What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (2024)

Last updated on Jun 27, 2024

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Being a venture capitalist is not an easy job. You have to find, evaluate, and support promising startups, manage a portfolio of investments, and deal with uncertainty, risk, and competition. But what makes a good venture capitalist a great one? In this article, we will explore some of the skills and qualities that set apart the best VCs in the industry.

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What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (1)

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  • Valeria Krynetskaya

    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (3) 5

  • Rohit M A Entrepreneur, Doer, Investor, Mentor, Dreamer, Doting Father, in no particular order

    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (5) 4

  • Marc Mandel General Counsel | Deal Driver | Technologist | Speaker

    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (7) 4

What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (8) What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (9) What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (10)

1 Domain expertise

A great venture capitalist has deep knowledge and experience in the domain they invest in. They understand the market trends, customer needs, technological innovations, and competitive landscape. They can spot opportunities and challenges, and provide valuable insights and feedback to the founders. They also have a strong network of contacts and resources that can help their portfolio companies grow and succeed.

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  • Valeria Krynetskaya
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    Building on my experience, I inspire to VC, demonstrating the qualities of an impact investor: 1. Shares your values and is committed to building a long-term relationship with you. They should be someone you can trust and rely on for advice and support.2. Comfortable with investing in early-stage impact companies and willing to forgo an immediate return in anticipation of more substantial and impact returns down the road.3. Share your passionate about business and believe in its potential. 4. Excited about the opportunity to help you grow and scale your company. 5. Integrate environmental and social factors into investment decisions, as the ‘normal’ way of doing things.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (19) 5

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    In our experience, we largely don’t disagree with much if not anything that has already been said in these postings, however, would add one crucial point that was not mentioned, or may have been alluded to, but not expounded upon. Irrefutably, the best VC’s either were either founders themselves, or if not, are sufficiently entrepreneurial to have an ability to understand, resonate, relate, communicate, help, support, engage with and improve founders. That is the je ne sais quoi that is optimal! This in turn engenders trust and the ability for founders to trust and work collaboratively with these VCs to go from zero to one, as Peter Thiel says.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (28) 3

  • Ashish Taneja Partner at growX ventures
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    A good venture capitalist serves as much more than a mere source of capital. They function as strategic partners, offering deep industry knowledge, invaluable insights, and a robust network of contacts, all aimed at empowering startups to thriveThey possess an acute understanding of market depth/ readiness, grasp the perfect timing for an idea, and can accurately assess the resources for successful scaling. Founders frequently err by overinvesting, depleting their available resources prematurelyA good VC operates as a trusted sounding board. They leverage their own experience in navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship, enriching the collaboration. In essence, they bring a wealth of practical knowledge to the table


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (37) 3

  • Grace Wang Legal Counsel of Healthcare VC Fund | US and China Qualified Attorney | EMBA at Chicago Booth
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    There are too many must-have skills/personalities that a great VC investor shall have. To name a few first:1、Deep understanding of the specific industry(ies) he/she invests in. This serves as core competitiveness that one can stand out from other investors. 2、Sound business judgment. This skillset can only be developed as one gets more exposure to the market. When evaluating early-stage investment opportunities, it is very essential to keep balance between the desire to achieve high investment return and the need to mitigate the associated risks and uncertainties.3、Always stay humble, be sympathetic and keep intellectual curiosity to the market.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (46) 2

  • Rohit M A Entrepreneur, Doer, Investor, Mentor, Dreamer, Doting Father, in no particular order
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    I have always found that the best expertise is driven through the experience of one's own. Navigating situations to help bring out the best is probably as important as detecting early signs of success or peril, this happens when u have been part of the action yourself. The best ones are the one who have been founders or operators themselves.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (55) 1

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2 Vision and judgment

A great venture capitalist has a clear vision of the future and the potential impact of their investments. They can see beyond the hype and the noise, and identify the startups that have a unique value proposition, a scalable business model, and a strong team. They can also make sound judgments based on data, analysis, and intuition, and balance the trade-offs between risk and reward, speed and quality, and growth and profitability.

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  • Jeff Stine Out to prove entrepreneurial talent is equally distributed
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    Contrarian take: This is a story told by VCs for the benefit of VCs. I'm definitely guilty of it at times.The best VCs have a *blurry vision* of the future that consists of a robust framework for the first principles of the sector / theme and a relentless desire to update their priors based off of learnings from the entrepreneurs they interact with (who are operating deeper in the space & day to day).


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (64) What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (65) 3

  • Rohit M A Entrepreneur, Doer, Investor, Mentor, Dreamer, Doting Father, in no particular order
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    I actually think this is the most difficult act to follow and easier to preach. Most investors are in the business of pattern matching and not really of the contrarian view. Most decisions are made on fuzzy logic on imaginative data, all said and done execution is critical and numbers are an outcome. Spotting this is the most essential trait.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (74) 1

  • Arsalan Farooquee Venture Capital at Asian Development Bank
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    To make sound judgements about an investment, particularly early stage investments where there is limited data available, it is important that the Venture Capitalist is aware of any biases such as confirmation bias in decision making. A structured diligence process covering pre-mortem of investment opportunity and analyzing different business scenarios can mitigate the risk of such biases.

  • Raquel W. REALTOR® | CEO @ Africa Means Business | Global Real Estate Investments | Sustainable Cities
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    While data-driven analysis is essential, a great VC also trusts their gut instincts and can visualize the long-term potential of an idea or a founder even when it's not immediately apparent.

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    I would perhaps reframe this section to focus more on Judgement and a deep understanding of the problems and underlying principles that govern a particular domain. It’s the entrepreneur that needs to have the vision. The “vision” that VCs need to have is a deep rooted belief that a particular domain can be reimagined.


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3 Empathy and communication

A great venture capitalist has empathy and communication skills that enable them to build trust and rapport with the founders and the entrepreneurs. They can listen actively, ask relevant questions, and offer constructive feedback and advice. They can also communicate their expectations, goals, and concerns clearly and transparently, and negotiate effectively and fairly. They can also handle difficult situations and conflicts with grace and professionalism.

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  • Rohit M A Entrepreneur, Doer, Investor, Mentor, Dreamer, Doting Father, in no particular order
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    As a founder turned investor, and having faced numerous rejections myself while growing the business makes it that much more relatable to build communication channels that are fast, transparent, open, engaging and compounding. Many decisions are binary in the investment sphere, but clear and engaging dialogue help founders reflect and regroup as well. We owe it to each other.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (107) 3

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    It's not that the exemplary venture capitalist "can" listen actively ask relevant questions and offer constructive advice, "can" communicate expectations, goals and concerns clearly and transparently and negotiate fairly, and "can" handle tough situations and conflicts with grace and professionalism. Exemplary venture capitalists "do" all of the above. "Being able" to do something and doing it are different.The company and the key talent the venture capitalist is working with must be able to rely on your "A" game at all times.However the most critical characteristic and one of the hardest to emulate for most venture capitalists is humility.

  • Arsalan Farooquee Venture Capital at Asian Development Bank


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    Early stage companies operate in an environment of high uncertainty and in early stage investing, the business models and projections are sometimes meant to just present an opportunity as investable to the investment committee. Any constructive advice and feedback from the Venture Capitalist to the founders should be conversant with those uncertainties.

  • Raquel W. REALTOR® | CEO @ Africa Means Business | Global Real Estate Investments | Sustainable Cities
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    Building relationships with founders requires more than just business acumen. A great VC understands the emotional and psychological challenges of entrepreneurship and can support founders through the highs and lows.


4 Curiosity and learning

A great venture capitalist has curiosity and learning skills that drive them to constantly explore new ideas, markets, and technologies. They are open-minded, humble, and willing to learn from others, especially from the founders and the entrepreneurs. They also seek feedback and improvement, and adapt to changing circ*mstances and feedback. They are not afraid to challenge their own assumptions and beliefs, and experiment with different approaches and strategies.

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  • Rohit M A Entrepreneur, Doer, Investor, Mentor, Dreamer, Doting Father, in no particular order
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    It is very essential to stay engaged on trends and initiatives across several avenues and opportunities. Individually it's almost impossible to go deep on all aspects and that is where building a strong operator network comes in to play to help dig deep, diligence, mentor and grow opportunities. The best VC's are the ones who build together with the ecosystem.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (141) 4

  • Arsalan Farooquee Venture Capital at Asian Development Bank
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    Regularly meeting and talking to people both inside and outside the Venture Capital ecosystem is important to identify right investment opportunities at the right time. While VC funds often tend to be country specific, it is critical to be aware of the market outside the fund's country of operations to timely identify cross border transfer of market/business trends (for example from US/China to India or India to South East Asia).


5 Leadership and collaboration

A great venture capitalist has leadership and collaboration skills that enable them to inspire and support their portfolio companies, their colleagues, and their partners. They can articulate their vision and strategy, and align them with the interests and values of their stakeholders. They can also delegate, empower, and mentor their team members, and leverage their strengths and expertise. They can also collaborate effectively with other VCs, co-investors, and industry players, and create win-win outcomes.

These are some of the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success, and each VC may have their own style and approach. But by developing and honing these skills and qualities, you can increase your chances of becoming a great VC in the long run.

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  • Marc Mandel General Counsel | Deal Driver | Technologist | Speaker
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    Listening, and a willingness to collaborate by extending not just ordinary capital, but relationship capital—meaningful introductions to prospects, partners and team members. People make a business go, and a great VC leverages her or his relationships to incubate and accelerate.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (158) 4

  • Rohit M A Entrepreneur, Doer, Investor, Mentor, Dreamer, Doting Father, in no particular order
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    As a VC, the best service we can do to our founders is to bring perspectives outside in to help founders see the macro while dwelling on the micro. This will only happen through setting articulation skills, diligently reviewing information shared by the companies and active engagement to hear what founders need and deliver on them.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (167) 4

6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Erika Lucas CEO StitchCrew and General Partner VEST Her Ventures | Investor | Board Director | LinkedIn Top Voice Entrepreneurship
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    Some of the best venture capitalists I know, are or have been an entrepreneur. They know what is like to build, scale and exit a company. Because of their experience they are able to understand the challenges of building a successful business and can provide more tangible support, aside from just writing a check, to portfolio companies.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (176) 3

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    The ability to realize exits is what defines the best investors. Your investments won't be worth anything if you fail to realize a return. To do this, you must be able to navigate a startup from pre-seed to exit. It would be best if you did it so that exit is a life-changing moment for founders. At different stages of development, you will help in different ways. Achieving product-market fit, scaling, managing the cap table, understanding the rationale of potential buyers, and culturally preparing the organization for acquisition are examples of what will go into achieving a good exit. Not only for you as an investor but for everyone on the cap table.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (185) What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (186) 3

  • Arsalan Farooquee Venture Capital at Asian Development Bank
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    It is also important for a Venture Capitalist to be aware of biases such as confirmation bias in investments, particularly in early stage investments where there is limited data available. A structured commercial diligence process covering pre-mortem of investment opportunity and analyzing different business scenarios can mitigate the risk of such biases.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (195) 1

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    Venture capitalists have 2 jobs: (1) write a check that doesn’t bounce, and (2) create meaningful introductions to next round leads (e.g., a Series A investor should play an active and contributive role toward intros to Series B lead investors, and so on - because these sequenced investors should be interacting all the time and running in similar circles). And I suppose there is a #3 - don’t be a jerk. Beyond that, anything else brought to the table is gravy, and is awesome. But it’s extra, and shouldn’t be pitched by VCs or seen by founders as an essential ingredient to the relationship (because frankly, those extras rarely pan out). If you’ve got a VC with #1 and #2, along with #3, that’s #winning.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (204) 1

  • Guido Meardi
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    Some VCs chase market trends and favor companies that align with the prevailing politics of investment committees. They often treat startups as short-term investment vehicles, akin to stock market trading. Others invest in your business's core mission, going beyond financials to offer invaluable mentorship and resources. The latter often stand out through their humility and questions that not only delve into your business but also seek to understand your capabilities and character. Both types of VCs can be valuable, but recognizing their approach early on is crucial. The first type may provide quick capital with limited long-term support, while the second invests in your venture's success on a deeper level. Choose wisely.


    What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (213) 1

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What are the skills and qualities that differentiate a good venture capitalist from a great one? (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.