What can someone do with my IP address? (2024)


  • How can someone find your IP address?
  • Is tracing an IP address legal?
  • What can people do with your IP?
  • How do I stop someone from using my IP address?
  • Does a VPN hide my IP address?
  • What other benefits does a VPN offer?

Before we go into how your IP address can be abused, let’s start with finding out what your personal IP address is. If you visit our “What is my IP” page, you’ll be able to find out your IP address.

By the end of this post, you’ll know what to protect yourself against and discover ways to hide your IP address.

How can someone find your IP address?

What can someone do with my IP address? (1)

Your IP address is a unique string of numbers assigned to you by your ISP – like a delivery address for online traffic. If you connect to a different Wi-Fi or move house, your IP address will change along with your location.

Most ISPs use dynamic IP addresses, which aren’t fixed to your device, but you can have a static IP if you wish to (you can learn more about different types of IP addresses here). For example, if you want your computer IP address to always stay the same, you’ll be able to specify that through the device’s settings. This can be useful when port forwarding – if you want certain data to be sent directly from your router to your computer IP address.

Since your IP address holds certain information about you, someone could use it for malicious purposes. People can get hold of your IP address in plenty of ways. Here are just a few:

    1. Clicking on a link. Any link you click on will need to provide your IP address for the server at the other end to deliver the content provided by the link. Whoever owns that server will see your IP address.
    2. Clicking on an ad. When you click on an ad, you’re giving your IP to the service provider. Some online ads can be created by cybercriminals and put your security at risk.
    3. From a web server. Every time you visit a website, your IP address is collected and stored on a server. Anyone who owns that server can go and look it up.
    4. Filling out online forms. The website that you fill out an online form on may collect your IP address for security and spam prevention purposes.
    5. Participating in online forums. If you participate in various discussions when you’re connected to the internet at home, forum admins can view your public IP address and sniff out your approximate location.
    6. Connecting to a fake Wi-Fi hotspot. Hackers can set up a fake hotspot and view your IP address and personal information or even infect your device with malware. Be extra careful when using public Wi-Fi.
    7. On social networks. While using social media is fun, these platforms collect a lot of sensitive information about you, including your IP.
    8. Through P2P file sharing. Users with whom you share files on P2P file sharing networks may see your IP address. IP visibility is a given in most peer-to-peer connections or direct communication channels.
    9. In a social engineering attack. Bad actors may try to trick you into revealing your IP address by impersonating someone else or using deceptive tactics.

    Check out our brief video on this topic below.

    What can someone do with my IP address? (2)

    Is tracing an IP address legal?

    Yes, tracing your IP address is legal as long as it’s not used for criminal activities. The websites you visit, the apps you use, and even your ISP collect your IP address along with other personal information.

    However, individual users can also easily trace your IP address. If they have no intent to harm you, no law prevents them from snooping on you — unless their curiosity involves hacking or social engineering techniques.

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    What can people do with your IP?

    While your IP address won’t give away sensitive information like your phone number or exact location, hackers can still use your IP against you. If a cybercriminal knows your IP address, the can use it for malicious purposes:

    • Cybercriminals can use your IP address as a stepping stone for finding out your geographical location. Your IP address does not give away your exact location, like your street or house address, but it can pinpoint your approximate location — the state, city, or zip code you are in. If they know your name or user name on social networks, hackers can follow your activity on social media and piece together tidbits of information from your comments and photos. That lets them determine the precise location of your home or workplace to commit crimes like robbery or stalking.
    • Hackers can use it to try to get ahold of your personal information. Your IP address does not give away your personal information, but if it is stolen, it could help criminals to get hold of your personally identifiable information (PII). Cybercriminals could use phishing techniques to trick service providers into revealing sensitive information about you by using your IP address as a form of verification to make their attempts seem legitimate.
    • They can sell your IP address and other sensitive data on the dark web. Alone, your IP address isn’t worth much, but it might be added to a package of personal information with your username or login credentials. Some VPN services providers, like NordVPN, offer the dark web monitoring feature as part of their product package. It alerts you to accounts in danger so that you can take action to protect your online data.
    • Cybercriminals can use your IP to hack your device. The internet uses ports as well as your IP address to connect. Every IP address has thousands of ports, and without proper security measures, a hacker who has your IP can use various techniques to compromise your network and gain unauthorized access. If they manage to connect to your device, they could take it over and steal your data stored on it. Or they could infect your device with malware and continue their hacking activities in secret.
    • Employers and snoopers can track your activity. Each IP provided by an ISP is assigned to a user. When you’re connected to your work network, your employers could potentially see and track everything you do online. The same goes for your home network – if someone gets access to it, they can track your online activity.
    • Service providers can send you personalized ads and spam. Online advertisers embed tracking programs like cookies, tracking URLs, and tracking pixels in their online articles and ads to collect data about how people interact with their ad campaigns. These trackers record your IP address, which can be used to send you targeted spam and ads based on your browsing history and approximate location. One day, you start receiving ads about locally provided services, whether you’re interested in them or not. NordVPN’s Threat Protection shields you from trackers and annoying ads. So browse all you want and rest assured you will not be bombarded with the same ads for the next three months.
    • Service providers can ban or blocklist your IP. Some online service providers, including social networks, entertainment and gaming sites, block IP addresses to prevent users from certain regions from accessing them. They might also blocklist your individual IP address if they disapprove of your actions or suspect you violated some rules.
    • A hacker can hit you with a DDoS attack. If a hacker has your IP address, they could harm you with a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack. A DDoS attack uses an army of computers controlled by a hacker to flood your device with traffic so it disconnects from the internet and completely shuts down.
    • Cybercriminals can frame you for illegal activity. Hackers are known to use hacked IP addresses for illegal activities they don’t want traced back to them. They could buy illegal substances and banned goods and pin it on you. So protect your IP address with a virtual private network, and prevent hackers from getting their hands on your IP address.

    How do I stop someone from using my IP address?

    What can someone do with my IP address? (3)

    You should always protect your personally identifiable information even if you think the risks do not apply to you. With enough determination, a bad actor can stitch together an entire identity with stolen personal data, and your IP address could be the starting block.

      1. Change your privacy settings. Change the settings on all your instant messaging as well as other apps to “private” and don’t accept calls or messages from people you don’t know. Hackers are known to gain access to your IP address through messaging apps like Skype. This will also help you avoid accidentally clicking any images or links in suspicious messages that may infect your device with malware.
      2. Update your firewall and router. A criminal can hack a router remotely and intercept your web traffic, especially if you’re still using the default password and your router is outdated, because outdated routers leave your network vulnerable to security risks. Change the default password of your router and be sure to use a long mix of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. And make sure to install updates as soon as they become available.
      3. Use a VPN. A VPN will protect your IP address and your private information while it’s in transit on the web. By routing your online data through a VPN server with its own IP address, you can prevent websites from knowing your real IP address and virtual location.

      Does a VPN hide my IP address?

      Yes, a VPN completely hides your IP address and encrypts your internet connection. Even better, a VPN prevents third parties like your ISP from eavesdropping on your data. Your online activity cannot be traced back to you, giving you a powerful layer of security.

      NordVPN has over 5,000 servers in 60 countries, providing you with the best speeds available. With one NordVPN account, you can protect up to six different devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. You can also install NordVPN on your router and secure gadgets that don’t support VPN functionality directly.

      You might have heard of proxy servers that route your internet traffic so it looks like the traffic comes through the server’s IP address and not yours. However, free proxy services are especially risky to use because most of them collect and sell your data. Also, a proxy doesn’t encrypt your internet traffic, while a VPN does. Check out the other advantages of a VPN below.

      What other benefits does a VPN offer?

      While you might be principally interested in VPNs for their IP-switching functionality, they also come with a range of other features.

      • Security. A VPN establishes an encrypted tunnel between your device and a VPN server. That means that no one can spy on your data as it moves from your device to the server — not even your internet service provider (ISP). Data has never been more valuable. Your ISP can monitor your activity and sell that information to advertisers and other third parties. Hackers can steal your passwords and use your private details to launch phishing attacks. It’s vital that you protect your data.
      • Privacy. A quality VPN service is a huge step towards making sure your online traffic and identity remain private. Using a VPN, you can jump from one server to another in seconds, changing your IP address as you go and masking your location. Plus, NordVPN doesn’t log your browsing activity. Your internet service provider will only see the IP address that NordVPN gave you, shared by thousands of other users, increasing your privacy online.
      • A dedicated IP. NordVPN offers the service of assigning you a dedicated IP address that will not change and will only be used by you. A dedicated IP is great for signing in to corporate remote access systems or private servers, available only to authorized IPs. It also helps to access online services securely and prevents you from ending up on IP blocklists, which may happen if you use a shared IP with users who carry out shady or illegal activities online.
      • A secure internet protocol. NordVPN uses NordLynx, an advanced technology built around the WireGuard® VPN protocol. It facilitates faster connection to NordVPN servers and improves VPN connection speeds. In addition, our VPN service uses the OpenVPN protocol, which is known for its security and reliability.
      • Threat Protection. NordVPN’s Threat Protection system enhances your protection against malware by shielding your device from high-risk websites and warning you about infected files during download. It also blocks trackers and intrusive ads, so you can enjoy safer and smoother browsing.
      • Kill Switch. When Kill Switch is enabled, you can avoid unexpected data exposure or leaks on the web. If your VPN connection drops, Kill Switch blocks internet access for your device.

      Your everyday online security.

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      What can someone do with my IP address? (2024)


      Should I be worried if someone has my IP address? ›

      While having your IP address alone is not enough to cause immediate harm, it can lead to more serious privacy and security risks. Hackers may track online activities, launch a DoS attack, deliver targeted ads, track your online activities, hack your device and distribute malware, among others.

      What happens if you give someone your IP address? ›

      If someone gets their hands on your IP (Internet Protocol) address, they can potentially track your moves online, send targeted ads, issue bans in games and websites, launch DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks, and even commit cybercrimes on your behalf.

      How do I know if my IP address has been hacked? ›

      15 Signs Your IP Address Has Been Hacked
      • Traffic redirects. You end up on a website that you didn't search for — or have browser windows open behind your current tabs.
      • Pesky pop-ups. ...
      • Malware in your browser. ...
      • Account takeovers. ...
      • Collateral damage. ...
      • Unstable internet. ...
      • Rogue devices. ...
      • Successful phishing.

      What someone can do with your phone IP address? ›

      If a hacker has your IP address, they can use a port scanner to identify open ports on your device or network. A port scanner is a tool used to determine which network ports are open, closed or filtered. A hacker can identify potential vulnerabilities and gain access to your device by scanning for open ports.

      Is it OK to tell someone my IP address? ›

      If someone manages to get your IP address, they can do a lot of damage to your life, from sending you spam to attacking your computer. In this guide, we'll show you all the ways that someone could use your IP address. In addition, we'll give you practical advice on how to protect this valuable piece of information.

      What does an IP address tell you? ›

      In essence, IP addresses are the identifier that allows information to be sent between devices on a network: they contain location information and make devices accessible for communication. The internet needs a way to differentiate between different computers, routers, and websites.

      Will changing my IP address stop hackers? ›

      They could impersonate you, steal your information, locate your home address, or send you spam or malware. The easiest way to avoid this is by changing your IP address with a VPN. Get CyberGhost VPN and rest easy knowing no one can discover your real IP address or track you down with it.

      What would a hacker do with your IP address? ›

      Your IP address is essential for sending and receiving information online. But if a hacker knows your IP address, they can use it to seize valuable information about you. Using it as a starting point in a broader attack, they could hack your device or intercept your online traffic, just for starters.

      How do you reset your IP address? ›

      How to change your IP address manually
      1. Choose Start > Settings > Network & Internet.
      2. Choose your network and select Properties.
      3. Under IP assignment, click Edit.
      4. Under Edit IP settings, choose Manual, and toggle on the IPv4.
      5. Type in your new IP address, and click Save.
      Apr 23, 2024

      How do I make my IP address private? ›

      How to hide your IP Address
      1. Use a VPN. Using a VPN is definitely the best option you can use to hide your IP address. ...
      2. Proxy. Another method to change your IP address is by connecting to a proxy service. ...
      3. Public Wi-Fi. ...
      4. Tor. ...
      5. Get a Dedicated IP Address. ...
      6. Use Mobile Network. ...
      7. Unplug your modem. ...
      8. Use NAT Firewall.

      Can someone spy on my phone using IP address? ›

      They are not. You cannot spy on a phone using an IP address. In fact, if you are out and about, especially in a city, your IP address can change every few minutes. Telecoms companies can track your location, within a variable distance, but most people couldn't.

      Can someone get your phone number from your IP address? ›

      The IP alone isn't enough to learn your name, home address or phone number. However, it is linked to your internet service provider.

      Should I be scared if someone has my address? ›

      Someone who knows your address may be able to access your mail or even change your mailing address. This can yield a wide variety of personal information about you, including medical data and financial records.

      Is it bad to have a public IP address? ›

      Using a public IP address is similar to opening up about all your precious information to every malicious website out there. Public IPs increase your chances of cyberattacks, privacy breaches, and identity thefts, among other things. Therefore, it's best to avoid them as much as possible.

      Should I make my IP address private? ›

      If you don't want your personal information studied or misused, you'll definitely want to learn how to hide your IP address. This will stop companies from tracking your browsing habits, as well as prevent ad networks from discovering every product you are interested in.

      Can I change my IP address? ›

      You can change your IP address in your device settings or by using the Tor browser, a VPN or a proxy server. Is changing your IP address illegal? Changing your IP address may or may not be legal; it depends on how you do it and where you're located.

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      Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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      Author information

      Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

      Birthday: 1992-10-31

      Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

      Phone: +6111989609516

      Job: Chief Farming Manager

      Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

      Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.