What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring (2024)

By Larry Weisberg on May 3rd, 2019

What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring (1)

Technology has been a great boon to the workplace. We get our jobs done faster, more efficiently and from more places. Employees are no longer limited to a cubicle in an office. Thanks to smartphones and business-oriented apps, you can check your email, the location of your next appointment and even weekly sales goals from anywhere.

Along with all these positives, however, the important question of privacy arises. When so much of your job is conducted using technology, employees need to be aware that while they now have more convenient ways to do their work, their employers also have more convenient ways to monitor what they’re doing. The truth is that your employer can monitor almost every piece of technology that you use on the job.

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Can an Employer Monitor My Computer?

Yes. Over the years, courts have permitted employers to monitor their property. This means that your employer can monitor almost everything done on a work computer including:

  • How you use the internet
  • The software you download
  • Any files or documents you store on your computer
  • If your computer is idle
  • The number of keystrokes you type every hour and even the actual words that you type

Can My Employer Monitor Employee Internet Activity?

Yes. A2007 survey by the American Management Association and the ePolicy Institutefound that 66% of employers monitor internet connections, specifically web browsing. The survey also showed that 30% of employers said they had fired an employee because of inappropriate computer use. Web browsing is not the only thing monitored on an employee’s computer as 45% of employers track employees’ keystrokes or the amount of time they spend at their keyboard, while another 43% of employers said they viewed stored computer files.

What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring (2)

You can count on the fact that employers have gotten much more sophisticated about tracking employees’ computer use in the decade since the survey was taken.

Can My Employer Track My Email?

Yes. Work email is not private. An employer can monitor any email sent or received via a work email account. They are not considered private. There needs to be a valid business reason, however, for employers to monitor email. Many companies will ensure the right to do so by providing employees with a written notice via employee handbooks or notices posted in public spaces in the workplace that the company will monitor any email sent or received on a work computer. Even if they haven’t give written notice, employers can in most cases still read employees’ email messages on work accounts.

Can My Employer Track My Personal Email?

This is a more complicated issue. If you use a web-based email account, like Gmail, on a work computer during business hours for personal email, and you have signed approval for your employer to monitor your computer usage, then anything that you write on a web-based email account can be monitored, even if the email is for personal use. The only exception to these policies is that employers cannot monitor the email that their employees use for union-related business on their own time.

Different states handle this issue differently. If you are concerned about your employer monitoring your personal email, you should speak with an employment lawyer as soon as possible to clarify the situation.

The best way to avoid any problems with personal email at work is to treat your web-based email account as a business account. Don’t access your personal email on a work computer.

Can an Employer Track Your Work Phone?

Yes. Employers can monitor employee phone calls for the purpose of quality control. Technically, employers are supposed to stop listening once they become aware that the phone call is personal. If there is a policy that there are no personal calls to be made during work hours, however, the employer can listen long enough to determine the purpose of the call. The employee may then face disciplinary action if it is a personal call.

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Can an Employer Use Video Surveillance in The Workplace?

Yes, with some restrictions. The survey conducted by the American Management Association in 2007 mentioned above showed that more than 50% of employers who took the survey reported that they use video surveillance in the workplace to deal with theft, violence or sabotage. About 16% of those employers also responded that they monitored employees’ performance using video surveillance.

What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring (3)

If an employer uses visible cameras, federal law allows employers to use video surveillance without knowledge or consent of the employees as long as they do it legally. Courts have tended to put a higher burden of proof on the employer, however, if they use hidden cameras. Employers cannot justify the use of hidden video cameras for “security.” They need to be able to provide a more plausible “business” reason to justify using hidden cameras.

In most states, employers are not allowed to conduct video surveillance in areas like restrooms or break rooms. Even if your state has not specifically forbidden this process, any employer would have a hard time explaining why they were videotaping employees changing clothes or using the restroom.

Can an Employer Use GPS to Track My Movements?

Yes, if you are driving a company car. Employers use GPS installed in company cars to track the speed at which employees drive, the length of a break they take when they are on the road based on how long the vehicle has been idle and the location of an employee. In some cases, GPS in company phones has also been used to monitor the movements and the location of employees on or off the job.It’s a very contentious issue between employers and employees.

Can an Employer Record Me?

An employer must have a legitimate business reason to legally audiotape an employee. Federal law is vague but leans towards employers being able to audiotape an employee, without their knowledge or consent, if not done to commit a crime.

It may also depend on whether you work in a “two-party consent state.” If you work in one of these states, state law requires the consent of all parties participating in a conversation before it can be recorded. There are 12 two-party consent states:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • Pennsylvania
  • Washington

In all other states, only one party needs to give consent, which most of the time includes the person who is recording the conversation as long as they are taking part in it.If you are concerned that your employer is recording you,check with an employment attorney about how your state deals with the situation.

What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring (4)

Federal labor laws also prohibit the taping of employees to secretly monitor union meetings.

Can My Employer Monitor My Social Media Use Such as Blogging or Posting on Facebook?

In some cases, yes, but this isagain more complicated.In the ePolicy Institute survey mentioned above, 16% of employers said that they monitor social media for employee comments. And you can almost count on the fact that as social media has grown over the last decade, so has employers’ monitoring.

There are some limits, however, to what an employer can do to an employee for what they post online. Employees, however, cannot rely on the First Amendment. The First Amendment protects you from government abuse of free speech. If you work for a private company; however, it does not protect you from your employer. If your employer does not like what you post on social media, they may discipline or fire you, particularly if you are an at-will employee.

In most cases, what you write about determines whether you have any protection.

Can My Employer Search My Office, Desk or Work Locker?

Yes. U.S. courts have found that employees do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy since their work desks or their work lockers belong to their employer.

Can My Employer Search Me at the End of My Shift or Work Day?

The answer to this question depends on the circ*mstances and the situation. If you work in a high-security area or in a business where there have been a lot of thefts, your employer can search you as you leave work as long as the search isn’t too invasive. Your employee handbook will often have guidelines about this kind of work search. If not, check with your employer’s HR department.

What Is My Employer Not Allowed to Monitor?

Despite broad permissions for an employer to monitor many of their employees’ activities, mostly supported by state and federal courts, there are some things an employer is not allowed to do.

What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring (5)

1. Personal Email

If you use a personal electronic device, such as your own smartphone, laptop or tablet, to check or to send emails, employers are not allowed to monitor what you send or receive. In some cases, especially if your position involves important government or business secrets, your employer may ask to install monitoring devices or apps on your phone or tablet. You do not have to give permission, although it could affect your job. Consult with an employment lawyer before you sign any agreement to have an app installed on your personal device.

2. Texts

The laws around an employer monitoring texts on a personal device are very similar to the law around personal email. The Electric Communications Privacy Act of 1986 forbids “unauthorized interception” of or access to electronic communications. Employers need your permission before they can monitor texts on a personal device. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits unreasonable search and seizure and may offer additional protection to public sector employees.

3. Blogging and Social Media

While the First Amendment doesn’t protect employees who blog or post on social media, there are some other legal limits on an employer’s right to fire you for what you post. At last count, 29 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws thatprohibit employersfor disciplining or dismissing employees for what they do on their own time off-site. Pennsylvania is not one of these states.

Strangely enough, some of these laws were originally created to protect smokers from harassment and discrimination. They basically protect employee conduct as long as it is legal. Legal experts believe that these laws could protect someone with a personal blog or a social media account. These include protections for:

  • Political views
  • Whistleblowing
  • Retaliation prohibitions
  • Protections for concerted activities

This last category includes protections written into the National Labor Relations Act that protect employees’ rights to talk to each other about the conditions of their job, to join a union or to raise concerns with their employer. For instance, if your employer fires you for posting or blogging about low wages, inadequate benefits or overly long work hours, you could make a legal claim against your employer.

4. Searches

While it has already been established that your employer can search you at the end of the day if you work in a high-security facility or if there have been thefts in your workplace, your employer does not have the right to search you without a reason. In most cases, your employer also does not have the right to single out a particular person for daily searches.

5. GPS Tracking

Tracking an employee’s personal vehicle is illegal in several states, including Texas, Virginia, Minnesota, Tennessee and California. While the law is vague in other states, tracking any employee’s personal vehicle without their consent will no doubt run afoul ofastate’s privacy laws. If you think your employer is tracking you without your consent, you should contact an employment lawyer as soon as possible.

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Court Cases about Employers Monitoring of Employees

While there have been numerous court cases over the years that have solidified an employer’s right to search employees’ desks, to monitor their email or internet usage on work machines or to subject them to searches if they work in a high-security area, areas concerning the use of digital technology have yet to be clarified.

For instance, in 2015, Myra Arias sued her former employer, Intermex, after she was firedfor uninstalling an app on a company work phonethat tracked her movements 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Arias, who had no problem using the app during work hours, sought damages of a half-million dollars for what she claimed was an unreasonable invasion of her privacy. Since her lawsuit was settled out of court, the issue remains in limbo. It is advisable, however, for most employers not to track their employees in this manner as they are sure to run afoul of the state’s privacy laws.

While employers can monitor employees or track them, they can only do so for legitimate business reasons. Often they don’t. For instance,in one California case, an employee driving a company car took a lunch break. A manager who was monitoring the employee saw that he was taking his lunch break at a strip club. The company fired the employee, and they called his wife to let her know where he was enjoying his lunch hour. The employee sued and won the case, arguing that they had fired him for no reason and violated his privacy by telling his wife. The company said that they couldn’t afford to have their name attached to anyone at a strip club, but that didn’t stand up in court.

Another area where employers have to restrict the use of technology is with drones. It is illegal for employers to monitor employees using drones if they don’t notify the employees.

Gray Areas

While some areas are cut and dry in terms of how much an employer can monitor employee, the rise in digital technology has created many gray areas. Employees are concerned about what they can post on social media. How much is a company allowed to track an employee using GPS? Or drones? Can an employer track an employee when the employee is in their personal vehicle and not working? What’s the line between an employer’s legitimate business concerns and an overly intrusive invasion of an employee’s privacy?

The truth is that this can vary from state to state and from situation to situation. If you believe that your employer is invading your privacy for what you believe is an unnecessary or illegal reason, you should contact an employment lawyer as soon as possible.

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For Questions About Employers’ Ability to Monitor You, Contact Weisberg Cummings, P.C.

If you believe that your employer is illegally or unethically monitoring you in the workplace, contact the experienced employment lawyers at Weisberg Cummings, P.C. immediately. Our team of attorneys will work hard to protect your rights and provide you with knowledgeable counsel. There are so many new and untested issues in this area that it makes sense to work with a team of experienced attorneys to help you determine your path forward.

    What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring (2024)


    What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring? ›

    Employers can legally monitor almost anything an employee does at work as long as the reason for monitoring is important enough to the business. Employers may install video cameras, read postal mail and e-mail, monitor phone and computer usage, use GPS tracking, and more.

    What a company might track when monitoring employees? ›

    Companies will use the software to collect data and general information – anything from emails to phone calls – throughout the workers' day (including the time they started/stopped working).

    Do employers have the right to monitor employees? ›

    Federal law allows employers to monitor their employees as they perform their duties. But Lewis Maltby, president of the National Workrights Institute, says that where employees are being monitored matters. If an employer wants to place a microphone in the office to listen to workers all day, that is legal.

    What are the consequences of employee monitoring? ›

    Employee monitoring can diminish morale.

    Instead of boosting employee productivity, employee monitoring can backfire and hurt morale. Employees may feel you don't trust them.

    Which personal information from employees are employers allowed to monitor? ›

    Privacy at the Job

    Your employer is generally allowed to monitor your workplace communications, such as business phone calls and computer usage, and to access to your voicemail and e-mail.

    How can I tell if I am being monitored at work? ›

    How to detect workplace spying and monitoring. Check your Task Manager and Activity Monitor: Look for unfamiliar active processes. This is a good place to start, as most spyware tools will need to run in the background to monitor your activities.

    Can my employer track me without telling me? ›

    In some cases, depending on state and local laws, employers don't have to inform employees they're being monitored. However, some regulations do require employee consent.

    Is employee monitoring an invasion of privacy? ›

    California's Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CalECPA) prohibits employers from accessing employees' personal email and electronic communications without consent. Employers must notify workers of any electronic monitoring and obtain their consent unless it is necessary for business-related purposes.

    What protection do you have against being monitored by your employer? ›

    The two main restrictions on workplace monitoring are the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA) (18 U.S.C. Section 2511 et seq.) and common-law protections against invasion of privacy. The ECPA is the only federal law that directly governs the monitoring of electronic communications in the workplace.

    What is invasion of privacy in the workplace? ›

    An employer that discloses private facts or lies about an employee may be held accountable in a civil action for invasion of privacy or defamation. Courts usually decide whether you had a reasonable expectation of privacy under the circ*mstances and balance it against the employer's reason to seek the information.

    How do you get around employee monitoring? ›

    Employees can use remote access methods to get around time tracking software. They can work on personal projects during office hours without being observed by using this way to connect to their work computers from home or another location.

    Why employees should not be monitored? ›

    Creates a Sense of Distrust

    If you constantly monitor your employees' computer use and work activities, they're going to feel like you don't trust them. This will lead to a decrease in morale and motivation, which will impact their work quality and output.

    Is it legal to use employee monitoring software? ›

    Yes, the majority of employee monitoring methods are deemed legal within the United States (US).

    Can my boss watch me on camera all day? ›

    Most video surveillance in the workplace is permissible as long as employers notify workers about it. But there are some instances where surveillance isn't allowed. For example, the law limits employers' surveillance rights when recording union activity.

    What is considered a violation of privacy in the workplace? ›

    To prove a violation of privacy in the workplace, employees must show that their employer violated his or her reasonable expectation of privacy. This may include monitoring emails and communications on personal devices or recording a conversation without your permission.

    What two states require employers to notify employees of monitoring they are? ›

    Generally, employers are free to inform their staff of workplace monitoring at their own discretion unless they are running their businesses in Connecticut and Delaware. The two states require notifying workers of monitoring and specify that the notice must be given in a written or clearly visible electronic form.

    What does employee monitoring software track? ›

    Businesses use different monitoring methods to measure productivity, track attendance, assess behavior, ensure security, and collect proof of hours worked. There's a wide range of what is considered employee monitoring, from proof of work capture to outright surveillance.

    How do companies monitor their employees? ›

    A report from ExpressVPN found that close to 80% of employers use monitoring software to track employee performance and online activity. Some managers (73%) have taken it even further — storing recordings of staff calls, emails or messages to evaluate their employees' performance.

    Can my company track my monitor? ›

    If you're on your employer's network, your employer can monitor your activity on the Internet. Some employers have web filters that block access to certain websites—and this applies to all devices on that network, including personal cell phones, iPads, and computers.

    What is the primary function of employee monitoring is to track? ›

    The primary function of traditional employee monitoring tools is to track when an employee is or isn't working, rather than providing more meaningful insights, such as how employees are spending their time and how well work is distributed across teams.

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    Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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    Author information

    Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

    Birthday: 2001-01-17

    Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

    Phone: +813077629322

    Job: Real-Estate Executive

    Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

    Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.