What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (2024)

Last updated on Jun 8, 2024

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The pros of free shipping and returns


The cons of free shipping and returns


How to decide if free shipping and returns are right for you


How to optimize your free shipping and returns policy


Here’s what else to consider

Free shipping and returns are often used as incentives to attract and retain customers in ecommerce. But are they always worth it? In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns, and how to decide if they make sense for your business.

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What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (9) What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (10) What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (11)

1 The pros of free shipping and returns

Offering free shipping and returns can have several advantages for your ecommerce business, such as boosting conversions, reducing cart abandonment, building loyalty, and enhancing your brand image. Customers are more likely to purchase from you if they don't have to pay extra for delivery and can return items easily if they change their mind. Additionally, customers are less likely to abandon their carts if they don't see any hidden fees or charges at checkout. Furthermore, customers are more likely to come back to you if they have a positive shopping experience and trust that you will handle their orders and returns efficiently and fairly. Moreover, customers are more likely to perceive you as a reputable and customer-friendly business if you offer free shipping and returns, especially if your competitors don't.

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  • Offering free shipping and returns boosts conversion rates, enhances customer satisfaction, and provides a competitive edge. Free shipping reduces cart abandonment, increases average order value by setting minimum thresholds, and fosters customer loyalty. Free returns reduce purchase risk, build trust, and improve the customer experience, encouraging repeat purchases. Both strategies can differentiate a business from competitors. To manage costs, set minimum purchase thresholds, optimize logistics, and analyze return data to improve products and reduce future returns.


    What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (20) What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (21) 10

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  • I think offering free shipping is not considered a competitive advantage anymore. It's expected.If the assumed risk is lower than the opportunity then I would say it's worth to test it.

  • Dennis O'Neal

    I think free shipping and returns offer convenience and cost savings for customers, boosting satisfaction and loyalty. It reduces purchase barriers, boosts sales, and builds trust in the brand.


    What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (39) 1

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  • Davide Ricciardi

    This strategy can be a game changer, and here's why.First, it attracts more customers.People love the idea of no extra costs, making them more likely to hit that buy button. I’ve noticed my own shopping habits change with free shipping offers—it just feels like a better deal.Second, it boosts customer loyalty. When customers know they can return items hassle-free, they’re more likely to shop with you again. It shows that you value their satisfaction.Finally, it can increase sales volume. More customers and more purchases can lead to higher overall revenue, even if you’re covering shipping costs.Free shipping and returns make shopping easier and more appealing, creating happier customers and potentially driving more business your way.


    What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (48) 1

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  • The product you are offering will determine if this can help offer a competitive advantage or not. While Amazon has made it tough for retailers, there are many service industries where free delivery can be a huge thing! Know your cost, understand the lifetime value of a potential customer and it can become a simple math problem.

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2 The cons of free shipping and returns

Offering free shipping and returns can also have some drawbacks for your ecommerce business, such as increased costs due to shipping and handling expenses, the potential for customers to order more items than they need or want and return them later, a decrease in perceived value of products or services, and the expectation of free shipping and returns. These factors can eat into profit margins, affect cash flow, increase inventory and logistics costs, create waste, and cause dissatisfaction if policies change.

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  • So, when it comes to offering free shipping and returns, there are some potential downsides to watch out for. You might face increased expenses due to shipping and handling costs, and there's a risk that customers could order more than they need and return items later. It can also make your products seem less valuable, and customers might come to expect free shipping and returns as the norm. These factors can dig into your profit margins, impact cash flow, hike up inventory and logistics costs, generate waste, and disappoint customers if policies change. It's a bit of a tightrope walk, but with the right strategy, you can still come out ahead!


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  • Davide Ricciardi

    While free shipping and returns have their perks, there are some downsides too:First, the cost can add up. Covering shipping and return expenses can eat into your profit margins, especially for small businesses. I've seen companies struggle with balancing these costs while trying to stay competitive. Second, it might lead to more returns. When customers know returns are free, they might buy more impulsively and return items more frequently. This can create logistical headaches and increase operational costs.Lastly, it can set high customer expectations. Once you start offering free shipping and returns, customers may always expect it. If you ever need to scale back, it could lead to dissatisfaction and loss of loyalty.


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3 How to decide if free shipping and returns are right for you

Whether or not you should offer free shipping and returns is contingent upon various factors. These include the type of products you sell, your target customers, the competitive landscape, and your goals. If you sell high-margin, low-weight, or low-return products, for example, you may be able to afford free shipping and returns more easily than if you sell low-margin, heavy, or high-return products. Additionally, if you target customers who are price-sensitive or convenience-oriented, free shipping and returns may benefit you more than if you target customers who are quality-conscious or value-oriented. Moreover, if you operate in a competitive or saturated market, free shipping and returns may be necessary to gain an edge over your rivals. Lastly, depending on whether you want to increase sales volume or profit margin, free shipping and returns may be beneficial or unnecessary.

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  • Roman Medvedev Emerging and Frontier Markets | Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and everything in between

    This is one of the questions where the market situation actually takes the decision for you.If your core customer based is already used to the service level where everything logistics-wise is "free of charge" for them, then a newcomer not offering such options won't be competitive.In that case, you'll have to review your pricing policies and margins in order to make free shippings and returns viable for your business model.


    What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (83) 3

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  • Deciding on free shipping and returns boils down to your product type, customer base, competition, and goals. If you sell high-margin, lightweight goods to price-sensitive customers in a competitive market, it's a winner. But in niche markets with quality-conscious buyers, it might not be a game-changer. Align your strategy with your unique business situation for optimal results.


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  • Davide Ricciardi

    Deciding if free shipping and returns are right for your business involves weighing key factors. First, analyze your profit margins. Can you cover these costs without hurting your bottom line? Consider your customer base—will free shipping increase purchases? Look at your competitors; if they offer it, you might need to as well.Assess your logistics to handle higher return rates. Experiment by offering free shipping for a limited time and monitor the impact on sales and returns. It's about balancing costs with increased sales and customer satisfaction. Test, analyze, and adjust your strategy to find what works best for your business.


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4 How to optimize your free shipping and returns policy

If you decide to offer free shipping and returns, you need to optimize your policy to make it work for you and your customers. Consider setting a minimum order value to encourage customers to spend more, or limit the time frame for returns to reduce the risk of excessive or fraudulent returns. Communicate your policy clearly and prominently, and analyze your data to measure the impact of your policy on key metrics. Free shipping and returns can be a powerful tool to grow ecommerce sales, but it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before offering it. By optimizing your policy, you can make the most of this strategy and gain a competitive advantage in the online marketplace.

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  • To nail free shipping and returns, here's the scoop: Set a minimum order to boost spending, keep returns within a reasonable timeframe, shout your policy loud and clear, and track how it's working. With these tweaks, you'll make it a win-win for you and your customers, giving you an edge in the online game.


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5 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Aravind S. Product Visionary✨| Investor | Proptech | 85,000+ YT | 2x Founder | AI SaaS

    Offering free shipping and returns can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. It simplifies the buying process and reduces cart abandonment. However, it can also increase costs and attract return fraud. Utilize tools like shipping calculators and return analytics to optimize these policies for profitability while keeping customers happy.


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What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? (2024)


What are the pros and cons of offering free shipping and returns? ›

Offering free shipping and returns can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. It simplifies the buying process and reduces cart abandonment. However, it can also increase costs and attract return fraud.

Should I offer free shipping for returns? ›

Free Return Shipping Increases Customer Loyalty

Free return shipping helps increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases, making it an effective way to boost sales and provide customers with a positive shopping experience.

What are the cons of free returns? ›

The disadvantage that sticks out the most for brands that choose to offer free returns is the high costs. They have to shoulder the costs of the transportation and operational costs of returning items, including the need to recondition and repackage items that did not come back in their original condition.

Is it worth it to offer free shipping? ›

It increases sales

Shoppers believe they're getting a better deal when they don't have to pay for shipping costs. Customers will buy more to get it and will take their business elsewhere if they can't. Plus, offering free shipping can help create a sense of trust and loyalty between the customer and the business.

Why might a seller want to offer free shipping? ›

For one thing, offering free shipping leads to a reduction in cart abandonment – it helps push potential customers over the edge to close the sale. It can also set your company apart from the competition and increase perceived value.

Do buyers like free shipping? ›

Free Shipping and Competitive Advantage

Consumers have come to expect free shipping, and businesses that don't offer it risk being left behind their competition. Research has shown that offering free shipping can also increase the average order value by enticing customers to add more items to their carts.

Are free returns good? ›

By encouraging customers to return products in-store for free, you're reducing the need for packaging and shipping. This means customers save money, and you can reduce the environmental impact of returns. In fact, many customers prefer returning products in-store as it's easier and more convenient.

What is the unsustainable cost of free returns? ›

The transportation of returned products requires additional energy and fuel, which increases carbon emissions. Meaning, that making a return causes unnecessary transportation, which damages our environment and can even cause rising temperatures, extreme weather, rising sea levels, and spreading diseases.

Are free returns going away? ›

Americans have grown accustomed to free returns, but a growing number of retailers are charging fees as returns squeeze retailers' bottom lines. Macy's, Abercrombie, J. Crew, H&M and other companies have all added shipping fees for mail-in returns. And it's not just the big mall brands, either.

Is return shipping cheaper? ›

Return Shipping Costs More Than Outbound Shipping.

According to ReturnMagic, 80% of shoppers expect to be able to return items for free, but only 25% of retailers offer free returns. Additionally, 69% of shoppers in a survey said having to pay for return shipping would keep them from buying from a retailer.

How do companies make money with free shipping? ›

By providing numerous shipping options, an online retailer can capitalize on the booming ecommerce experience to generate revenue streams through increased sales. Free shipping entices customers to purchase by wrapping all costs into the price of each item.

Does free shipping generate more sales? ›

By offering free shipping, you increase the likelihood of customers completing their purchases. Encourages higher conversion and sales rates. Free shipping can act as a powerful incentive, motivating customers to make a purchase they might have otherwise hesitated on.

Who pays for shipping on free shipping? ›

Does the Customer Pay? Let's say an item's retail price is $20, and it costs $5 to ship. If the retailer charges $25 and announces, “free shipping”, then the customer is paying. This approach is still common among many third-party sellers on sites like Amazon and eBay.

What is the difference between free delivery and free shipping? ›

But while most people may use them interchangeably, the terms don't actually mean the same thing. Shipping describes a package leaving your warehouse and making its way to the customer. Delivery, on the other hand, describes the actual date a package is dropped off at the customer's address.

Do most companies offer free shipping? ›

The practice of shipping products for free has become standard in e-commerce. The Digital Commerce 360 Top 1000 Database shows that 74.4% of retailers offer some sort of free shipping: 20.4% unconditional for all orders, 45.1% with a value threshold, and 14.5% requiring membership in a loyalty program.

How do I know when to offer free shipping? ›

How to Calculate Your Free Shipping Threshold
  1. Calculate your Average Order Value, without shipping costs (for example, $40)
  2. Determine your Average Shipping Costs using a shipping cost formula (for example, $8)
  3. Calculate your Gross Profit Margin. ...
  4. Propose a Minimum Cart Value (for example, $45)
Feb 12, 2024

Should customers pay for return shipping? ›

When you should charge for return shipping. Brands who charge return shipping see returns as a cost center, looking to minimize expenses. When your shopper is looking for a refund, we recommend that you charge return shipping. A request for a refund likely signals the end of a customer relationship.

Should buyers pay for return shipping? ›

You pay for return postage if you're returning the item because you changed your mind, and the seller's return policy states that buyers are responsible for return postage.

Should a refund include shipping? ›

If the business confirms that the product does have a problem, it must reimburse the consumer for any reasonable return costs they have already paid. Consumers should keep receipts for postage or transport costs so that they can be repaid by the business.

Do I have to pay shipping again for a returned package? ›

USPS Return to Sender Packages

You Won't Pay for Most USPS Returns: In nearly all cases for USPS, you won't be forced to pay for packages returned to you. However, you will in the case of some USPS Ground Advantage packages under a certain weight.

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