What Do Guys Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (2024)

What Do Guys Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (1)

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to call your boyfriend or male friend.

You want to express enough affection without turning them off or making them feel as though you’re not being genuine.

There may even be certain terms that they just generally don’t enjoy.

Luckily, there are a few names and terms that you can call your boyfriend or male friend that they should like.

Here are 25 names that guys like to be called.

What Do Guys Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names)

What Do Guys Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (2)

1. Handsome

One of the best things that you can call your boyfriend, or even a platonic friend, is handsome.

When you call a guy handsome in a romantic relationship, then it makes them feel good about themselves.

It also reinforces your relationship because it tells them that you find them physically attractive.

That can be a great ego boost since guys often think they have a lot of competition or standards that they need to meet.

Platonically, it’s also a great idea to call your male friend handsome.

If your friend is feeling down or unsure of themselves, then telling them that they’re handsome can be a great way to pick them up and improve their mood.

2. Sexy

There’s no question that a guy likes it when someone calls them sexy.

It’s a step above handsome and can make them really feel close to their romantic partner.

If you want to get your partner in the mood or feel confident about themselves, then calling them sexy is a great way to start.

When their confidence improves, then their performance also improves.

3. Charming

When a guy hears that they’re charming, then it also acts as a great confidence booster.

To be charming, you need to have the right kind of emotional intelligence to key in on your conversational partner.

By understanding body language, you can steer the conversation in ways that keep them engaged and interested.

Knowing how to make someone laugh is another element of being charming.

Telling your romantic partner that they’re charming can help them feel sure of themselves when they’re attempting to flirt with you.

Between friends, telling your male friend that they’re charming can give them the confidence they need to speak to someone they have a romantic interest in for the first time.

4. Funny

When someone tells you that you’re funny, it’s a great compliment.

It isn’t easy to be funny, especially in a large group of people who have different brands of humor.

Yet if someone tells a guy that he’s funny, then it’s something he’s definitely going to like.

It feels good to make someone else laugh, and when someone recognizes your talent for humor, it feels good to have that recognized as well.

Telling a guy that he’s funny is a great compliment that both romantic partners and friends can give.

5. Tall

For whatever reason, there’s a lot of male obsession with being tall or having someone say that they’re tall.

Whether it’s because of a confused notion that potential mates prefer taller romantic partners, or they just want to be able to play basketball better, guys like to be tall.

Regardless of whether they’re tall or not, it doesn’t hurt to tell someone that they’re tall.

After all, there’s always a good chance that they’re taller than someone else.

If you tell a guy that he’s tall, then it’s sure to improve his confidence and make him feel good about himself.

6. Babe

If the guy you’re speaking to is your romantic partner, then he would appreciate you calling them babe or baby.

It’s a lovely term that softens the relationship and makes one another sweet.

Babe or baby is a romantic term that some couples use for each other.

However, it’s often associated only used with the female side of a heterosexual couple.

In a heterosexual relationship, it’s completely acceptable that the woman also calls the man babe or baby.

Guys like it because it makes them feel special and loved.

They feel as though they belong to their partner and are close to them.

It also works wonderfully into a compliment.

7. Husband

Regardless of whether the relationship is heterosexual or hom*osexual, every guy likes the term husband.

When their partner calls them husband, it makes them feel extremely close to them.

It’s a title that they’re proud to wear because it means they belong to you, and you belong to them.

You could technically use this term among friends as well.

The terms “wife” and “husband” are often used ironically between friends to indicate that they’re each other’s best friend.

Again, it’s a way to establish that closeness and intimacy between two individuals.

Regardless of the relationship, guys enjoy it when their partner calls them husband.

8. Love Of My Life

While some may groan about it, calling your male romantic partner the love of your life is another thing that a guy would like to hear.

It may seem overly cute, but this sort of indulgent term of affection can mean a lot.

One reason that guys like it when they’re called the love of your life is that it reinforces their place and value in your world.

Everyone has friends and family who make up important positions in an individual’s life.

Because of that, it can make romantic partners feel as though may not be a priority.

Doing something as simple as calling your partner the love of your life reinforces that value.

9. Fit

A lot of guys enjoy it when their physicality is being recognized.

Some guys spend a lot of time perfecting the way that they look.

Having their hard work recognized can make them feel good and help them stay motivated to keep up the good work.

One way that you can recognize their hard work is to call them fit.

This term means that the guy looks athletic and muscular.

There are various spectrums of fitness, but even simply calling a guy fit can do a lot for their ego.

This term is ideal for both romantic partners and friends with their guy friends.

10. Strong

If you want to call your guy something a bit more specific in terms of fitness, then you can always call them strong.

Guys like it when they’re called strong because, once more, it recognizes their level of physicality.

It’s a compliment that tells them their strength is being recognized and appreciated.

Strength doesn’t have to mean their physical strength either.

It can also refer to their mental toughness.

Telling a guy that they’re strong might mean that they’re able to shoulder through tough situations and make it out all right.

In the face of pressure or stress, they keep a cool head.

Calling a guy strong is ideal for both romantic partners and friends.

11. Intelligent

While a lot of guys like it when someone recognizes and appreciates their physicality, they also like it when their intelligence or personality receive the same attention.

Almost anyone can become strong.

Not everyone can be intelligent or showcase their intelligence.

A guy likes it when someone calls them intelligent because it makes them stand out in a way that few others can.

Just as when someone calls them fit or handsome, they also receive an ego and confidence boost when someone calls them intelligent.

Romantic partners and friends can call their male friends intelligent and make them feel great about themselves.

12. Cute

When you call a guy cute, they might deny such a claim.

Cuteness is often reserved for the fairer sex or those who are softer.

However, deep down, guys like it when someone calls them cute as well.

It’s not a compliment they hear often.

Whether it’s because of a certain behavioral trait that you adore or that they do something physically that you find adorable, calling your friend or partner cute is something they’ll certainly enjoy.

Just prepare yourself for an immediate rebuttal from them on why they aren’t cute.

13. Honey

Another term of endearment that guys like is honey.

Between romantic partners, honey can make them feel warm and wanted by you.

It’s a term that you typically don’t use with anyone else besides children.

As such, it becomes a personal term between the two of you.

Whenever you call him honey, the term makes you feel closer and special to one another.

As with any other term of endearment, you can also add on a few other words to keep the term fresh.

Honey cakes, honey pie, and honey bunny are only a few examples that you can use.

This will both annoy him and endear you to him.

14. Dude

Although slang terms come and go, many guys still enjoy it when people call them dude.

This is particularly popular among friends or strangers.

There isn’t a lot of vulnerability at stake when someone says dude.

Because of that, guys like it since they don’t have to feel a certain way towards the person using it, or about the word itself.

If your group of friends is still growing closer to one another, then using a term like dude can be a safe way to communicate.

Guys like to be called dude because it’s safe and easy.

15. Bro

Similar to dude, the term bro is another word that guys enjoy.

Between friends, especially, the term bro can almost be a form of endearment.

In this case, it’s short for brother, and between friends, such ties are close and a little more vulnerable than when using dude.

However, guys don’t necessarily enjoy it when a stranger calls them bro.

It can take on an offensive or aggressive meaning.

That said, between friends, guys like it when they’re called bro.

16. Tiger

One way to put your male romantic partner into the mood and to rile them up is to call them tiger.

Some may feel a little embarrassed, but the term tiger suggests primal sexuality.

You can make a guy feel like he’s a stud in the bedroom when you call him tiger.

You can also use the term affectionately.

If your partner is someone who is protective over his family, then tiger is an appropriate name for them as well.

Tigers have a reputation for being strong and primal.

Associating your partner with a tiger can make them feel as though that’s how you see them.

When they know that you see them that way, then they’re more likely to see themselves that way, too.

17. Heartthrob

Heartthrobs are individuals who have a lot of people attracted to them.

They have the right kind of looks, personality, and attitude that naturally attracts people to them.

If you call your male partner a heartthrob, then you’re basically telling them they’re at the top of the food chain in terms of attractiveness.

Guys like it when their partners call them heartthrobs because it makes them feel attractive and sexy.

Anyone can be handsome, but only a few men can be a heartthrob.

If you want to make your partner feel like he’s on top of the world, then call him a heartthrob.

18. Naughty

Guys who have a sense of humor, like it when they’re called naughty.

It inspires a sense of mischievousness in them.

Being called naughty is almost like a term of endearment in itself.

Since you’re calling them naughty, however, it inspires a playful and sexy mood rather than only an affectionate mood.

19. Stud

Another great term to use that guys like is stud.

If you want to make your partner feel sexy, then stud is the word to use.

Every man wants to be a stud.

When your partner calls you a stud, then it can do wonders for your ego and confidence.

It’s also a great way to tease your partner and embarrass them in front of others when they deserve it.

If you want to make your lover feel great about themselves, then call them a stud.

20. Big Guy

Guys often like to feel as though they are masculine, powerful, and strong.

There is no better way to feel that way than when someone calls you big guy.

It suggests that you are big and powerful.

It’s also affectionate and can make a guy feel warm and loving in return.

The word inspires their protective instincts and makes them feel closer to their lover.

Big guy is also appropriate for friends who want to tease their friend.

When they’re acting a little too tough, for example, using the word is a soft way to tell them to calm down.

21. Their Own Name

For whatever reason, guys also enjoy it when their partners use their real names.

There’s a sense of vulnerability when someone uses your name.

It’s different when a lover uses it compared to when a friend or family member uses it.

It’s like it holds a special meaning between you both.

Because of that, some guys like it when their partners simply use their names.

22. Big Daddy

A term that has skyrocketed in popularity is Daddy.

A variant of that is Big Daddy.

Using this term between romantic partners invokes feelings of protection and sexuality.

It makes guys feel big, masculine, and sexy.

It also makes them feel protective over their partner and nurturing.

Not all guys are into this term, but quite a few of them enjoy it enough that it’s part of everyday slang.

If you want to make your partner feel sexy and masculine, then you may want to try the term with them, too.

23. Champ

Guys are constantly pushed to win.

Whether it’s winning the promotion, winning the partner, or just winning the next level of their favorite game, they’re always competing.

That said, they may not always feel like a winner.

You can help them feel like they’re victorious by calling them champ.

Guys like it when they’re called champ because it makes them feel like a winner.

It reinforces that they’re doing something right.

Champ is something that both romantic partners and friends can use.

With friends, it’s a great term to use to keep each other’s spirits up and appreciate the accomplishments the individual has made thus far.

24. Boy

On the opposite end of the spectrum of Big Daddy is boy.

This is a term that some guys like to hear during the early stages of dating.

The term boy makes them feel smaller rather than bigger, but that isn’t always a bad thing.

Some guys like to be the one that’s nurtured instead of being the one that’s doing the nurturing.

When their partners add a possessive word with boy, like “my,” then it also makes them feel as though they belong to you.

In return, they feel as though you belong to them.

Boy is a great first affectionate nickname to use with a guy because it’s sweet, it’s soft, and it’s a little silly.

25. Mister

Although it may seem formal, guys also like it when people call them mister.

That’s because it makes them feel gentlemanly.

It’s also teasing in nature.

It’s a rarer nickname as well which makes it more special between a couple.

If you want to make your guy feel like a gentleman, then call him mister.

What Should You Call A Guy When You First Start Dating?

What Do Guys Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (3)

The initial few weeks of a relationship are one of the toughest parts of dating.

You’re still getting to know one another and building your attraction to one another.

You may have started calling each other partners, but you may not be sure what terms are appropriate at this stage of your relationship.

Before the “I love you” starts to happen, you may be unsure what nicknames are ideal and which ones are too much too soon.

Here are a few things you can call a guy when you first start dating.

1. Big Guy

Big guy is affectionate, but it isn’t so vulnerable or sweet that it makes anyone feel uncomfortable.

It does the job of making your partner feel warm towards you, but it doesn’t bulldoze them with a sweetness that they’re not ready for.

2. Boy

Another great term to use is boy, especially my boy.

Making this term possessive starts to lay down the foundation for exclusivity.

It also puts it into their heads of thinking about you as their partner, yet

the term itself is light and sweet enough not to cause a fuss if they’re not ready for anything heavier in terms of nicknames.

3. Boo

A final name that’s appropriate for the early stages of dating is boo.

Boo actually came out of the word brother, although some believe it’s a shortened version of boyfriend.

Regardless, it has taken on a meaning of its own in today’s slang.

Boo basically means your partner or loved one.

Since it’s slang-heavy and used between friends as well as romantic partners, it’s safe to use during the early stages of dating.


Knowing the right thing to call your guy friend or partner can help them feel a certain way.

Whether you want to boost their mood, improve their confidence, or make them feel wanted and sexy, you can do so with the right nickname or word.

Try the names and words above to see what kind of reaction you get out of your guy friend or partner.

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What Do Guys Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (2024)


What nickname do men like to be called? ›

Men like being complimented on their appearance, as well as their personality. Nicknames are a great way to express affection and familiarity. "Cutie" or Good-looking" are great nicknames when flirting, while names like "Babe" or "Honey" are better for committed relationships.

What word do men like to be called? ›

Other common words that can be used as terms of endearment include loving words like “babe,” “baby,” “love,” and “dear.” There are many variations of these names you can try. For example, you could use: “Lovebug” "Cuddle bear”

What is a flirty name to call a guy? ›

You could stick with just one nickname or switch between variations of a few (sweetheart, sweetie, sweet pea, honey, honey bunny… we could go on). No matter what, their hearts will go pitter-patter when you call them a sweet nickname during your next date night or flirty text convo.

What do guys want to be called? ›

Some guys prefer their full name. Some don't correct anyone who calls them by a nickname. Some prefer their full name but don't correct anyone. Nicknames like Baby, My love, Beloved, Honey, Hubby, Darling, Stud.

What can I call him instead of daddy? ›

Nicknames for the father of your child
  • Baby Daddy.
  • Big Daddy.
  • Big Papa.
  • Papi.
  • Pops.
  • Papa Bear.
  • Partner.
Jun 8, 2023

What to call instead of handsome? ›

Synonym Chooser

Some common synonyms of handsome are beautiful, comely, fair, lovely, and pretty. While all these words mean "exciting sensuous or aesthetic pleasure," handsome suggests aesthetic pleasure due to proportion, symmetry, or elegance.

What do men want to hear in a text? ›

Guys love hearing what you like about them.

You could mention how he looks, how he handles a situation, or how you feel about him. Just try to stay away from heavy-handed compliments if you don't mean them though; guys can see right through them. “I bet you're looking really handsome today 😘 just like every day!”

How to call a man romantically? ›

Nicknames for your fiancé/husband
  1. Hubby.
  2. Handsome.
  3. Mister.
  4. Bubba.
  5. Love/ My Love.
  6. Love Dove.
  7. Goober.
  8. Old Man.
Jun 7, 2024

What is the sweetest name to call your man? ›

Cute Nicknames To Call Your Boyfriend
  • Darling. Originally an Old English nickname, this cute name to call your boyfriend is often used during the later stages of a relationship.
  • Stud Muffin. This sexy nickname was coined by American comedian Lily Tomlin!
  • Boo Bear. ...
  • Mister Man. ...
  • Baby. ...
  • Sweets. ...
  • Bubba. ...
  • Captain.
Jan 12, 2024

What do you call a guy attracted to a guy? ›

hom*osexual. People who are hom*osexual are romantically and physically attracted to people of the same sex: Females who are attracted to other females are lesbian; males who are attracted to other males are often known as gay. (The term gay is sometimes used to describe hom*osexual individuals of either sex.)

How to call a guy cute without saying cute? ›

Other words than cute would be:
  1. adorable.
  2. loveable.
  3. endearing.
  4. sweet.
  5. heart wrenching.
  6. pure.
  7. innocent.
Oct 28, 2021

What is irresistible to guys? ›

Have a sense of humor. It's always attractive to have a sense of humor and draw people to you by using it. Whether it's cracking jokes, using one-liners, or whatever your humor might be, don't be afraid to show this to others! Your sense of humor might be the very thing that makes you irresistible to men.

How do I call a guy attractive? ›

  1. attractive.
  2. beautiful.
  3. clean-cut.
  4. dapper.
  5. elegant.
  6. good-looking.
  7. graceful.
  8. lovely.

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