balance. If you ever notice a negative balance on your HSA, it is the account holder's responsibility to make the account positive as soon as possible. How do I access the funds in my CODE HSA? expense.

Is it worth getting an HSA? ›

A health savings account (HSA) isn't only for emergency medical savings. It can also help pay for qualified medical expenses and even help you save for retirement. Thanks to multiple tax advantages, you may get more out of your money now and in the future. One key to maximizing your HSA is contributing early and often.

What benefits does HSA cover? ›

An HSA covers a wide range of routine medical costs, including: Qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses you incur before you've met your HDHP deductible. Medical, dental or vision coinsurance and copayments. Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications.

What is the benefit of HSA bank? ›

By choosing an HSA, there are a multitude of benefits that you can take advantage of, which include: The flexibility to shop around for healthcare services and products; this way you can make more informed healthcare decisions. No initial contribution to open an account. No setup fees and no monthly administration fees ...

What is the primary drawback to relying on a health savings account? ›

The main drawback of relying on an HSA for long-term care is its potential inadequacy due to skyrocketing health care costs, given that these accounts may not cover all expenses and Medicare provides limited long-term care coverage.

Is HSA tax-free? ›

For most of the country, HSAs are tax free, and they are not subject to federal income tax. However, California taxes HSA contributions and taxes employers who contribute to their employee's HSA.

What are the pros and cons of a savings account as an investment? ›

Savings account benefits include safety for your savings, interest earnings and easy access to your money. However, savings accounts may have drawbacks, such as variable interest rates, minimum balance requirements and fees.

What are the benefits of a HSA? ›

An HSA allows you to put money away and withdraw it tax free, as long as you use it for qualified medical expenses, like deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and more. (Generally, insurance premiums aren't considered qualified medical expenses.)

Why not to use HSA funds? ›

While you can use your HSA to pay or be reimbursed for qualified medical expenses, if you receive distributions for other reasons, the amount you withdraw will be subject to income tax and may be subject to an additional 20% federal tax.

Is it risky to invest HSA? ›

If you have a health savings account (HSA), investing that money can help you maximize the tax benefits the account offers. But depending on your situation, investing your HSA funds could leave you with more risk than you're willing to take on.

Can an HSA lose money? ›

Myth #2: If I don't spend all my funds this year, I lose it. Reality: HSA funds never expire. When it comes to the HSA, there's no use-it-or-lose-it rule. Unlike Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds, you keep your HSA dollars forever, even if you change employers, health plans, or retire.

Is an HSA a good way to save money? ›

While you have the flexibility to withdraw as little or as much as you need to help pay for health care expenses, the HSA is really designed to help you save money and build up your balance so that you're prepared for future health care expenses, including in retirement when you're likely to have more medical expenses ...

Is it better to have a PPO or HSA? ›

Examine your budget and financial situation. PPOs typically have higher premiums but lower out-of-pocket costs for routine services. HSAs may have lower premiums but higher out-of-pocket costs until the deductible is met. Consider how these costs align with your budget.

What are the tax secrets of HSA? ›

As a quick refresher, HSAs offer three major benefits for federal income taxes: Contributions reduce your taxable income without having to itemize deductions. Growth of the account is tax-deferred. Distributions for qualified medical expenses—for you and your family—are tax-free.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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